Rahmaniah R
Rahmaniah R
Rahmaniah R
A Thesis
Rahmaniah R
NIM: 40300106054
The analysis shows that, the researcher explained a lot of about basic
sentence patterns from the two languages, from which the writer gets the
similarities on the element of the sentence formation, such as : subject (S),
predicate (P or V), and object (O) in a sentence. The sentence pattern S+ V
in English is similar to Buginese sentence pattern; English has three main
verbs namely linking verb, transitive verb and intransitive verb, Meanwhile
Buginese predicate consists of kata benda (KB) or noun, frase sifat, kata
sifat (FS, KS) or adjective, frase kerja, kata kerja (FK, KK) or verb and
kata bilangan (KBI) or numeral. There are similarities to English and
Buginese languages structure of type such as S+P or S+V and S+P+O or
S+V+O. Furthermore the difference between the basic sentence in English
and Buginese are the element sentence formations. In Buginese language
sentence pattern are S+V+O, this patterns flexible. It can change into
V+O+S without changing its meaning. While in English sentence pattern is
a permanent, it does not change pattern.
Based on the finding, the writer expects that the language learners
should learn Basic Sentence Patterns because they need to know more about
similarities and differences about English and Buginese, so they can learn
English and Buginese better.
Praise is to Allah SWT who has blessed and given me the inspiration
during the process of the researcher to finish this thesis as one of the
The writer realizes that this thesis would have never been completed
without the assistance of the other people. Therefore, I would like to render
Mardan. M.Ag., the Dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic
English and Literature Department, Serliah Nur, S.Pd., M.Hum.,M. Ed., the
Alauddin Makassar.
I wish to express deepest appreciation and thank to Prof. Dr.
Mardan. M.Ag., first consultant and Serliah Nur, S.Pd., M.Hum.,M. Ed.,
taught and guided me since the writer studied at the State Islamic
H.Rusman (Alm) and Hj. Rosmiah, my brothers and my sisters who always
give me material, support, motivation, sincere love and prayer from the
beginning to the end of the writing of the final project. Then I also thank to
The writer
TITLE PAGE…….................................................................................. i
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................... v
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................. vi
A. Background ............................................................................. 1
B. Problem Statement .................................................................. 3
B. Syntax ..................................................................................... 6
C. Sentence Level ........................................................................ 8
D. English Basic Sentence Pattern ............................................... 12
E. Buginese Basic Sentence Pattern ............................................ 16
Grammatical Function……………………………………........ 21
Function………………………………………………………. 27
A. Conclusions............................................................................. 37
B. Suggestions ............................................................................. 39
A. Background
the people’s life, because almost all human activities use a language. In his
daily life, human can not be separated with language. In other words,
language is a reflection of the total life of some present as well as past day
community. Most human knowledge and culture are stored and transmitted
moment of our walking life is free from the words. We talk even there is no
a language.
ideas and whatever they have in their mind, we can imagine what this life
Languages throughout the world are various and have their own
Therefore, the writer takes English and Buginese as the object of her study
in this thesis.
shows that Buginese has an important role in South Sulawesi Society,
Buginese sentences.
B. Problem statement
statement as follows :
Buginese language?
C. Objective of Research
D. Significance of Research
function of language which deals with the way we use language to interact
This writing has two purposes, the first hopefully, this writing will
The second, the writer hopes, this writing will pull over people’s opinion
that grammar is just a set of complicated rules, but it is the main resources
Every language has its own structure and system, but it takes too
long if the writer discusses all of them. So in this writing the writer limits
A. Previous Studies
if the object is placed in front of so the object will become subject, compare
in Selayarese even though the object placed in front of or in the middle, the
Similarity, Fibriana (2009:iv) in her thesis “Contrastive Analysis
sentence patterns can be seen from the following parts of each pattern. The
subjects in English and Indonesian are same. It is person or thing, and the
verbs in both languages are transitive verb which needs an object and
intransitive verb which does not need an object. The differenced of the two
languages lie in the verb and the complement in the sentence pattern S + V
+ C. The verb is linking verb (LV), that links subject and complement
does not.
In this thesis, the writer tries to find the comparison between English
B. Syntax
from a Greek word meaning order or arrangement. Syntax is deals with the
their proper arrangement to express clearly the intended meaning.
syntax is the part of our linguistic knowledge which concerns with the
From all of definitions cited above, the writer concludes that syntax
words, we can say that syntax is concerned with the structure of word
C. Sentence Level
1. Definitions of Sentence
Similarly Leech (2006:104) states that sentence are the largest unit
sentences are marked by beginning with a capital letter and ending with a
2. Sentence Elements
Azar (1999: A1-6) states that Subject, verbs, objects, and adverbs are
the components of basic sentence patterns. The subject is the person, thing
that does an action. Almost all English sentences contain a subject (S) and a
verb (V). The verb may or may not be followed by an object (O).
Verbs that are not followed by an object are called intransitive verbs.
Birds fly
Common intransitive verbs are agree, arrive, come, cry, exist, go,
Common transitive verbs are build, cut, find, like, make, need, send,
use, want.
Example of nouns: person, place, thing, John, Asia, pen, information,
appearance, amusement.
are called linking verbs. An adjective following a linking verb describes the
subject of a sentence.
book, smell, sound, taste, appear, seem, become (and get, turn, grow, when
c. The children feel happy
(LV verb) (adjective)
89) say that morphology is the component of a grammar that deals with the
words, through the relation between the two needs careful consideration
(Robin: 1980: 140). Franklyn (1996: 155) says that syntax is the sentence
patterns of language.
adverbs, for example adverbs of time (now, then and so on), of place (there,
somewhere and so on), of manner (well, carefully and so on), of degree (so,
very and so on), and a wide range of other words which do not fit into such
may contain: subject (S), verb phrase (V), object (O), complement (C) and
adverbial (A). The subject continues deleted, usually there are two clauses;
these are dependent clause and independent clause. Dependent clause is not
The writer says that basic sentence patterns must be arranged from
words and they must be developed according to basic sentence patterns. All
1. Sentence Pattern: S + V (+ A)
subject and intransitive verb. We can put adverbs after the verb. The
In this sentence pattern, adverbs normally follow the verb and they
3) Adverb of time
2. Sentence Pattern: S + V + O
subject, verb and object. Sentence pattern above has a transitive verb as one
of its elements. This kind of verb needs an object. Therefore we should put
3. Sentence Pattern: S + V + C
subject, verb (linking verb) and complement. The most common linking
verbs are in the form of be. The complement can be a noun, an adjective
b. Harry is smart
S V C-adj
c. Her mother must be there
S V C- adv
Student must know too about other linking verbs such as: Appear,
become, feel, get, go, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, sound, smell, taste,
turn, etc.
4. Sentence Pattern: S + V + O + O
transitive verb, and two objects. The first object is called an Indirect Object
(iO), and the second is a Direct Object (dO). Between iO and dO, there is
no preposition at all.
The verbs which are often used in these patterns are: ask, assign,
award, bring, buy, cause, deny, do, get, grant, guarantee, hand, lease, lend,
mail, make, offer, owe, pass, ray, play, read, rent, save, sell, send, serve,
The examples are as follows:
5. Sentence Pattern: S + V + O + C
Charles in febriana (2009: 35) states that the sentence pattern above
Azar (1999: A4) states that the sentence pattern consists of subject,
verb, object and adverb of prepositional phrase. This sentence pattern has a
transitive verb as one of its elements. This kind of verb needs an object and
Prepositional phrase is a phrase (a combination of two or more
words) which starts with preposition such as to, in, on, at, for, etc. and the
function as adverbs.
function that relate word or phrase in the sentence, this function is syntaxes,
it means with word and phrase sequence in a sentence, the main function of
basic sentence.
1. Sentence Pattern: S + P
a. Amboqna guru.
b. Iko padangkang.
2. Sentence Pattern: S + P + O
phrase as predicate and noun phrase as object. So this sentence has form S +
P + O.
phrase as predicate and noun phrase as object. So this sentence has form S +
P + O.
3. Sentence pattern: P+ S
a. Manré i la Basoq.
P S (Basoq is eating)
In this structure of the sentence, verb phrase as predicate and noun phrase
b. Manakeq amboq
4. Sentence pattern: P+ O + S
noun phrase as object and noun phrase as subject. So this sentence has form
P + O + S.
A. Research Design
language. In order to complete this thesis, the writer tried to find as many as
possible data that relate to the topic of this thesis. Furthermore, the writer
took several books in the library as data sources; such as books, thesis, etc.
The books that used of this study are English and Buginese books.
1. Noting Technique
and other instruments to collect the data. In this study, the writer
2. Separating technique
sentence patterns.
The writer used the noting and separating techniques because these
techniques are very useful and effective to collect the data for this thesis.
library research. The writer used two techniques in analyzing the data are
English and Buginese Basic Sentence Patterns to find the differences and
In this chapter, the writer would like to describe the result and the
this chapter.
By analyzing the data from many sources, the writer found that
English and Buginese have the similarities in the basic sentence patterns.
On the contrary both English and Buginese have the differences in the basic
Grammatical Function
independent clause) many people (NP), will build (VP), a school building
sentence is SPO (Subject, Predicate, and Object). The first functions of
The five possible functions that phrases may fill in English clause
For a particular aim, however, the symbol P is used for substituting the V in
object, complement and adjunct). The categories or types fill in these five
functions. They are noun phrases (NP), verb phrases (VP), adjective phrases
(Adj. P), adverb phrases (Adv. P), and prepositional phrase (Prep P).
constant elements depend on the kinds of clause types. The types are called
their combinations into large units, such as words, sentences, and so forth.
This is the problem of syntax is the one dealing with the way in which
structure, the students can make the English clauses accurately. They can
identify and correct the grammatical error in English. The students consider
master for the sake of communicating thoughts and feelings to the other
The writer will now summarize what has been described so far in
Subject S
Verb V
O – Indirect object iO
C – Object complements oC
A – Adverbial complement aC
a. The sentence uses at least one subject because it as the main role of
d. Complement is a word that helps an intransitive verb to complete the
meanings as time and place to those that are used merely for
You (S) can put (V) your coat (dO) in my bedroom (aC).
You (S) have made (V) me (dO) very happy (oC).
phrase in the sentence, this function is syntaxes, it means with word and
basic sentence.
a. Sentence Pattern: P + S
In this structure of the sentence, verb phrase as predicate and noun phrase
In this structure of the sentence, verb phrase as a predicate followed by
noun phrase as object and noun phrase as subject. So this sentence has form
P + O + S.
phrase as predicate and noun phrase as object. So this sentence has form
S + P + O.
In this structure of the sentence, noun phrase as subject followed by noun
subject, and can also be an object. The patterns are different kinds, namely
of phrases.
of grammatical function.
contain verb. English has three main verbs namely, linking verb, transitive
benda (KB) or noun, frase sifat, kata sifat (FS, KS) or adjective, frase
kerja, kata kerja (FK, KK) or verb and kata bilangan (KBI) or numeral.
The words that can follow intransitive verbs are adjunct elements
that can be called adverbs. Adverbs can be divided into adverbs of manner,
1) English:
a) You come
2) Buginese:
a) Iko padangkang.
S P (you are a seller)
b) Amboqna guru.
S P (His father is a teacher)
b. Sentence Pattern S +V + O+ (A)
patterns above have transitive verb as one of the elements. This kind of verb
needs an object. Therefore we should put an object after the verb. Transitive
verb is the verbs that express actions which need object. Object is
noun- equivalent which completes the predicate and receives the act
expressed in the verb. The other element of sentence which can appear in
this pattern is adverb. We can put adverb after object. Adverb does not
1) English:
f) The driver parked our car there
2). Buginese:
sentence structure.
c. Sentence Pattern: S + V + C
complement. The verb here is linking verb that links subject and
needs only status, character, place, etc. The examples are as follows:
1) English:
a) I am an Indonesian
b) She is my friend
S V C-
2) Buginese:
d. Sentence Pattern S + V + O + O
objects. The first object is called Indirect Object (iO), and the second is a
Direct Object (dO). The first object is usually person. It is the object which
Direct Object (dO), the object which is directly connected with the action of
front of iO. Other transitive verbs demand the position of dO after iO.
The direct object usually follows a transitive verb. In this pattern the
verb which is used in the sentence is similar to the verb used in the pattern b
1) English:
It names the receiver of the dO. In sentence (b) the iO instead of the dO is
made the subject of the verb in the passive voice. The dO remain is retained
as completing word for the predicate, and is still the direct receiver of the
2). Buginese:
e. Sentence Pattern S + V + O + C
This sentence consists of subject, verb, object and complement. The
1). English:
2). Buginese:
After analyzing the data above the writer explain a lot of about basic
sentence structure from the two languages, from which the writer get
verbs namely linking verb, transitive verb and intransitive verb, Meanwhile
Buginese predicate consists of kata benda (KB) or noun, frase sifat, kata
sifat (FS, KS) or adjective, frase kerja, kata kerja (FK, KK) or verb and
of grammatical function.
1) English:
2) Buginese:
b) Padangkang amboqna.
P S (His father is a seller)
In this structure of the sentence, verb phrase as predicate followed by noun
c) Lima bolana
(His houses are five)
1) English:
2). Buginese:
In this structure of the sentence, verb phrase as predicate and noun phrase
c) Macekké hawa é ri bulu é.
adjective as object and noun phrase as subject. So this sentence has form
After analyzing the data above the writer found that the difference
between the basic sentence in English and Buginese are the element
After reading all of the material of this thesis, the writer would
subject, and can also be an object. The patterns are different kinds,
a. The similarities between English and Buginese basic sentence
sentence pattern; they are S+V and S+V+O. The sentence pattern
has three main verbs namely linking verb, transitive verb and
benda (KB) or noun, frase sifat, kata sifat (FS, KS) or adjective,
frase kerja, kata kerja (FK, KK) or verb and kata bilangan (KBI)
V+O+S, and S+V which can change into V+S this patterns are
1. The writer is conscious that the presence of this thesis is
be followed up.
Junus, A.M. and Junus, A.F. 2007. Sintaksis Bahasa Bugis. Makassar:
Badan Penerbit Universitas Negeri Makassar.
Latif, Abdul. 2005. The Simple Sentence Structure of Turatea Dialect and
English. Unpublished Thesis. Makassar: Universitas Muslim
Madawati. 1994. Comparison of Basic Sentence Structure between English
and Selayarese. Unpiblished Thesis. Makassar: Universitas
Muslim Indonesia.
Wray, Alyson and Bloomer Allen. 2006. Project in Linguistics. Malta: Kent
Printed and Bound.
South Sulawesi and graduated in 2003. And then she continued her
South Sulawesi and graduated in 2006 and then she was accepted as a