Sample Action Research in Math

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Action Research Proposal: Mathematics Problem-

Solving Skill And Reading Comprehension

Updated on April 30, 2012

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Mathematics problem-solving and reading comprehension go hand-in-hand

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It cannot be denied that problem solving is an important part of Mathematics education.
Mathematics, in general, is an important subject because of its practical role to a person and the
society as a whole. However, before a student can successfully solve a problem, he has to possess
good reading comprehension, analytic and computational skills.


I. Situation

Problem solving in Mathematics and reading comprehension go hand in hand. Solving Math
problems entails or requires the students to do or apply two skills at the same time- reading and
computing. It is a two-edged sword which the student should conquer, so to speak.

As a teacher of Mathematics in Grade 6 for five years in the public school, I have encountered many
pupils who are poor both in comprehending and analyzing Mathematics word problems. Specifically
in SY 2010-2011 Grade 6 class, only 11 out of 60 pupils can successfully solve problems in Math
without or with just little help from the teacher. The rest need to be guided to understand the
problem. Approximately 82% find it hard to picture the situation indicated by the problem they are
trying to solve. The slow ones would even ask the meaning of a certain word in the problem. When
they have understood it, it is only then that they fully grasp the event/situation pictured in the
problem. However, there are still some who cannot understand it, probably because they can’t
connect or relate the ideas explained in the problem. When it is time to analyze or break down the
problem, only the 11 pupils mentioned earlier can actively participate.

During group activities, the leaders would most often report that their members have to be monitored
closely so that they would be able to correctly analyze the problem. Based on their report, roughly 3
out of 7 members actively contribute in their output.

That is why, during formative tests, only11 can get a perfect score. Majority of the class get 0-3
correct answers out of 5 given problems. Since the beginning of the school year, I have noticed that
roughly 85%of the class has poor reading comprehension skills. The Grade 5 teacher warned me
beforehand that this class is the slowest batch he has handled; particularly in reading
comprehension. Many of the pupils in the class have poor vocabulary skills. True enough, I
experience the same thing now. It seems that the present batch of pupils is worse than the previous
one. Translating this into analyzing the problems in Mathematics, there is a grim prospect that they
would find it hard to understand Math problems and thus affect their performance in the said area
,notwithstanding their numerical skills. In straight computations like plain addition, multiplication,
subtraction and division, they can solve them successfully with very little help. But when these are
written in the verbal context-not in the numerical context- they are already at a loss, so to speak.
Obviously, the bane of these pupils is the understanding of the contents of the math problems
correctly and connecting the ideas expressed in it to fully grasp and find a way to successfully solve
the problem.


II. The Problem

The problem is the failure of the Grade VI pupils of Zapote Elementary School, SY 2011-2012, to
correctly analyze word problems in Mathematics due to poor reading comprehension abilities.

Possible Causes:

1. Limited vocabulary words in Mathematics

2. Lack of technique in solving word problems


III. Generation of Alternative Solution

This action research offers alternative solution to the following:

1. Limited Mathematics vocabulary

a. Provide unlocking of difficulties through vocabulary development before the beginning of the Math

b. Establish a tutor-tutee relationship wherein a good pupil tutors or teaches a slow classmate
assigned to him in areas of reading comprehension and problem-solving

c. Provide interesting and challenging vocabulary activities involving Mathematics vocabulary such
as in contests and games

2. Lack of technique in solving word problems

a. Organize the given information found in the problem

b. Use object representation and manipulatives to picture clearly the given Math problem

c. Substitute large numbers by simpler numbers or restate the problem in much simpler terms
through improved reading comprehension

d. Make a number sentence out of the word problem

e. Use the “trial and error” method or the “guess and check”


IV. Plan of Action

a. Objectives

1. Improve the pupils’ limited vocabulary wordsin Mathematics and enhance reading comprehension
ability of the students

2. Develop the pupils’ techniques in solving word problems

b. Time Frame

This study will be conducted for one quarter, from July to September of SY 2011-2012

c. Target Subjects

The target subjects for this study are the Grade VI pupils of Zapote Elementary School during the
academic year 2011-2012.

d. Activities to be Undertaken

Target Date Persons Involved Activities Expected Results

A. Inform the school head about

Granted permission to conduct
July 12, 2011 School Head the action research to be
the research

B. Orientation of the pupils and 100% of the pupils and co-

July 15, 2011 Grade VI pupils Co-teachers co-teachers regarding the action teachers will be aware of the
research on-going research

C. Improve the pupils'limited

vocabulary words in Mathematics

1. Survey the Mathematics 100% of the pupils will be

July 16, 2011 Grade VI pupils
vocabulary skill of the pupils. surveyed

2. Provide unlocking of difficulties

100% of the class will develop
through vocabulary development
July 18 to September 9, 2011 Grade VI pupils and enhance their Math
before the beginning of the Math
vocabulary skill

3. Establish a tutor-tutee
relationship in reading
100% of the slow pupils will
comprehension and problem-
July 21, 2011 Grade VI pupils, Teacher learn from their tutor-
solving wherein a good pupil
tutors a slow classmate assigned
to him

4. Provide interesting and

100% of the pupils will
July 18, 2011 until the end of challenging vocabulary activities
Grade VI pupils , Teacher participate more actively in
the school year involving Math vocabulary such
discussions and activities
as in contestsand game.

    D. Develop the pupils' techniques  

Target Date Persons Involved Activities Expected Results

in solving word problems

1. Draw a graph, chart, graphic

100% of the pupils will be able
organizer or list to help the
to organize the given data and
July 25 to August 5, 2011 Grade VI pupils, Teacher students organize their
connect the ideas expressed in
information found in the word
the problem

2. Ask the students to make

representation of objects so they 100% of the pupils can
will be able to visualize the manipulate and be aided by
August 8-19, 2011 Grade VI pupils, Teacher
problem clearly. They can use these materials in solving word
ruler, play money, realia, blocks, problems
dice, etc.

3. Substitute large numbers by

100% of the pupils will be able
simpler numbers and use them
August 22 to September 2, to simplify the problem and
Grade VI pupils, Teacher instead of what are given in the
2011 substitute simpler numbers for
problem, Problems can also be
the given numbers
restated in much simpler terms.

4. From the given problem, make

a number sentence by
substituting the English
100% of the pupils will be able
sentences into Mathematics
September 5-16, 2011 Grade VI pupils, Teacher to master writing the number
sentences. Another technique is
to translate the problem into a
dialect most understood by the

5. Solve by "trial and error" or

100% of the pupils will be able
"guess and check" by using the
September 19-23, 2011 Grade VI pupils, Teacher to apply the guess and check
answers provided in multiple
choice problems.

V. Evaluation Criteria

The result of this research shall be reported after 100% of the Grade VI pupils have improved their
Mathematics problem-solving skills.


VI.Research Design

This action research is purely descriptive in nature which uses pre-test/post-test results and survey
results to address the pupils’ problem.

Activities Data To Be Collected Statistical Treatment

1. Conduct a pre-survey of the previous

Math vocabulary and reading Pre-survey result Average
comprehension of students

2. Administer the pre-test Result of the pre-test Percentage

3. Conduct daily test on Math vocabulary Result of the daily test Percentage

4. Conduct weekly test on problem-solving Weekly test result Percentage

5. Conduct a post-survey of the

Post-survey result Average
Mathematics vocabulary of the pupils
Activities Data To Be Collected Statistical Treatment

6. Administer the post-test Result of the post-test Percentage



In today‟s mathematical classrooms, problem solving has many effects on a

student‟s learning. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards

advocated that problem solving is an integral part of all mathematics learning. For

many at-risk students, difficulties in problem solving stemmed from several areas

(NCTM, 1989). Normally, the resistance at-risk students had with problem solving

came from a language barrier, slow learning pace, attention deficit, retention

difficulties, abstract reasoning, visual/auditory-processing or perceptual deficits

(Geary, Bow-Thomas, & Yao, 1992 & Bernando, 1999). In order to assist at-risk

students in problem solving, educators were cognizant of the differences in a student‟s

mathematical abilities and the difficulties they had with problem solving. This

included the gifted child who had special needs for more challenging work. Diezmann,

Thornton, and Watters (2003) stated, “To provide worthwhile problem-solving

experiences for all students in the classroom, we teachers should pay particular

attention to the needs of exceptional students, those with learning difficulties as well

as those who are gifted in mathematics” (p.169). Educators identified student‟s

learning characteristics and employed strategies that engaged them in problem solving

tasks (O‟Malley, Chamot, Manzanares, Kupper, & Russo, 1985a). Identifying learning

characteristics and employing strategies are important because they assisted students

in gaining command over required skills and are associated with language acquisition

(O‟Malley et al., 1985a). According to the NCTM (2006), all students needed to build

new mathematical knowledge through problem solving, solve problems that arise in

mathematics and in other contexts, apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies

to solve problems and monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem

In order to increase mathematical abilities of the at-risk student, educators

worked on students‟ mathematical and reading skills (Chamot & O‟Malley, 1994).

O‟Malley et al., (1985a, 1992) implemented metacognitive, cognitive, social affective

and problem-solving strategies as part of their daily lesson activities in order to assist

students in solving mathematical word problems (Chamot & O‟Malley, 1994).

Instruction for at-risk students required mathematics teachers to incorporate reading

strategies into the classroom. Chamot & O‟Malley (1994) confirmed, “Thus,

guidelines must be established that will enable teachers of ESL students to build the

necessary language supports for students to be able to understand the language in word

problems and begin to use English as a vehicle for communication”(p.234). Jerman

and Rees, 1972, Kintch and Greeno, 1985, De Corte and Verschaffel, 1987, Carpenter

and Hiebert, 198, and Lewis and Mayer, 1987, focused on difficulties that at-risk

students had when solving mathematical word problems. Therefore, in order to assist

at-risk students, mathematic teachers needed to be prepared in the content of language

arts as well. Moats (1999) stated, “A comprehensive redesign of teacher preparation in

reading instruction, founded on a core curriculum that defines the knowledge and

skills necessary for effective practice, is vital to improved classroom instruction” (p.


Today, with the No Child Left Behind Act, teachers are required to implement

effective research based-practices. The use of effective proven instructional strategies is

more important now than ever because educational standards were being raised. In

traditional classrooms, many variables played a role in effective teaching. According to

Chamot and O‟Malley (1994), mathematics teachers had not extended students awareness

of mathematical concepts further than simple computation and limited application of

formulas and principles. Therefore, educators provided classroom instruction designed to

build upon and expand students learning beyond simple computation, formulas and

principles. “A call for new standards of student performance and new guidelines for
teaching has heavily influenced discussion of the appropriate instructional methods in

grade-level mathematics classrooms” (Chamot and O‟Malley, 1994, p 222).


The purpose of this action research study was to observe students mathematical

abilities and to investigate whether teaching students problem-solving strategies in

mathematics would affect student‟s mathematical thinking and their ability to

comprehend and solve word problems. In particular, I studied at risk students who

received direct instruction and were taught mathematical strategies. Through the use of

problem-solving notebooks, math journals and interviews, I collected data on at risk

students‟ mathematical comprehension and problem-solving abilities.

Research Questions

1. How did direct instruction affect at-risk students‟ mathematical abilities?

2. How did the use of mathematical problem solving strategies (Act it out, Draw a

diagram, Draw a picture, Make a chart, graph, or list, Guess and Check, Make it

simpler, Use logical reasoning. Work backwards and Find a pattern. Polya‟s problem

solving steps.) affect at-risk students‟ problem-solving performance?

3. What were students‟ attitudes toward mathematics?

Students pre-test, post-test, vocabulary logs, mathematical journals, and problem

solving notebook were used to observe, collect, record, analyze and explore how students

use problem-solving strategies while solving a word problem. These were used to

monitor students reading, mathematical and problems solving skills. These observations

allowed me to examine students‟ knowledge and areas of difficulty in solving

mathematical word problems. Student journals were created to record and view how

students used problem-solving strategies. Math journals were helpful in making

meaningful learning connections in mathematics for my students. Interviews were

conducted to assists students who had difficulties while solving mathematics word

problems. Students who struggled with reading skills due to language barriers and

reading comprehension were interviewed to get a better insight on their mathematical

understanding and use of problem-solving strategies. In addition, while conducting the

interviews I tried to provide students with reading and mathematical strategies to assists

while solving mathematical word problems.


For the purpose of the study, the target group population was at a middle

school located in Central Florida. The school is an inner-city, Title I school. The

school has a bilingual center, which provides services for low-income, predominately

Hispanic, Haitian, and African American population. As an instructor for this school, I

taught 4 intensive math classes for at-risk students. Participants in the study were

students whose' reading and mathematics scores, according to the Florida

Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) and Sunshine States Standards (SSS), were

below grade level expectations.

The need for effective teaching was increasing in our math classes. Seventy

five percent of the eight grade students in the school obtained scores ranking below

grade level expectations according to the FCAT and SSS. In our math and reading

classes, I was requested by the principal of the school to use a direct instruction

approach to help at-risk students who struggled with mathematical concepts and

reading comprehension. In addition, I delivered whole and small group instruction.

Direct instruction was delivered using the Saxon Math 8/7, Third Edition by Stephen

Hake and John Saxon, an adopted textbook used for intensive math classes. For at-risk

students, I used direct instruction because it provided the learner with an organized,

well-controlled environment in which the individual needs of each student are met.

Moats (1999) stated, “To accommodate children‟s variability, the teacher must assess

children and tailor lessons to individuals. She must interpret errors, give correct

feedback, select examples to illustrate concepts, explain new ideas in several ways,

and connect linguistic symbols with “real” reading and writing” (p.11). This approach

to classroom instruction involved much more than finding and using a collection of

fun activities. Direct Instruction required students to deal with problems of reading one
at a time. Students read vocabulary words, learned the mathematical meaning of the

words and applied a vocabulary word to the correct mathematical content.

In order for students to solve mathematical word problems effectively, they

needed to be proficient readers so that they can comprehend word problems.

Therefore, I viewed reading as a fundamental skill upon which problem solving

abilities depend.

Significance of the Study

According to Lloyd and Keller (1989), when instruction is broken down into

small units from complex tasks, the learning becomes accessible for all students. The

learning becomes more accessible because teachers will tailor lessons to the individual

need of the student. In addition, the learning becomes accessible because the teacher

will be able to interpret errors, give corrective feedback, select examples to illustrate

concepts, and explain new ideas in several ways. Therefore, students will achieve

more at mathematical problem solving (Lloyd and Keller (1989)).

It would be presumptuous to say that at-risk students are not successful at

problem solving because students lack conceptual knowledge. In many cases, students

are familiar with mathematical vocabulary, but may need assistance with the

mathematical process. Likewise, students may not know mathematical strategies and

reading techniques that can be used in solving mathematical word problems. Under

these circumstances, students have a difficult time with the problem solving process

because of the inability to relate and/or transfer relevant knowledge (Borasi, Siegel,

Fonzi and Smith (1998)).

For at-risk students, the ability to comprehend a word problem appears when

the student is not able to make the mathematical connection (Borasi, Siegel, Fonzi and

Smith, 1998). Students deficient in the mathematical content fail at problem solving

because they are not equipped with the necessary tools to learn how to solve word

problems. Hence, students need math strategies and reading techniques. In order for

students to become effective at problem solving, students will need knowledge on the
uses of mathematical strategies to strengthen the understanding of numbers. Educators

must use multiple strategies. Borasi, Siegel, Fonzi and Smith (1998) avowed,

“Because students have such difficulties coping with these texts, research on reading

mathematics has concentrated on developing and studying strategies that teach

students the „language of mathematics‟ and ways to interpret word problems” (p. 276).

Educators need to teach students mathematical language skills that include the ability

to read with comprehension, to express mathematical thoughts clearly, to reason

logically, and to recognize and to employ common patterns of mathematical thoughts.

Equipping students with the necessary tools in mathematics requires teachers to

empower students with reading and mathematics strategies so that they may be able

effective at problem solving. Exposing students to strategies will help them become

effective problem-solver.

Knowing that students have difficulties with problem solving due to learning

barriers, educators will need to take several steps to address their needs. One of those

steps could be helping students use reading strategies in a mathematical classroom.

Educators cannot help students to transfer knowledge just lecturing alone. At risk

students must take an active role in their own learning. To accomplish this, educators

in the field of mathematics need to use lessons that incorporate word problems, in

which students would have the opportunity to explore, question, discuss, and discover

(Chamot & O‟Malley, 1994). Mathematics and reading teachers will need to look at

teaching strategies that may assist at-risk students in their learning process.


The assumptions in the study are as follows:

1. The students participating in the study will use problem-solving strategies given prior

and during the lesson.

2. The students will use vocabulary words in mathematical problems that will help them

understand what they are being asked to do in order to solve a mathematical word

3. The students participating in the study will provide accurate responses to a pre/post

test on mathematical abilities.

4. The student participating in the study will take a supplemental part of the

mathematical ability test in which focus on the students‟ “attitude” toward


5. The students‟ participating in the study were not influenced by my views and

opinions and the data examined in the study was not hindered by my views and thoughts.


There were several limitations in this study. The first limitation to the study

was that one student dropped out due to mobility status. Another limitation was that by

the end of the study students‟ maturity level had changed. In addition, the amount of

time during the study (9 weeks) was a limited factor.


Action Research: Research conducted by teachers to gather information and reflect on their own

teaching practices (Mills, 2000).

At-Risk Students: Students who for a variety of factors are likely to drop out of school (Waxman &
Padron, 1997).

Bilingual Education (Bilingual Center): The use of two languages for the purpose of academic

instruction consisting of an organized curriculum which includes at a minimum; continued

primary language (L1) development; English (L2) acquisition; and subject matter instruction

through (L1) and (L2). Bilingual education programs assist limited-English proficient (LEP)

students in acquiring literacy both in English and primary language development to a level where

they can succeed in an English-only classroom. Programs may also include native speakers of

English (Empowering ESOL Teacher: An Overview Vol 1).

Direct Instruction: A teaching approach that emphasizes lecture and drilling and is done in a

formal setting where the teacher had control of all decisions (Schweinhart and Weikart, 1988).


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