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Basics 1

Hardware configuration 2

Administration 3
Redundant system 4
Process Historian 2014
Process Historian Administration 5

Connectivity 6
System Manual

Process control messages 7

Appendix 8

Legal information
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This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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Siemens AG A5E32988004-AA Copyright © Siemens AG 2014.

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Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Basics...........................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Data structures.........................................................................................................................9
1.3 Segmentation.........................................................................................................................11
2 Hardware configuration..............................................................................................................................15
3 Administration.............................................................................................................................................19
3.1 Administration - overview.......................................................................................................19
3.2 Process Historian Management dashboard...........................................................................21
3.3 Plant structure dashboard......................................................................................................23
3.4 I/O Systems dashboard..........................................................................................................25
3.5 Diagnostics dashboard...........................................................................................................27
3.6 Backup/Restore dashboard....................................................................................................28
3.6.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................28
3.6.2 Creating segment backups....................................................................................................29
3.6.3 Restoring a segment..............................................................................................................31
3.6.4 Deleting a segment................................................................................................................32
3.7 Compression dashboard........................................................................................................33
3.8 Segmentation dashboard.......................................................................................................34
3.9 Dashboard redundancy..........................................................................................................37
3.10 Licensing dashboard..............................................................................................................39
3.11 Database backup dashboard.................................................................................................40
4 Redundant system......................................................................................................................................45
4.1 Redundant system.................................................................................................................45
4.2 Redundancy scenarios...........................................................................................................47
4.3 Configuring Process Historian Redundancy Service.............................................................51
4.4 Setting up Process Historian redundancy..............................................................................52
5 Migration.....................................................................................................................................................55
5.1 Overview................................................................................................................................55
5.2 Migrating................................................................................................................................57
5.2.1 CAS project online.................................................................................................................57
5.2.2 CAS project backup...............................................................................................................62
5.2.3 WinCC project online.............................................................................................................66
5.2.4 WinCC project backup...........................................................................................................70
5.2.5 Process Historian project online.............................................................................................75

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Table of contents

6 Connectivity................................................................................................................................................81
6.1 Optimized data transmission..................................................................................................81
6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server........................................................................................83
6.2.1 PH OPC UA server - Overview..............................................................................................83
6.2.2 Installing the PH OPC UA server...........................................................................................84
6.2.3 Security concept of OPC UA..................................................................................................85
6.2.4 Configuring the security mechanisms....................................................................................89
6.2.5 Supported OPC UA services and profiles..............................................................................92
6.2.6 Configuration file....................................................................................................................93
6.2.7 How to configure the OPC UA server....................................................................................94
6.2.8 Information model of PH OPC UA server...............................................................................97
7 Process control messages.........................................................................................................................99
8 Appendix...................................................................................................................................................101
8.1 Database installation wizard................................................................................................101
8.1.1 Memory requirement............................................................................................................101
8.1.2 Creating a Process Historian database................................................................................103
8.1.3 Creating the Process Historian database in advanced mode..............................................110
8.1.4 Recovering a Process Historian database...........................................................................117
8.2 Segments Basics.................................................................................................................122
8.3 Aggregation..........................................................................................................................125
8.4 Firewall settings...................................................................................................................127
8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain...........................................................................128

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4 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
Basics 1
1.1 Overview

SIMATIC Process Historian is a central archiving system for storing process data, such as
process values and alarms.
The Process Historian uses Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 64 Bit. The Process Historian
archives historical data originating from an PCS 7 operator station (OS) or a WinCC OS or
from SIMATIC BATCH. The data can belong to different PCS 7 or WinCC projects. Access to
the historical data is transparent for the OS clients.

Process Historian employs four services for processing, storing and backing up data:
● SIMATIC Process Historian Server
This service implements all functions the server needs to process and store data.
● Process Historian Maintenance Service
This service implements all functions that are necessary to maintain the Process Historian
database. The Maintenance Service handles tasks such as starting mirroring, mirror
monitoring, restore functions, maintenance of the transaction log and suchlike.
● Process Historian Redundancy Service
This service implements functions that are necessary for data exchange between two
redundant server systems.
● Process Historian Discovery Service
This service supports the search for connected Process Historian systems. The Discovery
Service is essential for the functionality of the Process Historian.

Operating states
You can give the Process Historian the following commands by using the shortcut menu of the
icon in the system tray (information area):
● Start
● Shut down
● Start recovery

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1.1 Overview

Disabling the Process Historian server before shutting down
You must disable the Process Historian server before shutting down the computer on which
the Process Historian server is running. There are two options available to you:
- In the start screen of the Process Historian Management Console, select the status "Shut
- In the shortcut menu of the system tray of the Process Historian, select the "Shut down"
The "Inactive" status is displayed.

Overview of operating states

The following table provides an overview of the operating states and the color coding of the
associated icons in the system tray:

Symbol Process Historian operating state Description

Active In the "Active" operating state, the Process Historian ar‐
chives data. You can query data from the OS Server or the
Information Server.
ActiveRecovery In the "ActiveRecovery" operating state, the Process Histor‐
ian requests data from an OS Server for a recognized period
of inactivity.
The preceding and the subsequent operating state is "Ac‐
Starting restore This operating state starts "ActiveRecovery".

ActiveRecoveryStopping This operating state terminates "ActiveRecovery" and is the

intermediate state between "ActiveRecovery" and "Active".

Deactivated The Process Historian changes to the "Disabled" operating

state in the case of maintenance tasks where access to the
database is limited. The maintenance tasks can include the
creation or the backing up/restoring of segments.
The system is offline in this operating state. Access via the
network is not possible.
Locked The Process Historian server is in the "Locked" state. In this
state, the Process Historian server can no longer be switched
to "Enabled". No more values are archived. Read access to
stored values is possible.
Deactivate "Deactivate" is the intermediate state between "Active" and

Error The "Error" operating state occurs when an error has been
recognized or when no connection to the SIMATIC Proc‐
ess Historian service exists.
Inactive No data is archived in the "Inactive" operating state. In this
operating state, you can carry out updates, maintenance
work to the Process Historian PC or a restart of the PC.

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1.1 Overview

Symbol Process Historian operating state Description

Shut down The intermediate state between "Active" and "Inactive".

Starting The intermediate state between "Inactive" and "Active".

"Locked" state of the Process Historian server

If insufficient disk space is available on a monitored drive, the maintenance service sets the
Process Historian server to the "locked" state.
In this state, the Process Historian server can no longer be set to "Enabled". The maintenance
service can set the Process Historian server to "Enabled" again only when free space has
been increased.

Avoiding the "Locked" state
To ensure enough free space is available for the operation of the Process Historian, regularly
check the currently available space in the "I/O systems" dashboard.
Determine which automatic mechanisms for reducing the used space can be activated in the

Checking the current space

You can find an overview of your hard disks space in the "I/O systems" dashboard.
Click in "I/O systems" dashboard in the "Available I/O subsystems" window on the desired
The used space is displayed as relative and absolute in a pie chart in the table.

Space monitoring
PH-Ready or the "Store & Forward" function on the OS monitors the space on the system drive
where the cache is located.
On the Process Historian server the maintenance service monitors the disk space on the
following drives:
● System drive
● Drive where the transaction log is located
● All data drives on which the Process Historian database or database segments are located
A warning is sent to WinCC if the following occurs:
● The free space falls below the limit of 100 GB and is less than 20 % of the drive capacity.
The Process Historian server switches to the "Locked" state when the following occurs:
● The free space falls below the limit of 50 GB and is less than 10 % of the drive capacity.
– Hard drive up to 500 GB: Free space < 10 %
– Hard drive larger than 500 GB: Free space < 50 GB

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1.1 Overview

Increasing free space

To put the server back into the "Enabled" state, you must make sufficient free space available.
Options available:
● Put segments offline. This required creating backups of the segments.
● Freeing up space on the drive:
Log files, temporary files and other unnecessary files can be deleted.
Redundancy: Check the size of the transaction log and maybe reduce it (see section
"Redundant system (Page 45)").
● Reduce the number of runtime segments or future segments.
This measure is only effective after segmentation.

See also
Redundant system (Page 45)

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1.2 Data structures

1.2 Data structures

Value sequences
The Process Historian stores each value sequence to be archived and its individual values at
certain points in time with a unique identifier (GUID). The physical location of the individual
values is determined with this identifier. This provides the user with easy access to the values.
To improve performance when archiving a large number of process values and alarms, the
value sequences in the Process Historian can be divided into data groups.
Each data group is assigned a storage location on a shared cluster of physical sources.
● Data group 1 on drive partition 1
● Data group 2 on drive partition 2
● etc.

You can distribute the data groups among the available hard disks in order to influence the
performance and the scaling of the system used. Distribution is carried out using the Wizard
when creating the database.

The amount of runtime data of a single value sequence to be archived, such as an archive
tag, for example, is not limited and constantly increases.
The entire amount of data that is assigned to an individual value sequence must therefore be
divided into several "partitions" using the time axis.
Data groups are divided into partitions using the time axis.
The following conditions apply to partitions:
● Each partition has a high and low limit for the time period.
● but the high time limit must always be higher than the low one.
● The partitions of a data group should not overlap.

Segment of a runtime database

A segment is a summary of all archive data incurred during a period of time.

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1.2 Data structures


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3 3 3 3 3WQ

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A database segment consists of the sum of partitions of all data groups that share the same
high and low time limits. These groups correspond to the limits of the segment.
The difference between the high and low time limit is referred to as "time period" of the database
Each segment has a unique segment number.
● The start segment, the first segment created in a system, has the number 100,000.
● The segment whose low limit is equal to the high limit of segment n is referred to as segment
● The segment whose high limit is equal to the low limit of segment n is referred to as segment

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1.3 Segmentation

1.3 Segmentation

A Process Historian database can process and manage very large volumes of data. The saved
data is split up into segments so that performance is not impaired.
Segments are defined by a time period with a high and low time limit. A segment contains the
amount of data that was recorded during the defined time period.
By default, segments are created with a segment size of one week when the Process Historian
database is created. You can change this setting. You can find information on changing
segment configurations under 'Segmentation dashboard (Page 34)'.
The configuration of segments that contain data cannot be changed later.

All settings can be set by adjusting the segmentation during the installation of the database.
The selection of the segment unit affects the required hard disk space.
The segment size is extrapolated proportionally to the estimated load of the data values
according to the user-defined settings.

Segmentation configuration
You can change the properties of segmentation on the "Segmentation" dashboard as
Process Historian administrator.
You can make the following settings:
● Anchor point of segmentation
● Time period of a segment
● Number of prepared segments
● Total number of runtime segments
The following table provides an overview of the basic segmentation parameters:

Parameter Value Description

Anchor point of seg‐ Date, time Start time of the segment
Time period of the seg‐ Day, week, month Segment size
Multiplier Integer Multiplier for the configured period of segmenta‐
Number of segments Prepared segments Total number of prepared segments
Total number of Number of active segments in runtime that are
runtime segments available for storing process values and alarms.
These segments are not archived.

The Process Historian continuously creates segments with the defined time period. To ensure
that the entire period of possible times is covered, there is a high and a low "Catch-all" segment.

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1.3 Segmentation

These special segments collect all incoming data that lies outside the current runtime segment.
These segments are called "Catch-all-upper" (CAU) and "Catch-all-lower" (CAL). The CAL
and CAU segments are permanently available and cannot be deleted, removed or set offline.

Anchor point
When you change the anchor point, it should refer to a time at or after the last time stamp of
all segments.
The anchor point of the segmentation does not have to be changed if the number of prepared
segments or the total number of runtime segments is to be changed. Any existing segments
are not deleted when the settings are changed (e.g. reducing the prepared segments).
This means the new settings are not reached when you reduce the prepared signals until the
surplus and prepared segments have been used.
If the number of prepared signals is increased, a segmentation with the new settings is initiated

If the last segment of the existing segmentation configuration ends before the anchor point of
the new segmentation, an intermediate segment must be created. This intermediate segment
starts with the end time of the last segment of the existing segmentation configuration and
ends with the start time of the new segmentation configuration. A suitable anchor point is
suggested to avoid the need for an intermediate segment. If you reject this suggestion, an
intermediate segment is created automatically.

Segments: Types
In the Process Historian, there is a difference between segments of the "Runtime" and
"Archive" types.
Runtime segments are displayed on the "Segmentation" dashboard. They have the following

Action Runtime segment Archive segment

Change Yes No
Compression No Yes
Back up No Yes
Delete No Yes

Archive segments are displayed on the "Backup/Restore" dashboard. These are compressed
or uncompressed, depending on the setting.
The status of a segment is classified as "Online" or "Offline".
● Segments of the "Runtime" type always have the status "Online".
● Segments of the "Archive" type can have the status "Online" or the status "Offline".

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1.3 Segmentation

You can only read the contents of segments that are online. In order to read the contents of
segments that are offline, you have to restore these segments.

Information about restoring a segment is available under 'Restoring a segment (Page 31)'.

Segments: Status
The properties of segments are structured as follows:

Type Status Reading Writing Archiving Deleting

Runtime Online Yes Yes No No
Archive Online Yes Indirect 1)
Yes No
Archive (ar‐ Online Yes Indirect 1) Yes Yes 2)
Archive (de‐ Offline No Indirect 1) No No
Pending changes in the CAL segment are transferred to the archive segment during the backup.
Can only be deleted if no changes to the data were carried out after the last archiving.

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1.3 Segmentation

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14 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
Hardware configuration 2
The following section describes the hardware requirements for Process Historian.

Overview of the configuration

The hardware configuration shown here refers to the SIMATIC Process Historian and the
Information Server. The simple configuration of Process Historian provides a clear overview
of the topology.
The figure below illustrates a simple configuration.
A sufficiently powerful PC system is capable of handling all tasks involved. This configuration
is suitable for small-scale installations with corresponding quantity frameworks.

Information Server Client


Front-End Firewall

Information Server Client

Office LAN

OS Clients/ Batch Clients OS Single Station

Process Historian

Information Server


Back-End Firewall (optional)

OS Server OS Server SIMATIC Batch Server

Hardware example for small quantity frameworks

You can handle a data volume of up to two servers and a maximum archiving load of
1500 values per second and server, for example, by using a SIMATIC IPC of the 847 series.

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Hardware configuration

Hardware equipment

CPU Intel Xeon E3-1268L V3; 2.3 GHz

Hard disks 240 GB SSD SATA Operating system and soft‐
RAID 5 (3 x 1 TB, HDD SAS) Process Historian Database
and transaction log
RAID controller Hardware RAID controller PCIe X8 in PCIe X16
slots incl. battery backup unit (BBU)

The described RAID 5 system is approx. 1.8 TB.

All SAS HDDs are connected to the hardware RAID controller.

Process Historian and Information Server on the same system

Process Historian and Information Server can be installed and operated on the same system.
In this case the two server applications share the available hardware resources. Depending
on the frequency of data queries from the WinCC client systems and Information Server clients,
we recommend using higher-grade equipment. You need at least 16 GB of RAM.

Hardware example for medium quantity frameworks

Use a comparable system based on the hardware listed in the following table to handle the
data volume of up to 12 servers at an archiving load of up to 12,000 values per second.

Configuration of a PRIMERGY RX300 S8

CPU Intel Xeon E5-2650 V2; 2.6 GHz

Hard disks RAID 1; 2 x HD SAS 6G 300 GB 10K HOT PL 2.5" Operating system and soft‐
RAID 1; 2 x HD SAS 6G 300 GB 10K HOT PL 2.5" Transaction log
RAID 10; 4 x HD SAS 6G 900 GB 10K Process Historian database
RAID controller SAS 6G 5/ 6 512 MB (D2616); BBU expansion
RAID 5/ 6 V16

This configuration allows you to expand RAM, as well as the number of processors and HDDs.
The hardware configuration described is based on the use of internal hard disks for:
● Operating system, SQL server
● Process Historian database
● Transaction log
You can expand the scale in regard to database size and performance by using a
Storage Area Network (SAN).
You can also increase the performance by creating and distributing the database to several
symmetrical database groups on separate hardware RAID systems.

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Hardware configuration

Hardware example for large quantity frameworks

Use a comparable system based on the hardware listed in the following table to handle the
data volume from several projects at an archiving load of more than 12,000 values per second.

Configuration of a PRIMERGY RX300 S8

CPU 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2690 V2; 2.9 GHz

Hard disks (inter‐ 4 x 300 GB 2 x RAID 1 Operating system and soft‐
nal) ware
Storage Area Net‐ 4 x RAID 1 (each with 2 x HD SATA 2 TB) Process Historian database:
work (SAN) 4 tag data groups from 0 to 3
6 TB (3 x RAID 1, each with 2 x HD SATA 2 TB) Process Historian database:
Alarms, BATCH data, configu‐
ration data tags and alarms
3 TB (3 x RAID 1, each with 2 x HD SATA 1 TB) Process Historian database:
Transaction log, general data
RAID controller SAN Infotrend DS S24F-G2840-4 (14 x 2 TB,
6 x 1 TB)

Redundant Process Historian servers

A redundant Process Historian system consists of symmetrically configured servers for master
(principal) and standby (mirror) operation (e.g. PRIMERGY RX300 S8).
We recommend a dedicated redundancy connection with a minimum bandwidth of 1 gigabit
between the redundant Process Historian servers.
The Witness Server component is designed for scenarios with automatic redundancy failover.
It is also installed on an additional computer of the system, depending on availability an
Information Server or WinCC Server.

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Hardware configuration

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18 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
Administration 3
3.1 Administration - overview
The Management Console is included in the installation of the Process Historian. It is used for
diagnostics and configuration of the Process Historian system and is automatically started
upon logon. For a manual start, open the Management Console by using "Start > Programs >
Siemens Automation > SIMATIC > Process Historian >
Process Historian Management Console".

Opening the Process Historian Management Console
In Internet Explorer under "Internet Options > Advanced > Security", deactivate the option
"Check for publisher's certificate revocation".
If this option is activated, it can slow down opening of the Process Historian and cause error

Dashboards - Overview
The following table shows the dashboards of the Management Console and their tasks:

Dashboard Description
Process Historian Manage‐ ● Display of fundamental hardware indicators and performance
ment indicators for the PC and operating system
● Display of basic indicators for the status and current activity of the
Process Historian server
● Display of the license status
● Redundancy status
● Changing the operating state
Plant structure ● Display of incorporated projects
● Display of the OS server systems
● Display of the PC name
I/O Systems ● Display of the available input and output devices
● Display of the memory space used
● Detailed information about the load
Diagnostics ● Diagnostic messages of the Process Historian
● Messages from the event display of the operating system
Backup/Restore ● Display of the segments of the "Runtime" type
● Display of the segments of the "Archive" type
● Creating segment backups
● Restoring backed-up segments

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3.1 Administration - overview

Dashboard Description
Compression ● Display of the compression state
● Configuration of the number of uncompressed archive segments
Segmentation ● Display of the current segmentation setting
● Changing the segmentation settings
Database backup ● Manual creation of full database backups
● Automatic (cyclic) creation of full database backups
Redundancy ● Display of the redundancy status
● Switchover / disconnection of principal (master) and mirror (standby)
● Redundancy configuration
Licensing ● Display of the current license status of server and project

Process Historian does not archive data
If the Process Historian does not archive data, check the Microsoft Message Queueing
(MSMQ) and the databases.

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3.2 Process Historian Management dashboard

3.2 Process Historian Management dashboard

The "Process Historian Management" dashboard includes information about:
● Basic indicators for monitoring the PC:
– Processor load (CPU)
– Available RAM
– Hard disk load (Disk I/O)
● Basic indicators on Process Historian:
– Number of connected data sources
– Stored tags per second
– Stored messages per second
● Operating state of the Process Historian server
● Redundancy status of the Process Historian
● Licensing status of the Process Historian
● Automatic backup Process Historian

Display in percent
Percentage values displayed can exceed 100 % for a short time. These values are determined
by a statistical extrapolation from mean values. They do not correspond to the real values.

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3.2 Process Historian Management dashboard

Status control

Process Historian status: Changing the operating mode

You can change the operating state of the Process Historian on the
"Process Historian Management" dashboard.
The following operating modes are available:
● Start
● Shut down
● Start recovery
For this purpose, select the respective entry from the drop-down list in the "Process Historian
status" area.

Redundancy and licensing status

The status respectively displayed can be updated in the redundancy and licensing status fields.

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3.3 Plant structure dashboard

3.3 Plant structure dashboard

The "Plant structure" dashboard displays all projects in the project tree that are currently
integrated in the system.
The basic area of the structure is automatically detected and displayed. You can manually add
the expanded external structure.
You add, rename or remove structure parts at a later time.
To do so, use the Add..., Delete and Rename buttons.

Plant structure detection

● PCS 7 projects PCS7

– WinCC projects



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3.3 Plant structure dashboard

You can manually add, edit or remove the following expanded structure:

● Company Unternehmen
● Location
● Building
● Corridor Gebäude

● Room Flur
● PCS 7 Raum


The nesting depth of the structure can be expanded as necessary.

Detailed project information

The following detailed information on the project is displayed when you select a project:
● Name
● Type
● Description
You can change and confirm the description and type of the project.

You use this functionality in case there are duplicate project entries in the structure tree.
Duplicate entries can be caused, for example, when an image of the OS server was installed
again after a hardware fault.
You use the 'Merge' function to combine the duplicate entries so that they from a single entry
again in the plant structure.

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3.4 I/O Systems dashboard

3.4 I/O Systems dashboard

The "I/O Systems" dashboard displays the entire memory system to which there is read and
write access and in which data is archived. The dashboard displays all hard drives integrated
in the system. This includes hard drives that do not contain archive data.

The "I/O Systems" dashboard displays the following information on the storage system:
● Name and drive letter of the hard drives
● File system
● Total storage space: Capacity
● Absolute available storage space
● Free storage space in percent
● Absolute storage space used
The states of the input and output devices are graphically monitored by the system. If you
select a drive, you receive the following detailed information on the selected drive:
● Idle time of the hard drive: Idle time
● Average duration per transfer
● Average length of queue for read access
● Byte per second with read access to data medium
● Average length of queue for write access

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3.4 I/O Systems dashboard

● Reading speed in Byte per second

● Writing speed in Byteper second

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3.5 Diagnostics dashboard

3.5 Diagnostics dashboard

The upper area of the "Diagnostics" dashboard displays the last 1000 diagnostic messages
from the Process Historian event log.

The event log of the Process Historian contains the following information:
● Log entry ID
● Severity of the message
● Time stamp
● Name of application domain
● Process ID
● Message
The lower section of the dashboard includes the last 100 entries from the event log for Windows
applications. The following information is displayed:
● Time stamp
● Message
● Category
● Source

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3.6 Backup/Restore dashboard

3.6 Backup/Restore dashboard

3.6.1 Introduction

Backup types
The Process Historian saves process values and alarms in segments. You back up the
contents of the Process Historian database by segment.
When an archive segment is backed up, the runtime data is stored in the backup file. The
stored data includes:
● Process values
● Messages
● Configuration data
You can plan the backup of data using the "Settings ..." button in the "Archive segments" area
of the 'Backup/Restore' dashboard.
You can make selected archive segments available as runtime data once again by using the
"Restore ..." button in the 'Restore segments' area.

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3.6 Backup/Restore dashboard

3.6.2 Creating segment backups

The segment to be backed up has the "Archive" status.

Backup planning
The storage space of the Process Historian is continuously filled with data. If the free space
falls below a threshold, the Process Historian is set to the "locked" state. Archiving is then
To put the Process Historian back into the "Enabled" state, you must make sufficient free
space available.
You have the following options for avoiding the "Locked" state:
● Backup segments manually and set them offline.
● Backup segments automatically and set them offline.

Current storage space

In order to keep free enough free space available, you need to delete the archived segments
in backups in a timely manner.
Only offline archive segments can be deleted. You can copy the offline archive segments to
an external drive before deleting them.

Operating state during the segment backup
While the following functions are being performed, the Process Historian briefly changes to
the "Disabled" operating state for a short time:
● During the preparation of a segment
● During the backup of a segment
● During the restoration of a segment
● When the segment is set offline
You have no access to the database in this operating state.

Segment backup

Manual backup
1. Select the "Backup/Restore" dashboard in the navigation of the Management Console.
2. Select segment to be backed up in the "Archive segments" area.
3. Click the "Backup" button to launch backup.

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3.6 Backup/Restore dashboard

4. Select the path for the backup file in the "Backup segment" dialog box that opens.
You can specify further identifiers and descriptions for the backup such as the name or
number of the data medium.
To set segments automatically offline after they are saved, select "Set offline".

5. Click "Backup".

Automated backup
In the "Backup/Restore" dashboard you can restore the backup and have the archive segments
set offline automatically.
To do this, select the option "Set segment offline after backup" via the "Settings" button in the
"Archive segments" area.
You can enable automatic backup by setting the "Planner is activated" option .

Delayed segments
Archive segments that are set offline with a delay if the option "Set segment offline after backup"
is set. The delayed segments remain available online.
In the counter, set the number of delayed segments to remain available online.

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3.6 Backup/Restore dashboard

Setting segments offline manually

In order to provide enough free space, you need to regularly delete data segments already
archived in backups.
1. Open the "Backup/Restore" dashboard.
2. Select the the desired segment in the "Archive segments" area.
3. Click the "Set offline" button.
– The entry for the selected segment is moved to the "Restore segments" view.
– The data cached on the WinCC server is transferred (recovery).
– The storage space for this segment is released.
The segments can only be moved individually.
You can check the amount of space gained in the "I/O systems" dashboard.

Checking the storage space
To ensure enough free space for the Process Historian in operation, repeat these steps

A backup is created and the date of the backup entered.
The segment remains in the "Online" status and is not moved.

3.6.3 Restoring a segment

If you want to access data that is stored in an archived segment, you must restore the
respective segments. When restoring a segment, you must select the backup file
corresponding to the segment.

● The corresponding backup file for the segment to be restored is available.
● The Process Historian is in the "Active" operating state.

1. Select the "Backup/Restore" dashboard in the navigation of the management console.
2. Select the required segment in the "Restore segments" area.
3. Click on the "Restore" button.

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3.6 Backup/Restore dashboard

4. In the "Backup segment" dialog, select the corresponding backup file for the segment that
is to be restored.
5. Click "Restore".

You can access the data of the restored segment from the OS Server, OS Client or the
Information Server.

3.6.4 Deleting a segment

There are two types of segments in Process Historian, runtime segments and archive
segments. Runtime segments are always online and cannot be deleted.
As soon as the runtime segment becomes an archive segment, you can perform a backup for
it. The archive segment can be deleted (set offline) after successful backup.
After the setting the segment offline, only the information for restoring the backed up segment
is stored in the system.

You can only use the "Set offline" button if a backup of the selected segment has already been
created and this segment is marked as "valid". A segment is, for example, marked as "invalid"
if additional runtime data for the segment has accumulated after the creation of a backup. In
this case, create a backup of the relevant segment again.
Segments can only be deleted individually.

1. Select the "Backup/Restore" dashboard in the navigation of the management console.
2. Select the segment you want to delete in the "Archive segments" area.
3. Click the "Set offline" button.

The segment is deleted from the database.

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3.7 Compression dashboard

3.7 Compression dashboard

On the "Compression" dashboard, you can see the current compression state as well as the
current default number of uncompressed segments. The uncompressed segments are counted
starting from the first archive segment. The compression starts with the third segment.

The archive segments are compressed automatically in the background.

1. Select the "Compression" dashboard in the navigation of the management console.
2. Select the "Activate" option in the 'Configuration' area for 'Post compression'.
3. Specify the number of uncompressed segments you want to keep in the "Configuration"
4. Click "Apply".
5. The "Current status" area indicates whether compression is enabled and, if so, as of which

The settings for the compression of archive segments have been reconfigured.

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3.8 Segmentation dashboard

3.8 Segmentation dashboard

The "Segmentation" dashboard provides an overview of the current segmentation
You configure the segmentation of the Process Historian archives in the "Settings" area.

The segment states are color coded:

Segment status Color

Completed runtime segment Gray
Current segment Green
Prepared segment Blue

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34 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
3.8 Segmentation dashboard

You specify the following parameters for configuration of the segmentation in the "Settings"
1. Segmentation anchor point:
– Hour
– Date
2. Time period for segments:
– Unit (period)
– Factor
3. Number of segments:
– Number of future segments
– Total number of runtime segments
The "Database Installation Wizard" supports you in the installation of the Process Historian
database. By default, the following presettings are made for the segmentation during

Segment size One week

Total number of segments in runtime Eight
Number of prepared segments Three

Process Historian Installation Notes
Additional information on defaults of the Process Historian database is available in the
Installation Notes.

Depending on the quantity structure, the amount of data per segment can be very large. This
applies to all segments in runtime. When the segments are created, the estimated required
memory space is reserved for future segments.
If segments in the past are created, minimal space is allocated.
The optimum settings for the segmentation are a compromise between the memory space
used and the number of uncompressed data segments to be reserved.

The Process Historian database is switched automatically to the "Deactivated" state to allow
changes to the segmentation to be carried out. After the settings have been accepted, the
database changes back to the "Active" state automatically.

1. Select the "Segmentation" dashboard in the navigation of the Management Console.
2. In the "Number of segments" area, select the required number of segments to be prepared

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3.8 Segmentation dashboard

3. In the "Number of segments" area, select the required total number of runtime segments.
4. Click "Apply".

The segmentation of the Process Historian database is configured.

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3.9 Dashboard redundancy

3.9 Dashboard redundancy

You configure the redundancy of the Process Historian in the 'Redundancy' dashboard.
You specify the configuration for a redundant system in the following areas:
● Redundancy status
● Remove redundancy
● Redundancy

To create a new redundant system, click the "Start redundancy configuration..." button in the
'Redundancy' area.
Follow the instructions of the "Process Historian Redundancy Wizard" to configure a new
redundant system.

Process Historian Redundancy Wizard
You will find detailed information on redundancy configuration in the Process Historian
Installation Notes.

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System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA 37
3.9 Dashboard redundancy

Redundant Process Historian servers

A redundant Process Historian system consists of symmetrically configured servers for master
(principal) and standby (mirror) operation (e.g. PRIMERGY TX300 S6). We recommend a
dedicated redundancy connection with a minimum bandwidth of 1 Gbit between the redundant
Process Historian servers. The Witness server component for scenarios with automatic
redundancy failover is also installed on an additional server of the system, depending on
availability of an Information Server or WinCC server.

More information on redundant systems can be found in the section 'Redundant system
(Page 45)'.

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38 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
3.10 Licensing dashboard

3.10 Licensing dashboard

The "Licensing" dashboard gives you an overview of the licenses used and available in the
The availability of the Process Historian licenses is displayed.

You also obtain detailed information about the states of the tag licenses:
● Available
● Required
● Free
The Process Historian does not require any archive tag licenses for the PCS 7/ WinCC sources.
When you select a project, you receive information on the project-specific license status with
the following information:
● Project name
● Project type
● Number of tags

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3.11 Database backup dashboard

3.11 Database backup dashboard

You can use the features of this dashboard to create a full backup of your database at the time
of creation.

Database backup
The "Current configuration and current status" displays the following information:
1. Configured backup type
2. Backup status: Progress of the backup copy:
3. Path to backup copies
4. Free disk space
5. Status

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40 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
3.11 Database backup dashboard

Three settings are available in the "Settings" area:

● The "Database backup" function is deactivated when set to "Disable".

● A full backup of the database is defined only once with the "Manual" setting.
● A full backup of the database is defined periodically with the "Automatic" setting.

Storage types
Only one backup is defined with the "Manual" setting. Once the backup is complete
(status = 100%), the operation is terminated. A recovery from this backup restores the
database with data from the backup timestamp.
A full backup with the current timestamp is created with the "Automatic" setting. In addition,
the backup is repeated cyclically. The timestamp is updated with each backup. The backups
no longer needed are deleted. A backup always represents the current state of the database.
A recovery from this backup restores the database with the latest data from the backup
timestamp. The process is continued.

Storage path
The destination path for the backup is specified in the "Settings" window. The destination path
can be changed manually.

Changing the destination path

1. In the "Destination path" field, enter the desired drive and folder with the database name
as a path.
Example: D:\DatabaseBackup
2. Click "Apply Settings".
In an overview window you will find the steps to be performed after confirmation.

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3.11 Database backup dashboard

3. Check this information.

4. Confirm with "OK" of all the entries are correct.
Then, the full backup is performed based on the above specifications.

Storage structure
The structure of the storage depends on whether the backup type is set to "Automatic" or

Setting for automatic

The backup is stored in the specified destination path.
The Process Historian database has the name "HistorianStorage". As the destination path,
you specified: D:\DatabaseBackup.
The backup is stored in the following destination path:
● D:\DatabaseBackup\HistorianStorage
The following periodic backups are stored in the same destination path.
If you terminate the automatic backup and restart it, all previous backups are deleted in the
specified destination path. The new backups are saved. To prevent the loss of previous
backups, you need to enter a new destination path for restarting the automatic backup.

Setting for manual

The backup is stored in the specified destination path. The current date and time when the
backup is created are part of the name.
The Process Historian database has the name "HistorianStorage". The backup started on
5/31/2014 at 18:00. The following path and name of the backup is thus formed:
● D:\DatabaseBackup\20140531_1800_HistorianStorage
Manual backups created later can be stored in the same destination path, whereby the data
is not changed or deleted.

Storage device
We recommend you store the database backup on a separate drive.

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42 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
3.11 Database backup dashboard

The following external drives can be used as a storage medium for database backups:
● USB hard disk
● Network drive via ISCSI. You can find information about ISCSI from Microsoft at:
– (http://
● Network shares using UNC paths: ( "\\<Server>\<Share>" ).
To do this, one of the following steps must be carried out:
– Share for full access must be configured for all users.
– The Historian SQL Server service must be running under a domain user with appropriate
Consult your network administrator about this.
Sufficient free space must be available on the selected storage medium in order to perform a
full backup.

Required space
If less than 20 GB are free on the drive, a warning is displayed on the control system.
If less than 10 GB are free on the drive, a process control message is generated and the
creation of the backup is stopped.

Incomplete backups
If the backup type is changed during the creation of the backup, incomplete backups cannot
be resumed. Incomplete backups are unsuitable for recovery.

Redundant system
The "Database backup" function are used to save the entire database in the form of a backup.
In a redundant system, the mirror takes over this task.
The "Database backup" function is not possible in a redundant system.

Recovery restores the state of the Process Historian that existed at the time the last backup
was started.
You import the recovery with Database Installation Wizard. Select the desired backup and start
the recovery.
Before the recovery process is started, the backup will be checked for completeness. The
recovery is only started when the backup is complete, i.e. the backup status is 100 %.
You can learn about the detailed steps for recovery in the section "Database Installation
Wizard (Page 117)".

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3.11 Database backup dashboard

See also (http://

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44 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
Redundant system 4
4.1 Redundant system

The redundant systems are based on Microsoft SQL Server mirroring.
Process Historian requires a third system to monitor the availability of redundancy: the Witness.
You can assign the Information Server the role of the 'Witness'.

Information Server (Witness)

Terminal bus

≥ 1 Gbit

Direct connection

PH Master (Principal) PH Standby (Mirror)

Setting up redundancy
You start the Redundancy Wizard using the "Redundancy" dashboard of the Process Historian
Management Console.
You can find additional information in the section 'Dashboard redundancy (Page 37)' as well
as in the Installation Notes for the Process Historian describing how to set up redundancy.

Write rights in the redundant system

Within a redundant system, only the Principal is allowed to write to the Process Historian .
Microsoft SQL Server continuously synchronized the database of the Principal with the Mirror.

Transaction log when a redundant partner fails

If the redundant Mirror fails, all data is stored in the transaction log of the Principal.
The data on the transaction log is synchronized as soon as the partner server is back online.

Size of the transaction log

Depending on the amount of incoming data and the downtime of redundant PC, the transaction
log can grow quickly and become very large.

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Redundant system
4.1 Redundant system

Following synchronization, the transaction log is reduced to its previous size.

If, for example, the Mirror goes down for an extended period of time, the lack of space can
cause the Principal to switch to the "Locked" status. The Process Historian server is then locked
and can no longer be set to "Enabled". The archive data of the OS are buffered in the cache.
The period of caching depends on the space available and the volume of incurred data.
The redundancy synchronization (mirroring) must be switched off to prevent an overflow of the
transaction log and locking of the Principal:
● Manual: You disable the redundancy synchronization in the "Redundancy" dashboard of
the Process Historian Management Console.
● Automatic: The automatic shutdown function is activated in the "Redundancy" dashboard
of the Management Console.
The transaction log is automatically reduced.
You can find additional information about the "Locked" state in the section "Overview
(Page 5)".

Providing sufficient disk space
To avoid data loss due to a lack of space, ensure sufficient disk space:
● Regularly check the current disk space in the "I/O systems" dashboard.
● Determine which automatic mechanisms for reducing the used space can be activated in
the dashboards.

See also
Dashboard redundancy (Page 37)
Overview (Page 5)

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46 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
Redundant system
4.2 Redundancy scenarios

4.2 Redundancy scenarios

Standard behavior of the redundant system

This section describes typical scenarios for a redundant Process Historian system.
Conflict resolution options via the Process Historian Management Console are also described.

Short designations
The following designations are used for better legibility:
● Principal: Process Historian Master
● Mirror: Process Historian Standby
● Witness: Information Server or WinCC Server with Witness components

Conflict management with the Process Historian Management Console

1. Failover (switchover)
– In case of a switchover, the Principal and the Mirror swap roles.
– This switchover is only possible if the systems are synchronized.
2. Disconnect (Disconnect)
– In case of a disconnect, the current Mirror is declared as 'Principal' even if the systems
are not synchronized at this time.
– A disconnect results in the loss of data that is not synchronized.
– This procedure is only available on the Mirror.
– You should only use this function if the Principal is in an undefined state or if the
automatic failover fails.
3. Remove (Remove)
– Mirroring ends when the redundancy is removed.
– This procedure is only available on the Principal.
– You should only use this function if the Mirror does not respond or is not/will not be
available for a long time.
– This action terminates the growth of the transaction log.

Redundancy switchover
With a redundancy switchover, a time period of a few seconds is missing in the data
management of the Process Historian due to the switchover. This time period is transferred to
the Process Historian after the switch to "Active (Restore)" operating state.
If there is no prompt to restart the systems, the restart cannot be performed manually because
this would cause a loss of data.

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Redundant system
4.2 Redundancy scenarios

Scenario 1

The Mirror is temporarily inactive:

1. The Principal and the Mirror are active and synchronized.
2. The Mirror is separated from the network, for example, for maintenance work.
3. There is no data synchronization between the Principal and the Mirror in this case.
4. The transaction log on the Principal is growing.
5. The Mirror is reactivated after a certain time period.
6. The Principal and the Mirror are in the resynchronization status.
7. Once the data is synchronized, the two server systems are once again synchronized and

Scenario 2

The Principal fails:

● The Principal and the Mirror are active and synchronized.
● The Principal server system fails.
● The Mirror queries the Witness to determine if the Witness has an active connection to the
● If the Witness does not have a connection to the Principal, the Mirror automatically switches
to 'Principal' mode.
● If the Witness has an active connection to the Principal, switchover is not performed
● The pending data from the transaction log is processed before the Mirror switches to
Principal mode.
The operation can take some time.
● The connection to the Principal is re-established.
● The original Principal now takes on the role of the 'Mirror'.
● The Principal and the Mirror are in the resynchronization status.
● Once the data is synchronized, the two server systems are once again synchronized and

Scenario 3

The Witness fails:

1. The Principal and the Mirror are active and synchronized.
2. The Witness fails.
3. A switchover is not necessary, because none of the archiving systems are affected.
4. An automatic switchover is not possible in this case.

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Redundant system
4.2 Redundancy scenarios

5. The Witness is active once again.

6. Automatic switchover is possible once again.

Scenario 4

The Mirror is decommissioned and too little memory space is available for the transaction log.
The Principal changes to the "Locked" state:
1. The Principal and the Mirror are active and synchronized.
2. The Mirror is separated from the network, for example, for maintenance work.
3. Data synchronization between the Principal and the Mirror does not take place.
4. The transaction log on the Principal is growing.
5. The low limit for free memory space for the transaction log is violated:
Less than 10% is free on hard disks with maximum 500 GB, or less than 50 GB is free on
hard disks with more than 500 GB.
6. The Principal changes to the "Locked" state.
The archive data of the OS are buffered in the cache. The cached time period depends on
the available memory space and the accumulating volume of data.
7. The Mirror becomes active once again.
8. The Principal is unlocked and changes to "Active" state.
9. The Principal and the Mirror are in the resynchronization status.
10.The transaction log is automatically reduced after completion of the synchronization.
11.The archive data buffered on the OS in the cache is transferred to the Principal.

Scenario 5

The Mirror is decommissioned and too little memory space is available for the transaction log.
The redundancy synchronization is deactivated to ensure operation of the Principal:
1. The Principal and the Mirror are active and synchronized.
2. The Mirror is separated from the network, for example, for maintenance work.
3. Data synchronization between the Principal and the Mirror does not take place.
4. The transaction log on the Principal is growing.
5. Redundancy synchronization (Mirroring) is deactivated to prevent an overflow of the
transaction log and a locking of the Principal.
– Manual: You disable the redundancy synchronization in the "Redundancy" dashboard
of the Process Historian Management Console.
– Automatic: The automatic shutdown function is activated in the "Redundancy"
dashboard of the Management Console.
6. The transaction log is automatically reduced.
7. The Principal is still available.

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Redundant system
4.2 Redundancy scenarios

8. The Mirror becomes active once again.

9. No synchronization of the data takes place. The Mirroring needs to be set up again.

Scenario 6

The Mirror and the Principal are switched off and on in succession:
1. Both servers, Principal and Mirror, are synchronized.
2. The data is redundant and identical on both servers.
3. The Mirror is switched off.
4. The data is still saved on the Principal.
The data is no longer synchronized because the Mirror is switched off.
This means the database on both servers is not identical.
The transaction log of the Principal is growing.
5. The Principal is switched off.
6. No data can be saved.
7. The previous Mirror is switched on.
8. The Mirror works. However, the data of the Mirror cannot be synchronized with the Principal.
To prevent the risk of data loss, there is no automatic switchover from the Mirror for the
Principal in this case.
If you force a manual switchover, the previous Mirror takes over the role of the switched off
If the original Principal is switched on once again, it takes over the role of 'Mirror'.
The previously saved data would be deleted in case of a synchronization with the new
'Principal' that is actually missing these databases.
These technical conflicts can be resolved in different ways with the Process Historian
Management Console.

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Redundant system
4.3 Configuring Process Historian Redundancy Service

4.3 Configuring Process Historian Redundancy Service

This chapter describes how to set up the Process Historian redundancy.

Configuring the Process Historian Redundancy Service

The service installation wizard opens when the Process Historian database installation is
completed and the PC has rebooted. In the wizard, enter a user that has been granted access
rights for the Process Historian database of the redundant PC.
1. Follow the wizard instructions and click "Next".
2. In the 'Service configuration' dialog, enter a 'User' and a 'Password' in the "New security
setting" area of the service configuration.
Click "Next".
3. The 'Overview' dialog displays a summary of the configuration.
Verify your entries and complete the process with "Finish".

Process Historian status and licensing status
Before the restart, the status is shown as "Undefined" in the 'Process Historian status' area of
the Management Console.
The license is declared as "Invalid license" in the 'Licensing status' area.
After the restart, the status is synchronized again with the update.
For additional information, see the Installation Notes on the installation DVD and in the
Siemens portal.

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Redundant system
4.4 Setting up Process Historian redundancy

4.4 Setting up Process Historian redundancy

This chapter describes how to set up the Process Historian redundancy.

Setting up redundancy
1. To open the Management Console on the principal (master), select "Start > Programs >
Siemens Automation > SIMATIC > Process Historian > Process Historian Management
2. Select the 'Redundancy' dashboard in the Explorer.
3. Click "Start redundancy configuration ..." in the 'Redundancy' area to launch the
configuration wizard.

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Redundant system
4.4 Setting up Process Historian redundancy

4. In the 'Host configuration' dialog, configure the Process Historian server principal (master)
and mirror (standby), as well as the witness server.
The configuration includes the network adapters that are used by the principal (master) to
run the mirroring.
Configure the SQL server instance for each computer in the following format:
– <Computer name>\<SQLServer instance name>
Assign the following objects from the drop-down menus:
– SQL Server instance
– Network Adapter
Alternatively, you can enter the <Computer name>\<SQLServer instance name> manually.
Confirm your settings with "Next".
Take the following configuration details into account when selecting the required settings.
Principal (master)
The wizard is launched on the Principal, so this is the default entry. This setting cannot be
– SQL Server instance:
<Computer name>\<SQLServer instance name>
The SQL Server instance for PH server is "HISTORIAN".
– Network adapter:
Selection of a dedicated redundancy link.
Mirror (standby)
– SQL Server instance:
Selection from the drop-down menu. If necessary, you can reload the list using the
"Refresh" button.
– Network adapter:
Selection similar to the dedicated redundancy link of the principal.
Witness server
– SQL Server instance:
Selection from the drop-down menu. If necessary, you can reload the list using the
"Refresh" button.
The instance depends on the base of the witness server, Information Server or WinCC.
The instance is named "INFSERVER" or "WINCC" respectively.
– Network adapter:
Selecting the terminal bus link.
5. Specify the ports and required firewall settings in the "TCP port settings" dialog.
Accept the Process Historian defaults. The firewall settings specified in the setup are now
taken into account.
The default settings are edited if the proposed resources are already in use by a different
You can find more detailed information on the firewall settings in the section Firewall
settings (Page 127).

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Redundant system
4.4 Setting up Process Historian redundancy

6. A plausibility check of your configuration is performed in the 'Validation' dialog. This dialog
is also used to validate the connectivity of the configured servers and paths. The action
currently performed is indicated via a log in the "Validation" area.
Click "Rerun" to restart a possibly interrupted validation process.
Confirm the successful validation with "Next".
7. The "Overview" dialog displays a summary of the completed settings. Verify these settings.
Start the configuration process with "Next".
Click "Previous" to correct any incorrect entries.
8. The prepared configuration of redundancy on the principal, mirror, and witness servers is
executed in the "Execution" dialog.
The new configuration is set up in a step-by-step process. The log of actions is displayed
in the "Setup actions" area.
Certain setup actions may take a longer time depending on the size of the Process Historian
We distinguish between the following processes:
– "Fast data backup and restore":
This process generates a complete backup copy of the principal database and
simultaneously restores it on the mirror.
– "Fast transmission of the transaction log":
This process generates and synchronously restores a backup of the transaction log.
Click "Rerun" to restart a possibly interrupted configuration process.

See also
Firewall settings (Page 127)

Process Historian Administration

54 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
Migration 5
5.1 Overview

This section describes the migration of the following projects to the current Process Historian:
● WinCC V7
● Central Archive Server (CAS)
● StoragePlus
● Process Historian
You can find a compilation of migratable data sources in the following graphic.








You can migrate process data from the following sources:

1. CAS project online (Page 57)
2. CAS project backup (Page 62)
3. WinCC project online (Page 66)
4. WinCC project backup (Page 70)
5. Process Historian project online (Page 75)

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System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA 55
5.1 Overview

The data from the CAS and WinCC sources can be migrated online and offline. The data from
the Process Historian source can only be migrated online.

System requirements
The computer with which you perform the migration must meet the following conditions:
● The hardware requirements from the installation instructions must be met.
● The software requirements from the installation instructions must be met.
● The Process Historian must be enabled.
● The free space on the drive must be large enough to accommodate the new data.
● The latest version of the Process Historian must be installed.
● The required licenses must be available.
● Online segments can only be migrated if the corresponding output system is active.
● Backup segments can only be migrated if the backup files are available in the destination

Process Data Migrator

To migrate data, open the Process Data Migrator service. The Process Data Migrator is
installed together with the Process Historian on the same computer.
The Process Historian must be started in order to start the Process Data Migrator.
The migration procedure is very similar in the five scenarios, but differs somewhat in detail:
1. First, select the data source and the segment type.
2. Select the path and the data segments. The data segments consists of tag values and
alarm data.
3. Select the desired data and start the migration process.
4. Before starting the actual migration process, a summary screen is displayed, which you
should check.
5. If all the data are correct, start the migration process.
6. An overview with green check mark indicates the current progress of the migration.
7. If all entries are checked green, the migration is complete and the migrated data are
available to you.

Migration time
Depending on the data volume, the time needed for the migration may take from a few minutes
to several days.

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5.2 Migrating

5.2 Migrating

5.2.1 CAS project online

Migrating CAS project online

1. Start the Process Data Migrator.
2. Select the source and the segment type.
In this example, online segments of a StoragePlus project or CAS project are migrated.

3. The dialog for the source path shows the available SQL instances in the network.
Select the required computer in the selection list.
The available projects are displayed. Two OS, OS(6) and OS(7), are in use in this example.
The data from the OS(6) are to be migrated.

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5.2 Migrating

4. Select the required project.

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5.2 Migrating

5. Select the segments you want to migrate.

Disable all other segments.
Three data segments of the Tag Logging type were selected in this example.

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5.2 Migrating

6. Check the displayed summary of the migration.

If the summery is correct, start the migration.

7. The migration progress is displayed.

When the migration has been completed, exit the Process Data Migrator with "Finish".

Process Historian Administration

60 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
5.2 Migrating

The selected data has been migrated to the current Process Historian database.

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5.2 Migrating

5.2.2 CAS project backup

Migrating CAS project backup

1. Start the Process Data Migrator.
2. Select the source and the segment type.
In this example, backup segments of a StoragePlus project or CAS project are migrated.

3. In the following dialog, select the "Add segments" or "Add folders" entry under "Add" in the
shortcut menu of the displayed field.

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5.2 Migrating

4. Select the required segments and confirm with "Open".

In this example the Alarm Logging segment "SYSINT06" is migrated from the project OS(7).

5. The Process Data Migrator indicates that the segment was found in the backups.
Click in the "Project in PH" column to assign the storage location for the migrated project.

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5.2 Migrating

6. The plant structure opens.

Select the path in which you want to save the migrated project.

The selected path is displayed.

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5.2 Migrating

7. Check the displayed summary of the migration.

If the summery is correct, start the migration.

8. The migration progress is displayed.

When the migration has been completed, exit the Process Data Migrator with "Finish".

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5.2 Migrating

The selected data has been migrated to the current Process Historian database.

5.2.3 WinCC project online

Migrating a WinCC project online

1. Start the Process Data Migrator.
2. Select the source and the segment type.
In this example, online segments of a PCS 7 project or WinCC project are migrated.

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5.2 Migrating

3. The dialog for the source path shows the available SQL instances in the network.
Select the PC with the required project from the selection list.
The selected WinCC project is displayed in the entry field.

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5.2 Migrating

4. Select the segments you want to migrate.

Disable all other segments.
Three data segments of the Tag Logging type and two data segments of the Alarm Logging
type were selected in this example.

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68 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
5.2 Migrating

5. Check the displayed summary of the migration.

If the summery is correct, start the migration.

6. The migration progress is displayed.

When the migration has been completed, exit the Process Data Migrator with "Finish".

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5.2 Migrating

The selected data has been migrated to the current Process Historian database.

5.2.4 WinCC project backup

Migrating WinCC project backup

1. Start the Process Data Migrator.
2. Select the source and the segment type.
In this example, backup segments of a PCS 7 project or WinCC project are migrated.

3. In the following dialog, select the "Add segments" or "Add folders" entry under "Add" in the
shortcut menu of the displayed field.

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5.2 Migrating

4. Select the required segments and confirm with "Open".

5. The Process Data Migrator indicates that the segment was found in the backups.
Click in the "Project in PH" column to assign the storage location for the migrated project.

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5.2 Migrating

6. The plant structure opens.

Select the path in which you want to save the migrated project.

The selected path is displayed.

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5.2 Migrating

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5.2 Migrating

7. Check the displayed summary of the migration.

If the summery is correct, start the migration.

8. The migration progress is displayed.

When the migration has been completed, exit the Process Data Migrator with "Finish".

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5.2 Migrating

The selected data has been migrated to the current Process Historian database.

5.2.5 Process Historian project online

To transfer a Process Historian 2014 project to another PC, for example, because the new
hardware is more powerful, use the "Process Historian" migration.
Since the time settings for the segmentation can be changed during the switch to another PC,
always use the migration function for the move.
This function is available only for databases that have been created with Process Historian

Migrating Process Historian database

1. Close the process Process Historian in the Process Historian management console on the
source PC with "Shut down".
2. Start the Process Data Migrator on the destination PC.
3. Select the source "Process Historian".

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5.2 Migrating

4. The dialog for the source path shows the available SQL instances in the network.
Select the source PC in the selection list.

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5.2 Migrating

5. Select the segments you want to migrate.

Disable all other segments.
Three data segments of the Tag Logging type and two data segments of the Alarm Logging
type were selected in this example.

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5.2 Migrating

6. Check the displayed summary of the migration.

If the summery is correct, start the migration.

7. The migration progress is displayed.

When the migration has been completed, exit the Process Data Migrator with "Finish".

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5.2 Migrating

8. On the destination PC, activate the Process Historian and connect the PCS 7 OS and
WinCC clients in the Process Historian system.
9. If you use Process Historian in the PCS 7 environment, perform the following additional
– Change the PC name of the Process Historian server in the PCS 7 project.
– Download the project to all participating operator stations (OS), which means to all
clients and servers on which Runtime is activated.

The selected data has been migrated to the destination PC.

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5.2 Migrating

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Connectivity 6
6.1 Optimized data transmission
The communication between Process Historian-Ready and Process Historian has been
The chronological order of process data transmission is retained this way.

Data transmission from PH-Ready to the Process Historian server

Process Historian-Ready saves the process data to a local drive before transmission to the
Process Historian .
The process data is then sent in chronological order from the cache to the Process Historian .

Storage path of the cache

The cache is located on the OS in the following path in the installation folder:
● \Siemens\SF-Cache

Reduced performance
The transmission from the WinCC archive can be slower than from the cache of Process
The result may be a reduction in performance.

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6.1 Optimized data transmission

Behavior with reduced memory
The available memory is monitored with Process Historian-Ready.
The cache can grow in the following cases:
● Loss of connection to the Process Historian server
● Reduced performance when processing the transmitted data on the Process Historian
The cache memory is freed up again once the buffered data is transmitted to the Process
Historian server.
Alarm to WinCC
An alarm is sent to WinCC when one of the following situations occurs:
● The available cache memory drops below the limit of 10 GB.
● The available cache memory is less than 13% of the reserved drive capacity.
Interruption of data transmission
Saving to cache and transmission of process data is interrupted when one of the following
situations occurs:
● The available cache memory drops below the limit of 5 GB.
● The available cache memory is less than 5% of the reserved drive capacity.
As of this time, the process data is only available in the WinCC archive.
Saving to cache automatically resumes when the available memory is increased.

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

6.2.1 PH OPC UA server - Overview

This section describes the OPC UA server for the Process Historian (PH-OPC-UA server)
Basic knowledge of communication via OPC is required.

OPC and OPC UA denote standardized, vendor-independent interfaces and information
models of the OPC Foundation.
OPC UA (Unified Architecture) is the successor technology of OPC, which was developed for
reliable data exchange in automation engineering and other areas of applications. OPC UA
has the following characteristics:
● Platform-independent
● Vendor-independent
● Use of standardized protocols as the communication medium (e.g. TCP, HTTP)
● Integrated security concept (authentication and authorization, encrypted communication
and data integrity using signing)
● Powerful information model and provision of all data in a single address space (DA, HDA,

OPC UA for Process Historian

Process Historian offers an integrated OPC UA server as an option.
The OPC UA server enables external OPC UA applications to communicate with the Process
Historian server.
The external applications have read access to the following data of the local Process Historian
● Configuration data:
– Project structure of the Process Historian server
– Tag configuration and process values
– Alarm system
● Archived data:
– Tag archive
– Message archive
The OPC UA server for the Process Historian supports the "OPC UA 1.02" specification of the
OPC Foundation.

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

You can find detailed information about OPC UA specifications on the OPC Foundation
● (

6.2.2 Installing the PH OPC UA server

How it works
The PH-OPC-UA server is installed as a Windows service.
The server is started automatically when you start the computer. However, you can only use
the OPC UA server when the local Process Historian server is running.

The PH-OPC-UA server runs with the following license:

Product Version License type Validity

PH-OPC-UA server 2014 Single Unlimited


● The Process Historian is installed on the PC.

1. Run the setup.
2. Carry out the installation.
Read the "Process Historian Installation Notes" for more on this.
3. Select under "Custom installation":
– "Options" > "Process Historian OPC UA 2014" program package
4. To complete the installation, reboot the system.

The PH OPC UA server is pre-configured during installation.
If required, you can change the server configuration using the OpcUaServerPH.xml
configuration file. For additional information, refer to "How to configure the OPC UA server
(Page 94)".
You access the PH-OPC-UA server via the following URL:
● "opc.tcp://[HostName]:[Port]"

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

Parameter Description
HostName Placeholder for the computer name. Is used automatically
Port TCP/IP port number The default is "4852".

The PH-OPC-UA server only supports the binary OPC UA protocol for communication
(communication profile "UA-TCP UA-SC UA Binary"). The used port number is adjustable.

Discovery Server
The OPC UA Local Discovery Server (LDS) of the OPC Foundation is installed along with the
PH-OPC-UA server. The LDS allows OPC UA client applications to determine information
about available OPC UA servers.
Depending on its configuration, the PH-OPC-UA server registers itself with zero, one or
multiple Discovery servers. These servers can be installed either on the same PC or on another

See also
How to configure the OPC UA server (Page 94)

6.2.3 Security concept of OPC UA

The OPC UA security concept is based largely on:
● Authentication and authorization of applications and users involved
● Ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of messages exchanged between the applications
You can find technical details in the OPC UA specification, "Part 2".

Certificates are the method used for authentication of the OPC UA applications. Each
application has its own instance certificate with which it identifies itself in the public key
infrastructure (PKI).
The certificates used by the PH-OPC-UA server are stored in the settings in the
"OpcUaServerPH.xml" configuration file:

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

Instance Certificate of PH-OPC-UA server

For secure operation, each PH-OPC-UA server requires its own instance certificate with a
private key. The certificate is only valid on the corresponding computer and may only be used
by the PH-OPC-UA server installed on that computer.
A self-signed certificate of the server instance is created when the server is installed. The
instance certificate is stored both in the certificate folder of the server as well as in the certificate
store of the OPC UA Local Discovery Server.
The private key for the certificate is only stored in the certificate folder. You must restrict access
to the folder with the private key to:
● The server itself
● The system administrator

Access to the folder with the private key
For security reasons, no other users or applications apart from the server and the system
administrator may have access to the private key of the PH-OPC-UA server.

The instance certificate generated upon installation and the corresponding private key can be
replaced by the administrator of the system. In accordance with the applicable security concept
for the system, the new instance certificate can be either self-signed or issued by a certification
You specify the storage location for the instance certificate of the PH-OPC-UA server in the
configuration file of the server. If necessary, the storage location can be changed by the system

Parameter Value Meaning

StoreType Directory Type of certificate storage.
The storage location must be "Directory".
StorePath [ApplicationPath]\PKI\CA The certificate and the private key are stored under this folder.

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

Example of instance certificate configuration

The instance certificate of the server in this case is in the directory "PKI\CA\Certs". The private
key is in the directory "PKI\CA\Private".

Trusted client certificates

The PH-OPC-UA server supports secure communication with trusted clients only. A client is
trustworthy under the following conditions:
● The client has a valid self-signed certificate which is stored in the trusted certificates
certificate memory of the PH-OPC-UA server
● The valid certificate of the client has been issued by a certification authority. The valid
certificate from the certification authority must be located in the trusted certificates certificate
memory of the PH-OPC-UA server.
In this case, only the certificate from the certification authority is required. The client
instance certificate does not need to be located in the trusted certificates certificate memory.
You specify storage settings for trusted certificates using the PH-OPC-UA server configuration

Parameter Meaning
StoreType Type of certificate storage. The storage location can be either "Directory" or "Windows".
StorePath The certificates of trusted clients are stored under this folder.

Example of configuration with "Directory" storage

In this case, the PH-OPC-UA server trusts all clients whose instance certificates are located
in the "PKI\TrustList\Certs" folder.

Example of configuration with "Windows" storage

For this storage option, the instance certificates of the clients must be located in the certificate
memory of the operating system under "<Local computer>\UA Applications".

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

Certificates issued by a certification authority

Certificates from certification authorities that are required for verifying a client certificate chain
are stored in the certificate memory of the certification authorities. You specify storage settings
using the PH-OPC-UA server configuration file:

Parameter Meaning
StoreType Type of certificate storage. The storage location can be either "Directory" or "Windows".
StorePath The certificates of trusted certification authorities are stored under this folder.

Trustworthiness of CA certificates
Certificates from the memory of the certification authorities are not automatically trusted.
For a certification authority to be trusted, its certificate must be located in the memory for trusted

Example of configuration with "Directory" storage

The certificates of trusted certification authorities are in this case located in the "PKI\CA\Certs"

Example of configuration with "Windows" storage

The "StorePath" parameter is not relevant. The certificates from certification authorities must
be stored in the Windows certificate memory in accordance with the operating system
Certificates are trusted if they are located in one of these paths:
● <Local computer>\Trusted root certification authorities
● <Local computer>\Third-party root certification authorities

CA certificates: Preconditions
● The storage location for the server certificate must be "Directory".
● The two storage locations for trusted client certificates and for certificates from certification
authorities must have the same StoreType, i.e. both must either be "Directory" or

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

Client certificates not accepted

If a UA client accesses the PH-OPC-UA server whose certificate is not trusted, the PH-OPC-
UA server rejects the secure communication. The PH-OPC-UA server copies the client's
certificate into the folder for rejected certificates.
You specify storage settings for rejected certificates using the PH-OPC-UA server
configuration file:

Only the StoreType "Directory" is supported.

To enable secured communication with this client, you need to move the rejected certificate
to the certificate memory for trusted certificates.

6.2.4 Configuring the security mechanisms

The following is ensured at the communication level:
● UA application authenticity
● The confidentiality of messages exchanged
● The integrity of messages exchanged
The security mechanisms used, for example algorithms for encrypting and signing, are set in
standardized security policies. You can find technical details in the OPC UA specification under
"Part 2", "Part 4" and "Part 7".
The security policies supported by the PH-OPC-UA server are set using the server
configuration file in in "ServerConfiguration" and "SecuredApplication".

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

The XML element "SecurityPolicies" under "ServerConfiguration" contains the list of all
available "Security Profile" and "Message Security Mode" combinations for the server.

Security Profile Message Security Mode Description None Unsecured communication Sign or SignAndEncrypt Secure communication,
signed or encrypted and
signed messages Sign or SignAndEncrypt Secure communication,
signed or encrypted and
signed messages

Secure communication
The following additional requirements apply to secure communication:
● Instance certificates for server and client
● Correct configuration of the certificate store

Example of a configuration file with maximum functional scope

In accordance with the OPC UA specification, the security mechanisms and explicitly enabled
and disabled with the "SecurityProfileUris" element under "SecuredApplication".
The diagram below shows a SecuredApplication in which unsecured communication is

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

The PH-OPC-UA server thereby supports the two security strategies "Basic128Rsa15" and
"Basic256" in runtime. "Message Security Modes Sign" and "SignAndEncrypt" are supported,
but unsecured communication is not ("None"). When communication is established, the UA
clients select the required Policy from this list.

Unsecured communication between client and server
Use the "None" setting only for test and diagnostics purposes.
For a secure communication between client and server, use at least the following settings
during productive operation:
● SecurityPolicy: Basic 128Rsa15
● Message Security Mode: Sign

User identity
In addition to the security mechanisms of the communication level, the PH-OPC-UA server
also supports user authentication for the client applications using UserTokenPolicy
"UserName". The client application must provide a valid combination of user name and
password when communication is established. The PH-OPC-UA server verifies the
combination in the user management of the operating system.
You specify the UserTokenPolicy using the configuration file of the PH-OPC-UA server:

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

The PH-OPC-UA server uses this configuration to support both anonymous users and the
Policy "UserName"..

See also
How to configure the OPC UA server (Page 94)

6.2.5 Supported OPC UA services and profiles

OPC UA services
The following table sets out the functionality supported by OPC UA server 1.0.2:

OPC UA Service Sets Services Comment

Discovery Service Set FindServers -
Secure Channel All -
Session Service Set
View Service Set Browse Determination of the PH tags and objects
Attribute Service Set Read Example:
HistoryRead ● Read property value
● Read tag values or messages archived in the PH
Subscription Service Set CreateSubscription -
MonitoredItem Service Set CreateMonitoredItems Only for standard UA tags, e.g. Server/ServerStatus/State

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

OPC UA profile and Conformance Units

The PH-OPC-UA server supports the following OPC UA profiles 1.02 without restrictions:
● 6.5.3 Base Server Behaviour Facet
● 6.5.14 A & C Base Condition Server Facet
● 6.5.30 Historical Raw Data Server Facet
● 6.5.107 UA-TCP UA-SC UA Binary
● 6.5.125 SecurityPolicy - Basic256
● 6.5.124 SecurityPolicy - Basic128Rsa15
● 6.5.123 SecurityPolicy - None
The PH-OPC-UA server supports the following OPC UA profiles shown in the following table,
however with restrictions:

Profile "Group" Not supported "Conformance Unit"

6.5.8 Standard DataChangeSubscription Monitored Item Services ModifyMonitoredItems
Server Facet DeadBand Filter
Monitor MinQueueSize_02
6.5.9 Enhanced DataChange Subscrip‐ Monitored Item Services Monitor MinQueueSize_05
tion Server Facet
6.5.47 Standard UA Server Profile Attribute Services Attribute Write StatusCode & Timestamp

6.2.6 Configuration file

The PH-OPC-UA server is configured using the "OpcUaServerPH.xml" configuration file.
This chapter describes the layout of the configuration file. The "How to configure the OPC UA
server (Page 94)" section describes how the PH-OPC-UA server is configured.
You can find the configuration file in the installation folder under the following path:
● \Siemens\ProcessHistorian\bin

Changing the server configuration
Changing the server configuration incorrectly can cause malfunctions and/or security
The server configuration may only be performed by qualified personnel.

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

Section <Secured Application>

In this section, the OPC UA application security is set in compliance with OPC UA
Specification / Part 6 / § "Security Settings Management".

<Secured Application>
<BaseAddresses> Configuration of the URL for the OPC UA server.
<SecurityProfileUris> Configuration of the supported security policies
<SecurityProfile> Use the "none" setting only for test and diagnostics purposes
<ApplicationCertificate> Revision of the default certificate configuration according to OPC UA
<TrustedCertificateStore> Specification / Part 6.
<TrustedCertificates> (optional)
</Secured Application>

Section <Server Configuration>

In this section you can set further server-specific parameters.

<Server Configuration>
<SecurityPolicies> Configuration of the message security modes.
<SecurityPolicy> Use the "none" setting only for test and diagnostics purposes
<UserTokenPolicies> Configuration of user identification
<UserTokenPolicy> Use the "Anonymous" setting only for test and diagnostics purposes
<Server Configuration

See also
How to configure the OPC UA server (Page 94)

6.2.7 How to configure the OPC UA server

The PH-OPC-UA server is configured using the "OpcUaServerPH.xml" configuration file.

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

You can find the configuration file in the installation folder under the following path:
● \Siemens\ProcessHistorian\bin
You can find additional information on the configuration file under "Configuration file
(Page 93)".

Changing the server configuration
Changing the server configuration incorrectly can cause malfunctions and/or security
The server configuration may only be performed by qualified personnel.

Changing the port number of the OPC UA server

If necessary, change the port number 4852 under <BaseAdresses>.
Do not use a port number that is already assigned to another application. Also observe the
firewall settings (see "Firewall settings (Page 127)").
The parameter [HostName] is the placeholder for the computer name and is determined during

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

Specifying security settings

You can find additional information on security settings under "Configuring the security
mechanisms (Page 89)".
1. Make the security settings for communication.
2. Under <SecurityProfileUris>, you configure the supported "Security Policies".
– Enable the setting with "true".
– Disable the setting with "false".
3. Under <SecurityPolicies>, you configure the associated "Message·security·modes".
To deactivate a setting, delete the entire entry <SecurityPolicy>... </Security

Specifying user identification

You can find additional information on security settings under "Configuring the security
mechanisms (Page 89)".
Specify the user identification for setting up the connection under <UserTokenPolicies>.
To deactivate a setting, delete the entire entry.

See also
Installing the PH OPC UA server (Page 84)
Configuring the security mechanisms (Page 89)
Configuration file (Page 93)
Firewall settings (Page 127)

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

6.2.8 Information model of PH OPC UA server

Information model
The PH-OPC-UA server provides OPC UA clients with a hierarchical name area and access
to the following runtime data:
● Process Historian configuration data:
– Project structure: Organizational Structures, Data Sources, Tag/Message Configuration
– Metadata: Additional Info / Tag Value Context
● Historical Process Historian data:
– Archived tag values (Historical Data Access)
– Archived messages (Historical Event Access)

The PH-OPC UA information model is described in detail in Appendix "OPC UA Information

The description is only available in English.

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6.2 Process Historian OPC-UA-Server

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Process control messages 7
Process Historian contains process control messages that visualize specific system states.
These pre-defined messages only contain information about process control states and do not
return process status data.
The table below provides an overview of the process control messages generated in
Process Historian.
The following messages are generated by the SIMATIC service Process Historian Ready:

Message Message text Event

1012500 PHRDY: Start recovery for Process Historian The transfer of missing data is started after restoration
of the communication connection between WinCC and
the Process Historian.
1012501 PHRDY: Recovery for Process Historian complete The transfer of the data to the Process Historian is ter‐
1012502 PHRDY: No communication with Process Historian The connection to the Process Historian cannot be es‐
possible tablished.
1012503 PHRDY: Communication with Process Historian is in‐ Writing and/or reading of data to/from the Process His‐
terrupted torian is not possible.
1012504 PHRDY: Communication with Process Historian is re‐ Writing and/or reading of data to/from the Process His‐
stored torian is possible once again.
1012505 PHRDY: Process Historian server offline since <Date The SIMATIC Process Historian service is not available.
Time> Read access to the data is possible.
1012506 PHRDY: Buffer limit channel <Channel name> excee‐ The configured maximum available buffer memory of
ded the selected communication channel (MSMQ) was ex‐
1012507 PHRDY: Buffer limit channel <Chanel name> normal The buffer memory is again operating within the config‐
ured limits.
1012508 PHRDY: Less than <number> GB of free memory The available memory space on the WinCC station has
space on the data carrier '<drive>' for communication fallen below a specified limit.
with the Process Historian.
1012509 PHRDY: Communication of the Process Historian was No more memory space available on the WinCC- sta‐
terminated. Less than <number> GB free memory on tion.
data carrier '<drive>'.
1012510 PHRDY: Connection to the Process Historian could not Process Historian Ready is incorrectly configured (for
be established (check configuration). example, service without user logon, configuration error
in the configuration file, …).

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System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA 99
Process control messages

The following messages are generated by the Process Historian and sent to all clients:

Message Message text Event

1012600 PH: Data memory filled to <number %> The warning limit of the data memory of the monitored
drive was reached.
1012601 PH: System out of resources The total load of all CPUs has been over 70% for at least
1012602 PH: Redundancy failed The connection to the redundancy partner has failed.
1012603 PH: Redundancy restored The connection to the redundancy partner has been re‐
1012604 PH: Available licenses exceeded. Shutdown in <num‐ No adequate licenses available.
ber> days
1012605 PH: PH-Ready <PC name> has failed The Prozess Historian has lost the connection to the
referenced PC.
1012606 An automatic redundancy switchover of the Proz‐
ess Historian has taken place.
1012607 PH: Less than <number> GB of free memory space for The warning limit of the memory for the Process Histor‐
the Process Historian database. ian database was reached.
1012608 PH: Less than <number> GB of free memory space for The warning limit of the memory for the "tempdb" data‐
the "tempdb" database. base was reached.
1012609 PH: Less than <number> GB of free memory space for The warning limit of the memory for the emergency re‐
the emergency restore operation. store operation was reached.
1012610 PH: New backup for the emergency restore operation The creation of a complete backup failed.
failed. Too little memory space.
1012611 PH: An unknown error occurred when creating backup The creation of a complete backup failed, unknown er‐
for emergency restore operation. ror.
1012612 PH: Storage path <path> not accessible for emergency The storage path for the database backup is not availa‐
restore operation. ble.
1012613 PH: The emergency threshold for drive <number %>
was reached. Process Historian is therefore locked.

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100 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
Appendix 8
8.1 Database installation wizard
The database installation wizard guides you through the installation of the Process Historian
You configure the following settings with the database installation wizard:
● Creating a Process Historian database (Page 103)
● Recovering a Process Historian database (Page 117)
● Select the path of the SQL server instance
● Define the work memory limit of the Process Historian database
● Specifying the storage paths
● Select master (Principal) or standby (Mirror)
The DatabaseInstallationWizard.exe is available in the installation path under:

8.1.1 Memory requirement

Defining the memory requirements of the Process Historian Server

You define the expected memory requirements for an individual segment after installation in
the database installation wizard.
The database installation wizard displays the estimated memory requirements during the

The more measured values or messages archived per second, the smaller the segments
should be so that the individual segments do not get too large. 50,000 tags per second is the
high limit that should not be exceeded.

Memory requirement for process values per second

The total memory requirement for process values is calculated as follows:
(number of prepared segments + 2) x segment size from the process values table x 2 data

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8.1 Database installation wizard

Process values/ s Time period of the segment unit Segment size

500 Daily ∼ 2.75 GB
3.000 Daily ∼ 16.5 GB
10.000 Daily ∼ 55 GB
20.000 Daily ∼ 110 GB
50.000 Daily ∼ 275 GB
100.000 Daily ∼ 550 GB
100 Weekly ∼ 3.85 GB
250 Weekly ∼ 10 GB
500 Weekly ∼ 20 GB
3.000 Weekly ∼ 120 GB
10.000 Weekly ∼ 390 GB
100 Monthly ∼ 16.5 GB
250 Monthly ∼ 42 GB
500 Monthly ∼ 84 GB

Memory requirement for messages per second

The total memory requirement for messages is calculated as follows:
(number of prepared segments + 2) x segment size from the messages table x number of data
groups *)
*) The default number of data groups is set to 2.

Messages/ s Time period of the segment unit Segment size

10 Daily ∼ 1 GB
50 Daily ∼ 4 GB
100 Daily ∼ 8 GB
10 Weekly ∼ 6 GB
50 Weekly ∼ 29 GB
100 Weekly ∼ 58 GB
10 Monthly ∼ 25 GB
50 Monthly ∼ 124 GB
100 Monthly ∼ 248 GB

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8.1 Database installation wizard

Average memory requirement

The table below shows the average memory requirement of the measured variables:

Measured variable Memory requirement Description

Process value 63 bytes Average memory requirement per archive tag datum.
The following information is saved:
● Timestamp
● Process value
● Quality code
Message ~ 1024 bytes Average memory requirement per message.
The memory requirement of a message depends to a large extent on the
language used and the length of the message.

8.1.2 Creating a Process Historian database

Installation of a Process Historian database

This section describes the installation of a Process Historian database based on an example.
If a database has not been installed on the computer yet, the "DatabaseInstallationWizard.exe"
is started automatically when you insert the DVD. The database installation wizard guides you
through the configuration of the database.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

Installing the database

The "DatabaseInstallationWizard.exe" has been started.
1. Click "Next".

2. Enter a path for your new SQL Server instance or select an existing SQL Server instance.
The database installation wizard checks if the selected instance can be installed.
3. Confirm with "Next".

4. Use the slider to reserve the maximum work memory for the database.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

5. Click "Next".

6. Select the server mode:

– For installation on a single system, select the option "Installation on master server".
– For installation on a redundant system, select the option "Installation on master server"
for the first computer.
– For installation on the second computer of the redundant system, select the option
"Installation on standby server".
7. Click "Next".

8. Select the "Create an initial database" option.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

9. Click "Next".

10.Enter the name of the database.

The "Standard" installation mode is selected in this example.
The installation with "Advanced mode" is described in the next section.
11.Click "Next".

Process Historian Administration

106 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
8.1 Database installation wizard

12.Configure the memory segments.

The total number of displayed runtime segments is set to 6 in this example; one segment
is reserved for use in the future.
You can select from the following time intervals for the segments:
– Day
– Week
– Month
– Factor
The factor determines the number of time intervals per segment.
You can set a factor between 1 and 52. The factor is set to "1" and the time interval to
"Week" in the example. This means a segment maps the time interval of one week.
You can set "Date" and "Hour" of the start time as anchor of the segments.
All displayed segments are runtime segments.
The time intervals of the runtime segments S-1 to S-4 are in the past. The time interval of
the active runtime segment S0 is in the actual local time. The prepared future segment S
+1 is reserved for the next time interval in the future.
When the current segment S0 drops out of the local time interval, it becomes segment S-1.
All subsequent segments are shifted one spot further into the past. The prepared future
segment becomes the current segment.
The different runtime segments are color coded:
– Blue: Reserved memory for future segment
– Green: Current segment
– Gray: Current archive segment not saved yet.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

13.Configure the segments to meet your requirements.

14.Click "Next".
15.Set the slider in the dialog box below to an estimated setting.
16.Click "Next".

17.Set the paths for the database files. Only local destination paths are permitted.

An overview of your configuration settings is displayed.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

18.Check this overview. If all information is correct, click "Finish".

If there are errors in the settings, go back with "Previous" and correct the settings.

The database is now created. The progress of the database installation is documented in
a window.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

Once database installation is complete, the message "Database successful(ly) created." is

19.Close the database installation wizard with "Close".
20.Shut down the computer and restart it so that all services can be installed.

You have successfully installed a database.

8.1.3 Creating the Process Historian database in advanced mode

Installation of a Process Historian database

This section describes the installation of a Process Historian database in advanced mode
based on an example.

You have arrived at this point after installation according to the instruction in general mode.
You want to continue the installation in advanced mode.

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110 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA
8.1 Database installation wizard

Installing the database in advanced mode

1. Enter the name of the database in the text box.
2. Select "Advanced mode" as installation mode.
3. Click "Next".

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8.1 Database installation wizard

4. Configure the memory segments.

The total number of displayed runtime segments is set to 6 in this example; one segment
is reserved for use in the future.
You can select from the following time intervals for the segments:
– Day
– Week
– Month
– Factor
The factor determines the number of time intervals per segment.
You can set a factor between 1 and 52. The factor is set to "1" and the time interval to
"Week" in the example. In this setting, a segment maps the time interval of one week.
You can set "Date" and "Hour" of the start time as anchor of the segments.
All displayed segments are runtime segments.
The time intervals of the runtime segments S-1 to S-4 are in the past. The time interval of
the active runtime segment S0 is in the actual local time. The prepared future segment S
+1 is reserved for the next time interval in the future.
When the current segment S0 drops out of the local time interval, it becomes segment S-1.
All subsequent segments are shifted one spot further into the past. The prepared future
segment becomes the current segment.
The different runtime segments are color coded:
– Blue: Reserved memory for future segment
– Green: Current segment
– Gray: Current archive segment not saved yet.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

5. Configure the segments to meet your requirements.

6. Click "Next".
7. Set the slider in the dialog box below to an estimated setting.
8. Click "Next".

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8.1 Database installation wizard

9. Set the paths for the database files. Compared to standard mode, the database schema
can be much more finely structured in advanced mode.
Define the path for the transaction log in the text box.
You must define and create paths for the following types of values in the repository:
– General
– Messages
– Batches
– Process values

An overview of your configuration settings is displayed.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

10.Check this overview. If all information is correct, click "Finish".

If there are errors in the settings, go back with "Previous" and correct the settings.

The database is now created. The progress of the database installation is documented in
a window.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

Once database installation is complete, the message "Database successful(ly) created." is

11.Close the database installation wizard with "Close".
The restart note is displayed.

12.Click "OK".
13.Shut down the computer and restart it so that all services can be installed.

You have successfully installed a database.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

8.1.4 Recovering a Process Historian database

Recovery of a Process Historian database

This section describes how you recover a Process Historian database based on an example.

Recovering a database

1. Start "DatabaseInstallationWizard.exe".

2. Click "Next".
The SQL Server instances are displayed. Usually there is one instance on the SQL Server.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

3. Select the required instance and confirm with "Next".

4. Use the slider to reserve the maximum work memory for the database.
5. Click "Next".

6. Select the server mode:

For recovery of a database, select the option "Installation on master server".
7. Click "Next".

8. Select the option "Database recovery".

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8.1 Database installation wizard

9. Click "Next".

10.Enter the path of the required database backup.

The database backup is checked to determine if it can be recovered.

11.Select the required backup.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

12.Click "Next".
Before recovery starts, a recovery overview of your information is displayed.

13.Check the information in the overview. If there is incorrect information in the overview, go
back with "Previous" the number of required steps and correct the information.

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8.1 Database installation wizard

14.If all information is correct, click "Next".

Recovery of the database is now started.
The recovery progress is displayed.

Successful completion of the database recovery is displayed at the end with the following
"Database SUCCESSFULLY restored".
15.Close the database installation wizard with "Close".
16.You must shut down the computer and restart it for all services to be installed.
After restart, database backup is set to "Disable".

You have successfully recovered a database.

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8.2 Segments Basics

8.2 Segments Basics

This section contains basic information on the segment types used and on changing between
the segment types.
The following segment types are used:
● Runtime segments
● Archive segments
● Repository segments

Runtime segments
Runtime segments (RT segments) Runtime segments are segments which can be written and
are used for storing data. Each runtime segment has a sequential number, starting at 100 000.
Future runtime segments have the highest number.

RT segment Description
Future Runtime Segment (F-RTS) Segmentation is colored blue in the dashboard.
Current Runtime Segment (F-RTS) Segmentation is colored green in the dashboard.
Older Runtime Segment (O-RTS) Segmentation is colored gray in the dashboard.

Creation: The first time the Process Historian starts, the configured number of runtime
segments are created, see Segmentation dashboard.
Cyclic segmentation in operation:
1. A new future runtime segment is created.
2. If the configured number of runtime segments is available, the oldest runtime segment is
an archive segment.

Archive segments
It is not possible to write to archive segments.
Only archives segments can be saved and swapped out (set offline).

Archive seg‐ Description

Non-com‐ The oldest runtime segment is an archive segment. Compression begins at this time,
pressed Ar‐ if it is enabled.
chive Segment Visible in the 'Backup/Restore' dashboard, top list 'Status' column = 'Online', 'Com‐
(NC-AS) pressed' column = 'No'.
Compressed If compression is completed for a non-compressed archive segment, then this ar‐
Archive Seg‐ chive is a compressed archive segment.
ment (C-AS) Visible in the 'Backup/Restore' dashboard, top list 'Status' column = 'Online', 'Com‐
pressed' column = 'Yes'.
Past Archive These are created by the migration of the process data for the time period that was
Segment (P- prior to the commissioning of the Process Historian. These segments have a se‐
AS) quential number lower than 100‘000 and normally include a period of one month.
The Migrator itself can write all archive segments.

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8.2 Segments Basics

Saved Archive Created after saving an archive segment, a backup file (backup file) is created there‐
Segment by.
(S_AS) The date of the backup is shown in the 'Backup/Restore' dashboard', top list in the
'Backup created" column.
Offline (swap‐ Created after the setting a saved archive segment offline. The data of this segment
ped out) Ar‐ are only in the backup file.
chive Segment There is no data from this segment in the Process Historian database; only the in‐
(O_AS) formation about a backup and the offline setting is available.
All segments in the 'Backup/Restore' dashboard are included in the list below.
External Ar‐ Created by restoring (setting to online) a backup file for an offline archive segment.
chive Segment The data is not stored in the Process Historian database, but rather in an external
Visible in the 'Backup/Restore' dashboard, top list 'Status' column = 'External'.

Repository segments
Repository segments contain the data from time periods outside of the runtime segments. This
includes data for all types of archive segments, since it is no longer possible to write to these
These segments are created by the Database Installation Wizard when the Process Historian
database is created.

Subtype Description
CAL segment Contains all data from time periods older than the oldest runtime segment.
This happens, for example, when an OS has not transfer data to the PH for a long
time, and then tries to catch up, and thereby sends data with a date outside the
runtime segments.
If values are stored in the CAL segment for an offline segment, this is indicated in the
'Backup/Restore' dashboard in the lower list where the 'New data' column = 'Yes'.
These offline segments must then be restored and backed up again. When you per‐
form the backup, data from the CAL segment are entered in the backup file of the
archive segment.
CAL segment Contains all data from time periods more recent than the most recent runtime seg‐
ment. For the segmentation, the data are transferred from the CAU segment into the
latest future runtime segment, which has the same time period.

Example of the segment structure over time

The following is configured in the Segmentation dashboard:
● 1 future segment
● 5 runtime segments total, the future runtime segment is included here.
● The time range for 1 segment is 1 week
Automatic backup scheduling is enabled in the Backup/Restore dashboard:
● The number of delayed segments for offline has been set to 3.

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8.2 Segments Basics

This means that the data is always saved for a time period of 7 (= 5 – 1 + 3) weeks in the
Process Historian database.

Actions of the Process Historian system

A segmentation is performed at the end of each week (time period for 1 segment):
● A new future runtime segment is created.
● If there are more than 5 runtime segments, the oldest runtime segment becomes an archive
Furthermore, there is a cyclical check to determine:
● Whether an archive segment can be backed up.
● The oldest saved archive segment is set offline when the number of saved archive
segments is greater than the number of delayed segments to be set offline configured in
automatic backup.

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8.3 Aggregation

8.3 Aggregation
A large volume of raw data is generated during operation. Due to the very large volume of raw
data, processing a query from raw data can take a very long time.
To speed up processing of queries, aggregates are used.
The aggregates combine raw data and process this raw data together. The aggregates are
saved in the database and are available for further processing. Aggregation speeds up further
processing of the entire data volume. The additional computing time required to process the
aggregates is lower than that for processing queries based on raw data. Approximately 3% to
6% additional space is required in the database to save the aggregates.

Querying the aggregates

The aggregates are available in the database in addition to the raw data. Just like the raw data,
they can be called via WinCC or via the Information Server.

Aggregate methods
The following aggregates are used:

MIN Minimum value over a time interval

MAX Maximum value over a time interval
SUM Total value over a time interval
NUM Number of values of a time interval
INT Integral over a time interval
AVG Arithmetic average value over a time interval
WAV Weighted average value over a time interval

Aggregate intervals
The aggregates are calculated for the following time intervals:
● 1 minute
● 1 hour
● 1 day

For a query, the MAX value over a period of one month is to be calculated and displayed.

Without aggregation:
With a raw data cycle of 1 second, the query is calculated from the following volume of raw
60 (sec) x 60 (min) x 24 (h) x 30 (d) = 2,592,000 values
The query is calculated from 2,592,000 raw data items.

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8.3 Aggregation

With aggregation:
MAX (30 days)
The query is calculated from 30 aggregate time intervals.

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8.4 Firewall settings

8.4 Firewall settings

During installation, the firewall settings for the locally installed Windows firewall are
automatically adjusted.
These ports must remain available if you need to use an additional firewall between the OS
server and Process Historian.
Make sure that firewall features that make checks at application level are adjusted, if
necessary. For example, the "RPC Filter" feature must be disabled for the SIEMENS
Application Firewall.

Firewall security settings

Process Historian Server and PH-Ready require the following settings for operation:

Name Protocol Port

PH Discovery Services TCP 5048
PH Network Discovery UDP 137
PH Redundancy Services TCP 60000
PH WCF Message Queue Service TCP 60001
(Redundancy Maintenance Serv‐
PH WCF Message Queue Service TCP 60002
(SQL Mirroring Setup)
PH WCF Message Queue Service TCP 60003
(Maintenance Service)
PH SQL-Mirroring Port (TCP) TCP 5022
PH SQL-Mirroring Port (UDP) UDP 5022
PH SQL-Server Monitor Port UDP 1434
PH SQL-Server Port TCP 3723
OPC UA Local Discovery Server TCP Any port
OPC UA Local Discovery Server TCP Any port

See also
Setting up Process Historian redundancy (Page 52)

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8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

This section includes examples of and references to infrastructure management.
In the following example, a Process Historian is transferred from a workgroup to a domain.

Process Historian is generally enabled for operation in a domain or workgroup.
Operation in a domain must be agreed upon with the domain administrator. In the case of user-
specific guidelines, remove the PC from the domain before you install Microsoft Message
Queuing and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. Log on to the computer concerned locally with
administrator rights. Perform the installation. You can reassign the WinCC computer to the
domain once the installation is successfully completed.
Note however that domain group policies and restrictions in the domain may also hinder
operation. If these restrictions cannot be overcome, operate the WinCC computer in a

Integrating Process Historian: Procedure

You can use the Process Historian in workgroups or in domains:
● To operate a Process Historian in a workgroup, install the Process Historian as
administrator in this workgroup.
● To operate a Process Historian in a domain, install the Process Historian as administrator
in this domain.

Installation of the Process Historian

The example below describes how to transfer the Process Historian to a domain once the
Process Historian has been installed in a workgroup.

Installation in a workgroup
Installation of the Process Historian in a workgroup is described in the FAQ "Installing and
Commissioning of Process Historian/ Information Server in a PCS 7 Environment":
● (http://

For the login information of the services on the OS to remain the same, these services must
be operated by a domain or workgroup whose password is not changed. This includes the
following services:
● CCCAPHServer Service
● Process Historian Redundancy Service
● Witness server

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8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

If the passwords are changed, however, the login information of these services must be
changed accordingly on the corresponding OS server; this server must then be restarted.
Note the following conditions:
● If you integrate an OS system in a domain, you must register the domain user who logs on
in additional local groups.
● To simplify administration and installation, create a domain user as local administrator on
the OS server and the Process Historian.
● The domain user who is logged on to the operating system must not be the same user who
starts the CCCAPHServer service.
● The domain user who starts the CCCAPHServer service must have the appropriate
authorizations in the SQL Server of the Process Historian. Add this user to the local
administrator group of the OS system.

Configuration example
The example below shows the transfer of a workgroup installation to a domain installation. For
security reasons, the operating system login for the OS server and the Process Historian
should only have local user authorizations.






. Name Comment
Domain pcs7sv.local
OS server ESOS03
Process Historian / Information PH03 Process Historian and Information
Server Server are running on the same
physical PC

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System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA 129
8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

Operating system login for OS serv‐OSUserDom The login has local user authoriza‐
er and Process Historian tions.
CCCAPHServer login for OS serverPHReadyUserETest The login requires local administra‐
tor authorization on the OS server.

Integrating ES/OS single station in a domain

In this example, an ES/OS single station is integrated in a domain. We are using the Windows
7 operating system in the 64-bit version for the description.
1. Open the "System Properties" window.
2. Click "Edit".
The "Changing the computer name or the domain" window opens.
3. Enter the name of the domain in the "Member of" text box of the domain option.
4. Click "OK" to confirm the change.
The change is applied and the window is closed.

Enter domain user

The domain user must be entered in the local SIMATIC HMI group and in the local administrator
group for the operating system login. Follow the steps below:
1. Open the "Computer Management" window.
2. Open the list of local groups.
3. Open the shortcut menu of the "SIMATIC HMI" user group.
4. Select the "Properties" of the "SIMATIC HMI" user group.
5. In the "Properties" window, click "Add".
The "Select user" window opens.
6. Click "Paths".
You are prompted to authenticate yourself for access to the domain in the "Windows
Security" window.
7. Enter your user name and your password in the text boxes. Confirm your entries.
A window containing the domain paths is opened.
8. Select the required domain path and confirm your selection.
A window for selection of users, computers, service accounts and groups opens.
9. In the text box, enter the OS user name you want to log on to the operating system on the
OS during runtime. Confirm your selection.
The selection window closes.
The "Properties" window of the "SIMATIC HMI" user group opens.
The new user has been added in the "Members" field.
10.Close the process with "OK".

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8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

Local groups for the domain user

Also enter the domain user logged on to the operating system of the ES/OS single station as
described above in the following groups:
● User
● Siemens TIA Engineer
Then restart the ES/OS single station.

Configuring the CCCAPHServer service

The CCCAPHServer service must be started by a domain user. Follow the steps below:
1. Open the "Computer Management" window.
2. Navigate to "Services and Applications>Services".
The list of services is displayed.
3. Open the shortcut menu of the "CCCAPHServer" service.
4. Select "Properties".
The "CCCAPHServer Properties" windows opens.
5. Click the "Logon" tab.
6. Select the "This account" option.
7. Click "Browse".
The "Select user or service account" window opens.
8. Click "Paths".
A window containing the domain paths is opened.
9. Select the domain name under which the user who is to start the CCCAPHServer service
has been created.
10.Confirm your selection with "OK".
A window for selection of users, computers, service accounts and groups opens.
11.Enter the domain user in the text box and confirm your entry.
The "CCCAPHServer Properties" windows opens again.
12.Select the "This account" option.
13.Enter the password of the user in the text box and repeat your entry in the text box
14.Click "OK" to close your input.
The windows are closed.

A service window indicates the successful completion of the process.
Another service window indicates that the new entries will be activated with a restart of the

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8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

1. Open the Computer Management again.
2. Open the shortcut menu of the CCCAPHServer.
3. Select "Restart".
The CCCAPHServer service restarts.
The new entries have been applied.

Entering CCCAPHServer users

Enter the CCCAPHServer user in the local administrator group:
1. Open the "Computer Management" window.
2. Select "Local Users and Groups>Groups".
3. Open the shortcut menu of the "CCCAPHServer" user group.
4. Click "Properties".
5. The "Properties" window of the "CCCAPHServer" user group opens.
6. Click "Add".
The "Select user" window opens.
7. Click "Paths".
You are prompted to authenticate yourself for access to the domain in the "Windows
Security" window.
8. Enter your user name and your password in the text boxes. Confirm your entries with "OK".
A window containing the domain paths is opened.
9. Select the required domain path and confirm your selection with "OK".
A window for selection of users, computers, service accounts and groups opens.
10.Enter the user name for the CCCAPHServer domain in the text box. Click "OK" to confirm
your entries.
The selection window closes.
The "Properties" window of the "CCCAPHServer" user group opens.
The new user has been added in the "Members" field.
11.Click "OK" to close the process.

Domain user logon
The domain user must not be logged on to the OS operating system during runtime.

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8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

Integrating OS server in a domain

The procedure is the same as for the ES/OS single station. Unlike with the ES/OS single
station, you also enter the domain user who is logged on to the operating system in the following
● User

Integrating combined Process Historian / Information Server in a domain

To integrate a combined Process Historian/ Information Server in a domain, follow these steps:
1. Open the "System Properties" window.
2. Click "Edit".
The "Changing the computer name or the domain" window opens.
3. Enter the name of the domain in the "Member of" text box of the domain option.
4. Click "OK" to confirm your entries.
The change is applied and the window is closed.

Creating SQL Server login for domain user

We are using the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 operating system in this example.
To create an SQL Server login for a domain user who is entered for a CCCAPHServer, follow
these steps:
1. Go to "Start > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 > SQL Server Management Studio" and open
the SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Connect to the SQL instance "HISTORIAN" by clicking "Connect".
3. Within the SQL Server, navigate to the "Security\Logins" folder.
4. Click the "Logins" folder.
5. Create a new login on the SQL Server for the domain user who also starts the
CCCAPHServer service on the OS.
6. Click "OK" to confirm your entries.
7. Open the "Login" shortcut menu.
8. Select "New Login".
9. Click "Browse" in the "Login Now" window.
10.Click "Paths" in the "Select user or group" window.
You are prompted to authenticate yourself for access to the domain in the "Windows
Security" window.
11.Enter your user name and your password in the text boxes. Confirm with "OK".
A window containing the domain paths is opened.

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8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

12.Select the required domain path. Confirm your selection with "OK".
A window for selection of users, computers, service accounts and groups opens.
13.Enter the user name in the input box. Click "OK" to confirm your entries.
The selection window closes.

The new user name is displayed in the "Login Now" window.
The new login is entered in the login list of the computer management.

Grant login authorizations

You grant the corresponding authorizations for the SQL Server login in the SQL Server.
1. To do so, open the properties of the newly created SQL Login.
2. Change to the "Server Roles" tab.
The "Login properties PCS7SV\PHReadyUserETest" window opens.
3. Change to the "User Mapping" tab.
4. Map all project databases to the new SQL Server login. Project databases start with
5. Select "public" and "db_owner" as "Database role membership".
6. Do the same for the databases "HistorianStorage", "ReportServer&HISTORIAN" and
The Process Historian services are still started with "Local System".

Redundant Process Historian

1. Start the Process Historian Redundancy service with the new domain user.
Screenshot as example (temporary):

2. An SQL login with corresponding user assignment must be created for the domain user on
the Process Historian server as well as on the Process Historian Witness.

Process Historian Administration

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8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

User authorizations on the Process Historian

1. The "OS UserDom" operating system login only has user authorization on the Process
Historian. This means the user cannot open the SQL Server Management Studio. The
database is therefore protected from manipulations using the SQL Server Management

2. If the operating system login only has user authorization on the Process Historian, the
Process Historian Management console is not opened automatically at restart. A restart
with administrator authorization is necessary to open the Process Historian Management
– Procedure:

Process Historian Administration

System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA 135
8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

– Go to "Start > Siemens Automation > SIMATIC > Process Historian > Process Historian
Management Console".

– Right-click "Process Historian Management Console".

– Click "Start as administrator" in the shortcut menu. Authenticate yourself as

3. To start the Process Historian Management console automatically after a restart, add the
domain user to the local administrator group.

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8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

See also (http://

Process Historian Administration

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8.5 Integrating Process Historian in a domain

Process Historian Administration

138 System Manual, 09/2014, A5E32988004-AA

Changing the operating mode, 22

Diagnostic message, 27

Event log, 27

Anchor point, 12

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Process Historian Administration

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