CHI - BRE - YVAA Air Cooled Chillers

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Efficient. Reliable. Proven.

YORK® YVAA Air-Cooled Screw Chillers

YVAA Air-Cooled
Screw Chiller
The YVAA air-cooled, variable-speed drive screw chiller from YORK® is designed
to improve reliability and performance through proven technology and a customizable,
highly optimized design. Installed across the globe, the YVAA offers a tailored solution
for a broad range of applications. Patented, variable volume index (VI) technology
improves part-load efficiency while a standard operating range of up to 131°F makes the
YVAA a great choice in a variety of applications. With optional Quick Start technology,
the YVAA air-cooled screw chiller is the more reliable, lower maintenance solution
for high-efficiency cooling.
Proven Technology
Over decades of use, and more than 22,000 units installed globally, the YVAA chiller has excelled in a variety of applications while
defining what’s possible in air-cooled chiller technology and durability. Our highly optimized component choices make the YVAA a more
flexible, more reliable option for energy-efficient cooling.

Variable-speed drive Quick Start

Four decades ago, we introduced the first variable- The optional Quick Start feature enables an
speed drive (VSD) chiller. Our first VSD, air-cooled industry-leading compressor restart of 34 seconds
chiller came in 2004, and we’ve since installed after power is restored. And because YVAA chillers
more VSD chillers than all other manufacturers contain a variable-speed drive, there is no inrush of
combined. VSDs help reduce energy consumption – current, so all compressors can be started together.
particularly at off-design conditions – and can This allows a faster ramp-up to full capacity than is
help lower annual energy costs as much as 50%. possible with a typical chiller.
Our patented, liquid-cooled VSDs also require less
maintenance, with glycol replacement required
only every five years. And the variable-speed
design dramatically reduces sound levels at off- Microchannel condenser coil
design conditions – up to 16 dBA. Designed and
manufactured by Johnson Controls, a 100% liquid- Carefully designed and tested for the unique
cooled VSD is standard on the YVAA. conditions a building’s HVAC system experiences,
our microchannel heat exchangers use parallel flow
aluminum alloy tubes that are easy to clean. Plus,
our microchannel heat exchangers feature coating
options that help increase reliability and durability
High-efficiency flash tank economizer in harsh environments.
Our flash tank economizer boosts capacity
and improves system efficiency and reduced
operating costs.
Oil separator
The YVAA oil management system uses differential
pressure to ensure proper oil flow and eliminate the
Optimized compressors with patented, need for mechanical oil pumps.
variable volume index (VI) technology
With decades of experience varying compressor
speeds, the YVAA incorporates advanced,
patented technology in a proven design. Our VI Smarter controls
design optimizes the compression ratio of the
Our built-in controls tolerate large variants in input
compressor to match the conditions between
power, shifts in liquid temperatures and changes
the evaporator and condenser. This optimized
in environmental conditions to maximize chiller
compression ratio prevents over-compression to
uptime. And our controls integrate with industry-
minimize energy consumption. Every compressor
standard Building Automation Systems (BAS)
is run-tested at the end of the production line to
and the world-class Metasys controls system for
ensure reliable operation.
greater building energy management efficiency.
Optional Mobile Access Port (MAP) provides remote
monitoring for predictive maintenance, resulting in
dependable operation.
Patented, hybrid falling film evaporator
A patented, hybrid falling film shell and tube style
evaporator optimizes energy efficiency while
minimizing refrigerant charge up to 15%.

Exceptional Performance
YVAA air-cooled, VSD chillers are built from the ground up to provide exceptional
reliability and performance in a compact package. It’s why the YVAA meets or exceeds
applicable industry benchmarks from AHRI, UL, ASHRAE, NEC, OSHA and ASME. It’s
why the YVAA is able to achieve a part-load value (IPLV) up to 21.35 EER. And it’s why
our air-cooled, variable-speed chillers can be found all over the world. Each component
and technology is hand selected and rigorously tested to ensure the YVAA offers the
exceptional real-world performance you expect from YORK®.

Patented, proven efficiency

Our patented, hybrid falling film technology, combined with a proprietary microchannel
alloy, increases efficiency up to 15%. To boost efficiency elsewhere, we use a completely
sealed, liquid-cooled variable-speed drive. The VSD offers the highest ambient
temperature and electronic reliability without putting load into the refrigeration cycle. And
patented, VI technology matches compressor operation to conditions.

These technologies are optimized through our patented control of fan speed, staging and
compressor volume ratios to provide the leading edge in efficiency.
The fastest chiller restart
and capacity recovery
To ensure that the YVAA performs exactly as expected, Johnson Controls performs after power failure
operational testing of every chiller before it is shipped. We also offer performance testing
on all models in an AHRI certified test lab, so you can be sure your YVAA chiller is custom
tuned for your precise building requirements.

Competitor A

Competitor B

0 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56

Restart time (seconds)

Greater Value
The YVAA from YORK® is designed to provide the best overall
life-cycle costs through efficient performance, remarkable
flexibility and optimized reliability. Closed-loop glycol only
requires replacement every five years and there are no filters
to change. These design features, along with easy access to
service components, provide a low cost of ownership. And with
features and options that ensure an optimized chiller and years
of worry-free operation, the YVAA provides greater reliability Closed-loop glycol only requires replacement every five years and there are
and real-world efficiency. no filters to change.

Value through flexibility Easier to install and maintain
The YVAA can be tailored and tuned to match the capacity, An efficient motor design provides a wide operating range while
efficiency, sound and footprint of your specific application. refrigerant cooling and thermal protection increase compressor
Customization options and built-in features include optimized reliability. Our patented controls contribute to the field-proven
compressor options, compact footprint size and optimized sound. reliability of the YVAA. Standard features include:
Additional flexibility is provided through:
• C
 ontrol center that provides automatic control of compressor
• S
 everal variations of condenser fans, evaporator start, stop, load, unload, condenser fans, evaporator pump and
arrangements, protection enclosures and controls schemes heater, unit alarm contacts and signal contacts

• E
 xtended application range of up to 131°F with no additional • M
 icrochannel parallel flow aluminum alloy tubes that are proven
kits required through rigorous laboratory testing and are easy to clean with
just water and a hose
• S
 ilentNight, sound-optimized ratings and low-noise sound
kits for acoustic performance • F
 ull communication with BAS systems, including Metasys,
for building-wide communication
• High leaving-fluid temperature for extended application range
• P
 eace of mind provided by the largest service and parts
• C
 ompact footprint for easy shipping container transport organization in the industry
and simplified installation

• Global design and manufacturing for worldwide application

Proven across the world. Built specifically for yours.

The YVAA can be found in the most challenging conditions around the world. Our patented, liquid-cooled, variable-speed drive
makes the YVAA reliable and efficient. And thanks to customizable sound and footprint designs, it’s also one of the most flexible chillers
available. When maintenance needs are considered, the YVAA proves itself to be one of the most affordable chillers on the market.

range of up to
131°F with no
kits required

A Legacy of Leadership
With over 4.5 million tons of air-cooled, variable-speed screw chillers installed worldwide,
the innovation, reliability and value found in the YVAA is no accident. YORK® has a long
history of developing leading-edge technology that delivers real-world results. For example,
our patented falling film evaporator design improves heat exchanger performance while
reducing refrigerant charge, and our patented control logic provides better turn-down and
quickly responds to changes in building load to improve efficiency. Our variable-speed
drives are another direct result of our focus on innovation. We first introduced VSDs in 1978,
and since then we’ve installed more VSD chillers than all other manufacturers combined. In
2004, we used VSDs for the first time in our air-cooled models. With that legacy, we’ve led
the industry in chillers utilizing VSD technology for better efficiency and proven longevity.

But we don’t stop there: We use our legacy of leadership to design and manufacture our
chiller-specific screw compressor. Since we created the screw compressor specifically for
our chillers, it functions more effectively. And unlike single-screw designs that wear over
time due to friction between the gate rotors and screw, our twin-screw design reduces
friction, maintaining efficiency. With incomparable reliability, our elegantly simple design
reduces the points of failure while boosting lifetime cost savings.

From the name you trust

YORK® has built a reputation delivering chiller systems that are fully optimized for their
environments and proven to be the best at operating efficiently in real-world conditions. We
engineer, test and tune our own solutions rather than package off-the-shelf components
from various suppliers, and have a long history of leadership in the aerodynamic engineering
of centrifugal compressors. We were the first to offer a chiller with inverted temperature
operation. And we have successfully transitioned from one refrigerant to the next with fully
optimized, long-term solutions.

Now, with the YVAA air-cooled, variable-speed drive screw chiller, our legacy lives on
in a proven, high-performance solution that’s tailored and tuned to match the capacity,
efficiency, sound and footprint requirements of your specific application.

Johnson Controls, the Johnson Controls logo and YORK are registered trademarks of Johnson Controls, Inc.,
in the United States of America and other countries. Other trademarks used herein may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of other companies.

©2020 Johnson Controls P.O. Box 423, Milwaukee, WI 53201.

All rights reserved worldwide. Printed in USA. ENG-US: PUBL-5137-A-0320.

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