Mathematical Physics: L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

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Commun. Math. Phys.

137, 399^26 (1991)


Springer-Verlag 1991

A Local Index Theorem for Families of ^-Operators

on Punctured Riemann Surfaces and a New Kahler Metric
on Their Moduli Spaces
L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf
Leningrad Branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences,
SU-191011 Leningrad, USSR
Received September 11, 1990

Abstract. We prove a local index theorem for families of <3-operators on Riemann

surfaces of type (g, n), i.e. of genus g with n > 0 punctures. We calculate the
first Chern form of the determinant line bundle on the Teichmller space Tg)W
endowed with Quillen's metric (where the role of the determinant of the Laplace
operators is played by the values of the Selberg zeta function at integer points).
The result differs from the case of compact Riemann surfaces by an additional
term, which turns out to be the Kahler form of a new Kahler metric on the
moduli space of punctured Riemann surfaces. As a corollary of this result we
derive, for instance, an analog of Mumford's isomorphism in the case of the
universal curve.

The Atiyah-Singer index theorem for families of elliptic operators, which plays
an important role in modern mathematical physics, is of particular interest for
<3-operators on complex manifolds. Consider a holomorphic family p : 3C > B of
compact complex manifolds over a compact base B, and a holomorphic vector
bundle $ > 9C. The family d = {db}beB o 3-operators in the vector bundles
E\j > Xb (restrictions of $ over the fibers Xb = p~{b), b B) gives rise (in
the sense of iC-theory) to the index bundle ind G K(B) on B with fibers
kerf, cokerk over b e B. The Atiyah-Singer index theorem applied to this
special case states that
ch(ind d) = p* (ch td T).


Here ch denotes the Chern character, td T9 is the Todd class of the vertical
tangent (along the fibers of p : 9C B) bundle on S, and p* : H*(9C)
is the operation of "integration along the fibers" (see [1]).
In many applications the bundles and TV9 are Hermitian, so that each of
them carries the (canonical) unitary connection compatible with the holomorphic


L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

structure. Then by the Chern-Weil formulas ch and td V9C can be realized as

closed differential forms on SC. When ind is also a vector bundle, it is quite
natural to ask whether there is a connection in ind such that (1) holds as an
equality of corresponding differential forms, i.e. locally on B. More generally, the
question is how to express explicitly the Chern character form ch(ind d) on B in
terms of the data p : 3C > B and S > C. Such a strong form of (1) is often
called a local index theorem, and it makes sense in case of a non-compact base
as well.
The situation becomes much simpler when we consider, instead of the index
bundle ind 3, its determinant bundle det ind d = m a x k e r (yl m a x coker)~ 1 on
B (where Amax denotes the maximal exterior power of a vector space). As it was
observed by Quillen [2], under rather general assumptions on p : C B and
$ > 9 the determinant bundle det ind d is a holomorphic line bundle on B with
a natural metric (Quillen's metric) given by



here || || is the ordinary ZAnorm in det ind d induced by the metrics in S and
TX9 d*db is the Laplace operator acting on sections of Eb -> Xb, and det d*/> is
its zeta function determinant regarded as a function on B. In [2] Quillen studied
in detail the family of all Cauchy-Riemann operators (i.e. holomorphic structures
in a Hermitian vector bundle E X on a compact Riemann surface X). In this
case B is an infinite dimensional complex affine space, and the curvature form of
the Hermitian line bundle (det ind d; || \\Q) on B appears to be equal, up to a
constant multiple, to the natural Kahler form on B.
A similar result was obtained somewhat later by Belavin and Knizhnik [3] (we
follow [4] in exposing of their result). Denote by B = Tg the Teichmller space
of compact Riemann surfaces of genus g, by 2 Zg -> Tg - the Teichmller
universal curve, by Tv2g -> 2g - the vertical line bundle of the fibration
p : 3g Tg9 and by dk - the family of 3-operators acting on /c-differentials on
Riemann surfaces (sections of (T~k3g)b Xb). Then for the first Chern form
of the determinant line bundle det ind dk endowed with Quillen's norm (2) the
following formula holds:
d (det ind~dk)= J (ch(Tv-k^g)




where ( )2,2 denotes the (2,2)-component of a differential form on ^g9 and the
integration is taken over the fibers of &~g -> T g . As one can easily see, formula
(3) is a specification of (1) on the level of (1,1)-forms. Moreover, if we consider
a metric in Tv^~g which coincides on each fiber of Zg Tg with the Poincare
metric (i.e. Hermitian metric of constant curvature 1), then by a result of
Wolpert [5] formula (3) can be rewritten as
ci (det ind dk) =




where p is the Weil-Petersson Kahler form on Tg. Such a form of local index
theorem is analogous to Quillen's original result. On the other hand, formula (4)
can be derived by the methods of Teichmller theory (see [6]) avoiding a difficult
heat kernel technique. The approach of [6] also allows us to prove a local index
theorem for families of 5-operators in stable bundles of rank n and degree k on

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


a compact Riemann surface [7] (which provides, for instance, an analytic proof
of projectivity of the corresponding moduli spaces for coprime n and k).
Quillen's local index theorem admits various deep generalizations (see [8-10]
for details), but in all of them the fibers of p : 9C > B are compact manifolds.
Otherwise considerable difficulties occur because of continuous spectrum of the
corresponding Laplace operators (along with purely technical difficulties there
is a problem how to define properly the determinant of the Laplace operator).
However, the methods of [6] work for families of -operators on non-compact
Riemann surfaces as well. The first examples of a local index theorem for
families with non-compact fibers were given in our papers [11,12]. Namely, we
have considered the case when B = Tg,n is the Teichmller space of Riemann
surfaces of type (g, n), i.e. of genus g with n punctures (cusps), 9C ^~gl is the
corresponding universal family (so that the fibers of the fibration p : 2%^n Tg>n
are Riemann surfaces of type (g, n)), and $ = T~k2g;n is the kth power of the
vertical line bundle on ^~^n (the case k = 0,1 was treated in [11], and the case
k > 2 in [12]). In this situation the Laplace operator k = d*dk associated with
the Poincare metric (i.e. complete Hermitian metric of constant curvature 1) on
a Riemann surface X of type (g, ) has n-fold continuous spectrum. To define a
regularized determinant of k consider the Selberg zeta function Z(s) which is
given for Re s > 1 by the absolutely convergent product


{/} m=0

where runs over the set of all simple closed geodesies on X with respect
to the Poincare metric, and |^| is the length of /. The function Z(s) admits a
meromorphic continuation to the whole complex s-plane with a simple zero at
s = 1. For compact Riemann surfaces it was shown in [13] that the determinant
of k defined via its zeta function is equal, up to a constant multiplier depending
only on g and /c, to Z'(l) for k = 0,1 and Z(k) for k > 2. Similarly, for Riemann
surfaces of an arbitrary type (g, n) we define


* = 0,l,



Using this definition, we_ can calculate the first Chern form of the determinant
line bundle k = detindfc on Tg,n endowed with Quillen's metric (2). The result
differs from (4) by an additional term in the right-hand side:

6/c -6/c + l



where wp is the Weil-Petersson Kahler form on Tg>n and CUSp is the symplectic
form of a new Kahler metric (, ) c u s p on TgjW(n 0).
We proceed with exact definitions. Let X be a Riemann surface of type (g, )
equipped with the Poincare metric and let be a torsion-free Fuchsian group
uniformizing X, i.e. X = \H, where H = {z e C | Im z > 0} is the upper halfplane. Denote by \, ..., n the set of non-conjugate parabolic subgroups in ,
and for every i = l
n f i x a n element oi e PSL(2,R) such that ^it = ^
where the group ^ is generated by the parabolic transformation z -> z + 1. The


L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

Eisenstein-Maass series Ei(z9s) corresponding to the i th cusp of the group is

defined for Re s > 1 by the formula
(Ei(z,s) can be meromorphically continued to the whole complex s-plane; for
Res = \ the Eisenstein-Maass series 2s, (z,s), i = 1, ..., n, form a complete set of
eigenfunctions of the continuous spectrum of the Laplace operator AQ.) Recall
also that the tangent space T[\T^n to the Teichmuller space Tg,n at the point
corresponding to a Riemann surface X can be naturally identified with the space
" 1 ' 1 ^ ) of harmonic L2-tensors on X of type (1,1) (the Beltrami differentials).
The Weil-Petersson metric on Tg,n is defined by the formula
(,v) W p =
where , v e
Kahler form;



(X) are considered as a tangent vectors. Denote by wp its

wp(> v) = T {, v) W p.

To define the metric (,)CUsp set

(,v)i = [vEi(


,v ~1(X)9

i = 1, . . . , n.


Each scalar product (,) f gives rise to a Kahler metric on Tg>w (see Sect. 2 below).
Their sum


is Modg>n-invariant Kahler metric on Tg^n (where Mod g ? n denotes the Teichmuller

modular group) with Kahler form c u s p .
For families of 5-operators on punctured Riemann surfaces formula (3) is not
valid. We calculate the cuspidal defect

{ = a(k) - J


* fiber

which appears to be equal to c u s p .

Formula (7) has also algebraic geometry consequences. In particular, it gives
for the relative dualizing sheaf on the universal curve # g = Jg = Tgt\/ Mod g ) i
the following expression:
ci() = - C U S p,
and provides an analytic proof of the isomorphism

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


where k is also considered as a sheaf of # g . The last formula is an analog of

k2 6k+1
Mumford's isomorphism k = ^ ~
on the moduli space Mg = T g / M o d g
The content of this paper is the following. In Sect. 1 we recall necessary facts
from the theory of automorphic forms and the spectral theory of the Laplace
operator on punctured Riemann surfaces. In Sect. 2 we present basic facts about
Teichmller spaces together with necessary variational formulas, which allow us,
in particular, to prove that the metrics (,),- are Kahlerian. In Sect. 3 we obtain
a formula for the first derivatives of the Selberg zeta function with respect to
coordinates on g). In Sect. 4 we prove our main result - formula (7). In Sect. 5
we calculate the cuspidal defect (10) in the Atiyah-Singer index theorem and
derive from (7) some algebraic geometry consequences.
1. Laplacians on a Punctured Riemann Surface
Let X be a Riemann surface of type (g, n), i.e. X = X\{xi, ..., xn}9 where X is a
compact Riemann surface of genus g and xi, ..., xn are pair wise distinct points on
X; we will assume that 2g + n > 3. Then X can be represented as a quotient \H
of the upper half-plane H = [z e C | Im z > 0} by the action of a torsion-free
finitely generated Fuchsian group . The group cz PSL(2,R) is generated by 2g
hyperbolic transformations A\, Bu ..., Ag9 Bg and n parabolic transformations
Si, ..., Sn satisfying the single relation ABA1B^1 ...AgBgA~lBglSi
...Sn = 1.
The fixed points of the parabolic elements Si, ..., Sn (cusps) will be denoted by
z\, ..., zn respectively. The "images" of the cusps z\, ..., Zn e 1R U {oo} under the
projection H \H = X are the punctures xi, ..., xn e X. For each i = 1, ..., n
denote by j the cyclic subgroup in generated by S, and choose an element
Gi e PSL(2,R) such that , oo = z\ and j" 1 ^^/ = ( ~ I )
A smooth complex valued function / on H is called an automorphic form of
weight (2*?, 2m) with respect to the group if for any z e H and y ,

f(yz)y'(z)'(z) =f{z)9


(forms of weight (2/, 2m) correspond to tensors of type (/, m) on the Riemann
surface X = \H). Let (z)\dz\2 denote the Poincare metric y~2(dx2 + dy2) on
the upper half-plane H. We denote by ^f ^m the Hubert space of automorphic
forms of weight (2/, 2m) with the natural scalar product

(fufi) = JhT2Q-'-m+1 = Jjfi(z)]W)y2Wm-2dxdy,




associated with the Poincare metric.

For each integer f we consider the Laplace operator At = d*dj = *~d~*d

in the Hubert space ^

= Mf**. Here 3, = = -J- = J ( - ^ + V^T^ is




considered as an operator from tf* to Jf^1, and d* = '~ 1 d~ / is the adjoint

operator to d; in the sense of the scalar product (1.1), acting from J ^ 1 to Jf*,
where d = = - [
/TT~ ) The operator / is self-adjoint and non-


2 \dx

dy J

negative in J f\ Denote by * the subspace kerzl/ = kerS/ in Ji?', consisting of

L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf


holomorphic cusp forms of weight It. Recall that a holomorphic automorphic

form / is called regular if at each cusp z, is has the following Fourier expansion:

/(tz)(z)' = 4

i = 1, ...,

If, moreover, ^ = ... = ^ = 0, / is called a cusp form.

Holomorphic cusp forms of weight It correspond to meromorphic (/,0)tensors (/-differentials) on a Riemann surface X (i.e. meromorphic sections of
a line bundle (TX)~* X) which have poles of order not exceeding t 1
at the punctures xi, ..., xn and are holomorphic o n l = -X{xi, > x n}- The
Riemann-Roch theorem gives


t <-1,
= 0,

dime Of =

' = 1,

The subspace ^1 = ker* = coker/ in Jf^1 is the Kodaira-Serre dual of

= ker<3i_ We denote by ?^\ the orthogonal projection of J ^ ' 1 onto ^1.

For / < 0 w e have the formula



where / is the identity operator in ^f^' . Moreover, from the equation

zj0log = - - ,
which means that the Poincare metric \dz\2 has a constant negative curvature
1, it follows that

^ y


Now denote by Qf\z,z') the resolvent kernel of the Laplace operator At on

the upper half-plane H; it means that Qf\z,z ) is the kernel of the operator
(At + { (s - It) (s - I))" (we assume that t < 0, Res > 1). The kernel QM(z,z')
is smooth for z z' and is holomorphic in s on the whole complex s-plane. It
has an important property that QW(z9z') = Q P{z,z ) for any e PSL(2,1R)
and z,z e H. For t = 0 the kernel Qf> is given by the explicit formula (cf. [15])
2\ s


1- z z
z z'
z z'
where F(a,b9c;z) is the hypergeometric function and (s) is the gamma function.
At s = 1 one has

Without writing an explicit expression for Qf* with t < 1 we give a simple




Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


(see, e.g., [6, Formula (1.6)]).

We denote by G{P{z,zf), t < 0, Res > 1 the resolvent kernel of the Laplace
operator, i.e. the kernel of the operator (A; + \(s 2/) (s I))" 1 on the Riemann
surface X = \H. For Res > 1 and z zf, G , the kernel Gf* is given by
the absolutely convergent series



which admits term-by-term differentiation with respect to the variables z and z'.
The kernel Gf\z,zf) with z z'9 y e , admits a meromorphic continuation
in s to the entire complex s-plane and has the following Laurent expansion at
s = l:

(see [15, Theorem 2.3]). The kernel Gf\z,z') is called the Green's function of the
Laplacian A$ on the Riemann surface X = \H. One has (see [15, p. 161])

- 8^

= - t e m?


= M



where (z9zr) is the so-called Schiffer_kernel. It is defined as a symmetric bidifferential of the second kind o n x with a double pole of biresidue 1 at the
diagonal z = z1 and the property
v.p. (z, zf) (z') dx1 dy' = 0

for every e . The Schiffer kernel does not depend on a marking of X (i.e.
on a choice of generators of the Fuchsian group ). Moreover, the following
formula holds [15, p. 160]:

(z,z) = B(z,z') V (Im)~jlci(z)j(z').


The kernel B(z,z[) isthe uniquely determined symmetric bidifferential of the

second kind on X x X with a double pole of biresidue 1 at the diagonal z = z'
and zero ^4-periods with the property that


= 2v 4 I (z),

i = 1, ..., g;

here \, ..., g e 1 is the normalized basic of abelian differentials on X, i.e.



dzr = j9

i, j = 1, ..., g ,


L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

where y is the Kronecker symbol. Denote by = (//),

= / j( ')


i, 7 = 1, ..., g,


the period matrix of the marked Riemann surface X. It has a symmetric positive
definite imaginary part Im = (Im i ; ) (which enters in (1.8)) with the property
Im l 7

/ coiCOj,

1, . . . , g .


The Green's function of the Laplacian Af with { < 1 is defined simply as

its derivative G^{z9z') is given by the absolutely convergent series


(see, e.g., [6, Formula (1.8)]).

Now for < < 0 set
(<f)(z,z;) = - y2 (G{f\z,zf)

- Q{f](z,zf)).



The following lemma will be used in Sect. 4 in the proof of Theorem 1.

Lemma 1. The restriction R^\D(Z) = R^(z9z) of the kernel R^ on the diagonal
D = {z = z'} in H x H is a smooth automorphic form on H of weight 4 with
respect to the group whose constant term of the Fourier expansion at each cusp
z\ is equal to - , i.e.

y> oo

Proof Due to the Corollary 3.5 in [15]


Using the formula




which follows from (1.5), we obtain


Recall that the Eisenstein-Maass series Ei(z,s) corresponding to the cuspz, of

the Fuchsian group is defined for Re s > 1 by the absolutely convergent series

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


It satisfies the differential equation

and has the asymptotic expansion

Ei(jz9s) = ijys


near each cuspzy, j = 1, ..., n (see [15,16]). For any , v e " 1 1 set / ^ =
(Jo + 5)" 1 (v) ^ The result below will play an important role in the proof
of Theorem 1 of Sect. 4.
Lemma 2. The function f has the following asymptotics near the cusp z\ of the
group :
fv (, z) = + exponentially decreasing terms as y oo,

t = 3 / ^i(s

= 1, ..., n.

Proof. Since , v G ""1'1, one has = y2, v = j; 2 for some cusp forms ,
e 2 , and hence the function v ^f is exponentially decreasing at the cusps
zi, . . . , zn. Let

be the Fourier expansion of the function fV at the cusp z, , i = 1, ..., n. Because

(Jo + 5)/v = v, each function

is exponentially decreasing as y - oo. The equation



has a pair of linearly independent solutions - , y2 when k = 0, and

when fe 0. Since / ^ J f , increasing solutions cannot occur in the Fourier

expansion of f and we immediately obtain for f the above asymptotics.
To evaluate the coefficients c^ let us use the differential equation AoEi(z,2) =
\ Ei(z,2). Denote by F a canonical fundamental domain of the group in H


L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

with exactly n cusps at the points z\9 -, zn9 and set F

Y, i = 1, ..., n}. We get from Green's formula that

i(; 2)v = JW,

{z e F \ lm( z)


2)A0f, - AQEi(z9 2)f,


-f-v (J- Ei{z,2)dx - ^ E

The last integral can be easily evaluated in terms of Fourier coefficients of the
functions f and ,-(-, 2):


which completes the proof.

2. The Teichmuller Theory and Variational Formulas
Let Tgyn be the Teichmuller space of marked Riemann surfaces of genus g with
n punctures (we identify it with the Teichmuller space of the marked Fuchsian
group uniformizing the Riemann surface X). The Teichmuller space gjW
admits a natural structure of a complex manifold of dimension 3g 3 + n. For
its description consider in the Hubert space J^~1(X) the subspace ~1(X) of
harmonic Beltrami differentials; each element G " 1 ' 1 ^ ) has a form = y2,
G 2(X), so d i m c Q ~ u P 0 = 3g - 3 + n. The space ~1(X) is naturally
isomorphic to the tangent space T[\ T gj of the Teichmuller space Tg>n at the
point [X] representing the (marked) Riemann surface X. In turn, the cotangent
space T*X]Tg>n can be identified with the space 2(X) of quadratic differentials
on X, which is dual to " 1 ' 1 ^ ) with respect to the pairing
(, ) = [ ,

G " u (X),

G 2(X).


For every G ~ (X) with

|||| 0 0 = sup|(z)| < 1

t h e r e e x i s t s a u n i q u e d i f f e o m o r p h i s m f :H-+H


satisfying t h e Beltrami e q u a t i o n


and fixing the points 0, 1, oo.

Set = p(f)~
and X = \H. Choose a basis u ..., 3 g - 3 + w in the
1 1
linear space " ' (X) and let = ii + . . . + 3g_3+n3g_3+n. Then the correspondence (i, ..., 3g_3+) > [X] defines complex coordinates in a neighbourhood
of the point [X] G T g? . They are called the Bers coordinates. In the overlapping

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


neighbourhoods of two points [X] and [X] the Bers coordinates transform complex analytically. The differential of this coordinate change at the point [X] 6 Tg>M
is a linear map D : ~1(X) -> ~l(X),

where P ^ u is the orthogonal projection of J^~i(X)

onto " 1 ' 1 ^ ) . With the
Bers coordinates (i,..., 3g_3+w) in a neighbourhood of the point [X] e Tg,n one
can associate 3g 3 + n vector fields . At any other point [X] e TRn in this
neighbourhood they are represent by the Beltrami differentials Di e ~^{X),
i = 1, ..., 3g 3 + n. Further details can be found in [17,5].
Due to the isomorphism T[]Tgtn = ~lil(X)9 the scalar product (1.1) defines a
Hermitian metric on the Teichmller space g), which is called the Weil-Petersson
metric. This metric is Kahlerian [17], and its symplectic form will be denoted by

(-. - =


at the point [X] e Tg/.

In a similar manner the scalar product

, 2)v,


in {'(X) defines a Hermitian metric on the Teichmller space T g?n , n > 0. It

turns out that for each i = 1, ..., n this metric is also Kahlerian (see Lemma 3
Now let us recall the necessary variational formulas. Let e 34f*>m(X) be
a smooth family of automorphic forms of weight (2/, 2m) (i.e. tensors of type
(/,m) on the family X = \H of Riemann surfaces), where e ~1(X)9 and
C is sufficiently small. We set



The Lie derivatives of the family in holomorphic and anti-holomorphic

tangential directions and are defined as follows:


For the density (z) = y

(1,1)-tensors, one has

of the Poincare metric, considered as a family of

L = L- = 0



L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

for any G " 1 * 1 ^ ) (see [17]). For the second variation of the following
formula was obtained in [5]:
d\ d&2

= 2 =0

= \ (0 + i ) - 1 (v) = \Q

The Lie derivatives of the family

, v "1-1 (X).



= D " - ^ ") representing the vector

field - on Tgj in a neighbourhood of the point [X], are given by the formulas:


_ i -



Lv = d d(Ao + y (v) = d dfV

(see [5, Theorem 2.9]).
The Lie derivatives of the period matrix are given by Rauch's formulas [18]:
Xij = - 2 v C T / /y,
G " 1 ' 1 (X),

L p y = 0,

U j = 1, ..., g.

This immediately yields


V (Im)^

( 2 . 4 )

In other words, the (l,0)-form






on Tg>n corresponds via the isomorphism T ^ T g ^ = 2(X) to the family of cusp


Moreover, for the kernel B(z,zf) (see Sect. 1) we have

B(f(z), f(zf))^P=0
1 1

d z

(z)d-Pr (z') = 0
d z

for any G " ' ^ ) , since LB is a regular bidifferential o n x with zero

Formulas (2.1) and (2.2) play an important role in the calculation of the curvature form of the line bundle Zgyn -> ^" g j . Recall that [5] the Teichmller
curve &~g>n is the natural fiber space with the projection p : ^~gjW -> Tgj the fibers
are Riemann surfaces of type (g, ). Formally, the bundle Tv3TgiH -^ Zg> is defined
as kerrfp cz T^~g>n (the vertical tangent bundle of the fibration p : &~g>n > T g?n ).
Its restriction to a fiber of the projection p is isomorphic to the tangent bundle
of a fiber. Therefore the Poincare metric on the fibers defines a metric in the
line bundle T3~g ^~gyn> There exists a canonical lifting T g j n T^"gn [5].

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


Denoting the corresponding image of - by and the tangent vector field

along the fibers by we have the following expression for the curvature form
(see [5, Formula (53)]):

( 1 5 )

= 0,
(, v ) = - \ (Ao + \)~X{v) =

Finally, the Lie derivatives for a family : ^ (X )

operators are defined by the formulas

-\fv- jefm'(X)

of linear






and are linear operators from ^>m(X)

operators d<? and d* one has

to ^'m(X).

Ldi = 5* + 1 ,

Ldt = 0,

For the families of the

(see, e.g., [6], formulas (2.8)). From this it follows that

LA<? =


.. (2.1)

These formulas will be used in the next section. Here we prove the following
Lemma 3. The metrics (,),-, i = 1, ..., n, on Tg>n are Khlerian.
Proof. We must show that
( v , )i = (, )i


for any , v, e ~1^1(X) at any point [X] Tg?n. We have

^ - (v,>i = A ^ ^ , ^ ) ,

jLEi(-9 2)v + JEit


x x

where we used (2.1) and (2.3). Using the differential equation

and formula (2.7) with { 0, we get
(Jo + \)LE(

2) + -d(dEi(

2)) = 0,

which leads to the formula

LEi( 9 2) = -(Ao + ^ V ^ W , 2))).



L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

By means of this formula and formula (2.3) we obtain from (2.9) integrating by
/ - (v,)i = - (Ao + \r{Q-d{dEit

2)))' v

= -J didEii; 2)) f - J d(vdE,(; 2)) fi,


since d(v) = 0 for any v ~ (X) and since Beltrami differentials and v
are rapidly decreasing at the cusps. The obtained formula is obviously symmetric
with respect to and v, which proves (2.8) and the lemma.
Setfor, v- u (A),

The metric (,)CUsp on Tg>w is also Kahlerian; we denote by c u s p its symplectic

form, where


The metric (,)CUSp is obviously invariant under the action of the Teichmller
modular group Modg>n.
Finally, let us observe that the scalar products (,v) and (,v), , i = 1,..., n,
for , v " 1 ' 1 ^ ) can be expressed in terms of the values of the Rankin L-series
associated with the cusp forms = y~2, y~2v e 2(X). Indeed, let
k}kL\9 {^}^i> i = 1, ..., n, be the Fourier coefficients of the cusp forms and
of weight 4 at the cusps z\,..., zn (see Sect. 1). Then for Res > 1 (see [19]),

i( ,




) d x2d y

oo 1

^ JJ
o o


y (iz)(iz)\ i(z)\ dxdy

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces



is the Rankin L-series for the cusp forms and at the cusp z, , i = 1,..., . It
is absolutely convergent for Re s > 4 and has a simple pole at s = 4. Therefore,
from (2.10) it follows that
(,v)i = 5 L(,v; 5);

i = 1, ..., n.


Moreover, since
Res \s=Ei(z, s) =


+ n)'

we obtain from (2.10) that

{ v)


(4^3 ( * -

+ ^)

R e s

for any i 1,..., n (here Res denotes the residue).

3. First Variation of the Selberg Zeta Function

Recall that the Selberg zeta function Z(s) of a Riemann surface X is defined for
Re 5 > 1 by the absolutely convergent product


where *f runs over the set of all simple closed geodesies on X (with respect to the
Poincare metric), and |/| is the length of . The function Z(s) has a meromorphic
continuation to the whole s-plane with a simple zero at s = 1. For the logarithmic
derivative of Z(s) one has




where the sum is taken over all hyperbolic elements of the Fuchsian group
uniformizing X; Res > 1. This formula can be derived from the definition of
Z(s) by means of the Selberg transform; see [16] for details.
As it follows from the Teichmller theory (see Sect. 2), the value of the Selberg
zeta function Z(s) at a fixed point 5 with Res > 1 is a smooth function on Tg>n.
The next lemma gives an expression for the first derivatives of Z(s) with respect
to coordinates on TgjM.
Lemma 3. For any e ~>(X) and Res > 1 the following formula holds

^ - logZ(s) = - Jd&(Gf - Qf%,


L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf


- <0))M*) = ^ -

(Gf (z,z') -


(here and in what follows a dash on an operator means that it acts on the variable zf).
Proof. First of all, ddf(Gf^ QP)\D is a smooth automorphic form of weight
4 for the Fuchsian group , and the integral in the right-hand side of (3.2) is
convergent because decreases rapidly near the cusps zu ..., zn of the group .
Further differentiating both sides of (3.1) and taking (2.1) into account we obtain
that for R e s > 1,

2^I "(^



. hyperbolic



y parabolic




LG?\z,z') =


(G stands for the resolvent of the Laplace operator Ao on the Riemann surface
X = \H). Denote by Gs4(z,zf) the resolvent kernel of the Laplace operator
on the Riemann surface i\H; for Res > 1,

From the definition of the resolvent and formula (2.7) for LAo it follows that

zf) = - v.p. JJ

? W ) ^7 Q?)(z",z')dx"dy", z z',
, z") {L,)"GSj{z\ zf)

Gviz, z") JL Gsz9


>) dx df9



Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


LGV>(z,z') = -.j>.JJ

= JJ(z") ^ Gf\z,z") JLGf\z\z')dx"dy\

z yz\ y e ,


where {LA0) means that the differential operator L0 acts in the variable z".
Using now the above expressions for LQf\ LGSj, LGf^ and a simple formula


y parabolic

we derive from (3.3) the following formula:









(z) dx dy



x L \Gf\z,z') - Qf\z,z') -


L [[
~ -2s ds\HJJ dzdz
x (Gf\z,z')~Qf\z,z')-

y parabolic


(z) dx dy


(in this calculation we reversed the order of integration and applied the Hilbert
identity to the resolvent kernels). Now let us integrate the last formula over the


L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

interval [s, oo). Since L log Z(s) -* 0 and



y hyperbolic

uniformly in z e H, we get
(z) dx dy.
y hyperbolic

dz dzf

it remains to show that for any e 11 (X)

y parabolic

where the sum is taken over all parabolic elements of the group . We have








i=l ei\ k=-co



From formula (1.4) for the kernel Qf\z,z') it is not difficult to deduce that s(z)
is a bounded function on H, depending only on y = Imz. On the other hand,

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


any G ~>{(X) is equal to y2, where e 2(X) is a cusp form of weight 4

for the group . Since incomplete theta series (including the automorphic forms
, i = 1, ..., ) are orthogonal to cusp forms with respect to the scalar product
(1.1) (see, e.g., [16]), we have

for any e ~>i(X) and i = 1,..., n, which completes the proof.

Taking into account that
^ - log Z'(l) =BmL, log Z(s),
we get from (3.2) at the limit s -> 1,
^logZ'(l)= / W ,
d M



(see Sect. 1). The first derivatives of Z(s) on Tg?n for integer 5 = 2, 3, ... can
be expressed in a similar way in terms of the corresponding Green's functions.
Namely, we have
Lemma 4. For any integer k > 1 and ~{^(X)

^ - ^ - ^ ' ( G H O - H ^ .
Proo/ First we will prove that for / = k< 1, Res> 1,

| fl = JdQ+WlG&V - Q^l%


We observe that 'G^ (respectively d'Qf*) is the kernel of the operator

(Aj + \(s 2/) (s l))~ ! * on the Riemann surface X (respectively on the
upper half-plane H). Further, it follows from (1.3) that

in other words, it means that


L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

We have

= J(dQ-<&(G? - W) + S-''-'Gf - Q?))\D


= J((Qd' + f!d^d(<(Gf

- f ))\D

- Q<f> )| D ) = 0 ,
because for any e ~lfl(X) one has d() = 0; this proves (3.5). Now starting
from Lemma 3 with s = k + 1 and applying formula (3.5) k times we arrive at
the assertion of the lemma.

4. Quillen's Local Index Theorem

Recall that the determinant line bundle of the family of operators d<? by definition
t = det ind 5, = m a x ker 3, (^ m a x coker 3/)" 1 ,
where / e Z and yl m a x denotes the maximal exteriour power of a vector space.
There is a canonical metric || || (I?-metric) in the holomorphic line bundle j
on Tg^n associated with the scalar product (1.1). In the next lemma we calculate
the curvature form ^ of the canonical (unitary) connection in the Hermitian
holomorphic line bundle (/, || ||). (Because of canonical isomorphism between
f and s- it is sufficient to consider k > 0).
Lemma 5. For any , v e " 1 ' 1 (X) we have

where is the period matrix of a marked Riemann surface X. For k > 2,



= - Tr (((-v + (1 - k) (LV)-)I

+ (Ld^k)lk

(L-v~dlk))P^k) ,

Pi_/c,i : Jtf1^1 (X) - 1 " ^ 1 ^ ) w A orthogonal projection, I is the identity

operator in ^~~k^(X), and Tr denotes the trace of an operator.
Proof A normalized basis of abelian differentials \9 ..., g determines g global
holomorphic sections of the bundle keri over Tg>. Therefore, the L 2 -norm of
the canonical section i
g of the line bundle \ is equal to (detlm) 1 / 2
which leads to formula (4.1). The proof of (4.2) consists of simple linear algebraic
calculations and can be found in [6, Lemma 1].

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


Recall that Quillen's metric || || in the determinant line bundle k is defined

as follows
f (Z(k))-V \\ ||, / c > 2 ,

\(Z (l))-^\\


In the next theorem we compute the first Chern form c\(k, || \\Q) of the Hermitian
holomorphic line bundle (k, \\ ' \\Q) on Tg,n.
Theorem 1. For k > 1,


||) =

^ 2

w p - ^ C U S p,


where wp *s the Weil-Peter sson Khler form and c u s p is the Khler form of the
metric (,)CUsP.
Proof Since


\ g l

(where 5 and 3 denote the components of the exterior derivative operator

d = d + d on g>) it is sufficient to prove that for every integer m > 0 and

ds dv

6m2 + 6 m + 1 I,I I


\h'>> I




(A \

v+ v

where for m = 0 Z(m + 1) should be replaced by Z ; (l). In the main, the proof of
this formula follows the proofs of Theorem 2 in [6] and Theorem 2 in [11]. By
Lemma 4,


and D denotes the diagonal z' = z in X x X. Therefore


-logZ(m+l) = -

{ m)

(R - \D
U (R(-m)

\D) + R{~m) \DL~v).


Because the kernel R( m ) is regular on the diagonal D in H x # , we have

Lv(#(~~m)|z)) = (LvK(~m))|z). Let us calculate the contribution to (4.5) of the


L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

variations of the kernels dmdfQ<fm) and dmdfG(fm) separately. From (1.5) we

derive that for z'' z



(Z Z)



As it is shown in [6, Sect. 4.4],

Because the variation of the kernel dmd'Q{\~n{) contributes a finite amount
to (4.5) the same is true for the kernel dmd'G^m\ which allows us to vary it
outside the diagonal D, and then we can pass to the limit as z' z. The kernel
dmdfG{]~m) for m > 0 is the kernel of the operator -md*_mAzld!m
from Jf""1'1
to JtT . As it is shown in [6, Sect. 4.5],

: = - Tr((-v J

For m 0 we have




where 2 is the Schiffer kernel (see (1.7)). Therefore using (1.8) we obtain



= - log det Im / / (Im


where we have also used (2.4) and the fact that LVB = 0 (see Sect. 2). By formula
(2.3) the last integral vanishes identically and we obtain that

(dd'Gf]) \D = - -^r-

log det Im .


Now we turn to the term R^~m^\oL in the integrand of (4.5). Let F be a

canonical fundamental domain of the group in H such that its cusps are
exactly z i , . . . , z B R u {oo}. We set
F = {z eF\lm-{z<

7 , i = l , ...,n}


= F n { z e H

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


With the help of (2.3) we obtain that


\D~d-l~d(o +



d z


where fV = (zlo + \)~(v) (see Lemma 1). For the integral I\ we have, due to
-invariance of the integrand, that

lim Y

z =x + v^y.
Using Lemma 1 and 2 we obtain that





Let us now proceed with the integral h First of all, for m = 0 we have h = 0
since R^\D is holomorphic. In this case combining formulas (4.5), (4.7), (4.9), and
(4.10), we obtain that

d2 . _
d2 , . .,
. 1
logZ'(l) = r ^ logdet Im + _ (,
( // v)
v ) - - (, v) c u s p ,
which proves (4.4) for m = 0. For m > 1 we observe first that

s *-w> -


L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

(see [6], Sect. 4.6). It follows from this that


IJ h
The boundary integral h can be calculated in the same way as I\. We have

lim V


/ (Im ^ - ^ ' G ^ - Q^m))\D(<V) fv(iz)'i(z)


z = x

Note that y~2md'(G[ m) Q[ m))\D is a smooth automorphic form of weight 2 with

respect to the group . According to [15, Corollary 3.5], we have

= y- 2m / 7 (

where we used (1.5), the formula

1 '(z)

C 1
(z + fc)fc z (z) + -z + -T,

and the Stirling formula. Taking now Lemma 2 into account we conclude that
In order to calculate the integral U we observe that

The kernel



Gj~ is the kernel of the operator d-mAz mdlm


= I P-m\ (see

formula (1.2)) in the space ^f"" ' , where / is the identity operator, and P_m,i is

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


the orthogonal projection of Jf~ (X)

follows that for z' z,
-2m &



onto ~ (X).

,} = 2 m + l

Moreover, from (1.5) it



= U = \ JJ (-y- P-mz,Z)




where we used formula (2.2) and the formula

which follows from the equality Ao(Ao + \)~ = / \ (o + j)'1. Combining the
results of computations (formulas (4.7), (4.8), (4.10), (4.11)) we obtain that
8 2
- logZ(m + 1) = Tr((-v/ + (L^_ w )Jli(L,3! w ) d dv


6m2 + 6m + 1 7 x
. x
W v) - - (, v ) c u s p .
Finally setting m = fc 1 and taking Lemma 5 into account we arrive at the
assertion of the theorem, i.e. formula (4.3).

5. Concluding Remarks
Here we will calculate the cuspidal defect

? = cx(k9 || || ) - J (ch(T-k^g,n)

where integration is taken over the fibers of ^gyYl > Tg>n.

Theorem 2. We have



for any , v ~1'(X),
Sect. 2).

where L is the Rankn L-series for the cusp z\ (see


L. A. Takhtajan and P. G. Zograf

Proof. By definition,



where is the curvature form of the Poincare metric in the line bundle
3~gn (see Sect. 2). Using (2.5) we have



2 /

VQ - -7T




where we also used Lemma 2 and Green's formula to make sure that the last
integral in (5.3) vanishes identically. Rewriting (5.3) in the form

J \ 2 "J "



(cf. Corollary 5.11 in [5]) and taking (4.3) into account we obtain (5.1). Formula
(5.2) follows now from (5.1) and (2.11).
Note that the cuspidal defect

4 0 ) = dimind, - J (ch(T-krg/)



in the Atiyah-Singer index theorem is equal to -. Indeed,

Finally we present some algebraic geometry consequences of Theorem 1. First
of all, because all bundles and metrics on g?n considered here are invariant under
the action of the Teichmller modular group Mod g s n , formula (4.3) holds also on
the moduli space J^n = T g j n / Mod g>n (in the sense of orbifolds). Consider the
universal curve ^ g = Jgi\ and denote by the relative dualizing sheaf on ^ g ?
i.e. the line bundle dual to the vertical tangent bundle (along fibers of projection
p : ^ g -> Jfg) on # g . Further, let us denote by [ W p], [ c u s p ] e # 2 ( ^ g , I R ) = 1R2
the cohomology classes of the closed (1, l)-forms wp and c u s p on # g . Theorem

Local Index Theorem for Punctured Riemann Surfaces


1 means that for the first Chern class c\(k) of the line bundle k on (g the
following formula holds:
C\{k) =

[^WP] - <^ t cusp]



From the exact sequence of sheafs

0 -> p*(x(Jlg))

-> (%g) -> - 0,

(where denotes the sheaf of holomorphic 1-forms and p*(1(Jg))

inverse image of the sheaf (Jg)) it follows that

is the

= p* (fa)
on ^ g (here fa denotes the determinant line bundle detind2 on Jig). This
formula together with Mumford's isomorphism fa = \3 on Mg [14] and with
the fact that \ = p*(fa) yields the isomorphism


Combining (5.3) for k = 1,2 and (5.4) we get

-= [ W P ] = 12ci(i) + ci(),
2 [CusP] = c i ( ) ,


i.e. ~2 [COWP], T [ c u s p ] G H2(^g9 ) are integral cohomology classes. In particular,
it follows from (5.5) that for any compact Riemann surface X of genus g > 2,
imbedded into ^g as a fiber a projection p : (g ^ g , we have

2 / c u s p = ^2 / wp = 2g - 2.
Substituting (5.5) into (5.3), we obtain the formula
{k) = (6k2 - 6/c + l)ci(Ai) + ^ ^



which leads to the isomorphism


on ^ g , because according to Harer's result for g > 3 the Picard group Pic(^ g ) =
) is isomorphic t o Z Z [20]. The isomorphism (5.6) is analogous to
g 9
Mumford's isomorphism k = \h2~k+{
on Jig (see [14]).
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Communicated by A. Jaffe

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