Solid State Tranformer

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Solid State Transformer (SST)

1. Introduction

• What is Solid State Transformer (SST)?

• Necessity of SST: Disadvantage of Conventional Transformer.
• Advantages of SST over Conventional Distribution Transformer.
• Development of SST Concepts.

What is Solid State Transformer?
➢ Solid State Transformer (SST) is an element/component consisted of multi stage power
electronics converters isolated with high frequency transformer, proposed in National
Science Foundation (NSF) Generation-III Engineering Research Centre (ERC) “Future
Electric Energy Delivery & Management (FREEDM) Systems” which was established in
2008 and the proposal of SST was regarded as one of the 10 most emerging technologies
by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Technology review in 2010.

Disadvantages of Classical Distribution Transformer
➢ Bulky size and heavy weight
➢ Transformer oil can be harmful when exposed to the environment
➢ Core saturation produces harmonics, which results in large inrush currents.
➢ Unwanted characteristics on the input side, such as voltage dips, are represented in output
➢ Harmonics in the output current has an influence on the input. Depending on the
transformer connection, the harmonics can propagate to the network or lead to an increase
of primary winding losses.
➢ Relative high losses at their average operation load. Transformers are usually designed
with their maximum efficiency at near to full load, while transformers in a distribution
environment have an average operation load of 30%.
➢ All LFTs suffer from non-perfect voltage regulation. The voltage regulation capability of
a transformer is inversely proportional to its rating. At distribution level, the transformers
are generally small and voltage regulation is not very good.
Advantages of SST over Conv. Distribution Transformer
➢ Voltage sag compensation

➢ Outage compensation.

➢ Instantaneous voltage regulation.

➢ Fault isolation.

➢ Power factor correction (and reactive power compensation).

➢ Harmonic isolation.

➢ DC output.

➢ Metering or advanced distribution automation.

➢ Environmental benefit.

Development of SST Concepts

• The idea of a “solid-state transformer” has been discussed since 1970. The initial purpose
of solid-state transformers is to convert AC to AC for step-up or step-down with a
function the same as that of a conventional transformer.

• In 1970, W. McMurray form G.E. first introduced a high frequency link AC/AC converter,
which became the basis for the solid state transformer based on direct AC/AC converter

2. Architectures & Designing of SST

• Architectures of SST
• Topologies of SST
• Designing of SST

SST Architectures

• The most commonly used power electronic converter topology is the two-level

• Limitations: Even using the highest available power rating 6.5kV IGBTs, a two-level
converter based SST can only interface with 2.4kV AC voltage.

Design of SST Parameters


AC/DC Stage DC/DC Stage DC/AC Stage

Rectifier Stage DAB Converter Inverter Stage

HVDC Bus Transformer Output Filter

Input Filter Filter Capacitance LVDC Bus

Design Issues of SST components

❖ Requirements:

➢ Fast dynamic response

➢ Bidirectional Power Flow.

➢ IEEE compliant harmonic content

❖ Assumptions:

➢ The components are lossless.

➢ The switches turn on and turn off instantaneously

➢ Passive components operate in a linear region so that saturation can be avoided.

Modeling of Solid State Transformer

• Modeling of SST
• Designing of Controllers for Each Stage of SST

Modeling Approach of SST

Stage by stage Modeling Approach ofSST

4. Functionalities of SST

• Size and Weight Reduction

• Reactive Power Compensation
• Active and Reactive Power Control
• Fault Isolation
• Black Start Capability

Size and Weight Reduction

Transformer core size and frequency relationship

Voltage Sag Mitigation
• One of the most important features of the SST is the voltage sag or swell ride through

• The voltage sag or swell can be compensated by the rectifier stage and will not affect the
load side voltage. The maximum input current determines how much a voltage sag the
SST can compensate, and the maximum input voltage determines how much a voltage
swell the SST can support.

• Furthermore, when the voltage sag is so large that the SST cannot continuously sustain
the compensation, the DC bus capacitance (or energy storage) will determine how many
cycles the SST can compensate before the system shut down.

• The SST design can be flexible enough to accommodate specific requirements.

Reactive Power Compensation
• The SST rectifier stage not only converts the input AC to regulated DC voltages, but also
has reactive power compensation capabilities. Depending on the reactive power reference
in the SST controller, the SST can generate or absorb the rated reactive power to the
power grid. This fast and controllable local reactive power compensation is beneficial to
support the system voltage, reduce the transmission line loss and enhance the power
system stability.

Fault Isolation
• The SST protection scheme for the output short circuit is, the SST will stay online but
limit the load current to 2 times of the rated current. Then some of the electronic
equipment loads are not affected and still able to operate under a lower voltage. After the
circuit breaker (or fuse) trip the fault, the SST will again output rated voltage.

Black Start Capability
• With the interconnection of DRER’s and DESD’s to the SST, the smart grid is capable of
operating in an islanded state.

• The amount of load capable of being restored is dependant on the total amount of DRER
and DESD connected to the SST’s and must be regulated by the Distributed Grid

• The grid connected and islanded operations of the SST require separate control methods.

5. Application Areas ofSST

• Overview of Typical ApplicationAreas

• Traction Application
• Wind Power Integration
• DC Charge Station
• Smart Grid Application

Overview of Typical Application Areas

Traction Application
• In 2012 ABB has announced its world’s first MW level power electronic traction
transformer in the field service.

• Efficiency Improvement:

• Conventional: ∼88%–92%

• SST: >95%

• Size and Weight Reduction

• Improved power density

SST in TractionApplication
Wind Power Integration

Conventional Wind Power Integration SST based Wind Power Integration

DC Charge Station
• EPRI has demonstrated a 45-kVA, 2.4-kV fast charging station based on SST technology

• Efficiency Improvement:

• Conventional: ∼90%

• SST: >95%

• Weight Reduction

• Cost is reduced to half of the

conventional technology

SST Based DC Charge Station

Smart Grid Application
• SST integrated microgrid and it power management strategy was proposed by Xu
She in 2011.

•LVDC Link helps to integrate DERs
and DESDs
•More compact, lighter and more
integrated system can be obtained.

SST based Microgrid


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