A Taste of Analytic Number Theory: Ayan Nath
A Taste of Analytic Number Theory: Ayan Nath
A Taste of Analytic Number Theory: Ayan Nath
Ayan Nath∗
We would like to find a “formula” for π(x) in terms of x, it turns out finding an exact
formula is not really possible due to the raggedy nature of primes. Instead we try to
estimate it. The well known estimate which we call the Prime number theorem (PNT)
asserts that:
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Digression 1.2. If f and g are two functions then we say that f (x) is O(g(x)) if and only
if there exist some constant C so that |f (x)| < Cg(x) for all large x. And we say that f (x)
is o(g(x)) if and only if limx→∞ fg(x)
= 0 where g(x) should be non-zero for all large enough
x. For example, sin x + e91 is O(1), x + (log x)10 is O(x), sin x + log x is o(x0.001 ). If f (x)
is O(g(x)) then this is often expressed as f (x) = O(g(x)) and similarly f (x) = o(g(x)) if
f (x) is o(g(x)), but you should remember that this is an abuse of notation. For example,
we write bxc = x + O(1), log x = o(x0.001 ), n! = O(nn ) in this article. It will help to get
comfortable with these notations, it lets us to not compute stuff we don’t care about. I
suggest reading this : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_O_notation
one can also think of this as weighting all the prime powers pk with log p. You can easily
see that X
Λ(d) = log n.
Whenever we are trying to find bounds it is a common theme to look at the “big picture”
at once, also called “global” methods, or in simple terms, double counting. Since we are
looking for bounds related to primes, it is somewhat motivated to “sum” everything up
and try to double count:
log n = Λ(d)
n≤x n≤x d|n
= Λ(d) 1
d≤x n≤x,d|n
X jxk
= Λ(d)
X x
= Λ(d) + O(1)
X Λ(n) X
=x + O(1) Λ(n)
n≤x n≤x
Now where did we double count? We double counted when we swapped the summations.
The left hand side is very easy to estimate accurately (Unimportant: Those who know
integration be like - lol just integrate). For now let us focus on the RHS, notice how
the RHS is related to primes while the LHS is not, clearly the above equation has some
P about primes encoded via the von Mangoldt function. We would want to
estimate n≤x Λ(n) to get rid of the awkward O(1) multiple. It now makes sense to
define X
ψ(x) = Λ(n).
This is called the Second Chebyshev Function, we take the domain as R instead of N
to avoid writing floors whenever we have a non-integral input, we do this with almost all
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
the discussed functions in this article. In what follows, p always denotes a prime number.
Observe the following rough calculation
X X X log x
ψ(x) = Λ(n) = log p logp x = log p ≈ log x = π(x) log x.
log p
n≤x p≤x p≤x p≤x
This suggests that ψ(x) ∼ x (which is indeed true). We are deliberately ambiguous about
what ≈ means. We just need a rough estimate for ψ(x), even ψ(x) = O(x) should do.
For now assume this is true, we will get that
X X Λ(n)
log n = x + O(x).
n≤x n≤x
Proof. The most common and natural way to prove this would be direct integration but
we won’t do that here. Look at the expansion of ex where x > 0 is an integer:
x x2 x3
ex = 1 + + + + ···
1! 2! 3!
Clearly x! is a term in the expansion, therefore
xx X
ex > =⇒ x > x log x − log x! =⇒ log n > x log x − x.
The lemma is proved now because n≤x log n < x log x is trivial.
The above relation is clearly useful since the LHS encodes primes in it, and gives us an
estimate of a “global” sum involving primes. What is left is to prove that ψ(x) = O(x).
The main idea is to write
ψ(x) = log p + log p + log p + · · ·
p≤x p2 ≤x p3 ≤x
= log p + log p + log p + · · · (?)
√ √
p≤x p≤ x p≤ x
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
This is called the First Chebyshev Function, again the domain here is R. Another
way to motivate the first Chebyshev function is :
ψ(x) = Λ(n) = log p logp x
n≤x p≤x
X log x
= log p + O(1)
log p
= π(x) log x + O(1) log p .
| {z }
The above relation also suggests that θ(x) ∼ x (which is indeed true, but we don’t need
that here). We can write (?) concisely as
This sum is not infinite, the terms become zero eventually. Note that θ(x) is the “biggest”
term in the RHS and the rest of them are “small”, let us try to prove θ(x) = O(x),
the fact that ψ(x) − θ(x) is “small” (compared to O(x) of course) will be automatically
Proof. The main idea is to consider a number which is divisible by many consecutive
primes but the size of the number is not Q too large. A crude example is x!. Clearly the
primes less than x divide x!, therefore p≤x p ≤ x! =⇒ θ(x) ≤ log x! = x log x + O(x),
yes this is a stupidly trivial bound, but the point is that we want to do something similar.
We consider 2n n . Note that this number is divisible by all primes in the interval
[n + 1, 2n]. Therefore, n<p≤2n p ≤ 2n 2n
n . By binomial theorem, n is trivially bounded
above by (1 + 1)2n = 22n . Therefore, taking logarithms we obtain
So we have that
Summing up, θ(2k ) ≤ 2k+1 log 2. Therefore for general n, it holds that
θ(n) ≤ θ(2dlog2 ne ) ≤ 2dlog2 ne+1 log 2 < 2log2 n+2 log 2 < 4n log 2.
The following implies that ψ(x) − θ(x) is “small”, I suggest you to try to prove this on
your own.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Lemma 1.5 — ψ(x) = θ(x) + O( x), and in particular ψ(x) = O(x).
And we can now state the result we obtained initially as the proof is now complete:
Theorem 1.6 —
X Λ(n)
= log x + O(1).
Recall the rough calculation we did for ψ(x), it implied that ψ(x) is roughly π(x) log x.
But we already got ψ(x) = O(x), so this should somehow imply estimates on π(x) right?
Yes, but with some work. Doing the calculations properly:
ψ(x) = Λ(n) = log p logp x
n≤x p≤x
X log x
= log p + O(1)
log p
Remark 1.7. By elementary means you can show that b = 1.6 works.
We are left to prove a lower bound. There is a completely elementary proof1 of the
lower bound but here I will discuss a proof which uses the theory developed till now and
also proves Mertens’ first theorem on the fly.
Consider Theorem 1.6, for majority of the terms n ≤ x, Λ(n) is zero. And if n is not
a prime but a power of a prime p, then the denominator of Λ(n) n becomes very large
compared to the numerator, for those who know about p-series convergence it is probably
immediate that the sum of terms when n is not a prime is bounded above by a constant,
or in other words, O(1).
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Digression 1.8. Consider Sp = n=1 n1p , called the p−series, it is well known that Sp
converges for p > 1 and diverges for p ≤ 1. Proving this is not hard, see here: https:
X Λ(n) X log p X log p
= +
n p pk
n≤x p≤x pk ≤x,k≥2
X log p X X log p
= +
p pk
p≤x p≤x 2≤k≤logp x
X log p ∞
X X 1
< + log p
p pk
p≤x p≤x k=2
X log p X log p
= +
p p2 − p
p≤x p≤x
P∞ log n
Note that n=2 n2 −n is convergent because
log n n0.1 1 1
< 2
= 1.9 0.9
< 1.8
n −n n −n n −n n
holds for all sufficiently large n. We are now done by Theorem 1.6.
Here we pick c very large so that the RHS is positive, say the RHS is bounded below by
δ > 0. We do some trivial bounding,
log xc X log p
(π(x) − π(x/c)) ≥ >δ
x/c x p
c <p≤x
Question 1.10. Put together a logical write-up of the proof of weak PNT.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Demonstration. Just use PNT for the first part. Proving that there always exist a
prime between n and 2
2n for n > 1 is doable without the full power of PNT though.
Hint: Consider n .
Example 1.12
Fix 1 > ε > 0. For some natural n, let g(n) be the number of divisors of n in
√ √
( n, (1 + ε) n). Prove that g : N → Z≥0 is surjective.
1. Check that n = pk for some prime p won’t work.
3. Set some arbitrary k. You want to ensure that pa q b < px q y < (1 + )pa q b has k
solutions in 0 ≤ x ≤ 2a, 0 ≤ y ≤ 2b.
5. It would be nice to have something like this: all such divisors are given by pa q b ( qpt )i
for i = 1, 2, . . . , k. Why do we expect this? When can this happen?
This result is useful for ad-hoc calculations to get a feel about whether a statement or a
conjecture should be true. Let me state a result without proof just to summarise:
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
• π(x) ∼ x/ log x
• θ(x) ∼ x
• ψ(x) ∼ x
• pn ∼ n log n
If you are interested then you may trying proving them. Finally here’s a real olympiad
1. Do part (b).
6. Prove it by estimating the proportion of prime powers less than some large fixed
number M. (We will discuss this idea in detail in the following section)
√ √
7. You may need to split the summation into the intervals [1, 9000n] and ( 9000n, 9000n]
and bound them separately, there are a lot of other ways to do this though.
8. Conclude.
9. Bonus: strengthen the bound. You can relax the upper bound for an to δn log n
for some sufficiently small δ > 0.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
§2 Density
§2.1 Asymptotic Density
Density of a subset S of N refers to the “proportion” of positive integers which are in S.
For example, what is the density of even numbers? Or in other words, what proportion of
positive integers are even numbers? Intuitively, the answer is 12 . This notion is captured
formally as:
Definition 2.1. Let S be a set of positive integers. The asymptotic density of S is
defined as
|S ∩ {1, 2, . . . , n}|
d(S) = lim
n→∞ n
if the limit exists.
This may feel like a mouthful, but what the definition says is that we find the proportion
for a finite n and then take the limit n → ∞. One can also think of this as the probability
that a positive integer chosen at random belongs to S. What is the density of the set of
prime numbers? Zero.
The following example showcases the power of density :
2. Fix some odd prime p ≡ 1 (mod 4). At most how many multiples of p2 are in AN ?
To find this, first show that the congruence n2 + 1 ≡ 0 (mod p2 ) has at most 2
solutions modulo p2 .
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Remark 2.3. By tightly bounding, you can show that the density of n such that n2 + 1 is
square-free is at least 0.8924. This means that a positive integer of the form n2 + 1 picked
at random has at least 89.24% chances of being square-free!
Remark 2.4. Note that here we are not proving the existence of the limit for density, it
will be painful to prove the existence every time we want to talk about density. Often we
only care about bounds on the density rather than computing its exact value. To take care
of this issue we define
|S ∩ {1, 2, . . . , n}|
dupper (S) = lim sup
n→∞ n
called the Upper Density of the set S and
|S ∩ {1, 2, . . . , n}|
dlower (S) = lim inf
n→∞ n
called the Lower Density of the set S. So density of a set S exists if and only if
dupper (S) = dlower (S). If you want to be fully rigorous you can replace every word “density”
with whatever seems suitable from the above two in the rest of this article.
Proof. This is not difficult. Left as an exercise. See the end of the article for a proof.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Actually, far more is true about the sequence {nk (mod 1)}∞ n=1 (here we write (mod 1)
to denote fractional parts, quite self-explanatory) where k is irrational, it isn’t only dense
in [0, 1] but “uniformly” dense in [0, 1]. “Uniformly” dense is exactly what you think
it means - distributed evenly. So we can say that equidistribution is nicer than simply
being dense. This is defined formally as :
Definition 2.8. Let {an }n≥1 be a sequence of real numbers in the interval [0, 1]. We say
that the sequence is equidistributed if
Question 2.9. Digest the above definition. Prove that Equidistributed =⇒ Dense.
1. By Kronecker’s theorem there exists N ∈ N such that {N k} < ε for some very
small ε > 0.
3. Imagine a number line and consider the interval [0, 1]. Plot the sequence T term
by term on the number line. Observe that there will be continuous runs of terms
which belong to I = [a, b] separated by runs of terms which don’t belong to I.
Example 2.11
Find the (asymptotic) density of positive integers n such that 7n begins with the
digits 42 in base-10.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Question 3.2. For those who know integration, why do we expect the LHS to be asymtotic
to log log n?
Theorem 4.1 PNT for Arithmetic Progressions — Let r and d be two relatively prime
positive integers. The number of primes less than x which are congruent to r modulo
d is asymptotic to
1 x
ϕ(d) log x
One can kind of intuitively see why this should be true - there are ϕ(d) invertible residues
modulo d, namely, those coprime to d. Almost all the other theorems and estimates
change the way you would expect, they are scaled down by ϕ(d).
X log p 1
∼ · log x
p ϕ(d)
p≡a (mod d)
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
2. X 1
log p ∼ ·x
pk ≤x for some k∈N
p≡a (mod d)
3. X 1
log p ∼ ·x
p≡a (mod d)
4. X 1 1
∼ · log log x
p ϕ(d)
p≡a (mod d)
Question 4.3. Why do we expect the scaling by ϕ(d) ?
§5 Examples
I feel that this topic requires more examples than usual so plenty of examples follow
from here, if you get bored feel free to skip to the latter examples or next sections
Example 5.1
Prove that the sequence {bpn νc}∞
n=1 has infinitely many prime divisors where ν is
some positive real number greater than 1.
∞ k
X 1 Y 1 1
≤ 1 + + 2 + ··· .
a qi qi
i=1 n i=1
2. Conclude.
1. Suppose p is non-constant. Let d = deg p > 1.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
2. It is pretty intuitive that there exist arbitrarily long runs of consecutive natural
numbers whose p−values start with the same fixed digit.
1. Find pairs of consecutive perfect squares whose difference is divisible by 9999.
Parametrize to get many such pairs.
2. You want to show that there are infinitely many such pairs of consecutive perfect
squares between which there is no perfect power.
3. Verify that these “pairs” of perfect squares are far denser than perfect odd powers
to conclude.
n 10xn −1
1. Let f ( 10 9−1 ) = 9 for all n where xn is a sequence of positive integers.
3. So it follows that
10n − 1 a · 10nd
f ∼ .
9 9d
4. Show that the sequence xn − nd is convergent. Let the limit be L then see that
a = 9d−1 · 10L .
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
1. Make an (n + 1) × (n + 1) table with the i, jth entry being the smallest prime
divisor of gcd(a + i, b + j).
2. Try filling up the table with primes. Observe that the primes get large really quick.
3. Take some prime p. Get an upper bound on the number of times p can appear in
the table.
4. Fix some large C. Show that the maximum number of entries that are occupied by
primes at most C is something like
X n + 1 2
5. Do some bounding and conclude that there exist a constant c > 0 such that at least
50% of the primes in the table are larger than cn2 .
6. Thus there is some row/column with at least half of its primes larger than cn2 .
7. Conclude.
(a) Prove that if α = 1.5, then qn ≤ 1390n . Can you find a better bound for qn ?
(b) Prove that if α = 2.4, then qn ≤ 13902n . Can you find a better bound for qn ?
Demonstration. This problem is quite tricky. We only demonstrate part (a), part (b)
is similar.
1. Assume the contrary that there exist qn > 1390n , and take n to be minimal.
Suppose r is the minimal index such that qn | ar .
3. Using the fact that all prime factors of the elements of the set {a1 , a2 , . . . , ar−1 }
belong to the set {q1 , q2 , . . . , qn−1 }, get an upper bound on S.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Demonstration. This is a pretty hard problem if you are not familiar with some
common methods and ideas in this subject.
Remark 5.8. Let c > 0 be a sufficiently small constant. You can try showing that the
set of all positive integers n such that n2 + 1 has a prime divisor larger than cn log n has
positive density.
Remark 5.9. In fact, there exist infinitely many n such that n2 + 1 has a prime divisor
larger than n6/5 . The proof is non-elementary.
Demonstration. This one is a pretty hard and the solution is a bit involved as well.
1. Guess the solutions. Note that the leading coefficient of f must be positive and
f ∈ Q[x] (Prove it). For now assume that f is non-constant.
2. Consider f (an + a) = bx1 + by1 and f (an + a2 ) = bx2 + by2 where x1 ≥ y1 and
x2 ≥ y2 . We expect x1 = x2 for all large n. Why?
3. Prove the above. Hint: For n → ∞ the ratio of f (an + a) and f (an + a2 ) converges
to 1, this is basically the main intuition rigorised. Make separate cases for b > 2
and b = 2 if needed.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
5. Fix k, pick huge n and let f (an + ai ) = btn + bA(n,i) for all i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , k. Here
we can let it to be tn since it is independent of i for small i.
6. It is not a bad guess that A(n, i) is an arithmetic progression for small i, you should
actually expect this to be true if you have already guessed the solutions.
7. To prove this, analyse νp for some prime p. Writing f (x) = xd (xg(x) + c) might be
helpful (you secretly know what d and c should be).
8. You would probably need this as a lemma: If p | b then p | a for all primes p (Prove
§6 Problems
All the problems below don’t necessarily use the theory discussed in this article. Many
of the following problems are hard so don’t get demotivated.
§6.1 Exercises
If you are experienced then you may skip this section.
Exercise 6.1. Let A be a set of positive integers with positive asymptotic density. Prove
that sum of reciprocals of elements of A is divergent.
Exercise 6.2. If the density of A ⊂ N and B ⊂ N is zero then prove that density of
A ∪ B is zero.
Exercise 6.3. You are given a string of base-10 digits. Prove that you can append some
finite number of digits so that the resultant number becomes a power of 2.
Exercise 6.4. Define ω(n) to be the number of distinct prime divisors of n. Prove that
ω(n) = x log log x + O(x).
Exercise 6.6. Let r2 (n) be the number of ways n can be written as a sum of two perfect
squares. Prove that
r2 (1) + r2 (2) + · · · + r2 (n)
lim = π.
n→∞ n
Exercise 6.7 (Mathotsav). We say that a positive integer t is good if the density of
positive integers n such that n2 + t is square-free is at least 0.99.
(a) Prove that the density of square free numbers is π2
(c) Prove that there exists a positive constant c and a natural number N , such that for
all n > N , the number of natural numbers less than n which are good is at least cn.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
§6.2 Easy
Problem 6.8 (Iranian Our MO 2020). Consider two sequences xn = an + b, yn = cn + d
where a, b, c, d are natural numbers and gcd(a, b) = gcd(c, d) = 1, prove that there exist
infinite n such that xn , yn are both square-free.
Problem 6.9 (Iran 3rd round 2010/8). Prove that there are infinitely many natural
numbers of the form n2 + 1 such that they don’t have any divisor of the form k 2 + 1
except 1 and themselves.
Problem 6.10 (China TST 2005). Prove that for any n (n ≥ 2) pairwise distinct
fractions in the interval (0, 1), the sum of their denominators is no less than 13 n 2 .
Problem 6.11 (China TST 2004). Let u be a fixed positive integer. Prove that the
equation n! = uα − uβ has a finite number of solutions (n, α, β).
Problem 6.12 (IMO Shortlist 2011/A2). Determine all sequences (x1 , x2 , . . . , x2011 ) of
positive integers, such that for every positive integer n there exists an integer a with
jxnj = an+1 + 1.
Problem 6.13 (China TST 2010, MiklosSchweitzer, Paul Erdos). Given positive integers
n and k such that n ≥ 9k , prove that nk has at least k different prime divisors.
Problem 6.14 (IMO ShortList 2003/N4). Let b be an integer greater than 5. For each
positive integer n, consider the number
· · · 1} 22
xn = |11 {z · · · 2} 5,
| {z
n−1 n
written in base b.
Prove that the following condition holds if and only if b = 10: there exists a positive
integer M such that for any integer n greater than M , the number xn is a perfect square.
Problem 6.15 (Vesselin Dmitrov). Prove that the set of positive integers n such that
2 n(n + 1)(n + 2)(n2 + 1)
§6.3 Medium
Problem 6.17 (ARMO 2012 Grade 11 Day 2). For a positive integer n define Sn =
1! + 2! + . . . + n!. Prove that there exists an integer n such that Sn has a prime divisor
greater than 102012 .
Problem 6.18 (AoPS). Prove that n! = m3 + 8 has only finitely many solutions in
positive integers.
Problem 6.19 (China TST 2 Day 1 P1). Let n be a positive integer. Let Dn be the set
of all divisors of n and let f (n) denote the smallest natural m such that the elements of
Dn are pairwise distinct in mod m. Show that there exists a natural N such that for all
n ≥ N , one has f (n) ≤ n0.01 .
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Problem 6.20. (Own & Superguy, KöMaL A. 787) Let pn denote the nth prime number
and define an = bpn νc for all positive integers n where ν is a positive irrational number.
Is it possible that there exist only finitely many k such that 2a by p10
ak is divisible i for
all i = 1, 2, . . . , 2020?
Problem 6.21 (Superguy). Prove that the set of positive integers n such that n and
2n − 1 are relatively prime has positive lower density.
Problem 6.22 (Paul Erdos, Miklos Schweitzer). Let a1 < a2 < · · · < an be a sequence
of positive integers such that ai − aj | ai for all i ≤ j. Prove that there is a positive
constant c such that for any such sequence of length n, a1 > ncn .
Problem 6.23. (Tuymaada 2011, Senior Level) Let P (n) be a quadratic trinomial with
integer coefficients. For each positive integer n, the number P (n) has a proper divisor
dn , i.e., 1 < dn < P (n), such that the sequence d1 , d2 , d3 , . . . is increasing. Prove that
either P (n) is the product of two linear polynomials with integer coefficients or all the
values of P (n), for positive integers n, are divisible by the same integer m > 1.
Problem 6.24. (Turkey TST 2015/6) Prove that there are infinitely many positive
integers n such that (n!)n+2015 divides (n2 )!.
Problem 6.25 (China TST 2015). Let a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . be distinct positive integers, and
0 < c < 32 . Prove that : There exist infinitely many positive integers k, such that
lcm(ak , ak+1 ) > ck.
Remark 6.26. The bound cannot be improved to lcm(ak , ak+1 ) > k 1+δ for some δ > 0.
Problem 6.27 (USA TSTST 2017/6). A sequence of positive integers (an )n≥1 is of
Fibonacci type if it satisfies the recursive relation an+2 = an+1 + an for all n ≥ 1. Is it
possible to partition the set of positive integers into an infinite number of Fibonacci type
Problem 6.28 (Tuymaada 2007/8). Prove that there exists a positive c such that for
every positive integer N among any N positive integers not exceeding 2N there are two
numbers whose greatest common divisor is greater than cN . (Bonus: Strengthen the
§6.4 Hard
Problem 6.29 (IMO 2015/N6). Let Z>0 denote the set of positive integers. Consider
a function f : Z>0 → Z>0 . For any m, n ∈ Z>0 we write f n (m) = f (f (. . . f (m) . . .)).
| {z }
Suppose that f has the following two properties:
f n (m)−m
(i) if m, n ∈ Z>0 , then n ∈ Z>0 ;
(ii) The set Z>0 \ {f (n) | n ∈ Z>0 } is finite.
Prove that the sequence f (1) − 1, f (2) − 2, f (3) − 3, . . . is periodic.
Problem 6.30 (China TST 2018 Day 2 Q2). Given a positive integer k, call n good if
n n n n
, , ,...,
0 1 2 n
at least 0.99n of them are divisible by k. Show that exists some positive integer N such
that among 1, 2, . . . , N , there are at least 0.99N good numbers.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Problem 6.31 (Paul Erdos). For any δ > 0 prove that there are at least ( 23 − δ) logn n
primes between n and 2n for sufficiently large n. (Using the full power of PNT would be
cheating :P)
Problem 6.32 (IMO Shortlist 2019/N7). Prove that there is a constant c > 0 and
infinitely many positive integers n with the following property: there are infinitely many
positive integers that cannot be expressed as the sum of fewer than cn log(n) pairwise
coprime nth powers.
Problem 6.33 (XIII Brazilian Olympic Revenge 2014). Let a > 1 be a positive integer
and f ∈ Z[x] with positive leading coefficient. Let S be the set of integers n such that
n | af (n) − 1.
Prove that S has density 0; that is, prove that limn→∞ n = 0.
Problem 6.34 (PRIMES 2020 M5). We say an integer n ≥ 2 is chaotic if for any monic
nonconstant polynomial f (x) with positive integer coefficients, the set
contains fewer than 10deg f · logn n prime numbers. Are there finitely many chaotic integers?
Remark 6.35. There is a theorem by Nagell & Heilbronn which says that for any f ∈ Z[x],
the number of primes in {|f (1)|, |f (2)|, . . . , |f (n)|} is O(n/ log n) but unfortunately the proof
is beyond the scope of olympiad Mathematics.
Problem 6.36 (Marius Cavachi, AMM). Let a and b be integers greater than 1 such
that an − 1 | bn − 1 for every positive integer n. Prove that b is a natural power of a.
Remark 6.37. You can relax the condition to “for infinitely many positive integers n”
instead of “for every positive integer n” and the problem would still hold. However the
proof is non-elementary.
Problem 6.38 (Fedor Petrov). Does there exist c > 0 such that among any n positive
integers one may find 3 with least common multiple at least cn3 ?
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
an - lcm(a1 , a2 , . . . , an−1 )
for all n > K, say. Observe that there must exist some sequence of primes qn such that
ν (a )
if bn = qnqn n for n > K then qn divides none of the preceding terms ai for i > K. See
that all the bn ’s must be distinct. Obviously b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ≤ 9000n and bi are distinct
prime powers. Number of prime powers at most 9000n is less than
X X 1
S= logp 9000n = log 9000n
log p
p≤9000n p≤9000n
X 1 X 1
≤ log 9000n +
√ log p √ log p
p< 9000n 9000n≤p≤9000n
√ !
9000n 1 √
≤ log 9000n + √ · (π(9000n) − π( 9000n))
log 2 log 9000n
√ !
9000n 1 n
= log 9000n + √ ·O
log 2 log 9000n log n
n n
= log 9000n · O 2 =O ,
log n log n
in the last second step we used PNT. This is a contradiction for large enough n since
there are n distinct prime powers at most 9000n, namely b1 , b2 , . . . , bn . And we are done.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Claim —
X 1 YhX 1
1 ≤ p− 3 m ≤ 5(3.27)n−2
k=1 ak p∈P m≥0
where |P | = n − 1.
Proof. Note that all of ak are of the form q1k1 · q2k2 · · · qn−1
where all ki are non-negative
which gives the left side inequality. For right side we have that the sum m≥0 p− 3 m is
maximum for p = 2 and next greatest value is achieved by p = 3 and the value of the
sum for p = 2 is less than 5 and for p = 3 the sum would be less than 3.27 Now observe
YhX 1
p− 3 m ≤ 5(3.27)n−2
p∈P m≥0
Lets assume that the largest prime divisor of f (N ) is t. Let f (N ) = p pαp be the prime
factorisation of f (N ), each prime p > N can divide n2 + 1 for at most two different
values of n, and so αp ≤ 2 in this case. See that α2 = bN/2c . For p ≤ x, if p | n2 + 1,
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
then n2 ≡ −1 mod p which has solutions if and only if p ≡ 1 (mod 4), and in that case
there will be at most 2dN/pe values of n for which p | n2 + 1. Similarly, if pk | n2 + 1,
then n2 ≡ −1 mod pk , and there are at most 2 solutions to this congruence and hence at
most 2dN/pk e values of n for which pk | n2 + 1. Combining, we find that for p ≤ N and
p ≡ 1 (mod 4)
αp ≤ 2 + 2 2 + 2 3 + ··· + 2 k
p p p p
where k = logp N . This gives that
αp ≤ + 2 logp N + 1
1 1 1 1
since 1 + p + p2
+ ··· + pk
≤ 1−1/p . Thus,
+2 logp (N )+2
f (N ) ≤ 2N/2 p p−1 p2 ,
p≤N N <p≤t
p≡1 (mod 4) p≡1 (mod 4)
and so,
Y Y 2N Y
f (N ) ≤ 2N/2 N2 p p−1 p2 .
p≤N p≤N p≤t
p≡1 (mod 4) p≡1 (mod 4) p≡1 (mod 4)
By PNT for AP and with some computations we can see that the RHS is asymptotic to
N log N + t. Notice that
f (N ) ≥ n2 = (N !)2 = N 2N + O(N ),
now if t ≤ (1 − ε)N log N for all large N then the above is false for sufficiently large N,
which is what we wanted.
Claim 1 — For n, i ∈ N let f (an + ai ) = bt(n,i) + bm(n,i) where t(n, i) ≥ m(n, i). And
let i1 , i2 , i3 , . . . , ik ∈ N, then it follows that t(n, i1 ) = t(n, i2 ) = . . . = t(n, ik ) for all
large n.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Proof. Let i > j be two positive integers. It is obvious that t(n, i) ≥ t(n, j) for all large
n. Observe that
f (an + ai ) bt(n,i) + bm(n,i)
1 = lim = lim
n→∞ f (an + aj ) n→∞ bt(n,j) + bm(n,j)
1 + bm(n,i)−t(n,i)
= lim
n→∞ bt(n,j)−t(n,i) + bm(n,j)−t(n,i)
≥ lim −(t(n,i)−t(n,j))
n→∞ b + b−(t(n,i)−m(n,j))
≥ lim
n→∞ 2b−(t(n,i)−t(n,j))
= lim bt(n,i)−t(n,j) .
2 n→∞
If b > 2 we get t(n, i) = t(n, j) for all sufficiently large n. So let b = 2 then either
t(n, i) = t(n, j) for all sufficiently large n or t(n, i) = t(n, j) + 1 for all sufficiently large
n. We assume the later. Then note that,
which implies that m(n, j) = t(n, j) for all large n. Let i > j > 1. Hence we obtain
for all large n. We now must have t(n, 1) = t(n, j). Now again using the same reasoning
as above we will get m(n, 1) = t(n, 1) which will mean f (an + aj ) = f (an + a) for all
large n. Contradiction! Hence the claim.
Let us introduce some notation : Let i ∈ N and define tn and A(n, i) such that
for all large n (here we are using claim 1 and tn is independent of i for small i). Let
f (x) = xd (xg(x) + c) where c 6= 0 and g ∈ Q[x].
Proof. Assume that gcd(a, b) = 1. Let r be some positive integer. Notice that ac1 φ(b )+d1 +
ac2 φ(b )+d2 ≡ ad1 + ad2 (mod br ). Therefore if we take c1 , c2 → ∞ then using Claim 1, we
r r
get br | f (ac1 φ(b )+d1 + ac2 φ(b )+d2 ) =⇒ br | f (ad1 + ad2 ). Now taking r to be sufficiently
large we get f (ad1 +ad2 ) which means that f ≡ 0, this is a contradiction to our assumption
that f is non-constant.
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
Ayan Nath A Taste of Analytic Number Theory
The proof is motivated from the Euler product formula for the ζ function.
2. You would want to somehow “truncate” the Euler product formula so that you get
information about sum of reciprocals of primes till n.
5. Conclude.
Readers interested in the complete proof may have a look at Abel Summation Formula3
and start with Mertens’ First Theorem.
§9 Acknowledgements
I am very thankful to Superguy4 for valuable suggestions and for being a problem
[1] https://artofproblemsolving.com
[2] https://math.stackexchange.com
[3] An Introduction to The Theory of Numbers, Ivan Niven, Herbert S. Zuckerman, Hugh
L. Montgomery, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
[4] Problems from the Book, Titu Andreescu, Gabriel Dospinescu, XYZ Press
[5] Straight from the Book, Titu Andreescu, Gabriel Dospinescu, XYZ Press
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