Study On Students' English Achievement
Study On Students' English Achievement
Study On Students' English Achievement
A Thesis
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education Department of
Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of
UIN Alauddin Makassar
Reg. Number: T0400104075
menyatakan bahwa skripsi ini benar-benar hasil karya penyusunan sendiri. Jika di
kemudian hari skripsi ini terbukti merupakan duplikat, tiruan, plagiat dan atau dibuat
orang lain secara keseluruhan atau sebagian, maka skripsi dan gelar yang diperoleh
Nurdin Syarif
Inggris pada fakultas Tarbiyah UIN Alauddin Makassar, telah diuji dan
Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin the writer thanks to Allah SWT, the Almighty
God, for His Mercy, blessing and opportunity given to him so that he was able to
finish writing his thesis. Shalawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW for his
guidance, There were some handicaps and problems that he encountered from the
beginning to the end of writing this thesis, owing to help and invaluable suggestion
from numerous people, he could complete this thesis, so he has to express his deepest
1. The writer’s beloved parents St. Arifah and Syamsul Syarifuddin, and
Almighty God, love, soul, motivate, and advice so he can finish his thesis.
Alauddin Makassar for his advice during her studied at the University.
Chief and the Secretary of English Education Department for advice and
5. The writer thanks for the guidance and correction to this writing; deeply
Finally, the writer is sure that this thesis is still far from being perfect so that
the writer sincerely appreciates the constructive criticism from the reader.
The Writer
TITLE PAGE .................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ v
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................................................... 1
A. Background .......................................................................... 1
B. Problem Statements.............................................................. 3
C. Objective of the Research ……………………………….. 4
D. Significance of the Research …………………………… 4
E. Scope of the Research ………………………………….. 4
F. Operational Definition…………………………………… 5
A. Findings ................................................................................ . 25
B. Discussion ............................................................................ . 43
A. Conclusion ........................................................................... . 46
B. Suggestion ............................................................................ . 47
BILBIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………….. 48
Table 8 The students response to the way English teacher present the
material(interactive/communicative) ……………………….. 31
Table 9 The students response to motivation given by the English
teacher ……………………..………………………............... 32
Table 10 The students response to method applied by the English
teacher .................................................................................. 32
Table 11 The students response to additional learning given by the English teacher
…………………………………………………. 33
Table 12 The students response to teaching media used by the English teacher 33
Table 13 The students response to preface language given by the English teacher
………………………………………………………………. 34
Table14 The students response to method applied by English teacher …. 35
Table19 The frequency of students’ interest to the way teacher explain the
material ………………………………………………………... 37
the research, significance of the research, scope of the research and definition of
operational terms.
A. Background
as email address, are all in English. It is a fact that English in this globalization
era is truly respected and extremely needed throughout the world. To satisfy this
need, many schools, for instance; in Indonesia, try to provide students with
Go to any school in our country, peek into it, then you will see the same
picture. The schooling systems do not teach us how to win, but we are taught that
we are quite stupid (Konopasek, 2001: 10). The students then are in their effort to
quest for another institution outside the school. The institution where they can
feel free to study, the place in which they enjoy their learning and are able to get
meaningful learning. Nowadays, the institution the most widely search for is
Intensive Course.
It is not only looked for by Senior High School students but also by
Junior High School students, especially by the students at the last semester.
Makassar competing each other. One of them is Multi Prima College (MPC).
b. Attractive, humorous, and friendly teachers. Almost all the students like the
teachers who are friendly and are able to entertain the students. The
friendliness which the teachers have will encourage the students to ask or
share with the tutors whenever and whatever they want to share.
c. Teaching method. MPC applies quantum learning for its students. Students
students’ weekneses.
e. Almost all of the materials are practically presented by the teachers. They do
not teach any basic concept. Even they just teach how to answer those
They also teach the students by using high speed english formula which
f. High class teachers. Teacher plays vital roles in education system. Nomatter
how well is our educational system, it will have no effect if the teacher is at
Since MPC is built, it always produces students who succeed either in the
national exam or in the university entrance test. MPC helps its students gain entry
to their favorite universities such as; UGM, UI, ITB, ITS, UNHAS, and UNM.
MPC also makes its students succeed in International Junior Science Olimpic
(IJSO). Those are the main purposes of Multi Prima College. As we know that to
Enter those universities, there are at least seven subjects tested (depend on
their choosen departement). They are; Math, English, Bahasa, Science, Chemist,
and Physics. The prospective students are acclaimed that they pass the test as
they are able to reach the passing grade in their chosen departement. And this can
be gained by the accumulation of the whole score from those subjects tested. The
achievement at Multi Prima College. In this case, the researcher will know, is
their English adequate enough to make them pass the test or else?
B. Problem Statements
Based on the previous statement, the writer focuses this study on the
following question:
2. What are the inhibiting factors faced by the students during their learning at
3. What are the strategies applied by the teachers in teaching English at Multi
Prima College?
Senior High School at Multi Prima College, (2) the inhibiting factors faced by the
students during their learning at Multi Prima College, (3) strategies applied by
information for the English teachers in general and for the English teachers at
English as well as input for management and English teachers teaching at Multi
Prima College Makassar so that the teaching and learning process at Multi Prima
achievement, particularly, the third year students of Senior High School at Multi
Prima College Makassar. The reason of why the researcher intends to study the
English achievement at the third year students is because the success of the third
F. Defenition of Terms
and hardwork.
Multi Prima College : A company under Multi Niaga Group focusing on offering
help for students, either to pass the National exam or to succeed to gain entry to
on Alauddin Street.
The review begins with some research findings on student’s achievement followed
There are at least three (3) different points of view mentioned by educational
1. Definition of learning
changes towards the way people to behave and to act (Abdurrahman, 1999:
during lifetime human being adapt several from many selected experiences
c) Slameto added in detail that learning is a process of how one self could get
Learning as used here, refers to concerted activity that increases the capacity
productively apply new knowledge and skills, to grow and mature and to adapt
organizations to make wise choices, solve problems and break new ground. In
particular, it is sustainable, it is a lifelong, renewable process for people and for the
institutions that serves people. Learning certainly includes academic studies and
occupational training through high school and beyond. But it also encompasses the
years of their lives. It includes the capacity of organizations to anticipate and adapt to
common interest to respond with understanding and initiative to broad changes that
2. Definition of achievement
1994: 19-20).
b) M. Chobib Thoha argued, the ability of how the students move from stupidity
Therefore, the writer concluded that achievement is any kind of effort reached
From those points of view, the writer concludes that students’ achievement is
the result of learning process which is not previously possessed and marked with
(1987: 767) which confirmed that students achievement is the maximum result that
the students can achieve based on their ability when they do certain process of
individual has learned from some educational experiences. Additionally, De Cecco &
Tinambunan (1988: 149) defined achievement as the student’s grasp of some body of
become a subject that interests a great number of researchers. Studies of this kind are
carried out intensively in the field of language. Yucel (2007:712) said that the reason
for this is that studies have established that student achievement in the field of
language is low.
from various affected factors which come from within (internal) or outside himself
(external) (Ahmadi, 1991: 130). They cover each other. If one of them dissappeared
or lost,imbalance will arise. For example; if the students feel hurt, broken-hearted,
dissappointed or being in conflict with their parents, they will feel that their spirit is
What are the factors that affect student learning? Some obvious answers
school site (Larry Aceves, 2002: 1). But even when those factors are in place, some
kids still don't learn. Why? Sometimes what is lacking is an unwavering commitment
that all children can learn. Sometimes what is lacking is a "no excuses" attitude.
Perhaps those students have never been taught the skills needed to be able to learn
There are virtually many factors involving as the teachers want to get the
desired result in shaping students’ achievement. These can be divided into two (2)
parts, they are: (1) Internal factor and (2) External factor. Factors which come from
within is called internal factor, whereas factors coming from outside is called
external factor.
It is a must that someone who does an activity or more must have something
that can influence that work, either that influence can encourage one’s to develop or
even hinder the progress. In learning process, there must be many troubles faced by
the students. According to Baitul Alim (2009), many factors take part into a learning
achievement. Parents should know what factors can influence the study achievement
of their children so that they are aware of the cause and the supporting things for
their children. Below are the factors that parents or teachers need to give more focus:
1. Internal Factor
Internal factor is a factor lies within the student’s self. It can be divided
into four (4) categories. Such as intelligence, interest, physical and psychological
condition and motivation. The writer will explain them further as follows:
a. Intelligence factor
who study it. Simply put, however, intelligence is the ability to learn about, learn
explains that this general ability consists of a number of specific abilities, which
aspects of human life. Intelligence in a narrow terms means the ability to achieve
goal in teaching and learning process. This intelligence holds a vital role for
students’ learning achievement. That is the reason why the teacher has to pay a
great deal of attention for students, especially the students who study language or
marked by different progress among students. That is why the students with
certain level of age will be more in progress than others. The intelligence,
b. Students’ interest
personal, individual interest takes a longer time to develop and affects a person's
knowledge and values over time, situational interest appears more suddenly and
only short-term impact, whereas personal interest is believed to fuel one's pursuit
will not explain further about situational interest nor personal interest. Whether
or not students are interested in their major is not a moot point because interest
and curiosity about someone or something; "an interest in music". If that interest
ability to work and perform one job without taking previous training. Interest
From the two different points of view, we can conclude that the growth
of a certain expertise appears from the interest that students have. In teaching and
learning process, especially digging for skills, interest has a high position in
children’s future if they force them to study something which they have no
interest about what they will learn. Try to imagine, if one student has no interest
in his learning process, no matter how hard he tries, it will be a sheer nonsense.
That is why the students who learn without interest, will be hindered in their
assured that they will not get a good achievement, even they will be left far
d. Motivation
an intense need to explore, interact with, and make sense of their environment.
As one author puts it, "Rarely does one hear parents complain that their pre-
delight. A large number of students, more than one in four, leave school before
graduating. Many more are physically present in the classroom but largely
mentally absent; they fail to invest themselves fully in the experience of learning.
in the learning process. But it also concerns the reasons or goals that underlie
own sake, for the enjoyment it provides, the learning it permits, or the feelings of
student performs "in order to obtain some reward or avoid some punishment
motivation itself. A student can fall into failure if they do not have it.
to lead the students attention, in order to achieve the desired result. Through this
motivation, initiative which lies within students’ self will empower their thought
2. Eksternal Factor
achievement. According to Slameto, there are three (3) main points of external
factor that can influence student’s achievement, they are; familial backround,
a. Familial background
Parents have a wide range of function. One is taking care of their son and
Besides, parents have certain character to take care, to lead, and to show them the
right path or the right direction. This character is reflected in the way the parents
study.Parents' talked extensively to their children about doing well in school and
modeled this behavior for their children by remaining involved in their child's
b. Schooling system
many and varied role, such as conducting teaching and learning process, training,
creates and shapes the students’ mindset. That is the reason why the teacher has a
great influence in educating students. If the students achieve their own success
and have a far better behavior when they come back into the society, it means
that the teacher has succeeded in educating the students. But if not, it can be said
that the teacher is in failure. The schooling environment is a place where teacher,
student, and the whole element of school gather around. It is the place where the
teacher and students hang with together. The teacher has to create a comfortable,
enjoyable and meaningful learning, so that the students will find their own
2003; 2 ). The report explores the factors affecting students in three core
categories: early development, school environment and the home. In the early
environment area, the factors include teacher preparation and experience, and the
rigor of the school curriculum. Other factors include the level of technology in
education, how much parents read to young children, how much TV children are
allowed to watch and how often students change schools. The report shows that
minority and poor students disproportionately face conditions that hinder their
school. "Inequality is like an unwanted guest who comes early and stays late," the
report says. A more effective education policy would seek to affect each one of
In the conclusion of the report, the study's author takes several thinly
veiled swipes at the No Child Left Behind Act and the school reform movement.
Barton writes that education policy must go beyond establishing standards for
student's home circumstances--will not help to endow teachers and schools with
the capacity to reduce achievement gaps," the report's conclusion says. "Also,
insistence that it can all be done in the school may be taken to provide excuses
for public policy, ignoring what is necessary to prevent learning gaps from
c. Student’s Environment
positive development of children and youth. These programs can help cultivate
offer children and youth, especially those living in disadvantaged urban areas, a
welcome retreat from the streets and a place to be with friends. Analyzing report
data from the 2003 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH), Child Trends
any activities, compared with 30 percent of teens in families living below 200
percent of the federal poverty line. Most Youth Roundtable participants implied
that they have experienced financial problems, which could decrease the chances
that they will participate in programs, as could "hood beats" and other safety
experienced by the Roundtable participants might benefit the most from out-of-
school time programs in that they provide stable environments in which young
reasons why youth do not get involved and eagerly shared their thoughts on how
program providers can increase and maintain participation. For example, using
peer recruiters, involving parents, offering activities for a variety of interests, and
hiring competent, respectful staff are all ways to increase program recruitment,
State University, insists that may not be enough. Attention must be turned outside
of the school walls, toward a child’s social and political environment (Berliner,
1. Prenatal care
2. Health care
in efforts such as the federal No Child Left Behind Act. The research report
preschools for all children, summer programs for disadvantaged children, and
212 South Sulawesi. It has eight (8) branches; Tamalanrea, Borong, Maros, Pare-
Pare, Pinrang, Palopo, Bone, and Kendari. Its head office is located in Alauddin.
Multi Prima College is a non formal education to help students pass National
Exmination (UN) and University Entrance Test (SPMB). It was built on April 20,
2004 in Makassar.
This great achievement could not be separated from hard working people
at Multi Prima College. Its highly learned and qualified teacher, relevance of
material with curriculum taught at school, very updated information, and its
It just takes about two minutes by public transport to get there from UIN
This chapter deals with research method that consists of research design,
population and sample, variables, instruments, data collection procedures, and data
analysis techniques.
A. Research Design
data into words and we make it relevant with supporting theory due to its data
a) Population
1991: 23). Nana sudjana said that population is a group of people or things where
the researcher can obtain information and data (Sudjana, 1989: 84).
The population of this research was the third year students of Senior High
School at Multi Prima College in the academic year of 2009 – 2010. The total
population was 205. They are located in BTP, and Alauddin where its head office
addressed in Alauddin.
b) Sample
(Arikunto, 1992: 104). Because the population was too large, the researcher used
random sampling technique. It means that the researcher took two (2) classes.
One class at social department (25 students) and one class at science department
measure a social phenomena (Sugyono, 2000: 84). In this research, the writer
a. Test. The researcher provided the test to the students to measure their English
ability. Particular in this matter, the ability that was tested is about what they
are going to get in their national exam, except listening. The test given was
know the problems they face during they study English at Multi Prima
used to study social matters (Tiro, 1999: 103). In this case, those information
the English teachers who teach or handle the class concerning about their
teaching method.
In collecting the data from the participants, the researcher used these
following procedures:
Step one: The researcher distributed the test to two classes (students at Science
Step three: The researcher invited the English teachers handling a certain class to
walk in interview.
Step four : The researcher came to class to observe each English teacher when
In analyzing the data that collected, the researcher used this following
3. To know the mean score of all students, the researcher gave the formula:
4. After collecting the data from questionaire, the researcher then calculated the
P x 100%
P = percentage
F = frequency
This chapter presents the findings and the discussion of the research. The
findings consist of the data obtained through analyzing the students score,
A. The Findings
The finding reported in this section was based on the analysis of the data
collected. The finding was organized into one kind by referring to the research
question formulated in the previous chapter, they are :(1) What is the students‟
English achievement at Multi Prima College? (2) What are the inhibiting factors
faced by the students during their learning at Multi Prima College?(3) What are
the strategies applied by the teachers in teaching English at Multi Prima College?
achievement in English at Multi Prima College (MPC) Makassar. The result of the
data was classified from poor until excellent classification. The further
Makassar at two departments is presented in the table below. The students score is
Table 1
The tabel above shows that the students‟ mean score in English lesson is of
4.2 from its ideal score of 100 with standard deviation 1.05. The distribution of
respondents‟ score with the highest score is at 6.00 and the lowest score is at 2.00.
Table 2
The distribution frequency and percentage of
the students’ score at Social Department
The description in the table 2 above indicates that none of the students at
Multi Prima College (MPC) Makassar got an excellent, very good, or even good
grade. The students at the Social department who got a fair grade is about 12% (3
students), while students with poor is approximately 60% (15 students). As high
Table 3
Statistics of student’s English achievement at Science Departement
The Tabel above shows that the students‟ mean score at Science in English
lesson is of 4.12 from its ideal score of 100 with standard deviation 1.23. The
distribution of respondents‟ score with the highest score is at 7.42 and the lowest
score is at 1.71.
Table 4
The distribution frequency and percentage of
the students’ score at Science Department
No Achievement Categories Score frequency percentage
1 Excellent 9.6 – 10 - -
2 Very Good 8.6 – 9.5 - -
3 Good 7.6 – 8.5 - -
4 Fairly Good 6.6 – 7.5 1 4%
5 Fair 5.6 – 6.5 2 8%
6 Poor 3.6 – 5.5 14 56%
7 Very Poor 0 – 3.5 8 32%
Total 25 100%
The table 4 shows that from 25 students, none of the students can be
categorized as excellent, very good, or even good. There was only 1 student (4 %)
fairly good, 2 students (8%) were in fair classification, 14 students (56%) were in
poor classification, and the rest, as many as 8 students (32%) were in very poor
classification . Based on the data above it shows that most of students (58%) were
in poor classification. It means that the students have the least achievement in
their English.
(MPC) Makassar
We have discussed in the pevious chapter that there are two main factors
inhibiting students progress; internal and external factor. Including in internal factor
the factors influence students achievement from outside theirself. To discuss more
about the inhibiting factors faced by the students at Multi Prima College (MPC)
students at multi prima College. The researcher arranged the questionnaires based on
three aspects; teacher aspect, student aspect, and facilities used at Multi Prima
College. There are as many as fifteen (15) questions presented in that questionnaires.
Tabel 5
The chart above describes the responses taken from 50 students stated that
only 2 students said that their English teachers never systematic in presenting the
material. This reflects that the English teachers at Multi Prima College have a
Tabel 6
The students response to English material presented by teacher
No Option Frequency Percentage
A Often understood 19 38%
B Sometimes understood 31 62%
C Never understood - 0%
Total 50 100%
Source: questionnaire no. 2
From the table above, the writer analyzes that no one of Multi Prima
Tabel 7
The writer presents, on the table, that the English teachers at Multi Prima
students(64%) said that the English teachers at Multi Prima College (MPC)
Makassar are „very discipline‟. While 17 students or about 34% expressed that
their English teacher are less discipline. Only 1 student (2%) is in agreement and
Tabel 8
By looking at the table, it means that, the English teachers present the
language teaching.
Tabel 9
Do you want to see how far the English teachers at MPC motivate their
students? Just see chart above. Of responses taken from 50 students, as many as
10 students stated that they never have the motivation from their English teacher.
It means that not only the material the English teachers have to focus on but also
Tabel 10
Based on the result of the questionnaire, the writer presents that the
the English teachers at Multi Prima College (MPC) Makassar applied “campur”
method. While 4 students or about 8% expressed that they are always given
Tabel 11
stated that the English teachers at Multi Prima College (MPC) Makassar never
Tabel 12
A Often - 0%
B Sometimes 10 20%
C Never 40 80%
Total 50 100%
Let‟s take a quick glance at the table presented! It‟s amazing that no one of
English teachers at Multi Prima College (MPC) Makassar use media for their
teaching and learning process. We can see that from 50 respondents, more than a half
or exactly 40 students express their opinion that all of their English teachers „never‟
use teaching media. We can imagine; how can the students improve their learning
Tabel 13
English teachers do not familiarize the students with English? The result of the
questionnaire explain that as many as 10 students give response that their English
teachers „often‟ use preface language in opening the lesson or making interaction
with the students. 32 students or about 64% expressed „sometimes‟ and the rest
Tabel 14
According to the table above, responses taken from 50 students stated that
13 students said that the material delivered by applying certain method, is „often
Tabel 15
From the table above, the writer analyzes that about 24% students (12)
said „often‟. Whereas 56% students (28) stated that English teachers at Multi
Prima College (MPC) Makassar „sometimes‟ give them additional test out of
Tabel 16
Based on the result of the questionnaire, the writer presents that as much
as 22% students „often‟ come late to classroom. 30% „sometimes‟ and the rest of
Tabel 17
that they „often‟ pay attention to their English teacher. Whereas 26 students or
expressed „sometimes‟. No one of them did not pay attention when their teacher
Tabel 18
The frequency of students’ asking if there is material that
they do not know
No Option Frequency Percentage
A Often 22 44%
B Sometimes 27 54%
C Never 10 2%
Total 50 100%
Source: questionnaire no. 14
English teacher if any material they do not know. While 27(54%) students
Tabel 19
The frequency of students’ interest to the way teacher explain the material
By paying attention to the table above, students who „like‟ the way
teacher explain the material is about 68%. There are 30% students „sometimes
the students‟ deepest heart to generate their spirit in order that the students can
study hardly and intensely. In this chapter the writer will propose the result of the
(MPC) Makassar.
College (MPC) Makassar, the researcher invited three (3) English teachers to be
teaching and learning process; pre teaching, whilst teaching, and post teaching.
Ranging from how to open teaching and learning process, how to take control
over the coming late, naughty, and silent student, how to arrange a well-
presented material up to how to enclose the teaching and learning process. These
6. --- ---
Allowing him if not
more than 15 minutes
7. --- ---
Approaching and asking
if any they do not
8. --- ---
No grouping.
9. --- ---
Just like delivering
--- Using LCD. ---
--- Giving motivating ---
--- Giving logical ---
reasons,i.e do not ask out
of discussion.
--- Describing vocabulary ---
by putting it together
into sentence.
--- --- The class is closed by
telling them inspiring
--- Sometimes using this
method. ---
Source: interview
3. Name : Ardiana
Class : IPS 1
To make detailed information about the data analysis on the research having
been illustrated in the previous sub chapter, the researcher intends to present the
discussion about students English achievement, the inhibiting factors during their
learning English, and strategies applied by English teacher at Multi Prima College
(MPC) Makassar.
After analyzing the students‟ score, the researcher finds that the students‟
that the students‟ English achievement at Multi Prima College (MPC) Makassar is
These unexpected result are exacerbated by the problems that can hinder the
researcher concluded that lots of factors play important role inhibiting the students‟
achievement at Multi Prima College. The researcher here divided into three (3)
categories; (firstly) from teacher side, (secondly) from student itself, (thirdly) from
material and other supporting facilities. From the teacher side, the way the teacher
present is too fast. High speed speaking is something applied by English teachers at
Multi Prima College that the students hard to catch up. Less systematic explanation,
less interactive, teacher‟s coming late, and frequently- switched teacher also
contributes to the problems that can hamper the students‟ English achievement. From
the students side, many students are still lacking in vocabularies. Another side,
get a better quality for students, it is also determined by the strategies applied by
Multi Prima College, the researcher found that there are several strategies that they
do not apply when they are teaching. There was still any teacher did not use media in
their teaching. The way they delivered material was still using old method, just like
standing in front of the class, speaking from A till Z and so on. After that, over!.
They finished the teaching and learning process. If this such a teaching style that
always applied in every single daily teaching of theirs, it can be assured that it will be
should, therefore, better themselves and improve their teaching skill to make the
This chapter presents the conclusions of the study and some suggestions
A. Conclusions
1. There are virtually many factors involving as the teachers want to get the desired
result in shaping students’ achievement. (1) Internal factor and (2) External
2. The result of the study indicated that the students’ English achievement at Multi
Prima College (MPC) Makassar is poor. It was proven by the mean score of the
student’s English test at Social Department is at score of 4.20. And the mean
score of the student’s test at Science Department is of 4.12. Both of them the
same poor qualities in English subject taught at Multi Prima College (MPC)
3. The inhibiting factors faced by students at Multi Prima College (MPC) Makassar
are the level of students interest in learning is low and there are still many
B. Suggestions
In this term, the writer is going to put forward some suggestions for the
a) The teachers should give more assignment to the students in order to intensify
b) The teachers should guide and motivate the students to do the exercise
c) The teachers should be creative to develop teaching material. They can use
many various techniques and materials to catch the students’ attention and
The students should be the good learners, not only in the classroom but
also out of classroom. Therefore, that they can follow up what they get from this
achievement at another institution with other forms which is more than what the
writer has.
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I. Petunjuk
Bacalah angket di bawah ini dengan baik!
II. Beri tanda silang (X) pada jawaban yang anda anggap benar!
1. Bagaimana tanggapan anda terhadap bahasa Inggris?
a. Mudah
b. Sulit
c. Biasa- biasa
2. Apakah sebelum mengajar, guru memberikan motivasi terlebih dahulu?
a. Ya
b. Kadang-kadang
c. Tidak
3. Metode yang dipakai oleh guru?
a. Campur
b. Ceramah
c. Diskusi
4. Di tempat bimbingan belajar anda, apakah ada pelajaran tambahan?
a. Ya
b. Kadang-kadang
c. Tidak
5. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda menggunakan media pada saat mengajar?
a. Ya
b. Kadang-kadang
c. Tidak
6. Apakah guru bahasa Inggris anda menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai pengantar?
a. Ya
b. Kadang-kadang
c. Tidak
7. Bagaimana tanggapan anda terhadap metode yang digunakan guru dalam mengajar bahasa Inggris?
a. Cepat dipahami
b. Kadang-kadang dipahami
c. Sulit dipahami
8. Apakah di tempat bimbingan belajar anda diberikan tes diluar jadwal?
a. Ya
b. Kadang-kadang
c. Tidak
9. Menurut penilaian anda, bagaimana guru dalam menyajikan materi?
a. Baik
b. Kurang baik
c. Tidak baik
10. Apa yang menjadi kendala selama anda belajar bahasa Inggris di MPC Makassar?
No. Name of Respondents Score
1 Zulkipli Zahlan 20 5.71
2 Ummul Khasanah 9 2.57
3 Fikrul Ilmi 7 2.00
4 Rachmat 12 3.42
5 Ilmiah 14 4.00
6 Tati Fitri Kartika Wati 14 4.00
7 Andi Nurfuhairah 13 3.71
8 Muhammad Dzuhri Ramadhan 14 4.00
9 Zaldy 14 4.00
10 Muthia 13 3.71
11 Ayu Humairah 14 4.00
12 Nur Astifani 12 3.42
13 Muh. Husni Rusdi 18 5.14
14 Nur Atira Muthmainna 10 2.85
15 Arini Ridhawati 17 4.85
16 Ni Putu Juwita Madu Sari 21 6.00
17 Cecep Nurhikmah 11 3.14
18 Rusdianto 18 5.14
19 Hasrullah 16 4.57
20 Marlinda A. Z 15 4.28
21 Prasetya Adimakayasa 18 5.14
22 Putri Fathurrahman 19 5.42
23 Azhar Zuhlan 12 3.42
24 A. Gemilang 16 4.57
25 Aryanto Wira Prayuda 21 6.00
Result of students’ test at Science department
No Name of Respondent Score
1 Amiruddin 6 1.72
2 Syam Nuzul Qadri 11 3.14
3 M. Adi Pati Jayadi 15 4.28
4 Irhas M. F 21 6.00
5 Rezki Yusuf 18 5.14
6 Nurfadhilah 20 5.71
7 Indra Wandi 16 4.57
8 Nur Annisya 12 3.42
9 Ayu soraya 13 3.71
10 Fatmi Putri Ayu. Y 15 4.28
11 Nurfadilla 15 4.28
12 Arlin Dwi Prasetyo 13 3.71
13 Reski Yuliani 16 4.57
14 Nurfika Aryani 15 4.28
15 Nasti 16 4.57
16 Suci Amirah 17 4.85
17 Mundzir 10 2.85
18 Ahmad Akram 6 1.71
19 Muh. Fauzi R 15 4.28
20 Makq Dipo A. P 26 7.42
21 Sarah Widya Fauziah W. 14 4.00
22 Feby Febriani 12 3.42
23 Fandy Tri Adhyaksa 11 3.14
24 Syefira Wiharti 11 3.14
25 Putri Dewi 14 4.00
Nilai IPA
Statistics Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent
Percent Percent
Nilai IPA
Valid 6 2 8.0 8.0 8.0
N Valid 25
10 1 4.0 4.0 12.0
Missing 0
11 3 12.0 12.0 24.0
Mean 14.3200
12 2 8.0 8.0 32.0
Std. Error of Mean .86549
Median 15.0000 13 2 8.0 8.0 40.0
Tabel …
x f Fx
7 3 21
6 2 12
5 9 45
4 6 24
3 3 9
2 2 4
= 4.6
Table 5
No Name of respondent Score
1 Amiruddin 6 1.72
2 Syam Nuzul Qadri 11 3.14
3 M. Adi Pati Jayadi 15 4.28
4 Irhas M. F 21 6.00
5 Rezki Yusuf 18 5.14
6 Nurfadhilah 20 5.71
7 Indra Wandi 16 4.57
8 Nur Annisya 12 3.42
9 Ayu soraya 13 3.71
10 Fatmi Putri Ayu. Y 15 4.28
11 Nurfadilla 15 4.28
12 Arlin Dwi Prasetyo 13 3.71
13 Reski Yuliani 16 4.57
14 Nurfika Aryani 15 4.28
15 Nasti 16 4.57
16 Suci Amirah 17 4.85
17 Mundzir 10 2.85
18 Ahmad Akram 6 1.71
19 Muh. Fauzi R 15 4.28
20 Makq Dipo A. P 26 7.42
21 Sarah Widya Fauziah W. 14 4.00
22 Feby Febriani 12 3.42
23 Fandy Tri Adhyaksa 11 3.14
24 Syefira Wiharti 11 3.14
25 Putri Dewi 14 4.00
Table 6 reflects the students’ English achievement at at Multi Prima College (MPC) Makassar.
To find out the mean score of students answer in the table, the researcher used the formula
X mean score
Table 6
x f Fx
7 1 7
6 4 24
5 8 40
4 8 32
3 4 12
4 Rachmat 12 23 12,00
5 Ilmiah 14 21 14,00
9 Zaldy 14 21 14,00
10 Muthia 13 22 13,00
18 Rusdianto 18 17 18,00
19 Hasrullah 16 19 16,00
20 Marlinda A. Z 15 20 15,00
24 A. Gemilang 16 19 16,00
Table 5
1 Amiruddin 6 29 6.00
4 Irhas M. F 21 14 21,00
6 Nurfadhilah 20 15 20,00
11 Nurfadilla 15 20 15,00
15 Nasti 16 19 16,00
17 Mundzir 10 25 10,00
heart to generate their spirit. In this chapter the writer will propose the result of the reasearch
about strategies applied by English teachers at Multi Prima College (MPC) Makassar.
To know the strategies applied by the English teachers at Multi Prima College (MPC)
Makassar, the researcher invited three (3) English teachers to be interviewed and observed. As
many as fifteen (15) questions the researcher presented in the list of interview question. Those
questions cover 3 phase of teaching and learning process; pre teaching, whilst teaching, and post
teaching. Ranging from how to open teaching and learning process, how to take control over the
coming late, naughty, and silent student, how to arrange a well- presented material up to how to
enclose the teaching and learning process. Below are the outcomes of interview: