Level Crosing: Road D)

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Level Crosing

1. The definition of Level crossing is

a) Road and Railway track crosses each other b) Road and Railwaytrack crosses each other at
the same level c) Road and Railway track passes at the same level.
2. Roads are classified into the following categories.
a) Class-l and class-ll b) class-1, class-Il and class-11l c) class-I, class-1l,class-ll and class-IV
3. National Highway, State highway,important Municipal roads are fallin the category of
a) Class-ll road b)class-I road c) class-IV road d) class-ll road
4.Level Crossings are classified into the following categories.
a) SplA.B,and C b) Spl.AB,Bl and C g) Spl.,A,B,B1,82 and C
5. The Level Crossing gate situated inside the outermost signal ofastation is called
a) Engineering gate b) Operating Gate
6. Interlocked gate means
a) The gate is protected by rail and road signals blonly railway signal is provided c) only road
signal is provided d) No signals are provided.
7. In Operating Level crossing
a) Manning and operation done by operating department b) manning and operation done by
engineering department
8.Interlocked gates are generally
a) Closed to road traffic b) Opened to roadtraffic
9. The duty hours of a gateman generally falis

o n o
4%12.hrs.bl.8 hrs.and 16 hrs.c6 hrs.and 8hrsd) 6 hrs and 10hrs.
1u.tensus is taken in the level crossing gate at an interval of
a) 5 years b} 2 years c)3 years d) 4 years
9. The duty hours of a gateman generally falls
a)8hrsand 12 hrs b)8 hrsand16hrsc)6hrsand 8 hrsd)6hrsand 10 hrs.
10. Census is taken in the level crossing gate at an interval of
a) 5 years b) 2 years c)3 years d) 4years
11. Census is taken in the level crossing gatee
a) 7x24 hrs b)5X24 hrs c) 7X12 hrs d) 5X12 hrs.
12. TVU is calculated by multiplying the
a) Train unit per day and Road vehicle unit per day b) train unit for seven days and road
vehicle unit for seven days c) Total train and total road vehicle
13. TVU of "A" class level crossing
a) Above 50000 b) 20000 to 30000 c)30000 to 50000 d) 25000 to 30000
14. TVU of "B2" class level crossing
a) Below 20000 b) 20000 to 25000 c) 25000 to 30000 d) 30000 to 50000
15. The numbering of private Numbers are from
a) 100 to 200 b)0 to 100 c) 10 to 99 d) 100 to1000
16. Private Numbers are not required to exchange for closing or opening of
a) Non Interlocked gates b) Interlocked gates
17. After getting information from Station master for closing of gate in Non interlocked open
gate, gate man shall exchange private number
O 1 9e3frlosing thegate b) after closing the gatecnottoexchangeprivate number.
18. While passing train at level crossing at night, gateman should hold the hand signal lamp
with liaht and facusing tawardsthe
a) White signal bj Red signal c) Green signal d) no signa
20. While passing train at level crossing. gateman noticed a train parted. then he shows the
S g n a l to driver and guard
a) Red signal b) white signal c) by shouting. gesticulating or by other means for attracting the
driver and guard.
21. The minimum and maximum Mange way clearance at LC
a) SOmm and 60mm b) 45mm and 55mm c) Simm and 57mm d) 55mm and 65mm
22. The length cf check rail in a level crossing is
a) Road width 4 m b) road width+2m c)road width 8m d) road width 1 m.
23. Over ha uling of Level Crossing tor concrete sleeper track
a) Once in a year b} once in two year c) once in five years d) at the time of machine tamping
but within two years.
24. Speed restriction to be imposedif check rails are not to be fixed after completion of
overhauling of LC
a) 50kmph b) 30 kmph c)45 kmph d) 20 kmph
25. The distance of W/L board along the track is -******

a) 1200 m b} 300 m 600 m d) 900 m

26. The minimum width of level crossing is for class I road is.
or "*+2 m which is more b) 9 m o r "x + 2.5 m which is more c)5mor *+2m which
is more d) None of these
("* means the width of carriage way)
27.Speed Breaker of a level crossing along the road is situated at a distance of - rom

gate post
20m (max) b) 20
a) m(min) c) 30m d) 10 m
28. Height gauge is provided at
a) Non electrified section b} Electrified section
29. Hedght of helght gaugefmaximum) from road level
a) 4.67 m bj 4.74 m c)4.78 m d) 4.76m
30. f gate barrier is damaged by hitting of road vehicle or not to operate perfectly, the gateman
shall close the gate
a) Chain and stop board with pad locked b) sliding boom if provided c) all of these
31. Minimum Medical category of gatekeeper of engineering level crossing
a) B1 b) Al <) A2 d) A3
32. Competency certificate for engineering gatekeeper is valid for.-
a) 2 years b) 3 years c)4 years d)5 years
33. While passing train at LC
gate. the gate keeper found that the train is passing "Normar, then
he shows the . .faglamp to Guard of the train
a) Red b) Green c) white d) None of these.
non intertocked close gate, if the gate is requred to be open for passing road vehlcles. he
34. For
a) sking for private number o m Station Master tor open the gate b) Gving his privete number

both side of track and

to station master c) obxerve the if
there is
no train, then open the gate.
35.In "SKE level crossing, minimum angle of crossing of road and rail
30 degree
a36. Criterie bl 40 degree c)45 degree d) 60 degrees.
for manning ol unmanned level crossings are according to prefererce..
I.TVU more than 3000, i.TVU less than 3000 ii. TVU more than 2500 and visibility restricted
b) L.TVU more than 2500 i. TVU more than 3000 i.TVU more than 2500 and visibility
restricted to B00 m
more than 3000 a. TVU more than 2500 and visibility restricted to 800m iiexcept i.
and i.

37. Distance of Height Gauge from gate post along the road.
a) maximum 8 m b) Minimum 8 m c)10 m d) No fixed distance.
the time of passing train gate man should stand in front of gate lodge and hold the flags in
day time
) Red flag in his right hand and green flag in left hand in folding condition b) Red flag in his
left hand and green flag in right hand in foljing condition c} Both flags are in open conditon d
to hold any tlags.
While pertorming duy at Level crOssing Gate, gateman found an obstruction at LC.he
) Protect the track b) Inform the station master c) Clearing the obstruction d) all of these.
Gatekeeper should
) Roster duty
performhis duty as per..
b) by mutual understanding with other G.K c) as he like
41. Distance of "STOP board from centre line ot nearest track at unmanned level rosing gate
a)8m b) 5 m c) 4m d) 10m
42. Position ot Gate Lodge at manned level crossing 8ate..

aSm from centre of track and 5

m from edge of the road metalling b) 6m from centre of
track and 6 m from edge of the road metalling c) 8m from centre of track and 8 m from edge
of the road metalling
43. In case of SWR track in level crossing, there should not be any joint within
****ew ************
from edge of the road .
a) 3m b) 4 m c}5 m d)6m
44 JE/SSE /P.Way should inspect the gate and equipments of the gate in every
a) Once in a month by rotation b) Once in two month c) Once in two month by rotation d)
once in a fortnight by rotation.
45. Arrangement for fixing of banner flag at &Tri colour HS lamp along the track
a)5m from end of check rail b) 2m from the end of check rail c)im from the end of check
rall d) 6m from end of check rall
46. Distance of fixing Banner flag and detonators are to be provided for protection of track at
Manned Level crossing gate... m
a) 30 m,600m,1200 m,1210 m,1220 m b) 5 m,600 m,1200 m,1210 m,1220 m c)5m.50o
m,900 m,1200 m d) 30 m.600 m, 1200 m
47. Periodical medical examination tor gate keeper at the age of 45 to 55 y e a r s .*********
a) Every 4 years b) every 2 years c)every year d) every 5 years
48.Bio data of gate keeper regarding medical, refresher training, knowledge of signals etc. are
mentioned in....m oom
a) Gate working rule book b) Catechism c) Inspection register d) duty roster.
49.a)Visiblity of unmanned level crossing gate from 5 m of centre line of track.
300 m b} 600m S00 m d) 800 m
50. At Un manned leve! crossing. cleaning of flange way by
a) Gate keeper b) Key man c) Patrolman.

**** ***********AA*****************

Inspection and duties of

Track maintainer,Keyman,Mate,JE/P.Way and SSE/P.Way
1.Every Mate, Keyman, Track Maintainer shall be . for maintenance and safety of the
a)Responsible b) Non responsible
2. Every Gang Mate, Keyman and Track Maintainer shal have the correct knowledge Oww
of - - ***

a) hand signas b} Detonating c) Hand and detonating d) None of these.

3.Every mate ,Keyman and Track Maintainer shall follow the. rules
a) No safety rule b} Safety First Rule

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