Measurement and Instrumentation Lab

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Measurement and

Instrumentation Lab
Lab Report

Muhammad Mohib ur Rehman

Roll no. 25

Submitted to: Sir Wajeeh ud Din

Department of Mechanical Engineering Pakistan Institute of Engineering and

Applied Sciences Nilore, Islamabad
Experiment 1
Study of Bevel protector

A bevel protractor is a graduated circular protractor with one pivoting arm that is used to
measure and mark off angles. The beam and the swivel plate were aligned with edges of part
between which the angle is to be measured. Read the main scale to get the degrees and then
read the Vernier scale reading, Multiply the Vernier scale reading with least count to get the

A bevel protractor is a graded circular protractor with one pivoting arm for measuring
and marking off angles. Vernier scales are occasionally used to produce more precise
readings. The bevel protractor is widely used in architectural and mechanical drawing to
define and evaluate angles to extremely precise tolerances. It has a resolution of 5
arcminutes (5′ or 1/12°) and can measure angles ranging from 0° to 360°.

A beam, a graded dial, and a blade are all joined by a thumb nut and clamp to a swivel
plate to form the bevel protractor (with Vernier scale). When the edges of the beam and
blade are parallel, a small mark on the swivel plate aligns with the zero line on the
graduated display. To measure an angle of 90° or less between the beam and the blade,
take a reading immediately from the graduation number on the dial indicated by the
mark on the swivel plate. To measure an angle larger than 90°, subtract the number of
degrees printed on the dial from 180°, as the dial is graded from opposite zero marks to
90° each direction.
1. Measure the room temperature at which experiment is being performed.
Recommended temperature is 20oC.
2. Check the zero error in the bevel protractor. And find least count of
3. Align the beam and the swivel plate with edges of part between which the
angle is to be measured.
4. Read the main scale to get the degrees. The value will be whole degree
division surpassed zero line of Vernier caliper.
5. To read the Vernier scale reading, Read the value of division of Vernier
scale at which division of minute scale of main scale is exactly matched.
Multiply the Vernier scale reading with least count to get the minutes.
Sr. No. SAMPLE 1st Angle 2nd Angle 3rd Angle % Error
NO. α β Ÿ

1 SAMPLE 32 92 52 2.22%
2 SAMPLE 59.15 52.30 58.30 5.55%

Results and Discussion

The experimental findings reveal the experiment's errors. Errors such as parallex
mistake, uneven sample sides, and trouble reading on vernier scale are examples of
errors. Angles may be measured with great accuracy up to 5 arcminutes and up to 360
degrees using a bevel gauge, it gives a very exact measurement, and it's used to set up
test bear angles with extremely tight tolerances, among other benefits of a bevel
protractor. It may also be used to measure precise angles.
Experiment 2
Study of Vernier height gauge


In this experiment, working principles of vernier height gauge were studied and
observed. Vernier height gauge measures the depth of any object or its height with
respect to a firm reference. Height and half height were measured by this apparatus,
markings were done by a scriber and was then measured by using a lab vernier scale.
The readings came to be accurate with only minute reading errors.

A vernier height gauge is a measuring device that is used to determine the height of
objects and to label work-in-progress items. These measuring tools are used in
metalworking and metrology to set or measure vertical distances; the pointer is
sharpened to serve as a scriber and aid in the marking out of work pieces. By using the
bottom of the scriber as the datum, height gauges can also be used to measure the height
of an object.
The datum may be permanently fixed or the height gauge may have the ability to adjust
the scale. This is accomplished by sliding the scale vertically along the body of the
height gauge by turning a fine feed screw at the top of the gauge; the scale can then be
matched to it with the scriber set to the same level as the base. This setting allows you
to employ alternative scribers or probes, as well as compensate for any faults in a probe
that has been damaged or resharpened.
1. Measure the temperature at which readings are taken. Preferably the
temperature should be 20 oC.
2. Calculate the least count of the gage and check the scale for any zero error.
3. The Vernier height gauge and datum of object from which measurement
is being made, be placed on very flat surface.
1. To measure the height, place the measuring end of scriber firmly against the
object. The force should not be too high to damage the tip of scriber.
2. Measure the main scale reading and the Vernier scale reading. The height can be
found by following formula.
4. Now
of the center
divisions onmoved
to be the object,
come out
on to divide the Use
be xx.yy,
Vernier height
gauge byrequired
2. formula
get centertoheight.
get the
5. Move the scriber to the no of divisions got from above formula. Use fine tuning
screw to move scriber exactly to required height.
6. Use scriber to mark the center on object with respect to datum.
7. To inscribe graduation line on object at given height. Use steps from 7 to 9 in
Observations and Calculations
Least count = 0.02
Reading = main scale reading + vernier scale * least count
Sr. No SAMPLE NO. ID Depth

1 Steel Pipe 60.10 9.08

2 Steel Ring 49.24 4.84
Results and Discussion

The Vernier Height Gauge has an excellent accuracy of 0.02 mm, making it suitable for
measuring the diameters and depths of tiny objects with great precision. It is the
simplest and quickest of the vernier instruments to operate and may be used for both
internal and exterior measurements. The fundamental disadvantage of a vernier height
gauge is that the readings are heavily dependent on the operator's competence, and its
accuracy is restricted by the vernier scale. It can only be used to measure tiny items.
Vernier height gauges are frequently used to lay out lines on surface plates and machine
tables. A height gauge with an indicator attachment is used to examine surface holes.
On castings and forgings, a height gauge is used.
Experiment 3

Study of block gauge/slip gauge

Different sorts of gauges, such as block gauges and slip gauges, were researched and
their functioning principles were observed in this experiment. The main goal of this
experiment was to employ block and slip gauges to calibrate a precision measuring
device, such as a Vernier caliper. This was accomplished by taking two blocks of
known dimensions from the set and wringing the surfaces together. The dimensions of
the linked blocks were then measured using a Vernier caliper. The percentage
inaccuracy in Vernier caliper was computed by subtracting the Vernier reading from the
actual reading.

Gauge blocks (also known as gage blocks, slip gauges) are a system for producing
precision lengths. The individual gauge block is a precision machined and l apped metal
or ceramic block with a particular thickness. Sets of gauge blocks with a variety of
standard lengths are available. The blocks are stacked to make a particular length while
in use (or height). Gauge blocks have the advantage of being able to be put together
with very little dimensional uncertainty. Wringing, a sliding procedure that causes the
blocks' ultra-flat surfaces to cling together, is used to unite them.
A limited number of gauge blocks can be utilized to provide precise lengths over a wide
range of values. One can make any of the 1000 lengths from 3.000 to 3.999 mm in
0.001 mm steps by using three blocks at a time from a set of 30 blocks (or .3000
to .3999 inches in 0.0001inch steps). Micrometers, sine bars, calipers, and dial
indicators are used as a reference for the calibration of measurement equipment used in
machine shops (when used in an inspection role). Industry's primary method of length
standardization is gauge blocks.
1. Measure the temperature at which test is being performed. Temperature
recommended is 20 o C.
2. Take two blocks from set with known dimensions.
2. Join the surfaces using wringing process as explained earlier.
3. Now Use Vernier caliper to measure the dimensions of the joined blocks.
4. Calculate the difference between Vernier reading and actual reading to get
the %age error in Vernier caliper

Observations and Calculations

Sr. No. 1st Block 2nd Block Recorded % Error

(mm) (mm) Reading
1 3 4.46 4.46 0
2 4 2 6 0
3 11.5 4.5 16.01 0.063

Results and Discussion

According to the experimental results, slip gauges were fairly precise in calibrating the
vernier caliper. In all situations, the difference between vernier caliper and slip gauge
readings was less than 1%. Slip gauges can offer accurate lengths across a wide range
of values. Slip gauges are used in industries to calibrate measuring equipment such as
vernier calipers, micrometers, and dial gauges with excellent accuracy and precision
since they have very small tolerances.
Experiment 4

Study of vernier caliper,vernier micrometer, vernier depth

gauge,Inner micrometer

Main objective of this experiment was to get familiar with the parts and use of different vernier
inside and depth gauge micrometers. In this experiment working principles of Vernier caliper,
Vernier Micrometer, Vernier depth gauge and inner micrometer were studied and observed.
These instruments were used to measure the inner and outer linear dimensions of different
objects. The actual and the observed dimensions were accurate to a significant measurement
considering some reading error.
Vernier caliper is a device used to measure the dimensions of an object. Calipers come in a
variety of styles that allow you to read a measurement on a ruled scale, a dial, or a digital
display. The caliper's tips are adjusted to fit across the spots to be measured, and the dimension
is read by measuring between the tips with a ruler or another measuring tool. There are several
types of calipers; inside caliper, outside caliper, divider caliper, vernier caliper. The inside
calipers are used to measure the internal size of an object. Outside calipers are used to measure
the external size of an object. Divider caliper, is used in the process of marking out locations.

A micrometer, like other metrological instruments including dial, vernier, and digital calipers,
is a device with a calibrated screw that is commonly used for accurate measuring of
components in mechanical engineering and machining, as well as most mechanical trades.
Calipers are commonly used as micrometers, but this is not always the case (opposing ends
joined by a frame). The object to be measured is positioned between the spindle and the anvil,
which is a highly precisely machined screw. The spindle is moved by rotating the ratchet knob
or thimble until both the spindle and the anvil barely touch the thing to be measured.
Vernier calipers

1. Calculate the least
Fix the object countjaws
between of the Vernier
such caliper
that object andcome
may check
if scale
slightfor any zero
pressure error.
is applied.
2. Measure the main scale reading and the Vernier scale reading. The height can be found
by following formula.
Screw gauge

1. Calculate the least count of the screw gauge and check the scale for any zero error.
2. Fix the object between jaws such that object may come out if slight pressure is applied.
3. Measure the main scale reading and the circular scale reading. The dimension can be
found by following formula.
Vernier Depth gauge

1. Calculate the least count of the Vernier depth gauge and check the scale for any zero
2. Apply the stem for depth measurement to point up to which depth is be measured.
3. Fix moving scale with the help pf screw.
4. Remove the gauge and measure the main scale reading and the circular scale reading.
The dimension can be found by following formula.
= +( × )

Inner Micrometer
1. Calculate the least count of the inner micro meter and check the scale for any zero error.
2. Rotate the circular scale to move the jaws to inner diameter.
3. Measure the main scale reading and the circular scale reading. The dimension can be
found by following formula.
Observations and Calculations
Reading = main scale reading + (vernier scale reading * least count)
Vernier Calipers
Least Count = 0.05 mm
Sr. No. SAMPLE Dimensions Main scale Vernier Recorded
NO. Reading Scale Reading
(mm) Reading (mm)
1 Rectangular Length 75 2*0.05 75.10
Block Width 25 19*0.05 25.95
Height 17 40.05 17.20
2 Aluminum Diameter 26 30*0.01 26.30
3 Triangular Thickness 17 40*0.01 17.40
= +( × )

Sr. No. SAMPLE Dimensions Main scale Vernier Recorded

NO. Reading Scale Reading
(mm) Reading (mm)
1 Rectangular Length 75 2*0.05 75.10
Block Width 25 19*0.05 25.95
Height 17 40.05 17.20
2 Aluminum Diameter 26 30*0.01 26.30
3 Triangular Thickness 17 40*0.01 17.40
4.2. Micrometer Screw Gauge
Least Count = 0.01 mm
Sr. No. SAMPLE Main Scale Round Scale Recorded
NO. Reading Reading Value
(mm) (mm) (mm)
1 Whisker 1 45*0.01 1.45
2 Sample 2 15 33*0.01 15.33
3 Sample 3 22 25*0.01 22.25
Results and Discussion
Vernier calipers are accurate and precise measurement devices with integrated scales that offer
great adaptability and durability while remaining inexpensive. Vernier calipers can be used for
a number of measures. Internal dimensions, exterior dimensions, and depth measures are all
included. Vernier calipers have certain drawbacks, such as parallax errors, trouble reading
vernier scales, and they are not as precise as d igital calipers.
Micrometers, on the other hand, produce incredibly exact measurements. A ratchet speeder
aids in providing accurate measurements. Micrometers use replaceable anvils of various
lengths, allowing several measurements to be measured with a single frame. Micrometers are
extremely robust due to its baked enamel frame and tungsten carbide tipped measurement faces.
Micrometers have a restricted range, can only do a single measuring operation, and can be
highly costly when used to take bigger measurements.
Experiment 5

Study of Feeler gauge, Thread pitch gauge, Dial Bore gauge

The functioning principles of a feeler gauge, a thread pitch gauge, and a dial bore gauge were
investigated and observed in this experiment. To measure gap width, spread out the wires or
blades and read the markings on them that indicate diameter or width, respectively. Unfolding
a leaf from the gauge set, gently pushing the serrated edge of the gauge against the threads, and
confirming the fit between the serrated edge of the gauge and the threads were used to measure
the thread pitch of a screw. The dial bore gauge was used to measure very minute variations in
internal diameter dimensions from the desired value by moving the plunger along the inner
circle to see the deflection that will occur.
A feeler gauge is a measuring tool for gap widths. In engineering, feeler gauges are typically
used to measure the clearance between two pieces. They are made up of a number of short
pieces of steel of various thicknesses, each with measurements marked on it. They're flexible
enough that multiple can be stacked together to measure intermediate values, even if they're all
on the same hinge. The gap in spark plugs is set to the correct size using the same equipment,
but with wires of specified diameter instead of flat blades; this is done by increasing or
lowering the gap until the gauge of the correct size just fits inside the gap.

The pitch or lead of a screw thread is measured with a thread gauge. Thread pitch gauges are used
to determine the pitch of a thread on a screw or in a tapped hole as a reference tool. This tool is not
intended to be used as a precision measuring device; rather, it allows the user to rapidly determine
the thread's profile and categorize it by form and pitch. This device saves time by eliminating the
requirement for the user to measure and determine the threaded item's pitch.
A dial bore gauge is a comparable equipment that features a digital or analogue readout, similar
to a telescopic gauge. The dial bore gauge must be adjusted to the bore's nominal value, and it
will measure the bore's variation and direction from that value. This gauge can be set to the
nominal value in a variety of ways. Using an outside micrometer set to the nominal value is the
most typical way. Setting the dial bore gauge this manner is the quickest and cheapest option.
The contact needle of a dial bore gauge is located inside the dial bore gauge's head. When
measuring the bore, the needle moves, and the data is physically or electronically sent to the
dial or readout. The head additionally has an interchangeable end for setting the nominal size
and reference contacts to help with bore alignment.

Feeler gauge

1. Measure the room temperature at which experiment is being performed.

Recommended temperature is 20oC.
2. Spread out the wires or blades and read the marking on them that indicate diameter
or width respectively.
3. Select the part to be checked and make sure it is clean.
4. Choose one of the smaller blades and try to insert it in the gap on the part. If it slips in
and put easily.
5. Select the blade with larger size until the blade enters the gap with gentle pressure.
6. It is the exact width of that gap. Gauges can be stacked to get an intermediate value
if required.

Thread Pitch gauge

1. Measure the room temperature at which experiment is being performed. Recommended

temperature is 20oC.
2. Unfold a leaf from the gauge set.
3. Press the serrated edge gently against the threads.
4. Check the fit between the serrated edge of gauge and the threads.
5. Continue this process until the serrated edge leaf from gauge set exactly matches with
the thread of object.
1. If fit properly together, read the stamped reading on the leaf. It will represent the thread
pitch of your object.
Dial Bore gauge
1. Measure the room temperature at which experiment is being performed.
Recommended temperature is 20oC.
2. Set the actuating plunger on the inner surface of the whole. Set the needle to
zero on the dial using adjustment screw.
3. Move the plunger along the inner circumference to see the deflection that will
represent the error in the hole diameter at certain depth.
4. Repeat this procedure for multiple depths. If the deflection is above/below the
allowable limit the part is rejected.

Observations and Calculations

Dial Bore Gauge
For Cylinder;
Sr. No. Outside Inside Top Middle Bottom
Caliber Caliber Reading Reading Reading
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 40.1 37.5 37.6 38.3 38.3
Feeler Gauge
Clearance = 0.08 mm

Thread Pitch Gauge

Pitch = 1.25 mm
Results and Discussion
Dial bore gauges are the most often used instrument for measuring internal diameters for good
reason. A dial bore gauge is more accurate and easier to use than the other equipment mentioned
above. Because the read-out is on the dial and no secondary measurement is necessary, it's a
fantastic choice if you'll be measuring bores on a frequent basis. They are appropriate for deep
bores, are exceedingly precise, and can be adjusted to various diameter sizes. One do wnside of dial
bore gauges is that they must be calibrated after each usage. Feeler gauges, on the other hand, are
simple and straightforward to use, may be done in confined spaces, and are inexpensive to purchase.
They are, however, not particularly precise and rely on personal inspection.
Experiment 6

Study of gear tooth thickness measuring gauges

In this experiment, the thickness of tooth of gear was measured at various heights using Gear
tooth thickness gauge by opening the jaws of thickness measuring scale and setting the height
using height defining scale to point at which thickness is to be measured Then close the jaws of
thickness measuring scale with gentle pressure so that jaws have firm contact with tooth and
measure the main scale and vernier scale reading.
Gear tooth thickness is very conveniently measured by a gear tooth vernier caliper. The gear
tooth vernier caliper has two vernier scales and they are set for width of t ooth and depth from
the top. Each of which is adjusted independently by adjusting screw on graduated bars. It
measures the tooth thickness at the pitch line. It can also measure the chord addendum. Gear
tooth thickness gauge is used to verify the theoretical measurements.

1. Check the zero error in both scales i.e., depth measuring scale and thickness
measuring scale by fully closing the jaws together.
2. Measure the least count for both scales on gauge.
3. Open the jaws of the thickness measuring scale. Now set the height using height
defining scale to the point at which thickness is to be measured (preferably at Pitch
circle position). Close the jaws of thickness measuring scale with gentle pressure so
that jaws have firm contact with the tooth.
4. Read the main scale reading for both tooth height and tooth thickness scale.
Read the Vernier scale of both scales on the gauge.
5. Use following formula to get the thickness of tooth and height at which
thickness is measured.
Observations and Calculations
Initial Reading error = 1.28 mm
SAMPLE NO. Thickness Depth
(mm) (mm)
Gear 1 2.7 2.4-1.28=1.12
Gear 2 2.38 1.56
Gear 3 2.40 1.74
Results and Discussion

Gear tooth calipers measure tooth thickness and depth accurately and precisely. It features inbuilt
scales, so no additional measurement tool is necessary. Gear tooth calipers are flexible tools that
may be used for a variety of measurements. The method is straightforward and low -cost. The
precision of the equipment is restricted by the user, and the equipment has a low count. Caliper
settings must be changed to accommodate variations in the number of teeth for a given pitch.
Experiment 7

Temperature Measurement and Calibration Unit

The functioning principles of several temperature measuring devices, such as a mercury-glass
thermometer, a bimetallic thermometer, a thermocouple, a resistance temperature detector, and
a thermistor, were investigated and observed in this experiment. This lab also illustrated the
use of temperature scales and fixed points with a mercury-glass thermometer, a bimetallic
thermometer, a thermocouple, a resistance temperature detector, a thermistor, and a vapor
pressure thermometer. The temperatures of hot and cold water were measured using various
techniques and compared to the results of a mercury thermometer. Temperature measurement
equipment were calibrated in this manner, utilizing a mercury thermometer as a reference.
Mercury in glass thermometer consists of a mercury -filled bulb attached to a narrow-diameter
glass tube; the volume of mercury in the tube is substantially less than the volume of mercury
in the bulb. Because the volume of mercury fluctuates somewhat with temperature, the narrow
mercury column travels a relatively long distance up the tube. It's possible that the space above
the mercury is filled with nitrogen gas or that it's at a pressure lower than atmospheric, creating
a partial vacuum. The bulb is made to reach thermal equilibrium with a temperature standard
such as an ice/water mixture, then with another standard such as water/vapor, and the tube is
divided into regular intervals between the fixed points in order to calibrate the thermometer.
A thermocouple is an electrical device that consists of an electrical connection formed by two
different electrical conductors. As a result of the See beck effect, a thermocouple creates a
temperature-dependent voltage, which can be used to monitor temperature. Thermocouples are
widely used as temperature sensors.
A bimetallic thermometer is a temperature measurement device. It converts the media’s
temperature into mechanical displacement using a bimetallic strip. The bimetallic strip consists
of two different metals having different coefficients of thermal expansion. A metal's ability to
change shape or volume in response to temperature changes is known as thermal expansion.
Fusing or riveting is used to attach the metal strips along their length. On one end, the strips are
fixed, while on the other, they are free to move. Since their thermal expansion is different, the
length of these metals changes at different rates for the same temperature. Due to this property,
when the temperature changes, the metal strip at one side expands and the other does not,
which creates a bending effect.
A thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance is strongly dependent on temperature, more so
than in standard resistors. Thermistors are widely used as inrush current limiters, temperature
sensors (negative temperature coefficient or NTC type typically), self -resetting overcurrent
protectors, and self-regulating heating elements (positive temperature coefficient or PTC type
typically). An operational temperature range of a thermistor is dependent on the probe type and is
typically in between −100 °C (−148 °F) and 300 °C (572 °F). Depending on materials used,
thermistors are classified into two types; NTC thermistors whose resistance decreases as
temperature rises and PTC thermistors, whose resistance increases as temperature rises.

Measurement of Ambient Temperature:
1. Take out the mercury-glass thermometer, close inspection will reveal a column of
mercury protrude from the bulb. Temperature measurement is achieved by relating the
length of this column to an engraved scale on the glass. Read the temperature indicated
2. by
the theout
the column
end the
metal at indicator.
of the
mercury air temperature.
in bi-metal thermometer,
Temperature be close
canmeasurement inspection
read is achievedwill reveal a metal
by transferring
from liquid filled heatrod
3. and
4. .indicated
Type out aonType K thermocouple.
K thermocouple
allow the readings
the temperature
to stabilize
temperature Connect thePlace
indicator. plugs
the ambient to
airthe the corresponding
temperature. sockets
the of the
1. Take out a thermistor. Connect the thermistor plugs to the corresponding sockets of the
thermistor indicator. Place the thermistor on the baseboard and allow the readings to
stabilize at the ambient air temperature. Read the temperature indicated on the
thermistor indicator.
Measurement of Boiling Point of Water
1. Fill the water heater with clean water, connect the power cord and turn on the heater.
2. Insert the bulb of the mercury-filled thermometer into boiling water. Observe the
reading on the thermometer.
3. Insert the metal rod of the bi-metallic indicator into boiling water. Observe the reading
on the bimetallic indicator.
4. Insert the thermocouple probe into boiling water. Observe the reading on the
temperature indicator.
5. Insert the thermistor probe into boiling water. Observe the reading on the thermistor
Measurement of Ice-point of Water:
1. Half fill the vacuum flask with a mixture of crushed ice and pure water (the ice being
made from pure water and crushed into fine particles).
2. Insert the bulb of the mercury-filled thermometer into the water-ice mixture; stir gently
to ensure intimate contact with the mixture. Observe the reading on the thermometer.
3. Insert the metal rod of the bi-metal thermometer into the water-ice mixture; stir gently
to ensure intimate contact with the mixture. Observe the reading on the bimetallic
temperature indicator.
4. Insert the thermocouple probe into the water-ice mixture; stir gently to ensure intimate
contact with the mixture. Observe the reading on the thermocouple temperature indicator.
5. Insert the thermistor probe into the water-ice mixture; stir gently to ensure
intimate contact with the mixture. Observe the reading on the thermistor
temperature indicator.
Observations and Calculations

Sensor Type Ambient Boiling Point

Temperature °C
Bi-metallic 29 102
Glass Thermometer 29 97
Thermistor 29 98
Thermocouple 26.8 94.5
Results and Discussion
The experimental results show that both the thermistor and the bimetallic strip produced
temperature readings that were comparable to those of a mercury thermometer. Thermocouples,
particularly type J thermocouples, displayed temperature change when compared to mercury
thermometers. Type J thermocouples have more precise measurement capabilities than type K
thermocouples, but it takes longer to establish thermal equilibrium. Because temperature
measurements were conducted in a hurry, there was not enough time for Type J to attain
thermal equilibrium, resulting in incorrect findings.
Experiment 8

Pressure Measurement and Calibration Unit


The operating principles of various types of pressure measuring devices, such as a manometer,
a Bourdon tube pressure gauge, and a piezoelectric pressure sensor, were investigated and
observed in this experiment. The primary goal of this experiment was to calibrate pressure
measuring devices in relation to the manometer. This was accomplished by first adjusting the
pressure to the required gauge then gradually opening the control valve to introduce this
pressure to various measurement devices. Then, shut the control valve again to maintain
system pressure and record pressure values from all measuring instruments.
Manometer consist of a column of liquid in a tube whose ends are exposed to different
pressures. The column will rise or fall until its weight (a force produced by gravity) is b alanced
by the pressure differential between the tube's two ends (a force applied due to fluid pressure).
A very simple variant is a U-shaped tube half-filled with liquid, with one side linked to the
region of interest and the other with the reference pressure (which might be air pressure or a
vacuum). The applied pressure is represented by the difference in liquid levels.
The Bourdon pressure gauge uses the principle that a flattened tube tends to straighten or regain its
circular form in cross-section when pressurized. With moderate loads within the elastic range of
easily workable materials, this change in cross-section may be barely visible. By shaping the tube
into a C shape or even a helix, the strain on the material is increased, and the entire tube tends to
straighten out or uncoil elastically as it is pressured. In practice, a flattened thin -wall, closed-end
tube is connected at the hollow end to a fixed pipe containing the fluid pressure to be measured.
The closed end moves along an arc as the pressure increases, and this motion is transferred into the
rotation of a (part of a) gear by a connecting link that is usually adjustable. Because the pointer
shaft has a small-diameter pinion gear, the motion is exaggerated even more by the gear ratio. In
contrast to absolute pressure, Bourdon tubes measure gauge pressure, which is relative to ambient
atmospheric pressure; vacuum is sensed as a reverse motion .

Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor measures the strain on the sensor mechanism due to pressure using
the piezoelectric effect in particular materials such as quartz. An electric charge is created across
the faces of a piezoelectric crystal when a force is applied to it. A voltage proportional to the
pressure can be used to measure this (see diagram to the right). A particular static force causes
a charge to be generated across the sensor. However, due to poor insulation, internal sensor
resistance, attached electronics, and other factors, this will sweep away with time. As a result,
piezoelectric sensors are hardly used to measure static pressure. Even in the presence of
continuous pressure, the output signal will gradually decline to zero. However, they are
sensitive to dynamic pressure changes over a wide range of frequencies and pressures.
Because of their dynamic sensitivity, they can detect even minor changes in pressure in a high -
pressure environment.

1. Attach compressor with pressure regulator and from regulator output to the desired
2. Fill up the U-Tube manometer and inclined tube manometer with water up to half of
tube height.
3. Close the control valve and generate positive pressure in the compressor by the hand
4. Slowly open the control valve and to introduce this pressure to different measuring
5. Close the control valve again to keep the system under pressure and avoid any
6. Record the change in the height of the u-tube manometer and inclined tube manometer
before and after the pressure introduced.
7. Record the pressure from the bourdon gauge and the piezo-electric pressure sensor.
8. Compare the results obtained from different sensors.
Observations and Calculations
Sr. No. Bourdon U-Tube U-Tube
Pressure Gauge Manometer Manometer
(bar) (mm) (bar)
1 0.1 75 0.102
2 0.2 140 0.19
3 0.3 213 0.29
4 0.4 303 0.412
5 0.5 369 0.502
Results and Discussion
When compared to the U-Tube Manometer, the experimental results show that pressures
recorded using a bourdon gauge and a pressure transducer were fairly precise, with little error
between readings. When compared, Bourdon gauge and Piezoelectric produced virtually
identical results. There were some slight problems related with the experiment, such as parallax
error while reading the manometer scale, but the experiment was overall successful and the
flaws were tiny.

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