Week-1-7 CM MDL 3Q Peh4

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Subject Code: PEH4

Subject Title: Physical Education and Health 4
No. of Hours: 20hrs


Physical Education and Health offers experiential learning for learners to adopt
an active life for fitness and long-life health. The knowledge, skills and understanding
which include physical and health literacy competencies support them in accessing,
synthesizing, and evaluating information; making informed decisions; enhancing and
advocating their own as well as others’ fitness and health.

This course on recreational activities is associated with outdoor, national, and

semi- natural setting; it enables learners to move safely and competently in these
settings while making positive relationship with natural environments and promoting
their sustainable use. It consists of an array of offerings, which learners can choose

Topic: Recreational Activities


At the end of this chapter, the students can:

1. Demonstrate an increased level of competence in a variety of challenge activities

and or recreational activities.

2. Identify critical elements to improve performance in selected skills.

3. Analyze selected skills and correct errors to improved skills technique

4. Apply fundamental and sequential skills in game situations with increased


5. Use the concepts of health and skill related fitness to connect the benefits of each
offers to the development of total fitness.

6. Investigate the safe and unsafe practice of using fitness equipment’s.

Week 1 – 7 3rd Quarter Page 1



Semester Start- up: Recreational activities

Nature of Different Recreational Activities

Recreational activities, as physical activities have fitness and health related

benefits. Swimming and mountaineering are two popular activities that people do for
rest and recreational. Other activities involve engaging and interesting activities that
promote health and teach self-defense, such as martial art training. Under this topic,
recreational activities are grouped into health- optimizing activities: swimming, hiking,
defending oneself and engaging in fun activities that relieve stress.

These are the four topics under recreation.

a. Aquatics
b. Mountaineering
c. Martial Arts or self-defense
d. Community Recreation

Proper Etiquette and Safety in the Use of Facilities and Equipment

The importance of proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and
equipment is important in the conduct of physical activities. The safety of the students,
as well as the preservation of school resources is addressed through proper practices
and procedures.
When engaged in training and exercise a lot of the activities make use of the
school facilities and equipment. The following guidelines need to be followed to allow
everyone a fair, orderly, maximal, and safe usage, and avoid equipment hugging, lessen
chaotic movement of students and equipment, and prevent possible accidents:

1. Take care in using facilities and equipment.

2. Use only the equipment that you already know how to operate
3. Be alert and aware in the training area
4. In performing exercise and movement in general, practice good form first
5. Bring back all equipment in place after use
6. Do not hug the equipment
7. Return the equipment properly and leave the venue clean
8. Check yourself-practice proper hygiene and care
9. Move on the double; do not loiter around and the venue or hang on to equipment
doing nothing
10. Generally, always be nice

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Warm – up, Stretching, and Cooldown

Warm – up, stretching and cooldown routines are discussed as important parts
of exercise.

To avoid injuries and to prepare the muscles and joints for physical activity, a
proper warm – up and stretching routine must be performed prior to exercise. It is
important to note that to warm – up means to literary warm the body up with light
exercise and movement. A warm – up is not the same as stretching. Based on research
it is a good practice to warm – up first to increase blood flow to the muscles, increase
sensitivity to nerve receptors, increase the rate of delivery of oxygen, among other effects.
A cool down routine is done after the session.

Stretching is performed to maintain or increase flexibility.

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Lesson 2

Nature of Aquatic Sports

Aquatics are also known as water sports, or anything played in water. Water
sports are fun and popular forms of recreational activity. Activities such as going to the
beach or having swimming parties are enjoyable for most people in general. Other
importance of water sports includes the inculcation of competitive values (for the
swimmer athlete), physiological values (swimming can induce, can increase in
cardiovascular endurance), therapeutic values (for people injuries), and safety (sea and
flood casualties can be avoided if more people know how to swim).

There are different kinds of water sports. A sport played in water includes
swimming, triathlons, water aerobics, water gymnastics, water polo, synchronized
swimming, and snorkeling. Under water sports activities includes diving, scuba diving,
and free diving. Sports played in water includes boating, canoeing, dragon boat racing,
rowing, kayaking, fishing, sailing, surfing, and water boarding, among other sports.
Among all water sports mentioned, swimming is the most popular sport taught in

A triathlon is an endurance multisport race consisting of swimming, cycling, and

running over various distances. Triathletes compete for fastest overall completion time,
racing each segment sequentially with the time transitioning between the disciplines

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Water aerobics is the performance of aerobic

exercise in water such as in a swimming pool. Done
mostly vertically and without swimming typically in
waist deep or deeper water, it is a type of resistance
training. Water aerobics is a form of aerobic exercise
that requires water-immersed participants. Most
water aerobics is in a group fitness class setting with
a trained professional teaching for about an hour. The
classes focus on aerobic endurance, resistance
training, and creating an enjoyable atmosphere with
music. Different forms of water aerobics include aqua
Zumba, water yoga, aqua aerobics, and aqua jog.

Water polo is a competitive team sport played

in water between two teams. The game consists of
four quarters in which the two teams attempt to
score goals by throwing the ball into the opposing
team's goal. The team with the most goals at the end
of the game wins the match. Each team is made up
of six field players and one goalkeeper. Excluding the
goalkeeper, players participate in both offensive and
defensive roles. Water polo is typically played in an
all-deep pool so that players cannot touch the

Synchronized swimming or artistic

swimming is a hybrid form of swimming, dance,
and gymnastics, consisting of swimmers
performing a synchronized routine (either solo,
duet, trio, mixed duet, free team, free
combination, and highlight) of elaborate moves in
the water, accompanied by music. Artistic
swimming is governed internationally by FINA and
has been part of the Summer lympics programmed
since 1984.

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Learning what to do in hiking and climbs is essential and fun as well.

Students who know how to prepare for hike will find this skill useful someday as there
is always the possibility of doing mountain climbing as a serious sport to pursue or
simply for fun.

Mountaineering is the set of activities that involves ascending mountains.

Mountaineering-related activities include traditional outdoor climbing, skiing, and
traversing via ferratas. Indoor climbing, sport climbing and bouldering are also
considered mountaineering by some.

Unlike most sports, mountaineering lacks widely applied formal rules,

regulations, and governance; mountaineers adhere to a large variety of techniques and
philosophies when climbing mountains. Numerous local alpine clubs support
mountaineers by hosting resources and social activities. A federation of alpine clubs,
the International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (UIAA), is the International
Olympic Committee-recognized world organization for mountaineering and climbing.

There are different activities associated with the sport.

1. Traditional mountaineering involves identifying a specific mountain and route to

climb and executing the plan by whatever means appropriate. A mountain
summit is almost always the goal. This activity is strongly associated with aid
climbing and free climbing, as well as the use of ice axe and crampons on glaciers
and similar terrain.

2. Ski mountaineering involves skiing on mountainous terrain, usually in terrain

much more rugged than typical cross-country skiing. Unlike traditional
mountaineering, routes are less well-defined, and summiting may not be the
main goal.

3. Peak bagging is the general activity of ascending peaks that are on a list of notable
mountains, such as the 4000m peaks of the Alps.

4. Enchainment is climbing more than one significant summit in one outing,

usually on the same day.
5. Climbing via ferratas involves traversing ladder-like paths on highly exposed

There are two main styles of mountaineering: expedition style and alpine style. Alpine
style, or informal variations of it, is the most common form of mountaineering today.

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Climbing & Mountaineering.

Mountaineering is the activity of walking, hiking, backpacking, and climbing


In Europe, the term 'mountaineering' is often used to refer to activities considered

to be more demanding, technically, or physically, than simple walking, hiking, or
backpacking and there is often an aspect of climbing, exposure on steep ground and the
use of equipment for safety purposes.

While mountaineering began as an attempt to reach the highest point of

unclimbed mountains most mountaineering activities now fall within specialized areas:
a. rock-craft such as scrambling, rock climbing and sport climbing
b. snow-craft such as snow ascents, mixed climbing, and ice climbing
c. skiing such as alpine and Nordic ski mountaineering
All require experience, athletic ability, and technical knowledge to maintain safety.

Rock Craft

North Buttress Buchaille Etive Mor Scrambling is the grey area between very steep hill
walking and rock climbing; it lies somewhere within the realm of rock climbing but
without the need for the regular use of specialist safety equipment and it often involves
the use of your hands as well as your feet to make an ascent. However, some of the more
difficult scrambles may involve the use of ropes or ropes may be carried as a safety
measure. The point where a hill walker becomes a scramble, or a scramble becomes a
rock climb is personal judgment call and will vary enormously according to experience
and judgment.

Trad or Traditional rock climbing requires a leader to place his own protection
using temporary anchors to add a degree of safety to the sport. As the lead climber
ascends the rock a variety of these temporary anchoring devices, known collectively as
protection, is used in conjunction with natural rock features such as cracks and spike
at points that may be anywhere from a few centimeters to several meters apart
depending on the difficulty of the route and the judgement of the climber. The protection
is then attached via a carabiner to the climbing rope. Once the rope is attached the
belayer below is responsible for tending the rope and stopping the climber in the event
of a fall. The term gained popularity in the late 1980s to differentiate from the
development of Sport Climbing routes-climbs that were pre-protected with bolts.

Sport climbing differs from traditional in that the climber depends on fixed, pre-
placed rather than removable protection. Sport climbing routes often follow technically
difficult lines up imposing rock walls Sport climbing often emphasizes technique and
strength rather than reaching a summit. Falls are frequent, though seldom serious, as
climbers constantly push the limits of gravity and ability.

Snow Craft
A snow ascent is to snow-craft what scrambling, is to rock-craft; the exact point winter
hill waking becomes a snow ascent, and a snow ascent becomes an ice climb varies from
person to person. The angle of the ascent can be between 20 and 45 degrees and either

Week 1 – 7 3rd Quarter Page 7


short or long with varying degrees of snow quality. All the above will affect the
seriousness of the ascent and may vary during the route.

All snow ascents have common skill set however:

a. Avalanche awareness, safe movement on steep ground, step kicking

b. Ice axe skills - self arrest, step cutting, snow anchors
c. Crampon skills - alpine techniques and front pointing

As the ascent becomes steeper other skill may be required

➢ Rope management, belaying techniques and abseil techniques

➢ The ability to place rock, snow, or ice protection

Mixed climbing combines attributes of rock and ice climbing. The routes are often
summer scrambles/rock climbs or ground that is too loose to be climbed in an unfrozen
state. A mixed climb may include sections of rock climbing and ice climbing. The skill
set is technically like rock climbing with the above skills also required.

Ice climbing is different from mixed climbing with routes having a higher
proportion of water ice sections. Routes are often found on frozen waterfalls, rock slabs
covered with ice, and glaciers. Protection is chosen based on the type of slope and the
texture and quality of the snow and ice and the availability of rock protection.
Equipment may include ice screws and snow anchors.

Ski Mountaineering is an activity that combines

the techniques of ski touring with those of
mountaineering. In mainland Europe skiing is seen as
a useful skill to acquire and as enjoyable a form of
mountaineering as rock-climbing or ice climbing. In
North America it is often the only sensible way to travel
in deep winter snow: easier than walking on the uphill
and as exciting or scary as you care to make it on the

Modern equipment is light and efficient. Light skis lift

heel bindings and climbing skins allow easy ascents and modern boot, ski and binding
design allow a much greater degree of control and safety than was previously available.

Skill set can include any or all from snow-craft plus the ability to ski on off-piste snow

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Snow Crafts Rock Climbing

Lesson 4
Unarmed Self – Defense


(Self-defense in some varieties of English) is a countermeasure that involves defending

the health and well-being of oneself from harm. The use of the right of self-defense as a
legal justification for the use of force in times of danger is available in
many jurisdictions.

Physical self-defense is the use of physical force to counter an immediate threat of

violence. Such force can be either armed or unarmed. In either case, the chances of
success depend on various parameters, related to the severity of the threat on one hand,
but also on the mental and physical preparedness of the defender

Many styles of martial arts are practiced for self-defense or include self-defense
techniques. Some styles train primarily for self-defense, while other martial or combat
sports can be effectively applied for self-defense. Some martial arts train how to escape
from a knife or gun situation, or how to break away from a punch, while others train
how to attack. To provide more practical self-defense, many modern martial arts schools
now use a combination of martial arts styles and techniques and will often customize
self-defense training to suit individual participants.


Further information: Non-lethal weapon and Melee weapon

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A wide variety of weapons can be used for self-defense. The most suitable depends on
the threat presented, the victim or victims, and the experience of the defender. Legal
restrictions also greatly influence self-defense options.
In many cases there are also legal restrictions. While in some jurisdictions firearms may
be carried openly or concealed expressly for this purpose, many jurisdictions have tight
restrictions on who can own firearms, and what types they can own. Knives, especially
those categorized as switchblades, may also be controlled, as may batons, pepper
spray and personal stun guns and Teasers – although some may be legal to carry with
a license or for certain professions.
Non-injurious water-based self-defense indelible dye-marker sprays, or ID-
marker or DNA-marker sprays linking a suspect to a crime scene, would in most places
be legal to own and carry.
Everyday objects, such as flashlights, baseball bats, newspapers, key rings with
keys, kitchen utensils and other tools, and hair spray aerosol cans in combination with
a lighter, can also be used as improvised weapons for self-defense.

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Unarmed Self –Defense

Most popular martial arts are predominantly unarmed forms of self- defense.
These martial art systems generally originated from Asian groups regions, although
there are some that come from the West. Karate,
popular for its calculated, angular movements using punches, block, and kicks,
originates from Japan. Aikido and Judo, specializing in the art of throwing, off –
balancing, sweeping, and locking are also from Japan. Also, another martial art from
Japan specializing in groundwork and grappling is Jujitsu (spelling variations exist, as
this is sometimes spelled as Jiu-jitsu). From China came the martial art of wushu, tai
chi, and variants of kung fu. Ancient forms of kickboxing come from Thailand (Muay
Thai) and Cambodia (bokator), while another style of kickboxing comes from France
(savate). Different Silat version exist in Indonesia and Malaysia. Western boxing,
originating from Greece, passed down to Rome and resurfaced in Europe, and eventually
found its way to the United State. In the Philippines, empty hand martial arts come in
the forms of sikaran (kickboxing), dumog (traditional Philippine grappling) and kuntao
(traditional martial art form of punching and kicking). Arnis is the Philippine martial art
of stick- fighting; however, empty hand techniques are also employed.

Jujitsu form Japan

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Wushu from China Bokator from Cambodia

Savate from France Muay Thai from Thailand

Sikaran from Philippines Kuntao from Philippine

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Lesson 5
Armed Self – Defense: Arnis


Arnis is the Philippine indigenous martial art of stick – fighting. Also known by
other names such as eskrima and kali, arnis in other countries is known as Filipino
Martial Arts or FMA. This martial art is complete system of defense because of stick
techniques have empty hand translations (some stick striking patterns can be
translated into empty hand strikes, blocks, parries, and locking techniques). The moves
can be adopted for bladed weapons as well. Even though stick techniques are not the
same when applied as bladed weapon techniques, the angles of attack are very similar;
if not, almost the same. Arnis is a very adaptable martial art, and a lot of other
implements can be used as alternative weapons such as umbrella, ball pens, bottles, or
other implements lying around. Arnis is the national martial art and sport of the
Philippines, as stated in Republic Act 9850

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The 12 Striking Techniques

1. Left side of the head attack.

A diagonal downward forehand swing to the left temple. From the position, the
warrior will hold the stick with one hand at 1 o’clock moving his stick in slashing
motion while his free hand on his chest.

2. Right side of the head attack.

A diagonal downward backhand swing striking to the right temple. Assuming
a fighting stance like the left temple strike, the warrior this time held his stick at
11o'clock with his free hand kept on his chest.

3. Left side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.

The 3rd striking technique allows the practitioner to extend his weapon hand
making it easier for him to strike any part of the opponent between its shoulder and
hips. The stick will be draw in a diagonal forehand slashing swing making it easier to
deliver a damage.

4. Right side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.

Same as the 3rd strike but this time the practitioner will extend the weapon
hand to strike any part of the body between the shoulder and the hips in a backhand
slashing swing located on the right side

5. Thrust to the stomach.

In this strike, the practitioner will thrust the weapon hand to the stomach and
is followed by an upward motion that will cut through his opponent's body.

6. Left chest stab.

In this strike, the weapon hand is then extended to the front with the palm
facing outward and the elbow kept up where this strike can cause damage to the rib

7. Right chest stab.

In this stance, the practitioner will practice the scooping action. The weapon
hand is then extended forward with the palm facing outward. To deliver the strike
properly, the elbow should be kept up puncturing the opponent’s right lung.

8. Left lower leg.

In this technique, the practitioner will deliver a powerful strike to the
opponent’s lower leg, mainly the knee, the angle or the ankle which throws off the
opponent’s balance and immobilize him. By doing this, the warrior is supposed to
lower his body (extending the weapon arm). Holding his palm upward and hit any part
of the opponent’s lower leg.

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9. Right lower leg.

Again, like the 8th strike, the main target here is the right lower legs which
immobilize the opponent. By doing this, the palm should face downward.

10. Left eye poke.

The target here is the left eye socket. To execute it properly, the practitioner
should assume fighting stance then extend the weapon hand forward with the palm
facing outward with its elbow kept down.

11. Right eye poke.

Same as the 10th strike techniques. To execute it properly the practitioner
will have to hold his elbow down poking the right eye of the opponent.

12. Strike to the crown/top of head.

The last strike will be a straight downward overhead swing directed towards
the crown of the head which could throw off the opponent’s mobility and balance.

Remember that this is good for defending yourself towards bad people and you can
use any available materials within reach your hand

ARNIS TUTORIAL (12 striking technique)


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Exercise 1:

a. Described an exercise with a proper etiquette in the use of facilities.

b. Why is it important to follow safety procedures in PE?
c. Discuss the importance of aquatics.

Activity 2

Think of a situation when you will have to go through mountain hiking.

Exercises 2:
1. Give an example of active recreational activities for weight maintenance.
2. Examples of active recreational activity for weight loss?

Exercise 3:
Write the correct answers.

1. It is a combine’s attributes of rock and ice climbing

2. Also known as water sports or anything played in water.
3. Is the set of activities that involves ascending mountains?
4. Is a hybrid form of swimming, dance, and gymnastics, consisting of swimmers
performing a synchronized routine (solo, duet, trio, mixed duet, free team, free
combination, and highlight) of elaborate moves in the water, accompanied by
5. Is the activity of walking, hiking, backpacking, and climbing mountain?
6. Is an endurance multisport race consisting of swimming, cycling, and running over
various distances?

7. Climbing requires a leader to place his own protection using temporary anchors to
add a degree of safety to the sport.
8. Is the performance of aerobic exercise in water such as in a swimming pool?
9. Is a competitive team sport played in water between two teams?
10. Is an activity that combines the techniques of ski touring with those of


a. What are the four topics under recreation?

b. Enumerate the twelve-striking technique?
c. What are the different kinds of water sports?

Activity 3:
Choose a recreational activity. Warm up and stretch prior to the activity and
perform a cool down stretch after. The activity proper must be at least 30 minutes.
Proper etiquette and safety must be observed while engaged in the activity.

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