Listening c1.3 Student Book

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*****  ! !!  *****  


Prepared  by  Division  of  Language  Skills  

Danang 2019
Course  name:     English  Listening  Skills  C1.3  
No.  of  Credits:     3  
Course  Length:                      45  periods/15  classes/15  weeks  
Course  Objectives:  
This  course  aims  to    
• provide  students  with  an  overview  of  various  listening  skills  at  a  more  advanced  level;  
• provide  students  with  listening  strategies  required  in  each  specific  listening  skill;  
• enable  students  to  develop  communicative  competence  via  understanding  and  analyzing  
spoken  texts;  
• expose  students  to  the  VSTEP  listening  format;  develop  test-­‐taking  skills.  
Course  Learning  Outcomes:  
Upon  completing  the  course,  learners  will  be  able  to  
• IDENTIFY  key  words,  synonyms  and  paraphrases  of  key  words,  and  distractors  
• KNOW  how  to  listen  for  main  ideas  and  details  
• DEMONSTRATE  predicting  and  inferencing  skills  and  apply  them  in  solving  listening  tasks  
• RECOGNIZE  speakers’  feelings  and  opinions    
• RECOGNIZE  and  DIFFERENTIATE  signpost  words  and  apply  these  abilities  in  following  talks  and  
• USE  abbreviations  and  symbols  when  listening  and  taking  notes  at  the  same  time  
• VISUALIZE  the  VSTEP  listening  test  and  apply  test-­‐taking  strategies  and  the  skills  mentioned  
above  in  simulated  VSTEP  listening  tests.  

Teaching  and  Learning  Modes:  

• Interactive  lectures  
• Interactive  practice  (learner-­‐learner  interaction  through  pair  and  group  work)  
• Critical  thinking  practice    
• Self-­‐regulated  and  collaborative  learning  (individual  and  group  work)  

Course  Assessment  
• On-­‐going    Assessment:  50%  
Attendance  and  In-­‐class  participation:  20%  
Mid-­‐term  Listening  Test:  30%  
• End-­‐of-­‐term  Assessment  (Final  Listening  Test):  50%

The  book  is  deigned  to  help  third-­‐year  students  of  the  Faculty  of  English,  University  of  
Foreign  Language  Studies,  develop  English  listening  skills.  
The  book  is  divided  into  two  main  parts.  The  first  part  consists  of  seven  units,  each  of  
which  begins  with  an  introduction  to  basic  concepts  related  to  a  specific  listening  skill,  
followed   by   suggested   listening   strategies.   Students   are   also   provided   with  
opportunities  for  practice  through  various  listening  activities  within  each  unit.    
The   second   part   of   this   course   material   is   for   test   practice.   All   of   the   compiled   tests  
include   multiple-­‐choice   questions,   which   are   simulations   of   the   VSTEP   listening   test  
that   students   are   encouraged   to   take   by   the   time   they   graduate   from   university   to  
meet  the  exit  requirements  on  English  competency.  Students  are  expected  to  be  able  
to   visualize   what   a   VSTEP   is   like   and   get   used   to   test-­‐taking   strategies,   which   is  
extremely  beneficial  for  those  who  are  preparing  for  such  a  language  proficiency  test.  

Division of Language Skills

Unit     Page  

1   Listening  for  Key  Words  &  Listening  for   1  


2   Listening  for  Main  Ideas   8  

3   Listening  for  Details   13  

4   Guessing  and  Predicting   18  

5   Listening  and  making  Inferences   24  

6   Listening  for  Speaker’s  Opinions  and  Attitudes   29  

7   Following  Signpost  Words  –  Listening  and   34  

Taking  Notes  

Test  practice    

  Test  1   46  

  Test  2   51  

  Test  3   56  



What do you do in the listening exam before you listen? You read the questions. And
as you read the questions you underline the key words. So what are key words?
What are key words?
Key words are names, numbers, negatives, and other important information words like verbs
and nouns. They are words and phrases that seem most important in each question.
Question: For the speaker, what is the most impressive aspect of a solar eclipse?
A. It’s a supernatural phenomenon.
B. It is extremely beautiful.
C. It is fascinating scientifically.
What words would you underline here? Many people would choose “eclipse” as it is an
unusual word and it is a noun and that might seem like a good starting point. If you thought
that, however, you might be making a bad mistake.
If we look through history, the solar eclipse has always had a profound effect on mankind. If
we think for a moment what it means to have the sun blotted out: the source of life eradicated.
In ancient times, people were unaware of its natural cause and were profoundly impressed
and believed it must be supernatural. Today most people know that it is caused by the moon
passing between the sun and the earth and are more impressed by its beauty. SPEAKING AS
AN ASTRONOMER, I FIND it scientifically fascinating.
The key words also include “for the speaker” and “most impressive”. And the best answer is C.
Why is it important to identify key words?
- Key words give clues to the context and may help predict what the listening passage is
- If you select the key word in advance, it will help you focus because the answer is often near
or even next to the key word. However, they don’t always tell what the answer is. This means
that if you hear the word “eclipse” you know that the answer will be coming soon.
- Underlining them helps you to focus your attention on what is most important as you listen.
- Don’t just concentrate on key words: read the whole question and listen for the meaning, not
- Many mistakes are made in listening by not really reading the question. If you only focus on
key words, you are likely to word match. You see a word in the question and you hear a word
on the cassette and you assume that that must be the right answer. The listening test is not
always that easy: the test is to see if you have understood the meaning, not if you can hear
individual words. If you made a mistake with the previous task, it may be because you did not
focus on the meaning of the question, but just looked at words.
- Only use key words to let you know when to listen. And don’t just listen for key words, be
ready for synonyms and paraphrases as well.

Exercise 1
1.1. Read the questions underlining the key words.
1. Where can you get extra information about the program?
A. by telephone
B. on the website
C. by email
2. Looking at the survey results, John was surprised that
A. so many teenagers got on well with their parents.
B. so few teenagers were happy at home.
C. so many teenagers wanted to participate in the survey.
3. The age of people most likely to be involved in car accident is
A. 18-19.
B. 20-25.
C. 65+.
1.2. Listen and circle the correct answer.
1.3. Work in pairs. Discuss whether you underlined all the necessary key words and how
they helped you decided the correct answer.
Exercise 2:
Work in pairs or groups and discuss the following questions.
1. At what age are people in your country considered to be adults?
2. What are the advantages to reaching adulthood?
3. How about the disadvantages?

2.1. Read the questions and underline the key words. Then listen and choose the best
answer A, B, or C.

1. According to the speaker, what do today’s young adults need to learn?

A higher-level work skills
B how to support a family
C how to combine work and study

2. The speaker claims that early adults today do not have

A a mature attitude.
B social skills.
C financial freedom.

3. The speaker compares the problems faced by today’s young adults to those
faced in
A their grandparents’ time.
B the early 20th century.
C their parents’ younger days.

4. One reason given for the change in social trends is that young people today
A mature at a later date than in the past.
B do not want to accept adult responsibilities.
C require more time to get a well-paid job.

5. What was the difficulty faced by the researchers at the start of this study?
A The concept of adulthood has never been clearly defined.
B Many social changes did not occur until recently.
C Much of the older data had been lost or destroyed.

2.2. Listen and choose the best answers to each question.

benchmark: criterion, point of reference for comparison
touchstone: experimentation, trial
census: counting and surveying of the population for official purposes

6. In the 1900s, which two of the following factors (A-E) were used as a benchmark
of reaching adulthood?
A Getting married
B Purchasing a house
C Graduation from school
D Having children
E Starting a first job

7. Which three of the following research methods (A-F) were used to carry out the
A Analyzing old video footage
B Talking to people in person
C Studying historical writings
D Assessing labor force statistics
E Checking official data from over 100 years ago
F Conducting a survey across a range of ages

Can the two factors used as a benchmark to determine a person’s adulthood in Vietnam? Are
there any other factors that can be used in Vietnam?


Exercise 1
1.1. Look at this multiple-choice question and underline the keywords. Think about the
question that is being asked. The recording and the question may use different words to talk
about the same thing, that is, they may use synonyms or paraphrase. Before you listen, read
through the options and think of different ways of expressing the same information. This way
you will recognize the correct answer when you hear it. Work with a partner. Look at option
A. Are there other ways of saying “12.00”? Think about what you may hear on the recording.
What about “1.45” and “2.15”? Now listen to the recording and answer the question.
1. The theft occurred
A around 12.00
B between 1.45 and 2.00
C between 2.00 and 2.15
1.2. Look at this short-answer question and underline the key words.
2. How long was the woman away from her vehicle?
Can you think of any synonyms or paraphrases for “vehicle”?
Now listen to the recording and answer the question.
1.3. Look at question 3. Think about the keywords and synonyms. Then listen to the recording
and answer the question.

3. The woman suspects her briefcase may have been stolen by

A a motorist
B a cyclist
C a pedestrian

Exercise 2

Listen to several different recordings and answer the questions by circling the correct
options. Pick out any synonyms or paraphrases of the keywords that you hear.

2.1. Listen to a police officer giving information about a crime.

1. The burglary took place at

A a museum. B the county hall. C a local shop.
2. The burglary took place at
A on Sunday night. B on Thursday C at the weekend.

3. The clock is
A one of a pair. B very valuable hall. C the work of an
unknown worker.

4. In the painting of Sir John Foxton, he is

A standing by a horse. B standing by a house. C riding a horse.

5. How did the burglars get in?

A Through the windoww B By the front door. C The police don’t know.

2.2. Listen to two students discussing the details of a presentation.

1. The total number of crimes in the greater London area is

A going up. B going down. C staying about the same.

2. The number of robberies is

A going up. B going down. C staying about the same.

3. The number of burglaries is

A going up. B going down. C staying about the same.

4. Of all reported crime, vehicle crimes account for

A a quarter. B a half. C the majority.

Exercise 3
Listen to some extracts and answer the questions by choosing the correct answer. Listen again
and write the synonyms or paraphrases you hear for the underlined words and phrases. Then
explain why the other possible answer are incorrect.

Synonyms/paraphrase Reason the other
options are incorrect
1. What do they decide to organize 1.
A a place to stay A accommodation/hotel
B their airfares B
C car hire C

2. What change will they make in the 2.

A improve the shade A
B remove plants B
C add a water feature C

3. What do the students agree they need 3.

to do with their project?
A do more research A
B make some cuts B
C add some visual effects C

4. The scientists are studying 4.

A how snow forms in different A
B the effect that snow has on our B
C the effect different clouds have C
on snow.

Exercise 4
Look at the question and list of possible answers. Before you listen, underline the key ideas
you need to listen for.

What TWO disadvantages of the new mobile phone does the speaker mention?
A It isn’t very user-friendly.
B It is very expensive.
C It can’t take photographs.
D It has a short battery life.
E It is quite big.

Listen and put options A-E in the order they are mentioned. Don’t answer the question yet.
Remember, the ideas will be paraphrased, so you may not hear the same words you see in the

A It isn’t very user-friendly.

B It is very expensive.
C It can’t take photographs.
D It has a short battery life.
E It is quite big.

Listen again and put a tick (√ ) or a cross (×) next to each option A-E depending on whether
or not it matches the information in the recording. Which TWO options are correct?

Exercise 5
Listen to the recording and answer the questions by circling the correct options. Pick
out any synonyms or paraphrases of the keywords that you hear.

1. Cranley Hill Primary School first opened

A 1830 B 1899. C 1983.

2. There are fewer pupils in the school now than in the past because
A there are not enough B students have C the local population
teachers. transport problems. has declined.

3. The head teacher is proud that the school is provided with energy from
A wind power from B coal from the local C electricity supplied
their own turbine. mines. by nearby villages.

4. The head teacher believes that primary pupils should study problems which
A are regional rather B can be solved C may have no clear
than global. locally. answer.

5. The children meals at school are unusual because

A they include food B they are provided by C the children are
grown by the local people. involved in cooking
children. the food.


For most questions in the listening paper, you will hear two or more potential answers to each
question, but only one will be correct. The incorrect answers are called distractors.
Distractors are the incorrect answers to a question. Identifying distractors helps you to choose
the correct answer and shows you have understood the listening text.
Exercise 1:
1.1. Listen to extracts from each Section of the Listening paper. Answer the questions in
the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER.

Questions Distractors
1 What date will they leave?
2 What day will the tour visit a farm?

3 The students decide to do a project about

4 Problems:
• Poor weather
• A lack of …………….

1.2. Listen to the extracts again. Write down each possible answer and cross out the
incorrect ones. Write the distractors in the table.

Exercise 2:
2.1. Listen to the conversation between two students about a music festival and answer
questions 1-3.

Question 1: Circle TWO letters A-G.

1. Which TWO of the following types of music will be performed at the festival?

A heavy metal E folk music

B rock music F country & western
C jazz G dance music
D opera

Questions 2-3: Circle the correct letters A-D.

2. When does the festival begin?

A 1st May B 9th May C 12th May D 16th May

3. How long does the festival last?

A a weekend B a week C ten days D two weeks

2.2. Make a list of the distractors you heard.


What Are Main Ideas?

Main ideas are overall information of the whole listening passage, which tells the
listener the focus of the conversation or monologue.

Necessary skills:
! Identifying main ideas:
- Understanding the overall topic or basic idea of a lecture or a conversation
- Understanding the speaker’s general purpose in giving a lecture or having a
- Inferring the speaker’s purpose or main idea when it is not directly stated
! Understanding organization:
- Understanding why the speaker mentions a certain example or piece of information
- Recognizing how a particular statement connects to the whole passage
- Realizing the speaker’s intention or purpose in an aside - a remark unrelated to the
main subject of a conversation
- Recognizing a change in topic

Example questions:
! Main ideas:
- What are the speakers mainly discussing?
- Why does the man go to see his professor?
- What is the talk mainly about?
- What is the discussion mainly about?
- What aspect of ………….. does the professor mainly discuss?
! Organization:
- Why does the professor mention …?
- How does the professor describe………?
- In what order does the student tell his professor about …….?
- How does the professor emphasize her point about…..?

! Pay attention to expressions that indicate the topic:
- Today’s talk is on ….
- Today/Now we’re going to talk about / discuss …..
! In a conversation, listen for cues that will indicate a speaker’s main purpose
- How can I help? /
- What do you need?
- Can you help me with …?
! Listen for key words that are emphasized or repeated.
! Keep in mind that two or more major ideas together may define the overall topic.

Exercise 1: Listen and answer each question.

1. What is the main topic of the talk?

A. A conflict between industries
B. Choosing a major with good job potential
C. Applying for a job as a chemist
D. How to declare one’s major

2. What are the student and the professor mainly discussing?

A. How the student can improve her grades
B. The maximum credits the student can register for
C. How part-time jobs affect the student’s grades
D. The number of credits the student should take

3. What problem does the woman have?

A. She did not bring her wallet.
B. She is upset that she needs identification photo.
C. Her driver’s license is no longer valid.
D. She came to the bank as it was closing.

4. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Why the man wants to major in linguistics
B. Why the woman plans to leave for South America after graduation
C. Why the woman is not going to worry about the job search any more
D. Why the man cannot find a decent job after graduation

5. Why does the woman talk to the man?

A. To ask about the presentation last week
B. To ask the man to help her complete a project
C. To tell him that her computer is not working
D. To show that she can make the computer-simulated models

6. What is the man’s problem?

A. He does not have a library card now.
B. He does not know how to use the scanner.
C. He cannot borrow books with his cards now.
D. His cash card does not work in the library.

Exercise 2
2.1. Listen and choose the best answer.

1. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Dilemmas in choosing the next step after graduation
B. Problems of studying computers in university
C. The type of degree employers look for in job applicants
D. Worries about getting a job after graduation

2. According to the woman, what do the employers want to know?

A. if someone can make a decision well
B. if someone is very interested in their field
C. if someone can do the work assigned to them
D. if someone has a graduate degree or not

2.2. Listen again and complete the notes.

Graduate in …………………….
Choice 1: to work
- employers look at …………………….
After graduation - can work with ………………. see software
engineering process etc.
Choice 2: …………………….
- advanced theory in field
- Master’s degree in ……………………. years
Woman’s major: …………………….

Exercise 3
3.1. Listen and choose the best answer.

1. What are the student and professor mainly talking about?

A. The rising costs of graduate school
B. The information about scholarships
C. The deadline for scholarship applications
D. The percentage of students with scholarships

2. According to the professor, from whom can the student acquire a scholarship?
A. The national government, or private businesses
B. The university’s student union
C. The professor’s physics graduate course
D. The office of registrar

3.2. Listen again and complete the notes.

……………………. starts next fall

Tuition problem " apply for …………………….!
Type 1: …………………….
based on grades
Who provides scholarships?
1. national gov. & states
2. …………………….: more funds available
Type 2: …………………….
based on financial need
apply when? …………………….
more info in …………………….

Exercise 4

4.1. Listen to part of a talk by John, an Australian paleontologist (a scientist who studies
dinosaurs and fossils). To help practise keeping track of the talk, put the phrases below
in the order you hear them.

- The very first field trip I went on
- It's an ancestor of the modern Australian wombat
- I found a funny-looking piece of rock
- An old professor studying dried-up dinosaur bones
- I immediately changed courses
- I had to do a compulsory unit on extinction

4.2. Which of the following describes the main topic of the talk?

a. Important lectures John’s has given

b. Describing the process that led to John's current role
c. Explaining how ancient Australian animals became extinct

4.3. Look at the summary below and write questions related to the information missing
from each gap.

John was interested in the 1. ……………………. so took an ecology course at
university. The course included a section on 2. ……………………. and an
interesting lecture caused him to quickly change his degree.
John says working in paleontology can be difficult and he describes the conditions
as 3. …………………….. However, the discovery of a 4. …………………….
from an ancient animal made him realize he had made the right choice.

E.g. 1. What was John interested in? / Why did John take an ecology course?

Listen to the talk again and complete the summary with ONE WORD ONLY. Check
your answers, paying attention to your spelling.

Exercise 5
5.1. You are going to hear a lecture about family structures. What kind of
information is needed to complete the sentences 1 -4?

Example: Nowadays, the elderly are less likely to rely + on + noun.

• 'on': The verb ‘rel y’ is usuall y followed b y the dependent preposition 'on'.
• a noun: This sentence has a subject and a verb. To complete the sentence we
need an object. This needs to be a noun because the verb ‘rely on’ is followed by
an object. There may be a possessive adjective in front of the noun (e.g. ‘their
siblings’) or an article (e.g. ‘the government).

1. The ……………………. family structure has changed greatly in the last fifty years.
2. Strong family structures used to be necessary due …………………….
3. People often ……………………. the wealth of their parents.
4. More than ……………………. children have no siblings nowadays.

5.2. Now listen and complete the sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS

Exercise 6
You will hear a lecture about sports. Listen carefully and fill in each blank with NO
People always say that sports help them not only to have a happy life, but also keep them
(1) ……………………. and (2) …………………….. This is because sports make them (3)
……………………. and (4) ……………………. with their friends. Sports take (5)
……………………. of forms: (6) ……………………., (7) ……………………. and hunting
and (8) …………………….. Sports are (9) …………………….. If you want to know about
what others' favourite sports are, you should find what kind of weather they have. Generally
speaking, people in hot areas like (10) …………………….while people in cold places prefer
(11) ……………………. or (12…………………….. Some sports, including (13)
……………………., boxing and (14) ……………………., are called (15)
………………….while other sports, such as (16) …………………., are called (17)

Exercise 7
You will hear a radio programme in which the speakers discuss the importance of
looking after old people in winter. Listen to the dialogue and fill in each blank with NO

Mr. Hastings, a (1) ……………………. from the Social Services Department, came to a radio
programme to discuss the importance of looking after (2) ……………………. in winter. First
of all, he told the listeners there were (3) ……………………. reasons for them to (4)
……………………. on elderly people during the cold winter. Then he explained what they
should do to help the old. For example, they should (5) ……………………. the old person's
body, make sure that the one room where the old person lives is (6) …………………….
make sure if the old person could have a (7) ……………………. meal. Finally, he mentioned
the government and other local (8) ……………………. already involved in this kind of work.
He wished the listeners could help the old to contact with the (9) ……………………. to get
some help for them.


What are details?

Details are specific information of the topic. Detail questions often require learners to catch
specific information.

Necessary skills:
! Taking notes of major points and important details of a lecture or conversation
! Listening for signal words expressions that identify details, such as the following:
for example, the reason is, on the other hand, I would say ……………….
! Eliminating incorrect answer choices
! Identifying a statement that is not mentioned

Example questions:
! According to ………………., what is ……………….?
! Which of the following is true, according to the lecture?
! What does the speaker say about ……………….?
! What correction does the speaker make between …………… and ……………….?
! What does the professor suggest the students to do?

! Since answers to questions are generally found in order in the listening passage, it
is helpful to take notes in the order of what you hear.
! Detail questions do not require inference. Choose what speakers actually say.
! In a lecture, detail questions are about information related to the following: new
facts, description, definitions of terms/concepts/ ideas, reasons, results, and
! Incorrect choices may repeat some of the speakers’ words but do not reflect correct
information from the lecture or conversation.

Exercise 1
Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.

Name: (1) Duncan ……………………
Telephone number: 5762 23821
Date of arrival: (2) ……………………
Date of departure: 23rd September
Room type: Twin room
Cost: (3) £……………………
Payment method: (4) ……………………

Exercise 2
Listen to a phone call between a mother and her daughter. Answer each question with
NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS according to what you hear from the conversation.
1. What's the time of the year now?
2. What happened during the trip for Jane from her home to the vacation spot?
3. What did Jane do on Sunday?
4. How long is her vacation?
5. When will she come back home?
6. What had happened when she lied down on the beach the other day?
7. Why isn't John feeling very well?
Exercise 3
Now listen to the recording and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN FOUR
1. What is the most common crime in the UK?
2. What two forms of theft does the policewoman mention?
3. Why are people in more danger when they are abroad?
4. What should people leave in the hotel?
5. What kind of mobile is popular with thieves?
Exercise 4
Listen to the interviews between a Student Counsellor and two students. Complete the
notes. Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Interview 1

Name: Linda Richmond

Course: 1. ………………………………..

Where living: 2. ………………………………..

Membership of student societies/clubs: 3. ………………………………..

Comments on facilities: Quite good

Suggestions for improvements: 4. ………………………………..

Other leisure activities: 5. ………………………………..

Interview 2

Name: 6. ………………………………..
Course: Marine Biology

Where living: 5 kilometres away

Membership of student societies/clubs: 7. ………………………………..

Comments on facilities: 8. ………………………………..

Suggestions for improvements: 9. ………………………………..

Other leisure activities: 10. ………………………………..

Exercise 5
Listen to the talk about men and apes, and then complete each sentence with NO MORE

1. Men and apes differ little in their ……………………………………………..

2. Both men and apes have ………………………………………. instead of claws or hooves.
3. Like apes, men have no ……………………………………………..
4. Both apes and men differ from other animals in having ………………………….…………
5. Apes can make and use simple tools. Only man, however, can ……………………………..
6. It is possible that a chimpanzee has struck a match on a matchbox and made fire, but only
man …………………………………………….

Exercise 6: Listen and answer each question.
1. Who is going to organize the field trip?
A. Andy
B. George
C. Martha
D. Joe
2. Where did the student hear about the movie scheduled to be shown tomorrow night?
A. In Germany
B. At the TV station’s website
C. From the campus radio station
D. From someone at the School of Broadcasting
3. Where can the man find the recent information?
A. In history class
B. In the periodicals section
C. In the reference section
D. In encyclopedias
4. Why is the woman reluctant to take summer classes?
A. Chemistry is not offered at her university
B. She wants to take a long vacation
C. She thinks the credits can be transferred
D. She thinks they would be too expensive
5. According to the man, how is the computerized system faster than writing
information down?
A. It can connect to other universities’ libraries.
B. It can print out the information on the printer.
C. It uses the card catalog’s fast searching system.
D. It is easier to learn than the card catalog system.
6. What type of instrument player is the band looking for?
A. Flute
B. Clarinet
C. Trumpet
D. Saxophone

Exercise 7
Listen and choose the best answer.
1. What is the woman’s problem?
A. She does not know how to use the internet.
B. She cannot register for a chemistry class.
C. She is the last person on the waiting list.
D. She made a mistake using the waiting list.

2. According to the man, how can the woman check if she got into the class?

Tick in the correct box

Yes No
Notification by mail from the university
Access the school’s internet website
Talk to the professor every day
Call the registration office

Exercise 8: Listen and choose the best answer.

1. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. How the dormitory is operated
B. How resident assistants can solve problems
C. How to win an argument with your roommate
D. How to solve the problems of living with roommates

2. According to the conversation, what is the problem with the woman’s roommate?
Tick in the correct box for each phrase.

Yes No
Unwilling to clean up the room
Listens to loud music
Studies in the dormitory
Talks too much with the resident assistant

3. What does the man think about his new roommate?

A. He is unhappy with the new roommate.
B. He gets along well with the new roommate.
C. He thinks the new roommate is too tidy.
D. He thinks that the new roommate is too noisy.

Exercise 9
Below is a summary of the conversation between Andrew and Samantha. Complete the
summary by writing ONE suitable word in each of the numbered spaces.

As a solicitor, Samantha advises people about their (1) …………………… in many different
topic areas. One of the most interesting areas for overseas students is (2) ……………… laws.
People are often surprised to find that you are not allowed to bring (3) ……………... into
Australia because in many countries customs regulations pay little attention to this matter.
They attach more importance to (4) …………………… and (5) …………………….
However, in Australia, you can't even take (6) …………………… from one to another. It
doesn’t matter whether you are travelling by (7) …………………… or by (8)
……………………. There are (9) …………………… remind you not to bring in any fruit.
This is because of the need to protect (10) ……………………against pests.


Why do we need to develop guessing and predicting skills?

You are given only a short time to look at the questions before the listening passage
begins. However, to score well in the listening test, you need to develop the ability to think
ahead. The more effectively you can predict, the quicker your mind will form the correct word
associations to make with the topic, and the better you will be able to work out the meaning of
what you hear. The secret to increasing your listening skills is to better predict what you
might hear.

Necessary skills:

! Predicting possible answers

! Predicting what the speaker might mention based on the questions given
! Inferring what is likely to happen from what the speaker says
! Drawing a conclusion based on the main idea and what the speaker says

Example questions:

! What will the man/woman/ speaker probably do?

! How will the man and woman look for the information the man needs?
! What will the professor discuss next?
! What will the man most likely do?


! Making assumptions about what you are going to hear by finding the answers to:
Who? What? When? Where? And Why?
! Pay attention to the last part of the conversation. For example, if a speaker agrees
with other speaker’s suggestion at the end, the speaker will probably do what is
! Listen for such expressions as following: “I’d better …”, “I will…”, “then…”, “I
think I can…”, “we’ll discuss…”, “we’ll talk more about…”
! Pay attention to time expressions, such as tomorrow, this evening, and next time/
week/ semester

Exercise 1
Look at the note completion task below. What type of information must you listen out for?

Example: Bus departs at …. Type of information needed

What time does the bus depart? a time
1. The man wants to study … at
2. Louis Pasteur was born in … (2
possible answers)
3. Cost of concession tickets $ …
4. Address …. Street
5. Reason for delay …
6. New Yorkers consume …gallons of
water each day.
7. Date of arrival …
8. The problem of longitude plagued the
early navigators for years because the
lacked the ability to …
9. Type of car …
10. Spring rolls are made from …

Exercise 2

Look at the task below. What do you think the context of the listening will be? Predict
the type of information needed for each space. Then listen and complete the notes.

Architecture 21 conference Type of information needed

Conference dates 1…………….

Conference venues 2…………….
Reservations phone no. 3…………….
Cost $300 for 3 days
Student rate $150 for 3 days 4…………….
Contact person 5…………….
Must act fast!
Closing date for talks 6…………….
Send outline to include 7…………….
Maximum length 8…………….
Also send 9…………….
Email address 10…………[email protected]

Exercise 3
Read the notes and write what kind of word completes each space grammatically: a
noun, a verb or a quantity/amount? Think of words related to the topic of 'lightning and
safety' that could complete the notes.

Lightning Safety: Presentation Plan

Part 1: Planning for lightning
- Important to be prepared
- Go inside before it (1) ……………..
Part 2: If inside
- Stay away from water, doors, windows, and telephones
- Turn off (2) ……………..
Part 3: If outside
- Avoid trees, open spaces, and metal objects
- If the lightning comes near you (3) …………….. and cover your ears
Part 4: If someone gets hit
- Get help from a (4) ……………..
- Call an ambulance
- Don't worry: (5) …………….. of lightning victims survive!

You are going to hear two students talking about a project. Listen and complete the
notes above. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each

Exercise 4
Read through the table carefully and answer these questions.
a. In which order will you hear the information?
b. Which answers can you predict?

old Value Card new SuperValue Card

Points Standard number Double points
Free credit period One month (6) ……....... months
Interest rate 18.5% (7) ……....... %
Cardholder shopping
(8) ……....... per month Two per month
Free delivery within
Benefits Free delivery within 50 miles
(9) ……....... miles
Fee Nil (10) £…….......

Listen to the recording and complete the gaps in the table. Write NO MORE THAN
TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Exercise 5
Questions 1-4: Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

City Bus Tour Booking Form

Number of passengers: 2

Passenger name(s): Susan Field and James (1) ………………………………..

Contact telephone number: 07988 (2) ………………………………..

Hotel: (3) ………………………………..

Bus tour time: (4) ………………………………

Bus tour date: 14th August

Questions 5-6: Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

5. Why does a ticket for the museum cost £10?

A. The money is needed to fix parts of the building.
B. The collection of Latin American art is unique.
C. It is the only art museum in Europe.
6. The tourist office assistant suggests going to the next town for a good restaurant
A. they overlook the sea.
B. the restaurants are bigger.
C. there are more restaurants to choose from.

Questions 7-10: Match the restaurants with their descriptions. Write ONE letter A-E
next to questions 7-10.
7. The Belleview
8. The Lighthouse Café
9. Harvey's
10. Stone croft House

A. It is visited by famous people who work in entertainment.

B. This restaurant has recently been bought by a new family.
C. One family has managed the restaurant for over 100 years.
D. It is expensive but serves high quality food.
E. It has been decorated in a modern style.

Exercise 6

Question 1 Questions 2 - 5
Choose TWO letters A- F. Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN
What were the TWO main problems with the first THREE WORDS for each answer.
part of Eliot's essay?
Captive breeding
A. insufficient research Introduction
- a 2______________of captive breeding
B. lack of organisation

C. lack of concrete examples Advantages of captive breeding programmes

- allow preservation of species from extinction
D. narrow focus - could give new function for 3_______ in future
- allow reintroduction of species into wild
E. inclusion of irrelevant material

F. insufficient supporting evidence Disadvantages of captive breeding programmes

- captive breeding is 4 ______________
- psychological effects of captivity
- danger of 5______________for captive animals
- poor success in reintroduction to wild

6.1. Read through questions 1-5 and answer these questions.

1. Why is Eliot having this tutorial?

2. What is the specific topic that Eliot has been studying?
3. What do the notes in questions 2-5 tell you about this topic and what do you know
yourself? (E.g. Why is it necessary? Where might it take place?)

6.2 Listen to the first part of the recording and answer questions 1-5.

- Check how many answers you have to choose.

- Listen for words that signal key information.

Exercise 7:

7.1. The questions and options can give you a lot of information about what you will
hear. Read multiple-choice questions 1-4 and answer questions a—d.

a. How many speakers do you think you will hear?

b. Who has to do assignments?
c. Which academic subjects is someone studying?
d. What area of that subject are they focusing on?

1. Where are the speakers having this discussion?
A. a library
B. a student flat
C. a lecture theatre

2. How has Chloe spent the morning?

A. drinking coffee
B. training
C. studying

3. According to Bill, what does the experiment show?

A. Quantities of water are hard to measure.
B. Children under five make many mistakes.
C. Clear thinking is difficult for small children.

4. Bill's assignment is about the stages in a child's

A. emotional development.
B. mental development.
C. social development.

Listen to the recording and answer Questions 1-4 above, choosing the correct answer A,
B, or C.

7.2. The paragraph below is taken from a summary completion task.

a. Which speaker does it concentrate on?
b. What aspect of her studies does it discuss?

Chloe started the psychology course in the (5) ……....... year. Previously she studied law. She
enjoyed studying the (6) ……....... branch of that subject.
The worst thing was having to remember lots of (7) ……....... She found (8) ……....... especially
technical. She did not enjoy spending her time reading about (9) ……....... in the library. The part
of the psychology course she likes best is experimental psychology, because it involves (10)
……....... activities.

Listen to the second recording and complete the summary. Write NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS for each answer.


What is making inferences?

Making inferences means to draw conclusions about information that is not stated
directly by using information that you already know or that is stated directly. Making
inferences while listening can help deepen your understanding of what you hear.

Necessary skills:
! Guessing the implied meaning of a sentence or phrase
! Making a generalization from what is said
!Drawing a conclusion based on the main points of a lecture or a conversation
! Recognizing how intonation or stress indicates implied information or opinions
! Inferring what is likely to happen from what a speaker says

Example questions:
! What does the professor imply about ?
! What can be inferred about ?
! What will the professor like to discuss next?
! What will the student probably do next?

! Try to guess the implied meaning of the given information. The correct answer is
not directly stated.
Read the listening tapescript below of a student talking about meeting his professor for the
first time and decide whether his first impression was positive or negative.
When I first met my professor, he shook my hand firmly and then asked me
questions about myself. He was very polite. He also was relaxed and seemed
interested in what I was saying.

Even though the student does not state directly that his first impression of his professor
was positive, you can infer or conclude that he did from the information he does state directly.
He shook my hand firmly.
He asked questions.
He was relaxed and seemed interested.

! Pay attention to clues expressed by certain words, word stress, intonation, or pace of
what is said. The same sentence can express different meanings when said in different
Oh, you’ve never heard of that. (I may need to explain more than I thought)
Oh, you’ve never heard of that? (I’m surprised that you’ve never heard of that)

! Pay attention to the last part of a conversation. For example, if a speaker agrees with the
other speaker’s suggestion at the end, we can infer that the speaker will do what is suggested.

! Use logic and think about how key points relate.

When a student says, “I need to study more for my biology class, but my schedule is so
tight”, we can guess that “tight schedule” means the speaker doesn’t have enough
time to study for his biology class.

! Do not choose choices that are too general or vague.

Exercise 1
1.1. Listen and answer each question.

1. What does the professor imply?

A. Insurance companies base their rates on risk assessments.
B. The students should not have brought their cars to the city.
C. The students really don’t need to worry about their cars.
D. Insurance companies prefer to insure drivers in the suburbs.

2. What can be inferred about conducting interviews?

A. The students already have the skills to conduct the interviews.
B. Many managers are not skilled at conducting interviews.
C. A good interviewer will not ask too many questions.
D. The secret to a good interview is to make the applicant do most of the work.

1.2. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Dictation 1:

One of the most important skills that an insurance company needs to have is the ability to do
(1)……….. (2) ……….. (3) ……….. (4) ………... An insurance company is (5) ………..
(6) ……….. (7……….. (8) ……….. that they will make more money in insurance payments
than they will pay out (9) ……….. (10) ……….. (11) ……….. , right? Well for that to work,
they need to know what the chances are that something will (12) ……….. (13) ……….. and
that …uh… they’ll have to pay an insurance claim. Let’s look at (14) ……….. (15) ………..
(16) ……….. (17) ………...

For those of you who moved here (18) ……….. (19) ……….. (20) ……….., you’ve probably
noticed that your car insurance is much higher in the city, right? That’s because the city is
considered (21) ……….. (22) ……….. (23) ……….. (24) ……….....uh statistically…and
I’m not trying to scare you or anything…but (25) ……….. you have a higher chance of
having your car stolen, (26) ……….. …whatever…here than you do in the suburbs.

Dictation 2:

One of the most important duties (1) ……….. (2) ……….. (3) ……….. is hiring. This week
we’re going to talk about conducting (4) ……….. (5) ……….. (6) ……….. . Now a lot
of you are probably thinking that this is the easy part… the people you interview (7) ………..
(8) ……….. (9) ……….. all the work, right? And (10) ……….. (11) ……….. (12)
……….. you’re like a lot of the office managers out there now. But (13) ……….. (14)
……….. is a skill that has to be developed…it’s not just asking questions. You need to ask
(15) ……….. (16) ……….. (17) ………...

The first step (18) ……….. (19) ……….. to give an interview is to think of what is needed for
the job (20)……….. (21) ……….. (22) ………... I’m not talking about things (23) ………..
(24) ……….....I mean what will the person have to do in the job. Once you (25) ……….. (26)
……….. (27) ……….. of everything they have to do, you need (28) ……….. (29) ………..
(30) ……….. .

Exercise 2

2.1. Listen and answer each question.

1. What does the professor imply?

A. Affirmative action is a controversial subject.
B. Debates will be held on a different day of class.
C. The student’s opinions are not his major concern.
D. It is his legal responsibility to teach the students about affirmative action.

2. What will the students probably do to prepare for the exam?

A. Attend more study labs
B. Get more books on micro and macro economics
C. Study the integration of micro and macro economics
D. Attend the lecture by Gordon Croft

2.2. Listen again and fill in the blanks.

Dictation 1:
Today’s topic is (1) ……….. (2) ……….., and before we start I just want to remind you that
we’re only discussing (3) ……….. (4) ……….. (5) ……….. it creates for employers…uh, I
know that many of you probably have strong feelings on this subject… but I really don’t want
(6) ……….. (7) ……….. (8) ……….. (9) ……….. (10) ……….. about affirmative action
today, OK? Good.

Now affirmative action places a minimum on the number (11) ……….. (12) ……….. a
company must hire, and that’s usually determined as percentage (13) ……….. (14) ………..
(15) ……….. (16) ……….. of the company. But affirmative action can place further
responsibilities (17) ……….. (18) ………... For instance, an employer may be (19) ………..
(20) ……….. (21) ……….. a certain number of minority employees…to, you know, make
sure that the company doesn’t just keep them (22……….. (23) ……….. (24) ……….. (25)
………... Or the company may need (26) ……….. (27) ……….. (28) ……….. (29)
……….. leadership position with a minority … maybe a member (30) ……….. (31) ………..
(32) ……….. or something.

Dictation 2:
As you know, (1) ……….. (2) ………… is next week. Now in you labs you’ve been given (3)
…………. (4) ……….. to help you study, so you should be well prepared, but I’m going (5)
………… (6) ……….. (7) ……….. (8) ……….. (9) ……….. anyway to discuss what will
be on the exam. The, uh…major focus will be on macroeconomics (10) ……….. (11)
………... You need to know the major ideas we’ve discussed (12) ……….. (13)

Oh, incidentally, Gordon Croft is going to be (14) ……….. (15) ……….. (16) ………..on
campus next week. He’s one of the leading experts (17) ……….. (18) ……….. (19) ………..
of micro and macro economics. Now that won’t specifically be on your exam, but his lecture
may help (20) ……….. (21) ……….. (22) ……….. for you. Anyway just thought I’d offer
that up to you. So study up, make sure you (23) ……….. (24) ……….. (25) ……….. (26)
……….. in your study packet, and uh, if you have time, you might drop (27) ……….. (28)
……….. (29) ……….. .

Exercise 3

Listen and choose the best answers.

1. According to the talk, what is class consciousness?

A. Satisfied wage earners in factories
B. An awareness of the common condition of workers
C. The ides of protecting laboring children
D. Support for a labor movement

2. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.

What can be inferred about wage earners joining the labor movement?
A. They did not want the machines to take over their jobs.
B. They were bored and wanted to join the movement for fun.
C. They hoped to find a solution to the endless toil of work.
D. They had to learn how to use the machines from the labor movement.

3. Why does the professor mention power machines?

A. To list a few reasons why farmers had a hard time operating the machines
B. To point out when workers finally had better working conditions
C. To end the talk about labor movements and working conditions
D. To explain why there was a majority of factory workers.

Exercise 4

1. Why does the student visit the advisor?

A. He needs to find which major will give him a high paying job.
B. He needs to get information on a report by the career center.
C. He needs advice on choosing a major.
D. He’s having some problems with his parents.

2. According to the advisor, what did the report by the career center show?
A. Certain majors had a better chance to get jobs.
B. There is no major that is guaranteed to lead to high paying jobs.
C. More practical majors were more likely to get high paying jobs.
D. There is a strong connection between majors and future earnings.

3. What will the student probably do next?

A. Write a report for the career center
B. Ask the career center to help him choose a major
C. Try to get a copy of the report for his parents
D. Read the report before choosing a major

4. What does the advisor mean when she says this “…”?
A. She thinks this report is probably available to anyone who’s interested.
B. She doesn’t understand why they are keeping this report secret.
C. She thinks it’s unlikely they will give the student a copy of the report.
D. She really doesn’t know if he can get a copy of the report or not.

Exercise 5: Listen and choose the best answer.

Listen and choose the best answers.

1. What is the talk mainly about?

A. Principles of marketing
B. The importance of customer service
C. Improving advertising skills
D. Advertising through customer service

2. What does the professor say is the main reason for losing current customers?
A. Better offers from competition
B. Customers lack feelings of loyalty
C. Failure to ask for customer opinions
D. Word of mouth advertising

3. According to the professor, what can be the main result of good customer service?
A. Lower spending on advertising
B. Higher profits
C. Increased customer referrals
D. More uses for marketing strategies

4. Why does the professor say this: “…”?

A. To conclude a section of the lecture
B. To emphasize the importance of a point
C. To encourage students to ask questions
D. To check the students’ understanding

5. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.

What does the professor mean when he says this: “…”?

A. New customers will always be the most important aspect of a business.

B. It is difficult to capture many new customers with advertising.
C. Old customers are more valuable than new customers.
D. Customers are always ready to escape if they are not treated well.


In any part of the Listening test, you may have to answer questions on the speakers’
feelings or views. You need to recognize vocabulary related to feelings and expressions that
introduce an opinion.

What is Speaker’s attitude?

Speaker’s attitude/opinion is his/her feelings or emotions on what is discussed.
Generally, these feelings/attitudes are not expressed directly, but through intonation or tone of

How can you tell opinions from facts?

An opinion is a point of view; it differs from a fact in that it cannot be proved true.
Some people make their opinions sound like facts, but usually when people give a verbal
opinion, they use phrases such as “I believe …”, “I think…”, “In my opinion, …”, “To my
point of view….”.

Commonly asked questions:

! Which of the following best describes the professor’s opinion?

! What is the professor’s opinion of …………..?
! What is the student’s attitude toward …………..?
! What is the woman’s initial attitude toward the student’s request?
! What is the student’s attitude toward the suggestion of …………..?
! How sure is the man that woman can …………..?


! Pay attention to the adjectives and verbs related to feelings. These may help you
recognize words or phrases that indicate the speaker’s feeling or opinion.
A: The course Chemistry 204 was very helpful.
B: Yeah. I really enjoyed the classes with Professor Jones.

! Guess the speaker’s attitude by the tone of voice, intonation, and the sentence
stress that the speaker uses to show his or her feeling or opinion.
(With surprise) You liked it? (The speaker does not agree.)
Or (Happily) You liked it! (The speaker is pleased.)

! Consider the degree of certainty in what a speaker says.

You want to know when it was discovered? Hmm, let me think.
Probably around 1600.
(The speaker is not sure of the information.)

Exercise 1
Match words/ phrases 1 – 7 with their synonyms a – g.

1. worried a. dubious
2. enthusiastic b. hesitant
3. afraid c. annoyed
4. confused d. concerned
5. irritated e. scared
6. reluctant f. puzzled
7. doubtful g. eager

Can you think of other adjectives expressing people’s feelings?

Exercise 2
Listen to some people talking and decide how each one feels. Write the adjectives in the
“feeling” column.
Listen a second time and write down the words that the speaker uses to show how he or she
Listen a third time and notice how they use intonation to help get the message across.

Speaker Feeling Words used


Exercise 3:

3.1. Listen to Amanda and Walid discussing smoking. Put a tick by the speaker who has
the strongest feelings about the topic and write down the words that they use to describe
their feelings.

Speaker Tick Words used


3.2. Listen again and complete the sentence.

Walid doesn’t like being with smokers when he is …

A. eating. B. walking. C. socializing.

Exercise 4:

4.1. Take 30 seconds to underline any key words in the question below, including those
that focus on feelings or views.

1. The students think that their project is

A. unoriginal.
B. uninteresting.
C. unusual.

2. What does Hiba say about her teenage life?

A. It was like most other people’s.
B. Some of it was disappointing.
C. She didn’t enjoy it.

3. Almed suggests that they write about

A. something they did alone.
B. a significant event.
C. an unhappy time.

4. How did Almed’s father feel about his idea?

A. He thought it was crazy.
B. He realized it was useless.
C. He believed it was right.

5. How does Hiba feel about Amed’s challenge?

A. pleased.
B. envious.
C. unconcerned.

4.2. Listen to a conversation between two students and answer the questions above.

Exercise 5

5.1. Listening to eight extracts. What does each speaker show?

a. strong agreement: ………………………..

b. neither complete agreement nor complete disagreement: …………………………
c. complete disagreement: …………………………..

5.2. Listen again and complete the extracts.

1. Well, I……………………………………………
2. I think that’s a ……………………………………………
3. Well, I’m……………………………………………about that.
4. I think you’re……………………………………………
5. Hmm, that’s a bit……………………………………………
6. I think that’s……………………………………………
7. That seems……………………………………………to me.
8. I have to admit I don’t like the……………………………………………
Exercise 6

6.1. Listen to a young woman talking about the topic of marriage. She discusses three
different views on marriage. Complete the table as you listen.

View Words used

Other people’s In favour of marriage
Her parents’
Her own views

6.2. Answer the question.

How does the speaker feel about marriage?

A. She thinks she will get married soon.
B. She is uncertain whether she will ever marry.
C. She fears that her parents will force her to marry.

Exercise 7:

7.1. Listen and answer each question.

1. How does the professor feel about MRI technology?

A. It is too dangerous to be used in medicine.
B. It should use less powerful magnets.
C. It is dangerous because of the lack of training.
D. It is perfectly safe as long as people aren’t careless.

2. What is the student’s attitude toward the design of smaller electronics? A.

He doesn’t understand how it relates to the idea that form follows function. B.
He thinks the professor’s ideas don’t apply to electronics.
C. He thinks that it is changing the way people think about product design.
D. He thinks that sometimes it goes against the idea that form should follow function.

3. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.

What is the professor’s opinion of solar system?
A. He thinks that its theory is overly optimistic.
B. It is the best option for a replacement for coal and oil.
C. He is disappointed that it is not used more in reality.
D. He thinks its theory needs to be developed more before it can be used.

7.2. Listen again and fill in the blanks.
MRI technology is essential (1) ……….. (2) ……….. (3) ……….. It uh, it allows us
to take extremely (4) ……….. (5) ………..of the body…far more detailed than those of say
Now, uh MRIs work basically (6) ……….. (7) ……….. (8) ……….. (9) ………... Now when
I said the magnets are powerful, I mean it... so powerful they can be dangerous. All metal has
to be removed (10) ……….. (11) ……….. (12) ……….., belt buckles, change in their
pockets…anything, it’s all (13) ………. (14) ……….. (15) ……….. before the patient enters
the MRI room.
But MRI technology (16) ……….. (17) ……….. (18) ……….. so fast that not all the nurses
and technicians who work with it are (19) ……….. (20) ………... Sometimes (21) ………..
(22) ……….. (23) ……….. of metal…uh let’s say the patient has a metal pin in their leg (24)
……….. (25) ……….... sometimes that kind of stuff is overlooked, and well if you got a
piece of metal (26) ……….. (27) ……….. (28) ……….. and you’re near a really powerful



What are sign post words?

As with writing, speakers make use of special words to help introduce ideas and to provide a
framework for what they are saying, especially in formal speech, such as lectures or talks. We
can think of these words as signpost words because they direct our listening.

How important are sign post words?

Sign post words can point us towards the next idea, and what kind of information this may be.
Good public speakers and lecturers illustrate stages of their talk through the use of signpost
words. Being able to identify and following these words will help you understand formal
spoken English.

Also, in the listening test, each section is considered separately, and you are not told when the
next question in a section comes. When the passage is being played, you should be aware of
the content of the next question. If you do not think ahead to the next question and you miss
an answer, you might be unable to keep up with the tape. You could still be waiting for an
answer that has already been given. One way to help you recognize when the questions
change is to listen for the marker words/phrases or signpost words. Signpost words help to
predict what direction a conversation or talk is going in. Once you recognize that the topic has
changed, it is time to move on to the next question even if you have not completed the
previous one.

Types of sign post words:

Below are some possible “directions” that the signpost words can take you in.
a. Leading towards a comparison
b. Leading towards a contrast or opposite
c. Introducing an example of what was said earlier
d. Suggesting cause and effect or result
e. Providing additional information
f. Setting out the stages of the talk

Exercise 1

Read sentences 1-10 and identify the signpost words and the direction (a-f on the previous
page) that the words are taking you in.

Then try to complete the unfinished statements above by creating an ending which makes
sense in each case, using the signpost words in the text to help you.

Exercise 2

Look at the words and phrases below and decide what kind of information might follow, e.g. a
contradiction, an example, an additional piece of information.
Complete each of the speech bubbles with the most appropriate word or phrase.
Then listen to Extract 1 and check your answers.

Exercise 3

You are going to listen to a lecture in three sections. Before each section, spend half a minute
reading the questions and underlining the key words.

Look at questions 1-6 and listen to the first section.

Questions 1-2

Which of the following areas does the lecturer say she will cover? Circle TWO answers.

A Global inequalities
B Poverty in the developing world
C The history of globalization
D The key arguments for and against globalization
E Trade and economics
F The World Trade Organization

Questions 3-5

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.
3. Many people feel globalization is about the economy or …………
4. An example is the export of Japanese …………
5. Globalization began approximately ………… ago.

Question 6

Which of these is NOT mentioned as important to the development of globalization?

A the telephone
B the fax
C the postal service
D air travel

Questions 7-9

Complete the following notes using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.

Anti-globalization groups – e.g. Greenpeace and Friends of the

Earth. These are 7………….. organizations. They feel
globalization causes global warming, and depletion of oil, gas,
8…………..and sea life.

Many businesses in developed nations are against globalization

because of competition from 9 …………..

Questions 10-12

Complete the table using ONE OR TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.

Organization Established Number of member Roles

WTO (10) ………. 123 Prevents members favouring
home industries
IMF 1946 (11) ………… Provides temporary financial
UN 1946 Promotes shared values
between UN and the
(12) ……….

Throughout the lecture, the lecturer uses certain words and phrases to signal, or signpost, key
stages in the lecture. Recognizing these can help you understand and follow her argument.
Look at these “signposts” and divide them into categories.

Introduction: …………………

Sequencing: …………………

Changing topic: …………………

Concluding/Summarizing: …………………

A Turning now to … G I will start by considering …
B Now let us look a little at … H So, we’ve seen that …
C Lastly, … I I’d now like to move on to …
D In the first part of today’s lecture… J Secondly, I will explain …
E I would like to … K So, let’s begin with
F Having looked at … L Finally, I intend to …

Listen to the whole lecture again and number the signposts in the order in which you
hear them.

Exercise 4

You will hear the following signaling phrases during the first part of the lecture.
Number them in the order which you expect to hear them.

Order Phrases
……… As tourist development begins to increase …
……… Doxey identifies four stages.
……… If development continues to increase …
……… He calls the first stage …
……… … in the final stage of the model …

Now listen to the recording and complete the task below. Doxey's 'Irridex' model of


What is Note-taking?
Note-taking is writing down information while you are listening or reading. When you take
notes, you will organize the information into major points and minor points. You will also
record information that you can refer to when you answer questions.

When note-taking:
! Use the organization of a lecture: introduction, body (point-to-point or
comparison/ contrast) and summary. Then, you can easily categorize the lecture for
your notes.
! Pay special attention to the introduction to get an idea of the topic and the organization of
the lecture. You can use this information as a road map to listen more effectively. The
summary by the speaker is critical when checking for missed information.
! Think ahead. Anticipate what the speaker might say next.
! Do not try to write everything down. It may lead to distraction or confusion about the
focus of the lecture.
! Try to take notes in your own words. It will help you summarize the lecture later.

Helpful techniques for note-taking:

! Note the organization of the passage, whether it uses contrast, comparison, etc. It may be
effective to use a column (just a vertical line between two categories) to group
! Create topic headings and indent subtopics.
! Listen for cues such as transitional words, repetition of certain phrases, changes in voice,
or number of points.
! Use abbreviations and symbols for commonly occurring words and names. It will increase
your note-taking speed.
! Group related ideas with brackets and arrows
! Make your notes neat and legible enough for your own reading. Do not be
concerned about how they look to others.
! Develop your own system and your own abbreviations. You can even create abbreviations
with your native language if it is more effective.


When you are taking notes, you do not have time to write down everything the speaker says.
Therefore, you must note as much information as possible in the fewest words. Each person
can develop his or her own symbols and abbreviations.

Exercise 1

To save time and get down more information when you listen, it is helpful to abbreviate
words. It is helpful to abbreviate them in a way that will allow you to remember what the full
form is. Another person’s abbreviation may not help you to remember. Practice abbreviating
the following terms in a way that you will know what each abbreviation stands for a few days
or a few weeks later. Look at the examples to see how some terms have been abbreviated.

- historical look at work: hist lk at wk

- statistics: stats

a. agriculture
b. mining, manufacturing, and construction
c. service industries
d. wages and salaries
e. average per capita income
f. health insurance
g. working conditions
h. increased productivity
i. stock market
j. labor unions

With a partner, take turns covering up the left column. Looking at the right column, practice
saying the terms that your abbreviations stand for. Your partner will check your accuracy.

Exercise 2

Work in pairs and work out the meaning(s) of the symbols and the full form of the
abbreviations below.

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
= ‘
≠ ‘’
> +
< _

=> $
<= £

Abbreviation Meaning
c. / ca.

Exercise 3

Listen and take notes on the following sentences, which contain information taken from
several lectures for which you could use some of the symbols and abbreviations above. Try to
take down content words, abbreviate as many of these content words as possible, and use your
notetaking symbols and abbreviations. You will hear each item TWICE.
You hear: “The demand for oil has increased greatly in the past 100 years and so the price
has also risen.”

Your notes: demand for oil in past 100 yrs => price

(Items 1-3 are from a lecture on population)
1. ................................................................................................................................
2. ................................................................................................................................
3. ................................................................................................................................
(Items 4-5 are from a lecture on immigration)
4. ................................................................................................................................
5. ................................................................................................................................
(Items 6-7 are from a lecture on American family)
6. ................................................................................................................................
7. ................................................................................................................................
Compare you notes with your classmates’.
Reconstruct the full message of what you heard from your notes.
Look back at your notes and see if there were places that you missed where you could have
used a symbol or a short abbreviation to save time.
Exercise 4
Listen and take down the subtopics mentioned in the introduction of a lecture.
Subtopic 1: …………………………………………………………………….
Subtopic 2: …………………………………………………………………….
Subtopic 3: …………………………………………………………………….
Exercise 5
Listen and fill in the missing words.
Many people ………………………………………... But not many people know how to
……………………………….. Pilots know how to ……………………………………. They
………………………………… to become a pilot. Pilots are …………………………………
in the plane.
Before ………………………………, pilots ………………………… of the plane. They must
make sure that ………………………………………............ Pilots train for
…………………………………………. This is why everyone listens to them in
……………………………. Pilots are the ………………………………. They must not
……………………………………., so they eat food that is ………………………………….
Do you want to become a pilot one day?
Fishing can be …………………………………………. But long-line fishing can be
…………………………………………. In …………………………………………, a boat
travels ………………………………. Storms are always …………………………………
When a storm comes, there is no …………………………………………….. The long-line
fishermen must …………………………………………and hope for the best.
The fish that ………………………………………………….are also very dangerous. They
catch swordfish. …………………………………………... They have a
…………………………………. If a swordfish …………………………, it can
……………………………………or even kill him. There is no hospital or doctor to help
……………………………. Long-line fishermen must always …………………………….


Cell phones …………………………………………………………………. Most people

cannot think about ….......……………………………………………………………………
But we must …………………………………………. when using cell phones.
We………………………………………when …………………………………………….. It
is very ……………………………………… that …………………………………. We should
either …………………………………… ………………………………………, or
…………………………………………and not ……………………………………………….
We should ……………………………the phone in …………………………………. Nobody
likes ……………………… while ………………………………………….. In foreign
countries, people …………………………………………………... if they -
………………………………………… in shows.

Follow-up: Works in pairs. Read to each other what you have taken down.

Introduction to VSTEP Listening test format

Each VSTEP candidate takes four test modules, one in each of the four language skills:
listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The listening module takes around 40 minutes, including transferring time. There are three
sections with 35 multiple-choice questions. The questions should be answered on the basis of
what is stated or implied by the speakers in the recording. The recording will be played ONCE
* Section 1: The candidate will hear EIGHT short announcements or instructions. There is one
question for each announcement or instruction.
* Section 2: The candidate will hear THREE conversations. There are four questions for each
* Section 3: The candidate will hear three talks or lectures. There are five questions for each talk
or lecture.
There will be time for the candidate to read the instructions and questions and chance to
check the work. Answers can be marked / ticked on the Question Paper as candidates listen. At
the end of the test, the candidate will be given 7 minutes to transfer the answers to an answer

Test taking strategies

Before you listen:

! Read the question and options before each section of the recording begins, and try to
imagine the situation and language.
! Identify what question is being asked and try to predict possible answers
! Look through the options and say each item silently. Thinking about pronunciation will
make it easier to identify the answers when you hear them.
! Underline key words in the questions and options. Sometimes the key words are those
that make the difference in meaning between options.
! Think of synonyms and paraphrases of the key words.

As you listen:

! Listen carefully for keywords. Use the key words to follow the speaker; otherwise, it will
be more likely to get lost.
! Expect the trick! More than one choice may be mentioned, so be careful. Don’t choose
an option as soon as you hear it on the recording. You may hear information relating two
or more options, but only one option will be correct.
! If you're not sure, make a good guess, which is based on key words and phrases you
have heard, then move on to the next question. If you miss a question, don’t waste time
thinking about it. Move on so you don’t miss the next question.

! Don't check your answers to the previous section; use the pauses to read ahead preparing
for the next set of questions.
! If you don't have time to read everything, don't worry. Prepare as many questions as you
can, then do your best on the others.
! Keep track of the time. You have a few seconds to read each section before you listen.
You will however have 7 minutes at the end to put your answers on the answer sheet.
! Keep listening all the time, looking only at the questions that relate to the part being
! Be alert for synonyms and paraphrases of key words as well as specific information,
e.g., dates or numbers.
! Try hard to concentrate on what you are listening to. This can be done by focusing on
the key words underlined in the questions and options. Otherwise, it would be more
likely to lose.


Part 1: Questions 1 - 8
Directions: In this part, you will hear EIGHT announcements or instructions. There is one
question for each announcement or instruction. For each question, choose the right answer A,
B, C or D. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that
correspond to the letter of the answer that you have chosen.
1. How many years of accounting experience are required?
A. 3 C. 30
B. 15 D. 35
2. What type of personnel is Comsat looking for?
A. Chemical engineers
B. Computer designers
C. Electrical engineers
D. Communications personnel
3. Who would find this position attractive?
A. A recent college graduate
B. An experienced corporate executive
C. A public utility technician
D. A novelist
4. Where is the speaker?
A. On television
B. At an office party
C. At a wedding
D. At a birthday party
5. Why should people stay in their seats?
A. To avoid the traffic
B. To free the aisle
C. To meet the captain
D. To serve themselves
6. What happened to Millicent Prendergood?
A. She was fired.
B. She passed out.
C. She retired.
D. She took annual leave.
7. Where has the caller reached?
A. An answering machine
B. A fax line
C. A telephone company
D. An office
8. Which event was NOT mentioned?
A. A painting class
B. A lecture on artists of the early 20th century
C. A foreign film series
D. A creative writing class
Part 2: Questions 9 – 20

Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. The conversation will not be
repeated. There are four questions for each conversation. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B, C or D.

Questions 9-12: Listen to a conversation between a student and a counselor.

9. Why does the woman visit the counselor?

A. To conduct a mock interview
B. To receive advice on job possibilities
C. To get information on graduation
D. To create a list of companies.
10. What is one quality the woman is looking for in a career?
A. A full-time job
B. A teaching position
C. A career in fine arts
D. A chance to advance
11. What can be inferred about the woman?
A. She won’t apply for a job at the Youth Center.
B. She has been having trouble locating a good job.
C. She is excited about her upcoming career opportunities.
D. She doesn’t have enough money to go to graduate school
12. Which of the following is NOT the counselor’s suggestion?
A. Look up companies in the phone book.
B. Make and sell her own artwork.
C. Apply to teach art to kids.
D. Schedule a mock interview.

Questions 13 - 16: Listen to a conversation between two students, Harry and Andrea.

13. What is Harry’s problem?

A. He doesn’t want to sell his things.
B. He needs to decide what to do with his possessions.
C. He wants to take everything to England.
D. He has to resit his exam.
14. Which of the items below does Harry want to sell?
A. His computer
B. His plant
C. His fridge
D. His TV
15. Where is Harry going to advertise his books for sale?
A. In the University bookshop
B. In the student newspaper
C. In the economics department
D. In a charity shop

16. Andrea thinks it is unlikely students will buy the furniture because
A. They’re all doing the same thing.
B. They live at home.
C. It’s the summer vacation.
D. They don’t have much money.

Questions 17 - 20: Listen to a conversation between two students about buying a used

17. What happened to Sam’s car?

A. It was replaced by another one.
B. It broke down.
C. It was stolen.
D. It was sold.
18. Why does Jan need a car now?
A. She lives too far from the university.
B. She spends too much time on the bus.
C. She would feel safer at night with a car.
D. She hates walking.
19. What does Sam recommend?
A. Check the service records
B. Avoid buying an old car
C. Get a mechanical inspection
D. Get a cheap car to save money
20. How are they travelling to the seller’s house?
A. By motorcycle
B. On foot
C. By bus
D. By train

Part 3: Questions 21 – 35
Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE talks or lectures. The talks or lectures will not
be repeated. There are five questions for each talk or lecture. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B, C or D.

Questions 21 - 25: Listen to an information announcement for passengers on a ship.

21. At approximately what time will the ship arrive?

A. At 7 a.m.
B. At 8 a.m.
C. At 9 a.m.
D. At 12 a.m.
22. Which of these can children have in the restaurant?
A. A children’s menu
B. Earlier mealtimes
C. A children’s party
D. A toy shop

23. What are available at a reduced price?
A. Souvenirs of the ship
B. First-class cabin
C. Train tickets
D. Meals in the restaurant
24. Which of these is situated in the lounge?
A. A computer
B. A coffee machine
C. A television
D. A bar
25. What special event will happen during the voyage?
A. A fashion show
B. A concert
C. A competition
D. A magic show

Questions 26 - 30: Listen to a lecture about tea in the UK.

26. When did the first coffee house offer tea?

A. In 1760
B. In 1716
C. In 1706
D. In 1786
27. Who was the owner of Tom’s Coffee House?
A. Lloyds
B. The Golden Lion
C. An insurance company
D. Thomas Twining
28. What was on the sign of the tea shop owned by Twining?
A. The Golden Lion
B. The Strand
C. The Tea Shop
D. Twining
29. Which item is NOT on a comprehensive 18th century tea-tray?
A. Glasses and spoons
B. A teapot and stand
C. A sugar bowl and a milk jug
D. Cups and saucers
30. Where was tea kept by the mistress of the house?
A. In basins
B. In metal kettles
C. In locked wooden commodes
D. In locked caddies

Questions 31 - 35: Listen to a talk about the Women’s Conference.

31. How many meetings are going to be held from August to September in Beijing?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
32. When will the Non-governmental Organization Forum on Women be held?
A. From August 13th to September 8th, 1995
B. From August 30th to September 8th, 1995
C. From September 4th to September 15th, 1995
D. From September 4th to September 16th, 1995
33. Where was the Third World Conference on Women held?
A. In Beijing
B. In Mexico City
C. In Copenhagen
D. In Nairobi
34. How many people are expected to attend the Fourth World Conference on
A. 30,000
B. 184
C. About 6,000
D. About 60,000
35. How many years has it taken to prepare for the Fourth World Conference in
A. 13 years
B. 10 years
C. 5 years
D. 3 years

Part 1: Questions 1 - 8
Directions: In this part, you will hear EIGHT announcement or instruction. There is one
question for each announcement or instruction. For each question, choose the correct answer
A, B, C or D. Then, on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space
that correspond to the letter of the answer that you have chosen.

1. Who does the caller wish to speak to?

A. A salesperson
B. A technician
C. An editor
D. A printer
2. What is the announcement about?
A. A newspaper
B. A radio show
C. Television
D. A debate
3. How much of a reduction is there every half hour?
A. 10% C. 45%
B. 20% D. 50%
4. Where does Super Sunday take place?
A. In shelters
B. In poor areas
C. Across the country
D. In an unfamiliar place
5. What will be purchased with the money?
A. More grain
B. Replacement parts
C. Medicines
D. Food
6. What would increase the value of the yen?
A. A lower savings rate
B. Higher trade tariffs abroad
C. Fewer consumer loans
D. High economic growth
7. What concerns the embassies of the two countries?
A. Defense
B. Commerce
C. Education
D. Space
8. When will the problem abate?
A. By today
B. By tomorrow
C. In two weeks
D. In ten years

Part 2: Questions 9 – 20
Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. The conversation will not be
repeated. There are four questions for each conversation. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B, C or D.

Questions 9-12: Listen to a phone call between Anna and her friend, Peter.

9. Which animal is Anna being asked to look after?

A. Rabbits
B. Cats
C. Birds
D. Dogs
10. What does Peter want Anna to do?
A. To look after a pregnant animal
B. To buy box of cat food
C. To feed the baby animals
D. To wash the animals every day
11. How many babies did one of the animals have last time?
A. 2 C. 5
B. 4 D. 6
12. When Peter mentioned that one of the animals is going to be delivering soon,
Anna was
A. happy.
B. worried.
C. sad.
D. angry.

Questions 13 - 16: Listen to a conversation between Mike and Tom.

13. Mike often talks about

A. his difficulties at his house.
B. finding a place to live.
C. the parties he went to.
D. his friend’s house.
14. Mike wants to move, but he wants to live
A. alone.
B. in a quiet place.
C. near the school.
D. with his parents.
15. How many people live in Tom’s house beside Tom?
A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 5
16. The expenses which Tom and his housemates share do not include
A. food
B. rent
C. light
D. heating
Questions 17 - 20: Listen to a job interview.

17. Mrs. Jane Smith is

A. a counselor.
B. a journalist.
C. a lecturer.
D. a personnel manager.
18. Peter has had his present job
A. since 2002.
B. for more than three years.
C. for three months.
D. since 2003.
19. The reason he wants a new job is
A. for a change.
B. to earn more money.
C. to get a promotion.
D. to have a new challenge.
20. The thing he likes most about his present job is
A. the responsibility.
B. good salary.
C. his colleagues.
D. working conditions.

Part 3: Questions 21 – 35
Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE talks or lectures. The talks or lectures will not
be repeated. There are five questions for each talk or lecture. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B, C or D.
Questions 21 - 25: Listen to a talk on ocean spills.

21. The plastic toys were washed off the ship

A. in Alaska.
B. in the Pacific Ocean.
C. in the Arctic Ocean.
D. in the Bering Sea.
22. How long did it take the first ducks to arrive at the beach?
A. About two weeks
B. About two months
C. About ten months
D. About twelve months
23. Who were most excited by the plastic toys?
A. The reporters
B. The tourists
C. The children
D. The oceanographers

24. Where exactly were the first toys picked up?
A. The North Pole
B. The Arctic Ocean
C. The North Atlantic
D. Alaska
25. Which of the items below spilled out into the water in the 1990 ocean spill?
A. Shoes
B. Women clothes
C. Toys
D. Furniture

Questions 26 - 30: Listen to a discussion in a geography class.

26. What is the discussion mainly about?

A. The similarities between the Himalayas and Appalachians
B. Definition and process of continental collision
C. Description of the process that formed the Himalayas
D. An explanation of how volcanic mountains are formed
27. What is the process of orogeny?
A. How volcano action forms mountain.
B. How young mountains start to form.
C. Why mountains get smaller over time.
D. When plates collide to form mountain.
28. Why does the professor talk about the Appalachian mountain?
A. To compare their formation to that of the Himalayas
B. To explain why younger mountains are often taller
C. To describe the complex process of orogeny
D. To suggest that they are older than they appear
29. What can be inferred about old mountain ranges?
A. They were once much taller.
B. They have more folds than the Himalayas.
C. They were produced by orogeny.
D. They have not experienced erosion.
30. Why are the Himalayas folded?
A. They experience much volcanic action.
B. India and Asia continue to collide.
C. The mountains are younger than most.
D. They have not undergone erosion.

Questions 31 - 35: Listen to a lecture in a biology class.

31. What is the lecture mainly about?

A. How people survived the plague
B. Plague outbreaks throughout the ages
C. The consequence of plague in England
D. The true origin of the plague
32. What directly caused the plague in human?
A. Rats
B. Bacteria
C. Fleas
D. A virus
33. What is the main topic of the lecture?
A. The impact plague had on Europe
B. The effect of a genetic mutation
C. The process of how people got sick from plague
D. An explanation of why plague is so deadly
34. How do scientists know that some 14th century Europeans possessed delta 32?
A. By interviewing plague survivors
B. By looking through old records
C. By testing their descendants
D. By examining a mutation
35. How did the gene protect some survivors from the plague?
A. By signaling the immune system to destroy it
B. By removing the plague from the body
C. By preventing it from coming into cells
D. By attacking and killing the disease


PART 1: Questions 1- 8
Directions: In this part, you will hear EIGHT short announcements or instructions. There is
one question for each announcement or instruction. For each question, choose the right
answer A, B, C or D. Then on the answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
space that corresponds to the letter of the answer that you have chosen.
Question 1.Who is the audience for this announcement?
A. Train travelers
B. Bus riders
C. Airline customers
D. Subway travelers
Question 2. Where is this talk taking place?
A. In a college classroom
B. At a business meeting
C. On a television talk show
D. In a station
Question 3. What type of performance is going to take place?
A. A concert C. A catwalk
B. A dance D. A play
Question 4. What is the main purpose of the report?
A. To summarize the story
B. To entertain listeners
C. To update traffic and weather
D. To explain information
Question 5. Where does the speaker work?
A. At a computer company
B. At a newspaper
C. At a university
D. At a department store
Question 6. When should the listeners telephone the NLF?
A. Between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. western time
B. Between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. central time
C. Between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern time
D. Between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. western time
Question 7. What is the main purpose of announcement?
A. To issue a warning
B. To welcome visitors
C. To explain fire zones
D. To entertain the audience
Question 8. How many children does the contestant have?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

Part 2
Directions: In this part, you will hear THREE conversations. The conversation will not be
repeated. There are four questions for each conversation. For each question, choose the
correct answer A, B, C or D.

Questions 9-12: Listen to an interview with Sébastien who started the activity known as
‘free running’.

9. What does Sébastien say about fitness and taking up free running?
A. Fit people are keen to do difficult things immediately.
B. People who are not fit don’t learn very quickly.
C. Free running is a good way of getting fit.
D. You have to be fit to take up free running.
10. What does Sébastien say about taking risks?
A. He used to take more risks than he does now.
B. He always tries to take the minimum amount of risk.
C. Some of the things he does involve no risk.
D. He always prefers taking risks.
11. What does Sébastien say about his fear of heights?
A. People don’t believe that he has it.
B. He always has to overcome it.
C. It is not as great as it used to be.
D. He has it as much as everyone does.
12. What does Sébastien say about where free running can be done?
A. People’s opinions on this are changing.
B. His own opinions on this have changed.
C. Some people have the wrong opinion on this.
D. People think that it can take place everywhere.

Questions 13-16: Listen to a conversation between a student who is looking for a flat in
London and a letting agent.

13. He wants to rent a flat because he

A. is a student in London.
B. is going to stay in London for the rest of his life.
C. can’t afford to buy a flat.
D. is going to travel and stay in London for 2 months.
14. He wants the flat to be
A. furnished.
B. close to the university.
C. in central London.
D. close to bus station.
15. The man seems to be pleased that there is
A. a post office across the street.
B. a pub in the neighborhood.
C. an internet café nearby.
D. a subway station nearby.

16. He is very interested in the second offer because
A. the rent is low.
B. it’s a detached house.
C. there are already four students in the house.
D. he can share the room with his friends.

Question 17-20: Listen to an interview with Sophie Morrison, a translator.

17. Why did Sophie take up translating?
A. She had studied modern languages at university.
B. She sometimes used to do translations for friends.
C. She enjoyed reading texts in other languages.
D. She thought translator would be a good job in future.
18. Which, according to Sophie, are the most difficult things to translate?
A. cultural references
B. informal expressions
C. scientific and technical words
D. medical terms
19. How does she feel about her daily working hours?
A. They are always too long.
B. They are quite flexible.
C. They shouldn’t include evenings.
D. They vary too much.
20. Sophie believes that in the future
A. translating will all be done by machines.
B. more languages will need to be translated.
C. translators will have to be better trained.
D. translators need to master in more than one language.
Part 3:
Questions 21 – 35: In this part, you will hear THREE talks or lectures. The talks or lectures
will not be repeated. There are five questions for each talk or lecture. For each question,
choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Questions 21 - 25: Listen to a talk of a professor.
21. What is the main purpose of this talk?
A. to discuss incomplete grades.
B. to arrange for makeup exams
C. to explain course policies and procedures.
D. to give an overview of the course content
22. What is the speaker’s policy for late assignments?
A. He will allow the students one day after the due date before marking them down
B. He will not accept late assignments.
C. He will subtract one letter from the grade for each day that the paper is late.
D. He will excuse students who are ill.
23. What is the professor’s attendance policy?
A. He calls the roll before every session.
B. He does not take attendance in class.
C. He has each student check in after class
D. He uses a seating chart to take attendance.
24. What is the procedure for a student to receive a grade of incomplete?
A. The student must submit a request form explaining why the incomplete is necessary.
B. The student must call the speaker to explain.
C. The student must arrange for the incomplete within one week of the final exam.
D. The student must register to take the course again.

25. What can we infer about the speaker?
A. He is not very organized.
B. He does not like his students.
C. He does not mind if his students call him at
home. D. He does not give many exams.

Questions 26 - 30: Listen to a lecture.

26. What is the main subject of this lecture?
A. Heredity
B. Environment
C. Birth order
D. Motivation
27. What should the students know before they hear this lecture?
A. Birth order may influence personality.
B. Heredity and environment play a role in the development of the personality.
C. There is research on birth order at the University of Texas at Arlington.
D. Firstborn children and only children have similar personalities.
28. Which one of the people would probably be the most comfortable interacting with a
member of the opposite sex?
A. A man with younger sisters.
B. A man with older sisters.
C. A woman with younger sisters.
D. A woman with older sisters.
29. What personality trait will firstborn children probably exhibit?
A. Likable
B. Ambitious
C. Sociable
D. Talkative
30. According to the research, what might be the dominant personality trait of the
youngest child?
A. Charming
B. Shy
C. Motivated
D. Happy

Questions 31 - 35: Listen to a talk.

31. What is the main topic of this talk?

A. The American eagle as a symbol on coins.
B. The history of gold coins in the United States
C. The United States Mint.
D. The value to collectors of gold coins.
32. What was the value of the original gold eagle?
A. $20.00
B. $15.00
C. $10.00
D. $5.00
33. What was the value of silver to gold in 1792?
A. fifteen to one.
B. fifteen and a quarter to one
C. fifteen and three quarters to one
D. fifteen to three

34. What happened after the law of 1834?
A. The Great Depression occurred.
B. The size of gold coins was reduced.
C. All gold coins were turned in to the government.
D. The collecting of gold was severely reduced.
35. What are the restrictions on collecting gold coins today?
A. Gold coins may be imported without restrictions.
B. Gold coins may be collected but not exported.
C. There are few restrictions on the collection of gold coins.
D. Only certain kinds of gold coins may be purchased and so.

1. Adams, G. & Peck, T. (2002). 101 Useful Hints for IELTS. Nhà xuất bản Trẻ.
2. Adams, G. & Peck, T. (2004). 202 Useful Exercises for IELTS. Nhà xuất bản
3. Cullen, P., French, A. & Jakeman V. (2014). The Official Cambridge Guide to
IELTS for Academic & General Training. Cambridge University Press.
4. Falla, T. & Davies, P. A. (2011). Solutions, Pre-intermediate. Oxford
University Press.
5. Hallows, R., Lisboa, M., & Unwin, M. (2006). Ielts Express – Intermediate
Course book. Thomson.
6. Harrison, M. (2008). FCE Test Builder. MacMillan Education.
7. Jakeman, V., & McDowell, C. (2002). IELTS Practice Tests Plus. Nhà xuất
bản Trẻ.
8. Jakeman, V., & McDowell, C. (2003). Insight into IELTS Extra with Answers.
Cambridge University Press.
9. Jakeman, V., & McDowell, C. (2004). Insight into IELTS. Cambridge
University Press.
10. Jakeman, V., & McDowell, C. (2004). Step up to IELTS. Nhà xuất bản tổng
hợp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
11. Linguaforum (2008). LinguaForum TOEFL iBT i-listening - High intermediate
course. Nhà xuất bản tổng hợp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
12. Lougheed, L. (2006). Barron's Ielts. Nhà xuất bản Trẻ (First News).
13. Macgillivray, M., Yancey, P., Zeter J. & Malarcher, C. (2009). Mastering
Skills for the TOEFL iBt. Compass Publishing.
14. May, P. (2011). First Certificate Trainer. Cambridge University Press.
15. Myounghee, K. et al. (2014). Ivy Listening Toefl iBT- 15 Actual Tests. Nhà
xuất bản tổng hợp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
16. Robert, R., Gakonga, J. & Preshous, A. (2004). IELTS Foundation. MacMillan
17. Sharpe, P. J. (2007). Barron Practice Exercises for the TOEFL 6th edition. Nhà
xuất bản trẻ.
18. Terry, M. & Wilson, J. Focus on Academic Skills for IELTS. Longman.
19. Zeter, J. & Pederson, M. (2008). Sharpening Skills for the Toefl iBT- Book 1.
Nhà xuất bản Trẻ (First News).


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