Mara University of Technology Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying

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Mara University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying

Refurbishment and Adaptation

(Structural Report)
BSB 553

Prepared by:

Mohd Hafeezul Hafiq b Abdul Rashid 2009184661

Fazreena bt Abdul Karim 2009126447
Ariessa bt Mohd Noor 2010468052
Mohd Zul Hafizie b Mohd Khaidz 2010215428
Muhammad Nur Luqman b Md Nasir 2010855438

Prepared for:
En Ahmad Sharim Abdullah
1.0 Literature Review


Aluminium is a metal's that has a low density, stronger and also resist from
the corrosion. It is easy to work by using the machine and also formed in the form
of sheet metal. Aluminium also is suitable to all types of industries. Basically Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
the structure components are made of aluminum is important to construction industries.
Usually aluminium is use for making roof trusses, window frame and etc. The strength and Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a widely used thermoplastic polymer. Most of the PVC
the durability of the aluminium is vary widely, not only as a result of the components of produced is used in construction. PVC has been replacing the traditional
the specific alloy, but also as a result of heat treatments and manufacturing processes. A building materials such as wood, concrete and clay in the construction industry. As a hard
lack of knowledge of these aspects has from time to time led to improperly designed plastic, it is used as vinyl siding, magnetic stripe cards, window profiles, gramophone
structures and gained aluminium a bad reputation. records (which is the source of the name for vinyl records), pipe, plumbing and conduit
fixtures and it is often used in the construction industry is due to the nature of the
flexibility. It can be made softer and more flexible with the addition of
plasticizer, the phthalate most commonly used. it is intended to be used in
the assembly to create a flexible hose and tubing, rate, for the
roof membrane, and electrical cable insulation. PVC is widely
used such as ducting for wirring well as pipe lines and sewerage pipe. The strength of the
PVC is the combination tensile strength and stiffness for the toughest applications than the
durability for this material it will retain their form for decades

Door Frame Window Frame

Panel Door Concrete does not have any form nor has tensile strength. To bring concrete into useful
construction material, it has to be used together with steel. During the concrete hardening
Clay process, the cement combines with water to form strong crystals that bind the aggregates.
Clay found in three forms: surface clay, shale and fireclay. Surface clays are found near Concrete then will shrink when the drying process takes place after mixing. In a well
the surface of the earth and strip-mined. Most brick are made from surface mined clays. formulated concrete, fine particles completely fill the space between the coarse particles.
Shale is clays that have been subjected to high pressures, causing them to be relatively
hard. O high pressures, causing them to be relatively hard. Fireclays are found at deeper
levels than the first two and have more uniform physical and chemical properties. Fireclays Concrete structures can be very durable and require no maintenance, but problem
can withstand higher temperatures and are used where these will occur, such as in the can arise. In reinforced concrete, the concrete provides protection to the steel, but
lining of a fireplace firebox. Clay contains a variety of materials, but they are depends on the quality of concrete and adequate cover. Cover is defined as the minimum
predominantly silica and alumina with smaller amounts of metallic oxides and other distance from the surface of reinforcing bar to the face of concrete. Concrete has been
ingredients. Clays are divided into two classes, calcareous and noncalcareous. Calcareous found to deteriorate as a result of using certain aggregates and additives.
clays have about 15% calcium carbonate and have a yellow color when burned. Non-
calcareous clays contain silicate of alumina, feldspar, and iron oxide. The iron oxide causes
them to take a buff, red, or salmon color when burned. The color varies depending on the
amount of iron oxide. The strength of clay depends on the temperature and the length of
Fire resistance
the burn, basically when the higher of burning temperature was used it will produce higher
compressive strength in almost any clay or process. While the durability is refer to the Concrete is incombustible but if exposed to fire in long period time will damage the
ability of a clay masonry unit to resist damage due to freezing and thawing cycles while it concrete. The density of the concrete and the type of aggregate will affect the fire
is subjected to moisture. High burn temperatures tend to produce a harder, more durable resistance. Concrete transmit heat roughly forty times more slowly than metals, the
unit. structural members are more bulky. This means that these materials perform well in fires.


The ultimate compressive strength is the primary index of designation of a concrete

mixture. The strength of concrete will increase almost indefinitely with time if adequate
moisture is present. Hardening is the process of strength growth and may continue for a
weeks or month after the concrete has been mixed and placed. Hardening is due largely to
the formation of calcium silicate hydrate as the cement hydrates. The concrete will harden
at a rate depending on the cement type, on the water ratio, and on the curing

Clay tile Factor affecting strength

CONCRETE POROSITY: voids in concrete can be filled with air or with water. Air voids
Concrete are an obvious and easily-visible example of pores in concrete. Broadly speaking, the less
porous the concrete, the stronger it will be as measured by compressive strength.
Probably the most important source of porosity in concrete is the ratio of water to cement
in the mix, known as ‘the water to cement’ ratio. This parameter is so important it will be
discussed separately below.

SOUNDNESS OF AGGREGATE: it will be obvious that if the aggregate in concrete is weak,

the concrete will also be weak. Rocks with low intrinsic strength, such as chalk are clearly
unsuitable for use as aggregate.

Concrete column
high winds, heavy snow and even earthquakes. They are also resistant to termites,
creeping, cracks, splitting and rotting. Even though steel framed are still slightly more
expensive than traditional wood-based buildings, savings from the fact that they are more
Properties energy-efficient and reduced maintenance make them an attractive alternative.

The qualities that make steel a desirable building material are strength. Strength is
measure relative to the yield strength, corresponding to the stress value where, with
virtually no increase in loading, steel deformation continues to increase. This can be
visualized by bending a piece of mild steel wire stops bending but the deformation Properties
remains. The wire is not broken and the steel has not lost its elastic properties. In fact, it
can be bent back and straightened at lease theoretically to its initial shape, with no loss Glass products are made from many different variations. Various standards govern the

strength. classification of glass into types suitable for specific uses.

Durability Durability

Steel structure needs protection from rust, which forms on the surface of the metal in Stained glass design should be both beautiful and durable. The placement of joints is

the presence of oxygen and moisture. Rusting is a progressive process which can the most important factor in the strength of the finished project. The right place, whether

completely reduce sound metal to heap of rust particles steel involved applying a they are too long and whether there are enough to support the size of the finishes piece.

protective coating. This can take the form of galvanizing and a properly designed paint Glass is not always associated with durability, but can be just as strong and long lasting.

system. By nature, glass retains certain properties that make it more resilient.

Permeability Permeability

Permeability is a material property that describes the ease with a magnetic flux is A structure of fine fibers for the ultimate protection of roofs designed to keep buildings

established in a component. It is the ratio of the flux density to the magnetizing force. The comfortable and protected, with the risk of interstitial condensation reduced to the lowest

permeability value given in papers and reference materials is usually the maximum level. It actively helps to reduce emissions and it is compliant with BS5250 of the building

relative permeability. regulations. This unique feature allows it to be used in all kinds of wind conditions, with
unlimited batten space.
Fire resistance
Fire resistance
The assessment of fire damaged hot rolled structural steel is in area in which most
engineers and architects have little practical experiences. On many occasions fire affected Glass is an increasingly flexible building material. Clear fire resistant glass offers a

steelwork shows little or no distortion resulting in considerable uncertainty regarding its re- transparent alternative to a solid brick wall, bringing light and space where previously

usability. This is particularly true in situation whose fire has resulted in some parts of the limited.

structure exhibiting little or no damage alongside areas where considerable damage and Strength
distortion are clearly visible.
In order to improve the tensile strength characteristics it is possible to pre-load the
Strength surfaces of the glass with compressive stresses. This can be done either by heat

The highest strength to weight ratio of any building material and is a major plus for strengthening, heat tempering or chemically strengthening the glass. When a glass plate is

a steel. Steel structures can withstand unfavorable weather conditions such as hurricanes, bent, the convex surface is placed into tension while the concave surface is compressed.
By adding compressive stress to the glass, the compressive force must be overcome Any structure made from timbers rapidly destroys in case of fire. Timber also enhances
before the surface becomes tensile in nature. This can dramatically improve the amount of intensity of fire. As timber is bad conductor of heat if heavy section is used it may attain a
bending force that may be placed on a plate of glass before it breaks. high degree of fire resistance. To make timber more fire resistant, the surface of timber is
coated with chemicals such as ammonium phosphate and soleplate, borax and boric acid.
After doing treatment, the timber becomes more resistant to heat. Sometimes fire
resistant paint is also applied on surface of the timber to protect it from heat.


The strength of timber is highly dependent on the loading direction. Timber is

strongest in tension along the fibers and is weakest in the radial and tangential direction.
When loaded in its strongest direction timber can have strength to weight ratio advantage
relative to steel of 2:1. However when timber is loaded in other directions, this advantage
disappears. Timber is a natural product and its properties vary continuously throughout
Glass Wall
processing from when the tree is cut down. Green wood has high moisture content

Timber (generally) and this results in reduced strength. As it is dried it loses the moisture content
and becomes stronger

The Mechanical properties and availability of timber have made it a natural material for
building structures, furniture, tools, vehicles, and decorative objects. Worldwide it is used
more than metal or plastic. Timber is a natural product and when used responsibly is a
sustainable resource which need not result in damage to the environment. Forests can be
protected by recycling and reusing the timber, using less timber and by supporting
sustainable forest management. Natural timber is generally composed of bundles of long
fibers which are effectively water carrying tubes. These fibres are laid in the direction of
the tree trunk or branch from which the timber is removed.
Roof trusses


The term durability generally refers to resistance of a timber of fungal decay and it is
used in this sense. Durability is of importance only where a timber is liable to become
damp, as for example, where it is used out of doors. It is of no consequence where a timer
is used for purposes such as furniture where it can always be kept dry, because, under
these conditions, wood-destroying fungi are not active. The durability of most timbers
varies a great deal and even pieces cut from the same tree will often show wide
differences, so it is only possible to speak of durability in appropriate terms.

Fire resistance
1.2 The building Plan

1.1 History of the building Ground floor plan

This building was built when it was under Federal Government provision. It is managed by
Marine Department of Malaysia (Jabatan Laut Malaysia). This construction of this building
done by year 2005 and later has handover to Marine Department. The original proposal of
the building is to be an exclusive port yacht or club house for sailor. But there are some
problems happened to the site which is mud at low tide and cause yacht stuck on mud.
Then five years later, the building has been opened for privatizing. The jetty has been
demolished and the function of the building has been changed for public use such as cafe
house and seminar rooms to rent.
First floor plan

Section X-X

Roof plan
Section Y-Y Right elevation

Front elevation
Rear elevation
1.3 Structural element
1.3.1 Staircase

In this building, there are 3 staircases provided. Staircase 1 is placed next to porch area,
Staircase 2 at the back of the building and the third staircase inside the Gallery area.
Staircase 1 and 2 are half-turn shape of staircase while staircase at Gallery is a
geometrical shape of staircase.

Staircase 1

Left elevation

Figure 1: Staircase 1

This staircase made of reinforced concrete (grade 25) with ceramic tiles as finishing. The
dimension of this staircase is 3000mm x 6000mm. The landing area is 1950mm. The
height of floor level from Ground Floor to 1st Floor is 4200mm. So this has made the riser of
the step is about 150mm and tread is about 250mm. The width of the step is about
1430mm with both handrails at the side of the staircase.

For the railing, this staircase use mild steel railing for handrail and baluster. And it has
been screwed into the RC staircase with bolt and nut. The height of the railings is
Figure 3: Staircase at Gallery

Staircase 2 Staircase at gallery is also made of RC concrete and ceramic tiles as finishing materials.
But the shape of the staircase is geometrical shape. It was designed like that to match
with the shape of the area. It is also used mild steel handrails and baluster. It has 24 steps
and its tread is 255mm and 175mm in riser. The width of the step is about 1320mm.

For overall, the staircases are all made of concrete. It is because concrete has a great
strength and durability compare to timber staircase. This is to meet the requirement of the
usage of the building. Compare to steel staircase, concrete staircase is has more span of
time as steel will corroded in time as this site is on the seaside. Weather will affect the

Figure 2: Staircase 2

Staircase 2 also made of RC concrete but there is no other material for finishes. It is only
use cement render for finishes. The purpose by not putting the ceramic tiles at this
staircase because it is an exit staircase n it may also use for loading and unloading area.
The dimension of this staircase is 2850mm x 5100mm. The railing of this staircase also
made of mild steel screwed into RC staircase.

Figure 4: Detailing of typical RC Staircase

column is from 6000mm to 8100mm. This is why the size of the column is bigger than the
other one because it is to support the structure of the building.
1.3.2 Column

As per drawing and also observation at the site itself, it can be seen that in overall, there
are only two shapes of columns that is round column and square column. Round shape
column only applies at the Porch area and Gallery area. This size of column is 300mm in
diameter and various heights depends on placement of column. At Porch, there are four
round columns and attached with stone cladding at the bottom of the column for aesthetic
value. It is to see as a welcoming area to the building. The next column is inside the
Gallery which is has 10 columns. The overall height of the column is about 8100mm. The
material use for this column is RC concrete grade 25 comes with RC bar Y20 and tied up
with RC stirrups.

Figure 6: Types of column

Concrete has been used for the column materials because concrete can stand for a long
period if the materials is mixed properly and is in suitable grade for the elements to be
constructed. The durability of concrete is high and although it is heavy in weight, it can
carry the load of the dead and live load.

Figure 5: Typical size of column

Square shape of column can be found at the main building. It can be said that this column
is the main structure for this building. It is also can be seem at the floor plan about the
placement of the columns. There is two sizes of square column that is 200mm x 200mm
and 300mm x 300mm, and in height is up to 8100mm, depends on the placement of the
column. This column is made of RC concrete grade 25 and has 4 numbers of RC bar (Y20)
and it is tied with stirrups. The size 200mm x 200mm is placed at the wall while size
300mm x 300mm can be found at the main structure of the building such as in Cafe area,
which is acted as the main column to support the building. The length of placement of this
1.3.3 Wall

The main materials used for wall construction is brick wall. The other material used for wall
is glass wall and facing brick (at Gallery only). Brick wall is widely used because it is cheap
and easy to construct. The size of the wall is 115mm thick with 19mm thick plastering on
both sides.

Figure 8: Tinted fixed glass panel on aluminium framing wall

Figure 7: Basic construction of wall

For glass wall at the Gallery area, tinted fixed glass panel on aluminium framing wall is
used. The material was surrounded at the area which is a little bit separated from the main
building. And it is also has facing brick at portion of the building which is placed near the
staircase inside the building. This facing brick used stretcher bond pattern.
Figure 9: Portion section thru Gallery
Figure 10: Detail 1

Figure 11: Detail 2

1.3.4 Door
Types Material properties

1. Timber Fire Rated Door Materials:

Timber door frame, flush door


Door knob, hinges



740mm x 2100mm
Types Material properties

2. Aluminium FrameTinted Glass Double Door Materials:

Aluminium Frame Tinted Glass Door Medium Stile Double Leave Fixed Glass Casement at the top


Aluminium Pull Handle


The Gallery of Jail Products


1700mm x 2640mm

3.Timber Double Flush Door with Fixed Louvers at the Materials:

Timber Flush Door, Timber Door Frame with Fixed Aluminium Louvers


Aluminium Door Knob with Door stop and also Barrel Bolt


Kitchen Area
Types Material properties

4. Aluminium Louvers Double Door Materials:

Aluminium Frame with aluminium louvers double door of fire rated.


Aluminium Pull Handle


Pump House Hose Reel Room


1770mm x 2100mm

5. Timber Panel Door Materials:

Timber Frame with Timber Panel Door


Steel Door Knob


Meeting Room, Kitchen, Multi Purpose Room, Toilet and Surau

Types Material properties

6. UPVC Flush Door Materials:

UPVC door face with Timber Door Frame


Purposed Toilet Lockset


Female and Male Toilets


780mm x 205m

7. Timber Flush Door with Fixed Louvers Materials:

Timber Door Frame with Timber Louvers at bottom flush door


Aluminium Door Knob


Toilet and Storage Things Room

Types Material properties

8. Double Flush Door Materials:

Timber Door Frame, Timber Flush Door of Two Door Leaves



Lockset with Two Door Closers


Telephone Outlet Room


1220mm x 2100mm

9. Aluminium Double Door with fixed glass at the top and Materials:
louvers at the bottom
Double Aluminium Door with Aluminium Louvers.

Insert with glass


Aluminium Lockset


At the hallway for Fire Protection of Hose Reel

1.3.5 Window

Types Material properties

Dimension: 2400mm x 1200mm

Material: Glass and stainless steel

Type: Fix casement window

Location: Restaurant at ground floor

Construction method: Firstly, construct the lintel at area of window to prevent crack. It also to carry load from top of building at protect the

After that, install the frame window as a protection to window and prevent the window from damage

Material properties:

Wheater resistance

– Provision of water checks is important and grooves in the frame and necessary to prevent water being driven through the gap by
difference pressure

Thermal insulation

– To converse heat in building has resulted in careful consideration of the total amount of all window in a building.

Sound insulation

– A window may have to fulfill particular sound insulation requirement. So the double or triple glazing is used.
2200mm x 1800mm

Material: Glass and stainless steel

Type: Fix and adjustable casement window

Location: Main office at ground floor

Construction method: Firstly, construct the lintel at area of window to prevent crack. It also to carry load from top of building at protect the

After that, install the frame window as a protection to window and prevent the window from damage

Material properties:

Wheater resistance

– Provision of water checks is important and grooves in the frame and necessary to prevent water being driven through the gap by
difference pressure

Thermal insulation

– To converse heat in building has resulted in careful consideration of the total amount of all window in a building.

Sound insulation

– A window may have to fulfill particular sound insulation requirement. So the double or triple glazing is used.

Types Material properties

Dimension : 1800mm x 1200mm

Material : Glass and stainless steel

Type : Adjustable casement window and fix louvers window

Location : Toilet at ground floor and 1st floor

Construction method: Firstly, construct the lintel at area of window to prevent crack. It also to carry load from top of building at protect the

After that, install the frame window as a protection to window and prevent the window from damage

Material properties :

Wheater resistance

– Provision of water checks is important and grooves in the frame and necessary to prevent water being driven through the gap by
difference pressure

Thermal insulation

– To converse heat in building has resulted in careful consideration of the total amount of all window in a building.

Sound insulation

– A window may have to fulfill particular sound insulation requirement. So the double or triple glazing is used.
Dimension : 2400mm x 2400mm

Material : Glass and stainless steel

Type : Fix casement window

Location : Kitchen at ground floor

Construction method: Firstly, construct the lintel at area of window to prevent crack. It also to carry load from top of building at protect the

After that, install the frame window as a protection to window and prevent the window from damage

Material properties :

Wheater resistance

– Provision of water checks is important and grooves in the frame and necessary to prevent water being driven through the gap by
difference pressure

Thermal insulation

– To converse heat in building has resulted in careful consideration of the total amount of all window in a building.

Sound insulation

– A window may have to fulfill particular sound insulation requirement. So the double or triple glazing is used.

Types Material properties

Dimension : 1200mm x 1200mm

Material : Glass and stainless steel

Type : Fix louvers window

Location : Kitchen at ground floor

Construction method: Firstly, construct the lintel at area of window to prevent crack. It also to carry load from top of building at protect the

After that, install the frame window as a protection to window and prevent the window from damage

Material properties :

Wheater resistance

– Provision of water checks is important and grooves in the frame and necessary to prevent water being driven through the gap by
difference pressure

Thermal insulation

– To converse heat in building has resulted in careful consideration of the total amount of all window in a building.

Sound insulation

– A window may have to fulfill particular sound insulation requirement. So the double or triple glazing is used.
Fix casement window Fix and adjustable casement window Adjustable casement window and fix louvers window Fix casement window
Fix louvers window
Structure elements of the marina club • Can be re driven if affected by Construction method of floor with beam
house building ground heave. Construction
procedure unaffected by ground – For constructing a floor slab, a thin
1.3.6 Sub structure water. layer of lime or cement mortar is
• Can be driven in long lengths. Can spread with the help of screed
be carried above ground level, for battens. Then the screeds are
Foundation properly levelled and fixed at the
example, through water for marine
structures. correct height. When the surface
A sub structure
mortar has hardened sufficiently,
is a foundation used to
Material used in foundation the specified tiles are laid on a 6
support the building
mm thick bed of wet cement
loads so that the 1. Concrete. mortar.(1:5). The surplus mortar
building is safe without 2. Reinforcement bar. which comes out of the joints is
any failure. The
cleaned off. After 3 days, the joints
selection of the
are well rubbed a carborundum
foundation is done by
Type of foundation stone so as to smoothen the
considering of many
surface, specially the edges.
factors such as the Pad foundation
condition of the soil, Type of floor
the types of building to
be construct, the – 2-way floor slab with beam.
function of the
building, whether the
is machinery to be Figure below show the structure of two The figure below shows the connection
install and many more. way floor slab with beam. between the slab and beam.

The Marina Club House building

was constructed on a reclaimed land up
to 4 acres depth located near to the
beach. The foundation used for this
1.3.7 Ground Floor Slab
building is by using piling. These is to
ensure that the loads is transfer easily
without any problems based on the The Marina Club House building is
characteristic of the soil condition that is using the two way slab with beams
reclaimed land. They are using pad method. This two way slab method
foundation as the pile cap and with a transfers the load in two directions. It is
spun pile below of it. not focus on one direction to transfer the
load. This is to ensure that the load
Advantages of these types of foundation:
transfer is not focus at one point only. By
• Do not corrode or rot. using this method, the load to transfer is
• Are easy to splice. Relatively more less compare by using one way
inexpensive. slab.
• The quality of the concrete can be
Material used in floor slab
checked before driving.
• Stable in squeezing ground, for 1. Concrete.
example, soft clays, silts and peats 2. Reinforcement bar. Figure below shows the layout and the
pile material can be inspected 3. Cement. cross-section of the two way floor slab
before piling.
Dimension of beam.

– 300mm x 500mm

Material used in beam.

1.3.8 Beam 1. Concrete.

Beams generally 2. Reinforcement bar (Y20)

carry vertical gravitational forces but can
Type of beam.
also be used to carry horizontal loads
– Reinforcement concrete beam.
( loads due to an earthquake or wind).
The loads carried by a beam are The figure below shows the structure
transferred to columns, walls, or girders, of rc beam and the cross-section of
which then transfer the force to adjacent the rc beam.
structural compression members. In light
frame construction the joists rest on the

Beams are characterized by

their profile (the shape of their cross-
section), their length, and their material.
In contemporary construction, beams are
typically made of steel, reinforced
concrete, or wood. One of the most
common types of steel beam is the I-
beam or wide-flange beam (also known as
a "universal beam" or, for stouter
sections, a "universal column"). This is
commonly used in steel-frame buildings
and bridges. Other common beam profiles
are the C-channel, the hollow structural
section beam, the pipe, and the angle.

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