Lesson Plan ES

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Pollachi Institute of Engineering and Technology

Academic Year 2020-21 (ODD Semester)

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Lesson Plan
Name of the Course / Programme : B.E/ECE
Class : IV ECE
Subject Code /Title : EC8791/ Embedded And Real Time Systems
Name of the Faculty member : VIGNESH M

Date Initial of
Date of No of Teaching Cumulative Initial
Lecture Text / Ref book (Period) of the
Topics to be covered Lecture Periods aids / Number of of the
Hours Page No. Lecture Faculty
Planned Planned Remarks period(s) HOD
delivered Member


1. Complex systems and micro processors R6:1.1-1.8 2 PPT

2. Embedded system design process R6:1.9-1.12 2 PPT

3. Design example: Model train controller R6:1.16-1.20 2 PPT

Design methodologies- Design flows - R3:4.8-4.12
4. 1 PPT
Requirement Analysis R3:4.17-4.22
Specifications-System analysis and
5. R3:4.29-4.47 1 PPT
architecture design
6. Quality Assurance techniques R3:4.64-4.70 2 PPT

7. Designing with computing platforms R6:2.13-2.18 2 PPT

Consumer electronics architecture– R6:2.20-2.22

8. 1 PPT
platform-level performance analysis.
9. Review I 1 PPT
10. ARM Architecture Versions R6:1.43-1.47 1 PPT

11. ARM Architecture R6:1.43-1.47 1 PPT

12. Instruction Set – Stacks and Subroutines R6:1.47-1.52 2 PPT

13. Features of the LPC 214X Family O2:2.24-2.25 1 PPT

14. Peripherals – The Timer Unit O2:2.25-2.26 1 PPT

15. Pulse Width Modulation Unit O2:2.26-2.27 1 PPT

16. UART O2:2.27-2.28 1 PPT

17. Block Diagram of ARM9 O2:2.31-2.32 1 PPT

18. ARM Cortex M3 MCU O2:2.32-2.33 1 PPT

19. Review II 1 PPT

20. Components for embedded programs R6:2.1-2.8 1 PPT

21. Models of programs R6:2.37-2.39 1 PPT
22. Assembly, linking and loading R6:2.37-2.39 1 PPT
23. compilation techniques R6:2.47 2 PPT

24. Program level performance analysis R6:2.47 1 PPT

25. Software performance optimization R6:2.47 1 PPT

Program level energy and power analysis

26. R6:2.47 2 PPT
and optimization
Analysis and optimization of program
27. R6:2.48 1 PPT
29. Program validation and testing R6:2.49-2.52 1 PPT
30. Review III 1 PPT


31. Structure of a Real Time System O2: 4.2-4.5 1 PPT

32. Estimating program run times O2: 4.6-4.7 2 PPT
33. Task Assignment and Scheduling O2: 4.8-4.13 1 PPT
34. Fault Tolerance Techniques O2: 4.14-4.16 2 PPT
35. Reliability O2: 4.17 1 PPT
36. Evaluation O2: 4.17 1 PPT
37. Clock Synchronization O2: 4.17 2 PPT
38. Review IV 1 PPT
Multiple tasks and multiple processes – R6:3.1-3.6
39. 1 PPT
Multirate systems
Preemptive realtime operating systems-
40. R6:3.8-3.9 2 PPT
Priority based scheduling
41. Interprocess communication mechanisms R6:3.17-3.20 1 PPT
42. Optimization strategies for processes R6:3.26-3.27 2 PPT
Evaluating operating system R6:3.22-3.25
43. 2 PPT
performance- power optimization
Example Real time operating systems-
44. R5:225 1 PPT
POSIX-Windows CE
Distributed embedded systems –
45. MPSoCs and shared memory 2 PPT
Design Example - Audio player, Engine R5:481
46. 3 PPT
control unit – Video accelerator. R5:485
47. Review V 1 PPT

Total No of Periods = 56 periods (45 Hours)

Content beyond the Syllabus

1. Embedded system in Automobile

2. Embedded system in Home appliances
Text Books:

1. Marilyn Wolf, “Computers as Components - Principles of Embedded Computing System Design”, Third Edition “Morgan
Kaufmann Publisher (An imprint from Elsevier), 2012.

Reference Books:

R1: Jonathan W.Valvano, “Embedded Microcomputer Systems Real Time Interfacing”, Third Edition Cengage Learning, 2012.

R2: David. E. Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer”, 1st Edition, Fifth Impression, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2007.

R3: Raymond J.A. Buhr, Donald L.Bailey, “An Introduction to Real-Time Systems- From Design to Networking with C/C++”,
Prentice Hall, 1999.

R4: C.M. Krishna, Kang G. Shin, “Real-Time Systems”, International Editions, Mc Graw Hill 1997.

R5: K.V.K.K.Prasad, “Embedded Real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design & Programming”, Dream Tech Press, 2005.

R6: L.Gopinath, S.Kanimozhi “Embedded and Realtime Systems”, Lakshmi Publication, 4th Edition,2016.

Other Related Books Available in Library:

1. L.Gopinath, S.Kanimozhi “Embedded and Realtime Systems”, Lakshmi Publication, 4th Edition,2016.
2. I.A.Dhotre “Embedded and Real Time Systems”, Technical Publications, 1st Edition,2020.
Faculty in Charge HOD/ ECE Principal
(Mr.M.Vignesh) (Mr.M.Vignesh) (Dr.A.Dhanamurugan)

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