Bill of Quantities For Borehole Drilling: Client Name: Date: B/Hole Contract: File Ref

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Client Name: Mr. Eric Otieno Date: 1st September 2015

B/Hole Contract: Obambo - Kisumu File Ref: SPR 4756/15
Item Description Qty Unit Rate K.Shs. Total K.Shs.

1 Allow for the cost of transporting all equipment, and

personnel to site and demobilisation at completion of
contract - Sum 80,000.00 80,000.00

2 Setting up and dismantling of the rig at the drilling site. - Sum 30,000.00 30,000.00

3 Drilling 8" diameter borehole from 0-100m depth 100 m 2,400.00 240,000.00

3.1 Drilling 8" diameter borehole from 100-110m depth 10 m 2,500.00 25,000.00

3.2 Drilling 8" diameter borehole above 110m depth

if necessary. m 3,000.00 Rate Only

4 Water for drilling and camp use, maintenance of storage

tanks, water injection systems and useage of
drilling foam - Sum 30,000.00 30,000.00

5 Supply and Install 152mm dia plain steel casings 74 m 2,700.00 199,800.00

6 Supply and Install 152mm dia plasma cut steel casings 36 m 2,800.00 100,800.00

7 Supply and Install gravel pack in the borehole 2 Ton 10,000.00 20,000.00

8 Allow for borehole development work (surging by air

of completed well until the water is clean (Approx. 2 hrs) 2 Hr 10,000.00 20,000.00

9 Allow to the cost of:-

(a) Reaming and boring. - M 3,000.00 Rate Only
(b) Insert, remove temporary casing etc. - Hr 3,200.00 Rate Only
(c) Insert 9" of temporary casing permanently. - M 4,500.00 Rate Only
(d) Setting time. - Ls 10,000.00 Rate Only
(e) Bentonite seal. - Ls 8,000.00 Rate Only

10 Pump testing completed well. Time taken to install

and remove pump, will be charged at same hourly rate 24 Hr 2,500.00 60,000.00

11 Provide all materials and construct concrete

top slab with well cap - Sum 10,000.00 10,000.00

12 Standby charges for reasons beyond the Contractor's

control excluding force majeure conditions - Hr 5,000.00 Rate Only

13 Borehole Completion Data and Water Chemical

Analysis Report - Sum 10,000.00 10,000.00

14 Supply and installation of one submersible pump capable

of pumping 3m3/hr at a head of 90m including control
panel, electrodes, electrode cable, underground cables
float switch and various installation accessories - Sum 600,000.00 Rate Only

Sub Total 825,600.00

Less Special Discount as the rig is in the area 30,000.00
Add 16% VAT 127,296.00
Estimated Total Contract Sum 922,896.00

Drilling permit to be obtained by yourselves from Water Resources Management Authority before commencement
of any drilling works.

You will ensure that the actual borehole site is accessible by our Rig and support truck before moblisation.

We do not warrant or guarantee in anyway the quantity, quality, or kind of water, which may be
encountered on completion of the drilling works.


60% - Payable before mobilisation to site

20% - Payable upon completion of drilling works
10% - Payable upon completion of casings and gravel packing
Balance payable on the completion of the borehole after calculation of actual measured works.

This quotation is binding for 30 DAYS.

The Law of Contract Act as administered in the Law of Kenya Act shall be applicable, upon signing of Contract
Agreement which is intended to create legally binding obligations between the Contractor and the Client.

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