Esc201 - L3

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ESc201: Introduction to Electronics

Rohit Budhiraja
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
IIT Kanpur

Jan 10, 2022

Current: The time rate of flow of Voltage difference is the Source of current flow
electrical charge
Units of Voltage: Volts (V)

– The units are amperes (A), which

are equivalent to coulombs per
second (C/s) Power I
Direction of current flow is P  (V 1  V 2 )  I
opposite to direction of electron
flow dw
P (t ) 
 w  p (t ) d t
Ohm’s law V2 t1

v (t )  R  i (t ) Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL)

i (t ) 
v (t )
 G  v (t ) Sum of currents entering a node is equal to sum of
currents leaving a node
P  i2  R
i R
v2 i1  i 2  i3

Two elements are connected in series if

there is no other element connected to
the node joining them. Same current
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL)
flows The algebraic sum of the voltages
Two elements are connected in parallel if equals zero for any closed path (loop)
both ends of one element are connected
directly to corresponding ends of the other. in an electrical circuit 2
Same voltage
Independent Sources


Dependent (Controlled) Voltage Sources

2Vx +- Vx Ix 3Ix +-

Voltage source
Voltage source
 Very useful in constructing circuit models for real-world
devices such as transistors and amplifiers (we’ll see examples in
the course)

 For a voltage controlled source: V = K1Vx ,

K1 is a gain parameter with no units

 For a current controlled source: V = K2Ix,

K2 is a gain parameter with units [V/A] 4
Dependent (Controlled ) Current Sources

2Vx Vx Ix 3Ix

Voltage-controlled Current-controlled
current source current source
 Very useful in constructing circuit models for real-world
devices such as transistors and amplifiers amplifiers (we’ll see
examples in the course)

 For a voltage controlled source: I = K3Vx,

K3 is a gain parameter with units [A/V]

 For a current controlled source: I = K4Ix,

K4 is a gain parameter with no units 5
Determine the power dissipated in the 10W resistor.

Assignment 1
Problem 4

5V1 10W
4W V1
Basic Circuit Analysis

1. Solve circuits (i.e., find currents and voltages of interest)

by combining resistances in series and parallel

2. Apply the voltage-division and current-division principles

3. Solve circuits by the node-voltage technique

4. Solve circuits by the mesh-current technique

5. Find Thévenin and Norton equivalents and apply source


6. Apply the superposition principle

Simplification Techniques

As engineers we like to be efficient : achieve the objective with

minimum effort.

is is

Concept of equivalent circuits

Two circuits are equivalent if they have the same current-

voltage behavior

Develop equivalent circuits by combining several
resistors into a single equivalent resistor

Series Resistances

Both circuits are equivalent as far as v vs. i relation is concerned.

Parallel Resistances

Example Use concept of series and parallel resistances to simplify

R 2 R eq1
R eq 2 
R 2  R eq1

R eq  { ( R 4  R 3 ) R 2 }  R 1
Find equivalent resistance between X and Y
Assignment 1
Problem 1
Circuit Analysis Using Series/Parallel Equivalents
1. Begin by locating a combination of resistances that are in
series or parallel. Often the place to start with is the farthest
from the source.

2. Redraw the circuit with the equivalent resistance for the

combination found in step 1.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the circuit is reduced as far as

possible. Often (but not always) we end up with a single source
and a single resistance.

4. Solve for the currents and voltages in the final equivalent

circuit. Then go back one step and solve for unknown voltages
and current.

5. Repeat step 4 until the required current or voltage in the original

circuit is found. 17
Find current 1A
in R3 60V


Example Find all the currents

Solve for
V2 i2, i3 and i4


R eq 1  R 2 R 3 R 4 R e q 2  R1  R e q 1
Solve for V2 Solve for i1
Voltage division
A voltage applied to resistors connected in series will be
divided among them


Potential Divider

R1  R 2
Current Division
The total current flowing into a parallel combination of
resistors will be divided among them

Find vx using voltage division and then find is and use it to find
i3 using current division

Use current division rule to find i1

Suppose we want to find i2 also



R1 R3
ie q  is i2  ie q
R 1  R eq R 2  R 326
In Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b, R1=50Ω, R2=500Ω, R3=100Ω, R4=50Ω, R5=25Ω and R6=50Ω.
(a) Use current division to find current through R5 in Fig. 2a. I=5mA.
(b) Use voltage division to find voltage across R2 in Fig. 2b. V=10V.
Assignment 1
Problem 2

Fig. 2b
Fig. 2a
The digital multi-meter (DMM) is a device commonly used to measure
voltages. It is equipped with two leads (usually red for the positive reference
and black for the negative reference) and an LCD display. Let's suppose a
DMM is connected to the circuit of Fig.3 with the positive lead at the top node
and the negative lead on the bottom node. Using KCL, explain why we would
ideally want a DMM used in this way to have an infinite resistance as
opposed to zero resistance.

Assignment 1
Problem 3

Fig. 3

You will often use DMM in ESc201 lab!

Assignment 1
Problem 5

Three appliances --- an 850W coffee maker, a 1200W microwave oven, and a 900W
toaster --- are connected in parallel to a 120V circuit with a 15A circuit breaker.
(a) Draw a schematic diagram of this circuit.
(b) Which of these appliances can be operated simultaneously without tripping the
circuit breaker?

Although series/parallel equivalents and the current/voltage

division principles are very important concepts, yet they are
not sufficient to solve all circuits !!


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