Numerical Computation of Heteroclinic Orbits

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Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 26 (1989) 155-170 155


Numerical computation
of heteroclinic orbits
Eusebius J. DOEDEL *
Applied Mathematics 217-50, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, U.S.A.

Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL 35899, U.S.A.

Received 3 March 1988

Revised 12 July 1988

Abstract: We give a numerical method for the computation of heteroclinic orbits connecting two saddle points in Iw*.
These can be computed to very high period due to an integral phase condition and an adaptive discretization. We can
also compute entire branches (one-dimensional continua) of such orbits. The method can be extended to compute an
invariant manifold that connects two fixed points in Iw”. As an example we compute branches of traveling wave front
solutions to the Huxley equation. Using weighted Sobolev spaces and the general theory of approximation of
nonlinear problems we show that the errors in the approximate wave speed and in the approximate wave front decay
exponentially with the period.

Keywords: Heteroclinic orbits, traveling waves, numerical computation and continuation, weighted Sobolev spaces,
approximation of nonlinear problems.

1. Introduction

The problem of finding traveling wave front solutions of constant speed to nonlinear parabolic
partial differential equations is equivalent to the problem of finding trajectories that connect two
fixed points of an associated system of ordinary differential equations. Such a trajectory is an
example of a heteroclinic orbit, i.e. an orbit with several fixed points on it. The period of such
orbits is necessarily infinite.
In this paper we give an accurate, robust, and systematic method for computing entire families
of orbits connecting two saddle points. In a forthcoming paper [g] we shall consider, more
generally, the computation of manifolds connecting two fixed points in Iw”.
Calculations using the numerical methods described here are easily carried out with existing
continuation software. The method is essentially very straightforward, but its particular formula-
tion of the problem of computing the heteroclinic connection makes it very powerful. Orbits of

* On leave from Computer Science Department, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Supported in part
by NSERC (Canada), A4274 and FCAC (Quebec) EQ1438.

0377-0427/89/$3.50 0 1989, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

156 E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation oforbits

high period can be computed effectively, and more importantly, entire branches of such orbits
can be computed very efficiently. This is due to the use of adaptive mesh selection [19] and the
use of a phase condition that keeps the wave front at the same location.
In our applications we use the software package AUTO. This package incorporates algorithms
for the numerical bifurcation analysis of differential equations. The first reference to the package
is in [6]. The most complete description of AUTO is given in [7], which contains an overview of
the algorithms, a large number of illustrative applications, and a user manual with detailed
examples of actual use of the software.
Traveling wave solutions to nonlinear parabolic equations arise in numerous problems of
physical interest, for example, in chemical-biochemical systems [1,3,9,16,17,18], flame propoga-
tion [4,21], etc.. We next review briefly some numerical results. In Miura [16], solitary waves for
the Fitz-Hugh-Nagumo (FHN) equations were calculated by a variant of the Crank-Nicolson
scheme, where the interval - cc < x < cc was replaced by a finite interval with an adaptive
outgoing wave boundary condition, and the “wave integrals” were used to determine the wave
speed and to measure the closeness of the computed solutions to the exact solitary wave solution.
Another method used in [16] was to solve a boundary value problem (in a moving coordinate
system) on a finite interval with boundary conditions chosen as in Lentini and Keller [15]. A
similar method was used in Hassard [lo] to calculate traveling wave solutions to the Hodgkin-
Huxley equations by using higher order approximations of the stable and unstable manifolds.
Recently Keller and his students developed efficient methods to approximate systems of ODE
and PDE on infinite domains by the problems with appropriate boundary conditions on finite
domains (see e.g. Lentini and Keller [15] and Hagstrom and Keller [12,13] and the references
there). In particular, in [13] appropriate boundary conditions were derived to calculate traveling
waves by solving the original parabolic PDE.
The numerical method proposed here is based on ideas similar to those in [15] and is a
generalization of the methods in [16] and [lo]. In the derivation of error estimates, we use
weighted Banach spaces, combining an approach in BabuSka [2] and the general theory of
approximation of nonlinear problems in Keller [14] and in Descloux and Rappaz [5]. The
numerical method is described in Section 2. Section 3 contains applications. An error analysis is
given in Section 4.

2. Numerical method

The algorithm is based upon the following equations:

u’(t) = rf(u(t), A), 0 < t4 1, T“large”, A = (Xi, h2), (2.1)
(a) f(w0, A) = 0 (b) f(+> A) = 0, (2.2)
(a) f,(w,, X)0, = ~~00, (b) f,(w,> +, = piu,, fu = Qf> P-3)
(a> (uo, +> = 1, @) (01, 01) = 1, (2.4)


(a) ~(0) = w. + ~~~~~ (b) u(1) = wi + elul. (2.6)

E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits 157

Fig. 1. Geometric interpretation of equations (2.1)-(2.5). Consider A, as fixed here. For A, = XT we assume the
existence of the heteroclinic connection in (b). Generically, perturbation of A, will produce either (a) or (c), depending
on the sign of the perturbation. If ~a and et are sufficiently small, then there exists a A, close to A; for which the
equations (2.1)-(2.4) (and (2.6)) can be satisfied (Here in case (a)). Furthermore, the radii cO and el can be chosen
such that the period of the orbit equals a given large value T, and such that the phase condition (2.5) is satisfied.

Above ( . , a) is the d2 inner product in IR*, the corresponding norm will be denoted by 1).)I.
Equation (2.1) is the differential equation, with u(o), f( -, -) E R! 2. Note that the time variable t
has been scaled so that it varies from 0 to 1. The actual period T therefore appears explicitly in
(2.1). There are two problem parameters, viz., X, and X2, and we want to compute entire
brunches (one-parameter continua) of approximate heteroclinic orbits. Equation (2.2) defines two
fixed points, w0 and wr, of the vector field. These are assumed to be saddle points. Thus the
Jacobian matrix f,( w0, A) has one positive and one negative eigenvalue and the same holds for
fu(w1, A). For definiteness let the eigenvalue p0 of f,( wl, A) as defined by (2.3a) be negative and
let the eigenvalue pI of f,( wo, A) defined in (2.3b) be positive. The corresponding eigenvectors
are called u0 and ur, respectively. We have uO, ur, wO, wr E R2. Equation (2.6a) then requires
that the starting point u(0) of the orbit u(t) lie on the line L(C) = w0 + EZ+,and at distance co
from the fixed point w0 (see Fig. 1). Note that e(e) passes through w. and that it has the
direction of the eigenvector uO_Equation (2.6b) imposes the corresponding requirement on the
158 E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits

endpoint u(l) at wi. Thus the equations (2.6) require the points u(l) and u(O) to lie on the linear
approximation of the stable and unstable manifold at wi and wO, respectively. Finally (2.5)
represents a phase condition. Its significance will be discussed below.
The unknowns w. and wi can be eliminated entirely from (2.1)-(2.5) by using (2.6). Then
(2.1)-(2.5) consist of two coupled differential equations with eleven side conditions, of which
(2.5) is an integral constraint. Since we are interested in an entire branch of orbits, a formal
count shows that we should have ten scalar variables in addition to the vector function variable
u(t) E R 2. These scalar variables are
A,, A,, 60, El, PO, l-5 E R? 00, u1 E R2. (2.7)
The period T is kept fixed in this continuation. For T large and e. and e1 small, each solution
on the branch represents an approximate heteroclinic connection. Example 2 illustrates such a
computation. If we want to increase the period T, then we can replace one of the problem
parameters, say X2, by T and thus use the scalar variables
A,> T, co, ~1, PO, ~1 E R, uo, q E R2. (2.8)
Such a calculation is illustrated in Example 1.
A heteroclinic connection u(t), - CC< t < 00, of two saddle points of f( u(t), h) is not
uniquely defined because for any real u, u( t + a) is also a connection. This is very similar to the
phase shift invariance of periodic solutions. The indeterminacy persists in the truncated problem:
if u(t) is a heteroclinic connection then both u(t) on [0, T] and u(t) on [u, T + a] are truncated
solutions of integration length T. We remove the indeterminacy by adding an appropriate
constraint which we shall call a phase condition in analogy with the periodic case.
One simple way to fix the phase is to set one of the components of u(t) at t = $ equal to some
appropriate value in the time-scaled equations (2.1). However, it is easy to give examples where
this phase condition fails to work. It also leads to multi-point boundary conditions although this
is a much less serious disadvantage.
A better phase condition is obtained by requiring that the current heteroclinic orbit “look
like” the previously computed orbit as much as possible. To be more precise, let C(t) denote the
previous orbit on a branch of heteroclinic orbits. Let ii( t + u) be the continuum from which the
current orbit is to be selected. Since 11u’(t) 11+ 0 exponentially as 1t I + co, a good measure of
how close ii and C are is the integral
D(u) = Jm II ii’@ + u) - i;‘(t) /I* dt.
The necessary condition for a minimum is dD( Q/da = 0. With u(t) = ii( t + a*) this necessary
condition can be written as

_w/‘(t) - i;‘(t), u”(t)) dt = 0. (2.9)

We truncate this integral to the finite interval [0, T] and then scale the independent variable t as
before. Using u’(t) =f( u, A) and u”(t) =f,( u, A)u’( t) =f,( u, h)f( u, A) we then obtain the
phase condition (2.5) of the algorithm.

Remark. Integrating by parts in (2.9) one obtains

_l(i(t) - ii’(t), G”(t)) dt = 0. (2.10)
E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits 159

Computationally, (2.9) and (2.10) ( in a truncated form) lead to the same results. However, (2.10)
is more convenient for the error analysis.
As in [7], the effect of the integral phase condition (2.5) is that it minimizes translation of wave
fronts along a solution branch. This facilitates the adaptive mesh selection. In practice it allows
much greater steps to be taken along a branch of orbits.

3. Examples

Example 1. Computing orbits of high period. As a simple first example we consider

u;(t) = l- u1(1)2,
z&(t) = U*(f) + XI&), -co < t < 00. (3.1)
We only have one problem parameter here, viz. h,. Indeed, in this example the objective is not to
compute a two-parameter branch of heteroclinic orbits, but rather to show how large a period T
we can compute, and to illustrate the effect of the phase condition (2.5). With X, = 0, equation
(3.1) has the following exact solution for a heteroclinic orbit connecting the saddle points
(u, u) = (- 1, 0) and (u, u) = (1, 0):
ul(t) = (+e” - 1)/(+e2’ + l), U&) = 0, -co~tc<. (3.2)
With scaled time variable t, equation (3.1) on a finite interval [0, T] becomes
u;(t) = T(1 - u&)‘),
u;(t) = T(u2(f) +&u,(t)), 0 =Gt < 1. (3.3)
As starting orbit for (3.3) one can use
+e21d3)t _ 1

u2(t)=0, O<t<l, T=log(3),

44 =
;e210g(3)1+ 1 ’

so that u(O) = - : and u(l) = :. Continuation with AUTO, using the scalar variables (2.Q gives
a branch of orbits of increasing period T. Some computed orbits are shown in Fig. 2. Note that
the phase condition has the effect of keeping the increasingly sharper front in the same location.
This facilitates the automatic mesh adaption and allows bigger steps to be taken along the
solution branch. The mesh adaption also enables the computation of very large period. In Fig. 2
the orbit with label 7 has the largest period (T = 10000). Since the time variable t has been
scaled to the unit interval, this orbit looks like a step function.

Example 2. The Huxley equation. We apply the algorithm of Section 2 to the problem of finding
traveling wave fronts in the Huxley equation. This is the problem for which we give an error
analysis in the next section. The equation is given by
Wt=W,,+f(a, w), -co <z< co, t>o,
f(a, w) = w(1 - w)(w - a), 0 <a < 1. 1
We look for solutions to (3.4) of the form w( z, t) = u( z + bt), where b is the wave speed. This
gives the first order system
u;(X) = u&),
u;(x) = bu,(x) -_/-(a, u,(x)),
160 E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits






0 00 0.10 0.m 0.30 0 40 0.50 0.60 0 70 0.80 0 90 1.00

Fig. 2. Some orbits along the computed branch of solutions to (2.1)-(2.6) for problem (3.1). The scalar variables are
given by (2.8). The periods of the orbits shown are (1) T = log(3) (the starting orbit), (2) T = 2, (3) T = 3, (4) T = 5, (5)
T = 10, (6) T = 100, (7) T = 10000. The calculation was done using AUTO [7] with 25 mesh intervals, 4 orthogonal
collocation points per mesh interval, and adaptive mesh selection.


0 15 -



0 0


-0 10


-020 ’ I I I I I I 1 I I
0.00 0.10 0.20 0 30 0 40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00

Fig. 3. Phase plane representation of (3.5) when a = 0.5 and b = 0. For this choice of parameters the solutions form a
family of periodic orbits. In the limit, as the period T goes to co, the orbits approach a heteroclinic cycle with rest
points (0,O) and (1,O). Each of the two (approximate) heteroclinic orbits can be continued in the scalar variables (2.7)
with X, = a and X, = b. The result of this continuation is shown in Fig. 4.
E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits 161

Fig. 4. The two branches of traveling wave front solutions to (3.4). Along each branch the orbits actually remain
unchanged. The exact representation of the two branches is b = & fi( a - t). The calculation was done using AUTO
with 50 mesh intervals, 4 orthogonal collocation points per mesh interval, and adaptive mesh selection. The (fixed)
period used in this calculation was T = 1000.

where x = z + bt, and ’ = d/dx. If a = 0.5 and b = 0 then (3.5) has a family of periodic orbits of
increasing period. Its phase portrait is shown in Fig. 3. One of the solutions is a double
heteroclinic connection (in fact a heteroclinic cycle). The first of the two heteroclinic orbits has
the exact representation

u*(x)= 1 + exp(+fix) ’
u*(x) = u;(x), -00 -=cx < co. (3.6)

The second heteroclinic connection is obtained by reflecting the phase plane representation of
the first with respect to the horizontal axis u2 = 0 (see Fig. 3). The two exact solutions can be
used as starting points in the continuation algorithm defined by (2.1)-(2.6). The scalars are now
given by (2.7). The resulting two branches are shown in Fig. 4. It happens that the orbits actually
remain unchanged along the two branches. Furthermore, the branches have the analytical
representation b = + fi( a - t).

4. Error analysis for the Huxley equation

In Section 2 we have formulated our algorithm for computation of branches of heteroclinic

orbits in R*. In this section we derive error estimates. Our approach is to formulate first the
problem as an operator equation in a weighted Banach space and then to apply the general
theory of approximation of nonlinear problems. We use weighted Banach spaces because the
linearized operator in our problem has, in general, nice spectral properties on these spaces (see
162 E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits

[20] and the discussion there). Our approach will be shown on a model problem, approximation
of wave fronts for the Huxley equation (3.4).
In the preceding section we computed solutions to (3.4) of the form
w(z, t) = n(z + bt), (4.1)
where b is the waue speed. It is well known (see e.g. [20]) that for given a there exists ii(x) which
satisfies for some b > 0
-” - bii’ +f( a, ii) = 0, -cfooxx<,
ii(-cc) =o, n(cc) =
where x = z + bt and ’ = d/dx. Let x E CM(R) be such that for some T, > 0, T_ -c0
1 forx>T+,
x(x> =
10 forx<T_.
Then U(X) = ii(x) - x(x) satisfies
-z/‘+bu’-f(a, u+x)
We want to solve equation (4.3) in weighted Sobolev spaces. To determine the right weight
function, we need to know the asymptotic behavior of the solutions. Let (a,, b,, uO) be a
solution of (4.3). We first rewrite (4.3) as a first order system, setting u1 = uO,
ZA;= b()U* -f( a,, zq+ x) - x” + box’. i (4.4)

The linearization of (4.4) about a solution (a,, b,, uO) is

4 0 1

0 i
4 = -fu,(ao>%b)
For x + - cc the matrix in (4.5) becomes
+x(x)) b0

Its eigenvalues are given by the roots of p2 - hop - a,. Since lim u(x) = 0, we choose the
positive eigenvalue pi = $( b, + {R). Corresponding to this;iotmwe have a solution of the
vi = ePIX, v2 = j+ eP+. (4.6)
Similarly, for x + cc the matrix in (4.5) becomes

i -(-lo+n,, lo 1 .
Then equation (4.5) has a solution of the form
vi = e’Qx, v2 =pLlePoX, where p. = 5 ( b o-@TGi+o. (4.7)
For some p. < 0, pi > 0 we next set p = (po, ~i)~,
,-2PP x -=z0,
wJx)= ’ (4.8)
i e-%x 3 x 2 0.
E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits 163

Analogously to BabuSka [2] we now let He,cl = HL+(lR), L’> 0, integer, be the Banach space of all
functions u such that

11u \I,$., = /_mmwJx, +a 1dk) 12 dx < co.

We denote by Hpe,- p the dual space to He+, with the norm

IIUIIH-““= ,,,;yQ& lb4 41.

By (u, u) we shall mean the duality pairing on He+‘ x HpespLL.

Remark 1. In the solution of equation (4.3) we employ a continuation procedure with a and b as
parameters. Suppose we know the range 1, of a and the range I, of b. Then we shall need
u E H1,’ for all a E I,, all b E Ib. To achieve this we can choose p = (p,,, ~i)~, pLo< 0, pi > 0

b+\lb2 b-m +E
pl = inf - c, PO = sup > (4.9)
LlEI” 2 LlEI”
bs Ih btl,

for some c > 0, small.

We next want to reformulate equation (4.3) as an operator equation in HI+. We first define
the linearization
A(x)u = -u”+ bou’-fU(ao, sign x)u, (4.10)

I, x > 0,
sign x =
( 0, x 6 0,
about a solution (a,, b,, uo) of (4.3). We can now rewrite (4.3) as

Au+au+G(a, b, u)=O, UER,

u(-co)=u(co)=o, 1
where G: R X R X H’,‘” + Ho+ is defined by

G(x, a, b, u> = -f( a, u+x)-x”+x’+(b-b,)u’+f,(u,,signx)u-au.


Define on H’2p X HP’+ a bilinear form

B(U, u) = (Au + uu, u) = lw [u’u’+ bou’u -fU(uo, sign x)uu + uuu] dx. (4.13)
Problem (4.3) (or (4.11)) admits the variational formulation: given a, 0 -C a -C 1, find (b, u) E R
x H’+ from

B(u, u) + (G( a, b, u), u) = 0, Vu E H’,-‘. (4.14)

164 E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computarion of orbits

By a slight modification of the proof of Theorem 3.1 in [2], using the inequality

1uu’ dx < +E1 u2 dx + & 1 (0’)’ dx,

we have the following lemma.

Lemma 1. For sufficiently large a > 0

1 B(% u) 1 G c 11 u II H’+ iI ’ II HI.-“’ (4.15)
sup IB(u, u)j ~CIIUIIH’;‘, (4.16a)

sup IB(u, u)I ),CIIUIjH’.‘. (4.16b)

11u 11f/I.-r< 1

Lemma 2. Let f E H- ‘S . Then there exists a unique solution of the problem

B(u, u) = (f, u), vuaPp,
II u II H’,’ G ‘11 f IIH-I.‘“*

Proof. The functional Sr( u) = (f, u), u E H’,-” is bounded on H”-Y

11Sf IIH”’ G c iI f 11Hm’,p*
Taking into account Lemma 1 and applying the Lax-Milgram Lemma [2, Theorem 4.11 proves
the lemma. q

By Lemma 2 we can now define the continuous linear operator T: HP’,’ + H’+ by
B(Tf, u) = (f, u), VUE H1,-p, Vf E H-l+. (4.17)
Then an equivalent form of the problem (4.14) is: given a, 0 < a < 1, find (b, u) E R X H”” from
F(a, b, u) = u + TG(a, b, u) = 0. (4.18)
Let (a,, b,, uO) E R x II3 x H’,’ be a solution of (4.18) i.e.,
F(%Y b,, uo> =0 (4.19)
and define the linearized operator H’,” + H’2P
D,F(a,, b,, u,,) -I+ TG,(a,, b,, uO)
= I- T[o +fU(aO, u0 + x) -fU(ao, sign x)]
=I- T(a+a”(*)), (4.20)
t(x) =f,(aO, u. + x) -fu(aO, sign x)
DenoteRu={cu: CER}.

Theorem 1. (i) D,F( a,, b,, uo) = I - T( a + a”) : H’+’ + H1” is singular and
HI = Ker D,F(a,, b,, uo) = W60,

&I = 4x + u;>, 1160 11 H’,fi = I. (4.21)

E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedmaz / Computation of orbits 165

There exists 6,* E H- kP such that

(D,F(a,, b,, u,))*S,* = 0, (&l, &) = 1. (4.22)

(ii) Hz = Range(D,F(a,, b,, ZQ)) = {U E H’+: (u, @) = O}, (4.23a)
H’+ = H 1 + H 2. (4.23b)
Moreover D, F( a,, b,, uO) is an isomorphism of H2, and consequently there exists a positive
constant c such that
IIRF(a,, b,, uO)uIIH~.‘~cIIuIIH~.‘, V~EH~. (4.24)
(iii) D,F(a,, b,, u0) EH~, (4.25a)
and consequently for x = (b, u)
Range D,F( a,, b,, uO) = HI+, (4.25b)
Ker D,F(a,, bO, u,,) = R+,, & = (0, &). (4.26)

Proof. (i) It is proved in Sattinger [20] (see also Henry [ll])

that &, defined by (4.21) is smooth
and Ker( A - a”) = [wGo. Since (A - 6)&, = 0 is equivalent to (A + u - a”)& = 06, which in turn
is equivalent to & - T(a + c?)&, = 0 by (4.17) and (4.13), then (4.21) follows from (4.20). To
verify (4.22) we first define the continuous linear operator To: H-‘,-P + H’,-” by
B(u, T’v) = (u, v), Vu E H’+, Vu E H-l,-‘. (4.27)
Hence for u E H1,“, v E C,M(R) we have
(Tu, v) = (Tu, (A + aI)*T’v) = ((A + aI)Tu, T’v) = (u, T’v).
Thus by the density of C,“(Iw) in H-13-P, To = T *. This implies
(DllF(ao, b,, uo))*=(I-T(a+a”))*=I-(u+a”)T*.
By Sattinger [20], Ker(A - a”)* = [w$,* for some $,*, in fact, $,* = e-hoX~O(x). Finally, taking
into account that (A - 6) *$* = 0 is equivalent to I/J: - T *( u + a”)&,* = 0, we arrive at (4.22)
6; = (T*)-‘4;. (4.28)
(ii) follows from (i).
For x = (b, u) we have by the definitions (4.18) and (4.12) of F and G, respectively, and
(i) (m)

DAao, b,, uo)6x = D,F(a,, b,, uo)6b + D,F(a,, b,, u,)6u


= $T4, + (I- T(u + Z))Su. (4.29)

By (4.23) the condition (4.25a) is equivalent to

(DAaoY bo, uo), 6:) $0,

or, using (4.28) and (4.29),

0 + (TGo, 6;) = (Go,, &,*) = /_Le-bo’(+o(t))2 dt

166 E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits

which, obviously, holds. Next, (4.25b) follows from the decomposition (4.23), and (4.26) follows
from (4.29). 0

Define the mapping @: lR X IF2X H13P + R X H’9P by

@(a, x> = (+-x0), F(a, x)), x = (b, u>, x0 = (b,, %A (4.30a)
where for &, defined by (4.21)

= SW [~(t)&,(t) + u’(t)&(t)] dt, x = (b, u). (4.31)
For any 5 E R x H’+ we have
DX@(% x& = (d(5), D,F(a,, x,)0. (4.30b)
From (4.25b) and (4.26) by the Banach Theorem we deduce the following corollary.

Corollary 1. D,@(a,,, x0) is an isomorphism in IR’X H1,‘“.

Remark. In the derivation of error estimates we use the phase condition in the form

e(x-~~)‘Jp,[(i(-~~)n;l+(~‘-ti~)~~] dt=O, (4.31’)

which differs from the condition (2.9) (or (2.10)) used in actual computations. In the notation of
this section (2.10) takes the form
$-fi;,)~;+($-~;)~~] dt=O.
J --oo](
Computations indicate that this condition leads to more accurate results than (4.31’). One can
justify the use of (2.10) instead of (4.31’) by assuming additional regularity of the solution.
Our numerical method (2.1)-(2.6) essentially consists in replacing for large 1t 1 the

[-fU(a,l)-a+f,(a,,I)]u+(b-b,)u’, t’T+
GT(t, a, b, U) = G(t, a, b, u>, T_<t<T,,
[ +,(a, 0) -(J t-f&o, O)]u + (b-b&‘, t< T-3

where G is defined by (4.12). Then (4.2) or (4.11) is approximated by

Au + (IU + G,(a, b, u) = 0,
u(-cQ)=2+0)=0, 1
and (4.18) is approximated by
&(a, b, u) = u + TG,(a, b, u) = 0. (4.34)
We also define an approximation @,: U&!

G(x) = j--~[u(t)&(t)
+u’(t)&(t)] dt, x = (6 a>. (4.36)
E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits 167

To establish existence, uniqueness and error estimates for the approximate problem, we shall
use a simplified version of the implicit function theorem in Descloux and Rappaz [S] and in
Keller [14].

Theorem 2. Let E, and E, be two real Banach spaces and let I C Iw and D c E, be open subsets of
R! and E,, respectively. Let @, @,, : IX D + E, be a C’ mapping and a family of mappings,
respectively, that satisfy
(i) @(a,, x0) = 0, (a,, x0) E I x D;
(ii> Q@(a,, x0) is an isomorphism of E, onto E,;
(iii) For an open subset A C I
lim sup 11D,@( a, x0) - D,@,(a, x0) II = 0;
fl+m aEA
(iv) lim sup (1@(a, x) - @,(a, x) (1 =O, Vx E D.
n-m a=A
Then the problem
@(a, x) =0
has a unique C’ solution branch ((x(a), a) : a E A } that contains (a,, x0), moreover, there exists
n so that for all n >, N the problem
@,(a, xn) = 0
has a unique C’ solution branch {(x,,(a), a) : a E A } and
IIx(a) -x,(a) II G C II @k44 a>II,
where C is a positive constant independent of n.

Theorem 2 requires a consistency condition (a pointwise convergence) and a stability condi-

tion. These conditions are given by the following lemma.

Lemma 3. Let x = (b, u) E 1, X HITP, a E I, for some finite intervals I,, I, c R, see (4.9). Then
we have
)I @(a, x) - Qr(a, x) 1)n~.~< ce(u, T, T+)(eT-‘O + eT+P1), (4.37)
where p,, < 0 and p, > 0 are as in (4.9), c does not depend on a, b, T-, T,, and E( u, T, T+) + 0
as T,+oo, T-4 -00;
]]D,@(a, x0) - D,@,(a, x0) ]I L(RxH~+)< c(eTmPO+ eT+‘l) (4.38)

uniformly in a E I,.

Proof. From the definitions (4.18) and (4.34) of F and F,, respectively, we have
F(a, x) - F,(a, x) = T(G(a, x) - G,(a, x)).
Using that T: HoSP + H1+“, defined by (4.17), is bounded and the definition (4.32) of G,,
IV%, x> -6-b x> II H’.‘G IITII IIGh x> - %-(a, x> II H”+((-w~T_]u[T+,~))
168 E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits

By the definitions (4.12) and (4.32) of G and G,

IIG(a, x> - G,(a, x> II P+[ r+,oo)

= IIf(% u + 1) -AL Gil fP[ T+,m)

4suPIfuuh 4 ll~211H~.‘[7+,m)
-,y; l4Gl Ila+‘,T+,m). 0 (4.40)
4 +

Remark. Here, with some abuse of notation, we have assumed that I f,, I is bounded uniformly
in a, u. What we actually mean by this is the following. We show below, without using
I fuuI Gc, that the solution of the exact problem is bounded. Hence, without changing the
solution we can modify f for large I u 1, I a I so that ( f,, ( 4 c holds.

Using the definition (4.8) of wP, for t > T, we have

I u(t) I = I/w~‘(,s) ds ( < ]mepls eepls I u’(s) I ds

t t

Substituting the above into (4.40), gives

II Gb, x) - G&G x) II Ho+[T+,_,j Gc eaJ+II u II&+, T+,m) (4.41a)


II Gb, x> - G,h x) II ,v.~(_~,~_I Gc epoT-II ~4II&p~_m.T_I’ (4.41b)

By the definitions (4.31), (4.36) and (4.21) of L’, 8, and &, respectively, for 5 = (b, U) E Ib X H”‘,

Combining this with the estimates of the type

I/p,,, dt/ =l/Tye2p1’ e-2p1tuu~ dti

WIT+ ,-2!4t I.& dt

Ge G e2!+=+ 1)u 11Ho.’ 11uO 11

we arrive at

) l(t) - f,(c) ) < c(e2poT- + e2@+). (4.42)

Now (4.37) follows from (4.41), (4.42) and the definitions (4.30a) and (4.35) of @ and @r,
E.J. Doedel, M.J. Friedman / Computation of orbits 169

Similarly, (4.38) follows from (4.42) and the estimates for any u E H’,P of the type:

II(D,% xo> - D&Q, xo>>u II HI.‘L

G IITII II(D,G(a, x)-D,Gk ~))~II~~~~((-m,~~,~,~+,rn~~~

Il(D,G(a, ~0) -D,Gk XO))C’IIH”+[~+,~~)

= Il(fU(Q> uo + 1) -f&9 l>)u II H”-‘[T+,m)

d cll uou1)p&LT+mjG c @IT+ Il u ll Hh’
II&J+, b, u>- QJ’,b, b, u>II H’.”
= IIT D,(G(a, b, U) - G,(u, b, u)) II H’.‘L=O.
From Lemma 3 and Theorem 2 we have the next theorem.

Theorem 3. Let x = (b, u) E [0, W) X II’*‘” and x0 = (b,, uo), where (a,,, x0> E (0, 1) X [O, m) X
H’+ is a solution of (4.3) or (4.11), or ((4.14) or (4.18)).
( (i) Then there exist positive constants Tz, - TO, Z,, a, K and two unique maps x(a),
x=(u) E R x EP”, ) a - a, I < ii, satisfying, respectively, the conditions
@(u, x(u))=O, Ijx(u)-xO1(R,H1.P<a for Iu-uOI <a,, (4.43)

@T( u, x,(u)> = 0, 11xT(u) - xO 11RxH’.’ < a,

for la-a,[ <a,, T+> Ty, T-c T!?. (4.44)

(ii) Moreouer, x( a,) = x0, and for T, > Ty, T_ < T!?, I a - a0 I < ii0

I b(a) - b&d I + II +> - %b) Ii H’.’

d KE( u(u), T,, T_)(eT-‘” + eT+P1), (4.45)

where C( u( a), T,, T_) + 0 us T_ + -m, T, + co, and pLg> 0 and pL1< 0 are us in (4.9).

Remark. The results of Theorem 3 apply to a branch (calculated in Section 3) which has the
analytical representation

-JZ(u-l/2), o<u<+,
Iqu-l/2), :<a<1.


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