Ward-1983-Completely Solvable Gauge-Field
Ward-1983-Completely Solvable Gauge-Field
Ward-1983-Completely Solvable Gauge-Field
Department of Mathematlcal Sctemes, Durham Unwersltv, Durham, England
This paper deals with analogues, m higher damensaons, of the self-dual Yang-Malls equations
m dim4 Requanng that they be the lntegrablhty condmons for a linear system leads to a
procedure for constructing thexr solutions A partial classlfieaaon of such equations ~s gaven, and
three examples m dimension eight are studied in detail
1. Introduction
analogues of the self-dual Einstein equations [7] m arbitrarily high dimension. This
latter subject will not be discussed here, but will appear separately.
A recent paper [8] has studied a similar problem to that of this paper, namely the
finding of linear algebraic con&tions on F,, such that the Yang-Mills equations
follow automatically (as is the case for the self-duahty equations m d = 4). The
authors gave a partial classification of the cases that occur in dimensions d ~ 8, but
did not ~dentify any completely solvable equations among the higher-dimensional
examples that they discovered.
The plan of this paper is as follows. In sect. 2 we shall study overdetermlned
systems of linear equations, involving one or more complex parameters. The integra-
bihty condition for such a system is a hnear algebraic condmon on the gauge field
(curvature) F,~, of the type we are interested m. This approach leads to a construc-
tion for solutions of the non-linear equations, generahzmg the "twister theory"
construction for solutions of the self-duality equations [9,1, 2]. Some of the details of
this are relegated to an appendix.
Several classes of completely solvable equations in higher dlmensmns are listed.
Sects. 3 and 4 examine in detail three particular examples occurring in this hst, all in
d~mensIon d = 8. Finally, some concluding remarks are presented in sect. 5.
where F~ = 2 O[~A~I + [Au, A,] is the gauge field. (Square brackets enclosing mdaces
denotes skew-symmetrization.) Recall that the V~ are polynommls m ~re, whereas F,~
does not depend on ~re, so eq. (2.2) is a polynomial m ~rP, and equating each
coefficient of this polynomml to zero gives a set of linear equations on F~,, as
desired. The number of equations is clearly
½k( k - 1 ) ( 2q + m )
[ V,o
det V~I
V?o Vl"0]
V1] 1/141]
k m q d Quantity Range
times n 2. We see from table 1 that only in the c a s e s Bq (and A 2 : C 1 : B2) are there
as many equations as unknowns; in the other cases we get an overdetermined set of
equations for A~. Do not confuse the overdeterminacy here with that of the linear
system (2.1).
We have seen m this section how a system of hnear equatmns, depending on a
"spectral parameter" in C P % has IntegrabIlity conditions which may be regarded as
completely solvable (in the sense of the geometric construction described in the
appendix). The d ~< 11 hst in table 1 can clearly be extended to arbitrarily high
dimensions. But tbas is not the most general situation. For one thing, we could allow
the spectral parameter to range over some more general complex manifold than
C P " (for example, over an algebraic variety). For another, we could allow V~ to
depend on x" and well as 7rP; in effect, this takes us from a fiat to a curved
space-time background. Each of these possibilities leads to more general
completely-solvable equations than those studied in this paper. In addition, there are
examples which involve not just pure gauge fields, but also (say) Higgs fields.
However, it may be the case that all of these arise from pure gauge field equations
by dimensional reduction, as happens in the case of the Bogomolny equations for
monopoles [1].
It seems reasonable to propose the following definition: that gauge field equations
are completely solvable if and only if they are the integrabllity condiuons for a linear
system of the most general type. It remains to make this definition more precise, and
to classify all the cases that can occur. The basic idea of expressing a non-linear
equation as the compatibility condition for a linear system, especially with regard to
the "inverse scattering" technique, has been around for some time [10]. But until
now, it does not seem to have been applied In a systematic way to gauge and other
theories in arbitrary dimension.
3. T h e c l a s s A k
In the class A k the polynomials V~ have the form V~(~r) = V~eTrP, where P ranges
over 0,1. We assume that V~v is non-singular as a map from the ~-space to the aP
space. So we might just as well label the coordinates on C d as x ap, with x ~ being
R S Ward / Completely solvable gauge-fieldequattons 385
defined in terms of these by x ~ V~pXaP. The linear system then takes the simple
form ~eDap ~ = O.
At this stage, the symmetry group acting on our equations Is the product of
G L ( k , C) (acting on the index a) and GL(2, C) (acting on the index P). Suppose we
want to reduce this symmetry group in order to preserve a euchdean metric. If k is
even, the most economical way to do this is to reduce G L ( k , C ) to Sp(½k), and
GL(2,C) to Sp(1). (The symplectic group Sp(r) is the group of r × r quatermonlc
matrices M satisfying M*M = 1.) This works as follows. Define symplectic forms Gb
and e'pQby
El2 -~- --821 = E 3 4 = --E43 . . . . . . Ek( k 1) = 1 ,
with the other components equal to zero. Impose on x ~e the reality condihon
X aP = EabEtpQX bQ.
ds 2 = eabe'pQdxaedxbQ
6 = 3 + 3, (3.1)
where GpQ ~---~ FaPbQ and Haa = ½e'PQFaehQ. The integraNhty conditions for
"B'POap~ = 0 are GpQ = O, since
If we write
X 1° = y = X 1 -[- lX 2 ' X 20 ~ Z ~ - - X 3-~- lX 4,
X 21 = ~ X 1 -- lX 2, X 11 = --~=X 3 q- lX 4, (3.2)
386 R S Ward / Completelysob,able gauge-field equattons
or, equivalently,
These are, of course, just the self-dual Yang-Mdls equations In d = 4. The G term
and the H term in (3.1) are, respectively, the anti-self-dual and the self-dual parts of
The following feature of the self-duality equations Is worth recalling here, since we
shall see presently that the other members of the class A k, for k even, also possess it
to some extent. Tins is that the action density can be written as
The first term on the right-hand side of (3.3) is a "topological charge density"; its
integral o v e r R 4 classifies the field topologically. If we look at finite-action fields
belonging to a particular topological class, then their action is bounded below by the
topological charge, and this lower bound is attained precisely when GpQ vamshes.
Thus, in particular, the self-duahty equations Geo = 0 imply the Yang-Mdls equa-
tions D"F,~ = 0, since a rmnimum of the action is necessarily also a critical point.
We move on now to consider the case k = 4, d = 8. Here SO(8) is reduced to
[Sp(1) × Sp(2)]/Z 2, a maximal subgroup. With respect to this reduced symmetry, a
2-form F~ decomposes as follows:
KabPQ = 7FaPba
1 + 7FaQb~,l -- e,bGeQ (symmetric in PQ, skew tracefree m ab)
11, b = ±oP
, Qz.,2.~ " ~PbQ, (symmetricin ab )
a total of 18 equations. Since there are only 7 unknowns (the Au with a gauge
con&tion), the system (3.5) is somewhat overdetern~ned, in contrast to the self-dual-
ity equations in d = 4. Despite this, (3.5) has many solutions, as we shall see below.
If to (3.2) we add
G = Vw~ = G = F ~ = G = F~: = 0 ,
C~+C:=C++Ci=o; (3.5)'
or, eqmvalently,
In dimension d larger than four, there is no SO(d)-invariant 4-form e~/~ that one
can use to define "self-duality" as in dimension four. However, if one reduces from
SO(d) to a subgroup, then there may be a 4-form lnvanant under that subgroup.
This problem was studied in [8], and the maximal subgroups of SO(d), for d~< 8,
were analysed in this connection. In particular, there is a 4-form O ~ t ~= O i ~ l in
dimension 8, lnvarlant under [Sp(1) × Sp(2)]/Z 2 (unfortunately, this case was missed
in [8]). It can be defined as follows: given four vectors W~, X ~, Y" and ZC let
O~,v~I~W~'X~Y'~Z~ be the scalar quantity 6W,,pX~Y~Z be skew-symmetrlzed over W,
X, Y and Z. (In this expression, indices are lowered with the symplectlc forms e,h
and e~,O: for example, X~' = X a % ~ and Y~ = Y~%'eQ.) Now O ~ t ~ defines a hnear
map on the space of gauge field configurations, namely F~,, ~ !2,--,v~B--
ta F ~ . , so we can
look for its elgenvalues a:
388 R S Ward / Completelysolvable gauge-field equattons
In fact, the eigenspaces of this map are exactly the three irreducible subspaces
described in eq. (3.4): the G part, K part and /4 part of F,, correspond to the
eigenvalues ~ = - 5 , - 1 and 3, respectively. (To check this is straightforward
algebra.) Our set of 18 equaUons (3.5) is therefore eqmvalent to (3.6) with ~ = 3.
Hence (3.5) xmplies the Yang-Mills equations D"F~,= 0, as a consequence of the
Bianchi identities DI~F~~= 0 (cf. [8]).
The analogue of (3.3) is the identity
The first term on the fight-hand side of (3.7) is a total divergence and therefore a
candidate for a "topological charge density". But the formula (3,7) is not as easily
related to a topological classification and minimum action solutions as (3.3) is,
because the dimensions are wrong. Indeed, there are no finite-action solutions of the
Yang-Mllls equations on R 8 (except F ~ = 0 ) [11]. In order to get finite-action
solutions, one would have to "compactify" some of the dimensions.
We end this section by giving an analogue of the Corrigan-Falrlie-'t Hooft-
Wllczek ansatz,
F =
rro/~.1 ,
where/" = F(~oa, ~re) is an arbitrary scalar function of six complex variables, homo-
geneous of degree zero. So F is, in effect, a free function of five variables. The
construction described in the appendix, for obtaining the gauge potential A,, is
easily carried out (see [2] for details of the analogous calculation m d = 4), and what
one ends up with is the following.
Starting with the arbitrary function F, define a scalar field ~ = ~(x) by the
Cauchy integral
f ,e,,pd,e
R S Ward / Completely solvable gauge-field equattons 389
Aae = ~1 pQ OaQlOgq~,
where T° = -7/~ = o 3, ~/1 = o l _jr_/02, and ~/o = o' - ,02, or' being the Pauli matrices.
Tlus gauge potential A~ is then a solution of (3.5), depending, in effect, on a free
function of five variables. If 0 is real-valued (and it is possible to choose F so that it
is), then Az will be trace-free and antl-herrmtian, 1.e. will be an SU(2) gauge
For example, if
rrL..rrROap R~ = O. (4.1)
These equations have as symmetry group the product of two copies of GL(2, C),
acting on the lower-case and capital indices respectively. Suppose, as m sect. 3, that
we want to reduce this to a subgroup of SO(d). If q is odd, there is a natural way of
doing so, which reduces the symmetry to
This is achieved by requiring that the two symplectic forms eab and e~,Q (defined as
m sect. 3) be preserved, and imposing the reality condmon
xaP R __
__ E a b EtP K . . . E t R M x b K M
where radices are lowered by means of e and e'. Only if q is odd is (4.2) a metric
line-element: if q is even, then (4.2) is skew-symmetric rather than symmetric.
390 R S Ward / Completely solvable gauge-field equateons
a b _
e~hF~*'OR s r u ) - O, (4.3)
F y , = 0 = F~.,
~ , , , - Fw. = 0 = F y , - Fw..
or, equivalently,
El3 -- F24 = 0,
F~4 + F23 = 0,
Let us move on, finally, to consider the class C,,. This case 1S, in m a n y ways,
c o m p l e m e n t a r y to class A k. As coordinates we m a y use x ~p, where a is a 2-dimen-
sional index and P is an (m + 1)-dimensional index. If m is odd, we can define a
euclidean structure exactly as was dome in sect. 3 (the definitions of the symplectic
forms eah and e'pQ being adjusted in an obvious way to take account of the changed
ranges of the Indices). The dimension of the space is d = 2 ( m + 1), and the
orthogonal group S O ( d ) is broken down to [Sp(1)× Sp(~m + ½)]/Z 2.
The case m = 1 is that of the self-duahty equations in d = 4. The next interesting
case is that of m = 3, d = 8. Here, the decomposition of the field tensor F~,, is just like
(3 4), but with capital and lower-case indices swapped, namely
28 = 3 + 15 + 10. (4.4)
HpQ = 0, (4.5)
X 10 = X 21 = y = X 1 4- IX 2,
X 11 = -- X 20 = Z = --X 3 4- IX 4,
X 12 = X 23 = i = X 5 + lX6~
X 13 = -- X 22 = W = - - X 7 4- IX 8,
C~=o = F~,
£,~ = o = & ~ ,
F , z + C ~ = o = ~z + &...
F.,-Cz = 0 = F,~- C ~ ; (4.5)'
392 R.S Ward / Completel; soh~able gaugefield equattons
or, equivalently,
Note that these equations precisely complement eqs. (3.5), and that they imply the
set of seven equations (4.3).
In this case, as in the case A n, there is an invariant 4-form O , ~ ; it is unique up to
scale, and is defined as in sect. 3 but with capital and lower-case indices inter-
changed. However, eqs. (4.5) are not elgenvalue equations of the form (3.6); indeed,
(4.5) does not Imply the Yang-Mills equations. But it lmphes equations which are
obtained from a slightly modified lagranglan. For one has the identity
Since the O term in (4.6) is a total divergence, the vanishing of HpQ, i.e. the system
(4.5), Implies the Euler-Lagrange equations obtained from the lagrangian on the
left-hand side of (4.6). This "modified" action density is gauge-lnvariant, positive-
definite and [Sp(1)× Sp(2)]/Z 2 invarlant, but not SO(8) invariant.
To summarize: the equations in classes Bq and Cm, although completely solvable,
do not imply the Yang-Mills equations (except for q = m = 1). But they may be of
interest in the context of lagrangians other than the "standard" Yang-Mills one.
5. Concluding remarks
We have seen that there are gauge-field equations in dimension greater than four
which share some of the remarkable properties of the self-duality equations in 4d.
However, the case of dimension four is rather special, for reasons arising from the
choice of t r F 2 as the action functional.
If higher dimensions are to be relevant, then some process of dimensional
reduction, such as spontaneous compactification, has to be involved. To this end,
one should extend the considerations of the present paper (which deals only with flat
d-dimensional space) to curved spaces. This can be done, and will be described
R S Ward / Completelysob,ablegauge-fieldequauons 393
Completely solvable equations are few and far between, in the sense that almost
every non-linear equation is, it would seem, not completely solvable. But despite
being rather special, completely-solvable equations (in gauge theories, or in other
cases such as CP" models) are worth studying, for what they can tell us about
non-linear and non-perturbatlve phenomena in general.
The author would like to thank C. Devchand and D.B. Fairhe for useful
This appendix describes a way in which the solutions of the lntegrablhty condi-
tions arising from a linear system V,"(~re ) D , } = 0 can be constructed. It justifies our
calling such integrabllity equations "completely solvable". The construction is best
described in the language of vector bundles and geometry, but the discussion here
will largely avoid such sophistication.
Because of the assumption that V~t, s be non-singular, we may denote the
coordinates on C a as x"*" s (symmetric in P . . . S ) . The linear system now reads
7rP...TrSo, p s~k = O,
skewed over ab ]
F,p sbr w symmetrlzed over P .. W / = 0. (A.1)
For the sake of simplicity let us take m = 1, so that the capital indices P, Q . . . . range
over 0,1. A later remark will describe what happens when m > 1. Solutions of (A.1)
may be constructed as follows.
Let F = F(~o "p R, ~ro) be a non-singular n × n matrix of complex-analytic func-
tions of kq + 2 variables, homogeneous of degree zero. The symbol ~0"~ R has q - 1
capital indices, and is totally symmetric in these. Thus (taking the homogeneity into
account) F 1s defined on a region of C P kq+I. We reqmre this region to be such that
,c(x, = 0. (A.3)
(The Indices P, Q . . . . are raised and lowered using the symplectic form e' as in sect.
394 R S Ward / Completely solvable gauge-field equanons
G =/~/H t. (A.4)
Now the left-hand side of (A.5) is analytic for IWl/%l ~< 1, and the nght-hand side
for ITh/%l >/1, whence each side is analytic for all w e, and so (by a form of
Liouville's theorem) must be a polynoImal in w e of degree q:
where the A,p s are functions only of x (not of we). This defines the G L ( n , C )
gauge potential A,. The field equations (A.1) are automatically satisfied, as one can
see by operating on (A.6) with wr...crWObv w and skewing over ab. So the
construction generates solutions out of (essentially arbitrary) matrix functions F.
Furthermore, it produces all solutions of (A.1), this is not obvious, but can be
proved without too much difficulty.
(i) The splitting (A.4) is not, in general, possible, we have to choose F in such a
way that it ts possible, for all x. (For example, if n = 1 and F is a 1 × 1 matrix, then
the condition is that log G should be single-valued on the region of analytlcity
specified for G.) Those values of x where the splitting (A.4) is impossible will be
singular points of A,.
(ii) The splitting is not unique, but clearly admits the freedom H ~ HA, I2I ~ I~IA,
where A = A(x) is a non-singular n × n matrix of functions of x only. From eq.
(A.6) we see that this reduces on A~ the transformation
A~ ~ A-1A~A + A-IO, A.
E z = ( ~ on ZI V [ D J / = O on Z ) .
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