Quiz #7 Answers

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21FA Human Grwth/Dvlp (PSY-108-Z02) Tests Review Test Submission: Quiz #7

Review Test Submission: Quiz #7

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User Maria Delesio
Course 21FA Human Grwth/Dvlp PSY-108-Z01/Z02/Z04
21FA MyGrades and Test Quiz #7
Resources Started 11/9/21 9:57 AM
Announcements Submitted 11/9/21 10:20 AM
Due Date 11/12/21 11:59 PM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 29 out of 30 points
Time Elapsed 22 minutes out of 45 minutes
Syllabus Instructions You have 45 minutes to complete this quiz. 1 point each.

Power Point Slides Results Displayed All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers

Discussion Board
Question 1 1 out of 1 points
If they are all statistically average, which of the following individuals is most likely to be lonely?
Materials for Discussion
Selected Answer: Donna, who is 25 years old and has recently divorced
Answers: Janine, who is 40 years old and has never married
Course Documents
Miguel, who is 50 years old and has recently married
Faculty Information
Donna, who is 25 years old and has recently divorced
APA Guidelines

Steven, who is 35 years old and has been married for 10 years
Bb User Guide

Question 2 1 out of 1 points

Alcoholism is a more common problem in cultures where alcohol is

Selected Answer: a carefully controlled sign of adulthood.

Answers: regularly served to and around minors.

a traditional part of ceremonial activities.

a common part of religious activities.

a carefully controlled sign of adulthood.

Question 3 1 out of 1 points

According to some researchers, cognitive development continues beyond Piaget's formal operational stage to the ____________ level.

Selected Answer: postformal thought

Answers: postcognitive


postformal thought


Question 4 1 out of 1 points

According to Levinson, each season of life begins with a __________, which concludes the previous era and prepares the person for
the next one.

Selected Answer: transition

Answers: crisis


stable period

split dream

Question 5 1 out of 1 points

A strong cardiovascular response, interference with immune system functioning, and reduced digestive activity are all symptoms of

Selected Answer: psychological stress.

Answers: hypertension.


psychological stress.

genetically programmed aging.

Question 6 1 out of 1 points

Because Jessie's past relationships have been characterized by jealousy and emotional distance, she feels a great deal of mistrust
toward her romantic partners. She is anxious about people getting too close and stresses the need for independence in her
relationships. Based on this information, we can conclude that Jessie has a(n) __________ attachment history.

Selected Answer: avoidant

Answers: secure




Question 7 1 out of 1 points

Christine, a college graduate, held a variety of part-time jobs in her early twenties. She had neither married nor begun a career by
age 30. According to Neugarten, Christine is likely to

Selected Answer: su!er from self-doubt and lack con"dence.

Answers: adopt a "masculine" social clock.

suffer from self-doubt and lack confidence.

adopt a "feminine" social clock.

show gains in self-understanding.

Question 8 1 out of 1 points

According to the American Cancer Society, a diet that is high in __________ reduces the risk of developing some types of cancer.
Refer To: Diet and Nutrition

Selected Answer: "ber





Question 9 1 out of 1 points

Francine is preparing to become an oncologist. Which of the following is most likely to have in#uenced her vocational choice?

Selected Answer: having a close relationship with her high school science teacher

Answers: being a volunteer in a tutoring program for low-achieving students

having a close relationship with her high school science teacher

visiting the local hospital as part of a class field trip

watching a telethon that raised money for cancer research

Question 10 1 out of 1 points

American employers regard recent high school graduates as

Selected Answer: poorly prepared for skilled business occupations.

Answers: adequately prepared for manual trades.

adequately prepared for industrial occupations.

poorly prepared for skilled business occupations.

poorly prepared for unskilled jobs.

Question 11 1 out of 1 points

Childlessness interferes with adjustment and life satisfaction

Selected Answer: only when it is beyond a person's control.

Answers: about 80 percent of the time.

only when it is beyond a person's control.

among the highly educated.

in women but not men.

Question 12 1 out of 1 points

Biological aging

Selected Answer: is under way in early adulthood.

Answers: is under way in early adulthood.

begins in middle adulthood.

is similar among various parts of the body.

is underway in infancy.

Question 13 1 out of 1 points

Adult friends tend to be

Selected Answer: similar to each other in most ways.

Answers: different from each other in most ways.

similar in social class but different in age or sex.

romantically involved with one another.

similar to each other in most ways.

Question 14 0 out of 1 points

Most Americans eat

Selected Answer: to maintain the body's functions.

Answers: to maintain the body's functions.

the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables.

a well-balanced diet.

because it is time to do so.

Question 15 1 out of 1 points

According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love,

Selected Answer: intimacy, passion, and commitment shift in emphasis as romantic relationships develop.

Answers: in most cultures, "opposites attract."

intimacy, passion, and commitment shift in emphasis as romantic relationships develop.

initial passion turns into intimacy, which then leads to commitment.

passion develops after commitment is established.

Question 16 1 out of 1 points

After the birth of a "rst child, parents' gender roles

Selected Answer: often become more traditional.

Answers: often become more traditional.

often become more egalitarian.

are similar as before the child was born.

are reversed for the first 6 months.

Question 17 1 out of 1 points

Cohabiters are more likely than married people to

Selected Answer: have poorer-quality relationships.

Answers: pool their finances.

jointly own a house.

have poorer-quality relationships.

have conservative values.

Question 18 1 out of 1 points

Chris is a male nurse. Because of his male minority status in the nursing "eld,

Selected Answer: his co-workers may assume that he is more knowledgeable than he actually is.

Answers: he will probably have fewer opportunities to move into supervisory positions.

his co-workers may assume that he is more knowledgeable than he actually is.

he probably feels rejected by the women with whom he works.

he will likely change jobs often, eventually settling on a more traditional career.

Question 19 1 out of 1 points

About _______ of divorced people remarry.

Selected Answer: two-thirds

15 percent


50 percent


Question 20 1 out of 1 points

According to the "random events" theory of biological aging,

Selected Answer: DNA in body cells is gradually damaged through spontaneous or externally caused mutations.

Answers: DNA in body cells is gradually damaged through spontaneous or externally caused mutations.

the human body wears out from use over time.

the existence of aging genes controls most biological changes.

environmental factors have little impact on human longevity.

Question 21 1 out of 1 points

According to Erikson, the psychological con#ict of early adulthood is

Selected Answer: intimacy versus isolation.

Answers: initiative versus guilt.

industry versus inferiority.

identity versus role confusion.

intimacy versus isolation.

Question 22 1 out of 1 points

Most divorces occur

Selected Answer: within the "rst 7 years of marriage.

Answers: within the first 7 years of marriage.

between 8 and 11 years after marriage.

between 12 and 15 years after marriage.

after at least 15 years of marriage.

Question 23 1 out of 1 points

Bill is persuasive and adventurous. Bella prefers working with objects. According to Holland's six personality types, Bill is __________
and Bella is __________.

Selected Answer: enterprising; realistic

Answers: investigative; social

realistic; artistic

conventional; unconventional

enterprising; realistic

Question 24 1 out of 1 points

Adrian developed a secure attachment to his parents when he was a child. Adrian probably characterizes his most important adult
love relationship in terms of

Selected Answer: trust, friendship, and happiness.

shared interests, mutual understanding, and status.

dependency, insecurity, and sacrifice.

desperation, anxiety, and fear.

trust, friendship, and happiness.

Question 25 1 out of 1 points

For most new parents, the arrival of a new baby

Selected Answer: does not cause signi"cant marital strain.

Answers: typically causes significant marital strain.

leads to high rates of anxiety and depression in both men and women.

does not cause significant marital strain.

leads to a sharp increase in marital satisfaction.

Question 26 1 out of 1 points

According to Levinson, which of the following is true about gender di!erences in dreams?

Selected Answer: Most career-oriented women display split dreams involving both marriage and career.

Answers: Men's dreams tend to define the self in terms of relationships.

Most career-oriented women display split dreams involving both marriage and career.

Women's dreams are usually more individualistic than men's dreams.

Most career-oriented men display split dreams involving both marriage and career.

Question 27 1 out of 1 points

For never-married low-SES women, child support enforcement

Selected Answer: reduces "nancial stress.

Answers: decreases father involvement.

reduces financial stress.

has little impact on financial well-being.

is more successful than for divorced women.

Question 28 1 out of 1 points

In college, Edward came to the realization that his own beliefs were often subjective. He noted that his roommate, who held vastly
di!erent beliefs from his own, had his own "truth." Edward was engaged in

Selected Answer: relativistic thinking.

Answers: pragmatic thought.

dualistic thinking.

relativistic thinking.

commitment within relativistic thinking.

Question 29 1 out of 1 points

According to Labouvie-Vief, adulthood involves moving from _______________ thought.

Selected Answer: hypothetical to pragmatic

Answers: hypothetical to pragmatic

relativistic to dualistic

pragmatic to hypothetical

dualistic to relativistic

Question 30 1 out of 1 points

An important feature of good communication in a romantic relationship is

Selected Answer: constructive con#ict resolution.

Answers: passionate love.

constructive criticism.

constructive conflict resolution.

quiet reflection.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 10:20:20 AM EST

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