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Gordon'S Functional Health Pattern and Review of Systems

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Must have data before and upon admission 

Summarize all the patterns at the end of table 

1. Health Perception /    The patient is very  The patient is
    Health Management  active, and assertive. withdrawn and doesn’t
  interact with others.

2. Nutritional - Metabolic  The patient is a picky During admission, the
  eater but the client patient hd an IV fluid
  everything that she for oral rehydration.
  wants as permitted by
the clients parents.
3. Elimination   The patient is potty  The patient had
  trained in urinating and episodes of frequent
  defecating. urinating and
    verbalized pain in
4. Activity – Exercise  The patient is very  The patient lacks the
  active, throws ball energy to move around
  overhead, and had a and feels very
  good muscle strength exhausted.
5. Sleep – Rest   The patient sleeps 11-  The patient can’t sleep
  13 hours a day. The properly because of the
  patient takes a nap pain and the amount of
during the day and is sleep the client takes
experiencing sleep per day is reduced.
terrors at night.  
6. Cognitive – Perceptual  The patient  During admission, the
  understands plurals patient doesn’t respond
  and speaks 3 word to questions and is
  sentences. The patient very irritable..
did not have any  
problems in hearing
and vision.
7. Self – Perception /   The patient feels good The patient feels
     Self Concept  in everything she do irritated, disturbed and
  specially she is a child annoyed because of
  that is loving to her her symptoms like
  parents, jolly and frequent urination, pain
always played around. and vomiting.
The patient always has
a fighting spirit and in
her well-being condition
she is totally fine.
8. Role  - Relationship  The patient was very  The patient always
  caring, loving, jolly, and calls for mothers help,
  well-guided by her due to frequent
  parents. She always urinating, pain and
  takes time to greet her vomiting. Her mother
parents with a big smile didn’t leave her child
in her face. alone and let her feel
  that we are always on
  your side.

9. Sexually – Reproductive   Patient doesn’t feel The patient doesn’t feel
  anything about her anything with her
  reproductive system sexually-reproductive
because she still lifestyle.
developing in her stage  
right now.  
10. Coping /   The patient cope her The patient feel
      Stress       Tolerance  stresses like eating ice comfortable beside
  cream, playing toys, with her parents.
play with her friends Parents tend to do an
and parents and also story telling, playing
eating a lot of nutritious with her, love and care,
foods. and also motivate her
  even though she feels
  a lot of pain.
11. Value - Belief   The patient was very  
respectful, responsible  The patient still feel
and caring child. She that way even in pain.
loves her family more
than anything else and
she always smile, she
is the child that always
makes people laugh
and enjoy every
moment with it.

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