Pencak Silat Talent Scout

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Pencak Silat Talent Test Development

Article · December 2020

DOI: 10.13189/saj.2020.080607


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International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 8(6): 361-368, 2020
DOI: 10.13189/saj.2020.080607

Pencak Silat Talent Test Development

Rony Syaifullah1,*, Rumi Iqbal Doewes2

Department of Physical, Health, and Recreational Education, Faculty of Sport, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Department of Sport Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

Received August 13, 2020; Revised November 9, 2020; Accepted November 19, 2020

Cite This Paper in the following Citation Styles

(a): [1] Rony Syaifullah, Rumi Iqbal Doewes , "Pencak Silat Talent Test Development," International Journal of Human
Movement and Sports Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 361 - 368, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2020.080607.
(b): Rony Syaifullah, Rumi Iqbal Doewes (2020). Pencak Silat Talent Test Development. International Journal of Human
Movement and Sports Sciences, 8(6), 361 - 368. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2020.080607.
Copyright©2020 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract High achievement was determined by many (Nadikattu & States, n.d.). Many sports problems required
factors, one of which is athlete’s talent. A child’s talent every policy maker, institution and sports organization
identification program needs to be carried out before must improve the system and quality of coaching so that it
carrying out achievement-oriented training process. The can make a better contribution to the Indonesian sports.
research purpose was to produce anthropometric, Various improvements have been made by the Indonesian
physiological and biomotor measurement indicators to government in improving sport achievements, including
identify the talented athletes in the pencak silat sport the implementation of national training camps such as the
category of 12-14 years old. The research used Garuda Emas, Program Atlet Andalan and Program
development research by referring to the Borg and Gall’s Indonesia Emas. The government efforts have had an
development stages. The stages begin from the need impact on the desired improvement, but not everything
analysis, instrument preparation, testing and application in expected can be answered, because various other problems
group trials. The development of talent tests includes 15 arise, such as unsustainable guidance pattern from an early
test series consisting of 5 anthropometric tests, 5 age, adolescents to adulthood.
physiological tests and 5 biomotor tests. The results of A very fundamental problem is the recruitment of
validity and reliability tests on 15 test items produced high athletes in Indonesia only based on the competition results.
category validly and reliably. So it can be concluded that (1) Another contributing factor is the limitations or lack of a
The guiding model of pencak silat talent named “RS Silat talent scouting model for each sport. Talent scouting is
Talent Test” can be used in displaying or identifying someone whose job is to find people who have
pencak silat talents as an operational step of implementing extraordinary abilities and recruit them to work
certain strategies in guiding pencak silat talent; (2) The professionally (Wazir, Torfs, Mostaert, Pion, & Lenoir,
guiding model of pencak silat talent contains fifteen units 2017). The current talent test model is a general talent test
of test items. model whose results recommend potential athletes be
gifted in certain sports and it is an adaptation of talent tests
Keywords Development, Talent Test, Pencak Silat from other countries.
Pencak silat is a general term that describes fighting and
martial art (McPherson & Pickett, 2010). Pencak silat is a
sport that has mental, spiritual, martial arts, arts and sports
1. Introduction aspects. Spiritual mentality is closely related to a noble
personality, obedience to the norms and values that exist in
religion and society, always uphold brotherhood, have a
1.1. Background
strong character and faith in God Almighty. Pencak Silat
Regulation must achieve the target through the aspect related to the condition that required a fighter to
appropriate regulatory attribute features and the quality of defend himself when in a threatened condition or
players, coaches, and related staff in the sports sector endangering himself. Art aspects shown that pencak silat is
362 Pencak Silat Talent Test Development

identical with taste, aesthetics and beauty in its movements. and development was used to produce certain products and
The sport aspect means that pencak silat is also one of the test product effectiveness.
elements of sport that is contested and physical fitness and
achievement purposes. Pencak Silat can be a physical 2.3. Research Samples
activity that can improve health and fitness (Altavilla,
D’elia, D’isanto, & Manna, 2019). The research samples are athletes aged 12-14 years old
The sport aspect is closely related to achievement, this selected by purposive sampling technique. The
required the pencak silat organization to conduct intensive determination of the 12-14-year age sample is related to PB
coaching so that maximum achievement can be achieved. IPSI regulations in the type of age group contested. Sample
The program and management of the pencak silat training criteria include being willing to be a sample, active in
center have not demonstrated harmonious synergy. This physical education activities and joining a pencak silat
causes the performance of pencak silat arts into ups and college in Central Java Province, and having participated in
downs. The failure of the pencak silat, especially the pencak silat training for a minimum of 2 years.
competition category, has been felt since the 2003Vietnam
Sea Games. While in the world championship, Indonesian 2.4. Research and Development Stages
pencak silat achievements began to decline since 2002.
Indonesian pencak silat still triumphed in the singles, The development stage was used Borg and Gall’s
doubles and squads until now, while in the match number development on book of Planning and Developing
has decreased. Advisory Programs for the Personalization of Education: A
In a system of achievement sports fostering, the athlete Handbook to Guide School Leaders of Large High Schools
recruitment system is an important step to guarantee the in Kansas. The development research stages include: 1)
achievement of sustainable achievement. Recruitment Review and literature analysis; 2) Need assessment; 3)
system consists of stages of selection and determination of product development; 4) Preliminary field test; 5) Initial
prospective athletes who meet all the requirements and revision; 6) Main field test; 7) Final product revision.
criteria that have been determined. The main criterion is the The explanation of stages of Borg and Gall (Gall, Borg,
giftedness or talent factor, by knowing the talent of the & Gall, 2007) development research is as follows:
prospective athlete, the process of fostering achievement 1. Review and literature analysis
becomes clear, besides that further coaching (talent The researcher conducts an initial study a literature
development) becomes more effective and efficient than review. Literature review shown that the guiding
fostering the unknown potential athletes. The selection or model of pencak silat talent is part of the
identification process of talent is carried out at the ideal age development of pencak silat that cannot be ignored.
of the child to start training. Sports talent identification is 2. Need assessment
the process of giving characteristics to the basic abilities At this stage, the researcher conducts need analysis
brought from birth that can underlie sports skills. In this which is carried out by field observations.
regard, the instrument for identifying talented athletes is 3. Product development
important to be held. Researchers plan models to solve existing problems
in the field about the pencak silat athletes’ talent.
1.2. Research Purposes Researchers develop a guiding test model for pencak
silat talent.
The research purpose was produced anthropometric, 4. Preliminary field test
physiological and biomotor measurement indicators to At this stage the product developed is validated.
identify the talented athletes in the pencak silat category of Validation is done by discussion with pencak silat
12-14 years old. coaching experts.
5. Initial revision
At this stage is carried out revision of developed
2. Methodology product. Revisions are made according to expert
6. Main field test
2.1. Research Place and Time
At this stage, researchers conduct a small group trial
The study was conducted in Central Java Province for 1 or a limited group of respondents as product users
year. and conduct a large group trial as a product user
2.2. Research Methods 7. Final product revision
This stage the researchers revise the product
The research was used the Borg and Gall’s Research and development based on input from small group trial
Development method by carrying out 7 stages. Research and large group tests.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 8(6): 361-368, 2020 363

2.5. Data Collection without experiencing fatigue.

Data collection was done by tests. Test is a way to make 10. Speed test
an assessment in the form of a task or series of tasks that This test measures the ability to move from one to
must be done by a person or group to produce a value about another place in the shortest possible time.
the behavior or achievement of the child. The test
objectives are (1) determine the participant status, the 11. Agility test
progress he/she made, or the level of ability possessed so This test measures the ability to change body direction or
that the participant can be grouped according to his ability, position quickly which is carried out together with other
(2) motivate the participant to be able to practice harder, movements
both inside and outside the training schedule, (3) evaluate
12. Power/explosive test
the effectiveness of programs, methods and contents
(Kirkendall, 1987). Tests conducted in this research This test is a combination of strength and speed or
include anthropometric, physiological, and biomotor tests. mobilization of maximum muscle force with maximum
Anthropometric measurements, physical and biomotoric speed.
abilities are useful in planning the implementation of
exercise programs and differentiating athletes according to 2.7. Data Analysis
their talents (Wazir et al., 2019).
Data analysis was performed using validity test with
correlation with criterion technique and reliability test used
2.6. Research Instrument
Chronbach alpha formula. The instrument validity is valid
1. Body High Test if the correlation coefficient tcount > ttable
Using a roll meter. This tool measures the length of the
body when standing upright from the floor to the tip of the
head. This tool produces a height figure within 0.5 cm 3. Results
2. Body Weight Test
3.1. Identification and Need Analysis
Using a scale. This tool measures the weight of the entire
body not wearing footwear/shoes. This stage was carried out with field observations and
3. Hand span test discussions of experts involved in the process of building
pencak silat sports. The result of field observations that
Using roll meter. This test measures the horizontal span
there is a problem in the implementation of pencak silat
between the tips of the middle fingers stretched sideways at
talent scouting, namely the scouting model of pencak silat
shoulder height.
talent has not been carried out systematically and has not
4. Sitting high test used standardized instruments and still uses general
Using roll meter. This test measures the vertical distance methods. The results of the experts’ discussion include:
from the base of the seat surface to the top (vertex) of the 1. Need to prepare a system for managing and
head. implementing the measurement of pencak silat talent
5. Leg length tests.
2. Preparing the easy and practical instrument.
Using roll meter. This test measures the vertical distance 3. Solution by developing guiding model of pencak silat
between the trochanterion and the sole of the foot. talent that can produce prospective high-quality
6. Muscle strength Test pencak silat athletes.
4. Identifying the factors that influence the trial of
Done with push-ups that use a stopwatch to measure
development model of pencak silat talent scouting
time. This test measures the ability of the muscles to make
such as anthropometry, physiology and biomotor.
a maximum contraction against resistance or load.
7. Flexibility test 3.2. Scouting Model of Pencak Silat Talent
This test measures the quality of a moving body segment
with maximum range of joints. The scouting model designed is in the form of software.
This model was used as a means of identifying or recruiting
8. Coordination test talented athletes. This software contains 19 test instruments
This test measures the ability to make movements or relating to the selection of pencak silat talents athletes
work precisely and efficiently. based on anthropometric and physical domains. The 19
pencak silat talent test instruments in software include tests
9. Aerobic and anaerobic capacity tests for height, sitting height, weight, arms span, leg length,
This test measures a person’s maximum capacity push-ups, sit-ups, back-ups, basketball throwing, three
364 Pencak Silat Talent Test Development

hops, shuttle run 3 m, 20 m run, multistage fitness test, Table 1 shows the results of the validity tests result.
hand ankle coordination, flexibility, 30-second punches, Tcount > ttable it can be concluded that the test developed valid.
30-second front kicks, 30-second sickle kicks, 30-second There are 4 invalid test instruments, so 4 test instruments
side kicks. are not included in the talent scouting software.

3.5. Reliability Test

Table 2. Reliability test result

No. Question Varians Varians2

1 100 10000
2 100 10000
3 100 10000
4 100 10000
5 100 10000
Figure 1. Display of pencak silat talent scouting software
6 100 10000

3.3. Limited Trial (Small Group) 7 100 10000

8 100 10000
The trial was conducted with a sample of 126 students
(55 male and 71 female). The sample takes data with the 9 100 10000
prepared talent scouting model. In limited trial, the 10 100 10000
researcher together with two observers made observations
11 100 10000
the implementation of the test and measurement using a
model of pencak silat talent scouting. The measurement 12 100 10000
results in the trial sample are limited with 19 developed test 13 100 10000
instruments, then performed the validity and reliability 14 100 10000
15 100 10000

3.4. Validity Test Total 1500 150000

Table 1. Validity test results Table 2 shows the variance value of each question which
is then included in the calculation of reliability and the
Item Tes rcount rtable tcount ttable
results is compared based on the Guiford classification
Height 0,31 0,17 3,63 1,98
𝑘𝑘 ∑𝜎𝜎𝑏𝑏2
Seated Height 0,14 0,17 1,00 1,98 𝑟𝑟𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 = � � �1 − 2 �
𝑘𝑘 − 1 𝜎𝜎𝑡𝑡
Weight 0,35 0,17 4,10 1,98
15 1500
Arms Range 0,61 0,17 8,48 1,98 𝑟𝑟𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 = � � �1 − �
Leg Length 0,30 0,17 3,52 1,98
15 − 1 4913.51
Push-Up 0,22 0,17 2,51 1,98 𝑟𝑟𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥 = 0.74
Sit-Up 0,71 0,17 11,38 1,98
Table 3. Guiford’s Classification
Back-Up 0,10 0,17 1,34 1,98
r-value Category
Coordination 0,66 0,17 9,74 1,98
< 0.02 No correlation
Sit & Reach 0,58 0,17 7,94 1,98
Basket ball throw 0,10 0,17 1,33 1,98 0.02 – 0.39 Low correlation

3 Hop 0,58 0,17 7,98 1,98 0.40 – 0.69 Medium correlation

Shuttle Run 0,16 0,17 1,34 1,98 0.70 – 0.89 High correlation
20 m run 0,66 0,17 9,69 1,98 0.90 – 0.99 Very high correlation
VO2max 0,59 0,17 8,11 1,98 1.00 Perfect correlation
Blow 0,25 0,17 2,92 1,98
Front kick 0,29 0,17 3,35 1,98
The reliability calculation used the alpha formula yields
a r-value 0.74. Based on the Guiford’s classification, the
Sickle kick 0,18 0,17 2,05 1,98
reliability of the pencak silat talent scouting tests was
Sickle kick 0,22 0,17 2,54 1,98 included in the high category.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 8(6): 361-368, 2020 365

Based on the validity and reliability tests produced 15 2. Determination of the three norm scales, namely
valid and reliable test instruments that can be used to talented (B), quite talented (CB), and less talented
identify the talented athletes in the pencak silat. The 15 test (KB)
instruments include height, weight, arms span, leg length,
3. There are equalized units of scores 3, 2, 1
push-ups, sit-ups, eye ankle coordination, sit & reach
(flexibility), 3 hops, 20-meter running, multistage fitness Table 4. Results of Broad Trial of Talent Scouting
test (VO2max), 30 second punch, 30 second front kick, 30
second sickle/bow kick, and 30 second side kick. Group Criteria Total %
Male Talented 11 9%
3.6. Broad Trial (Large Group) Quite talented 106 84 %
Less talented 9 7%
Broad trials or large groups are carried out with a sample
Female Talented 9 8%
of 8 regions in Central Java Province that have pencak silat
training. The 8 regions that were sampled included Quite talented 105 88 %
Kebumen 24 athletes (12 male, 12 female), Magelang 37 Less talented 6 5%
athletes (18 male, 19 female), Banyumas 51 athlete (32
male, 19 female), Kebumen 22 athlete (10 male, 12 Table 4 shows that results of talent scouting in 246
female) , Klaten 21 athletes (10 male, 11 female), Pati 21 pencak silat athletes. In male athletes there are 11 talented
athlete (11 male, 10 female), Semarang 30 athlete (16 male, athletes, 106 quite talented athletes, and 9 less talented
14 female), Surakarta 40 athlete (17 male, 23 female). So athletes. In female there are 9 talented athletes, 105 quite
that the total sample in a broad trial is 246 athletes. talented athletes, and 6 less talented athletes.
In broad trials, discussions were held again with experts.
The results of the discussion include: 3.7. Instrument Scoring
1. Weighting on each test item Table 5. Norms of Pencak Silat Talent Test
The test items weighting are as follows; 3% height, 3% Score
Score Category
body weight, 3% arm span, 3% leg length, 6% push-up, 6% Category
sit-up, 6% ankle coordination, 6% flexibility, 6%three hop, ≥ 3.6 3 Talented
8% run 20 m and 10% multistage fitness test, 10% 30 1.6 – 3.5 2 Quite talented
seconds stroke, 10% front kick 30 seconds, 10%
≤ 1.5 1 Less talented
sickle/bow 30 seconds and 10% side kick 30 seconds.
366 Pencak Silat Talent Test Development

3.8. Software Manual Instructions

1. Install the software and read the instructions or guides

Figure 2. Display of Software Guide

2. Input data

Figure 3. Data Input Button

Figure 4. Display of Input data

3. After inputting the data, click the recommendation button and a talent recommendation will appear

Figure 5. Display of Talent Recommendation

International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences 8(6): 361-368, 2020 367

4. To find the wanted data, click the arrow next to the the pencak silat.
number column The guiding model of pencak silat talent is as a process,
series or sequence of changes, in bringing up or identifying
5. To finish, click home button
pencak silat talents as an operational step of implementing
certain strategies in guiding pencak silat talent. The
purpose of guiding pencak silat talent scout emphasizes on
identifying the giftedness of pencak silat by referring to the
suitability of the potentials and interests of athletes and
aims to predict with a high probability of how much a
person’s chance of successfully achieving maximum
achievement in the pencak silat. Availability or absence of
human resources to choose talent is an important factor in
the model and development of talent identification
Figure 6. Home button (Krasilshchikov, 2015).
There are 15 test items in the Sport Search modification.
Administration of all test items in a session duration of 95
4. Discussion minutes is allowed to be carried out with a comparison
between the testi and tester of 10: 1. Need to arrange the
All movements in pencak silat depend on muscle order of test items in two or more parts. If grouped into two
contraction, so it involves two main factors, namely: 1) The parts, then you should use five testers. Each tester should
energy source needed by muscles to contract (will involve handle the testing and testy post should do from one post to
checking the energy system); 2) The quality of muscle another post. The recommended sequence of tests is the
contractions that are considered to represent muscle first part, including height, weight, arms span and leg
strength. Both factors must be considered to fully lengths; then the second part, covering the push-up test,
understand the physiological basis of training. The results sit-ups, eye ankle coordination, sit-and-reach then the third
of the observational analysis showed that the pencak silat part, three hops, 20 m run, VO2max with MFT, 30 seconds
energy system was ATP-PC = 90 - 95%; LA = 5-10%; and punch, 30 seconds front kick, Sickle/bow 30 seconds and
O2 = 0%, thus the development of energy systems leads to side kick 30 seconds. It should be noted that the MFT test
anaerobes. In line with these results, a fighter is required to (VO2max) is done last in the third part.
develop physical components, including: anaerobic The research results support previous research which
capacity, power, muscle capacity, muscle strength, agility, observed that this study aimed at identifying talent in 15
speed, reaction speed, flexibility and coordination. A countries with an analysis of 12 success factors. This
player’s cognitive abilities and performance will affect the program is concerned with national strategies that lead to
general physical condition (Meeusen, 2014). Special the identification of talented young athletes. The results of
physical abilities of pencak silat include performance of the study concluded that the research findings were related
pencak silat skills, speed of pencak silat kicks, agility of to the role of sports clubs. The research results can be used
pencak silat kicks, coordination of pencak silat kicks and for managing talent development at sports clubs, national
power of pencak silat kick. sports associations and coach education (De Bosscher &
High achievement is determined by many factors, De Rycke, 2017). In other previous studies related to talent
including the quality of the trainer, the quality of the identification tests for wrestling achievement with a
training program, equipment and supporting facilities, sample of 165 trainers. The results showed 106 (64.24%)
support from the government, sponsors and parents, and were detected in talent tests in athletes who had just started
athlete talent. An early childhood talent identification wrestling and 59 (35.75%) were not detected in talent tests.
program is needed before carrying out a training process 41 (38.68%) trainers applied talent tests to wrestlers based
oriented to achieving high achievement. The process of on their assessment of basic wrestling motoric
talent identifying was carried out to determine the potential characteristics, 36 (33.96%) physical structure and wrestler
child in one sport, in accordance with the talent possessed. athlete tendencies, 19 (17.92%) on competition
The fact is, many children pursue one sport not based on observation and technical characteristics and 10 (9.43%)
identifying talent. Talent in sports was based on social, on intelligence. Wrestling coach talent identification tests
physiological, psychological and physical indicators can be effectively applied to athletes in identifying
(Pereira, Dias, Lima, & Coto, 2020). Pencak silat talent is a potential athletes (Kaynar, 2019).
special ability that can be seen from certain components The research results can be compared with other
that must be possessed by pencak silat athletes in order to research on instrument development research. New video
achieve maximum performance. Pencak silat talented coding-based instrument for individual game performance
athletes are those who have special characteristics to be assessments of children aged 11-12 years on handball and
able to develop to support the successful achievement in football games. The research conclusion is the instrument
368 Pencak Silat Talent Test Development

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