05 Vol III B Tech Specs WTP
05 Vol III B Tech Specs WTP
05 Vol III B Tech Specs WTP
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
1 Conventional WTP
Designing (hydraulic, process, structural and aesthetic),constructing and commissioning
Conventional Water Treatment Plant consisting of all Civil, Mechanical and Electrical
components of various sub-works as given below including necessary hydraulic testing,
structural testing, equipment testing, trial run for 3 months, etc. complete as directed by
Engineer-in-charge (turn-key job). The design shall conform to IS / CPHEEO Manual.
1.1 Aeration Fountain/Cascade Aerator
1.2 Ventury Flume/Partial flume
With necessary flow measuring devices/meter consisting of mechanical/digital indicator.
Flash Mixer
1.3 Rapid mixing device design conforming to IS : 7090 of 1985.Detenion time 60second,
velocity gradient 300-400 sec-1 with fans gear and motor assembly as per design.
1.4 Flocculator
Design conforming to IS : 7208 – 1974 (Type-C) .
Detention period 30miutes with flocculator paddles
with gear and motor assembly as per design .
1.5 Clarifier
Circular tank with horizontal flow pattern, detention period 2.5 hours, overflow rate 30 cubic
meter per square meter per day (to be specified), Weir loading not more than 300 cubic
meter per meter per day, with mechanical sludge scraper conforming to IS : 10313 – 1982
and bridge of standard make as per design with gear and motor assemblies.
1.6 Rapid Sand Filters and Filter House
Filter designed for filtration rate of 6,000 litres per square meter per hour, minimum 2 beds
for plants up to 10 MLD, for larger plants as specified, pipe gallery and platform minimum 5.5
meter in width.
a) Filter Media
Effective size of filter sand 0.45 to 0.70 mm, uniformity coefficient not more than 1.7 nor less
than 1.3, depth of filter 0.75 M, free board 50 cm, gravel 0.45 M in depth, sand and gravel
conforming to IS : 8491 (i) – 77, backwash by air wash(if specified) and hard wash by water,
standard appurtenances (to be specified), rate of flow controller, filter gauge, sand expansion
gauge, etc.
b) Wash Water Tank
Wash water tanks of capacity equal to 2% of designed quantity of filtered water in a day (+)
10% with 8 to 10 m head (as specified) Wash water tank shall be constructed on RCC
column/slabs only.
c) Wash Water Pumps
d) Air Blowers
Capable of delivering 600 LMP per square meter of free air, of filter area with pressure@ 0.4
kg/square cm at the under drains (100% standby).
e) Valves/gates
Inlet, outlet, wash water inlet –outlet and all types and sizes of valves/ gates as per design.
(MOC of gate shall be CI)
f) Gauges/meters
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
All types gauges and meters required for filter operations and backwashing etc. as per
1.7 Chemical House in Two Stories (floor wise area as specified) RCC framed structure with
brick masonry infill walls .ground floor and first flour area as per data/specifications shall be
provided. Minimum clear head room for doors, passages, galleries etc. shall be 2.10 m. It
shall be 2.40 m in case of Alum dosing tank.
Ground floor to accommodate 90 days alum requirements and
a) Sundry storage
b) First floor to accommodate alum and lime tanks, etc.
c) Solution Tanks
Minimum 3 tanks (one for preparation, second for dosing and third as standby), each tank
capable of giving 8 hours maximum dose without interruption, minimum free board 0.30 M,
trays for dissolving, level indicator, mechanical agitation devices, solution feed and drain
lines, solution feed device (constant head device, strength of solution up to 10% only)
conforming to IS : 9222 Part – 1/1979.
All Valves & Gates shall be actuator operated only for Both New WTPs at Sarita &
Charedi HWs.
Chemical house, laboratory & administrative building with areas as per details mentioned
here under:
A Ground Floor
2 Toilet Block 9
4 Stair case 15
5 Chlorinator Room 15
B First Floor
2 Store 9
3 Laboratory 15
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
4 Office 10
5 Stair Case 15
# Note :Space for pipe gallery, platform for valve operation etc. are included in filter house and
hence removed from the areas of chemical house given under 15 of the tender.
1.8 Store House (area as specified)
Suitable for alum storage of three months requirement in monsoon with 10% extra capacity
for other sundry articles.
1.9 Vacuum feed type Chlorinators – make to be specified and approved by GWSSB.
b) Rate of withdrawal shall be as per clause 6.1 Table-1 confirming to IS 10553 (2)-1983
1.10 By pass arrangements – for Inlet to CCT, Clarifloculator to Filter bed through channel & Filter
feed channel to CCT - C.I. or M.S. pipes( as specified ) of size as per design
Drainage arrangements – RCC pipes up to plot boundary (as specified ) diameter as per
design. (Backwash drain with RCC pipe to plant bounderyOr to recirculation sump),
(Clarifloculator sludge removing drain with RCC pipe)
1.11 Electric installation.
Both internal and external including entire plant area (as specified).
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
b) Torque switch at Clariflocculator for alarm of Overload and Trip function of Clariflocculator
c) Loss of Head (LOH) Measurement across each Filters. LOH Meter shall be Ultrasonic type
with remote display to indicate level values and Head Difference on field.
d) Level measurement at each Sump/ Tank/ ESR. Level Indicator shall be Float & board type to
indicate level values on field. Level switch shall be Displacer/Float type with Low & High set
point to start/ stop respective pumps.
e) Float & Horizontal Scale type level gauge at Chemical dosing tanks to indicate level values
on field.
f) Pressure Gauges at each pump/ blower delivery line and at common header.
g) Constant Head Flow Measurement at Alum dosing tanks with Float operated flow meter.
i) pH indicator cum Transmitter (Online Analyzer) to measure, display & transmit pH Value of
Raw Water (Location: WTP Inlet Parshall Flume) and Clear Water (Location: CCT Outlet).
j) Turbidity Indicator cum Transmitter (Online Analyzer) to measure, display & transmit
Turbidity Value of Raw Water (Location: WTP Inlet Parshall Flume), settled water (Location:
Clariflocculator outlet) and Clear Water (Location: CCT Outlet).
k) Chlorine Indicator cum Transmitter (Online Analyzer) to measure, display & transmit
Residual Chlorine Value of clear water (Location: CCT Outlet) and Chlorine Leak Detector at
Chlorination Room.
l) Sampling Pump for Sampling to Laboratory at Raw Water Channel, At Inlet to Filter & Outlet
to Filter
m) PLC based control panel with SCADA system shall be provided in central control room of
treatment plant for monitoring, control, recording, and logging etc. Necessary alarms, status
signals along with the measurements of process parameters etc. shall be displayed in
SCADA System.
n) Additional instruments & control equipments if any for safe, reliable & efficient operation of
treatment process.
2 Following conditions shall form a part and parcel of the tender
2.1 Filter house tiles should be glazed vitrified mat finish and tile on wall up to window sill.
Around valve area granite flooring to be provided.
2.2 All channels should be with inside china mosaic/epoxy coated.
2.3 All railing should be SS railing (SS 304) as per latest IS standard.
2.4 External paint should be of weather proof coating with primer and 3 coat paint
2.5 Opening of window & door should be framed with granite.
All platform for kitchen/laboratory shall be of granite and fixed in sandwich with bottom of
kota/white marble.
All Window shall be of Anodised Aluminum section (1.2mm guage section) with wired
glasses, also provided with grill / jaali/aluminium weldmesh to prevent birds entry.
Doors shall be of anodised aluminumsection(1.2mm guage of section) partial glazed and
partial panel with 4mm backelite sheet. Main entry door should be 2.0meter wide with 3.0mtr
entry poarch.
2.6 Roof top of all unit of the WTP is approchable through staircase. All staircase of entire WTP
should be RCC only.(No MS ladder or No MS Staircase)
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
2.11 All vehicle access roads shall be of RCC and balance of Paver block type
2.12 Proper arrangement shall be made for storage of PAC solution and Alum with arrangment of
vertical lifting of platform through guide rails operated by motors.
2.13 Proper sludge disposal arrangement shall be made with sludge drying beds
2.14 All building terrace shall be finished with high quality water proofing like china mosaic
flooring with proper slope and drainage for rain water
2.15 Minimum plinth height of filter house shall be 0.6 m. Also outlet channel RL shall be at plinth
2.16 Clear walkway excluding column and valve operating valves shall be 1 meter.
2.20 Flooring of Loading area like tonner/alum store etc. shall be of Polished Kota stone flooring
and open/other space shall be of paver block pitching.
(1)Conditions from Sr. No. 2 to 2.16 & 3.1 to 3.20 shall from a part and parcel of the tender
and must be incorporated in draft tender papers of conventional treatment plants.
(2) Aerator must be provided.
(3) Hydraulic design criteria approved by Technical committee shall be referred and item
description shall be modified accordingly
(4) Structural design criteria approved by technical committee shall be applicable for design.
(5) Design flow shall be specified in M^3/hour in data sheet considering 22 hours WTP run
time in a day to treat requirement water quantity of a day( i.e. 24 hours) of population to be
served with design rate of water supply. No separate overloading provision shall be kept in
any tender clause.
(6) All other details shall be as per design criteria and detail specifications.
(8) The rates includesexcavation, refillingand throwing away extra stuff at all lead.
2.21 For under drainage system at Filter House- Providing & laying &fixing PVC laterals
(pipes) 6 kg/sq.cm of size & perforations as per the hydraulic design to resist 10 m Back
wash water head for filter bed area
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
1.1 The guide lines for process design criteria for Water Treatment Plant, unless otherwise
specified shall be as under. The specified sizing and quantities mentioned are minimum
and not limited to and contractor shall provide adequately higher sizing/ quantities if
required and any additional items for satisfactory fulfillment of the specified tender
conditionsand final treated water quality
1.2 The raw water generally will be treated by chemical coagulation, precipitation followed by
filtration to meet the desirable limits of drinking water standards.
1.3 Water treatment plant is proposed at Mangoi&Gollav Head Works, Dahod District to supply
treated water for villages & towns of associated RWSS. All the proposed process units and
associated buildings should be accommodated in available land at proposed Head Works
1.4 The proposed water treatment plant shall have design capacity as specified in Data Sheet.
The plant shall be designed for round the clock operation.
1.5 The design flow shall be as per data sheet. All water conveying components i.e.
pipes/channels/launders etc.of the water treatment plant shall be designed for 20%
overload.The inlet & outlet arrangement of each Filter shall be design for 100% overload.
2 The Water Treatment Plant (WTP) shall comprise of but not limited to following:
a) Proposed cascade aeration unit shall be designed and constructed for Design flow
as mentioned in datasheet.
c) Design Criteria for Cascade aeration unit shall be followed as given in datasheet.
i. The proposed unit shall be designed in circular shape with central inlet of
suitable diameter to receive incoming raw water pipe line. Foraerationasper the
design (plant), required number of steps as per datasheet shall be designed
peripherally in circular shape. Circular peripheral walkway of at least 1200 mm
width shall be provided on outer side of cascade outlet channel with 1.0 meter
high & 1.5 meter horizontally spaced hand rail painted with synthetic enamel
ii. Butterfly valve with gear arrangement and valve chamber shall be provided on
inlet raw water pipe line.
2.1.2 Finishing:
a) All surfaces of the cascade aerator shall be finished with glazed tiles. 40mm thick
water proof IPS shall be provided in channel floor. 20 mm thick waterproof cement
plaster in C.M. 1:3 shall be provided on dado of channel walls.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
b) Outside 20 mm thick double coat sand faced plaster in C.M. 1:3 with Snowcem paint
in two coats shall be provided at all other sides and levels. Snowcem paint shall be
applied on column exteriors.
2.1.3 Approach:Approach to the top level of Cascade Aeration Unit shall be provided by 1200
mm wide RCC platform with hand railing painted with synthetic enamel paint, from Flash
2.1.4 Interconnection of inlet raw water line to cascade aerator:The cascade aerator shall be
provided with a puddle pipe with flange to connect the incoming pipe line as explained
above and laid up to first inlet unit of WTP (Cascade aerator). Manually operated butterfly
valve along with valve chamber as required, shall also be provided on incoming raw water
a) One number raw water channel shall be provided for Design flow as mentioned in
2.2.2 Approach for raw water channel:At least 1.2 meter wide approach by RCC platform with
chequered tiles and with 1.0 m high Hand Railing painted with synthetic enamel paint from
stilling chamber proceeding towards flash mixers shall be provided.
b) Wetted area, channel width & throat width shall be designed and provided by the
contractor as per design approved by Purchaser. Throat width shall be as per design
guidelines with minimum free board of 500 mm. For the reduced section of the
parshall flume in the inlet channel, brickwork can be used.
c) The water from the parshall flume will be transmitted to a float chamber of size 1m x
1m x 1m where a simple float operated flow measuring device will be fitted.
Measuring accuracy of the completed installation shall be within 5% for the
throughput of design flow L/Sec. and it shall register flows accurately up to design
flow. The head on the flume shall be measured via tapping pipe at channel invert
level, located for enough upstream to be clear of the flume sections draw down but
near enough to the flume to ensure minimum energy loss of the flume contraction.
The pipe shall feed an adjacent float chamber, 1.00 m. x 1.00 mt. in plan with invert
level below the flume throat floor. The float chamber shall be laid to fall to a 100 mm.
diameter drainage outlet. A 200 mm dia. Hand operated flanged valve shall be
provided on the float chamber inlet and a 100 mm. valve on the outlet drainage
pipes. The valves shall be readily accessible and convenient to operate.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
channel for Design flow (considering losses within WTP as applicable) + 20%
overload capacity.
e) Finishing:Outside 20 mm thick double coat sand faced plaster in C.M. 1:3 with
snowcem paint in two coats shall be provided. Inside 20mm thk water proofing
smooth plaster in C.M. 1:3 shall be provided as per tender specifications in bottom as
well as on sides of walls including freeboard portion in the elevated feed channels,
starting from Stilling chamber up to end.
f) Approach for Parshall flume:At least 1.2 meter wide approach by RCC platform with
chequered tiles and with 1.0 m high Hand Railing painted with synthetic enamel paint
shall be provided.
2.4.1 Necessary bypass arrangement suitable for bypassing raw water received at WTP inlet to
Post Chlorination chamber Design Flowas per datasheet shall be provided with necessary
isolation gates such as to carry the raw water directly to Post Chlorination tank. This shall
be done during seasons when raw water is of very superior quality & does not need any
treatment except chlorination. Suitable pipe/channel with gates/valves & related valve
chamber shall be provided accordingly.
2.5.1 The distribution chamber will receive water from inlet channel. The distribution chamber
will have an arrangement for equally distribution of water to Clarifloculator with isolation
gates at inlet. It shall be constructed in R.C.C. For access, a 1.2 m wide walkway with
hand railing shall be provided at top.
2.5.2 Drain arrangement:Minimum DN150 mm dia. C.I. Pipe drain puddle, drain valve (sluice
valve) shall be provided in distribution chamber (one per compartment) at bottom. Drain
chamber of sufficient size shall be constructed below ground level with top RCC slab cover
& brick chambers for valves.
2.5.3 Approach:Minimum 1200 mm width RCC platform with 1.0 m. high hand railing painted
with synthetic enamel paint shall be provided for operating isolation gates.
2.5.4 Finishing:Outside 20 mm thick double coat sand faced plaster in C.M. 1:3 with Snowcem
paint in two coats and inside 20 mm thick water proof smooth cement plaster in C.M. 1:3
shall be provided as pertender specifications. At bottom 40 mm thick water proof IPS shall
be provided over RCC in such a slope that total water with any debris drains out of the
drain valve in a natural way.
a) One Flash mixer shall be provided for each Clariflocculator. If quantity of Flash
mixers is more than one, suitable capacity Distribution chamber shall be provided to
equally distribute the flow among each Flash mixer with inlet/isolation gates.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
d) Arrangement shall be done to feed the alum solution / chemical in the inlet of flash
mixer from alum / chemical tanks by sufficient size HDPE pipeline as per IS 4984. If
no of flash mixers is more than 1, pipeline from chemical house shall be distributed
near flash mixers such that one pipeline is provided per number of tanks. An isolation
valve shall be provided at dosing point near flash mixer side of alum pipe line
suitably mounted for ease of O&M.
2.6.2 Drain arrangement:Minimum DN150 mm dia. C.I. Pipe drain puddle, drain valve (sluice
valve) shall be provided in flash mixer at bottom. Drain chamber of sufficient size shall be
constructed below ground level with top RCC slab cover & brick chambers for valves.
2.6.3 Approach:Suitable nos. M.S. girders (I - sections) for supporting agitator motor for mixer
shall be provided of sufficient size (min ISMB: 200) with 8 mm thick chequered plate top.
These M.S. girders shall be grouted in RCC wall of flash mixer. All M.S. sections, plate etc.
shall be provided anti-corrosive painting. Minimum 1200 mm width RCC M 25 platform with
1.0 m. high hand railing painted with synthetic enamel paint shall be provided for operating
flash mixer valve.
2.6.4 Finishing:Outside 20 mm thick double coat sand faced plaster in C.M. 1:3 with Snowcem
paint in two coats and inside 20 mm thick water proof smooth cement plaster in C.M. 1:3
shall be provided as pertender specifications. At bottom 40 mm thick water proof IPS shall
be provided over RCC in such a slope that total water with any debris drains out of the
drain valve in a natural way.
2.7.1 Providing, constructing and erecting chemical /alum/PAC dosing tanks/ equipment at the
first floor of proposed chemical house so as to enable gravity dosing of chemical via
Constant head tank. Dosing mechanism shall be capable of requisite feed of alum or any
other chemical as suggested by the Contractor, so as to ensure desired quality of
treatment. The tanks shall be provided with non-corrodible pipes and other fixtures etc.
Arrangements shall be made for chemical feed should be so as to take care of the
quantity and quality of raw water and dosing pipes to the fullest extent to get the
desired solution strength. The inside walls of chemical tanks shall be given approved
epoxy lining treatment.
2.7.2 The Contractor shall have to provide, construct and erect the chemical dosing tanks with
necessary mechanical-electrical and other allied arrangement. The contractor shall
provide HDPE pipes network of sufficient diameter pipes from all the chemical dosing
tanks to flash mixers as per approved drawing. The provision of flushing by means of water
Flushing shall be made. The dosing shall be done in flash mixers by gravity dosing
arrangement. The dose of chemical shall be determined by the contractor by carrying
out required tests and all units such as tanks, dosing tanks, stirrer, dosing piping work,
etc. shall be designed accordingly.
2.7.3 Alum solution will be prepared in alum tanks located on the first floor of chemical house.
Alum blocks would be store on Ground floor and alum will be lifted by a manually operated
chain pulley block. Through mixing will be ensured by mechanical mixers. Water for the
solution will be obtained from proposed overhead tank located near the chemical house.
The prepared alum solution will be fed through a float operated constant head tank just
upstream of the flash mixers. The dosing tanks shall be provided with suitable
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
2.7.4 Perforated pipe for spraying water on alum blocks kept in dissolving trays to be provided.
2.7.5 Suitable capacity constant head tanks in SS 316 with accessories like Float operated
valve, SS 316 weir etc. shall be provided for dosing chemical solutions to WTP units. Plant
hydraulics should be designed suitably. The solution from the chemical solution tank flows
by gravity, through a strainer & through a float valve, into the orifice box/constant head
tank. The float valve keeps the chemical solution in the orifice box always at the same level
so that the adjustable orifice/weir operated under constant head. By gravity the chemical
solution flows from the orifice box through the adjustable orifice to the point of application.
The amount of chemical solution fed to the raw water may be varied overa wide range by
means of the adjustable orifice located in the orifice box.
2.8.1 The contractor shall supply purpose-made constant head tanks to feed the gravity doser.
The tank shall be such that it can be fed from any one of the 3 Alum tanks. In the
conceptual design, however, a common feeder connected with all the 3 stock tanks means
of separate valves on each strainer, feeds the constant head tank from where alum
a) The contractor shall supply one directed reading gravity solution flow meter of the
variable type. The meter shall have:
ii. A maximum internal head loss of 300 mm. under the worst design conditions.
iii. ± 2% accuracy.
v. A bore silicate glass tube set in a welded stainless steel frame fitted with
P.V.C. flanged ends.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
2.9.1 From the flow meter the contractor shall provide a transparent and flexible dosing line to
his dosing point in the works inlet. Dosing shall be at a low level in the flash mixing
2.9.2 The dilution and homogenous of the chemical/ alum may be effected by means of Stirrer
type agitator with gear box having stainless steel (S.S.316) shaft and blades. Minimum 3
mm Thickness with approved make epoxy coating shall be provided over 15 mm thick
cement plaster C.M.1:3 inside the proposed RCC tanks and 20 mm thick sand face
plaster with all weather shield paint should be provided outside the proposed tanks.
Moreover the proposed tanks shall be connected by RCC platform with 40 mm hand
railing. The platform of chemical dosing tanks shall be of RCC and shall be connected with
RCC Staircase. Sufficient headroom (not less than 2.2 m) above platform shall be
provided for the easy access. The clear head available will be considered from the bottom
of slab beam above platform to the finished level of platform. The flooring of platform
shall be provided with red mandana stone flooring. Below the platform, Kota stone kerbing
shall be provided to avoid the spillage of chemical due to accidental leakage.
Note: For design & specifications for PAC dosing system, refer datasheet.
2.10.1 Circular RCC clariflocculator shall be provided which shall have a central area for
coagulation and flocculation with flocculators and outer area for clarification settling. The
collection of clarified water shall be in a peripheral launder through orifices/ square holes in
clarifier wall (at inner face of clarifier with submerged orifice in the peripheral launder
channel) as stipulated CPHEEO Manual.
2.10.3 The flocculation zone and settling zone shall be separated by circular isolation RCC wall.
All inlets, outlets passages of water shall be designed and arranged for a steady and
uniform flow without undue turbulence to avoid disintegration.
b) Design capacity of all connecting pipe/channels- like inlet pipe, clarified water
launder/ outlet channel shall be as mentioned in datasheet.
c) A bridge with peripheral on-board drive with steel wheels travelling on the steel billets
on the peripheral wall will be provided with:
i. Central platform for the installation of the stirrers and their drives and for the
local control panel;
ii. Paddle stirrers / agitators for slow mixing of the incoming raw water in the
central unit;
iii. A radial scraper system with bottom scraper blades, suspended on the bridge.
i. The inlet pipe from the flash mixer feeding into the central flocculation part;
iii. The drain pipe with manually operated gate valve for the complete draining of
the clarifier shall be provided.
vi. A discharge pipe/channel from the peripheral collecting channel to the main
channel leading to filters.
i. Incoming cable with slip ring contacts for the on-board power supply and the
supply of all motors;
ii. On-board panel for all operations of the unit with connections to the main
control room for indication of the status of the unit components;
v. Emergency stop buttons at the centre and at the outer side of the bridge;
vi. Lighting.
f) The access to the bridge is possible from the peripheral walkway of width not less
than 1200 mm with hand railing with epoxy paint. Provision of stair to be made for
access to Clariflocculator.
2.10.4 Rotating Scrapper Bridge and Accessories: The scrapper and rotating bridge shall be of
MSEP construction. Shaft and impeller blades of flocculator shall be of Stainless Steel
material. Handrails shall be of 40 mm. dia. MS pipe size medium grade.
a) The rotating bridge structure shall incorporate a walkway having a minimum effective
width of 1200 mm which shall be surfaced with MSEP, chequered plates, painted
black. The bridge shall be designed to take its own dead weight together with
uniformly distributed loading of 250 kg/cm2 over the full span and width of the
walkway bridge and a moving point load of 500 kg. Maximum deflection of the bridge
under the specified loading shall not exceed 1/360th of the span. The positive
camber shall be kept initially to compensate for the maximum deflection under dead
weight and superimposed loads.
c) The central part of the bridge shall be large enough for the installation of the
flocculator systems and the control panel.
d) The bridge shall have hand railing to both sides forming an enclosure at the centre in
between. The finished height of the railing shall be 1.0 m above the walkway. Toe
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
guards shall be provided and secured around the bridge walkway which shall not be
less than 100 mm high and 5 mm thick.
a) The bridge structure shall be supported at the centre of the clariflocculatorby bearing
assembly of the slewing ring type and incorporating trunnion type mounting to
accommodate vertical undulations of the traction wheels at the peripheral wall of the
tank. The central bearing assembly shall be adequately lubricated and all grease
points shall be extended to a battery plate mounted at the convenient point above
the walkway. Oil fill and drain points, where applicable shall be extended to provide a
convenient access for filling and draining the system. Catch drains shall be provided
under all oil and grease point to prevent spillage from reaching the water surface.
2.10.7 Drive
a) The bridge drive shall comprise of either (a) motor with reduction gear, a chain
sprocket or (b) a geared motor. The assembly shall be rigidly mounted and shall be
adequately rated for continuous service in water treatment works environment.
b) All lubrication points, all necessary provisions shall be made for routine maintenance
and for prevention of oil and grease spillage. A deflector shall be provided and fitted
to the leading edge of the driving carriage. It shall be angled at 45º and arranged to
be adjustable within 3 mm of the perimeter rail such that material coming in the way
of free passage of the wheel shall be deflected.
b) The number and length of individual blades shall be designed by the Contractor, but
the depth shall not be less than 300 mm and the thickness not less than 6 mm.
Renewable fabric reinforced rubber wearing strips of cross section not less than 12
mm x 100 mm shall be fitted to each blade to provide a continuous contact surface
which is adjustable for wear. The material shall have hardness not greater than 40
and be manufactured from well-proven compound.
c) Backing strips shall be fitted to give support to the fixing of the rubber wearing strips
and the assembly shall be secured by means of stainless steel bolts. Appropriate
washers shall be fitted beneath all bolts head and nuts.
b) Four (4) nos flocculation paddles shall be suspended from the bridge, one on each
side of the center pier in the direction of bridge and one each in direction
perpendicular to the bridge. The area of paddles shall be 10 – 15% of the cross
sectional area of the flocculation zone parallel to the plane of shaft. These shall be
supported from the rotating bridge. The material of construction and motor rating
(HP) shall be as per relevant IS code.
a) The electrical supply to bridge or flocculator driving motors shall be taken through a
multi ring and slip – ring collector unit mounted in a fully water proof enclosure. The
unit shall be fitted at the centre of rotation of each bridge and shall be complete with
all necessary support brackets, anti – rotation device. A suitable means of lubrication
shall be provided.
b) The slip ring assembly shall be mounted above the top level of the tank walls.
Sufficient rings shall be included to cover the motor supply and any ancillary circuits.
Bridge drive and flocculator motors shall be of squirrel cage type, protected and shall
be rated 25% above design duty and shall meet the specifications of motor
mentioned under electrical section.
c) All cables shall be connected to a termination box at the wall of the clariflocculator.
From there, cables are connected to the main control panel.
d) The bridge drive and the flocculators shall be controlled from an outdoor panel
installed in the central part of the bridge. The drive status indicating lamps shall be
provided on the main control panel.
2.10.11 Clarified Water Collection: The collection of clarified water shall be in a peripheral launder
through orifices/ square holes in clarifier wall (at inner face of clarifier with submerged
orifice in the peripheral launder channel) as stipulated CPHEEO Manual.
a) The sludge shall be discharged at least once in 120 minutes or as per design and set
time intervals through electric actuator operated knife gate valves with manual
override facility.
b) The valve chamber shall be with an operation platform above. The discharges shall
be let into a sludge chamber and disposal plant by gravity through pipes, for ultimate
disposal into the drainage system. Suitable flushing arrangement shall be provided to
flush sludge lines.
2.10.13 Finishing:40 mm thick water proof IPS shall be provided on bottom and slope of clarifier.
On inside vertical walls of clarifier and other inside RCC components, 20 mm thick water
proofing cement plaster in C.M. 1:3 shall be provided. 20 mm thick waterproof cement
plaster in C.M. 1:3 on inner surface of the launder shall be provided. Outside 20 mm thick
double coat sand fenced plaster in C.M. 1:3 with Snowcem paint in two coats.
2.10.14 Approach:The contractor shall have to provide and construct R.C.C. platform minimum
1.20 m wide on common wall & outer wall of clarifier for easy access& approach to clarifier
and other interconnecting units. 1.0 meter high & 1.5 meter horizontally spaced hand
railing painted with synthetic enamel paint shall be provided all along the total length of all
platforms. 1.2 meter wide staircase with hand railing painted with synthetic enamel paint
shall be provided for access on top of unit.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
2.10.16 Drain arrangement:For draining out water of the channel up to the bottom level in 30
minutes time during the plant shut-down period, at least two numbers 150 mm dia. drain
puddles shall be provided at bottom of channels (in the slab), and the same shall be
extended by flanged C.I. pipeline up to the drain chamber and sluice valve of 150 mm dia.
size, shall be provided to operate the valve from operating level.
b) On side of clarifier there shall be clarifier outlet channel, where outlet water from
clarifier launder is discharged. This channel shall be extended up tofilterinlet
c) Channels shall be constructed on RCC columns and these columns should be tied at
G.L. also
d) 1.2 meter wide RCC walkway with 1.00 meter high hand railing painted with synthetic
enamel paint on both sides shall be provided on the total length of channel for
cleaning & maintenance.
2.11.2 Finishing:Outside 20 mm thick double coat sand face plaster in C.M. 1:3 with snowcem
paint in two coats and columns sandtex painting shall be provided. Inside 20 mm thick
water proof cement plaster in C.M. 1:3 on sides of walls including free board portion as
dado and over 25 mm thk. Water proof IPS on bottom inside the total length of all the
clarifier outlet channels.
2.11.3 Drain arrangement:For draining out total clarified water of the channel up to the bottom
level in 30 minutes time during the plant shut-down period, at least two numbers 150 mm
dia. drain puddles shall be provided at bottom of channels (in the slab), and the same shall
be extended by flanged C.I. pipeline up to the drain chamber and sluice valve of 150 mm
dia. size, shall be provided to operate the valve from operating level.
a) Proposed filter house for Design Flow as mentioned in datasheet shall contain equal
capacity twin/single bed section and declining rate variable head type rapid gravity
sand filter beds.
c) Twin-section filter beds shall be constructed with filter gallery of size to be designed
by the contractor and as approved by Purchaser.
d) Filter beds shall be designed for maximum 1.6 to 1.8 m. loss of head at design flow
with min. clear 500 mm free board.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
e) Material of Construction up to the top of Filter House & including backwash overhead
tank to be constructed & dirty water sump shall be RCC.
a) Filter inlet channels shall be of Design Flow as mentioned in datasheet and shall be
extended from clarifier outlet channel.
d) For draining out total clarified water of the channel up to the bottom level during the
plant shut-down period, at least two numbers 150 mm dia. drain puddles shall be
provided at bottom of channels (in the slab), at both ends of both the channels and
the same shall be extended by flanged C.I. pipe line up to the backwash outlet
channel and Valve of 150 mm dia. size, at operating level.
2.12.3 Filter valves/ Gates:Each filter shall have manually operated butterfly valves/ sluice gates
as per velocity design criteria + overloading details as given under datasheet.
a) In every filter bed, total depth of filter media shall be 1400 mm with minimum 900 mm
depth of sand media, and 500 mm thickness of gravel. In 750 mm depth of filter sand
media, filter sand with uniforms co-efficient of sand from 1.3 to 1.7 and effective size
of sand between 0.45 to 0.70, shall be used. Sand & gravel quality shall be as
defined in CPHEEO manual for higher rates of filtration.
b) Below filter media, suitably designed manifold & lateral type under drain system shall
be provided as per CPHEEO design guidelines.
c) The minimum depth of water on the filter bed shall be 2m and top of filter media shall
be min. 100 mm below the weir crest at the outlet of filter.
d) Inside filter-beds, all internal walls above false floor slab shall be plastered with 20
mm thick water proof smooth cement plaster (1:3).
e) In every filter bed, filter inlet gate/valve with SS bolts shall be provided with adequate
size of chamber with top cover of MS chequered plate with oil paint, for easy
operation and maintenance & protection of valve. CI puddle piece for inlet valve,
grouted in filter bed wall shall be double flanged type, so that outer flange
arrangement can be used to isolate one filter bed by fixing blind flange to it.
2.12.5 Treated water channel/ Chamber:Filter water (Treated) box type closed channel shall be
constructed in between the filter gallery, throughout the length of filter house in which
treated (filtered) water from all the filter beds shall be collected. Throughout the treated
water channel, on sides including free board and on bottom, white glazed tiles shall be
fixed. On top slab of filter water channel, which shall also be used as walkway for filter
gallery, manhole cover with frames shall be provided at sufficient distance. Both sides 1.00
m. high hand railing throughout the length of treated water channel shall be provided. On
channel top chequerred tiles flooring shall be provided. The width of channel shall be
designed by the contractor and the same shall be approved by Purchaser.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
2.12.6 Backwash outlet channel:On side of filter house, backwash outlet channel as designed by
the contractor and approved by Purchaser shall be provided throughout the length of filter
house. This back wash sludge channel shall be further connected by suitable dia. RCC
NP3 pipes and which shall be ultimately connected to dirty water sump. Typical brick
masonry chamber with top slab & manhole cover at every 30 metre interval and every
bend shall be provided on this drain line. On top of every backwash outlet valve/ gate, MS
plate cover hood shall be provided such that at the time of opening of backwash valve,
water shall not come out of channel due to splashing. Above every backwash outlet valve,
MSEP grating or chequerred plate cover of sufficient size shall be provided with necessary
support for extended spindle/headstock assembly and operation of valve. Further, above
every backwash outlet valve/ gate, on the bottom of slab of filter inlet channel MSEP I-
section of sufficient section shall be provided in lateral direction for ready facility of erection
/ maintenance of valve with the help of chain pulley block. Filter inlet channel slab shall be
structurally designed to take such point load of valve.
a) From every filter bed, treated water shall be discharged to treated water channel via
treated water open chamber with weir type sectional wall for rate of flow & loss of
head measurement as per manufacturer's requirement. Openable& transparent fiber
sheet of sufficient thickness shall be provided on all filter water open chambers.
b) On both ends of filter house, from the level of treated water channel top to filter
house intermediate slab level, RCC stair case with hand railing in two flights, with
polished kota stone on risers/steps shall be provided.
c) On sides of treated water box channel, throughout the length of filter house, where
filter outlet pipes, valves, backwash inlet common header pipes, valves are provided,
total RCC raft floor with 40 mm IPS on top shall be provided with sufficient gradient
and average 300 mm deep & 300 mm wide open gutter, so as to drain out any
excess/leakage water. Drain pipe from both the ends shall be connected suitably to
nearest drain chamber.
a) At the top of filter bed level, filter house intermediate floor shall be provided with RCC
slab. Also minimum 1200 mm wide RCC platform in between the two filter beds in a
row and continuous 1200 mm wide RCC platform on the outer faces of all filter beds
shall be provided. All the filter beds shall have 1.00 m. high hand railing all around
them on RCC slab/platform with 100 mm high kerbing at the base of railing.
c) The central passage of slab, above the filter bed level shall be provided with cut-
outs in at least 25% area of total floor area at that level, with MS grating (50 x 5 mm
thk. flat/ I section, 50 x 50 mm grill size) with anti-corrosive paint in alternate bay
method, in such a way that every set of backwash inlet valve & filter outlet valve is
covered with one set of grating on top of it for ease in erection / lifting of valves and
sufficient natural ventilation is provided in the gallery below the slab. MS channels
shall be provided for supporting the grating & MS angles at edges for fixing of
grating. Grating shall be heavy enough to take the load of movement of persons on it
without breakage.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
d) All the outer sides of filter house, above filter house intermediate slab level, shall be
covered by 230 mm thick brick work up to terrace slab level in C.M. 1:6 as per tender
specifications. These brick walls shall be plastered from inside with 15 mm the
smooth cement plaster in C.M.1:3 andunderneath of roof/dome slab shall be finished
with 10 mm to cement plaster in C.M. 1:3.
a) Total filter house shall be covered by RCC roof with 3.50 metre clear height from the
top of finished floor level of filter house intermediate slab i.e., top of filter bed level.
Access to terrace slab shall be provided by RCC stair-case, with hand railing.
b) On filter bed and central gallery of filter beds, flat RCC roof shall be provided at
terrace level with Indian type brick bat coba water proofing.
a) All windows of filter house shall be provided with aluminum powder coated frame &
shutters sliding glass type. Minimum 20% of floor area of slab at filter bed top level
shall be considered as area for providing windows/ ventilations. Doors shall be of
teak wood.
b) Minimum size of window shall be 1.50 meter X 1.20 meter with sill level at 0.90
meter from floor level. All windows shall be provided with standard fixtures & fittings
for aluminum windows. Glazing shall be with minimum 5 mm thk clear sheet glass.
Continuous RCC lintel with 600 mm wide chhajjashall be provided over windows, on
sides and for full length of filter house.
c) Below RCC semi circular dome slabs, semi-circular fixed glass (5 mm thick), steel
section framed ventilations shall be provided on both sides of filter house.
d) On ends of filter house, from ground level to treated water channel top level,
Entrance with M.S. collapsible gate and RCC stair with hand railing shall be
provided. Polished kota stones shall be provided on steps/risers. Precast CC
ventilation blocks shall be provided on both sides of collapsible gate at both ends.
e) For backwashing of filter beds, one no suitable capacity RCC overhead tank shall be
provided at proper elevation. The tank shall be filled by backwash pumps provided at
chlorination pump house through flanged C.I. pipeline to be provided from backwash
pumps common header up to top of back wash tank. One backwash inlet flanged C.I.
pipeline shall be provided from the bottom of tank and then it shall be extended up to
the headers of filter beds. One number butterfly valve shall be on outlet line from
backwash tank to isolate the headers for maintenance.
2.12.11 Finishing:
a) Inside of filter house, every wall (RCC/ Brick) & ceiling, at all levels shall be painted
with oil bound synthetic washable distemper of approved color shade in 2 coats.
b) Outside the filter house, at every level on RCC /brick wall from 300 mm below ground
level to parapet top level, 20 mm thick double coat sand face plaster in C.M. 1:3 shall
be provided as per tender specifications. Above this total sand face plaster, 2 coats
of snowcem paint shall be applied as per tender specification.
c) Inside filter-beds, all internal walls above false floor slab shall be plastered with 20
mm thick water proof smooth cement plaster in C.M. 1:3
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
d) Inside of filter house, on every wall at all levels, oil bound synthetic washable
distemper shall be painted in 2 coats
2.12.12 Interconnecting approach with other units:Filter house shall be connected at first
floorlevelwith chemical house &clariflocculatortopplatform level on both the ends by at least
1.2 m wide RCC platform with 1.0 m high hand railing painted with synthetic enamel paint.
2.12.13 Filter By-pass arrangement:Necessary bypass arrangement suitable for Design Flow as
mentioned in datasheet to bypass the Filters shall be provided with necessary
pipe/channel & isolation gates/valves/valve chambers such as to carry the settled water
directly to filter inlet channel. Suitable approach arrangements shall be provided as
2.12.14 Drain arrangement:For draining out total clarified water of the channel up to the bottom
level in 30 minutes time during the plant shut-down period, at least two numbers 150 mm
dia. drain puddles shall be provided at bottom of channels (in the slab), and the same shall
be extended by flanged C.I. pipeline up to the drain chamber and sluice valve of 150 mm
dia. size, shall be provided to operate the valve from operating level.
b) On the top slab of back wash tank, 40 mm thick IPS shall be provided with 1.00
meter high hand railing all around and painted with synthetic enamel paint. Access to
top of back wash tank shall be provided by RCC staircase. One number 250 mm dia.
backwash pumping rising main flanged C.I. pipeline shall be provided from backwash
pumps common header. One 300 mm dia. backwash inlet flanged C.I. pipeline shall
be provided from the bottom of tank and then it shall be extended as single header
for filter beds. One number butterfly valve shall be provided on this line for
maintenance. One number 150 mm dia. double acting kinetic air valves shall be
provided at the end of header. This header pipelines shall be supported on RCC
blocks (like saddle supports) spaced not more than 3.0 meter center to center, with
support below every valve.
c) In filter backwash air scouring shall be 45 cum/Sq.mt./hr for Five minutes for each
filter bed. The rate of backwash shall be 36 cum/Sqm/hr for 10 minutes for each
d) Two (2) numbers horizontal centrifugal (HSCF) type pump sets (1 working + 1
standby) each of suitable capacity shall be provided to fill up the overhead tank.
e) Two (2) numbers (1W + 1S) of air blowers of min. 4000mmWC capacity shall be
provided for air backwash of filter bed.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
2.13.2 The total depth of filter box shall be 3.9 metre (minimum) including 500 mm free board
plusunder drain system. The sizes of inlet, outlet wash water, over flow and air pipes to be
provided shall be adequate for designed WTP output capacity. The pipes and gates shall
be of C.I. & leak proof.
2.13.3 Filter bed shall be provided with declining rate variable head type with flow measuring
device. Each filter bed shall be self contained and capable of working under full or part
load independently of other. Arrangements shall be made for incoming water to be
uniformly distributed between the various filters and individual on each filter bed. The filter
runs should be normally not less than 22 hours with a designed loss of head between 1.6
to 1.8 mts.
2.13.4 The filter bed washing will be done by air and water. The total time of backwash for each
bed must be specified (i.e. from closer of inlet valve to reopening of inlet valve after
complete backwash).The plant should be so designed that there should no loss of sand
with the wash water and sand bed should settled down fairly and without any undulation.
There should be no mud balls after washing. Also, there should be no air binding during
filtration or during washing. Maximum expansion of sand during back wash may be
specified and should be within standard given in CPHEEO manual.
2.13.5 For the provision of wash water gutter and trough design, sizes, spacing, minimum height
above top of sand bed, level of top edge, slope of the same shall be as per criteria given
in design manual on "water supply and treatment" issued by CPHEEO. For this, various
factors such as expansion of sand bed, disposal of dirty backwash water of filter,
backwash water rate etc.should be taken into account. Also hand railing should be
provided to all filters tosafe guard against accident as per factory Act.At the
commencement of the filter run after a back wash the initial loss of head should not exceed
within specified unit.
2.13.6 Normally the wash water consumption should not exceed 2% of the total quantity of water
filtered. The size of pipeline and valves as described in data sheet shall be considered as
2.13.7 The filter media to be supplied by contractor shall be of hard grained silica sand and have
uniformity co-efficient not greater than 1.70 or not less than 1.30.The effective size of sand
shall be between 0.45 to 0.7 mm. The depth of filter materials should be thinnest possible
commensurate with safe bacteriological removal. The thickness of stratum shall be
minimum 0.9 mtr.
2.13.8 Filter Sand:Filter sand shall be free of clay, mica, shale, dirt, loam, organic impurities,
and water soluble iron and manganese as per IS:8419 (Part-I) or any new amendment.
The weight loss on contact with 2 N hydrochloric acid shall be less than 2% after 24
hours. The friability weight loss after mixing for 15 minutes [750 strokes] shall be less than
10% and for 30 minutes [1500 strokes] shallbe less than 20%. The specific gravity of the
sand shall not be less than 2.5.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
2.13.9 Filter media and charging:Prior to packing, all filter sand, shall be washed heat dried and
sieved to conform the specified grading and be tested. Separate test certificates [in
triplicate] shall be provided to the Engineer for each 20 cubic meters of media so supplied.
a) Packing shall be in suitable approved double or triple bags to protect the media from
spillage or contamination. Any sand media delivered loose or found to be in split or
open bags shall be rejected out rightly.
b) Storage on site shall be only in an approved pre-defined area, well drained and free
of mud and silt.
c) Following installation and satisfactory testing of all the filter floors and when the
Engineer is satisfied that the installations are complete, the contractor will be given
written permission to commence filling the filters.The contractor will set out and
indicate the method of filling the media in his tender submission and specification/
d) Filter media shall be carefully placed and not charged by dropping, dumping,
machine handling or any other method which in the opinion of the Engineer will be
detrimental to the floor media, nozzles/drains or sealants. In each filter, two adjacent
halves shall be charged simultaneously.
e) Following the initial charging the filters shall be washed by the contractor. Filter
beds, designed for expansion during cleaning, shall be skimmed prior to disinfection
and the commissioning of the works. The filter media and supporting media shall
be of the best quality and shall have to be got approved by the Purchaser. The
tenderer shall have to make his own arrangements to get the filter media tested
through a recognized laboratory andshall have to get it finally approved by the
Purchaser before use, as per standard testing procedure.
2.13.10 The under drainage system shall be of standard pattern so as to ensure required filtration
rate. The system should be designed so as not to dislodge the filtering media when water
independently introduced for washing under drainage system and materials to be used
shall be of non- corrodible materials.
2.13.11 Contractor have to adopt the trapezoidal all welded V wire under Drain System in which
the layer of Gravels can be avoided and reducing the depth of the filter bed as per the
enlisted specifications.Under Drain System- All welded V-wire Screen having MOC SS
316, jacketed on perforated Base pipe of PVC/HDPE
2.13.12 Direct Retention System - V- wire Screens with 0.25 mm slot to direct retention of filter
2.13.13 Arrangements for collecting and leading away the dirty wash water shall be so designed as
to carry away the same at all depths within the reasonable time by gravity either to reuse
facility or to disposal. Normally the wash water consumption shall not exceed 2% of the
total quantity of water filtered.
2.13.14 For air washing adequate compressed air supply facility along with necessary valves and
piping shall be provided including erection andcommissioning of the same.
2.13.15 The declining rate type of filters has to be provided with suitable electronic instrument
arrangement for measuringloss of head and rate of flow in the filter for measurement loss
of head and flow from each bed.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
2.13.16 For operation of various valves proper approach, operating platform and for access
from filter gallery to operating platform is included in tender. Hand railing shall be provided
wherever required as per factory Act and tender specification.
2.13.17 The filter boxes shall be in R.C.C. with a suitable filter house of adequate size to
accommodate all features of the filtration plant. Filter gallery as well as filter boxes shall be
covered from the top constructed in R.C.C side wall. Filtered water channel shall be
provided with glazed tiles on sides and bottom and covered with slab from top. For
inspection glass sheeting shall be provided at various points.
2.13.18 The building of filter house above the top level of filter beds shall be covered with 230 mm
thick B.B. masonry wall in C.M. 1:6, with 15 mm thick inside smooth and outside 20mm
sand face cement plastering in C.M. 1:3, and covered with RCC roof insemicircular shape
roof. The ceiling of roofshall be plastered in C.M. 1:3 and terrace of dome shaped roof
shall be given tar felt water proofing treatment in 7 layers (Four coat of tar and three coat
of felt).
2.13.19 The filter house shall be provided with adequate ventilation with minimum 20% opening of
total floorarea (excluding doors). Moreover the contractor shall have to provide more
ventilation required as per site condition strictly as directed by Engineer-in-charge without
claiming extra cost. The contractor shall have to provide sufficient doors for easy access
as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
2.13.20 The size of doors and windows should be as directed by Engineer in charge. The service
platform flooring shall be of Polished Kota stone flooring with mirror polishing as directed
by Engineer-in-charge. After completion of satisfactory hydraulic test all the concrete
surface shall be plastered with 15 mm thick CM in 1:3. All the inside wall shall be applied
with distemper and outside wall shall be applied with all weather shield paint on wall
&sandtax matt on columns.
2.13.21 The filter shall be complete in all respects and shall be containing water pipes, valves,
gauges, troughs all specified filtering media, of different sizes, C.I.Pipes, coupling,
extension rods, head stocks, hand wheel etc. in the pure water chamber & channels no
heading up of water shall be allowed & they should be of sufficient size so as to take care
of over loading.
2.13.22 For conveying the filter water suitable dia. piping shall be provided from outlet of treated
water channel of filter house to chlorine contact tank (CCT) & from CCT to each
compartment of clear water sump including cost of jointing materials, excavation and
refilling, testing and disposal of surplus excavated stuff etc. complete. Isolation Valves
(Butterfly Valves) shall be provided at inlet line to each compartment of clear water sump.
2.14.1 All the Inlet, Outlet, backwash and valves for the individual bed of Filter House shall be
manually operated butterfly valves/ gates where as drain valves (min. 150mm size) shall
be manually operated sluice valves. The size of all the valves and pipelinesas described in
the data sheet shall be considered as minimum.
2.14.2 Individual beds shall be provided with loss of head and rate of flow indicator. Under normal
circumstances Inlet water valve to filter bed and outlet water valve shall remain open.
Backwash water valves shall be kept closed.
2.14.3 After backwashing of the filter beds, the waste water shall be drainedout toClariflocculator
sludge chamber for ultimate disposal to nearby drain.
a) The chemical house fulfilling the following requirement and comprising of ground
floor and first floor shall be constructed with minimum area requirement as specified
in datasheet. Plan & Elevation of Chemical House shall be got approved from
Purchaser. Internal plan area may be changed as per suitability of Purchaser within
the given total plan area.
b) Chemical housed shall be in RCC frame structure with brick masonry walls.
c) Minimum plinth level shall be 0.6m from FGL. The clear height of ground floor shall
be mini. 4.20 m and first floor shall be minimum 4.5m with consideration of Monorail
with electric hoist movement over chemical tanks. Height shall be considered from
finished level of flooring to bottom of slab.
d) Total outside brickwork of chemical house at all levels, shall be 230 mm thick, as per
tender specifications. Internal brick walls shall be 115 mm thick brick partition walls
as per tender conditions at ground floor level & for toilet block at first floor level. At
first floor level, powder coated aluminum section framed fixed / sliding glass panels /
windows shall be provided in partition walls between various rooms as approved by
e) All walkways including interconnecting walkways of entire plant shall be with 1.0
meter high hand railing on two sides and with chequered tiles flooring.
b) Cut-out of adequate size shall be provided in first floor slab for lifting of dry Chemical
by Chain pulley block
c) RCC foundations for air blowers, air compressors & chlorinators as well as chlorine
toners shall be designed & constructed as per manufacturer’s details and as
approved by Engineer-in-charge.
a) In laboratory, 1.00 meter wide platform shall be provided at 800 mm height from
floor, on full two sides of room at right angle, with 2 Nos. S.S. sinks. Black colored,
polished kota stone platform of minimum 25 mm thickness shall be provided on top
of kota stone slab and vertical sandwich type supports at sufficient distance. Glazed
tiles dado of 1.0m height above the platform shall be provided for total length of
platform. Below the platform, in total length PVC section cupboard shutters with
framing shall be provided in approved make & color. Polished vitrified tiles flooring of
approved size (min. 24" x 24"), make & color shall be provided in laboratory.
Sufficient numbers of plug points with switches of 5/15 Amp shall be provided at sill
level on the platform for laboratory testing instruments. GI piping for all sampling
pumps shall be provided & laid up to their tapping at sink of laboratory.
b) The laboratory shall have the instruments as specified in datasheet for all routine
analysis. The laboratory shall have min. 10 m of working platform with minimum 2
nos. of S.S. sinks. The sampling pipes shall end at one of the sinks. The taps shall
be clearly labeled with the type of the water sample.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
c) An arrangement of telephone point shall also be provided in control room & lab.
d) In toilet block, two numbers long &flat back type urinals, one number oval shaped
wash-basins with granite platform, one Indian type W.C. and one European type
W.C. are to be provided of approved size, color and make. Inside both W.C. and in
passage area of toilet block, 2.00 meter high dado with glazed tiles of approved size,
make & color shall be fixed. All G.I. piping of toilet block shall be concealed. All waste
pipes shall be of PVC with sufficient size. Sufficient numbers of nahni trap, G.T.,
inspection chambers shall be provided for drainage up to soak-pit, by providing &
laying stoneware pipeline. Doors of W.C. shall be of PVC section with door shutter
fitted in granite stone framing. Sufficient louvered glass ventilation of aluminum
section shall be provided in toilet block. Total toilet area shall be planned / designed
as per modern concept.
f) Further, the common alum dosing pipelines are to be fed by gravity in flash mixer
with diffuser and end cap arrangement and with minimum bends/specials to avoid
problem of chocking of pipeline. Moreover, the provision for nipples/valves etc. for air
scour & water pressure jet must be made in the pipelines. The contractor may
provide pressure water line for removal of chocking in chemical/ alum line with
arrangement of pipe line\water tapings etc.
2.15.4 Staircase cabin:RCC staircase of at least 1.2 meter width shall be provided from first floor
to terrace of chemical house with cabin having RCC roof. On all steps of stair, polished
kota stone flooring of good quality & pattern shall be provided on risers & treads. 1.00
meter high Stainless Steel railing shall be provided on stair-case. In stair-case portion,
sufficient size and numbers of fixed glass ventilation with aluminum framing shall be
a) Rough Kota stone flooring shall be provided in all the rooms, store of Ground floor
area, except entrance stair and passage & stair to first floor, where polished kota
stone flooring of good quality shall be provided. All ground floor flooring shall be
provided on 100 mm thk. RCC (1:2:4) with nominal reinforcement.
b) On first floor level, approved make, color& size (min. 24" x 24") polished vitrified tiles
(granitite) flooring shall be provided in all rooms, except toilet block, where ceramic
tiles flooring is to be provided.
c) Indian type brick bat koba water proofing shall be done on open terrace area at all
levels with sufficient gradient & PVC rain water pipe arrangement for discharge of
rain water.
a) All windows of Chemical house shall be provided with powder coated good quality
section made aluminum sliding / fixed windows as approved by Engineer-in-charge.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
c) In blower room at ground floor and at first floor, minimum one three tracks aluminum
powder coated sliding window of 2.00 meter x 1.20 meter size shall be provided per
column to column bay on exterior face.
d) At first floor, from column bay to bay full width sliding windows shall be provided on
all the outer sides of all rooms.
e) Plain glass shall be 5 mm thick for glazing of all windows & wired glass for all
ventilations. All windows shall be provided with standard fixtures & fittings for
aluminum windows, and exterior windows with sun control film.
f) All windows & ventilations at all levels shall be provided with RCC lintel & 600 mm
wide chhajja.
g) Doors with teakwood shutters &sal wood frame shall be provided for chlorine &
blower room at ground floor, toilet block at first floor, Chemical dosing tanks room at
first floor & stair-cabin room. PVC doors for WC.
h) Powder coated aluminum section doors shall be provided for all rooms at first floor
level, with lower section of pre laminated sheet & upper section of 5 mm thk. Clear
sheet glass and fitted with door closer.
i) All wooden doors shall be provided with standard quality brass anodized fixtures &
fittings and all wooden doors with standard aluminum fittings.
j) At Ground floor, on the external side of chlorination room, pre-cast cement concrete
louvered type blocks shall be provided in full available length & height of the room. At
least 1.50 m wide collapsible steel gate shall be provided for main entrance and 2.00
m wide steel rolling shutters for Chemical store (2 Nos.)& blower room. Mild steel
fabricated gate shall be provided for chlorine room.
2.15.7 Finishing:
a) Outside the Chemical house, at every level on RCC /brick wall from 300 mm below
ground level to parapet top level, 20 mm thick double coat sand faced plaster in C.M.
1:3 shall be provided as per tender specifications. Above this total sand face plaster,
2 coats of snowcem paint of approved shade shall be applied as per tender
specification. Snowcem paint shall be applied on all column exterior faces.
b) Inside of Chemical house, brick walls at all levels shall be plastered from inside with
15 mm thick smooth cement plaster in C.M. 1:3. Underneath of slab at all levels shall
be finished with 10 mm thick cement plaster in C.M. 1:3. Inside Chemical House, on
every wall (RCC / brick) at all levels; oil bound synthetic washable distemper paint of
approved shade shall be applied in 2 coats, as per tender specifications.
2.15.8 Water pipelines:Arrangement of water supply for drinking, toilet block and solution making
purpose within chemical house shall be provided by tapping from chlorine booster pumps.
Suitable valve arrangement shall be done to maintain the dual arrangement.The
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
arrangement of water supply connection should be such that the water filling time of
chemical tank should not be more than 15 minutes.
2.15.9 Septic tank & Soak pit:For drainage facilities, septic tank and soak pit of required capacity
(50 users) shall be constructed. The location shall be as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. Sufficient numbers of chambers shall be provided for drainage from chemical
house up to soak-pit, by providing & laying stoneware pipeline.
ii. Blower room for air wash is provided for filter beds.
v. M.C.C. room.
v. Chemical/ Alum and P.E. dosing facility with manually operated chain pulley
block for lifting of chemicals.
c) Chemicalhouseshould be provided with Ground floor and first floor and area should
be such so as to have free access to various facilities. The chemical house shall be
provided with adequate ventilation with minimum 20% opening of total floor area
excluding doors. Adequate lifting arrangement shall be provided at chemical dosing,
chlorination, and air blower facilities.
d) The chemical house shall be provided with minimumcarpet area, given in tender.
Moreover minimum of 20% of total area should be provided for free access like
passage etc. for various facilities.
e) The chemical house shall have a good architectural elevation. Elevation drawing
shall also be submitted and got approved prior to execution.
2.15.11 Chemical /dosing tanks:3 Nos. alum dosing tanks with 500 mm free board are to be
constructed in RCC with Epoxy liningand the same should be located at the first floor of
chemical house so that dosing can be done by gravity flow near Flash mixer inlet The
dosing tanks should be provided with necessary electrical, mechanical, HDPE pipeline
network service water connection. The contractor shall have to provide epoxy lining in all
the tanks and required electrical, mechanical arrangement shall also be provided.
Moreover the contractor shall have to provide adequate numbers & size of HDPE pipeline
dosing networkthe network comprising of all pipelines shall be connected with flash mixers.
As far as possible the bends/specials shall not be used to avoid choking problem. At the
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
end of pipeline a nipple and valve arrangement shall be provided for air scour and the
connection should be made with air line. The dosing shall be carried out in flash mixers (10
cm above top water level) by means of gravity flow. Inside epoxy lining, outside 20 mm
thicksand face plaster shall be provided for stilling chamber. RCC platform with G.I. railing,
RCC roof (shed), etc. shall be provided and constructed.
2.15.12 Chlorine Room:The contractorshall have to make the tonner foundation with roller
supports, by keeping the minimum clear distance as 1.10 m between two foundations, with
necessary roller supports in such a way that the process of chlorination system should not
be affected.
Moreover the contractor shall have to provide and erect 2 Nos.(1W+1S) vacuum type
manifold mounted chlorinators each for Pre and Post Chlorination. The required civil work
and other allied arrangement shall be in the scope of present tender. Also, necessary RCC
structure for mounting the chlorinator is in the scope of the contractor.
2.15.13 Chlorine Booster Pumps:The contractor shall have to provide total 4 Nos. of chlorine
booster pumps (2 nos. each for pre & post chlorination in 1W + 1S configuration) of
adequate capacity & head for pre and post Chlorination and erect chlorine booster pumps
at CCT pump house. The required civil work and other allied piping arrangement is also in
the scope of the present tender.
2.15.14 Blower/Compressor Room:The contractor shall have to provide Two Nos. air blowers. The
required civil work and other allied piping arrangement shall be in the scope of the present
tender. The capacity of air blowers shall be reviewed during detail engineering and
suitability shall be met with.
b) A 1000 litre PVC tank shall be provided on toilet blocks and latrines with necessary
pipes and valves.
a) The flow from filtered water outlet channel shall be received into the RCC chlorine
contact chamber for disinfection of filtered water. The tank shall be designed for 10
minutes residence time for the net treated water output flow. Min. 500mm freeboard
shall be provided.
b) The chlorine solution shall be injected by bottom mounted diffuser disks. The diffuser
system shall be detachable. The disinfected water than shall be conveyed through
pipe to clear water sump for onwards pumping for distribution.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
c) Chlorine Contact Tank shall be provided with required no. of RCC baffles and
Chlorine diffuser to allow the proper mixing of chlorine solution with treated water.
Dosage of chlorine shall be adjusted such that 0.4 PPM FRC shall be maintained at
the outlet of Chlorine Contact Tank.
d) The inside surface of the Chlorine Contact Tank shall be provided with 20 mm thick
water proof plaster in Cement mortar 1:3. The bottom of the tank shall be provided
with 50 mm thick screeding. The outside surface shall be provided with 20 mm thick
double coat sand face plaster in cement mortar 1:3 with Snowcem as per Civil
e) Total inside surface of chlorination sump (wall & floor) shall be provided with white
glazed tiles dado & flooring. For walls, glazed tiles shall be fixed on roughened 12
mm thk. Water proof cement plaster backing coat and for floor glazed tiles shall be
fixed on roughened 40 mm thk. Waterproof IPS.
a) The pump houses shall be designed & constructed with dry well arrangement.
b) The sump and dry well portion below the plinth shall be in RCC construction
designed as water/earth retaining structure as per relevant IS codes of practice. The
sump shall be provided with CI foot rests for getting down inside the sump.
c) The floor of the dry well shall be provided with 50 mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4
with 12 mm thick ironite finish. A 1.0 m RCC staircase shall be provided on one side
to have access to the floor of dry well from plinth level. A 1.5 m wide balcony along
the length and width designed for heavy duty loading shall be provided at the plinth
level with pipe railing with polished Kota stone flooring.
d) The super structure shall be in RCC frame work consisting of RCC columns, RCC
roof beams with brick panels.
e) A door and a rolling shutter shall be provided in pump house and adequate number
of windows and ventilators shall be provided to ensure proper ventilation and lighting.
The roof shall have six courses of water proofing treatment as per specification and
S.C.I. rain water down take pipes.
f) The plinth level of the building shall be 600 mm above formation level. The roof of
the building shall be about 3.6 m (min.) above plinth level. Ramp of suitable size and
slope duly chequered at top for entrance shall be provided.
g) An internal and external surface (including up to 300mm below FGL) of walls above
ground level shall be plastered with 15 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 C.M. and
finished smooth with distemper from inside and with cement base paint from outside.
The distemper/cement paint shall be as approved by engineer.
h) The architectural drawings of the building shall be got approved by the engineer in
charge before execution. The improvements/suggestions intimated by the engineer
in charge shall be final and binding on the contractor without any extra cost to the
department. The building shall be provided with 1000 mm wide plinth protection of 75
mm thick CC 1:2:4 laid over 150 mm consolidated rubble soling
i) The offer shall include internal electric wiring of the buildings with light & fan fixtures,
fitting with light/power points etc, the details of which are given separately in E & M
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
j) In the pump houses and dry well where pumps are to be installed a clear space of at
least 1 meter be provided between the pumps for easy access to the pump. A clear
space of 1.5 meter shall be provided from the end wall. At the suction side there shall
be sufficient space provided for the suction lines and the installation of valves as also
to accommodate the discharge manifold. In no case this clear space shall be less
than 2 meter. On the other end there shall be sufficient space for circulation and
space provided for maintenance work. A minimum space of 2 meter shall be
provided. At one end shall be the sump to take the floor wash where the dewatering
pump shall be provided. A channel of suitable size along the periphery of the drywell
shall be laid up to the sump with required slope to take floor wash.
l) Backwash pumps shall be located at Pump House adjoining to chlorination sump for
the withdrawal of the water from chlorine contact tank for the filling of the backwash
m) The Contractor shall provide 2 Nos. horizontal centrifugal (HSCF) pumps (1W + 1S)
along with suitable induction motor coupled, suitable for operating on 415 V 50c/s
frequency supply to be located at backwash pump house at backwash pump house /
chlorine contact tank area. The system shall be complete with suction pipe from the
chlorine contact tank, sluice valve in the suction, delivery pipe with non-return valve
and sluice-valve. The delivery pipe shall be connected to the overhead backwash
tank. The pumps will be designed to fill the tank to its full capacity in not more than 1
i. Pipes and manually operated valves for the suction and delivery pipes;
ii. Pressure gauges with stop cock at the pressure side of the pumps.
n) Total outside brickwork of pump house at all levels, shall be 230 mm thick. Brickwork
parapet of minimum 600 mm height shall be provided on roof top.
p) Lifting arrangement for pump shall be provided in pump house by way of required
capacity of monorail and chain pulley block.
q) Indian type brick bat koba with water proofing shall be done on roof slab on pump
2.17 Mechanical Works: Following are the major items shall be included in the scope of work as
a minimum and shall be as per the detailed specifications for mechanical works:
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
2.17.3 Constant head chemical dosing box for alum/PAC dosing of stainless steel (SS304) for
alum & MSRL for PAC.
2.17.4 The contractor shall have to provide pressure water line /air scouring line for removal of
choking in chemical dosing line, sludge line with all necessary pumps/piping/valves/Sluice
Gate and taps arrangements from air line /service water line.
2.17.7 Sampling system: Arrangement for collection of raw water (1 no.), clarified water (1no from
each clariflocculator outlet + 1 from common settled water channel), filtered water (one for
each bed) and treated water (1 no. from clear water sump) samples at each unit and
conveyance at laboratory to be located on the first floor of chemical house by means of
separate pipeline for each sample, pumps and taps. For all sampling points, sampling
pumps with separate tap and switches in laboratory shall be provided. Necessary sink,
drain arrangement etc. shall also be provided.
2.17.8 Clariflocculator mechanism consisting of flocculator paddle along with one no sludge
scrapper mechanism
2.17.10 Two Sets (1W + 1S) each of Pre- & Post-chlorination system including 2 Nos. (1W + 1S) of
chlorine booster pumps of sufficient capacity with each of pre & post chlorination system to
cater water to chlorinators, vacuum type free standing chlorinators for pre-chlorination and
post chlorination purpose, 900 kg filled chlorine tonners with necessary roller supports as
required etc. shall be provided.
2.18 Electrical & Instrumentation Works: The Scope of Work for Electrical & Instrumentation
works shall be as specified under respective Specifications for Electrical Instrumentation
works forming part of tender.
2.19 InterconnectingPiping and Valves: All interconnecting Piping, Gates, Valves, Specials and
other appurtenances, auxiliaries and accessories required as per Process Design and
Scope of Work. In case of Rising Mains, thrust blocks shall be provided wherever required.
In case of buried Pipes, warning tapes shall be provided of the appropriate colors. The
material of construction for major interconnecting Piping for general guide lines unless
specified otherwise in specifications/ scope of work/ specific requirements shall be as
Material Duty Mfg. Application Area
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
b Cast iron Class LA IS 1536 i) Sludge draw off from clarifiers below
(coal tar S/S & Class floor
coated) B DF, as IS 1538
appli-cable ii Sludge pumping & disposal (as
& as per required) piping
specs Filter air scour & back wash piping
2.19.1 Color Code for Pipes: All visible pipes in the different units of the plant shall be painted
according to a distinct color code as under or as directed by engineer-in-charge:
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
2.20.2 Lawns: Lawns should be drained with great care in order to keep it lush with green. The soil
should be drained effectively and water should not be allowed to be collected in pools. The
ground must be dug up to a depth of 30 - 45 cm to remove stones with weeds and the soil
should be exposed to sunlight for proper sterilization. The grass for the lawn should be
preferably Cynodondactyion or Berumda grass. The lawn must be prepared by one of the
approved methods seeds, by turfing, by turf-plastering or by dibbling roots. Lawns once
should be subjected to regular rolling, moving, watering, and restoration of patches. In the
absence of rain the lawn must be provided with necessary watering arrangement heavily
soaking the soil to a depth of at least 15 cm. To keep the lawn in condition it should be
seeded once a month with liquid manure by dissolving 45 gm of Ammonium sulphate or 20
gm of Urea in 5 litres of water. Bone meal at the rate of 100 kg per 1000 sq.m is
recommended in one year. Neem cake should also be applied once or twice a year at the
rate of 200 kg per 1000 sq.m. Raking and scraping for thatch control must be carried out.
Weed measures should also be undertaken during the entire O&M period.
2.20.3 Flower beds:Flowerbeds add a special charm to any place. They should be simple in either
square, rectangular, circular or oval. The number and size flowerbeds are determined by its
extent with type. The tallest growing should be planted at the back of borders or in beds on
lawns far away from structures. The medium sized plants should be planted in the central
area of the garden and the dwarfish ones should be planted in front. There should be a
harmonious blending of colours to create a pleasing appearance. Flowerbeds should be dug
up to at least 15-20 days before sowing or bedding out small plants. For most annuals it
would be enough as the soil is worked to a 45 cm but for deep rooting plants such as Sweet
Peas, Cannas, etc. should be dug up to 60 cm. A basket of 10 kg of manure should be app
about 2 sq. metres of flowerbed area. The bed should be leveled in such a way, that it
slopes slightly with uniformly from the centre to the edge. A clear 7 to 15 cm should be left
unfilled by plants by the edge of the bed.
2.20.4 Shrubs:Shrubs are plants, generally with woody stems, rather smaller than tree bigger than
most herbaceous plants. In a typical shrub, there are several stems arising from the same
root. Shrubs are either deciduous or evergreen. A well-designed shrub border should
consist of a suitable admixture of deciduous with evergreen shrubs. The preferred shrubs
are Ixora, Bougainvillae, and Euphorbia leucocephala, Poinsettia, Mussaenda, etc. should
be planted by preparing cubic pits of 60 cm, pits about a metre away should be fitted with
good soil mixed with 2 to 4 baskets each decomposed manure. The ground should be well
prepared in bet digging it about half metre deep with removing all weeks. They should be at
suitable distances so that when they mature and reach their maximum growth. They should
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
not be allowed to grow straggly or form clumps by throwing from the base. Manure should
be applied to the shrubs at least once a providing plenty of compost materials.
2.20.5 Plantation:
a) Plantations are to be done all along the boundary wall just to provide a barrier. Big
trees should be planted 3m apart from each other within a 5m wide.Space
adjustment should be done taking the site condition into consideration. Cubical pit of
60cm should be proposed and should be filled with good soil mixed with 2 go 4
baskets of 5 kg each of well decomposed manure. The ground should be well
prepared in between by digging it about half metre deep with removing all stones and
weeds. The trees should be planted at suitable distances so that when they mature
and reach their maximum growth.
b) One No of 2 Ton capacity and one no. of 500 Kg capacity “digital” Weighing Scale
shall be provided in Chemical house.
c) Inauguration and year of construction name plate including lettering with golden color
on granite stone (maximum size 1.5 m x 0.9 m) should be provided and fixed as
directed by Engineer-in-charge.
d) Providing Laboratory instruments & Chemicals required to monitor the raw and
treated water quality parameters as per tender
e) Providing one no. each of portable type Digital pH meter, portable type Digital TDS
meters and Fluoride Test Kit
f) Providing one no. frost free type refrigerator of min. 165 ltr capacity for plant
laboratory with suitable voltage stabilizer.
g) The contractor shall be required to give test report and submit the same to Electrical
Inspector for complete Electrical works done by the Contractor. The approved
drawing/test reports shall be handed over to Purchaser.
2.20.6 Drainage
a) Separate system for carrying water from latrine and toilet shall be provided with
disposal in septic tanks with absorption trench. For 10 persons requirement septic
tank shall be provided as per its latest IS.
b) Drainage arrangement using RCC NP2 pipes up to plot boundary as per design.
i. The Contractor shall have to get approval from factory inspector as per factory
act and should submit the certificate of approval to Purchaser. The required
drawings to be submitted to factory inspector shall be supplied by the
Contractor and approved drawings shall be handed over to Purchaser. All
necessary drawings/liaisons work etc. will be done by the contractor.
Purchaser will assist only in submission of the application forms.
iii. Drawings given with tender are indicative and for tendering purpose only and
specifying minimum requirements. Bidders need to develop their own drawings
based on his design and site conditions, conforming to the specifications given
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
3.1 The owner is to construct a water treatment works located as per tender at Gandhinagar
city in the State of Gujarat, India. The design capacity of the work (s) is as per data sheet.
The treated water is intended for distribution to the Gandhinagar town covered under the
project. The treatment facilities shall continually and reliably process water utilizing
chemical coagulation with Aluminium Sulphate, flocculation and sedimentation, filtration
and final disinfections with chlorine.
3.2 The work of design and determination to the Purchaser’s satisfaction and within the
specified criteria and parameters of the most suitable and economic means of treating raw
water at rate of as per data sheet from the Narmada dam to produce a potable supply.
The work shall include the determination of at least -
3.3 The chemical and physical treatment process required to produce potable water
conforming to the quality set out in extent of work and required to separate out waste
product. The water quality leaving the works shall be guaranteed by the contractor.
3.4 The exact form, dimensions and water surface levels of all tanks, chambers, conduits,
dust, pipes, hoppers etc. which are required for the complete treatment process.
3.5 The machinery equipment, electrical apparatus, instruments, controls, monitoring and
quality controls required for the complete treatment process and associated pumping plant.
3.6 The dimensions and levels of all pipes and channels required for the transfer of raw water,
water under treatment, treated water, chemical solutions, waste waters, waste products
sludge’s and over flows within the works.
3.7 The arrangement for the receipt, storage and handling of the chemicals required for the
treatment process including preparation, fixing and the exact form, number and size of
daily stock containers, and the machinery, pipes and equipment, and the control and the
metering, conveyance, application and injection and mixing into the process of the
chemicals, including the machinery, tanks and arrangements necessary to optimize the
physical and chemical treatment process.
3.8 The equipment required to remove sludge and other wastes, chemicals, products or by
products from the works or the water being treated.
3.9 The instrumentation and arrangements required for the control of the treatment process
and the measurement of the pressures, flow rates & other qualities of the water being
3.10 A suitable arrangement of alarm indicators to indicate mal-functioning of any part of the
treatment works.
3.11 The arrangements required to monitor the water quality from the dam/river, throughout the
treatment process and within the distribution system.
3.12 The spare parts, tools, equipment, materials, and procedures required to maintain the
process plant and installations, and the arrangements required on site to implement and
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
operate a preventive maintenance system for the works both during and after the expiry of
the maintenance period.
3.13 The supply of the plant necessary to carry out the materials and the treatment determined
under clause 3.1 and within the specified design criteria and parameters. The Plant shall
include the supply of the items and the work required for at least:
3.13.1 The reception and control of pumped raw water flows at the works inlet and the flow
handling, control of the water within the process
3.13.2 Clariflocculation
3.13.3 Back wash waste water arrangement (in case the filter plant design capacity is more than
1,000 m3/h)
3.13.4 Disinfection
3.13.8 Sampling, monitoring, quality control and laboratory furnishings and equipments
3.13.12 Provision of spare parts and the establishment of a preventive maintenance system. Spare
parts for equipment of India and foreign make shall be for 24 and 48 months requirements
3.14 Supervision of operation and maintenance of the works for continuous 4 months training
period following the first commissioning period. The word “supply” (or provide) as
contained in this specification shall include the manufacture, insurance, purchase and
acquisition of the plant, testing before dispatch, packaging and protection, delivery to site,
storage on site and erection and installation, painting, testing when construction, erected
and installed, commissioning and providing all skilled and unskilled personnel, together
with all the tackle, tools, power light, transport and other items or supplies necessary for
the complete installation and the execution of the work required and the supervision of the
3.15 The contractor shall include the supply of all inter-connecting pipe work, valves, fittings,
hardware fixing etc. which are required in advance for building into structure.
3.16 Commissioning of The Works: The trial run and operation of the plant under actual working
conditions will be for a period of three (3) months from the date of completion. The
commissioning and maintenance period shall includes at least one rainy season and after
passing over rainy season trial and obtaining required standard results during the above
trial rainy season is compulsory. In case of scarcity year the trials may be taken in next
rainy season. The completion test shall be taken over the design flow plus 20% overload.
3.17 Training Officers: Following the commissioning period, there shall be a continuous period
of one (1) month duration during which period, the contractor shall provide works, training
officers whose sole duties shall be to guide the owner on the operation & maintenance of
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
the treatment process and to instruct on a full time basis, the owner’s staff for the operation
and maintenance of the works, the cost of contractor incl. the mechanical, electrical and
chemical plant & the instruments system. The officer shall also be required to extend his/
her attention, advice and instruct to the maintenance of water quality within the distribution
system, served from the works (bacteriologicaland chemical monitoringand maintenance).
3.18 Chemist: In addition the contractor shall provide a treatment works chemist to work in the
works laboratory for one month during the commissioning period and for two months
period during the training period one of which shall cover the starting of the monsoon
3.19 Contractor’s own staff to be provided: The training officer & the chemist provided shall be
drawn from the contractor’s permanent staff & shall either be fluent in English language or
accompanied by qualified technical translators.
3.20 Provision of Document: The provision of at least following should be made by the
contractor in the scope of his design
3.20.1 All drawings and designs, including structural design and other detailing of the civil
Engineering and the building works necessary for the operation, support and protection of
the plant.
3.20.2 Process diagrams, electrical wiring diagrams, cable diagrams and instrumentation
diagrams for the works.
3.20.3 Five (5) copies of an instrumentation manual for the plant in English containing complete
description of all items and advice and instructions for their operation, setting and use, their
maintenance and overhaul.
3.20.4 One set of dyeline transparencies (on plastic film) and three sets of linen prints of record
drawings showing the general & detailed arrangement of the completed treatment works.
3.20.5 Sets of strongly bound loose leaf record books containing operating log sheets in duplicate
(Providing one tear off and one carbon copy) sufficient for four years records, printed on a
form be approved by the Engineer.
3.20.6 A works maintenance schedule, work cards and complete spare parts documentation for
the plant.
3.20.7 Any other documents, drawings and notices required for implied by this specification or
necessary for the satisfactory construction, erection, commissioning, testing and operation
of the plant.
3.21.1 The contractor shall be entirely responsible for the detailed design of the treatment works
including civil and structural design for the duties specified to achieve the water quality
standard specified in clause 3.21.7. In addition, detailed drawings shall be provided with
the tender as specified, showing the arrangement of the plant and equipment offered. The
design flow rates shall be as said in clause 3.21.4 Design standards shall accord with the
best modern practices and shall facilitate satisfactory operation, inspection, maintenance
and lubrication of the work. The process, the plant or any item of equipment may be of the
contractor’s standard design only providing that it is generally in accordance with the
specification in intent and purpose.
3.21.2 Indian Design Manual:The contractor’s attention is directed to current Indian Design codes
of practice & the Manual on water supply & treatment, latest Edition prepared by the Expert
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
Committee & published by the Ministry of Works and Housing, New Delhi, India.The
Contractor should refer the latest Edition CPHEEO Manual, criteria prevail.
a) The specification sets out the design criteria, which the contractor shall adopt for the
works and includes a conceptual design of the works which tendering contractors
should consider as setting out the basis of the requirement. Bidders are required to
adhere to the general type of unit process specified for the works but are at liberty to
offer their own particular version of the process or the equipment to meet the
specified performance. The requirement for the main process & auxiliary installation
is set out in order to ensure that all tenders provide the minimum of facilities required
in the works & to ensure that bidders are competing on the same basis, with
provision to enable any one bidder to offer the owner the benefit of this own
particulars experience as applied to the conventional treatment process envisaged.
b) Provision is made to enable bidders to submit their own competitive offer should they
consider that they have a particular appropriate & well proven unit (process which
could be advantageous to the owner).
a) The flow rates are given in this specification for the works are the nominal output
ratings which shall be referred to as through puts. During the design supply, erection,
testing and commissioning of the works the contractor shall adopt the following flow
ii All transmission systems that is pipes, channels, wires etc. with 20% over
3.21.5 Water Quality:As an essential & integral part of the contract, the contractor shall
guarantee, as set out in the form of tender, to design, supply & set to operate chemical,
physical and bacteriological treatment process of the raw water.
3.21.6 Raw Water Quality:Narmada Dam water will be main source of supply to the proposed
plant. The contractor’s attention is particularly drawn to the seasonal variation in water
quality and the occasional peaks of turbidity & suspended solids concentration.
a) The treated water from the plant shall be consistently reliable with a demonstrable
quality standard not less than:
b) The acceptable water quality standard prepared by the Indian Expert Committee and
as set out in the ‘Manual on Water Supply & Treatment, second edition 1977 (an
extract from this standard is given in Section-1)’.
pH : 7 to 8.5
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
d) Bacteriological test for all samples taken (100% occasions), no Coliform organism
shall be detectable in 100 ml samples following post chlorination for 30 effective
minutes in a contact tank with a final free chlorine residual of 0.4 mg/l.
e) Stability: Water to be non-aggressive to the pump steel and cast iron pipe work within
the treated water distribution system.
f) The Contractor shall at his own cost undertake the necessary sampling and testing
to prove that the treated water conform to the foregoing requirements. After
consultation with the contractor, the sampling procedure shall be as directed by the
Engineer, prior to the commencement of the commissioning of the works, should the
contractor have any particular requirements regarding the sampling points, intervals
and procedures he should set them out clearly in his tender submission.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
d) Each drawing shall contain a space within a title strip for recording revisions and a
space for the Engineer’s approval (a blank rectangle 120 x 50 mm).
3.22.3 List of major drawings& documents required to be submitted for Purchaser’s review/
3 Plant Layout
5 Hydraulic Calculations
1 Mechanical
1.2 Clariflocculator
1.4 Valves
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
1.10 Piping
Fault Level & Sizing calculations for Incomer Breakers, Capacitors & Power
Cables etc.
2.2 Switchyard
2.3 Transformer
Layout drawings for Electrical Rooms, Cabling, Lighting, Earthing & Lightning
3.4 Clariflocculator
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
Filter House incl. Annex building, air blower room, filtered water channel, Post
Chlorination chamber etc.
3.23 The description of the plant and equipment required for each of the processes as shown in
the schedule of prices is in outline and intended only to provide information on the cost of
individual sections and processes. The contractor shall submit the following:
3.23.1 The contractor shall submit with his tender, detailed and substantial specification in
triplicate giving full particulars of the various parts of the proposed process and the plant.
3.23.2 The particulars there given together with this specification will be binding upon the
contractor and must not be departed performance the contractor shall provide the item or
rectify the deficiency at his own expense.
3.23.3 The bidder’s specification shall be fully comprehensive and shall describe and specify in
full the treatment process and each individual item of plant and equipment offered. It shall
state the function of each unit, the duty required, describe the ability of the unit of satisfy
the requirement, the materials of construction and the speeds, powers, quality, finished
etc. and performance met. It shall include the electrical plant, the cabling and
3.23.4 The surface loading, capacities, velocities, throughout rates, inflow rates, outgoing rates,
levels, power, rating, voltages, currents, diameters and specified as appropriate for each
unit of the process and each item of mechanical electrical plant.
3.23.5 Calculations:Triplicate copies of chemical, process and hydraulic calculations for the plant
shall be submitted with the tender. They shall fully embrace the range of flow rates & raw
water conditions that are likely to occur on site. Pumping plant calculations required shall
include the pumping curves, the system curves, section conditions viscosities etc. Pipe
head loss calculations shall include consideration of the hydraulic energy losses in bends,
fittings, exists, entries etc. & shall account for conditions both when the pipes are in new &
in old condition.
3.24 Schedule for Plant: The Contractor shall prepare and submit with his tender a
comprehensive set of performance, technical and cost schedule.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
3.24.1 Performance schedules shall give all pertinent operational data for each assembly of plant
i.e. Flash Mixer, clarification plant, Filter installation, Chemical Dosing and/or any
alternative units offered. Individual data shall also be provided in the technical schedules
for all major plant i.e. pumps, Air blowers, Dosing pumps, and any such equipment, cost
schedules shall be given in the Bill of Quantities.”
3.24.2 A schedule showing the manufacturers of the each component shall also be provided.
3.25 Tender Drawing: The contractor shall submit with his/ her tender quadruplicate sets of
drawings, which shall include:
3.25.1 Plants showing the layout of the treatment work to suitable metric scales and drawings to
show the arrangement and working details of all the process, electrical mechanical plant
and equipment offered. (Contractors are also invited to include general artist’s impression
of the works if they consider it would assist the owner in appraising their offer.)
3.25.2 A schematic line diagram of the complete works including all chambers, structures, tanks,
pumps, pipelines, valves, standby equipment control lines. The diagrams shall embrace
chemical feeds, flushing line, drains, sample points, Dosing points, and give all capacities
and diameters.
3.25.3 Hydraulic gradients through the works showing the design hydraulic level at the peak
design flow rates.
3.25.4 Reference shall be made on the drawings to the source of the various losses contributing
to the fall in hydraulic level throughout the plant.
3.25.5 Plants and sectional elevations showing the access headroom, loadings, forces to be
resisted and erection clearances required for and around the various items of plant that
are proposed for installation in the works. They shall show the General Arrangement and
details of all channels, dusts, storage tanks, loading ramps, conveyors, cable ducts and the
size and position of all openings, support plinth, pipe work runs, dusts drainage.
3.25.7 Plans and sectional elevations, design, criteria and any other information necessary for
detailed calculations of Civil and structural design.
3.26 Detail Drawings: Within two months of the date of acceptance of the tender, the contractor
shall submit to the Engineer Ten copies of a set of drawings repeating the information
given in the tender drawings incorporating any modifications approved by the Engineer in
charge and completing the detailed civil design and constructing drawings for the works.
The details drawings shall include at least
3.26.1 The final dimensions and location of all box outs opening, plinths, fixings, fittings, flanges,
mounting step ladders etc.
3.26.2 The final dimensions and exact location of all the items of plant.
3.26.3 (Panels, pumps, mixers, valves, motor control centers, distribution boards etc).
3.26.4 Details of internal and external surface finishers, protective coating and linings.
3.26.5 Final electrical diagrams, cable runs, lighting arrangements, instrumentation and power
3.26.6 The final working drawings to proceed with the civil construction work.
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
3.27 Component And Spare Drawings: Prior to the delivery of any item of plant of equipment to
the treatment works, the contractor shall in triplicate submit to the Engineer for approval
accurately detailed mechanical and electrical drawings, relating, thereto together with
spare parts, tests references, drawings etc. for the plant.All the drawings of contractor
used on site for erection, installation or construction of the works shall be submitted (Three
copies) to the Engineer for approval. Any corrections required by the Engineer shall be
incorporated as amendments. No drawings or amended drawings shall be used in any
workshop, factory or for any other purpose unless the latest amendment has received the
Engineer’s approval.
3.28 Construction Drawings: Before the commencement of the Civil Engineering construction
the contractor shall supply the Engineer with three sets of paper prints of the contractor’s
final drawings for the works in order that they can be examined. Following final approval by
the Engineer the contractor shall supply the Engineer with a further five sets of line prints
of the drawings.
3.29 Manuals:
3.29.1 The contractor shall deliver to the Engineer duplicate losses leaf copies of draft operational
and maintenance manuals for the plant prior to its delivery to site. The manuals shall full
and clearly set out the contractor own recommendations and instructions for the
satisfactory operation and maintenance of the plant or equipment as applied to the
Concerned Treatment Plant.
3.29.2 The test or accompanying diagrams shall be in addition shown the electrical wiring,
handlingand erecting instructions. Draft manual shall, during the testing and
commissioning of the works, be carefully checked by the contractor and updated and
modified during the testing and commissioning periods to ensure that it is fully descriptive
and applicable to the final process plant as installed and as found to be have under
operational condition.
3.29.3 No section of the works will be certified by the Engineer as complete unless this
requirement has been met. The draft manual shall be in English and may be included
manufacturer standard literature but the contractor shall fully supplement the literature by
his own descriptive text explanations and drawings.
3.29.4 Five copies of the final approval manual for the works shall be submitted to the Engineer
prior to the commencement of the maintenance period. They shall be security bound in A-4
size losses leaf binders. Clearly titled, indexed and cross referenced. The final manuals
shall incorporate, instructions, recommendations and advance for the operations of the
entire process covering the full range of raw water conditions.
3.29.5 If during the maintenance period, the Engineer finds that the manual requires modification
or enlargement as a result of subsequent operational and maintenance experience in the
works, the contractor shall provide approved modifications for manual. The Manual shall
include for the mechanical and electrical plant, procedures for at least:
Volume-IIIB: Technical Specification for 24x7 water supply project of
Water Treatment Plant Gandhinagar Smart City
e) Fault finding.
3.30.1 The operation and maintenance instruction manual shall be supplemented by the supply of
a comprehensive planned yearly maintenance programme for the water work operational
mechanical and electrical maintenance staff. A wall chart or charts shall be provided
covering a period of one year with coloured markers. It shall have vertical divisions in
weeks and horizontal divisions for each item for mechanical and electrical plant. The
charts should give information regarding various continuous and day-to-day operations
such as adjustment of alum dose through Jar Test results, back wash cycle for filters,
adjustment of chlorine dose, and step by step account of plant start up and shut down pro-
cedures, etc.
3.30.2 The maintenance scheme shall be to the approval of the Engineer and shall be provided
complete at the time of the handing over of the works. It shall have sufficient space for
expansion if required to include any further routine work directed by the Engineer or
advised by the Training Officer as a result of his experience at the time.
3.31 Operating Log Sheets: Record books shall be handed over to the Engineer in an approved
form before the completion of the initial commissioning period in the works.
3.32.1 The record drawings shall be handed over to the Engineer within 6 months of the date of
the handing over the works. The record drawings shall be on best quality tracing paper
(preferably on polyester tracing papers). An amount of 0.5% (one half percent) will be kept
in deposit from each bill till the completion of the entire work and will be released after the
record drawings are submitted and approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
3.32.2 After award of contract the hydraulic as well as structural design submitted by contractor
should be submitted within 1 month to Technical Cell, GWSSB through Circle or Division
office for scrutiny and approval from the Superintending Engineer, Technical Cell, GWSSB,
Gandhinagar. Only after approval of design execution of work should be taken up. After
scrutinized the design by Technical Cell if there is any discrepancy of remarks raised by
the Technical Cell than it should be compiled by contractor within 10 days after issuing the
letter from Technical Cell, GWSSB, Gandhinagar.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for Narmada River Basin (Nr. Hafeshwar) based
Water Treatment Plant RWSS for Mangoi&Gollav (Package-11)
4.1.1 The works to be included in this section shall comprise at least the following:
a) A cascade aerator in the inlet works structure to receive the incoming raw water.
b) The flash mixing chambers for intimate powered dispersion of the coagulant
chemical (Aluminium Sulphate solution).
c) An elevated channel to measure the inlet flows to the works in corporation a flume
approach section and energy recovery transition.
f) In inlet works, i) Cascade Aerator, ii) raw water channel with parshall Flume & iii)
flash mixer should be included.
b) The inlet works arrangements adopted in the conceptual design consist of cascade
aerator followed by raw water channel with parshall flume & flash mixer with full
capacity and mixing arrangement for sufficient disposal of coagulant in the body of
water flows. The flash mixer is connected to the raw water channel by adjustable
weir. The raw water channel shall accommodate a measuring flume. Approach
section and energy recovery transition and finally connected to a clarification works
with by-pass arrangements to permit the inlet flows to filtration works by-passing the
clarification works.
4.1.3 General Design Criteria : The inlet works shall be designed to:
a) Pass and measure flow rates up to as per data sheet, for a normal throughout
(Ultimate) and all transmission system like channels, pipes etc. up to amount for over
loading to the extent of 20% on ultimate flow.
c) Achieve the optimum powered flash mixing required for treatment for inlet flows at
normal through of as per data sheet.
4.1.4 Extent of Works Provided: Under this control, the complete inlet works shall be provided,
including supplying all mechanical and electrical plant required for gravity flow
arrangement from cascade aerator to flash mixer and downstream units.
a) The inlet pipe shall be as per design mm. in diameter (O.D.) commencing with a
connection to owner’s existing pipe diameter. The contractor shall also supply and
install a sluice valve for control of inlet flows on this pipeline.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
b) The inlet pipe will discharge water in cascade aerator to be designed and
constructed as per detail given in data sheet.
4.1.6 Cascade Aerator: The cascade aerator shall be provided as per design data given in
a) The flash mixing chamber shall be designed as per data given in datasheet. It shall
be circular in plan.
b) The flash mixing structure shall accommodate and provide the arrangements
necessary to receive the raw water from the cascade aerator. Dose aluminium
Sulphate solution and immediately and violently disperse the solution throughout the
bulk of the water in a flash mixing chamber. The arrangement shall include a weir
inlet at upper level to receive raw water flows from cascade aerator, inter-connection
with flash mixing chambers. Bidder may, if they consider necessary or essential,
submit alternative design nearest to the flow adopted in the conceptual design.
c) The conceptual design provides one flash mixing chambers of full capacity with
submerged mixers, shaft driven from turbulent energy into the water at an anticipated
rate of kWh. Each unit operating single shall given reduced but effective mixing.
Bidders shall justify any departure from this rate. Aluminium Sulphate solution shall
be dosed immediately adjacent to the flash mixing devices. Dosing shall preferable
by extended transparent pipeline up to roof slab-level of flash mixing chambers to
enable visual inspection of the dose rate to be made.
d) The contractor shall supply the mixing machines which shall be first class water
works standards with a design life of 20 years. They shall be top entry mixing units
safely supported at slab level from a cross and beam arrangement above the mixing
chamber. The mixing turbine shall be of four bladed axial flow type located at one
third the chamber depth (Above floor level). The drive shaft and turbine bladed shall
be manufactured in stainless steel SS 316. The shafts shall be not less than 200
mm. diameter or as per Contractor’s own design. The mixing speed shall be 100
RPM. The driving motor shall be connected to the shaft through a direct-coupled
worm reduction gearbox reducing the speed from either 970 or 1400 R.P.M. The
shaft shall be detachable above water level by means of steel coupling with stainless
steel bolts (SS 316). The contractor shall take considerable care in his mixer design
and installation detailing into ensure that there is no possibility of oil or grease
leakage from the machine findings its way to the flash mixing chamber.
e) The machine shall be provided with lifting eyes to facilities its withdrawal.
f) The flash mixing chamber shall be internally fitted with suitably arranged baffles or
fins to achieve optimization of mixing with rapid mixer and to minimize swirl in the
chamber. Baffles or fins shall be constructed in reinforced concrete.
4.1.8 CastIronOpenChannelGates:
b) Design:
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
i. The open channel gate shall comprise of frame suitable for embedment in the
side wall and bottom of the open channel and shall be flush with channel walls
after embedment. The frame shall be self contained type with a yoke on top for
mounting of the operating arrangement.
ii. The shutter shall move within the frame guide and shall be provided with lugs
to enable connect it to the spindle.
iii. Water sealing on sides and bottom shall be affected by means of non corroding
seating faces secured in groves of frames and remaining in forced contact with
seal mounted on shutter. Bottom sealing arrangement shall be flush bottom
iv. The spindle shall be rising type and connected to the shutter by a knuckle and
pin type connecting arrangement. The spindle will be provided with stop nut to
avoid over closing of gate.
c) MaterialofConstruction:
Thematerialofconstructionforvariouscomponentsshallbeas under.
i. Gateframe,shutter/Door :CastironIS210FG200
v. Rubber seal retainer bar : Stainless Steel ASTM A 240 type 304
vi. Assembly bolts, nuts and fasteners : Stainless Steel ASTM A 276 type 304
vii. Stem & connecting pin : Stainless Steel ASTM A 276 type 304
d) Painting:Followingpaintingprocedureshallbeadoptedforthegates:
i. Priming : 1 coat of red oxide primer before and after shop testing. Finish
Painting - gate : Black bituminous paint for gate assembly. MinimumDFT 200
ii. Painting yoke & Headstock : Epoxy red oxide primer and epoxy grey paint.
Minimum DFT 150 microns.
e) TestAndInspection:
ii. Gates shall be offered for visual inspection and dimensional checks.
iii. The Purchaser shall witness the hydrostatic and water tightness.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
f) Drawings:Themanufacturershallsubmitthefollowingdrawings.
ii. Typical cross sectional drawing showing constructional details with the
complete bill of material, MOC and relevant standard
a) The flume section shall be symmetrical and rectangular, throated with two side
contractions to produce a parshall flume design. It shall be in accordance with
designs suggested in the “Manual on sewerage and sewage treatment” of CENTRAL
P.H. and Environment Engineering Organization, Ministry of Works and Housing,
New Delhi.
4.1.10 Rate of Flow Indicator:A float operated of flow instrument with indicator shall be provided
and mounted within a pedestal type cabinet over one half of the float chamber.
4.1.11 Clarifier Feed Flow:The clarifier feed pipe shall be of suitable diameter with a controlling
sluice valve as per the design flow and velocity.
a) The clarifier by-pass shall be suitable diameter pipe line with a sluice valve that shall
convey water from the inlet works, parshall flume or rectangular weir to the common
settled water influent channel for filtration.
b) The by-pass shall be designed for an operational capacity of Design flow with a peak
capacity of 20% over load design capacity.
a) The inlet works shall be designed with operational convenience and shaft safety in
mind. Elevated walk ways shall be arranged for ease of pedestrian access around
the mixing chamber to the mixing equipment motor and gear box along one side of
the elevated channel and around all head stocks, controls etc. Chambers shall be
arranged for ease of internal access and visual inspection of all flow and processes.
Full triple rail hand railing will be arranged around all elevated walk ways in this
section of the works.
b) Access and inspection paths within the walks ways shall be covered with open
means. Flooring pedestrian walkways shall be minimum 1.0 m. broad. An access
stair way shall be provided to ground level from the walk ways. Access to internal
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
chambers or channels greater than 1.2 m. deep shall be by step irons but step iron
shall not in the flume section.
a) Themechanicalmixingdeviceshallcompriserapidlyrotatingbladesmountedona vertical
shaftcoupledtothegearboxshaftthroughrigidcouplinganddriventhrougha suitably rated
four pole, continuous duty, TEFC motor with IP 55 protection (motor shall be as per
electricalspecifications)operatingthroughareductiongearboxtoensureuniform dispersal
ofthechemicalsolution/keepthetank contentsinsuspension.
ii. Pressure containing part shall have minimum corrosion allowance of 3 mm.
iv. A worm reduction gear shall be provided such that to achieve desire blade
vi. Flexible coupling shall be selected with a minimum service factor of 2 and shall
be capable of continuous operation at the max anticipated misalignment.
vii. Rigid coupling shall have tapered bores with key in nut arrangement. All
rigid coupling shall be made from cast steel in tank rigid coupling.
viii. Shaft sleeve with harden surface shall be provided at standby bearing and in
packing areas.
ix. The shaft shall be suitable for transmitting full torque available at the driver
name plate rating (starting torque).
xii. Bearing housing shall be designed with a span suitable for the minimum radial
cum thrust loading used for the design of the shaft.
xiii. It is preferred that the design of the agitator does not incorporate the use of a
steady bearing at the shaft end. However if the use of such bearing is
imperative the design shall be such that the bearing is of set aligning type and
his product lubricated.
b) The shaft (SS 316) shall be detachable above water level by means of steel coupling
with stainless steel 316 bolts. The contractor shall take considerable care in his mixer
design and installation detailing into ensure that there is no possibility of oil or grease
leakage from the machine findings its way to the flash mixing chamber. The driving
motor of suitable capacity and other accessories shall be totally enclosed but easily
accessible for maintenance. The shaft with the impeller shall be freely suspended
from the driving gear mounted on a platform on top of the chamber. Thrust or guide
bearing shall be located above the liquid level.
c) The machine shall be provided with lifting eyes to facilities its withdrawal.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
d) The flash mixing chamber shall be internally fitted with suitably arranged baffles or
fins to achieve optimization of mixing with rapid mixer and to minimize swirl in the
chamber. Baffles or fins shall be constructed in reinforced concrete.
e) MechanicalData:
AgitationprovidedAgitator : Topentryverticalshaft.
i. Levelgauge : Required(ForChemicaldosingtanksonly)
ii. Typeoflevelgauge : Float&boardtype
iii. Agitatortype : Axialpitchedturbine /lowspeed
iv. No. of Agitators : One min. for each tank
v. No. of Blades : 4 for Flash mixer
For dosing tanks- Aspermanufacturersdesign
ii. Equipment shall be tested as per relevant standards with latest revisions.
ii. Typical cross sectional drawing showing constructional details with the
complete bill of material, MOC and relevant standards, foundation details at
4.2.1 Works To Be Included: The works which are to be included by the contractor this section of
the treatment process shall comprise at least the following:
a) The design and necessary arrangement for the Clariflocculatorto flocculate settle and
decant the coagulated water from the inlet works.
b) The design and necessary arrangement for the control removal by gravity of the
settled sludge from the Clariflocculatorand the waste product
c) The design and necessary arrangement to drain down the clarifiersand provide a
facility to scour the sludge withdrawal, under higher head.
d) The design and necessary arrangement for the uniform collection of settled water
from the clariflocculator and its delivery to the filter battery for filtration.
a) The clariflocculator shall be designed entirely in reinforced concrete. The tank shall
be arranged to suit the works flow path, convenience of operation and effective
maintenance of structure and equipment. The task shall be disposed minimise
hydraulic losses and to achieve optimization of performance. Separate zones for
flocculation and sedimentation shall be provided.
4.2.3 General Design Criteria And Performance Guarantee: The clarification works shall be
designed to:-
a) Continually clarify the water for filtration and meet the performance standards with a
unit flow rate of design flow as per data sheet during monsoon period and during
commissioning period fair weather trials, clarify higher rates of flow.
b) Efficient removal of waste products from the process with minimum water loss.
c) The contractor shall guarantee that following chemical coagulation for the monsoon
quality raw water, the water leaving the sedimentation tank shall comply with the
following on 95% of occasions.
f) Total Aluminium: Not greater than 0.5 mg/l on the laboratory treatment tests.
g) The test results indicating non-achievement of water quality shall make modifications
in mechanical or electrical or chemical works in order to achieve the specified quality
to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer.
4.2.4 Clariflocculation Process: The clarification process designed, offered and supplied by the
contractor shall achieve flocculation, sedimentation and decantation in the self-contained
circular tank. The process shall not include a sludge blanket, solids recirculation facility or
any other process to enhance the performance of the self contained unit.The
clariflocculator shall be provided with the following:
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
c) Around the flocculator an upward flow sedimentation zone where in the sludge shall
get settled to the floor of the annular zone floor for scraped clearance.
d) Decantation of settled water uniformly from the surface of the sedimentation zone by
launder to the filter battery.
b) The tendering contractors may offer their own design of the clarifier type outlined in
this section meeting the general requirements and specifications given for the works,
its commencements, performance and standards, wherever possible.
b) Flocculation Zone
ii. The zone separation wall shall be in reinforced concrete, supported from the
tank base in columns or a supporting wall
c) Zone Entry; the flows in the flocculation zone shall be dispersed and there shall not
be any short circulating in the retention to ensure an even distribution of flows. The
inlet pipe will feed the central vertical reinforced concrete diffuser column outlet ports
ii. Double arm type centre torque driven machines are illustrated in the
conceptual arrangement shown on the drawings.
e) Agitation:
ii. Total area of paddles shall be 10-25% of the cross-sectional area of the tank.
Range for velocity gradient, G shall be 10to75 s-1. The Gt values shall be in a
suitable (104 to 105) to suit the raw water characteristics, behaviour flow rates
at all times and coagulant added. The peripheral speed of paddle shall be
between 0.3 to 0.40 m/sec.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
iii. The contractor shall include full details of his proposed flocculation machinery
with his tender along with detailed drawings, energy calculations, also the
range of rotational and tip speeds proposed.
f) Sludge Removal: In consideration to the design and raw water conditions, the
arrangements for continual removal of settled solids from the flocculator base may be
provided, if necessary.
h) Sedimentation Zone: Sedimentation zone shall be circular in plan with upward flow
arrangements and have a total net surface area in order to limit the design surface
loading to 30 m3/m2/day. The settling sludge shall fall to the floor for scraped
collection and clarified settled water decanted into collecting launders at inner face of
clarifier with submerged orifice.
i) Floor Slope: The sedimentation zone floor shall radially fall to the centre at a slope
not more than 1:10.
j) Side Wall Depth: The minimum outer side wall depth shall not be less than 3.5 m.
from working top water level to the point of intersection of vertical internal surface of
the outer tank wall with that of the finished tank floor.
n) Floor Finish to Tank: The final finish to the tank floor shall be specified by the
contractor with his tender. He shall submit the civil works procedure for applying a
cement screed incl. water proofing compound of a suitable thickness to the structural
concrete base slab in order that the surface finish may be laid to profile matching the
surface finish may be laid to profile matching the scrapper blades.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
o) Settled Water Outlet To Filters: Settled water from the clariflocculator shall be fed to
the filters by extending the decanting launders till the common filter influent
channel/chamber. A free fall is envisaged between the extended launder and
common filter influent channel. The velocity of water in outlet conduit should not be
more than 0.4 M/Sec.
p) Sludge Removal: Sludge shall be continuously removed from the clarifier by tele-
scopic draw off valve during normal operation. The telescopic valve shall be
operated from head stock at the peripheral walk-way level. It shall be constructed
with cast iron body fitted with bronze guides. A telescopic valve stand pipes shall be
fitted with best key level by pass drainage valves. The contractor shall state in his
tender the anticipated average sludge draw off rate, the peak rate achievable and
capacity of his proposed telescopic draw off units.
q) Tank Drainage: For maintenance purposes the contractor shall provide the neces-
sary arrangements for draining the clarifier by gravity.
t) Clarifier Tank Machinery and Control:The scrapers, flocculator, blades and the
rotating bridges supplied by the contractor shall generally be manufactured in steel,
painted and protected. All steel members of the bridge shall be painted and hand
rails, scraper elements galvanized.
u) Rotating Bridge Structure: The rotating bridge structure shall incorporate a walkway
having a minimum affective width of 1.0 m, which shall be surfaced with MSEP
chequered plate, painted black. The bridge shall be designed to take its own dead
weight together with uniformly distributed super loading of 500 kg/m over the half
span and width of the walkway bridge. Maximum deflection of the bridge under the
specified loading shall not exceed 1/360 of the span. The bridge shall be so braced
as to a limit lateral deflection to less than 8 mm, measured at mid span under full
load conditions. A drawing to support the contractor proposal in this regard shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval.
i. The bridge structure shall be supported at the centre of the tank by means of a
substantial cast iron bearing assembly of the slowing ring type and
incorporating trunion type mounting to accommodate vertical undulation of the
traction wheels at the peripheral wall of the tank. The central bearing assembly
shall be extended to a battery mounted at the convenient point above the
walkway. Oil-fill and drain points, where applicable shall be extended to provide
a convenient access for filling and drawing the system. Catch drains shall be
provided under all oil and grease points to prevent spillage from reaching the
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
iii. The size and design of wheels and carriage shall be calculated to transit
optimum tractive effort relative to the proportions of the scraper without
producing wheel spin when the wheel path is subject to the climatic conditions
which reduce the adhesion. Contractor’s calculations for these shall be
submitted with those specified before.
w) Scraper Drive: The scraper drive shall comprise a direct coupled electric motor with
reduction gear units. The assembly shall be rigidly mounted and shall be completely
weather-proof whole of it shall be adequately rated for continuous service in a water
treatment works environment. All lubrication points and all necessary provisions shall
be made for routine maintenance and for a prevention of oil and grease spillages. A
deflector shall be provided and fitted to the leading edge of the driving carriage. It
shall be angled at 45⁰ and arranged to be adjustable to within 3 mm of the perimeter
rail such that materials liable to foul the free passage of the wheel shall be deflected
out of its way.
x) Hand Rails: The bridge shall have hand railing to both sides forming an enclosure at
the centre in between. The finished height of the hand railing shall be 1 m above the
walkway. The guards shall be provided and secured around the bridge walkway
which shall be not less than 100 mm. high and 5 mm. thick.
ii. The top portion of blades shall be folded forwards in the direction and overall
proportions shall be such that individual blades shall maintain rigidity at all
times. Renewable fabric reinforced rubber wearing strips of cross section not
less than 12 mm. x 100 mm. shall be fitted to each blades to provide a
continuous contact surface which is adjustable for water. The materials chosen
shall have share hardness not greater than 40 and be manufactured from well
proven compound details of which shall be submitted with the tender.
iii. Backing strips shall be fitted to give support to the fixing of the rubber wearing
strips and the assembly shall be secured by means of stainless steel bolts,
S.S. 316 of not less than 10 mm dia. appropriate washers shall be fitted
beneath all bolt heads and nuts. The backing strips shall not project beyond the
lip of the scraper blade and the rubber wearing strips shall not project by more
than 3 times their thickness. Drilling of scraper blades and packing strips shall
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
be uniform about the centre to facilitate and to end reversal and complete
replacement of rubbers to compensate for wear.
iv. The upper most edge of the blades is mounted in such a way that they will at
all times, be inclined slightly forwards in the direction of rotation.
vi. Robust cast iron brackets with knuckle joints shall be used to connect the
depending arms to the bridge structure and to the blades.
vii. The top connections shall permit the blades to follow slight undulations in the
tank floor. The bottom connection shall allow the blades to maintain contract
with the floor throughout its length, while accommodating slight variations in the
radial plane of the tank floor.
i. The flocculation zone arm and scrapers shall be arranged to suit the
contractor’s own specific requirements and shall be designed and constructed
to similar standards as specified above (for outer scraper), and provide with
similar features and fittings.
ii. Central driven flocculators and scrapers shall be passed via a spun gear and
ball slowing ring, running in a fully enclosed oil bath. The lower pivot around
the central riser shall be constructed with at least three bronze slipper bearings
on a steel guide ring.
aa) Slip Ring Assembly: The electrical supply to scraper or flocculator driving motor shall
be taken through a multi ring and slip ring collector unit mounted in a fully water proof
enclosure. The unit shall be fitted at the centre of rotation of each scraper and shall
be complete with necessary support brackets, Autorotation device. A suitable means
of lubrication shall be provided and the covers shall have a suitable worded warning
label that the source of supply is to be switched off before removing the cover. The
slip ring assembly shall be mounted above the top level of the tank walls. Sufficient
rings shall be included to cover the mortar supply and any ancillary circuits.
bb) Motors: Scraper motors shall be of squirrel cage type, protected to IP 55 and shall be
rated 25% above design maximum.
cc) Starters: Unless otherwise specified the starters shall be accommodated within a
fibre based kiosk in the building on the clarifier bridge.
The flocculator and scrapers shall each be arranged for individual manual control.
Where the tanks are elevated and access to the bridge is limited to one point of the
periphery, the contractor shall provide a limit switch positioned on the peripheral wall
which in conjunction with “Stiller Mechanism” positioned in the bridge stop shall be
driving mechanism in the “Park” selector switch shall be provided in the control panel
which shall be located in a fibre glass kiosk on the approach walkway.
4.2.8 Metal Protection: All ferrous and Non-ferrous metals except stainless steel shall be suitably
treated to prevent corrosion and weathering.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
4.2.9 Testing:
Performancetest YEStobewitnessed
Allsitetesting YEStobewitnessed
b) Typical cross sectional drawing showing constructional details with the complete bill
of material and relevant standards.
4.3.1 Works To Be Included: The works to be included by the contractor in this section of the
treatment process shall comprise of at least the following:
a) Design and necessary arrangements for variable decline rate filtration of the works
flows in a filter battery comprising of two identical filter units.
b) Design and necessary arrangements to distribute the flow (from either the flash
mixers or the clarifiers proposed) between the filters, cleans, the filters, removing the
back wash water and collect the filtrate flow for final disinfection.
d) Design and layouts for administrative purposes for the filter house and machinery
shall be attached with the filter battery.
e) Supply of filters with filtering media and the necessary machinery and equipment
required for the filters.
4.3.2 Brief Description of The Works: The filter battery shall be constructed in reinforced
concrete, boxes, shall be covered rectangular in plan arranged in a single row with
common influent channel and a common filtered water channel and pipe gallery on one
side of the filter controls. The filter to back wash waste water channel, shall be arranged
below filter influent channel, and suitable piping for eventual disposal. The filters shall be
arranged for convenience of operation and maintenance, minimization of hydraulic losses
and the optimization of performance in terms of quantity and quality of treated water.
a) The filtration works shall be designed to receive the works flows from the inlet works
during the fair season and achieve the specified treated water quality with works
throughout rate of design flow as per data sheet.
b) To receive the settled water from the clarification works either existing or proposed
and achieve the specified water quality with a works throughout rate of design flow
as per data sheet.
c) The average filtration rate shall be 6 m³/ m²/ hr. The filtration rate shall be calculated
by dividing the unit flow per filter (m³/hr.) by the net unit media plan area (in m²).
Based on the above, the conceptual design adopts. Tendering contractors should
note that they are at liberty to reduce the filtration rate during fair season up to what
they deem fit.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
d) Each filter unit shall contain a single sized silica sand bed, (Effective size in the
region of 0.60 mm,. uniformity coefficient 1.5 and depth not less than 0.9 m.) carried
on a gravel media of about 0.50 m. layer thickness for manifold/lateral piped under
drain system or on a suspended floor fitted with along stemmed plastic nozzles or V-
wire screen. They shall be designed for cleaning with the reverse flow of air followed
for by a water wash at a sufficient rate to fluidize and expand the bed, detach and
remove the filter burden without assistance of surface wash. Declining rate filters
shall be adopted with split flow arrangement from a common settled water influent
channels, and outlet arrangements by a weir in the inspection chamber with its crest
at 0.10 m. above the top of sand bed, and then the spillage point and conveyed to
the pure water sump through req. length MS pipe of a pipe of adequate diameter.
e) The rapid sand declined rate filter shall be designed for an average filtration rate 6
m³/ m²/ hr, with a flow range of 9.6 m³/ m²/ hr. at the beginning of filter run to 2.4 m³/
m²/ hr, before washing the filters. The abnormally high filtration rates immediately
after the back wash shall be avoided by manual operation of pure water outlet valves
in the filter gallery. The filtration works shall be designed for a water column of
minimum 2.0 m. (without free board) above the top of sand bed, with a provision for
increase in water column to a height of 2.25 m. above the top of sand bed. A suitably
designed orifice with an arrangement to measure the different head across it and
hence the rate of flow on each of the outlets shall be provided. Filter shall be cleaned
on time basis. The back wash rates for air and water shall be as per hydraulic design
or CPHEEO, W.S. Manual, 1999.
f) An air wash causing a loosening of filter media, shall be followed by a water wash.
g) The quantity of wash water used should not exceed 2% of the total of the water
filtered. No continuous filter run shall be less than 23.5 hours and 95% of all
continuous filter-runs shall achieve 36 hours, when the clarifiers are in operation.
h) Filter outlets weirs shall be located in the inspection chamber with their crests at 0.10
m. above the top of filter media and they shall discharge into a common reinforced
concrete filtered water collection channel.
i) The filters shall be divided into the two identical balanced sections with a central filter
feed/back wash collecting gullet, which it turn shall receive back wash waste water
from a pair of waste water troughs constructed for each section and separate
cleaning ports. Filter control valves shall be manuals operated from head stocks.
a) The specified filter type has been selected for its simplicity of operation, ease of
maintenance (over and under floors), its reliability and its inherent resistance to
operation upset.
b) Bidders may offer their own particular or “Nearest” version of the filter type
envisaged. No tender will be considered which does not include a filtration process
bases on the specified number of units of at least the specified size and the filter type
with either suspended floors or piped under drain system, single sized filtering media
and separate air and water wash facilities. However, the Bidders shall note that a
variable head declining rate filtration type shall be offered by them as a part of the
basic tender.
4.3.6 Extent of Works:Under this contract, the contractor shall supply required filter units and
shall all the machinery. Equipment required for all the filter units. Contractors design and
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
installation shall be such as to enable the filter battery to filter water at a rate of design floe
as per data sheet. In the event of conversion into dual media, filters at a later date, for this
the shell design all the transmission system pertaining to filtration works, that is settled
water channel, pure water channel, pure water gravity drain, all of the under drain system
for throughout put rate of i.e. double the rate of design flow rate. Contractor’s designs shall
also be such as to enable the filter battery to be linearly extended at a later date with the
minimum of interference to the works.
4.3.7 Filter Feed: Inlet flows to the filters shall be distributed along the length of the filter battery
externally arranged in a reinforced concrete settled water common influent channel with a
suitable arrangements of the enable the incoming flows to be divided equally between the
two filters say an adjustable weir plate. Channels and associated chamber floors shall be
given slope towards the drains and drainage valves. They if necessary shall be fitted with
to stop or step irons for internal access.
4.3.8 Filter Media: Filtration shall be by gravity through a bed of hard gained silica (Quartz) sand
of minimum thickness 90 cm. Filter sand shall be of effective size 0.60 mm and uniformity
coefficient of 1.50.The sand depth shall be checked with the help of following formula
Qd³/h= B x 29323
d= sand size in mm
L= Depth of bed in m
Assume 4 x 10-4
4.3.9 Filter Support: Filter sand shall rest on a gravel bed of not less than 0.50 m. thickness in
the event of piped under drain system, or directly on the suspended floor in case of nozzle
under drain system to suit a particular design.
a) Filter sand shall be of hard and resistant quarts or quartzite and free of clay, mica,
shale, dirt, loam organic impurities, later soluble iron and manganese. Effective size
shall be 0.45 to 0.70 mm. uniformity coefficient shall not be more than 108 not less
than 1.3. The weight loss or contact with N hydrochloric acid shall not exceed than
5% weight after 24 hours. Ignition loss should not exceed 0.7 percent by weight. The
friability weight loss after mixing for 15 minutes (750 strokes) shall be less than 10%
and for 30 minutes (1500 strokes) shall be less than 20%.
b) The specific gravity of the sand shall in the range of 2.55 to 2.65 silica content should
not be less than 90% wiring loss should not exceed 3% IS 8419 (Part-I) 1947:
Filtration media. Sand and gravel may be referred for other details.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
a) The contractor shall supply the filter media for the works and shall submit with his
tender details of the source from which the proposed to draw his supplies of filter
sand and verify that sufficient quantities of satisfactory filter sand can be obtained,
packed stored on site and the filter shells charged in accordance with his work
b) Within the two months of the date of acceptance of tender, the contractor shall
submit to the Engineer to 20 Kg. representative samples of the filter sand and also a
sample of supporting media for testing. When the sand is found to be confirming to
the requirements, the contractor will then be given permission to place an order for
his supplies.
c) Prior to packing, all filter sand, shall be washed, heat dried and sieved to conform the
specified grading and tested. Separate test certificates (In triplicate) shall be
provided to the Engineer for each 20 cubic meters of media so supplied.
d) Packing shall be in suitable approved double or triple bags to protect the media from
spillage or contamination.
e) Any sand or media delivered losses or found to be split or open bags shall be
rejected on site. Storage on site shall be only in an approved. Pre designed area,
well drained and free of mud and silt. Following installation and satisfactory testing of
all the filter floors, the contractor will be given written permission to commence filling
the filters. The contractor will set out and indicate and the methods of filling the
media in his tender submission and specification. Filter media shall be carefully
placed and not charged by dropping, dumping, machine handling or any other
method which in the opinion of the Engineer will be determined to the floor media,
nozzles/drains to or sealants.
g) Following the initial charging the filter shall be washed by the contractor. Filter beds,
designed for expansion during, cleaning shall be skimmed prior to disinfections and
commissioning of the works.
a) In the conceptual design, piped under drain system has been adopted. In the event
of adopting similar system, the contractor shall provide reinforced concrete flooring
with slots in each section of filter, to accommodate manifold or he may provide
concrete channel in each section, to collect and convey pure water back wash water
and air from/ to under drain laterals. If the tendering contractor wishes to adopt
nozzles and suspended floor arrangement the filter media shall be supported by a
suspended floor, fitted with long stemmed plastic floor nozzle and designed to pass
the air and water required for the reserve flow cleaning and to exclude the media
from the filter base and outlet systems.
c) Nozzles shall be evenly spread over the full floor area with a concentration of at least
50/ m. During installation of any floor all nozzle socket shall be plugged until nozzle
fitting commences.
A detailed specification of the calculations for his proposed filter floor, its
nozzles, the floor seals between slabs and around the perimeter.
The tolerances required for the support beams and walls, and tolerance for
the slabs and the finished floor.
Complete hydraulic calculations for laterals, orifices, and manifolds, and the
tolerance ratios of their area with filter area
The Contractor shall clearly indicate at the tender stage the arrangements
he proposes to connect the laterals with the manifold and back wash water
and air arrangements.
4.3.13 Filter Base: In case of suspended floors, the filter base shall be designed for access below
the filter floor and the central trough. It shall be arranged to ensure free passage of the
filtrate to the outlet pipe work, equal division of air and wash water between the filter half
and designed to achieve a level air scour fusion and uniform distribution or air along the
length and breadth of the filter, regardless of the size and position of the floor supports.
a) Filter cleaning shall be reverse flows of air and water; systems employing separate
air and water washing are envisaged.
b) The air supply shall be taken from one of the two lobe type/ roots type air blowers
and the water supply from the wash water tank to be constructed on top of the
chemical house under the scope of this tender.
c) The free air flow rate shall be 45 m/hr. to 50 m/hr. for duration of 5 minutes. The
wash water flow rate shall be 36 m/hr. (600 LPM/m²) for duration of 10 minutes.
a) The contractor shall fully justify in his tender submission, the filter cleaning system for
the contractor’s particular version of the conceptual design.
b) The contractor shall include consideration of water loss, design sequence and
timings, rise rates, the water temperatures, surface, travel distance for wash water,
ease of operation, timings and durations of the wash period etc.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
4.3.16 Waste Water Travel Distance :The Contractor shall, as far as possible to suit his own
design, limit the horizontal distance of travel of wash water across the bed surface to the
wash water cross troughs.
4.3.17 Wastage of The First Filtrate: Systems employing the wastage of the first filtrate shall not
be offered.
4.3.18 Filtering To Waste: The contractor shall provide the facility for the entire works output to be
filtered to waste during the testing, commissioning or subsequent operation of the works.
b) The flooring for inspection chamber shall be in white glazed tiles. The walls of the
inspection chamber shall be covered with white glazed tiles for full height.
4.3.20 Head Loss/ Back Pressure Gauges:Each filter is provided with two head loss/back
pressure gauges, one mounted in the filter house at upper gallery level, and the other (a
manometer) in the pipe gallery. Both shall indicate the water pressure across the filter
during normal operation.
4.3.21 Gauge: The mounted gauge shall be of the float operated type with a 150 mm. diameter
indicator, a geared drive to a cable cylinder, 100 mm. dia meter copper flat, 1 mm.
diameter stainless steel wire woven cable and counter weight. The float tube shall be
connected to the filtered water outlet port casting by a 12.5 mm. dia meter valve and
copper tube. It shall terminate at its lower end in a blank flange to enable the float to be
removed if necessary and shall be fitted with a 25 mm. dia drain valve. The gauge dial
shall have two scales in opposite directions: Alternative arrangement to the above may be
offered provided they are of simple reliable construction and could readily be attained.
4.3.22 Manometer:Filter manometers to serve as stand by head loss gauges shall be well
mounted in the lower filter pipe gallery.
4.3.23 Filter Controls: In an attempt to minimize mechanization, the conceptual design adopts
manually operated filters. All filters inlet and outlet flows shall preferably be manually
controlled by head stock operated sluice valves or penstocks. Head stocks at upper filter
gallery or walkway wheel valve shall be provided at each filter for the following controls:
a) Filter inlet.
c) Air inlet
4.3.24 Filter Ports:To limit the head loss arising from friction, turbulence and velocity heads, the
following upper limits of velocity shall preferably apply:
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
4.3.25 Filter Gallery and Filter Machinery Hall Pipe Works: Filter gallery water carrying pipe work
shall be in either steel or cast iron with flanged connections, with a provision of detachable
flanged couplings to facilitate maintenance of valves and fittings. The filter gallery and
machinery shall pipe work shall be arranged for easy operation, access for maintenance
and to minimize undesirable head losses in the works.
4.3.26 Air Mains: The Contractor shall feed air to the filter through a steel header, at a high level
within the pipe gallery. Individual filter section suppliers from the air header shall be in
flanged steel pipe work but the filter entry pot shall be a cast iron flanged piece, with
integral puddle which shall incorporate a siphon and valves to exclude reverse water flows
to the blowers.
4.3.27 Wash Water Main: Wash water supply pipe work shall be from elevated service reservoir
as specified. Velocity in the header shall be designed to account for head losses arising in
the future development & preferably shall not exceed 2.0 m/sec. The req. valves and its
chamber shall be also provided by the contractor at his own cost.
a) The filter back wash waste from each filter shall be collected in a common waste
water channel connected in drainage system which is a part 7 parcel of filtration
works. Care should be taken while designing the outflows about uniform collection
sludge / muddy water as otherwise sludge pockets are likely to remain which will
eventually clot the pipeline.
b) The final disposal leads to the natural drain passing near bye and all required piping,
channel is to be designed ad provided and constructed by the agency at his on cost
up to 500 m length.
4.3.29 Lateral length:The length of lateral on each side of manifold shall not be more than 60
times the diameter of laterals.
a) The total head / capacity curve shall be continuously rising towards the shut off with
the highest at shut off. Pump shall be suitable for single as well as parallel efficient
operation at any point in between the maximum and minimum system resistances.
The impeller shall be of a non-clog design with smooth passage and desired solid
handling capability. Pump shall run smooth without under noise and vibration. The
pump set shall be suitable for starting with discharge valve open and/or closed. The
pump set shall be capable of withstanding the accidental rotation in reverse direction.
In addition to this, the pumps shall be fitted with a special tearing system on the
suction side for tearing soft solid material.
b) Pump shall be submersible, centrifugal, vertical spindle, non clog, wear resisting,
single stage type. Pump casing shall be of robust construction. Liquid passages shall
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
be finished smooth and designed as to allow free passage of solid. The volute
tongue shall be filed to a smooth round edge.
c) Double mechanical seals shall be provided to protect the motor from ingress of
service fluid along the shaft. The preliminary and secondary seals shall be oil-
lubricated. The seal faces of the preliminary seal shall be of either tungsten carbide
or silicon-carbide faces while the secondary seal can be of carbon versus chrome
steel or tungsten carbide. They shall be equipped with an electrical monitoring
system for seal failure detection. Use of Lip seals or back to back seals is not
allowed. The mechanical seals should be bi-directional.
d) Impeller shall be non-clog semi open type with smooth blunt edges and large water
way so as to allow free passage of the large size solid. It shall be free from sharp
corner and projection likely to catch and hold rags and stringy materials. Typical dirty
water / sewage have high content of sand, silt & ash. Hence the pump design should
be of wear resistant type – hence no wearing parts like impeller support
bushes/rings, soft metal parts, etc. are allowed in the pump.
e) Pump set shall have double bearings. The bearing life shall be minimum 75,000 hrs
of operation and shall be self lubricated.
f) The unit shall be designed to operate safely at the maximum speed attainable in the
reverse direction of rotation due to water returning through the pump at times when
the power supply to the motor is interrupted and the discharge valve fails to close.
g) Each pump shall be complete with an Automatic Coupling system for fixing to the
concrete floor of the suction well. The design of the automatic coupling system is
such that the joint between the pump discharge flange and the delivery piping shall
be made by merely lowering the pump into guide pipe from access level. The
pedestal of the automatic coupling system shall be integrally cast with the delivery
bend thereby obviating the need of separately bolted CI Duck Foot Bend. It shall be
provided with all necessary fixing for guiding the pumps during lifting/lowering.
4.3.31 LiftingHook
a) To “fish out” a vertical submerged pump-set from the wet well (even if a chain has
not been attached to the lifting hook prior to the pump set being lowered) the pump
should have a self centring lifting hook. Its design should be such that the lifting
chain’s hook can be engaged to the pump’s lifting hook without the need for man to
enter the wet well. This hook should be of corrosion resistant stainless steel.
b) Each pump shall be provided with an automatic coupling device for attaching the
crane hook to the pump is submerged, without the need for personnel to enter the
well. This automatic coupling device shall easily and automatically couple and
uncouple the hoist hook and be complete with necessary accessories. All links and
cables shall be multi-stranded stainless steel. To guide the pump while lifting &
lowering there should be guide pipes / wires between the pedestal of the auto
coupling & the top of the sump.
Component Material
Impeller Stainlesssteel:ASTMA743CF8M
Casing CastIrontoIS:210GrFG260
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Shaft StainlessSteel:BS:970Gr410
Guiderailpipe StainlessSteel:BS:970Gr304
LiftingChain SS304
AutomaticCouplingSystem CastIronforuptopumpdischargesizes
FastenersandFoundationBolts 200mm
StainlessSteel 316
d) Materialtestcertificatesshallbefurnishedbythe contractor
a) The submersible motor shall be Induction, Squirrel Cage, and Dry type, designed
continuousoperation(S1duty)capableofworkingsatisfactorilyinwaterimmersion. Motor
shallbecapable ofgivingratedoutputwithout reduction intheexpected lifespanwhen
b) Degree of protection of motor shall be IP 68. The power rating of the motor shall be
c) 120% of power required by the rated impeller on its entire performance range or as
per the safety factor specified in electrical specifications for MV Motors, whichever is
d) The motor shall be integral part of the pump. Each phase of the motors shall be
provided with thermostat. The motor winding shall be suitable for star delta/soft
starter. For other requirements refer electrical specifications. The motor shall operate
satisfactorily at all operating levels in wet well.
e) Motor shall be suitable for full voltage & star-delta starting. Motor shall be capable of
starting and accelerate the load with the applicable method of starting, without
exceeding acceptable winding temperature, when the supply voltage is in the range
85% of the rated motor voltage to maximum permissible voltage. Motors shall be
designed to withstand 120% of rated speed for two minutes without any
mechanical damage, in either direction of rotation. The motor vibration shall be
within the limit specified in applicable standard unless otherwise specified for the
driven equipment. Except as mentioned herein, the guaranteed performances of the
motor shall be met with tolerances specified in applicable standards.
f) Any joints in the motor insulation such as at coil connection or between slot and end
winding section, shall have strength equivalent to that of the slot section of the coil.
The insulation shall be given tropical and fungicidal treatment for successful
operation of the motor in hot, humid and tropical climate. The tropical treatment shall
be as per the applicable standard.
The stator winding shall be made from high conductivity annealed copper conductor,
super enameled insulated winding wiresconforming to IS 8783-1978 for dry type
motors. The stator winding shall be of high conductivity annealed copper enameled
insulated wires conforming to IS 4800 (part-VII): 1970 for dry type motors. The
corresponding Class of insulation shall be “F” for motor ratings up to 120hp & Class
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
”H” for larger ratings – however for motors to be operated on VFD’s , only Class “H”
insulation is allowed.
h) The temperature-rise test of the motor may be taken with the pump at the duty point
at the full load output of the motor. When the various temperatures are stabilized, the
set is stopped and the temperature-rise of the stator winding by the resistance
method shall not exceed 80ºC even for Class “F” or Class “H” insulated motors.
i) As the cable resistance method, due care is taken to account for the correct hot and
cold resistance of windings.
j) Terminal box shall be of IP 68 type construction to eliminate entry of water and dust.
The terminal shall be the stud type with necessary plain washer, spring washers and
check nuts. They shall be substantially designed for the current carrying capacity and
shall ensure ample phase to phase to ground clearance.
4.3.33 Protection
b) Sensors are to be provided to detect if leakage of water into the oil housing is above
30% concentration. Bimetallic thermal switch to trip the motor against increase in
temperature shall be provided.
c) The required control unit to process these safety signals & with potential free contact
o/p for alarm / trip shall be provided by vendor for suitable interlocking in starter
circuit and /or PLC.
4.3.34 SubmersibleCable
a) A watertight Cable Junction Boxsealed from the motor shall be provided for the motor
power and signaling cables. The cable shall be of sufficient length and shall be
brought out of the submerged motor without joint to terminate in junction box / control
panel, located in LT panel room /outside the wet well.
b) Power as well as Control Cables shall be of Dual Sheathed EPRS / PVC Armored
type with required no. of Copper Core, round type and of required size as per design
c) The power cable shall be PVC insulated and PVC sheathed, flexible, 3.5/4.0 core
round type. The size of the conductor shall be adequate for continuous use under
water and air. Cable half/full core as per design to be used for earthing. The size of
the conductor and length of cable shall be suitably selected so that the voltage drop
at motor terminals does not exceed 3 percent of the rated voltage.
d) The control cable shall be PVC insulated PVC sheathed, flexible, round type and
shall be adequate for continuous use under water and air. The control cable for
stator winding temperature sensor (Thermostats/ bimetallic switches ) of 3 core X
1.5/2.5 sq.mm copper conductor and for bimetallic thermal switch with 2 core X
1.5/2.5 sq.mm copper conductor shall be provided or as required as per design.
Similarly control cable for level sensor shall be 2 cores X 1.5/2.5 sq.mm copper
conductor shall be provided or as required as per design. Accordingly suitable multi
core control cable shall be provided with minimum 1 spare core.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
e) Earthing of the motors shall be done in accordance with the relevant provisions of IS:
3043- 1966 for the purpose of earthing these motors, earthing connection may be
made to discharge pipe.
a) The pump shall be non clog, vertically-mounted, single stage with semi open / open-
impeller type and close coupled to its fully submersible electric motors designed for
c) The pump shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration.
d) The power rating of the pump motor shall be min.150% more than the power
required from zero discharge to zero head.
4.3.36 FeaturesofConstruction
a) The pump casing shall be volute type and Impeller shall be non clog type, cast in one
piece. Pump with Semi open impeller shall be with wear plate of matching profile.
Pump impellers shall be designed to pass solids and shall be capable of pumping
solids of up to 25 mm diameter.
b) The pump and motor shall be as one unit together with impeller mounted on
extended shaft of motor and fixed with the help of SS 316 impeller screw or cap top
type impeller nut with helical insert and washer in such a way that impeller doesn’t
get loose during rotation of pump in either direction.
c) Pump shaft /stuffing box shall be sealed with double mechanical seal- one between
Motor & Oil Chamber and second between Oil Chamber & pump unit, suitable for
service fluid and shall have minimum 20000 hrs life. Pump shall bedesigned
forintermittent & frequent operations.
d) Pumps shall be supplied with all necessary pipe work to discharge to surface
drainage. Each pump shall be provided with delivery reflux and isolating valves, and
suitable lifting gear for lowering and lifting the pump from the sump in case of fix
installation .
e) Pumps weighing 40 KG or more shall be lowered in to the sump on guide rails and
be located to their respective discharge pipe work with an angle flange connection
and self-locating clamps.
g) Starter panel shall be installed near the pump. Starter panel shall be provided with
A/M and/or L/R selector switches as required for manual operation through panel
mounted on/off push buttons as well as in auto mode through level switches or other
applicable method.
h) The dewatering pump shall operate in auto mode through Low & High level float
switches to be supplied with pump and suitably interlocked with control circuit for
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
turning ON the pump at high level and turning OFF the pump at low level. High- High
level float switch shall also be provided along with pump for necessary alarm at
control panel. Necessary junction box and cables in required length from level switch
up to junction box and from junction box to starter panel & control panel, as
applicable, shall be included in the scope of supply of this item.
4.3.37 MaterialofConstruction
a) Alternatelybiddercanalsoprovidenonclog,selfpriming,horizontalmonoblockor direct
coupled, singlestagetypepumpsuitablefordewatering insteadofsubmersible type with
a) The Pump shall be Centrifugal, Horizontal shaft, Horizontal split case type designed
and manufactured for pumping liquid like raw / potable water. Pump shall be directly
coupled to motor through coupling, mounted on common base plate with foundation
bolts and all other required accessories.
c) The pump shall be selected in such a way so that operating point shall lie on best
efficiency point (BEP) or within 15 % of BEP flow on either side meeting NPSH
requirement. Pump selected with duty point lying on right side of BEP beyond 15 %
limit shall not be accepted.
d) The pump shall be selected with intermediate diameter of Impeller. The rated
impeller diameter shall be at least 10 mm smaller than the maximum Impeller dia.
possible for the offered pump model.
e) The manufacturer shall ensure while selecting pump that required Net Positive
Suction Head (NPSH) is less than available NPSH to ensure pump’s operation
without cavitations under the worst operating condition. The required NPSH at duty
point and throughout the range shall be at least 1.0 m and 0.5 m, less than the
available NPSH respectively at the lowest water level in the sump.
f) Each pump must be capable of running satisfactorily in parallel with other sets in the
system without throttling and by itself, without cavitations or overload under all
operating conditions within the system resistance indicated. All pumps shall have
identical performance.
g) The pump shall be designed to start with delivery valve fully open.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
h) The unit shall be designed to operate safely at the maximum speed attainable in the
reverse direction of rotation due to water returning through the pump at times when
the power supply to the motor is interrupted and the discharge valve fails to close.
i) Pump’s rotating assembly shall be statically and dynamically balanced as per ISO
standards and shall run smooth without undue noise and vibration. The velocity of
vibration shall be within the 3.0 mm/sec. Noise level shall be limited to 85 dB A at a
distance of 1.0 m
j) The power rating of motors to drive pumps shall be suitable to meet maximum
requirement of power for the rated impeller throughoutit’s’ performance range.
m) Impeller shall be enclosed, single or double suction type with smooth and large ways
so as to allow free passage to the fluid being pumped. It shall be free from sharp
corners and projections likely to catch and hold rags and stringy materials. Impeller
shall be statically and dynamically balanced at rated speed as per applicable
standard so as to avoid vibration.
n) Replaceable shaft sleeves shall be provided and shall be securely locked or keyed to
the shaft to prevent loosening. Necessary rubber ‘O’ ring or CAF / Teflon gaskets
shall be provided between impeller and shaft sleeve to prevent liquid passage
between shafts and sleeve. In no case shaft shall be in contact with liquid. The
surface hardness of the shaft sleeve shall be minimum 250 BHN.
p) Pump when required with gland packed Stuffing box; same shall be of such design
that they can be repacked without removal of any part other than gland and lantern
ring. Stuffing box drain with pipe connection shall be provided at the lowest
point so that no leakage accumulates in it. Lantern ring shall be sandwiched
between packing and shall be easily removable. Lantern ring shall be of axially split
type and shall be sealed with self liquid being pumped or as recommended by the
pump manufacturer. Necessary pipe connections and piping for this shall be
provided by pump manufacturer. Gland shall be of split type. Gland bolts and nuts
shall be of SS.
q) Pumps required with Mechanical Seals shall be provided with necessary piping for
cooling, flushing and lubrication of seal faces as recommended by seal
manufacturer. Seal shall be designed and selected for the specified application in
order to perform the equipment trouble free and working life not less than 40,000
hours of operation. Seals shall be covered with SS
r) 304 mechanical seal cover and shall be tightened with SS fasteners as per the
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
s) Pumps shall be supplied with Rubber liquid deflector to prevent liquid entry to
bearings, in case of failure of mechanical seal / leakage through stuffing box.
t) Pump shall be provided withanti friction grease lubricated bearings. The whole
rotating assembly of pump shall rest between minimum two bearings for smooth
operation. Bearings shall be easily accessible for inspection and maintenance.
Bearings shall be of SKF / FAG make only.
v) A stationary coupling guard shall be provided for the coupling conforming to all
relevant safety codes and regulations. Coupling guard design shall be such that
coupling is covered from both the sides as well apart from top cover. Guard shall be
designed for easy installation and removal, complete with necessary support,
accessories and SS fasteners.
w) The pumping unit shall be provided with a common drain rim type base plate with
25mm dia. drain pipe, terminated to nearest drain pit/trench. The base plate shall be
of sufficient size and rigid sufficient to maintain the pump and motor in proper
alignment and position. Base plate shall be supplied by pump manufacturer only.
The base plate shall be grouted on the RCC foundation with the help of “J” type
foundation bolts of manufacturer’s recommended / approved size.
a) Casing CIIS210Gr.FG260
b) Shaft AISI410
d) Impeller CF8M
f) Casingwearing CF8M
j) BasePlate(DrainRimtype) CI/MS-EpoxyCoated
Hydrostatictest YEStobewitnessed
Performancetest YEStobewitnessed
Staticbalancingtest Testcertificaterequired
Dynamicbalancingtest Testcertificaterequired
Visualinspectioncheck Required
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
b) Performance curves for capacity V/s head, efficiency, and KW requirement shall be
furnished. The capacity range shall be zero flow to shut off flow.
d) Typical cross sectional drawing showing constructional details with the complete
bill of material and relevant standards.
4.4.1 Works To Be Included: The works to be included by the contractor in this section of the
process shall comprise the complete arrangements and installations (design and supply)
required in the works to continually and reliably chemically treat and disinfect it in the
quantities and at such dosage rates determined by the contractor and within the specified
design parameters and criteria given herein.
Sufficient chemical apparatus and facilities shall be provided by the contractor under his contract
to meet flow rates of proposed works. Flow for chemical coagulation. The mixing, metering,
dosing and treatment arrangements provided shall be accurate and reliable at flow rates
specified herein.
4.4.3 Chemicals to be dosed:The contractor shall provide facilities for the reception, handing,
mixing, storage, and accurate dispensing of appropriate quantities of the following
chemicals :
4.4.4 Availability Strength And Purity Of Chemicals:The Contractor shall be deemed to have
satisfied himself as to the availability, purity, strength & suitability of all the chemicals to be
used in the works and shall accordingly include consideration of the chemicals strengths
available when calculating his dose rates and capacities and shall arrange his and other
apparatus to exclude deleterious matter from the water being treated.
4.4.5 Chemical Calculations: The contractor shall submit with his tender a comprehensive set of
calculations for his problems. He shall include chemical calculations as well as those
pertaining to solution concentrations, flow rates etc.
4.4.6 Arrangement of The Works: The conceptual arrangement of the works is shown and the
envisaged scheme accommodates the solution tanks, dosing tanks, laboratory, office
canteen and toilet blocks on the upper floor and storage on ground floor, chlorine cylinder
storage, chlorinator room, control panel room and fist aid on the ground floor of the
chemical house. The more essential chemical tanks, dosing and metering arrangements
on the upper floor of chemical house are located high enough to enable gravity flow of
aluminium Sulphate solution (alum) to the inlet works.
4.4.7 Chemical Storage: In principle the site will be developed to provide chemical storage area
for the following:-
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
a) Alum: Storage for three months at the average “Monsoon” season rate of
b) Chlorine: Storage for one month stock of full containers sufficient to meet the
average rate of consumption.
4.4.8 Handling of Raw Chemicals: In this arrangement, the contractor shall consider the routine
handling and transport of the raw chemicals. Handling of Tonners by EOT crane 3 T
capacity with gantry shall be mechanized for chlorine and initially by hand for alum and by
chain pulley block or mono-rail arrangement for lifting the solid alum from ground floor
storage to the alum tanks at upper floor.
4.4.9 EO.T.Crane:
a) The crane shall be electrically operated, box / standard ‘ I ‘ beam type single /
double girder , complete with all accessories including down shop conductor, crane
rails and fixtures, starter panel, cable up to starter and shall conform to IS:3177,
IS:807 and other relevant approved standards.
b) The crane bridge shall consist of bridge girders on which a wheeled trolley is to run.
The bridge trucks and trolley frames shall be fabricated from structural steel. Access
walkway with safe hand railing as required along the full span length of the bridge
girder shall be provided. Steel shall be tested for quality conforming to ASTM A36
except that, plates more than 20 mm thick shall conform to IS:2062, BS:4360 or
relevant internationally approved standards.
c) The bridge shall be designed to carry safely the loads specified in IS:807,
BS:2573 or relevant internationally approved standards. All anti-friction bearings for
bridge and trolley track wheels, gear boxes and bottom sheaves on hook shall be
lubricated manually by hand operated grease pump through respective grease
d) Wheel base and structural frame of the wheel mounting of the end carriages shall be
designed so as to ensure that the crane remains square and prevent skewness.
Bridge and trolley track wheels shall be of forged steel and shall be double flanged
type. The wheel diameter and rail sizes shall be suitable for the wheel loads
confirming to relevant standards.
f) Walkways shall be of at least 500 mm clear inside width with a 6 mm thick non-skid
steel plate surface. Steel rail stops to prevent rails from creeping and trolley from
running off the bridge shall be abutted against ends of rails and welded to the
girders. Bridge and trolley stops to match the wheel radius shall be provided before
the buffer stops.
g) All exposed couplings, shafts, gear, wheels, pinions and chain drives etc. shall be
safely encased and guarded completely to prevent any hazard to persons
working around. All bearings and gears shall have a design life of 10,000 hours.
Electro-magnetic and hydraulic thrusters brake shall beprovided forthe main hoist.
One electro-magnetic brake shall be provided for each of the cross travel and long
travel motions.
h)Hook shall be solid forged, heat treated alloy or carbon steel suitable for the duty
service. They shall have swivels and operate on ball thrust bearings with hardened
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
races. The lifting hooks shallcomply with the requirements of IS 8610 or BS: 2903 /
BS: 3017 or relevant internationally approved standards and shall have a safety latch
to prevent rope coming off the hook.
i) Hoist rope shall be extra flexible, improved plough galvanised steel rope with well
lubricated hemp core and having six strands of 37 wires per stand with
minimum ultimate tensile strength of 1.6 X 106 kN/m2 of Right Hand Ordinary
(RHO) lay construction. The ropes shall have a 6:1 safety factor on the specified
safe working load, and shall conform to IS:2266.
j) Rope drums shall be grooved and shall be either cast iron or cast steel of or welded
steel conforming to IS:3177, BS:466 or relevant internationally approved standards.
k) Gears shall be cut from solid cast or forged steel blanks or shall be stress relieved
welded steel construction. Pinions shall be of forged carbon or heat treated alloy
steel. Strength, quality of steel, heat treatment, face, pitch of teeth and design
shallconform to BS: 436, IS: 4460 and BS: 721 or relevant internationally approved
l) A SWL plate not less than 150 mm in height showing year of manufacture and rated
capacity of hoist in figures shall be placed on each side of the crane girder.
m) The maximum deflection under full load shall not exceed 1/900 of the span (as per
IS: 3177).All accessory and auxiliary electrical equipment including drive motors,
electrically operated brakes, controllers, resistors, conductors, insulators, current
collectors, pendant push button station, protective devices, operating devices,
cables, conduits, etc. necessary for the safe and satisfactory operation of the crane
shall be provided.
n) Power to the crane shall be provided by down shop conductors manufactured from
high conductivity hard drawn copper. Conductors shall be completely shrouded such
that they have no exposed current carrying surfaces. Pendant type push button
station shall be sheet steel enclosed and shall comprise the following push buttons
and indicating lamps:
o) Pendant type push button shall be supported independently of the electrical cable
and shall be earthed separately, independent of the suspension. Automatic reset
type of limit switches shall be provided to prevent over travel for each of the
p) Crane structures, motor frames and metal cases of all electrical equipment including
metal conduit and cable guards shall be earthed. All motors, brakes, limit switches,
panels, drum controllers, resistor unit sets shall be provided with two studs for
q) Drive motors shall be as per IS: 325 in general. Motor shall be designed for frequent
reversal, braking, inching and acceleration. Pullout torque shall be 2.15 times the
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
rated torque. Pendant control switch, controllers and resistors, controls, electrical
protective devices, cables and conductors, earthing guards, etc. shall be as per IS :
3938. Limit switches shall be provided for over hoisting and over-lowering and of two
extreme ends of trolley travel i.e. crosses as well as long travel.
a) Mechanical stoppers for long travel & cross travel shall be provided.
b) Pendant push button station shall be located at maximum 1.0 Mt. from operating
floor elevation.
d) Limit switches for over hoist, over lower, over cross travel & over long travel shall be
e) Flexible trailing cable system shall be provided with sufficient number of loops
for specified cross travel.
4.4.12 Painting:Steel materials of all structural parts shall be sand blasted or shot blasted
to SA 2.5finish to remove rust, mill scale and grease prior to fabrication and painted as
a) After sand blasting or shot blasting – One coat of epoxy paint (primer).
b) After partial assembly and inspection at the supplier’s works - Two coats of enamel
d) The final coat shall be golden yellow colour with black zebra marking wherever
applicable. All machined parts shall be coated with grease, varnish or other approved
protective coats before dispatching from the supplier’s works. Interiors of the gear
casings shall be painted with one coat of oil resisting paint.
4.4.13 Hand Operated Overhead Cranes (with & without electric hoist)
b) The crane details and ancillary equipment provided shall conform with applicable
parts of the general requirements specified above for electrically operated over-head
cranes (EOT Cranes), except that the crane / trolley (longitudinal travel & cross
travel) shall be manually operated by conveniently mounted endless chains,
arranged for operation by one man and hoisting shall be manually or electrically
operated as mentioned in specifications elsewhere in the tender.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
a) The contractor shall provide sufficient aluminium Sulphate (alum) initially to meet his
performance guarantees and to enable a continued dose rate of at least 30 mg/l to
be applied into design flow rate. Foran 8 hour shift stock of 5% alum solution (which
has a composition of at least 16% aluminium sulphate). The dosing point of alum
shall carefully selected in conjunction with the flush mixing chambers.
b) Gravity flow metering shall be adopted and consequently the shift stock tanks shall
be situated in the upper floor of the chemicals house with one constant head tank
and one solution flow meter feeding dosing line.
c) The conceptual arrangement is shown on the drawing and tendering contractor shall
fully discuss the suitability of their own arrangement of the outlined design with their
tender submission. Bidder shall not recommend dry feeders as an alternative.
4.4.15 Stock Tank Flow Meter:The tendering contractor shall supply a digital integrating flow
meter calibrated in litres fitted on a common riser. Read out shall be digital. The meter
shall be accurate, with appropriate mechanism.
a) The contractor shall provide three elevated stock tanks sized in accordance with his
calculations for the specified dose rate and concentration.
b) Each tank shall be approximately square in plan with a working depth of 0.8 m. and a
maximum depth of 1.00 m. from the tank base to overflow level.
c) The tank shall be lined with 3 coats of bituminous paint by the contractor and
supplied complete with the following facilities:-
ii. An overhead central vertical axial flow mixing machine to disperse the
concentrated liquor and the top up waters.
iv. A “slight tube” or “Float and stick” depth indicator with celebrations
v. A low level drawn, high level overflow and 150 mm. above the base draw off
leading through flanged valve and a strainer to the constant head tank.
a) The contractor shall supply 3 alum solution mixers for the alum tanks, with capacity
of each tank considering average 30 mg/ l of alum dose for 8 hours requirement.
b) Each mixer shall be mounted on an overhead concrete assessable slab and fitted
with suitable rating, 3 Phase motor running at not more than 1500 RPM. A reduction
gear box and minimum 20 mm dia stainless steel shaft and a stainless steel axial
flow turbine. The shaft speed shall not exceed 100 R.P.M.
4.4.18 Constant Head Tanks andDosers: The contractor shall supply purpose-made constant
head tanks to feed the gravity doser. The tank shall be such that it can be fed from any
one of the 3 Alum tanks. In the conceptual design, however, a common feeder connected
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
with all the 3 stock tanks means of separate valves on each strainer, feeds the constant
head tank from where alum solution.
a) The contractor shall supply one directed reading gravity solution flow meter of the
variable type. The meter shall have:
ii. A maximum internal head loss of 300 mm. under the worst design conditions.
v. A bore silicate glass tube set in a welded stainless steel frame fitted with
P.V.C. flanged ends.
4.4.20 Dosing Arrangements: From the flow meter the contractor shall provide a transparent and
flexible dosing line to his dosing point in the works inlet. Dosing shall be at a low level in
the inlet to flash mixing chambers.
a) The contractor shall provide sufficient chlorination capacity to enable the works
operational staff to maintain a free chlorine residual of 0.4 mg/l leaving the treated
water tank at any time of six month period.
b) The contractor shall take into account that pre chlorination is essential as an
algaecide, considering the qualities of raw water and also to enhance treatment or
improve dicer section and to maximise the bacteriological and viral kill.
4.4.22 Chlorine Demand And Anticipated Dose Rates :The conceptual design based on raw
water characteristics adopts the following rates of dosing:
c) Note: 100% standby capacity - for Pre & post chlorinator+ 100% standby for tonners
should be provided.
b) The cylinders shall have a normal capacity of 900 kg liquid chlorine available above
1 bar pressure. They shall be standard Indian manufacturers without fusible plugs
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
and shall be of the type manufactured to the design approved by M/s Imperial
chemical Industries. Each cylinder shall be fitted with ringed or removable protective
valve cap. The cylinders shall be painted yellows with black concave ends and shall
have the works “Liquid Chlorine” with the gross and net weight stencilled on the side
in Kg. size and capacity with his tender, shown on the drawings with two rows of 3
cylinders cradles providing space for stock containers. Cylinders in storage section
shall be at sufficient distance from one another for case in handling.
d) The gantry shall have an operational design capacity of at least 3 tonnes be provided
with safety type of hook, a cylinder lifting beam, an intermediate cylinder weighing
machine and an manually hoist control pendant.
e) The contractor shall arrange the layout the store ceiling height and be elevation of
the gantry arrangements to permit any cylinder to be lifted from any credit or plinth
for transfer to any location within reach of the gantry or the loading vehicle. All
cylinder impositions shall be served by a gantry and the clearance shall be such as
to enable the cylinders to be loaded in a standard vehicle with the weighing machine
attached and at least 70 mm. clearances between the cylinder in transit and the top
of any cylinders already in position on the vehicle. The door ways shall be to outside
area and shall be detailed as outward opening. Sufficient numbers of ventilators
should be provided at floor level. The rooms should be moisture proof.
4.4.24 Lifting Beam: The contractor shall supply a purpose made rigid chlorine cylinder lifting
beam for use with gantry hoist. The beam shall have a central lifting eye, rotating shrivels
and shall have hinged steel hooks designed to accurately and safely hold the end cylinder
4.4.25 Weighing Machine: The tonner weighing machine shall be of the platform with level type 1
No. with 1500 Kg. capacity full scale deflection and one no. of a 2000 Kg. safe working
load capacity dial type machine with platform. The machine hook attachment shall be fitted
with a safety type catch.
4.4.26 Gas Leakage Detection: Automatic gas leakage detectors are not required to be provided.
The contractor shall however, provide four ammonia bottles with elaborating wicks and
shall instruct the staff on their use.One emergency cylinder leakage repair kit type - B shall
be provided.
a) The contractor shall provide forced ventilation equipment in the chlorine store and
chlorination room which shall be manually controlled by external switches outside the
rooms at each door way. The ventilation systems to be provided shall have a
capacity of 15 air changes per hour upon operation of any one switch for the store
and chlorine rooms and shall extract air at ground level outside the buildings.
b) The contractor shall provide all the purpose made ducts and outlets required.
The ventilation fans and blowers shall either be inward blowing at high level (with
non-dosing vents at low level) or shall be outward blowing at low level and if the
latter option is selected by the contractor the machines shall be suitable for use in
chlorine room (damp atmosphere). At the very least they shall be external
constructions with glazed clay blades.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
4.4.28 Chlorinators: Each of the two gas metering chlorinators of requirement and types set out
vide clause No. 7.3.1 shall have the following facilities.
f) The chlorinator shall be arranged in a separate moisture proof chlorine room. The
Chlorine room shall be accommodated in connection with chlorine cylinder storage
on the ground floor of chemical house and arranged for a separate access from
outside of the chemical house. The contractor shall provide an air-tight glazed
partition or window in the chlorinator room to enable the staff to inspect the dose
rates without entering the room.
4.4.29 Chlorine Gas Pipe Work Valves and Pressure gauges: The contractor shall include
suitable pressure reducing valves to limit the pressure delivered to 2 bars.The standards
required for the pipes and fittings shall be:
a) Pipe work Chlorine gas shall be mild steel seamless to B.S. 3602 C.D.S or H.F.S or
electrical resistance welded pipe to B.S.3602.
b) Pipe couplings shall be with British standard H flanges (Front and back welded)
using ring joints tagged, made of 1/16 thickness compressed asbestos fibre (CAF BS
2815 Grade-B).
c) Valves shall be of the globe type with forged steel bodies metal spindles and valve
heads with malleable cast iron valve seats Gland packing shall be of Teflon.
4.4.30 Operating Water: The contractor shall draw his water supplies from the back wash water
tank and need not provide any facility for feeding the chlorinators from other source.
4.4.31 Dosing Line: Dosing line shall be provided for post chlorination points for the proposed
a) Two Nos. canister type respirators with full face coverage masks suitable for chlorine
gaseous atmosphere.
c) Two sets of self contained compressed air breathing apparatus complete with
working and two spare air cylinders.
d) Two external wall mounted glass fronted cabinets for the breathing apparatus.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
e) A facility to recharge the compressed air cylinder or from a self contained machine.
a) Required Nos. : 2 sets (1W+1S) each for Pre- and Post-Chlorination System
with turn down ratio of 10: 1 over the full range of works operation
e) Tonners: as required for 30 days storage. Another criteria is that there should be
100% standby available for tonners.
4.4.34 GeneralDescription:ChlorinatorshallbeVacuumTypeSolutionFeedChlorinationsystemconsis
tingofa vacuum regulator,chlorineflowmeterwithchlorineratecontrolvalve,
a) EachChlorinatorsetshouldconsistoffollowingasaminimum:
i. Vacuum regulator
xii. 1.5” or required size & qty. of PVC ball valves on Inlet/Outlet of Ejector
xv. Each set shall also comprise of all std. accessories, sub assembly that is
required for smooth operation of chlorinator and to complete the system
b) Inadditiontoabovechlorinatorsfollowingshallbesuppliedinquantityasspecifiedas a
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
ii. Chlorine Booster Pumps of adequate capacity/rating – 2 Nos. (1W + 1S) each
for Pre & Post Chlorination System
c) Thechlorinatorshouldbecompletewithsuitableendsuction-boosterpump set
directlycoupledtoa motorof suitableHPandinstalledonepoxycoatedMS base plate.The
pumpshallhave bronzeimpellersand stainlesssteel(SS 410)shaft with double
ballbearings. 1 set of booster pump shall be supplied along with each chlorinator
i.e. atotal of2sets (1W+1S) shall besupplied along with necessary
i. Required length of ‘C’ class GI piping and pipe fittings along with brass
valves/ NRV/ Strainer, etc. for connecting suction and delivery piping, as
applicable, including interconnecting pipe/valves at delivery side of booster
pump to chlorinator and main piping to feed water to any chlorinator.
ii. 900 kg capacity tonner confirming to BS-1500 part-1 1958 for liquid chlorine.
f) Chlorinetonnersshallbesuppliedalongwithnecessarytestcertificates/approval.
vi. 1.5” or higher size as required, cPVC pipes and fittings for chlorine
solution in required length to connect chlorinators with pre- & post-chlorination
diffusers respectively along with all interconnecting valves at both ends – 1 Lot
ix. Necessary automatic safety devices like gas-off-etc. in case of emergency like
failure of power, water supply, should be incorporated. Further safety devices
for back water entry in chlorinator due to failure of NRV should also be
incorporated, as applicable.
x. Minimum 2 nos. chlorine leak detectors with alarm annunciation system shall
be provided in the chlorination equipment room / system.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
xii. Any other equipment / accessory required to complete the entire chlorination
xiii. Manual covering erection and maintenance instruction, spare parts list.
g) Further, to handle leak / emergency conditions a neutralization pit common for pre-
and post- chlorination system shall also be provided
h) Provision for manual setting of the dosing rate shall be built in the system in addition
to automatic dosing adjustment and each chlorinator shall be equipped with a 0 to 5
mg/l scale and a manual dose setter over the complete range.
j) Chlorine solution diffusers shall be supplied and installed at the dosing point
k) Provision for manual setting of the dosing rate shall be built in the system in addition
to automatic dosing adjustment and each chlorinator shall be equipped with a 0 to 5
mg/l scale and a manual dose setter over the complete range.
m) Chlorine solution diffusers shall be supplied and installed at the dosing point
4.4.35 Chlorine Drum Connector Tubes:The plastic sheathed copper tubes connecting the liquid
chlorine drums and the liquid chlorine header system shall be equipped with adaptors to
accept drums supplied by the Employer.
a) Flanges for liquid chlorine pipe work and valves shall be raised face flanged double
fillet welded, stress relieved and radiographed, drilled to relevant tables of BS EN
b) Joint rings shall be 2 mm compressed Asbestos Fibre (CAF) tabbed to BS: 2815
Grade B fitting within the bolt circle. Prior to installation the joint rings shall be
impregnated / smeared with graphite compound or similar jointing compound
compatible with liquid chlorine.
a) Pipe work conveying liquid chlorine shall be carbon steel hot finished seamless, cold
drawn seamless to BS: 3602 Class 23 or 27. Pipe work shall be adequately
supported throughout its length and sufficient number of flanges shall be
incorporated to enable maintenance or repairs to be carried out without having to
work from one end of the pipe work.
b) The pipe work shall include rupture disc and expansion chamber as per
recommendations of Chlorine Institute, USA. An alarm switch shall be provided set to
function if rupture occurs.
c) Following any welding work on the pipe work the entire section of the affected pipe
work shall be stress relieved and radiographed.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
a) Valves for liquid chlorine duty shall be Polytetrafluorethylene sleeved plug type 2-
way valves with carbon steel body and Monel plug.
b) Where the valves are manually operated, they shall be wrench situated with padlock
type locking feature.
c) Power actuated valves shall have electric actuators with built-in position feedback
limit switches, torque overload protector, IP 56 enclosures and manual override
a) Pressure gauges for use with chlorine shall be of the Bourdon tube type with a
special diaphragm isolating the tube from the liquid or gaseous chlorine. Pressure
gauges shall have dials not less than 150 mm diameter except where they form an
integral part of equipment, such as a chlorinator. No aluminum shall be used in the
construction of the gauges; the dials and bezels shall be of bronze and internal
components shall be of a stainless steel or other alloy or material resistant to
corrosion by chlorine.
b) All pressure gauge piping shall include isolating valves at each point of connection to
the main piping.
c) Where necessary, pressure gauges shall be fitted with adjustable electrical contacts
for initiation of alarm conditions with either rising or falling pressure, to suit the
system design.
a) Pipe work conveying chlorine gas shall be solid draw steel tube to B.S.1387 with
BSP taper threads to B.S. 21. All fittings shall be of malleable iron. Chlorine gas pipe
work shall be adequately supported. Threaded joints shall be sealed using jointing
compound compatible with chlorine. Poly tetrafluoroethylene tapes shall not be
b) Where installation involves injectors to be located near the dosing points or remote
injectors, the vacuum chlorine gas delivery lines downstream of chlorinators shall be
of uPVC or approved equivalent and the lines to be run in RCC ducts with proper
Pre-cast covers.
4.4.41 Chlorine Gas Valves; Valves for gaseous chlorine duty shall be specifically designed for
chlorine with forged steel bodies, Monel valve packing or special diaphragm in chlorine
resistant materials.
a) Chlorine Gas Pressure Reducing and shut-off valve shall be a spring loaded,
diaphragm operated valve with super-imposed electric actuator designed to reduce
varying gas pressure upstream to a desired regulated pressure downstream and
maintain this pressure within close limits.
c) The electric actuator shall ensure quick shut-off of the gas flow in the event of a
breakdown or similar event.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
4.4.43 Injector Motive Water Supply System; Injector water supply system shall be compatible
with the flow and pressure requirements at the maximum rated output of the chlorinators
offered and to limit the chlorine solution concentration to an acceptable limit at operational
fluid temperature up to 330 C.
4.4.44 Chlorinators
a) The chlorinators shall be vacuum operated aqueous solution feed type units working
in conjunction with wall-mounted injectors.
v. Gas feed rate regulator preferably of the 'V' notch cylindrical plug and variable
area orifice type
vi. Variable area type flow meter with linear feed rate indicator calibrated in kg/hr
x. Chlorinators shall be provided with panel mounted indicators for the chlorine
gas inlet pressure, injector vacuum, motive water pressure,
chlorine solution pressure immediately downstream of injector and
a feed rate adjustment knob.
xi. Chlorine gas feed piping shall be provided with valves to allow isolation of each
chlorinator without disturbing the operation of the other
xii. Rigid PVC chlorine vent piping shall also be provided and arranged to
discharge at a high level outside the room housing the chlorinators
to ensure safe atmospheric dilution.
xiii. The chlorine supply to the injector shall shut down automatically if:
xvi. The chlorine solution line should be accidentally shut down by the closing
of a chlorine solution dosing valve.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
xvii. A check valve shall be provided between chlorinator and injector to prevent
accidental backflow into the chlorinator. This shall be consistent with
the injector design with respect to gas flow and water
pressure. While effectively preventing backflow, this valve shall
allow requisite gas flow.
xix. All electrical services and control signal lines (where applicable) shall be wired
to a single termination board within the chlorinator cabinet. The termination
board shall preferably be totally enclosed in a gas-tight junction box with
glanded cable entries and fitted with a clearly labelled warning sign stating the
supply voltage. Electrical supply isolating switches interlocked with the panel
doors shall also be provided in each chlorinator cabinet.
a) Chlorine shall be drawn off as gas; to minimize drum handling there shall be
adequate connections and drum isolating valves provided to enable one drum from
each row to be connected to the automatic drum changeover device to be provided
under this Contract.
b) The local supply of liquid chlorine may contain 0.1% to 0.2% ferric chloride and about
50 mg/l moisture. Tenderers shall provide for suitable devices such as filters so that
the pipe work and equipment are protected against deposits or corrosion.
c) The duty/standby drums shall be located on plinth-mounted casters with four rollers
per set or drums. The casters with rollers for these drums shall be supplied and
installed under this Contract.
d) The installation shall include all necessary chlorine headers including supports,
power actuated valves and manual isolating valves, for connection of drums to the
drum changeover device.
e) The liquid chlorine pipe work interconnecting the drums, changeover panel and the
liquid chlorine evaporator shall be safeguarded by a pressure relief system.
f) The pressure relief system shall comprise locked open isolating valves, bursting disc
assembly, pressure gauge with adjustable alarm contacts and relief vessel.
g) The bursting disc shall preferably be made of nickel sheathed in PTFE, or approved
a) The Contractor shall provide all necessary rigid pipe work, valves and fittings for the
delivery of the chlorine solution from chlorinator injectors/manifold to the points of
b) The chlorine solution delivery lines shall be of Mild steel ebonite lined or approved
equivalent. The pipe work shall be adequately protected externally against corrosion
and installed complete with necessary supports, thrust restraints, etc., and
incorporate sufficient flexibility to allow for any thermal expansion effects.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
c) When selecting material for pipe work, consideration shall be given to the
deteriorating effect on some synthetic materials due to the action of ultra-violet rays.
Where such materials are employed, particularly in the case of uPVC, pipe work shall
be shielded from direct sunlight.
d) The valves in the chlorine solution pipe work shall be of cast iron body, flanged,
rubber lined valves of the diaphragm type or approved equivalent. Locking devices
and position indicators shall be provided. The diaphragm of the valves shall be PTFE
faced with a backing of viton synthetic rubber (co-polymer of vinylidene fluoride and
e) Test pressure for the solution delivery pipe work, valves and specials shall be twice
the working pressure or 1 1/2 times the shut-off head of the injector motive water
pumps, whichever is higher.
b) The distributor shall be either tube drilled ceramic tubular diffuser, designed to
ensure uniform distribution of the specified flow rate of chlorine solution at the point
of application.
c) The materials of construction of the distribution and sealing shall be compatible with
3500 mg/l chlorine solution at operational fluid temperature up to 30°C. Porous
ceramic material where used shall be inert, and non-toxic, uPVC tube where used
shall conform to BS: 3505 Class 'E'.
d) The distributor shall be adequately supported and designed to withstand the stream
velocity at the point of application and any flow or turbulence induced vibrations.
e) Where chlorine solution is to be dosed into flow in pipe lines it shall be applied using
an injection fitting/device designed for specified duty flow rate.
f) The injection tube shall extend across the pipe bore and be supported with ends
located in diametrically opposite flanged branches.
g) The injection fitting shall be installed in diametrically opposite flanged branches with
their axis making an angle of 45° with the horizontal in a plane normal to the direction
of flow within the pipe line.
h) The injection fittings shall be adequately supported and designed to withstand the
flow or turbulence induced vibrations. Provisions shall include necessary support
brackets also.
a) These supports shall be used to hold the Tonner containers securely in place and
also to facilitate the positioning of the Tonners, so that inbuilt valves (Gas side and
Liquid side) lie one over the other vertically.
The Roller support body shall be made of Cast Iron, rollers shall be Cast Iron/Mild
steel and Bushes shall be of Brass.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
4.4.49 Lifting Beam with Hooks; to facilitate safe lifting of standard Tonner container, the lifting
Beam with hooks shall be provided. The Beam shall hold the Tonner securely while hoist
and Trolley are used to lift, place and position the containers. The Beam material shall be
Cast Iron/Mild steel.
a) The chain pulley block shall be operated on the lower flange of the bridge girder.
b) The load chain shall be made of alloy steel as per IS: 3109. It shall be heat treated
to give ductility andtoughness sothat it will stretch before breaking. It shall be of
welded construction with a factor of safety not less than 5.
c) The hand chains for the hoisting and traverse mechanism shall hang well clear of the
hook and both the chains shall be on the same side. The hand chain wheel shall be
made from pressed sheet and shall be provided with roller type guarding to prevent
snagging and fouling of the chain.
d) All the gearing shall be totally encased. Proper lubricating arrangements shall be
provided for bearings and pinions. Gears shall be cut from forged steel Blanks.
Pinions shall be of heat treated alloy steel. Gears shall be as per BS: 436/IS: 4460.
e) The trolley track wheel shall be rim toughened, heat treated carbon steel or low alloy
steel or CI and shall be single flanged and shall have antifriction ball bearings. The
wheels shall be machined on their treads to match the flanges of the track joints.
f) The traveling trolley frame shall be made of rolled steel conforming to IS: 2062. The
side plate of trolley frame shall extend beyond wheel flanges, thus providing bumper
protection for the wheels. The two side plates shall be connected by means of an
equalizing pin.
g) Axles and shafts shall be made of carbon steel and shall be accurately machined
and properly supported.
h) The lifting hooks shall be forged, heat treated alloy or carbon steel of rugged
construction. They shall be of single hook type provided with a standard depressed
type safety latch. They shall swivel and operate on antifriction bearings with
hardened races. Locks to prevent hooks from swiveling shall be provided. Hook shall
be as per BS: 2903 / IS: 3815.
i) The brake for the lifting gear shall be automatic and always in action. It shall be of
screw and friction disc type self – actuating load pressure brake. Brakes shall offer
no resistance during hoisting.
j) If the weight of offered pump set / equipment is more than the craned
capacity specified, the contractor shall offer the crane capacity 1.5 times higher than
the weight of the pump set / equipment.
a) The Container Store area and the Chlorinator Room shall be made reasonably gas
tight and provided with separate forced ventilation facilities. A ducted system shall be
provided with a number of fan units such that even though any one unit fails
reasonable ventilation would still be effected.
b) Inlets to the exhaust duct system shall be placed at the floor level. The exhaust
system shall directly discharge air to atmosphere outside the building.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
c) Each exhaust system shall include two sets of fans, one for continuous running
giving 4 air changes per hour and the other designed for intermittent running giving
20 air changes per hour.
d) Movable louvers shall be provided on the inlet and outlet ports of the forced air
circulation system. The louvers shall open automatically when the ventilation is
started and close by gravity when stopped. Contactor starters for operating
ventilation equipment shall be provided in the motor control center in the Office and
Control Room as well as local to the units, and be subject to shut-down control from
leak detection units.
e) All necessary ducting, self-closing louvered outlets, exhaust fans with external
mounted control gear indicator lights shall be provided under the Contract. Special
attention shall be given to materials of construction and particularly to motor
a) Equipment provided for weighing chlorine containers shall be spring type loaded with
circular scale indicator and shall conform to IS: 1438.
b) The weigher shall be designed suitable for suspension from the load hook of Lifting
Beam to be properly secured to the crane or hoist.
c) The weigher shall be suitable for operation with a working load of not more than
2000 kg. The indicator scale shall be calibrated in 5kg divisions, with the zero at the
top of the scale and the pointer vertical with no load. The pointer shall incorporate
means of tare adjustments up to 20% of the indicator scale. The indicator dial shall
be slanted from the vertical plane so as to minimize parallax errors when the
indicator is read from the floor with the unit hoisted to a high level.
d) The weigher shall have an overall accuracy of better than 10% of the full scale
deflection and the unit shall be unaffected by the temperature variations in the range
4 to 50°C.
e) Bidders are encouraged to propose Digital type weighing Equipment and shall be
subject to approval by the Engineer.
a) Materials and equipment necessary to ensure the safety of personnel operating the
chlorination plant and others shall be provided.
ii. Two sets of approved positive airline breathing apparatus, each comprising
body harness, face masks and valves and 30 m of airline. One air trolley,
comprising wheeled frame with two air cylinders, control manifold, airline hose
and hose winding drum. Two spare cylinders suitable for changeover shall be
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
iii. one portable electric motor driven air compressor for recharging air cylinders,
complete with quick-release air hose couplings;
v. Four sets of safety clothing in various sizes, each comprising PVC overalls,
wellington boots with steel toe caps, goggles, gloves and safety helmets.
ix. Chlorine residual test kit with dropper bottler & 1 lit OT solution– 1 set
e) Each shower shall be operated automatically by a quick acting hand or foot valve.
f) Eyebaths shall be supplied. Eyebaths shall be adjacent to each of the showers. The
eye bath unit shall be fitted with fine mesh filters with built-in pressure regulating
device to ensure a safe rate of flow to prevent foreign matter being further embedded
into the eye and instead flush away contamination
g) Water for the showers, etc, shall be drawn from the service water supply.
4.4.54 TestsandInspection
4.4.55 Drawings
c) Typical cross sectional drawing showing constructional details with the complete bill
e) Details drawing piping, size, and pressure drop calculations, pump-motor set rating
justification and calculations.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
iv. V belt
v. V belt guard
x. Safety valve
xii. Pressure gauges – Bourdon type, 150mm dia,SS casing, glycerine filled
with manifold valve, syphon and snubber. Bidder to refer specification for
instrumentation work for rest specifications and make.
xiii. The blower noise level shall be within 85 dB (A) at a distance of 1.86 m. if not,
Acoustic hood to be provided to restrict these noise levels
xv. Inter connecting piping comprising of discharge butterfly valve, flap type non-
return valve, and expansion below.
g) All the necessary accessories and protections of compressor etc. are to be provided
which are helpful to smooth running of the process of the plant.
4.4.57 Tests
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
1 Hydrostatictests Twicethemaximumworkingpressure
2 Performancetest AsperBS:1571
3 Striptest Clearanceswithtolerancelimit
4 Mechanicalbalancing ISO1940Gr.6.3orbetter
5 VisualInspection Beforepainting
b) Performance curves
d) Typical cross sectional drawing showing constructional details with the complete bill
of material and relevant standards.
e) Drawing showing Network, piping lay out plan, MOC, size, capacity etc.
a) These specifications are common to all dry well / wet well effluent, sewage and water
pumpingstations. Thescopeofventilationsystem includes
i. SupplyAirFans
ii. ExhaustFans
iii. Associatedducting
b) Whereverthedrawingsprovidedforventilationsystem,indicateproposedventilation fans
andtheroutingofducting.It is theresponsibilityofthecontractortostudyandanalyze the
adequacy of the system and suggest any improvement at the same time taking into
considerationall therequirementsof thepublicauthoritiesincludingsafetyordersandFire
ProtectionRules& RegulationsandISCode.Thenecessarypermitsshallbeobtainedbythe
contractorandallpaymentstowardslicenseinspections,etc.paidbeforestartingthe work.
a) Air fans shall be of centrifugal type and fan housing shall be hot-rolled steel of
thickness 3/8”. End flanged shall be fixed to the casing by continuously welding over
the entire circumference. The flanges shall have bolt holes for bolting to inlet bell,
companion flanges or ducts as the case may be. Housing shall be continuously
welded and shall be expanded by suitable mechanical means to insure concentricity.
Motor support shall not be less than 3/9” thick steel plate. Support ring shall be
continuously welded to the support plate.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
b) Fan rotor and blades shall be made from cast aluminum withsuitable corrosion
resistant coating. Belt –driven fans shall have multi V belts on pulleys with suitable
guards. V belts shall be 150% of rated HP duty.
c) The fan rotor shall be whirl-tested to 125% or operating speed and shall be statically
and dynamically balanced on fan motor shaper to maximum tolerance in one (1)
mil double amplitude at design operating speed.
d) The fans shall have inlet screen at inlet bell cone and carbon steel bolts for
existing discharges cone with flanges on both ends attachment to fan and to
discharge ducting.
e) Fan motor supports shall be of adequate strength, constructed from 1/4" carbon steel
a) Exhaust fans shall be of direct drive, impeller propeller type, having max speed of
1450 rpm. All the exposed parts shall be of aluminum, with transparent anodic, anti-
salt spray coating,
b) All external fasteners shall be of stainless steel. Hood shall be hinged for
accessibility and servicing. Fans shall be complete with aluminum bird
screens, Plastic or light weight aluminum back draft compels and electrical
disconnecting means beneath the hood and protective grid guard below fan motor.
c) Motors shall be of relevant Indian Standards or British standards and shall have
permanently lubricated ball bearings. The rating shall be adequate with service
factor of 1.50 based on rated horsepower. All motor shall be TEFC and be suitable
for continuous operation without exceeding a temperature rise of 50o C over
d) The motor shall be of constant speed and squirrel cage type, operating on 415 V, 3
phase, 50Hz Supply. Roof mounted motors shall have electrical disconnects.
e) Contractor shall submit all catalogues showing the sizing and rating of fans with the
size of openings to be provided for approval before proceeding with the work.
4.4.63 Dampers
a) All dampers shall be of louver type, robust construction, and tightly fitted suitable for
the location and service required.
b) Dampers shall have suitable links, levers and quadrants as required for the proper
operations, control or setting in any desired position. Dampers and these operating
devices shall be made robust, easily operable and accessible through access doors
in the ducts. Every damper shall have an indicating device clearly showing the
damper position at all items.
c) Dampers shall be placed inducts andevery branch supply orreturn airduct connection
whether or not indicated on the drawings for the proper volume control and balancing
the system.
4.4.64 Valves
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
a) Valves shall be as per Indian standard. Flanges shall be machined on faces and
edges to ISO 7005, IS 6392 or BS 4504. Flange drilling should confirm to IS 1538
b) Valves shall be double flanged type and the face shall be parallel to each other and
flange face should be at right angles to the valve centerline. Back side of valve
flanges shall be machined or spot faced for proper seating of the head and nut.
d) Valve shall be suitable for frequent operation as well as operation after long
periods of idleness in either open or closed position
e) The valve stem, thrust washers, screws, nuts and all other components exposed to
the sewage shall be of a corrosion resistant grade of stainless steel.
a) Valve shall be raising spindle type PN 1.0 rating free from sharp projections which
are likely to catch and hold stringy materials.
b) Body of the valve shall be designed for 1.5 times the rating of the valve.
c) Valve flange face shall be parallel to each other and flange face should beat right
angle to the valve centerline.
d) Back side of valve flange shall be machined or spot faced for proper seating of bolt
head and nut.
e) Wherever extension spindle is provided, the valve shall also be provided with
suitable headstock.
f) Valve shall close with clockwise rotation of the hand wheel. The direction of closing
shall be marked on the hand wheel.
g) Valve shall be non rising spindle type and rated for nominal pressure of PN 1.0
ii. The Valves 600 mm & above size shall have channel and shoe arrangement
as per IS14846.
iii. The Valves above 500 mm size shall have by pass arrangement as per IS
iv. The Valves 450 mm size & above shall have spur / bevel gear arrangement as
per IS14846.
v. All Valves shall have valve’s OPEN / CLOSE indicator arrangement as per IS
c) Spindle : SS 410
g) Rubber seal retainer bar : Stainless Steel ASTM A 240 type 304
h) Assembly bolts, nuts and fastener : Stainless Steel ASTM A 276 type 304
i) Stem & connecting pin : Stainless Steel ASTM A 276 type 304
j) Yoke : Mild Steel to IS : 2062 grade A Thrust nut and Lift nut : Gunmetal /
Phosphor Bronze
4.4.67 Painting:Followingpaintingprocedureshallbeadoptedforthegates :
k) Priming : 1 coat of red oxide primer before and after shop testing. Finish
Painting – gate : Black bituminous paint for gate assembly. Minimum DFD as
per IS
l) Painting yoke & headstock: Epoxy red oxide primer and epoxy grey paint. Minimum
DFD as per IS
a) Gates shall be tested as per relevant standards with latest revisions for
permissible leakage and other parameters
4.4.69 Drawings:
c) Typical cross sectional drawing showing constructional details with the complete bill
of material, MOC and relevant standards
a) Valve shall be free from sharp projections which are likely to get clogged with
stringy materials.
c) The internal parts shall be easily accessible for inspection through inspection hole.
Hydraulic passages and doors shall be designed to avoid cavitations. Valve body
shall be designed for 1.5 times the rated pressure. Valve shall be of swing type or
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
ball type. Ball type valve must house a freely moving ball in such a way that return
flow is effectively prevented.
d) Valve shall be quick closing type with non-slam characteristics in case of swing type.
The non-slam characteristics shall be achieved by providing suitable combination of
door and hydraulic passages without any external lever/damping arrangement.
f) Valve flange face shall be parallel to each other and shall be at right angles
to valve centerline. Flange back shall be machined or spot faced for proper seating
of bolt head and nut.
i. Valves above 300 mm size shall be provided with by-pass arrangement as per
IS 5312
ii. Valves above 300 mm size shall be provided with drain plugs as per IS 5312.
iii. Valves above 450 mm size shall have support foot as per IS 5312.
4.4.71 MaterialsofConstruction
a) Knife gate valves shall be suitable for use in waste water and sewage water
containing solids and fibrous wastes etc. These shall be suitable for use at suction
and delivery side of pumps as well as in branch lines in a sludge handling application
of treatment plant or a pumping station.
b) The valve should be provided with gate made of stainless steel and the gate should
have beveled knife edge at the bottom to cut through and easily enter in the solids
settled in the bottom and ensure positive shut-off / closure in sewage environment.
4.4.73 Design:
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
c) The valve body should be cast and provided with replaceable type flexible sealing
seals to offer drop tight shut off. The seals should be made of EPDM rubber and
should be held in place by an easily removable type seal retainer ring.
d) The valve housing should have integral as cast tapered lugs provided for pushing the
gate towards the flexible rubber seal only at the verge of closure with a view to avoid
seal wear and achieve drop tight shut off. The surface of the gate coming in contact
with the seal should be polished & buffed.
e) Bonneted type valves shall beprovided with O-rings based arrangement to seal the
rear opening and reduce the operating torque. Bonnet-less valves shall be provided
with sufficient ply of stuffing seals in the in built stuffing box to seal the rear opening.
The seals should be of non-asbestos PTFE to reduce the friction and offer higher life.
Provision shall be made to enable tighten thestuffing seals. Replacement ofstuffing
seals should bepossible to be carried out in installed condition of the valve but
without there being line pressure.
f) The spindle should be double start threaded and non-rising type for compact
& safe operation. Gate opening indicating arrangement should be provided to find
out the extent of gate opening /closing.
c) Retainer ring : Ductile Iron / Steel hard chromed / Stainless steel Gr. CF:8
g) Stuffing plate :Cast Steel ASTM A216 Gr. WCB Stuffing seal : Synthetic yarn
with PTFE
4.4.75 Painting: All valves shall be provided with following painting specification.
a) Resilient seated butterfly valve short body shall be as per IS 13095/ BS 5155. Valve
shall be suitable for mounting in any position.
b) The valve seat shall be of integrally cast or replaceable design. When the valve is
fully closed, the seal shall seat firmly so as to prevent leakage. The seat
surfaces shall be machined smooth to provide a long life for the seal.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
c) All fasteners shall be set flush so as to offer the least resistance possible to the flow
through the valve.
e) All valve, spindles and hand wheels shall be positioned to give good access for
operational personnel.
f) Valve of diameter 400 mm and above shall be provided with enclosed gear
arrangement for ease of operation. The operation gear shall be such that they can
be opened and closed by one man against an unbalanced head 15% in excess of
the maximum specified rating. Valve and any gearing shall be such as to permit
manual operation in a reasonable time and not exceed a required rim pull of 400 N.
g) All hand wheels shall be arranged to turn in a clockwise direction to close the valve,
the direction of rotation for opening and closing being indicated on the hand wheels.
h) Butterfly valve where specified shall be manually operated until unless specifically
a) Ball valve shall be supplied with a lever / wrench unless it is gear operated / electrical
Motor operated. .
c) Soft-sealed BW / SW end ball valves shall have a 100 mm long seamless pipe nipple
welded to each end of the valve. Nipples are to be welded prior to assembling Teflon
seats / seats.
d) The face-to-face dimensions of all ball valves shall be same as those of gate valves
of the corresponding ANSI class up to 200 mm NB size. Valves 200 mm NB
onwards shall be in class 150 where the face-to-face dimensions shall be as per API
6D long patterns.
e) The ball of ball valve shall not protrude outside the end flanges of valve and shall
g) Ball valve shall be of floating ball / trunnion mounted type as per following:
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
h) Unless otherwise specified, bore of all reduced bore ball valve shall be limited to one
size lower than the nominal bore.
ValveDesign : 2Piecesor3PieceBallValve
TypeofBore : FullBore
a) Body & End caps : ASTMA-351 GR. CF8M Ball / Stem : AISI-
b) Seat : PTFE
b) Each actuator shall be adequately sized to suit the application and be continuously
rated to suit the modulating control required. The gearbox shall be oil or grease
filled, and capable of installation in any position. All operating spindles, gears and
head stocks shall be provided with adequate points for lubrication.
c) The valve actuator shall be capable of producing not less than 1½ times the required
valve torque and shall be suitable for at least 15 minutes continuous operation. The
operating speed shall be such as to give valve closing and opening at approximately
10-12 inches per minute.
d) The actuator starters shall be integrally housed with the actuator in robustly
constructed and totally enclosed weatherproof housing. The motor starter shall
becapable ofstarting the motor under the most severe conditions.
e) The starter housing shall be fitted with contacts and terminals for power supply,
remote control and remote positional indication, and shall also be fitted with internal
heaters so as to provide protection against damage due to condensation. Heaters
shall be suitable for single phase operation. The heaters shall be switched “ON”
when the starters are “OFF” and shall be switched “OFF” when the starters are “ON”.
iii. Torque switch mechanism complete with set of torque switches for “Open” &
“Close” position.
iv. Limit switch mechanism complete with set of limit switches for “Open” &
“Close” position.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
xi. Position transmitter with 4-20mA analogue output for valve open/close
position if specified to provide elsewhere in tender specifications / for control
valve application
xii. The actuator shall be suitable for operation in the climate conditions and
power supply conditions given in the specification. The actuator shall be
capable of producing not less than
xiii. 1½ time the maximum required torque and shall be suitable for at least 15
minutes continuous operation.
b) Expansion bellow shall be designed as per the details furnished in the data sheet
and shall be in accordance with the EJMA standard.
c) All expansion bellows shall be free from dirt, moisture, grease; oil etc. and reports for
hydrostatic test shall be furnished.
d) The bellows shall be metallic corrugated design and shall have double flange.
The material for bellow shall be SS 304.
e) Bellows shall first be given two coats of zinc base primer after completely cleaning
the surface and then it shall be coated with three coats of coal tar epoxy paint. The
resulting coating shall be uniform and smooth and shall adhere perfectly to the
f) Bellows used in pipes carrying potable water, the inside coating shall not contain any
constituent soluble in water or any ingredient which could import any taste or odor to
the water.
4.4.82 DataSheet
Location&Quantity Asrequired
Size Suitable
Workingpressure 10kg/sq.cm
Temperature 50deg,C.ambient
Endconnection Flanged.Flangesshallbe flatfacedand
confirming to IS 1538 part IV having off
MaterialofFlange MSIS2062
Materialofbellows SS304
Materialofhardware C.S IS1367
Axialexpansioninmm 5
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Axialcompressioninmm 15
Modeofinstallation Horizontal
HydrostaticTestpressure 15kg/sq.cm
4.4.84 Drawings:
c) Typical cross sectional drawing showing constructional details with the complete bill
of material, MOC and relevant standards.
a) Two numbers of electronic weighing scales shall be supplied, one of them having a
weighing capacity of 2,000 kg and another having 500kg capacity.
c) The weighing scale shall be of platform type, consisting of compound levers, platform
goods, and coupled to a dial type indicator.
d) The design manufacture, testing erection and commissioning of the weighing scale
shall conform to the latest revision of the relevant IS code.
f) The weighing scale shall be used for weighing PAC, alum blocks, chlorine drums
and other such chemicals which may be used for the water treatment process from
time to time and the scale shall be adequately designed for this.
a) Eachmotorshallbefullytropicalisedandsuitableforoperation intheprevailing
climateconditions.Theyshallalsobe suitablefor
operatingsatisfactorilyundervariationsof electric supplyspecified.
4.4.87 Motors:
a) The electric motors shall be of 3 phase, minimum Class ‘F’ insulated with
limitedtoClassB,hightorquelowinertiamotorsof15minutesrating,squirrelcagetype with
‘O’ ring seal to provide complete environmental protection during long period of
inactivity. The winding shall be impregnated to render them non-hydroscopic and oil
resistant.Allinternalmetalpartsshallbepainted.Motorshallbecapableofat least60starts
b) MotorProtection: Followingmotorprotectionshallbeprovided:
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
c) Motor Controls:
i. The reversing contactor starter and local controls shall be integral or external
for actuator. The starters shall comprise mechanically and electrically
interlocked reversing contactor of appropriate rating fed from a 220 V
control transformer (120V AC for energization of contactors and24V DC
rectifier supply for local control for integral starter is also acceptable). The
common connection of the contactor coils at the transformer shall be grounded.
HRC type primary and secondary fuses shall be provided.
ii. Local control shall comprise push buttons for open close and stop operations,
and a local /
v. Remote control plus local stop only, Stop locked off - No electrical operation
vi. Vendor should also make a provision for transmitting the mode selected to
control panel and control panel will have corresponding indication lamps.
a) Reduction gear unit shall be of the totally enclosed oil bath lubricated type. The gear
box shall be provided with the first charge of oil lubricants and appropriate filling and
drain connections. Gearing shall be adequate to open and close the sluice gates
under full indicated maximum operating pressure differential at a speed sufficient to
cover the full extent of travel.
b) The sluice gate operating equipment shall have a hammer-blow device to loosen
stuck sluice gate or retrieve jammed sluice gate position.
c) The gearbox shall have suitable stops to prevent movement of shaft beyond fully
open / close position. The gearbox shall also be designed for 15% more torque than
maximum sluice gate/ valve torque.
a) Each actuator shall be provided with both Open and Close torque limit switches,
open and close (end position) limit switches for remote indication and interlocking
plus two sets of auxiliary limit switches in each direction for intermediate position
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
indication and interlocking if specified above for minimum provision in starter. Means
shall be provided to prevent the open torque switch tripping during initial hammer
blow effect. Torque protection reset shall not allow repeated starting in same
direction when the control signal is maintained.
b) The torque switch mechanism shall function as follows to stop the motor on
closing or opening of the sluice gate, upon actuation by the torque when the sluice
gate disc is restricted in its attempt to open or close.
c) The torque switch in the closing direction shall interrupt the control circuit if
mechanical overload occurs during the closing cycle or when the sluice gate is fully
closed. The torque switch in the opening direction shall interrupt the control
circuit if mechanical overload occurs during opening cycle or when the value is fully
d) The mechanism shall facilitate adjustment of the torque at which the switches are
required to operate.
a) In addition to the mainstream treatment process works the contractor shall provide
(design and sump all the other facilities, services and ancillary works required for
necessary on site to support or complement the treatment process and to provide a
complete reliable and operable treatment works in accordance with the intent and
spirit of the specifications.
b) Tendering contractors shall include all the ancillary equipment and facilities specified
herein as the minimum requirement. Should the contractor consider the specified
minimum facilities are insufficient, he shall provide any additional items of plant or
ancillary works that he consider necessary. Should the contractor consider certain
items specified, that would serve to use or function his own design, he may omit
them, provided he makes specific mention of them in his tender submission, fully
discusses the matter and presents a reasoned argument for the commission or
reduction in the minimum specified requirement. The relevant clauses shall be
quoted in submission. The Bidder’s tender submission shall be deemed to include all
the ancillaries for his own designs and this specification.
a) The contractor shall provide sampling points generously throughout the works to
permit proper and adequate monitoring of the treatment process chemical solutions,
chemical design and the works performance.
b) Samples shall be locally obtainable at appropriate points in the process and taken to
the works laboratory quality monitoring instruments.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
4.5.3 Location of Hand Sampling Points: Hand sample shall be made available from at least the
following points :
i) Final treated water existing upon from the chlorine contact tank.
a) Hand sampling shall be (as appropriate) by disposing tanks, channels, chamber etc.
or by piped supply to conveniently positioned bib taps. The contractor shall ensure
that his arrangements permit ready access to all the required sample points and
hand holds are appropriately provided for the sampling throughout the works.
Sampling apparatus, containers, etc. are to be provided by the contractor with the
laboratory equipment. Sample pipe work shall be in H.D.P.E (as per IS 4984) bib
taps in brass with cruciform handles and each sample arranged to enable a litre
sample to be taken within one minute. Brass drainage at least 0.02 m² shall be
positioned 400 mm. under each tap and its drain piped to waste.
b) Sample taps shall generally be about 1 M. above floor or access level and be
identified by an adjacent wall mounted notice 30 mm x 150 mm. (block lettering on a
white background).
4.5.5 Electrical & Instrumentation Works shall be as per technical specification given in this
tender elsewhere.
a) To monitor the process, at least following online type analysers shall be provided and
located in the field under weather proof enclosersas per technical specifications
given in this tender elsewhere.
pH indicating meter.
pH indicating meter
pH indicating meter.
b) Inaddition, laboratory equipments (as per CPHEEO manual) shall be provided in the
laboratory situated on the upper floor of chemical house
4.5.7 Main Line Flow: The requirement in the works shall include the following main monitor :
4.5.8 Chemical Tanks: Local calibrated indication on the depth of chemical stock tanks by glass
tubes or float and level stick devices, as appropriate.
4.5.9 Other Measurements: Timeinthe Chemical House andthe Filter Gallery Transmission of
Each Water Rate tothe Filter Gallery. Filter Air Scour Pressure. Depth of Chemical Stock
Tanks by Glass Tubes or Float and Level Stick Devices, As Appropriate.
4.5.10 Works Mimic Diagram: The contractor shall provide a mimic diagram of the process and
pumping installations for display in the office located on the upper floor of chemical house.
The diagram shall be wall mounted and at least two meters long and one metre high. It
shall be manufactured in rear engraved perplex and arranged and coloured to illustrate a
schematic of the main flows and processes in the treatment plant. The contractor’s
proposal shall be submitted with this tender and the final design shall be submitted to the
Engineer for approval prior to manufacture.
a) The contractor shall provide a wall mounted notice board in the chemical house and
filter gallery to enable current operational data on the works to be displayed. The
board shall be 3 m2 in area and suitable for the display of coloured plug in lettering
and numerals on a white perforated background. Sufficient colour lettering and
numerals shall be provided in 4 distinct colour to enables shall be provided in 4
distinct colours to enable the board to be completely filled in any two of the four
b) The board and lettering shall be of standard Indian manufacture. All Safety Boards
and Work related Instruction shall be in Gujarati language
a) The contractor shall allow in his tender for all provision of a solid cast bronze wall
plaque which shall be “unveiled” at an opening ceremony following the
commissioning of the works.
4.5.13 Contractors Name Plate: The contractor may, if he so wishes, erects his own name plate in
the works. The plate shall not exceed 400 mm x 600 mm. The design inscription and
location of the plate shall be to the approval of the Engineer.
4.5.14 Service Water And Pressurized Supply: Pumped and gravity service water systems shall
be provided by the contractor to enable a supply of chemical solutions, cleaning the works,
housing down external and internal structures, chambers and channels, flushing chemical
feed pipes, domestic supply and any other purpose required by the contractor’s design.
4.5.15 Chemical House Service Water: The Contractor shall arrange for pressure water supply to
chemical house, by tapping the wash water line, what conveys pressure water from the
back wash water reservoir on top of chemical house. This wash water line is to be supplied
by the Contractor and is included in the filtration works. Pipes work fittings etc. shall
provided by the contractor to ensure that adequate supplies are available for the works and
that any two stock tanks can be filled with water within 20 minutes.
4.5.16 Waste Disposal: The Contractor shall arrange the works and shall made provision for the
removal of all waste products by gravity flow from the various units to the through sludge
collection chamber to be provided by the contractor outside the campus. Waste waters
shall be removed from site in a closed conduit generally. Waste disposal shall be by gravity
and if ground level does not permit, contractor has to provide waste disposal pump and
dispose the same by pumping near nala at his own cost. Particular attention shall be paid
to facilitate cleaning of alum tanks, channels etc.
a) The Contractor shall provide all the inter-connecting pipe work required in the works
to provide a complete operable works. Contractor shall include in his supply the
waste water discharge main connected with all the branches provided to collect and
dispose the waste products from the works finally leading to final sludge collection
chamber. Tendering contractors shall specify the rate of flow, falls, diameters and
levels of all drains leading from any part of the works arranged by them in order to
suit their own design. These details together with complete calculations shall be
included in the tender submission. The contractor shall indicate at the time of
tendering the location and required capacity of all drainage points which he requires
for the satisfactory operation of the works. The complete drainage requirement shall
be finalised by the contractor within 4 months of the date of acceptance of the
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
c) The contractor shall include all the jointing materials and test rings required for the
installation and testing of any of the pipes works to be laid and shall specify the exact
location of the line falls and levels required. Unless otherwise specified all inter
connecting pipes work, underground pipe work and pipes to be built into structures
shall be cast iron and where the built in pipe is through water retaining concrete wall
it shall incorporate an integral puddle flange.
a) The drainage from all the works including chemical works, inlet works, clarification
works and filtration works shall be collected and carried in a common drain carrying
main leading to a natural stream through a sludge collection chamber.
b) The domestic sewage from the latrines and toilets in the chemical house, shall be
collected separately, and treated in a septic tank, and the effluent shall be connected
to the common carrying main.
c) The contractor shall arrange the work layout and details to enable any part of the
works (Wet chambers channels, tanks, reservoirs etc.) to be gravity drained and
arranged to empty out or drains down the contents within a reasonable period in all
4.5.19 General: The contractor shall design provide and install at least following items a set out
herein :
d) Deleted
e) Notice Boards.
f) Works plaque.
h) Serviceable supply.
j) Drainage branches from each work, to chamber, tank, channel etc. to the common
drainage line including providing common drainage lines and chambers.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
k) Septic tank with soak pit to treat domestic waste including providing and connecting
the effluent from the soak pit to the common drainage line.
l) Disposal of liquid waste products from the works the natural stream through drainage
collection chamber.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
1 Cheradi 30 Existing
2 Sarita 30 Existing
Refer below table showing tentative scope of work for civil, mechanical and electrical related
work at both exisintg WTP (at Sarita and Cheradi). Approximate percentage of work as
Civil – 15 %
Mechanical – 70 %
Electrical - 15%
Designing and Constructing new 2Nos - Cascade aerator for existing 30 MLD capacity
1. WTP at Sarita & Charedi HW including required dismentaling, connections, extending
channel, 1m walkway etc completed
Repairing all civil structures of existing WTP at Sarita & Charedi HW and underground
2. sump (only at Sarita HW) including plastering, cutting out cracks, grouting, gunniting,
repairing of slab bottom etc completed
Stainless steel railing of grade SS304 & height 1.0m , with vertical post at every 2.5m and 2
3. layers horizontal bar at mid height and at top. And toe guard at bottom, all pipes 32 NB,
Fixing & elevational details as per approved design
Providing and laying white glazed tiles 6mm thick in flooring laid on a bed of 12mm thick
cement mortar 1:3 (1- cement : 3-coarse sand ) finishing with flush pointing in white
Providing and laying broken chine mosaic flooring for terrace using 12mm to 20mm broken
pieces of glazed tiles to be laid over cement mortar 1:3 to plain or slope and to be
5. tempered to bring mortar crème out upto surface using white cement including rounding off
junctions and extending them upto 15cm along the wall, clearing with water and oxalic acid
etc. as directed.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Wall painting (two coats) with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand applying two coats
of Birla or Asian acrylic lapy( putty) & two coats of primer of approved brand and
6. manufacture on undecorated wall surface to give an even shade including throughly
brushing the surface free from mortar droppings and other foreign matter and sand
papered smooth.
Finishing wall with weather proof exterior emulsion paint on wall surface (two coats)
applying two coats of Birla or Asian acrylic lapy ( putty) & two coats of primer of approved
7. brand and manufacture to give an required shape even shade after thoroughly brushing the
surface to remove all dirt, and remains of loose powdered materials.etc complete
Designing and Constructing of Sludge Thickener forTotal 65 MLD capacity WTP at Charedi
8. HW including required, extending channel, 1m walkway etc completed and as directed by
engineer in charge
Any other miscellaneous Civil related work in existing WTPs as directed by
9. engineer-in-charge.
2. Dismentling of Existing Blower and SITC of Air Cooled - Twin Lobe Type Rotary Blower
Semi Libyrinth seal with Centrifugal disc ≤85 dBA at 1 mtr free field condition at site as
per below MOC
Casing ,End Covers : Grey Cast Iron Gr.FG-260 of IS-210
Rotor Lobe : Alloy steel IS-1030 Gr.23-45
Shaft : Carbon Steel 080M40/EN-08 of BS-970
Timing Gears : Forged Alloy Steel, 815M17/ EN-353 of BS-970, Case hardened, tempered
and profile ground
Base Frame : M.S. Fabricated
Capacity : 900 M3/hr
Pressure : 0.35kg/cm2
Power : 20 HP
3. Dismentling of Existing Piping & Valves and Providing and supplying D. I. K-7 grade pipes
with internal cement mortar lining including all taxes, insurance, transportation, freight
charges, octroi, inspection charges, loading, unloading, conveyance to departmental
stores, stacking etc. complete. (IS - 8329 / 2000 and upto dated amendments)
4. Manufacture, Supply & Delivery of Ductile Iron Flange Socket spigot bends, tees, reducers
or any other specials as per BS-EN-545/1995 Class A series K-12 suitable for use with
D.I. Pipes manufactured as per IS 8329/1994 delivery of specials is to be made to
GWSSB store or site of works any where in Gujarat including all taxes, loading, unloading,
carting, stocking, insurence, inspection charges octroi etc. complete
Flange Ended
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
5. Dismentling of Existing Piping with fittings & Valves Manufacture supply and delivery,
lowering & laying of submerged arc welded M.S pipe out side coated with best quality
Bituminus Paint 100 micron with Epoxy coating to inside pipeline with two parts of Solvent
free high build liquid epoxy lining as per AWWA C210-07 suitable for portable water
application & shall be approved by CFTRI India/BS 6920-UK/international
standard/NSF/ANSI/-61 2004 to be fit for contact with portable water for human
consumption with 406 micron thickness, having a beveled ends plate and coil conferming
to is 3589-2001 or its latest revision/ammendment for following thickness including all
taxes (with Excise duty exemption certificate), insurance, transportation, freight charges,
octroi, inspection charges, loading, unloading, conveyance to Departmental stores/ site,
stacking, etc. including specials and wastage etc.; complete Tender Specifications:
6. Sluice Valves
a) Dismentling of Existing Valves
b) Providing and supplying ISI mark DI D/F Sluice valves P.N. 1.6 of approved makes &
confirming to IS 14846 and of following class and diameter; including all taxes, octroi,
inspection charges, freight charges, insurance, loading, unloading, conveyance to
departmental stores, stacking etc. complete; and
c) Lowering, laying and jointing in position including cost of all labour, jointing material,
including nut bolts and giving satisfactory hydraulic testing, etc. complete as per
instructions of Engineer in charge.
7. Dismentling of Existing gates and Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning including
cost of all labour of CI FG 260 SLUICE GATE as per latest revision of IS 13349 with wall
thimble, SS 410 stem, and all accessories. For additional parameters refer specifications.
complete as per instructions of Engineer in charge.
8. Providing, Supplying & installing Vacuum Control Direct wall mounted gas
chlorinator including necessary fittings, installation and commissioning of plant incl. Clamp,
copper pipe, ferule filter & control valve with injector.
5 Kg. Capacity [Cabinet Type]complete as per instructions of Engineer in charge.
9. Replacement of Filter Mediacomplete as per instructions of Engineer in charge.
10. Supply, Installtion, testing & Commissioning of Under drain system with followings to suit
filter bed having
size of 6 met long X 4-meter-wide FOR EIGTH BEDS
a) 3.5“Diam., 1.95-meter-long, screen laterals made of SS304 with
200 to 350-micron slot screen based on 3” UPVC SCH-40 pipe - 328 Nos.
b) Air header 3”/4” Diam Sch-40 Main air header made of UPVC pipe of
suitable Diam to suit the bed length (approx. 3 meter each) - 16 Nos
c) Air distribution system - 328 Nos
1. Air guide nipple
2. Air drop tube
3. PVC air Saddle clamps
4. SS304 nuts & Bolts
d) 3” UPVC Tee for lateral fixing - 328 Nos
complete as per instructions of Engineer in charge.
11. Providing, Supplying in standard length ISI mark rigid unplasticsed PVC pipes suitable for
potable water with ring fit joint including cost of rings as per IS specification no. 4985/1988
including all local and central taxes, transportation, freight charges, octroi, inspection
charges, loading, unloading conveyance to the departmental stores and including cost of
jointing material etc. complete,
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Lowering, laying, fixing and jointing PVC/uPVC/cPVC pipes and specials including cost of
conveyance from stores to site of works including cost of labour, material, giving
satisfacory hydraulic testing as per ISI code with required excavation and refilling (At
Charedi)complete as per instructions of Engineer in charge.
12. SITC of Thickener bridge and Scrapper arm structure with bearing housing and Gear –
(Thickener Dia. 3.0m, Stilling Well Dia. -1000 (5thk M.S. Plate)
Moc – M.S.E.P (At Charedi)complete as per instructions of Engineer in charge.
13. SITC of Submersible Mud Pumps complete witn All Piping, Valves header pipes, specials,
expansion bellows etc complete as per site reuirement (At Charedi)
Capacity: 150 m3/hr
Head : 35 Mtr
Solid Handling : 50 mm
MOC : Casing : CI, Shaft : SS 410, Impeller: CF8M
Complete as per instructions of Engineer in charge.
14. Any other miscellaneous Mechanical related work in existing WTPs as directed by
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
All MCCB feeders shall comprise of Air Break Fixed MCCB conforms to IS / IEC 60947-2
with trip free mechanism, current limiting type with Thermal Magnetic/ Microprocessor
release (O / C, S / C & E / F) with adjustable settings & having minimum 2NO+2NC
potential free auxiliary contacts with all necessary Electro Mechanical protections &
interlocks etc.
All MCB feeders shall be (C Curve) having 10kA breaking capacity & conforming to
IS/IEC 60898-2:2003.
(a) 1 No. incomer with with 4 Pole, 100A MCCB with Breaking Capacity of Icu=36 KA at
415V (Ics =100% of Icu), TM release.
(b) 5 Nos Outgoing each with 63A FP MCB for Power/welding receptacles & Aux loads
(c) 3 Nos Outgoing each with 32A FP MCB for aux loads
(d) 6 Nos Outgoing each with 6-32A SP MCB for 230V ndoor lighting & aux loads
(e) 1 No.Supplying& erecting approved make RCCB + MCB (Electro magnetic type only)
working on residual current device having 6 KA short circuit breaking capacity and 30
mAmp. Sensitivity & 30 mili sec. tripping time conforming to IS 12640 test knob facility
trip free mechanism operating for rated leakage at nominal ten volt, complete erected
including all materials lugs screws etc. completed for 63A, 4P, Cat-II
(f) Supplying & erecting approved make Digital time switch having lithium cell 6 years
operative and operate battery backup 1 channel day clock with 14 memory programme,
suitable to operate on 440V + 5%, 63A with, floating contacts Minimum switching setup
time 1 minimum & LCD display. Also comprised permanent ON/OFF switching.
Programming switches & housed in fire proof thermoplastic enclosure & transparent
cover erected as required with necessary connection erected as directed.
(g) Control Transformer of 1000VA, 415/230V AC for I&C Loads.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
6.0 Power/ Welding Receptacle: (one for Electrical room/Transformer Area and one for
Pumping sation)
S.I.T.C. Of Approved make industrial type 63 A TPN (3P+N+E) Wall mounted with
isolating switch conforming to IP-67.
7.1 Supply, laying, testing & commissioning 1.1 kV grade, XLPE insulated, stranded
Aluminium conductor, galvanised steel flat strip / round wire armoured, extruded PVC
type ST2 sheathed, heavy duty cable (to be laid on wall surface with necessary clamps /
in existing cable trench / cable trays / conduit / pipe sleeves at road crossing or floor as
per site requirement) conforming to IS:7098 (Part-1) & IEC:60502 (Part-1) of 4C x 240
Sq. mm (1R for Transformer Outgoing)
7.2 Supply, laying, testing & commissioning 1.1 kV grade, XLPE insulated, stranded
Aluminium conductor, galvanised steel flat strip / round wire armoured, extruded PVC
type ST2 sheathed, heavy duty cable (to be laid on wall surface with necessary clamps /
in existing cable trench / cable trays / conduit / pipe sleeves at road crossing or floor as
per site requirement) conforming to IS:7098 (Part-1) & IEC:60502 (Part-1) of 3.5 C x 25
Sq. mm (1R for APFC and 1R for Power/Welding Receptacles at Various Location &
Indoor/Outdoor Lighting DBs)
7.3 Supply, laying, testing & commissioning 1.1 kV grade, XLPE insulated, stranded
Aluminium conductor, galvanised steel flat strip / round wire armoured, extruded PVC
type ST2 sheathed, heavy duty cable (to be laid on wall surface with necessary clamps /
in existing cable trench / cable trays / conduit / pipe sleeves at road crossing or floor as
per site requirement) conforming to IS:7098 (Part-1) & IEC:60502 (Part-1) of 3C x 16 Sq.
mm (2R for 20HP motor Drive)
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
7.4 Supply, laying, testing & commissioning 1.1 kV grade, XLPE insulated, stranded
Aluminium conductor, galvanised steel flat strip / round wire armoured, extruded PVC
type ST2 sheathed, heavy duty cable (to be laid on wall surface with necessary clamps /
in existing cable trench / cable trays / conduit / pipe sleeves at road crossing or floor as
per site requirement) conforming to IS:7098 (Part-1) & IEC:60502 (Part-1) of 3.5 C x 70
Sq. mm (From 415V LVDB to PLDB )
7.5 Supply, laying, testing & commissioning 1.1 kV grade, XLPE insulated, stranded Copper
conductor, galvanised steel flat strip / round wire armoured, extruded PVC type ST2
sheathed, heavy duty cable (to be laid on wall surface with necessary clamps / in existing
cable trench / cable trays / conduit / pipe sleeves at road crossing or floor as per site
requirement) conforming to IS:7098 (Part-1) & IEC:60502 (Part-1) of 4 C x 4 Sq. mm
(From 415V LVDB/PCC /Motor Starter Panel to Actuators)
8.1 Providing & fitting crimping type Cable Terminals (Aluminium Tubular Terminals(Long
Barrel) lugs) conforming to IS of following types and sizes, 240 Sq. mm
8.2 Providing & fitting crimping type Cable Terminals (Aluminium Tubular Terminals(Long
Barrel) lugs) conforming to IS of following types and sizes, 3.5 C x 25 Sq. mm
8.3 Providing & fitting crimping type Cable Terminals (Aluminium Tubular Terminals(Long
Barrel) lugs) conforming to IS of following types and sizes,3C x 16 Sq. mm
8.4 Providing & fitting crimping type Cable Terminals (Aluminium Tubular Terminals(Long
Barrel) lugs) conforming to IS of following types and sizes,3.5 C x 70 Sq. mm
8.5 Providing & fitting crimping type Cable Terminals (Copper Tubular Terminals(Long
Barrel) lugs) conforming to IS of following types and sizes, 4 C x 4 Sq. mm
9.1 Providing & fitting heavy duty brass cable glands (nickel-plated) with washers & rubber
ring conforming to IS, suitable for 3, 3½ & 4 core cables of 240 Sq. mm
9.2 Providing & fitting heavy duty brass cable glands (nickel-plated) with washers & rubber
ring conforming to IS, suitable for 3, 3½ & 4 core cables of 3.5 C x 25 Sq. mm
9.3 Providing & fitting heavy duty brass cable glands (nickel-plated) with washers & rubber
ring conforming to IS, suitable for 3, 3½ & 4 core cables of 3C x 16 Sq. mm
9.4 Providing & fitting heavy duty brass cable glands (nickel-plated) with washers & rubber
ring conforming to IS, suitable for 3, 3½ & 4 core cables of 3.5 C x 70 Sq. mm
9.5 Providing & fitting heavy duty brass cable glands (nickel-plated) with washers & rubber
ring conforming to IS, suitable for 3, 3½ & 4 core cables of 4 C x 4 Sq. mm
10.1 Supply, Installation, fabrication, testing &comissioning of G.I ladder type cable tray with
G.I coupler plate & nut bolt, tray cover etc. of 450mm wide (channel size 75x15x2 mm &
runner size 35x15x2 mm)
10.2 Supply, Installation, fabrication, testing &comissioning of G.I perforated type cable tray
with G.I coupler plate & nut bolt, tray cover etc. of 150mm wide x 35mm x 2 mm thick
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
12.2 Supplying & erecting earth pit of minimum bore dia.150mm size approved make Earthing
Electrode consisting Pipe-in-Pipe Technology as per IS 3043-1987 made of corrosion
free G.I.Pipes having Outer pipe dia of 50mm having 80-200 Micron galvanising, Inner
pipe dia of 25 mm having 200-250 Micron galvanising, connection terminal dia of 12mm
with constant ohmic value surrounded by highly conductive compound with high charge.
12.3 Supply &erectionrequired size Copper strip for earthing of H.T. OCB/ ACB/
Transformer,HT panel board using copper clamp.
12.4 Supply &erectionrequired size Aluminium strip for earthing of H.T. OCB / ACB /
Transformer, LT panel board, Motors etc. using copper clamp.
12.5 Providing & erecting Hot dip Galvanisied strip/ iron wire 8 to 16 SWG for Aux. DB,
Outdoor Lighting Poles & LPBS etc.
14.0 Any other miscellaneous electrical related work in existing WTPs as directed by
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
The lateral of V-wire under drain system is made from a V-wire screen based on PVC pipe
fitted with necessary fitting made form PVC & supplied with separate air distribution system.
The V-wire under drain system has fine slots (holes) enough to directly stop the loss of this
fine sand without need for any additional support gravel layers.
7. End Connection of Under Drain One End Closed With PVC/UPVC Cap
Lateral Other End Is Suited To Match With Tee
Connection Of Manifold
Distribution System
10. Air Clamp with Main Header PVC/PP Saddle with SS304 Nuts & Bolts
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Providing and supplying “Unplasticized PVC Pipes with elastomeric sealing ring (EPDM
rubber) Joint bearing ISI mark as per relevant IS code including with a provision of 5%
extra couplers of total joints conforming to relevant IS and sufficient quantity of Solvent
Cement Solution as per IS:4985/1988 including all local and central taxes, transportation,
freight charges, inspection charges, loading, unloading, conveyance to the departmental
stores and including cost of jointing materials i.e. Solvent cement etc. complete; Test
Pressure 6 Kg/cm².
Note: One Coupler/ Ring shall be provided with each full-length Pipe, cost of which is
included in rates.
Applicable codes:
The laying of Un-plasticized PVC pipes and fittings / specials shall comply with all currently
applicable statutes, regulations, standards and codes. In particular the following standards,
unless otherwise specified herein, shall be referred. In all cases, the latest revision of the
standards/codes shall be referred to. Other IS: Codes not specifically mentioned here but
pertaining to the use of Un-plasticized PVC pipes shall be part of this Specification.
Table No.5.1
IS 4985: 2000 Specification for un-plasticized PVC pipes for potable water
IS 7634(PT-3): 2003 Code of practice for plastics pipes selection, Handling, Storage
and installation for potable water Supply.
IS 7834(PT I to VIII): Specification for injection moulded PVC socket fittings with
1987 solvent cement joints for water supply.
The chief advantage of PVC pipes are Resistance to corrosion, Light weight, Toughness,
Rigidity, Economical in laying, jointing and maintenance, Ease of fabrication. Because of their
lightweight, PVC pipe are easy to handle, transport, and install.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Solvent cementing technique for jointing PVC pipe lengths is cheaper, more efficient and far
simpler. PVC pipes do not become pitted or tuberculated and are unaffected by fungi and
bacteria and are resistant to a wide range of chemicals. They are immune to galvanic and
electrolytic attack, a problem frequently encountered in metal pipes, especially when buried in
corrosive soils or near brackish waters.
PVC pipes have elastic properties and their resistance to deformation resulting from earth
movements is superior compared to conventional pipe materials specially AC. Thermal
conductivity of PVC is very low compared to metals. Consequently water transported in these
pipes remains at a more uniform temperature. These pipes generally come in 6m length.
Rigid PVC pipes weigh only 1/5th of conventional steel pipes of comparable sizes. PVC pipes
are available in sizes of outer dia, 20, 25, 32, 50, 63, 75, 90, 110, 140, 160, 250, 290 and
315mm at working pressures of 2,5,4,6, 10 kg/cm² as per IS 4985-1988.
The mean outside diameter, outside diameter at any point and their
tolerances shall be as given in table 5.2.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
The permissible variation (dem _dn) between the mean outside diameter
(dem) and the nominal outside diameter (dn) of a pipe shall be positive in
the form +x, where x is less than or equal to the greater of the following two
. Wall thickness
The wall thickness of plain pipe and the plain portion of socket ended pipe
shall be as given in table. 5.2
For pipes of minimum wall thickness greater than 6 mm, the permissible
variation of wall thickness shall again be positive in the form of +y, where y
would be applied in two parts.
The maximum wall thickness at any point shall be within the range 0.15
emin. (see table 5.2)
The results of these calculation for checking tolerance shall be rounded off
to the next higher 0.1 mm
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Diamete Mean Outside
r outside Diameter At Working Pressure, MPa
(Nomina Diameter any point
Mi Class3 Class 4 Class 5
Max Min Max
n (6kg/sqcm) 0.60 (8kg/sqcm) 0.80 (10kg/sqcm) 1.00
Avg Min Max Avg Min Max Avg Min Max
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
90 90.3 88.9 91.1 3.7 3.1 3.7 4.6 4.0 4.6 5.7 5.0 5.7
11 110. 108. 111.
110 4.3 3.7 4.3 5.6 4.9 5.6 7.0 6.1 7.1
0.0 4 6 4
12 125. 123. 126.
125 5.0 4.3 5.0 6.4 5.6 6.4 7.8 6.9 8.0
5.0 4 5 5
14 140. 138. 141.
140 5.5 4.8 5.5 7.2 6.3 7.3 8.7 7.7 8.9
0.0 5 3 7
16 160. 158. 162.
160 6.3 5.4 6.2 8.2 7.2 8.3 9.9 8.8 10.2
0.0 5 0 0
18 180. 177. 182.
180 7.0 6.1 7.1 9.0 8.0 9.2 11.1 9.9 11.4
0.0 6 8 2
20 200. 197. 202.
200 7.7 6.8 7.9 10.0 8.9 10.3 12.3 11.0 12.7
0.0 6 6 4
Length of pipe
The effective length of pipes shall be 4, 5, or 6 meters. For plain ended pipes the overall
length shall be measured from end to end. For socketed pipe for solvent cement jointing
the effective length of pipe shall be determined by subtracting from the overall length, the
socket length.
The sockets formed at the ends of the pipes shall be parallel to the axis of the pipe. The
minimum length of any socket shall be = 0.5 x nominal outside diameter of the pipe +6
Sockets for solvent cement jointing these shall conform to dimensions given in Table 5.3.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Visual appearance
The internal and external surface of the pipe shall be smooth, clean and free from
grooving and other defects. Slight shallow longitudinal grooves or irregularities in the
pipe shall be permissible provided the wall thickness remains within the permissible
The wall of the plain pipe shall not transmit more than 0.2 percent of the visible light
falling on it when tested in accordance with IS: 12235 (Part-3)
Effect on water:-
The pipe shall not have any detrimental effect on the composition of water flowing
through them.
1.5 Marking
Each pipe shall be clearly and indelibly marked in ink/paint or hot embossed on white
base at intervals of not more than 3 meters, in colour. The marking shall show the
b) Outside diameter,
Class Colour
Class 3 Green
Class 4 brown
Class 5 Yellow
In case of hot embossing, pipe shall also be provided near the end with circumferential
colour band as mentioned above in clause 5.9.1, to identify the class of pipe
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Because of their lightweight, there may be a tendency for the PVC pipes to be
thrown much more than their metal counterparts. This should be discouraged and
reasonable care should be taken in handling and storage to prevent damage to the
On no account should pipes be dragged along the ground. Pipes should be given
adequate support at all times.
These pipes should not be stacked in large piles, specially under warm temperature
conditions, as the bottom pipes may be distorted thus giving rise to difficulty in pipe
alignment and jointing. For temporary storage in the field, where racks are not provided,
care should be taken that the ground is level, and free from loose stones. Pipes stored
thus should not exceed three layers and should be so stacked as to prevent movement.
It is also not recommended to store one pipe inside another. It is advisable to follow the
practices mentioned as per IS: 7634 Part-I.
Reversion Test
When tested by the immersion method prescribed in IS 12235 (Part 5), a length of
pipe 200 + 20 mm long shall not alter in length by more than 5 percent. In the case of
socket end pipes, this test shall be carried out on the plain portion of the pipe taken at
least 100 mm away from the root of the socket.
When tested by the method prescribed in IS 6307, the vicat softening temperature of the
specimen shall not be less than 800C.
When tested the sulphated ash content in the pipe shall not exceed 11 percent.
Hydrostatic Characteristics
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
1.8 Fittings:-
Size of Fittings -
When subjected to internal hydrostatic pressure test in accordance with the procedure
given in IS 12235 (Part 8), the pipe shall not fail during the prescribed test duration.
The temperatures and duration of the test shall conform to the requirements given as
per Table 5.4. The test shall be carried out not earlier than 24 h after the pipes have
been manufactured.
Minimum thickness:-Thickness at any place in a fitting shall not be less than 3 mm.
The minimum socket length of any fittings shall be as given by the expression L= 0.5
D + 6 mm with a minimum of 12 mm.
1 2 3 4
D = nominal inside diameter of fittings (corresponding to the outside diameter of the pipe)
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
The socket length is applicable to socket fittings for pipes of any diameter under pressure.
The minimum socket lengths based on the formula in 8.3.1 for socket.
Socket dimensions
All fittings shall be clearly and indelibly marked at a prominent place visible even
after the installation of the fittings with the following:
b) Size of the fitting and the appropriate class (working pressure) of IS:4985-2000
to which the pressure rating of the fitting corresponds.
Specific requirements for various pvc socket fittings with solvent cement
joints for water supplies shall be as mentioned below:
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
The uPVC Pipes and uPVC Couplers to be manufactured supplied and delivered
under the scope of this contract shall be manufactured in accordance and
confirming to IS: 4985-2000 or its latest revision or amendments with ISI
certification mark.
Elastomeric sealing ring shall be in accordance with one of the types as per IS:
5382 & shall be EPDM rubber ring with ISI mark.
It shall be in accordance with one of the types (type-1 or type-6) as per IS:5382.
The sealing ring shall be EPDM rubber ring. The sealing ring shall be with ISI
mark. The lubricant applied for jointing of elastomeric rubber ring shall be of good
quality and comply the following specifications.
i. Must have paste like consistency and be ready for use, preferably soap jelly.
ii. Has toadhare wet and dry surfaces of uPVC pipes and rubber ring.
iii. Must be non-toxic.
iv. Must be water soluble.
v. Must non affecting physio-chemical and organoleptic properties of drinking water
carried in the pipe.
vi. Must not have an objectionable odour.
vii. Must not harmful to the skin.
uPVC couplers
i. The material composition for uPVC Couplers shall be as per the material
composition of uPVC Pipes as per IS:4985-2000
ii. The size, pressure & manufacturers name shall be mark on couplers also to
identify the class of couplers either class and size should be marked on
couplers too or color bends shall be as per the colour shown in IS:4985-2000
clause No. 10.1.
PVC solvent cement is quick drying; therefore it shall be applied as quickly and
carefully as possibly and in consistence with good workmanship. For larger sizes, it is
advisable for two workers to work simultaneously on the pipe and socket.
Dip the applicator brush in the solvent cement and apply a liberal coat of cement to the
end of the pipe up to the insertion depth
Apply a uniform thin coat of cement inside the socket, working axially from the inside of
the socket to the outside. Do not apply any cement on the shoulders of the socket
(socket-to-pipe transition area). Care should be taken not to apply excess cement
inside the socket. Excess cement in the socket will be pushed further into the pipe
during assembly and cause the pipe to soften and weaken at that point. Hot and dry
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
In climates with large differences between day and night temperatures, it is advisable
to make joints early in the morning or in the evening when it is cooler. Thus, the joints
are prevented from being pulled apart if the pipes contract.
For pipe installation solvent glued spigot is inserted in the socket up to the shoulder
and then after a quarter (90º) turn is given to evenly distribute the cement over the
treated surface.
Within 20 second after the last application of solvent cement, insert the pipe in to
socket in a single steady and every controlled but forceful action. Press it in fully until it
bottoms. No. hammer blows should be used. If there is any sign of drying of the
cement coat before insertion; the surface should be re-coated, avoiding application of
excess cement in the socket. Once the insertion is complete, hold in place for 1 min
without shifting the pipe in the socket.
Immediately after assembly, wipe the excess solvent cement from the pipe at the end
of the socket. A properly made joint will have a uniform bead around its entire
perimeter. Any gaps in this bead may be indicative of an improper joint due to
insufficient cement or the use of a lighter-bodied cement than the one recommended.
Location: Drinking water pipelines should not be located below sewerage pipelines.
Where a pipeline runs parallel to other pipelines or cables, the distance between them
should not be less than 0.4 m.
Width: Trenches should be of adequate width to allow the burial of pipe, while being as
narrow as practical. If expansion and contraction are not problems and snaking of pipe
is not required, minimum trench widths may be obtained by jointing the pipe outside
the trench and then lowering the piping into the trench after the testing. A trench width
of two or three times the pipe diameter is a good rule of thumb. Narrow (unsupported)
trench width and supported trench width shall be as given under:
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Where necessary to prevent cave-ins, trench excavations in unstable soil shall be adequately
supported. As backfill is placed and sheeting withdrawn, the void left by the withdrawn
sheeting shall be filled and compacted before withdrawing the next increment.
Trench Bottom
The trench bottom shall be constructed to provide a firm, stable and uniform support
for the full length of the pipeline. There should be no sharp objects that may cause
point loading.
Any large rocks, hard pan, or stones larger than 20 mm should be removed to permit a
minimum bedding thickness of 100-150 mm under the pipe.
For pipes of diameters 100 mm or greater, bell holes in the bedding, under each socket
joint, shall be provided by removing some of the bedding material, to accommodate the
larger diameter of the joint and to permit the joint to be made properly.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
Prepare the bedding by laying on soft soil and alternatively compacting and
watering sparingly until an effective thickness of 100 to 150 mm is achieved.
Lay the pipe in the trench after ensuring that bell holes have been provided for
at the appropriate places in the bedding (Pipes of diameter 110 mm or less,
with no live load application, do not require bell holes in the trench bottom).
These have to be refilled carefully after testing of the pipeline and prior to
complete backfilling of the trench.
Though not essential, the pipes should be laid with the spigots entered into the
sockets in the same directions as the intended flow of water.
Minimum cover:
A minimum cover of 1.8 m when heavy truck or locomotive traffic (dynamic loads) is
expected. Usually pipe below 2.0 m of cover are not affected significantly by dynamic
loads. If the application prevents deep burial of the pipe and heavy traffic passing over
the pipe is expected, it would be advisable to use steel or reinforced concrete casing
to prevent damage to the pipe.
The purpose of the anchor block is to transfer the total thrust to the trench sides. It is
therefore important to take account of the load-bearing capacity of the surrounding
Recommended mixture for concrete is one part cement, two parts washed sand and
two parts gravel.
Where concrete would be in direct contact with the pipe or fittings, these should be
wrapped with a compressible material, for example rubber sheet or foamed
polyethylene sheet, to accommodate creep and prevent the occurrence of high local
stress concentrations.
The first side fill or hunching layer should be placed by hand and compacted in layers
under the lower quadrants of the pipe up to the spring level (half the vertical diameter)
of the pipe.
Compaction can be done by careful trampling with the feet or with trampling tool.
Care should be taken to leave adequate area around the joint free of backfill to allow for
inspection during testing of the pipeline.
Volume-IIIA: Technical Specification for
Water Treatment Plant
On completion of the surround to the pipe, suitable excavated material may be then
replaced as backfill in 250 mm compacted layers up to the top of the trench.
The net length of pipes as laid or installed shall be measured in running meters correct
to a cm. Specials shall be excluded and enumerated and paid separately under the
relevant item. The portion of pipe at the joints (inside the joint) shall not be included in
the length of the pipe work. Excavation, refilling, masonry and concrete work (as
required) shall be measured and paid for separately under relevant item of work.