Lesson Plan Eng.6 Final

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Surigao City Pilot School

Narciso Street, Surigao City, Surigao Del Norte

DETAILED LESSON Subject: English Quarter: 3

Grade: 6 Time: 50 minutes

I. Objectives

During the lesson discussion, students should be able to:

a. identify each essential elements of a story;

b. define the five elements of a short story; and

c. write a summary of the story that includes the character setting, plot, conflict,
and resolution.

II. Subject Matter

1. Lesson: Essential Elements of a Story

2. Materials: Laptop, Projector, PowerPoint Presentation, Picture

3. Reference: Evaluating Narratives Based on How the Author Developed the

Elements (eng.6, quarter3, week5)

4. Strategy: 4A's Instructional Model

5. Values Integration: Enhance reading skills

6. Story Unlocking Word Difficulties: Cunning, begged

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Opening Prayer

Are you ready to pray? Yes, we are ready!

Dear Lord and Father of all, Dear Lord and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for today.
Thank you for ways in which you provide Thank you for ways in which you provide
for us all. for us all.
We thank you for your love and We thank you for your love and
protection. protection.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds Help us to focus our hearts and minds
now on what we are about to learn. now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen
and write. and write.
Guide us by Your eternal light as we Guide us by Your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around us. discover more about the world around us.
We ask this in your most precious name, We ask this in your most precious name,
Amen. Amen.

2. Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning, ma’am Princess!

Good morning classmates, its nice to see
you this morning. Mabuhay!
Before you take your sits, kindly pick up
those pieces of paper under your chairs
and see to it that your chairs are properly Thank you, ma’am princess!
3. Attendance checking

Is there any absent today? None, ma’am.

Very good, and you’re all present.
4. Reading the Class Rules

Now, I have here a set of class rules, and I

want you to follow all these religiously.
1. Listen
2. Raise your right hand if you want to
answer or have some questions.
Yes, ma’am.
3. Participate
Are we clear class?
5. Review

Now, let's have a review. What was our About comprehensive report ma'am.
last topic last meeting?

What is comprehensive report all about? It is a form of writing intended to explore

a topic or an idea in detail.
Thank you, Very good! Always remember
that it begins with introduction, body and

6. Motivation

I have here a picture kindly observe what Storytelling ma'am.

you have seen in the picture and what is
all about.

Storytelling? okay, why you said it's

storytelling? I can see that there's a teacher that is
sharing or reading a story in front of her
Thank you, very good. pupils.

B. Developmental Activities

a. Setting of Standards

As our class progress, there will be a set

of desired learning outcomes that you
must achieve.

 identify the essential elements of

a story;

 define the elements of a short

story; and

 write a summary of the story that

includes the character setting,
plot, conflict, and resolution.

C. Activity

Now, I have a prepared activity but before

anything else the class will be divided into
four groups. I will give you 3 minutes to
do the activity. Start now.
Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to
form the correct answer. Put the answer
in a manila paper and paste it on the
D. Analysis

How was the activity? Do you have now Yes ma’am, about elements of a story.
an idea, what will be our topic for today?
Very good. Clap your hands!

So, we have the five elements of the story

the characters, setting, plot, conflict, and
1. Characters
We all know what is a character in the Yes ma’am, a person or an animal that
story right? has a role in the story.
Very good! It is an individual that has a
role in the story. When we say
Protagonist, it is the main character of the
story. When we say Antagonist a
character that opposes the protagonist. A
Dynamic character or a round character is
that changes a character throughout the
story it is complex and has many sides.
The static or flat character is a character
that never changes throughout the story.

Again, protagonist is the? Main character or a hero in the story.

Very good! How about the antagonist? It is the one who opposes the main
A dynamic character is? Is a character that changes throughout
the story.
When we say static or flat character? Is a character that never changes
throughout the story.
2. Setting
Excellent! Now the setting of the story
talks about the time and place where is
the story happened.
For example: Longtime ago, there was a
pretty young girl named Cinderella.
Cinderella’s home is in faraway kingdom
living her step mother and two step
Now, who can identify the setting of the (Students raise the right hand to answer)
story? The setting of the story is the longtime
Okay, please stand. ago and Cinderella’s home is in faraway
Very good, clap your hands!
3. Plot
The Plot in the story is the actual story
around which the entire book is based.
Plot is the term for the events that take
place in a story and how they relate to
each other. When we summarize a story,
we’re usually describing its plot.
Did you know that a plot has 5 parts?
1. Exposition - introduces the
reader to the setting and
2. Inciting incident - this event
creates the central conflict or
3. The development - part of the
story where the struggle takes
4. The climax - the high point of
interest and suspense in the story.
5. The resolution - point at which
the conflict is ended, or resolved.
Again, a plot is? Is which the entire book is based.
When we are summarizing a story, it Yes, it is usually describing the plot.
usually describing the plot or not?
4. Conflict
When you hear the word conflict what do Challenges ma'am or problem.
you mean by that?
Okay, very good! conflict usually it is a
problem in a story. There are the things
that the main character wants or needs to
do, and then there are the things that get
in the way of what he or she wants to do.
That’s usually the conflict.
5. Resolution
How about the word resolution? The problem is being solved ma'am.
Thank you for that. The solution to the
problem is the way the action is resolved.
It is important that the resolution fit the
rest of the story in tone and creativity and
solve all parts of the conflict.
E. Abstraction

So now, we already know the five

elements of a story. Now let’s answer this

1. A struggle or problem a character in a 1. Conflict

story must overcome. 2. Setting
2. The time and location in which a story 3. Plot
takes place.
4. Character
3. What do you call the sequence of
events involving characters and central 5. Resolution

4. What do you call a person or animal

that takes part in the action of the story?

5. It fit the rest of the story in tone and

creativity and solve all parts of the

F. Application:

I can see that everyone is ready for our Yes ma’am.

next activity. Are you all excited?

But before anything else I will group the

class into four groups.

Direction: Define the essential elements

of a story using a graphic organizer. (In form of Graphic organizer)

1. Character: Fox and Goat

The Fox in the Well 2. Setting: one day, on the well

One day a fox fell into a well. He jumped 3. Plot: the thirsty goat
and jumped but he could not get out. The immediately jumped on the goat’s
well was too deep. Soon he began to feel back and leaped from the tip of
cold and hungry. Suddenly there was a the goat horns out of the well. The
noise from above. A goat had come to foolish goat now saw what a
drink from the well. It looked in and saw plight he had got into, and begged
the fox. “Why, what are you doing down the fox to help him out.
there, Mr. Fox?” asked the goat. The fox
was very cunning. Quickly, he thought of a 4. Conflict: first, the fox got
way to trick the goat. trapped in a well. Then the goat
comes and got tricked by fox and
“Oh, I’m drinking,” he said now the goat is unable to go out in
a well.
“Down there”? “But the water down here is
much sweeter. Why don’t you come down 5. Resolution: the fox will help the
and taste it for yourself?” goat to get out on the well.

“I think I will do that”. And the silly animal

jumped into the well. At once the fox leapt
on to the goat’s back. And from there he
soon jumped out of the well. “Hey! Where
are you going?” cried the goat. “What
about me? How am I going to get out

G. Concluding Activities

H. Generalization
Good job class! You have completed the
task and enjoyed the lesson with so much
fun learning. Clap your hands!
Okay class, what have you learned in We learned about the five elements of the
today’s lesson? story.
What are those five elements? The character, setting, plot, conflict, and
Very good! resolution.

I. Valuing

Why is it important for us to know the It is important to know the elements of

essential elements of a story? the story so that we can easily
understand what is the story all about and
it can help as to imagine everything inside
the book.

J. Evaluation

We will be having a 10 items quiz to 1.D

evaluate your learning for today. On ¼
sheet of paper read the question on the 2.B
screen and choose the correct answer.
You will be given 5 mins to answer. 3.C
1.Which of these would be an example of
an internal conflict?
A. A strong storm is heading to the island 5.D
where the main character lives.
B. The main character fights with her
older sister about everything.
C. The main character tries to escape
from prison.
D. The main character needs to decide if
she will tell her family her secret.
2. Choose the two words that best go
with setting.
A. who, why
B. where, when
C. where, why
D. why, when
3.Sylvia describes the events that happen
in the beginning, middle and end of the
book she just read. This means that
Sylvia is describing the ________.
A. character
B. conflict
C. plot
D. Theme
4.Which of these might be an example of
a story's theme?
A. staying true to yourself is important
B. your best friend
C. two parents get a divorce
D. a boy finds out he has superpowers.
5.Which story element provides the
drama in a story?
A. theme
B. characters
C. setting
D. Conflict
K. Assignment

Direction: I want you to write a story that

has a Setting, Characters, Plot, Conflict,
and Resolution. Make use of the
knowledge you learned today in creating
your own story. I will be checking them
personally next meeting.

Prepared by:

Practice Teacher

Submitted to:


Teacher III

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