Problem and Its Background

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Chapter 1



The students of HUMSS of Moreh Global Innovative College is using the

method of learning is modular learning system. All over the world is using new

learning system knowns as the modular, online classes and self-learning materials

provided by the school. There are different modalities of learning. As the needs of

learners differ from time to time, it is imperative for teachers to be adaptive and

responsive to such needs. The 21st – century has been dynamically adapting to the

ever-changing needs of the teaching-learning process. As education becomes more

dynamic and sophisticated, the approaches and resources utilized in the process

had been multifaceted, differentiated, and aligned to the varying needs of the

learners. Today’s teachers faced realities that are challenging than ever before.

Teachers need to design learning experiences that carry over seamlessly between

home and school (Heick, 2017) and be trained to facilitate transversal competencies

and access to transversal competencies-enriched learning materials (UNESCO,

2016). The effective use of learning materials assures the delivery of quality

education, enriching the competencies needed to develop among learners and

breaking the boundary of the conventional modality of learning experiences.

As a response, many academic developers had aligned the curriculum to

meet the needs of the learners and the practicality in societal realms. In the

Philippines, along with the paradigm shift in education brought about by the K-12

Program promulgated by the RA 10533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013),

improvements in the curriculum had also been made to make it learner-centered,

inclusive, developmentally appropriate, relevant, responsive, among others. More so,

the said law encouraged further the development and production of localized,

indigenized, and enhanced teaching materials to develop diverse learning.

Background of the study

The purpose of this study was to determine if the HUMSS students of Moreh

Global Innovative College what is the impact or effect of the online and modular

learning system into their curriculum. To determine the effectiveness of modules and

online class, this study consulted with Senior. High School HUMSS educators in the

local area near Moreh Global Innovative College who were currently utilizing online

and modular learning instruction in their curriculum. Other districts that may be

seeking the same information can utilize the results of the study.

Theoretical Framework

The study was premised on Bruner’s (1915) Discovery Learning Theory that

described how learning generates new information from hands-on and meaningful

real-life experiences. The said theory also explained how learners, through the use

of Online and Modular learning system, discover more in-depth and further

information useful to develop higher engagement in learning and consequently

improve their academic performance. The provision of practical, adaptive, and

responsive materials and activities enabled the students to have a first-hand

discovery of learning. Meanwhile, the study followed the conceptual paradigm below

in the conduct of the study.

Conceptual Framework

Hereunder is the paradigm of the study which considers the independent


And dependent variables .Basically, the study focuses along the effects of online and

modular learning methods to the academic performance of the students of grade 12

Humss on Moreh Global Innovative Collage Inc.

Knowing the effects of online and modular learning methods to the academic

performance of the respondents .In which educators and students should engage

with students in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase

knowledge, develop skills ,and clarify values during the pandemic situation

Independent Variable

Factors can effect in terms Dependent Variable

of Factors can effect in terms of

Health Problem

Network Problem Academic performance

Financial Problem Grades

Frame 1 Frame 2
The research paradigm consist of the independent and dependent variables.

Frame 1 reveals the model of effect online and modular learning to the students in

terms of : Health problem ,network problem, financial problem.

Frame 2 on the other hand ,shows the dependent variable which include on

academic performance ,grades

State of the problem

1 What is the mean level affect of online and Modular learning methods to the

selected teenagers of Moreh Global Innovative Collage Inc. in terms of.

1.1 Health Problem

1.2 Network Problem

1.3 Financial Problem

2 How online and modular Learning methods affect the cognitive development of

selected teenagers of Moreh Global innovative collage Inc in terms of.

1.1 Health Problem

1.2 Network Problem

1.3 Financial Problem

3 is there a significant effect between online and modular learning methods to the

academic performance of selected teenagers of Moreh Global innovative collage inc.

There is no significant effect between online and Modular Learning to the

academic performance of Selected teenagers of Moreh Global innovative collage


Significant of the study

This research will be conducted to study the factors affecting the academic

performance during pandemic of selected Grade 12 students of Moreh Global

innovative Collage Inc. by the used of Online and Modular learning methods this

research helps to give valuable insight to the


It will help to gain knowledge about the impact of online and Modular learning on

grade 12 Humms student of Moreh Global Innovative Collage and How the

problem affects academic performance on the learnings of Humss Students on

Moreh Global Innovative Collage will be the result of this study will help to help

their health problem and learnings problem


This study help teacher gain knowledge about the impact of online and Modular

learning on grade 12 Humss students and how the problem affects academic

performance of the students of grade 12 Humss of Moreh Global Innovative

collage the result of this study will help to avoid health problems such a

depression and it will also help in giving grades to students of grade 12 Humss

of Moreh Global Innovative Collage

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on learning about the impact of online and modular learning

on grade 12 students in Moreh global innovative collage to find out what to do

with the problems faced by students in attending in the online class and

answering the module for their academic performance

Definition of terms

The following terms are further define either operationally or conceptually

Online class. online class is a course conducted over the internet. Online classes

are generally self-paced, allowing for greater flexibility in completing coursework

Modular learning. Modular learning, as the word connotes, uses learning modules

that facilitate student learning by themselves. Modular learning is a form of distance

learning that uses Self-Learning Modules (SLM) based on the most essential

learning competencies (MELCS) developed by the teachers with the aid of

curriculum developers

Network Problem. Lag, buffering, bad call quality, and no internet connection are

examples of network problem symptoms. ... Network problems happen when something

disrupts the connection between your computer and the content you're trying to access 

Health Problem. .  a state in which you are unable to function normally and without pain.

synonyms: ill health, unhealthiness. Antonyms: good health, healthiness. the state of being

vigorous and free from bodily or mental disease.

Academic performance. . the measurement of student achievement across various

academic subjects. Teachers and education officials typically measure achievement using
classroom performance, graduation rates and results from standardized tests

Curriculum: The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college.

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