Getting To Know Plants

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Getting to know plants

New Words pg 90
*[Pls note: Concept map, New words, Exercises-Bit C Q1,Q3,Q5&Q6 Bit
D Q2, Q3, Q4 HOTS- Q3 to be done in N.B ]
P. 84 Oral Questions
1. 2 systems, root system and shoot system
2. the fibrous root system; maize, wheat
3. water and mineral salts
4. a. rose b. carrot c. banyan
5. they provide extra support to the branches orthe stem
P. 88 Oral Questions
1. water, minerals, food; water and minerals:from roots to the leaves,
flowers and fruitsfood: from leaves to all other parts of the plant.
2. potato; stem stores food; Cactus: preparesfood and stores water
3. Because the glucose prepared by leaveschanges into starch before
the plant stores it.
4. Parallel venation
5. give support to the plant, for example, leaftendrils in pea plant;
modified to form spineswhich helps in reducing loss of water andalso
protects the plants from being eaten byanimals, for example, spines in
6. True, stem tendril in grapevine and leaf tendrilin pea plant
P. 90 Oral Questions
1. stamens, pistil or carpel
2. The honeybee gets the honey and in turntransfer the pollen grains
from the anther to thestigma and thus the flower gets pollinated.
3. After pollination, the ovary changes into fruitand ovules change into
P. 91 Exercises
A. 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. b
5. b 6. d 7. c 8. c
9. b 10. c
B. 1. non-flowering
2. herbs
3. root system, shoot system
4. fibrous roots
5. stem 6. radish
7. prop roots
8. tendrils
9. lamina
10. reticulate
11. true
12. sepals
13. pollen grains
14. stigma
C. Short answers questions:
Q1. What is the difference between creepers and climbers?
A. Creepers: Plants with weak stems that cannot stand upright, for
example, strawberry.
Climbers: Plants with weak stems that climb up with the help of a
support, for example, grapevine, etc.
Q2. Name two plants in which food is stored in the stem.
A. Ginger and potato.
Q3. What are the functions of network of veins in a leaf?
A. The veins in a leaf transport water, minerals and food, and also
provide support to the leaf.
Q4. What is pollination?
A. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains fromthe anther to the
stigma of either the same flower or of another flower of the same
Q5. How do prop roots help the plants?
A. Prop roots are the roots growing from the stem or branches of
plants like sugarcane and banyan tree. They provide extra support
to the plant.
Q6. The leaf is called the food factory of the plant. Why?
A. Leaves make food in the presence of sunlight with the help of
water from the soil and carbondioxide in the air. So the leaf is
called the food factory of the plant.

D. Long answer questions:

Q1. Give the main functions of each of the following: a) root b) stem
c) leaf d) flower
A. a. Functions of root
(i) It fixes the plant firmly to the soil.
(ii) It helps in carrying water and minerals from the soil to all parts of
the plant.
(iii) It binds the soil particles and prevents soil erosion.
b. Functions of stem
(i) It keeps the plant upright.
(ii) It bears branches, leaves, flowers and fruits.
(iii) It transports water, minerals and the food manufactured by leaves,
to all parts of theplant.
c. Functions of leaf
(i) The main function of the leaf is to prepare food from water and
carbon dioxide in the presenceof a green pigment called chlorophyll
which traps sunlight to provide energy.
(ii) Leaves are modified to form tendrils that give support to the plant.
(iii) Leaves are modified to form spines to reduce water loss.
d. Functions of flower
(i) The flower is the reproductive part of the plant.
(ii) After pollination, the flower produce seeds which serve to
perpetuate the species.
Q2. Explain the difference between tap roots and fibrous roots.
A. Tap roots: A tap root consists of a main root from which a number of
branching roots arise. Forexample, mustard, pea, and so on.
Fibrous roots: A fibrous root consists of a number of thin fibre-like roots
arising from the base of the stem. For example, grass, maize,
and so on.
Q3. How can you experimentally demonstrate the transportation of
water in plants?
A. Experiment to demonstrate the transportationof water in plants:
The stem transports water to all parts of the plant. Cut a balsam plant
at the base. Place it in a beaker half-filled with water. Put a few drops
of red fountain-pen ink in the water andstir. Let the plant stay in the
beaker for a day.Examine it the next day.You will observe thin red lines
in the stem and leaves. If the plant has flowers with white petals, we
will notice thin red lines on the petals also. Thus, this activity shows
that there are thin tubes present in the stem through which water is
transported (or conducted) to all parts of the shoot system.

Q4. Why are the leaves in a cactus plant modified to form spines? How,
then, does the plant make food?
A. Leaves in a Cactus plant are modified to form spines to prevent
loss of water from thesurface of the leaves. The green stem in
Cactus manufactures food and performs all the functions
performed by the leaves in other plants.
Q5. Draw a labeled diagram to show that transpiration occurs from
leaves. How does transpiration help the plant?
A. Transpiration helps in cooling down theleaves. As the water
escapes from the leaves, the roots pull more water to
compensate for this loss. This water brings with it important
nutrients required by the plant from the soil.

Q6. Draw the diagram of a section of a flower showing sepals, petals,

stamen and pistil.

HOTS Questions:
Q1. Is a small mango plant a herb? Give reasons.
A. No, because the small mango plant will growup to be a tree. A
herb always remains small.
Q2. Some flowers are not pollinated by insects but by the wind. Do you
think such flowers are as attractive as insect pollinated ones?
A. Attractiveness of a flower is an adaptation to attract insects for
pollination. This adaptation is not necessary in wind-pollinated
Q3. How is making of food for the plant by the leaf different from
making of food for you in the kitchen?
A. Green plants synthesize their food from simplenon-living substances
found in nature – water and carbon dioxide. Making food in the kitchen
consists of transforming living things into a kind that we can easily
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1. At noon
2. At midnight
3. At noon

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