pcs7 Readme - en US
pcs7 Readme - en US
pcs7 Readme - en US
Overview 2
Notes on installation 3
Notes on usage 4
PCS 7 Process Control System
PCS 7 Readme V9.1 (Online) Software components in
Version: 2021-02(Online)
Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage
to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices
referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to
the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions.
Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and
avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:
Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance
are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient
conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may
be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this
publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
1 Security information.............................................................................................................................. 7
2 Overview................................................................................................................................................ 9
3 Notes on installation............................................................................................................................ 11
3.1 General information........................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Type of delivery ................................................................................................................. 13
3.2.1 Delivery package................................................................................................................ 13
3.2.2 Licensed commissioning of SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.1 ASIA .......................................................... 13
3.2.3 SIMATIC PCS 7 Trial Mode ................................................................................................... 14
3.2.4 Notes on the license contract for the SQL server ................................................................. 14
3.3 Hardware requirements ..................................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 PC hardware ...................................................................................................................... 15 Recommended PC hardware configuration ......................................................................... 15 Compatibility matrix SIMATIC IPC and accessories for PCS 7 V9.1......................................... 17 Network ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.3.2 AS hardware ...................................................................................................................... 19
3.4 Installation of the software, software requirements ............................................................ 20
3.4.1 Software installation .......................................................................................................... 20 Requirements .................................................................................................................... 20 Notes on installing the software ......................................................................................... 27 Notes on update ............................................................................................................... 29
3.4.2 Microsoft Windows settings ............................................................................................... 30
3.4.3 Installation of engineering station (ES) and operator station (OS) on a single PC ................. 30
3.4.4 Installation of SIMATIC NET products .................................................................................. 30
3.4.5 Use of the Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) .................................................................... 31
3.4.6 Settings for standard network adapters (BCE and Softnet)................................................... 32 Plant bus with TCP/IP protocol ............................................................................................ 32 BCE and time synchronization ............................................................................................ 32 SIMATIC Shell..................................................................................................................... 32
3.4.7 Installation of older versions of PCS 7 libraries .................................................................... 32
3.4.8 Using antivirus software and whitelisting protection mechanisms....................................... 33
3.4.9 Digital certificates .............................................................................................................. 34
3.4.10 Shutting down Windows, standby mode / hibernation ........................................................ 34
3.4.11 SIMATIC Logon................................................................................................................... 34
3.4.12 Using Microsoft Office........................................................................................................ 35
3.4.13 Ethernet settings ............................................................................................................... 35
3.4.14 Remote service and remote operation ................................................................................ 36
3.4.15 Remote access to OS projects ............................................................................................. 37
3.4.16 Information about changing faceplate style variants from Classic style to APL style for
SIMATIC BATCH or Route Control faceplates ........................................................................ 37
3.5 Licensing ........................................................................................................................... 38
3.5.1 PCS 7 licenses and quantity structures ................................................................................ 38
3.5.2 Managing AS runtime licenses ........................................................................................... 38
Before you install or use SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.1, it is vital that you read the information from the
most recent version of this document.
Each of the products comes with product-specific information in the form of readme files.
The information contained in these readme files also applies to using products in SIMATIC PCS 7.
Complete documentation for SIMATIC PCS 7 on the internet and document updates
The complete SIMATIC PCS 7 documentation is available in multiple languages at the following
• Internet link (https://www.siemens.com/pcs7-documentation)
You also have the option for updating the installed SIMATIC PCS 7 help system and post-installing
the SIMATIC PCS 7 system documentation. For additional information, please refer to entry ID
109744320 in the Industry Online Support:
• Download link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109744320)
Timeliness of online documents
Documents available online can be more up-to-date than the version of documents installed
with SIMATIC PCS 7 setup. The statements in documents available online should therefore be
given priority over installed documents.
Demo mode
SIMATIC PCS 7 OS will change to demo mode when you remove the License Key USB Hardlock
from the computer.
3.3.1 PC hardware
Parameters OS client
Basic PC (see catalog) SIMATIC IPC427E / IPC477E
Processor Core i5-6442EQ (4C/4T, 1,9(2,7)GHz, 6MB Cache)
Work memory (RAM) >= 4.0 GB
Hard disk >=160 GB HDD/SSD
Partition size C:\ 100 GB - 128 GB
Network adapter/communications interfaces 2 x RJ45 on-board Gigabit Ethernet
without PROFINET or PROFIBUS interface
Purpose Approved for OS/Batch client operation only
We recommend the following configuration for Box / Microbox components (the higher the
quality of the equipment, the better):
• In the case of multi-user engineering, it is beneficial for the engineering stations if you use
PCs with high clock-pulse rates, large main memories and hard disks, and high-speed disk
drives. In addition to the Microsoft recommendation of "15% free space", we recommend
that you reserve at least 2 GB of free space (depending on the size of the project) on the
system partition.
• Integrity check fails if a new file/folder is added to the PCS 7 Bundle.
• When using Process Historian, also read the notes in the "Hardware requirements" section in
the Process Historian 2020 installation manual.
• In the case of multi-VGA configurations with extensive graphical engineering, a CPU clock
frequency that is as high as possible is recommended. In these cases deactivating Hyper-
Threading in the BIOS of the OS Client can result in increased performance of the graphics
• When using Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard with Hyper-V Virtualization on
IPC647E / IPC847E, read the notes in the "Hardware requirements" chapter of the PCS 7
Virtualization - Project Engineering and Configuration manual.
Additional information
The catalogs of the PCS 7 system components (ST PCS 7 for SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.1) as well as the
add-on catalog (ST PCS 7 for V9.1) is provided in the Information und Download Center:
• Internet link (https://new.siemens.com/global/en/products/automation/topic-areas/process-
automation/catalogs-for-process-automation.html) Compatibility matrix SIMATIC IPC and accessories for PCS 7 V9.1
IPC627D, IPC677D2) 6ES7 650-4B...-.... - X -
IPC627E, IPC677E 2)
6ES7 650-4C...-.... - X X
IPC427D, PCS 7 AS RTX 6ES7 654-0UE23-0XX1 X - -
(RTX 2010)
IPC427D, PCS 7 AS RTX 6ES7 654-0UE23-0XX2 X - -
(RTX 2010)
IPC427E, IPC477E OS cli‐ 6ES7 650-0VG..-.... - X -
IPC427E, PDM MS V4.0 6ES7 650-0RJ04-0YX0 - X -
CP 1623 6GK1 162-3AA00 - X X
CP 1628 6GK1 162-8AA00 - X X
Intel Gigabit CT desktop A5E02639550 - X X
adapter (EXPI9301CT)
NVIDIA NVS315 A5E36966175 - X X
NVIDIA QUADRO P400 A5E44936965 - X X
SIMATIC PCS 7 USB smart 6ES7 652-0XX02-1XC0 - X1) X1)
card reader (OK3121)
TCOS 3.0 smart cards 6ES7652-0XX00-1XD2 - X X
Signal module, PCI card for 6DS1 916-8RR - X X
installation in an operator
station Network
Network configuration
The network for the PCS 7 systems must be isolated via switches, routers or gateways in such a
way that no external interference can affect the PCS 7 network.
You can find recommendations for this in the document:
• PCS 7 Security Concept PCS 7 & WinCC (Basic)
The document is available for download under the entry ID 109780811 in the Industry Online
• Download link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109780811)
3.3.2 AS hardware
Documentation on hardware
The versions of the AS hardware components that are approved for PCS 7 V9.1 are described in
the manual "PCS 7 - Released Modules". You can find this document on the website for
SIMATIC PCS 7 Technical Documentation (https://siemens.com/pcs7-documentation).
Time synchronization
We generally recommend the use of a central system clock.
You can find notes on central time clock in the "PCS 7 – Time synchronization" function manual.
You can find this document on the website for SIMATIC PCS 7 Technical Documentation.
• Internet link (https://siemens.com/pcs7-documentation)
You can find additional information on SICLOCK products under entry ID 67638218 in the
Industry Online Support:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/67638218)
We have tested the compatibility of products from the BÜRK MOBATIME GmbH company with
regard to time synchronization.
You can find notes on time synchronization with BÜRK MOBATIME GmbH products under entry
ID 109760344 in the Industry Online Support:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109760344)
When using the internal Ethernet/PROFINET interface, the CPUs 6ES7414-3EM05-0AB0,
6ES7414-3EM06-0AB0, 6ES7414-3EM07-0AB0, 6ES7416-3ER05-0AB0, 6ES7416-3ES06-0AB0
und 6ES7416-3ES07-0AB0 can only be synchronized with the NTP method. For the previous CPU
types, we continue to recommend that you use the SIMATIC method. Requirements
The Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition is only supported in conjunction with the service
contract SIMATIC Virtualization as a Service (SIVaaS). For additional information, please refer to
entry ID 109762004 in the Industry Online Support:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109762004)
Installation to PCS 7 V9.1
Before you start with the installation of PCS 7 V9.1 on your computers, ensure that the currently
released MS patches for the respective operating system are installed on the computers.
For information about the handling of current Microsoft security patches in PCS 7 please refer
to the topic "Patch management and security updates" in this section.
Before performing the installation, refer to the product-specific readme files to ensure that the
product being installed is suitable for the desired operating system.
Released operating systems
The specifications of released operating systems made in this Readme take precedence over any
other contradictory specifications made in the Readme files of the individual products.
Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox is required to access the Information Server.
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) will not be delivered with PCS 7 V9.1. The user can
download the software from here - Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) (https://
The use of the following operating system features has not been approved for PCS 7:
• HomeGroup (only available with Windows 10)
• Parental Control (only available with Windows 10)
• BitLocker
• Fast User Switching (The use of this feature can be disabled by the administrator via a group
policy. You can find additional information on the procedure on the SIMATIC PCS 7 USB flash
drive in the folder _Manuals\English "PCS 7 - PC Configuration.pdf" in the section "How to
disable user switching").
Configuration for automatic updates with Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 and
Windows Server 2019
The "Patch management" section of the configuration manual "PCS 7 Compendium Part F -
Industrial Security" (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109782722)
describes the recommended PCS 7 settings for automatic updates.
If these settings are enabled, the user is notified about available updates by the Windows
operating system.
The WinCC option "Disable shortcut keys for operating system access" prevents the operator
from accessing the operating system level. Notification of available updates is prevented.
Security settings
You can find information about the security settings in the "_Manuals\English" folder, "PCS 7 -
PCS 7 PC Configuration.pdf" document on the SIMATIC PCS 7 USB flash drive in the sections "PC
configuration security settings" and "Firewall in PC stations".
Settings need to be made in the registry, the DCOM configuration and the exception list of the
Windows firewall for the PCS 7 software to operate correctly.
These settings are made during the installation of PCS 7 (system setup) by the "Security
Controller" application.
The "Setup - System Settings" dialog box appears before the installation begins. There, the
system settings to be changed are listed.
To continue the setup, you need to agree to the change to these system settings.
Please note the following:
• The settings must be applied again if the work environment changes (domain, workgroups).
You can open the Security Controller with the menu command:
– Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019: Start > All Apps > Siemens Automation > Security
Controller > Repeat Settings.
– Windows Server 2019: Start > Siemens Automation > Security Controller > Repeat
• Start the Security Controller after the PC has been added to the domain and rebooted.
Remember that the Windows services that are required for the Security Controller are not
immediately available after Windows logon. If the tool is started without entries, restart it
after a brief interval.
• The settings in the exception list of the Windows firewall are applied to the area of the local
network (subnet). If your PC stations are located in different networks (subnets), you need to
change this area manually.
• If you need to make local Windows firewall settings that differ, they should be adapted
OPC XML DA has not been released.
As an administrator, you can set the permission for other user groups using a group policy as
1. Use the search box in the start menu to open the file "gpedit.msc".
The "Local Group Policy Editor" dialog box opens.
2. In the tree view, select Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Windows
Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment.
3. Double-click the "Shutdown the system" object in the detailed window.
The "Properties of shutdown the system" dialog box opens.
4. Click the "Add Users or Group" button.
The "Select Users or Groups" dialog box opens.
5. Select all desired users or groups.
6. Click the "OK" button to apply the settings.
As of Windows Server 2019, the local Administrators group can no longer be used in this context.
The PCS 7 installation source share access rights for the users who wants to install software from
this repository needs to be restricted to read only.
New installation
There are two possible ways to install PCS 7:
1. Installation of a previously backed up image of the operating system.
This image cannot contain a PCS 7 installation and a redundant PH.
You can then install PCS 7 on this image.
2. New installation of the operating system followed by new installation of PCS 7.
You can find detailed information about the installation requirements and procedure in the
"PCS 7 PC Configuration.pdf" document in the "_Manuals\English" folder on the SIMATIC PCS 7
USB flash drive.
Steady state
During the installation of the PCS 7 software, the system must be in steady state:
Make sure that no updates are being performed for antivirus software or the Windows Software
Update Services (WSUS) during the installation. You can ensure this by temporarily disabling the
corresponding options in each program.
The PCS 7 installation source share access rights for the users who wants to install software from
this repository needs to be restricted to read only.
Update installation is not supported as of PCS 7 V9.1.
• Process Historian/Information Server of older versions cannot be upgraded to the latest
version as of PCS 7 V9.1.
• PCS 7 V9.1 does not support the redundant Process Historian.
You can find the "InstallNotesPRHIdeDE.pdf" file on the SIMATIC PCS 7 USB flash drive in the folder
General information
You can find information about the settings on the SIMATIC PCS 7 USB flash drive in the folder
"_Manuals\English" in the document "PCS 7 - PCS 7 PC Configuration.pdf".
3.4.3 Installation of engineering station (ES) and operator station (OS) on a single
If you wish to install an "Engineering Station" on an existing OS, it is essential that it should
completely be a new installation as uninstallation is not supported in PCS 7 V9.1.
Possible applications for the SCALANCE S, CP 443-1 Advanced and CP 1628 security products in the
PCS 7 environment
You can learn how to use the SIMATIC security products SCALANCE S, CP 443-1 Advanced and
CP 1628 with PCS 7 from entry ID 67329379 in Industry Online Support:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/67329379)
Network topologies
It is absolutely necessary to operate the PROFINET fieldbus ring with MRP (Media Redundancy
Protocol) when using rings with PROFINET. The media redundancy protocols HRP (High Speed
Redundancy Protocol) and MRP cannot be used simultaneously in the same ring. The PROFINET
fieldbus ring can only consist of devices that support MRP functionality.
The MRP (Media Redundancy Protocol) can be used as a standard for terminal bus, plant bus and
fieldbus. The advantage of using of MRP, is the continuous usage of MRP-I (Media Redundancy
Protocol Interconnect) as redundant connection between MRP rings.
The SCALANCE XC/XP/XF2xx switches with a firmware version V4.2 is coming with MRP-I.
The SCALANCE XR/XM switches with a firmware version V6.3 is coming with MRP-I.
You can find additional information on the "Utilization of Whitelisting with McAfee Application
Control in a PCS 7 / WinCC Environment" in Industry Online Support under entry ID 88653385:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/88653385)
The term "SIMATIC Logon Admin Tool" has been replaced by "SIMATIC Logon Role Management".
If you have logged on with a chip card and remove this chip card during configuration in the
SIMATIC Logon role management, all the changes that you have not saved up to this point are
Reinserting the card will not solve this problem.
Note the following constraints when using RDP:
• No server services (for example, WebNavigator server, DataMonitor server, OPC server) are
permitted to be active on the PCS 7 OS clients. The reason for this lies in the handling of
remote desktop sessions by the Microsoft operating system.
• The existing Windows session must be accepted using the account of the Windows user
logged on locally.
• The remote station cannot be in the Windows logon screen.
The "RealVNC" Enterprise Edition software has been tested in PCS 7 V9.1 for compatibility for
remote service access.
You can find the RealVNC edition suitable for your PCS 7 version in the regularly updated entry
ID 64847781 in the Industry Online Support:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/64847781)
Access to the operating system level of the local PCS 7 Operator Station (OS) with remote
During remote access to an OS via RealVNC, the remote operator has the possibility of accessing
the operating system level of the local OS. The local operator of the OS thus also has the
opportunity - for example via Windows Explorer opened by the remote operator - to access the
operating system level of the local OS at the same time as the remote operator.
You can find more information about the use of "RealVNC" in PCS 7 plants in the Industry Online
Support under entry ID 55422236:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/55422236)
3.4.16 Information about changing faceplate style variants from Classic style to APL
style for SIMATIC BATCH or Route Control faceplates
You can only install one of the two style variants (Classic style or APL style) at a time, and change
the style again by running PCS 7 Setup -> Install -> User-defined installation.
3.5 Licensing
Installation of the AS RT PO licenses
Select the appropriate AS RT PO license installation for your engineering environment:
1. AS RT PO license installed on the local engineering PC
Install the AS RT PO license(s) in sufficient numbers on the engineering PC. The favorites list
in the Automation License Manager (see menu "File > Settings") must not contain entries or
the PCs listed do not have AS RT PO licenses.
2. AS RT PO license installed on a license server
Install the AS RT PO license(s) in sufficient number on the license server PC. The favorites list
in the Automation License Manager (see menu "File > Settings") must contain the name of
the license server PC. The local engineering PC must not have an AS RT PO license.
To check the compatibility of your PCS 7 installation with various applications, please use the
compatibility tool. The latest possible limitations as well as additional compatibility tests that
were conducted after the release are constantly published there.
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/64847781)
4.1.2 ET 200SP
Value status
The "Value status" functionality for ET 200SP modules is not supported.
4.1.3 ET 200pro
The use of ET 200pro with CP 443-5 Extended is only approved with the 6GK7 443-5DX04-0XE0
module, firmware version V6.4 or later.
The modules from the ET 200pro series must be configured in DPV1 mode in HW Config. In DPV0
mode, no interrupts are sent to the PCS 7 diagnostic blocks.
After using PLCSIM, it might be necessary to re-establish the real connection and recompile the
changes made to relevant AS including the real connection to the OS.
OS connections with a simulated WinAC Controller (WinLC RTX or WinAC Slot) are not possible.
See the notes on simulation of a WinAC Controller in the PLCSIM Readme.
Download firmware:
• 331-7TF01-0AB0:
Entry ID 33273268 (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/33273268)
• 332-8TF01-0AB0:
Entry ID 32011516 (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/32011516)
Replace modules 6ES7 33?-?TF00-0AB0 with 6ES7 33?-?TF01-0AB0 V3.x
• To activate HART-Fast-Mode, you will have to replace the HART module in HW Config (6ES7
33?-?TF00-0AB0 with 6ES7 33?-?TF01-0AB0 V3.x).
• Then delete the HART field devices and renew the configuration.
• Then activate "HART-Fast-Mode" in the module configuration and "HART RIO SHC Mode" in
the PDM settings.
Replace modules 6ES7 33?-?TF01-0AB0 with 6ES7 33?-?TF01-0AB0 V3.x
• To activate HART-Fast-Mode, you will have to replace the HART module in HW Config (6ES7
33?-?TF01-0AB0 with 6ES7 33?-?TF01-0AB0 V3.x).
• Then activate "HART-Fast-Mode" in the module configuration and "HART RIO SHC Mode" in
the PDM settings.
Redundant modules
HART-Fast-Mode is not possible for redundantly configured modules.
4.1.7 Configuration in RUN (CiR) with FM 350-1, FM 350-2, FM 355, FM 355-2, CP 341
The modules FM 350-1, FM 350-2, FM355, FM 355-2 and CP 341 are CiR-compatible, which
means that a configuration in RUN can be used so that they can be plugged or pulled via (hot-
swapped) when the AS is in RUN.
Note the following about these modules when configuring in operating mode RUN:
• FM 350-1 and FM 350-2, CP 341:
Changing the module parameters when the CPU is in operating mode RUN resets the module
and is equivalent to restarting the module.
• FM 355 and FM 355-2:
Bumpless channel-specific changes to module parameters when the CPU is in operating
mode RUN are possible to a limited extent; refer to the documentation of the FM modules.
If you would like to use fault-tolerant AS-AS connections via the internal interface of the V6.0 H-
CPU, you need to be aware that the connections to the communication partner can only be
configured via the internal interface of the V6.0 H-CPU or CP 443-1 EX30.
Shared Device
The use of PROFINET Shared Device with PCS 7 V9.1 is not supported.
CiR functionality
If you would like to use the CiR functionality on the PROFIBUS master system for S7-400 PN/DP
CPU with firmware <= V6.0.2 (article number 6ES7 414-3EM06-0AB0 and article number
6ES7 416-3ES06-0AB0), you cannot configure PROFIBUS and PROFINET I/O simultaneously for
the internal interfaces.
4.1.14 Taking advantage of the increased I/O scaling when using CPU 410 SMART.
As of firmware version 8.2.1, CPU 410 SMART I/O scaling for each interface has been increased
from 1.5 KB to 3 KB. To use the increased scaling, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
1. Object exchange in HW Config to V8.2.1.
2. Use/upgrade to FW V8.2.1 for CPU 410 SMART
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109476571)
Only the loading function of the CFC/SFC guarantees that the engineering data will be consistent
with the PLC data. Downloading changes to the CFC/SFC in the RUN mode of the S7 CPU is only
possible when the download is performed exclusively with these functions.
Monitoring times for fault-tolerant S7 connections
When using fault-tolerant S7 connections via TCP/IP, keep in mind that sufficient monitoring
times must be configured. Additional information on this topic is available in your SIMATIC NET
version under entry ID 15227599 in the Industry Online Support:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/15227599)
4.2.8 Download
When a "Download" performed from an ES to an OS, the Windows user logged on to the ES must
be known on the target station and a member in one of the following groups there: At least
"User", "SIMATIC HMI" "SIMATIC NET", "SIMATIC BATCH" and required SIMATIC Route Control
"RC_..." groups. In addition, the user also needs full access rights for the folder into which the
project should be downloaded. This includes the sharing and security settings.
4.2.10 F-monitoring time of F-modules and F-field devices downstream from a Y-Link/
DP-PA Link
By extending the calculation of the monitoring times for updating the reserve, it is possible as
of PCS 7 V7.1 SP1 to consider F-monitoring times of F-modules and F-field devices downstream
from a Y-Link/DP-PA Link.
When you activate the option "Calculate F-modules after Y-Link" you will change the CRC for the
F-module configuration. You will have to compile the F-program once again.
You might have to adjust the F-monitoring times of the affected F-modules and F-field devices
prior to the calculation.
Use the Excel file "s7ftime" to determine the F-monitoring times for F-modules after Y-Link and
F-field devices on PROFIBUS PA.
SIMATIC S7 F Systems: execution times of fail-safe blocks, runtime of F-shutdown group,
monitoring and reaction times.
Entry ID 22557362:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/22557362)
4.2.13 Note on upgrading process objects of a CPU 410-5H system expansion card
During the upgrade of the process objects of a CPU 410-5H system expansion card (SEC), only
one instance of the Automation License Manager (ALM) can be active.
After these updates, the respective SFC instances must be stopped for downloading.
Refer to the entry ID 109751583 in the Industry Online Support for instructions on how to
handle updates of block contacts at SFC types that have not been adopted:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109751583)
4.3.2 Diagnostic alarms for digital input modules SM 321-7BH00 and SM 321-7BH01
4.4.7 Controls
Using controls from third-party suppliers can lead to errors such as performance problems or
system blockage. The user of the software must assume responsibility if problems are caused by
third-party controls. We highly recommend that you run a system test to ensure safe operation
before putting them into use.
WinCC now supports Unicode.
To ensure your C scripts run without problems, you need to make sure that the language set in
the Global Script C editor is correct.
If you select "Dynamic: Project setting", scripts run in the language that was set globally for the
You can make this global project setting under "C scripts with language setting "Dynamic" in
Runtime" in the "Options" tab, which is located in the "Project properties" dialog box of the WinCC
The "Operating system language for non-Unicode programs" option is preset and recommended
as the global project setting for PCS 7. You can find additional information in the WinCC
documentation (WinCC Information System) and the WinCC readme.
4.4.11 Consistency between the plant hierarchy and the Picture Tree Manager for
SFC visualization
To prevent delays during the start of OS Runtime and during SFC operation on the OS client, you
need to ensure the following:
• all areas of the plant hierarchy (PH) that contain SFC charts must also be created by name in
the WinCC Picture Tree Manager.
OS areas which should not be available for selection in WinCC Runtime can be configured as
invisible via the OS project editor.
4.5.1 Compiling and loading BATCH with the "Compile and Download Objects"
Note that when you modify projects, compiling and loading should always be performed in the
following sequence: AS, OS, BATCH.
4.6.1 Loading the SIMATIC Route Control server in conjunction with SIMATIC NET
Softnet IE-RNA
If the "Unknown" status continues to be displayed after loading the SIMATIC Route Control server
from the ES of the SIMATIC RC SERVERDIALOG, you need to do the following:
• Open the Microsoft Management Console for services using Start > Run: Enter "services.msc"
• Change the start type from "Automatic" to "Automatic (delayed start)" for the following
– SCSMonitor
– SIMATIC Route Control Server
• Reboot the computer.
*This involves theoretical limits which can be further restricted by other system properties.
4.7.2 Canceling the module redundancy for HART modules of ET 200M remote IOs
In order to cancel the module redundancy set in the hardware configuration (HWC), you need to
adhere to the following procedure:
1. Delete the module in question and then compile the hardware project
2. Remove the deleted module from the process device plant view or network view
3. Configure the module again in HWC
This ensures that the redundancy is removed correctly.
Commissioning the PH
If you want to integrate the PH into your system for the first time, you need to consider the
The PH only starts to reference data from the OS servers and BATCH servers if it is activated
before they are. You therefore might need to restart the OS server or BATCH server to adhere to
this sequence of events.
PCS 7 V9.1 supports a non redundant PH.
PH migration from PH2014 to PH2020 is not supported. Hence in a plant with PH system,
migration to PCS 7 V9.1 is not possible
Installation of IS 2020
Read the instructions in "InstallNotesINFSVenUS.pdf" for the installation of IS 2020. You will find
the file on the SIMATIC PCS 7 USB flash drive in the folder "27b_PH+IS_Install_and_Release-
IS migration from IS2014 to IS2020 is not supported. Hence in a plant with IS system, migration
to PCS 7 V9.1 is not possible.
As of WinCC/WebUX V7.4, process pictures from PCS 7 projects are also supported. The same
restrictions as for process pictures from WinCC projects apply.
4.12 OpenPCS 7
Project languages
If you have project languages other than Western European Languages (code page Windows –
1252), an OPC A&E Client can only use the languages "German" or "English", as offered by the
OpenPCS 7 OPC server.
• WinCC and BATCH Server are running on server (A).
• The full function of the redundant partner server (B) is achieved when WinCC and BATCH
Server are running on server (B) and the runtime data of WinCC and BATCH are synchronized.
Automatic restart of the affected server is only performed when this full functionality is achieved.
• Use of a PCS 7 OS (multi-station) redundant system, SIMATIC BATCH or SIMATIC Route
• You must make the following configuration settings on the server systems:
– Automatic Windows logon (not relevant for servers in WinCC service mode)
– Automatic start of the PCS 7 server applications
• Disable the group policy "Display event logging for shutdown"
– Use [Windows button]+[R] to launch the "gpedit.msc" file and open the following path in
the group policies editor:
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System
– Disable the group policy "Display event logging for shutdown"
• Before a PCS 7 server application is exited, an availability check is carried out on the relevant
redundant partner server. The aspect of the data synchronization is also taken into account
in the availability check.
If the partner server is not fully functional, the user is informed of this status and can proceed
For more information, refer to the section "Setting the permissions for restarting the system"
under the chapter Requirements (Page 20).
Additional information
You can find additional information in the corresponding application descriptions (manual and
readme for PCS 7 OS, SIMATIC BATCH, SIMATIC Route Control, SIMATIC NET).
Using SIMATIC NET Softnet IE-RNA in connection with WinCC secure communication
If you use secure communication between PC stations, we recommend that you use the
"Automation Firewall" released for PCS 7 as a back firewall for communication across the plant.
You can find additional information in section "Setting package size for communication (MTU
size)" of the PCS 7 manual "PCS 7 - PCS 7 PC Configuration.pdf".
Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109754983)
Note regarding "Call configuration data" function in the diagnostic screens of the maintenance
A warning notice is displayed when a website is called with the "Call configuration data" icon
whose HTTPS certificate cannot be checked.
The operator can use this warning notice to gain access to the operating system level of the local
PCS 7 Operator Station (OS) despite enabled keylock.
• Enter all necessary certificates in the list of trusted certificates in Internet Explorer for all PCS 7
operator stations which display diagnostic screens of the maintenance station.
• To increase security, we recommend replacing the default certificates with appropriate
certificates for all web servers.
Asset ID
From this version onwards, Asset ID is made available for all asset devices print report.
If SINEC-NMS is used on a PCS 7 Maintenance Station, minimum of RAM of 16 GB is necessary.
The stand alone maintenance station for package units and smart field devices is a product of the
SIMATIC PCS 7 product family and is installed via the media package from SIMATIC PCS 7.
Information on application and engineering can be found in the "Process Control System PCS 7;
Maintenance Station" manual and on the Internet (https://
support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109767562). Under "Edition" drop down list,
select the latest one.
The SIMATIC PAM Station V2.0 has been developed, tested and released on the following
SIMATIC IPC 547G, 647E or 847E with OS Windows Server 2019 as SIMATIC PAM operator station
SIMATIC AS-Station 410 V8.2 as SIMATIC PAM signal processing station.
It is recommended to operate the plant with the appropriate secure hardware in order to protect
communication between the stations in the plant. For example, in this case, use a programming
device / PC - Industrial Ethernet CP 1628 and S7-400 - Industrial Ethernet CP 443-1 Advanced.
For more information, refer to the notes in the SIMATIC PCS 7 Release Modules V9.1 manual.
The stand alone maintenance station for smart field devices is a product of the SIMATIC PCS 7
product family and is installed via the media package from SIMATIC PCS 7. Information on
application and engineering can be found in the "Process Control System PCS 7; Maintenance
Station" manual and on the Internet (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/
109767562). Under "Edition" drop down list, select the latest one.
The SIMATIC PDM MS can be operated on IPC stations that meet the performance data of the
For more information, refer to the notes in the SIMATIC PCS 7 Release Modules V9.1 manual.
SIMATIC S7 F Systems
SIMATIC S7 F Systems V6.2 Upd1 and V6.3 have been tested with PCS 7 V9.1 for compatibility.
You can find additional up-to-date information on SIMATIC S7 F Systems in the Industry Online
Support at:
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/14363)
See section "4.3 Conversion to S7 F Systems V6.3" in the "SIMATIC Industrial Software S7 F/FH
Systems; Configuring and Programming" manual.
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109773062)
The S7 F Device Integration Pack is part of SIMATIC S7 F Systems. It provides the fail-safe modules
of the ET 200SP HA and, in addition to the F-Configuration Pack, fail-safe modules of the ET
200SP in the hardware configuration of STEP 7.
Download S7 F Device Integration Pack V6.3 SP1
• Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/de/en/view/109782016)
SIMATIC Safety Matrix faceplates are not compatible with the PCS 7 V9.1 OS Webclient.
4.23 Security
We recommend that you obtain the software only from trusted sources.
The physical installation media as well as the software on distribution points (for example:
fileshare) must be protected in order to prevent manipulation, for example, through a virus, see
SIMATIC PCS 7 Compendium Part F chapter "5.6.3. Quarantine station as data exchange point"
for more information.
SIMATIC PCS 7 offers multiple possibilities for checking the integrity and authenticity of the
• The packaging is sealed.
• Software and firmware downloaded from the support page is signed digitally. Before it is run,
this signature is checked by the operating system. A SHA256 checksum with which the
integrity can be checked at any time and is also published on the download page.
• The integrity and authenticity of the SIMATIC PCS 7 software is safeguarded with a catalog
file available on the Internet (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/
install/catalog-files). This file is supplied on the installation medium and is used to check the
integrity of the software before the installation via SIMATIC Management Console.
PUD Manager links to the Service & Support Portal for Windows Server 2019
For security reasons, links from Plant and User Documentation Manager (PUD Manager) to the
Service & Support Portal (SIOS) do not work with Windows Server 2019.
For more information, refer to Process Control System PCS 7; PUD V2.1 Online Help under
Technical documentation (https://www.siemens.com/pcs7-documentation).
PUD Manager
The key points that the user must remember while using the PUD Manager are:
• First Help call needs more time for the initialization of the PUD Manager. The autostart setting
is active only on ES/single station. The first startup time ranges from 30s to 120s.
• After the initialization, the PUD Manager stays active in the main memory (RAM) in order to
ensure a quick response to subsequent help calls.
• The used RAM can be emptied by the user when it is required. The PUD Manager needs to be
shutdown using the option Tray-Icon > Right Mouse > Exit. After the exit, the PUD Manager
behaves as mentioned in the above two points.
SIMATIC PCS 7 SW components PCS 7 V9.0 SP3 with UC01 PCS 7 V9.1
SIMATIC PUD Manager V2.0 + Upd2 V2.1
SIMATIC BATCH V9.0 + SP1 + Upd6 V9.1
SIMATIC Logon V1.6 + Upd2 V1.6 + Upd3
SIMATIC PDM V9.1 + Upd7 V9.2
SIMATIC PDM Devices Internet download (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/ps/16983/dl)
SIMATIC Route Control V9.0 + Upd4 V9.1
PCS 7 System Documentation Internet link (https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/ww/en/view/109744320)
PCS 7 Tools V9.0 + SP3 + Upd1 V9.1
SQL Server 2014 SP3 2017
(manual installation required)
Crystal Reports for Route Control V11.0 V11.0
DiagMonitor V5.1 + SP3 V5.1 + SP5
Information Server BATCH Options V8.0 + SP1 + Upd22 V8.0 + SP1 + Upd22
V8.1 + SP1 + Upd17 V8.1 + SP1 + Upd17
V8.2 + Upd10 V8.2 + Upd10
V9.0 + SP1 + Upd6
HCF_HART-Server V3.2 n.a.
Report Builder V3.0 n.a.
MTU V1.0 V1.0
S7 Block Privacy V1.0 + SP4 V1.0 + SP4
SIMATIC Assessment Suite - Data Collec‐ SAS-DC_2019_1 SAS-DC_2020_2
SIMATIC Management Agent V9.0 + SP1 + Upd2 V9.1
SIMATIC Management Console V9.0 + SP3 V9.1
SIMIT VC for PDM MS n.a. V4.0
PAM_Templates n.a. Versionless
PKZIP V14.4 V14.4
DotNetFramework V4.6.2 V4.8