Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Makalikasan, Makabansa The series of conferences between the concerned school
officials and members of the Barangay Council of San Pedro
were urgently held to identify all the things needed to
B. ZSNHS-SPA Vision, Mission and Goals
accommodate two (2) sections of first years and one(1) section
Vision of second year curriculum as a start.
1 1
The Pioneering teachers were Miss Aileen Luab and Miss. II. GENERAL POLICY
Lorelie F. Recto as the advisers of two sections first year, Miss
Divina Sagot for one section second year, and Miss Lorelei A. Student Handbook
Estacio, the Math teacher, SSG Adviser and PTA collector.
Students of Zamboanga del Sur National High School-
After Mr. Pedro Pantoja, Mr. Brigido Bayocot became the San Pedro Annex should familiarize with the details of
next school head. During his time, three rooms were this student Manual.
constructed. The two were occupied by the fourth year and the
other by third year. B. Identification Card
When Mrs. Gracita S. Radi became the head teacher of Each student shall secure official school identification
San Pedro Annex, she filled in the swampy school ground and (I.D.) card and wear it inside the school campus.
two rooms were added for the second year as it was planned.
But she dreamed of integrating the computer subject with the C. Attire
TLE, so, the other room was changed to computer laboratory.
When Mrs. Gracita Radi was luckily promoted as a Regional Students of ZSHNS-SPA should follow the standards
Guidance Supervisor, Mr . Faustino Yosores became the OIC of proper attire consonant with human dignity. They
for the last six months before he retired from the service. are required to wear the prescribed school uniform if
they have it including shoes, otherwise, white t-shirt
On September 2007 to August 12, 2008, Mrs. Genalyn B. is advised with skirts or long pants. MAPEH uniform
Torrecampo became the officer-in-charge. In this school year must only be worn on Wednesday.
the computer laboratory room became one hundred
operational due to the ICT program of the Dept Ed. There were D. Stay on Campus
38 computers greatly helping the modernization of education in
technology in San Pedro Annex. Students MUST stay inside the school campus during
school days, except when an official activity is
On August 13, 2008 to January 03, 2012, Mr. Jose B.
scheduled outside where their presence is required.
Duhaylungsod was the head teacher . More filling of the school
They are enjoined to use their free periods and
ground with soil, during his time, from swampy, the school
pursue activities that enrich their high school
widened and library and Science laboratory rooms came into
existence. Then the landscaping of the school ground held done
and improved to enhance the school real beauty as it aimed. Flag raising ceremony will start at 7:00AM (every
attendance is 5 points in ValEd). The gate will be
From May 2012 until present, Miss Avelina C. Aranas
closed at 7:30am. No students are allowed to enter
became the school head. Thanks to God for His INSTRUMENTS –
after 7:30AM. At 5:00PM all students must leave the
the school is brought near.
school campus.
1 1
E. Campus Visitors e. Brigada
f. Guidance Orientation
Social visiting on campus is discouraged. Only
persons on official business are permitted to enter
2. Old Students
into the school campus.
1 1
without any notification sent to the school or approved absences and therefore not be counted
without being excused by school authorities will be toward the student’s absences.
automatically dropped. 3. The student is responsible for all assignments and
5. Per DepEd regulation, students who have been other graded activity regardless of the reason
absent in excess of 20% of the total number of
school days during the year shall be dropped. IV. STUDENT DISCIPLINE
6. Students are warned against presenting excuse
A. Offenses and Sanctions: The offended student shall be
letters written by the persons other than their
processed according to the following procedures which
parents or guardians.
are carried on all throughout his/her stay in the school:
7. For prolonged absences due to sickness, students
1. Minor Offenses.
must present a medical record/certificate duly
a. First offense: WARNING
signed by a physician and making them sure that
1. Investigation- by class adviser or subject teacher
they are physically fit for school.
-Incident report must be written.
2. Parents/Guardians attention will be called and
1. Punctuality should be developed early in life.
dialogue will follow.
Coming on time to classes and school activities is
3. Parents/Guardians will sign the incident report.
required in every student.
4. Student is referred to the disciplinarian.
2. All students are expected to be in school by 7:00
b. Second Offense: REPRIMAND
AM for the flag ceremony. Those who are not able
1. Investigation- by class adviser or subject teacher.
to attend the flag raising ceremony are considered
- Incident report must be written.
late. For the periods after recess and after lunch,
2. Student will be brought to the office of the school
a student is considered late if he/she is not in
head for a dialogue.
his/her class 3-5 minutes when the class started.
3. Dialogue of parents/guardians with the school
3. Three times of tardiness within a week/month, a
head. Signing of agreement form about
student must render school improvement tasks
suspension for incoming offense.
before they will be given admission permit from
4. Student is referred to the disciplinarian and then
the Principal or School Disciplinarian. If such case
to the guidance in charge.
will happen frequently, parents are called for a
c. Third-Fourth offense- SUSPENSION (1-2 days)
conference with the Class Adviser/Principal.
1. With the adviser, disciplinarian and school head,
the student together with the parents/guardians
c. Approved Absences
will sign the form of suspension. The suspension
1. An approved absence is one authorized by the
requires the student to report to school for
school when the student concerned officially
manual labor.
represents the school at some function or activity.
2. The student together with the parents/guardians
2. Absences due to sickness and duly certified by a
is referred to the guidance advocate.
doctor, parent or guardian are considered
3. Conduct grade is 70.
1 1
4. Secure the readmission slip from the guidance 3. Conduct grade is 70.
office. 4. Secure the readmission slip from the guidance
c. Fifth offense: TRANSFER W/O Good Moral Cert. 1. Third offense- SUSPENSION (3-5 days)
1. With the adviser, disciplinarian and school head,
The following are the minor violations/offenses:
the student together with the parents/guardians
• not wearing the prescribed uniform • not wearing
will sign the form of suspension. The suspension
the school ID • wearing caps inside the campus •
requires the student to report to school for school
having colored/dyed hair, and long hair for male •
using cell phone during classes • failing to replace
2. The student together with the parents/guardians
destroyed school facility • Habitual tardiness •
is referred to the guidance advocate.
Absenteeism without valid reason • dating inside the
3. Conduct grade is 70.
school campus • charging cell phones in the
4. Secure the readmission slip from the guidance
classroom • jumping or climbing over the fence
•Escaping and cutting classes • Having tattoos, body
piercing, stickers and glitters in any part the body • c. Fourth offense: TRANSFER W/O Good Moral
Unbecoming hairstyle Certificate or Non-Admittance for the next school
year or Non-Participation for graduation for Grade
2. Major Offenses. 10
a. First offense: WARNING
1. Investigation- by class adviser or subject teacher. The following are the major violations/offenses:
- Incident report must be written. • Truancy • Cheating (in a quiz/monthly/periodic
2. Student will be brought to the office of the school test=automatically a score of zero) • stealing /
head for a dialogue. extortion • lying at the hearing of charges against
3. Dialogue of parents/guardians with the school him/her • refusing to identify the student whom
head. Signing of agreement form about she/he knows has violated school policies • bringing
suspension for incoming offense. and drinking alcoholic beverages except if it is
4. Student is referred to the disciplinarian and then required for official school activities • smoking and
to the guidance in charge. smelling cigarette • gambling • vandalism • fighting •
b. Second offense- SUSPENSION (1-2 days) bringing pornographic materials, sketching,
1. With the adviser, disciplinarian and school head, writing/drawing obscene images • using unbecoming
the student together with the parents/guardians language –written and oral communication and
will sign the form of suspension. The suspension provoking words/actions • falsely accusing another
requires the student to report to school for school student or teacher of an offense • grave threats •
service. organizing and membership to fraternities/sororities,
2. The student together with the parents/guardians gangs and other illegal groups • hazing • necking,
is referred to the guidance advocate. petting, kissing publicly inside and outside school
1 1
campus • forgery, falsification or tampering of official Explanation of Absence & Re-Admittance
records, excuse letters and clearances • tampering of Date:______________
official notices on bulletin boards and chalkboards •
Our son/daughter_______________________ was absent from
discourtesy/disrespect towards administrators,
(date)____________ to _____________
teachers and other school personnel and students • Reason/s:___________________________________________
assaulting a student or teacher • preventing and
threatening any student or school personnel from ___________________________________________________
entering school premises or attending classes or in Admitted:___ _______________________
going home • using the name of the school without Excused: ___ Parent’s name & Signature
Principal’s Signature
Principal’s Signature
Explanation of Absence & Re-Admittance Library Access Form
Date:______________ Date:________________ Time:__________________
Name of Book Borrowed:_______________________________
Our son/daughter_______________________ was absent from Book #:________________ Due Date (if taken out):_________
(date)____________ to _____________
Reason/s:___________________________________________ Library In-charge:_________________________
Library Access Form
Admitted:___ _______________________ Date:________________ Time:__________________
Excused: ___ Parent’s name & Signature Name of Book Borrowed:_______________________________
Book #:________________ Due Date (if taken out):_________
Principal’s Signature
Library In-charge:_________________________