Reinforced Cement Concrete

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Second Year
B. Architecture
SPPU, Pune
Compiled by:
Ar. Dharati Sote Wankhade
Asst. Professor
Building Technology and Material Deptt.
Dr. B. N. College of Architecture
Karvenagar, Pune

Concrete as a Material
The nature of concrete
Advantages and Disadvantages of concrete
Limitation of Concrete
Most widely used as construction material
Obtained by mixing Cement, Water and Aggregates
Then the mixture placed in a mould and allowed to cure
It became hard because of the chemical reaction that happened
between water and cement
The concrete afterwards grows stronger with the increasing of age
Concrete as a Material

Concrete is a material that literally forms the basis of our modern

society. Scarcely any aspect of our daily lives does not depend directly or
indirectly on concrete. We may live, work, study, or play in concrete
structures to which we drive over concrete roads and bridges.
Our goods may be transported by trucks traveling on concrete super
high ways. by trains that run on rails supported on concrete crossties., by
ships that moor at concrete piers in -harbors protected by concrete
breakwaters, or by airplanes landing and taking off on concrete runways.
Water drinking and for raising crops is stored behind massive concrete
dams and is distributed by systems of concrete waterways., conduits.,
and pipes..
Concrete as a Material

Concrete plays a key role in oil production, being used to construct

massive off shore platforms for drilling .
We take concrete for granted in our everyday activities and tend to be
impressed by the more dramatic impacts of technology.
it can be truly said that many of the achievements of our modern
civilization have depended on concrete, just as many of the enduring
achievements of the earlier civilization of Rome were ;made possible by
the use of the forerunner of modern concrete.
The word concrete comes from the Latin verb "concretus," which means
to grow together.
Nature of Concrete

Concrete is a composite material composed of coarse granular material

(the aggregate or filler) embedded in a hard matrix of material (the

cement or binder) that fills the space between the aggregate particles

and glues them together. Aggregates can be obtained from many

different kinds of materials, although we mostly make use of the

materials of nature common rocks.

Nature of Concrete

They are essentially inert, filler materials that, for convenience. are

separated into fine and coarse factions. Similarly, the cement can be

formulated from many diverse chemicals. "Cement"' is a generic term

that can apply to all binders. Therefore, descriptors must he used to

qualify this term when referring to specific materials. A civi1 engineer

may have cause to use

Nature of Concrete

Portland cement concrete, calcium aluminates cement concrete, or

polymer concrete ,where the binders are Portland cement, calcium

aluminate cement, or a polymer resin, respectively. In concrete

construction, the engineer will use Portland cement concrete 95% of

the time. Thus, for convenience, we will often drop the name Portland

throughout the text and use a qualifying descriptor only when dealing

with other kinds of cement and concrete.

Nature of Concrete
Nature of Concrete

Portland cement concrete, calcium aluminates cement concrete, or

polymer concrete ,where the binders are Portland cement, calcium

aluminate cement, or a polymer resin, respectively. In concrete

construction, the engineer will use Portland cement concrete 95% of

the time. Thus, for convenience, we will often drop the name Portland

through out the text and use a qualifying descriptor only when dealing

with other kinds of cement and concrete.

Advantages of Concrete
Concrete is the predominant material used in construction .
It competes directly with all other major construction materials-timber, steel,
asphalt, stone, etc.
Economical in long run compared to other Engineering material (Low cost)
Possesses a high compressive strength
Fresh concrete can be easily handled & molded in any shape / size
Formwork can be re-used
Can be sprayed on & filled the cracks for repairing process
Durable & fire resistant & requires little maintenance
Can be pumped and hence it can be laid in the difficult position
Protection of embedded steel
Variety of finishes obtainable
It yields rigid members with minimum apparent deflection.
Advantages of Concrete
The ability of concrete to be cast to any desired shape and
configuration is an important characteristic that can offset other
Concrete can be cast into soaring arches and columns, complex
hyperbolic shells, or into massive, monolithic section; used in dams,
piers, and abutments. On-site.
Furthermore. fabricating concrete on site, its properties may be
tailored for the specific application.
Casting of concrete can also be adapted to factory-controlled
precast building elements for standardized low. cost building
Disadvantages of Concrete
It has a low tensile strength of about one tenth of its
compressive strength
It needs mixing and curing all of which affect the finial strength
of concrete.
The cost of form which will be used in casting is high
It has low compressive strength with respect to steel which lead
to large section in columns of multistory buildings.
Cracks develop in concrete due to shrinkage and application of
live loads
It expands and contracts with the changes of temperature
Concrete is not entirely impervious to moisture & contains
soluble salts, which may cause efflorescence
Concrete is liable to disintegrate by alkali and sulphate attack
The lack of ductility inherent in concrete.
Limitation of Concrete

However, concrete does have weaknesses that may limit its use in
certain applications and must be allowed for when designing
Concrete is a brittle material with very low tensile strength.
Concrete should generally not be loaded in tension (except for low
bending stresses that may be permitted in unreinforced slabs on
grade), and reinforcing steel must be used to carry tensile loads;
inadvertent tensile loading causes cracking. The low ductility of
concrete also means that concrete lacks impact strength and
toughness compared to metals.
Limitation of Concrete

Even in compression, concrete has a relatively low strength-to-

weight ratio, and a high load capacity requires comparatively large
masses of concrete, although, since concrete is low in cost, this is
economically possible.
The volume instability of concrete must also be allowed for in
design and construction.
It shows volume stability that is more characteristic of timber and
quite unlike that of steel, which is a volume-stable material under
normal conditions of service.
Limitation of Concrete

Concrete undergoes considerable irreversible shrinkage due to

moisture loss at ambient temperatures and also creeps significantly

under an applied load even under conditions of normal service.

Awareness of these problems with concrete enables us to

compensate for them, by using suitable designs and by controlling

them, in part, through a suitable choice of materials and

construction practices.
Limitation of Concrete

A great deal of research effort has been devoted to ameliorating

these problems and now ready-mixed concrete with compressive
strengths of 100 MPa (15,000 Ib/in.2) can be routinely produced in
some areas.
Over the last 30 years, new types of concrete have been developed,
such as fiber. Reinforced concrete, shrinkage-compensated
Cement based materials with flexural strengths exceeding 150 MPa
(22,000 Ib/in.2) or with tensile
strains greater than 1% have been produced.
Thank You .

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