A Detailed Instructional Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Instructional Lesson Plan

Time Duration: One (1) session

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
a. Recognize the parts of the book;
b. Identify the different parts of the book; and
c. Define each part of the book

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Recognizing Common Terms in English relating to Parts of the Book

b. Reference
b.1. http://depedmuntinlupa.ph/sucat-es/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/FINAL-
b.2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=7dhW9I2xbFg
c. Materials
c.1. Teachers: Laptop, Video (Parts of the Book), PowerPoint Presentation
c.2. Student: Paper and Pen
d. Teaching Strategies
d.1. Discussion Approach
d.2. Oral Questioning
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a.1. Prayer

“Sophia, please lead the prayer” Let us bow our head and feel the presence of
the Lord. In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Thank you God for all the things you've made
our world to be.
For every single living plant, insect, bird and

Thank you God for all the people you have

placed around us.
For every single parent, friend and teacher
that we trust.

Thank you Lord for all the gifts you send to

us each day.
For every single meal and snack, for cuddles,
toys and play.

Thank you God for caring for us, we know

you always see,
Our every need, our worries, cares, our
laughter, joys and tears.

Thank you Lord that you're our friend, you

delight in all we do,
Especially when you hear our prayers, and we
give thanks to you. Amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and

of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Thank you Ma’am!

Okay class you may now take your seat. Good morning Ma’am!

a.2. Greetings
Good morning class!

a.3. Classroom Conditioning

Before we continue, may I request everyone
to please pick up the small pieces of trash
near your place or under your chair. And
arrange your chair properly. Ma’am there’s no absent today.

a.4. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent today?
That’s good to hear

a.5. Collecting of Assignment

Before we proceed to our lesson proper, I Yes, Ma’am!
gave you an assignment yesterday am I right?
Did you do it?

You may now pass it to the center aisle and

then pass it forward.

A. Review

Ok class I believe that you still remember Ma'am yesterday we talked about the
what was our topic yesterday, let us recall elements of the story that keep the story run
smoothly and allow the action to develop in
What was our last topic all about? a logical way that the reader can follow.

Very good! Is there anyone else wants to Ma'am I learned that there are 4 main
share what they learned? elements of the story. First is the settings
that tells where the story happened. Second
Rea you are raising your hand, do you want is the character that tells who are the
add something? persons, animals or entities involved in the
story. Third is the theme, it is the main idea,
it could be a lesson or a moral. And lastly
events, these are the series or sequence of
events, the beginning, middle, and ending.

Very good Rea, thank you for sharing, class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 clap!

let us give her five claps.

I’m glad that all of you listened to our topic

yesterday, based on what you said earlier I
know that you can now easily identify the
elements of the story. Good job class!

C. Motivation

Class what am I holding? A book Ma'am

Yes! this is a book, Are you familiar with the Yes Ma'am, we're ready!
different parts of the book? Before we
proceed to our topic for today Let's us first
have a word game, Are you ready?

You are going to arrange these jumbled

letters to create a word

First one is......


Hmmm what word can we create from these

jumbled letters?

Here is your clue....

What is the answer? Ma'am that is TITLE

Very Good!

Next is.....


What word can we create from these

jumbled letters?

Here is your clue....

Class what do you think is the answer? Ma'am the answer is PAGES

That's correct!
Last one....


What word can we create from these

jumbled letters?

Here is your clue....

What is the answer? Ma'am the word is AUTHOR

Good job! It seems that you are familiar with 1,2, 3, 4, 5 clap!
our lesson for this day. Please give yourself a
five clap.

D. Lesson proper

Class who among you likes reading book? Yes Ma’am!

Raise your hand.

Ok I guess all of you love reading books.

Reading books is fun and exciting, it allows us

to use our imagination and stimulate
curiosity. It helps us get to know sounds,
words and develop our communication skills.
Through reading we can learn a lot which we
can apply in our day to day living.

As we continue our discussion let’s watch

first a short video and try to analyze what is it
all about. Is that clear?

(The Parts of the Book Song by Secret


What is the video or song all about? Anyone?

Nicole, please stand up. What is your Ma’am the song is about the Parts of the
answer? Book

Correct! You may now sit down Nicole

Now can you give some of the parts of the Front Cover
book present in the video? Title
Back Cover

Very good class!

The first step in reading is to be familiar with

the parts of a book

Knowing the parts of the book helps the

reader locate information quickly and easily.
Just like human body books also have
different parts and each part has its use and

Class I believe that yesterday I told you to

bring any kind of a book, can you please bring
it out?

Does everyone have it? Yes Ma'am! Everyone brought our own book.

That’s good to hear. Just keep your book on

your chair and later on we will use it during
our discussion.

Let us now give definition on the parts of the


The first part is the Title.

Again, what is the first part of the book? Title

Anyone who wants to read the meaning of

the Title? Yes, Shaira! Title is the book’s name.

Thank you Shaira!

Title tells what the book is all about. It always

appears near the top part of the book’s
cover. For an example, in the picture the title
of the book is Bears Title

Now, based on the book that each of you

brought can you share to the class what is the Ma’am the title of my book is Alice in
title of the book? Yes, Marry Grace! Wonderland.

Ok, another one! Yes, Shaira

My book is entitled The Snowy Day
Very good! Now let’s move on to the next

The second part is what we call the text

Anyone who wants to read the slide?

Text is the body of the book.
Text contains all the information of a topic
and events of the story.

Bear is a large
mammal with a
thick fur.

Mayumi, can you locate where is the text on

your book? Here Ma’am!


Now let us define the Spine.

Who wants to read?
Spine holds the pages of the book together.
Spine is the backbone of the book. It helps
the pages of the book to be intact. We can
locate it in this part of the book.


Let me see class where is the spine of your


Next one is the Front Cover.

Please read the next slide.

Front Cover is the front hard part of the
Front Cover usually contains at least the title
or author, with possibly an appropriate
illustration that helps to catch the eye of the
readers. Here is the Front Cover of the book.


Can you show me class where is the front

cover of your book? Ma’am here it is.

Good job everyone!

If there’s a front cover there’s also a back


Let us read what it means

Back cover is the back hard part of the book.
Back cover usually contains the synopsis that
can hook the reader and give them interest in
purchasing the book. so here class is the back
cover of the book.

Again, can you show me class where is the

back cover of your book?
Here Ma’am
Very good! It so easy to identify right?

We will now proceed to the Author Yes Ma’am

Rea, can you define author?

Exactly! Author is the person who wrote the book.

Author is the one who puts efforts to

complete the contents of a particular book. A
person where a work or composition was
originated whether novel, poem, essay etc.
The name of the author can be usually seen
in the front cover.


Sophia, can you tell us the title of your book

and who is the author of it?
The title of my book is “The Little Prince” and
the one who wrote the book is Antoine de
Very good! Saint- Exupéry

Marry Grace, you said earlier that your book

is entitled “Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland”
how about the one wrote it? The author of the book Lewis Caroll

Good job!

Let’s now proceed to the Illustrator.

Who has the idea what illustrator means? Yes
Illustrator is the person who drew the
Very well said! pictures in the book.

The illustrator gives interpretation to the

story or context through pictures. Just like
the author its name can be seen in the front


Who wants to share the name of the

illustrator of their book? Yes Nicole! Let me
first know the title of the book. Ma’am the title of my book is Jack and The
Beanstalk and the illustrator of the book is
Excellent! Arthur Rackham.

Shaira, how about you can you tell us who is

the illustrator of “The Snowy Day”
The illustrator is Ezra Jack Keats.
Very good!

And for the last part we have Pages.

Let us read its meaning.

Pages have sentences and pictures of a topic

Pages is where we can find the page numbers or a story.
that helps to easily locate information or
context that we need
Bear is a large
mammal with a
thick fur.

Let me see where if you know the pages of

the book. Can you point it out?
Ma’am this is the page

So that’s the end of our discussion. Do you

learn something?
Yes Ma’am
E. Generalization

Now, I know that all of you learns a lot

today. Again, what was our topic all about?
Ma’am, our topic was about the Parts of the
Very good! How many parts does a book Book and its uses.
Ma’am there are 8 parts of the book, the
title, text, spine, front cove, back cover,
Very good also! author, illustrator and pages.

Who can give me the definition of title based

on what we discussed a while ago?
Title is the book’s name. It tells what the
book is all about. It always appears near the
How about the text? top part of the book’s cover.

Text is the body of the book and contains all

the information of a topic and events of the
Good! story.

What is the role of the spine?

Ma’am the primary role of the spine is it

The cover of the book is composed of two holds the pages of the book together.
parts what are those and give their meanings.
The first one is the front cover. it is the front
hard part of the book. usually contains at
least the title, author or illustration that
helps to get the attention of the readers. The
second is the back cover. It is the back hard
part of the book and usually contains the
Very good! I can conclude that all of you synopsis that can hook the reader’s interest
listened to our lesson.

Can you give me the difference between the

author and illustrator?
Author is the person who wrote the book
while the Illustrator is the person who drew
That’s right! the pictures in the book.

What was the last part of the book the we

talked about and its function?
The last part is the Pages which have
sentences and pictures of a topic or a story, it
F. Valuing helps us to find information the we need.

Based on the knowledge you acquired, do

you think books are essential in our day to
day living? Yes Ma’am, because books play an important
role in every student’s life. It provides us
knowledge, help us develop our capabilities
and some questions that we have in our
mind, we can find the answers on the book.
Another insight? .

We learn many things from books. Reading

books is a fun thing to do. When we read a
book, we can go on an adventure through
our imagination. It helps us to understand
Very good! Reading books is a good habit the things around us better.
because it makes our mind healthier. It gives
us lessons of life which we can adapt in our
lives. It also motivates us to try new things,
keep our mind active and allows us to
enhance our creativity to be the better
version of ourselves.

Do you think knowing and studying the

different parts of the book is important?
It makes the book more organized and also
helps the readers to easily find information
Correct! As a student you should not only pay we want to gather.
attention to reading text only. You need also
to be familiar with the parts of the book and Yes Ma’am!
find out how it can help you to make your
learning more effective. Am I clear class?

G. Application

A. Read the following sentences and

identify the part of the book it
describes. Choose your answer inside
the box.

1. It contains all the information of

a topic and events of the story.

2. The person who wrote the book.

3. It is the book’s name and tells

what the book is all about.

4. It is the backbone of the book

that holds the pages of the book to be intact.

5. It can be seen in the front cover.

The person who drew the pictures in the

Title Pages Illustrator Front

Author Back Text Spine
B. Match the correct part of the book by
drawing a line.

Ant and
by Luli Gray
Illustrated by

d by


d by
i Illustrat
d by
d by

III. Evaluation
Part A
Follow the direction in each number.

1. Encircle the front cover of the book.

2. Underline the author of the book.

3. Shade the spine with your favorite color.

4. Put a cross on the title of the book.

5. Write the name of the illustrator of the book.

Illustrated by:

Part B.
Color all the sections containing the parts of the book ORANGE.
Signature Serious

Heavy Title Illustrator
Pages Rough Spine

Shiny Huge
IV. Assignment

Answer the following question based on what you observed.

My Happy

Written by:
Omega Q. Juico
Illustrated by:
Ima L. Alo

1. What is the title?

2. Who is the author?
3. Who is the illustrator?
4. What does the illustration show?
5. Which part of the book you will find this?

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