49 - Sherin Thomas - SIP - REPORT

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2020-2022 Roll No. 42













ROLL NO - 42


I, Mr. ANIKET VAISHYA, studying in the second year of Post Graduate Diploma in
Management program at SIES College of Management Studies, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, hereby
declare that I have completed the Summer Internship Project titled “To Analyze and Examine
the OEM” as a part of the curriculum requirement for Post Graduate Diploma in

I also declare that the work undertaken by me is original and has not been copied from any
source. I further declare that the information presented in this project report is true and has
not been submitted to SIESCOMS or any other Institute for any other examination.

Signature of the Student Date: 13/08/2021


Roll No.: 42
Certificate by Faculty Guide

This is to certify that Mr. ANIKET VAISHYA, studying in the second year of course name
program at SIES College of Management Studies, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, has completed the
Summer Internship Project titled “To Analyze and Examine The OEM Sector” as a part of
the curriculum requirement for Post Graduate Diploma in Management.

Signature of the Faculty Guide

Name: Professor Vidya Iyer



Chapter 1 - Company Overview
1.1 Introduction of the company 10

1.2 History 14

1.3 Leaders of the organization 16

1.4 Industry Analysis 17

1.5 Clients 26

Chapter 2 - The Assignment

2.1 The assignment at a glance 27

2.2 Responsibilities and Description 28

2.3 Critical Observations 31

Chapter 3 - The Project

3.1 Objective of the report 32

3.2 Scope 33

3.3 Methodology 34

3.4 Methods 34

Chapter 4 - Findings, Recommendations & Limitations

4.1 Findings 35

4.2 Recommendations 36

4.3 Limitations 37

Chapt5: Conclusion 38


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind
support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere
thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to my mentor Mr. Pratik Gupta & Professor Vidya Iyer for their
guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding
the project & also for their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to industry persons for giving me
such attention and time.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my colleague in developing the project and people
who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.



Date: 13/08/2021
Executive Summary

The primary objective of this project is to understand the process of OEM sector’s &
Development for the company’s social media and Website for product promotion and
marketing of various varieties of LED lights such as in (Two-way lighting and Outdoor

The main task was to find clients across nine states in India which included (Maharashtra,
Orissa, Karnataka, Hyderabad, Kerela, Assam, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh)

Everyday study gives a comprehensive knowledge about the market. This helped us to re-
analyze the information that was already available on company webpage. It not only clarified
the pre-existing dilemmas about the product positioning and categorization but it also helped
by giving new point of view.

The approach taken to achieve this objective was contacting as many small vendors as
possible during the tenure and understanding their perspective through one- t o - o n e
interaction on whatsapp and call. It was found that the major factors that influence any
purchase are brand name and the price. However, there were a significant number of
vendors who trusted the local distributor more than the company itself due to on time
delivery, better credit period, facility to pay in installments and prompt service. This was
one of the major drawbacks of this division as here the products were directly supplied by
the company. Also, it was seen that a particular area had its own factor that
influences them to purchase the product. So, a localized branding strategy was suggested.
The various strategies that were suggested to increase the visibility and sales of the company
with regards to this division included giving free boards with company logo along with
two sample bulbs to display at store, acquiring a shelf space in hypermarkets like
DMART etc. reducing the price of the products as during the survey it was found that price
was the biggest influencer for any retailer and vendor to purchase a particular product.

Further recommendations like creating a database for electricians was suggested so that it
helps the company to understand the perspective of final consumers. The extensive research
during the period suggested that LED sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in India.
Therefore, with aggressive marketing and innovative strategies Teknloite will able to make a
place in the minds of consumers distinctively.

Introduction of the company:

The lighting market has been receiving much attention lately due to its high potential
for CO2 abatement and its many new entrants. Projections show that the global
lighting market is expected to have revenues of approximately EUR 110 billion in
2020 – comparable to the global TV market. A number of megatrends underlie this
expansion. Global population growth and urbanization are increasing the overall
demand for lighting products. Resource scarcity and climate change concerns are
driving the industry trend towards more energy-efficient lighting technologies. This is
being accelerated by government regulation on energy efficiency around the globe.
The advent of LED technology – only the fourth lighting technology in the history of
human mankind – is set to transform this industry. LED technology has not achieved a
competitive cost position in most applications up to now. But heavy investment from
various companies is forecasted to cut costs at a rate of 30 percent per annum, and
LED is becoming a broadly affordable technology. The emergence of cost-
competitive LEDs has caused a "paradigm shift" in the lighting industry that has
changed everything. The LED lighting industry rapid technological change has been
brought by enormous changes in the regulations affecting lighting. Short product
lifecycles are a result of new manufacturing and materials science that are the result of
companies trying to improve the economies of scale to make price points more
attractive to customers. LED Technology Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a
semiconductor device that emits incoherent narrow spectrum light when electrically
biased in the forward direction of p-n junction. The color of the emitted light depends
on the composition and condition of the semiconducting material used, and can be
infrared, visible, or near-ultraviolet. LEDs create light by electroluminescence in a
semiconductor material. Electroluminescence is the phenomenon of a material
emitting light when electric current or an electric field is passed through it - this
happens when electrons are sent through the material and fill electron holes. An
electron hole exists where an atom lacks electrons (negatively charged) and therefore
has a positive charge. Semiconductor materials like 2 germanium or silicon can be
"doped" to create and control the number of electron holes. Doping is the adding of
other elements to the semiconductor material

to change its properties. By doping a semiconductor, you can make two separate types
of semiconductors in the same crystal. The boundary between the two types is called a
p-n junction. The junction only allows current to pass through it one way, this is why
they are used as diodes. LEDs are made using p-n junctions. As electrons pass
through one crystal to the other, they fill electron holes. They emit photons (light).
Benefits of LED compared to conventional lights LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are
solid light bulbs which are extremely energy-efficient. When first developed, LEDs
were limited to single-bulb use in applications such as instrument panels, electronics,
pen lights and, more recently, strings of indoor and outdoor Christmas lights.
Manufacturers have expanded the application of LEDs by "clustering" the small
bulbs. The first clustered bulbs were used for battery powered items such as
flashlights and headlamps. Today, LED bulbs are made using as many as 180 bulbs
per cluster, and encased in diffuser lenses which spread the light in wider beams. Now
available with standard bases which fit common household light fixtures, LEDs are
the next generation in home lighting. A significant feature of LEDs is that the light is
directional, as opposed to incandescent bulbs which spread the light more spherically.
This is an advantage with recessed lighting or under-cabinet lighting, but it is a
disadvantage for table lamps. New LED bulb designs address the directional
limitation by using diffuser lenses and reflectors to disperse the light more like an
incandescent bulb. Residential LEDs -- especially ENERGY STAR rated products --
use at least 75% less energy, and last 25 times longer, than incandescent lighting.
With more and more people realizing the energy-efficiency benefits of LED lighting,
it seems that everything from headlights to TVs to even clothing and wallpaper are
now being lit up by the versatile lighting technology. Unlike incandescent, LEDs are
super compact; don’t emit heat and use just a fraction of the energy – plus their
flexible, plastic design allows them to be used in a wonderful variety of innovative
ways that other types of lighting just can’t touch. 3 Global LED lighting industry
Lighting companies have focused on professional lighting solutions in developed
markets such as the U.S., Europe and Japan. They seek to capture certain market
segments via product diversification and differentiation. In the emerging markets,
rapid economic growth, favourable government policies, and mega urban projects are
constantly generating new opportunities. Wu noted that the main growth centres in the
global lighting market next year will be the U.S. and India. Demand has been
relatively strong in the U.S. lighting market this year, with growth residing in
applications such as commercial/industrial lighting, horticultural lighting and marine
lighting. Major U.S. lighting companies are proactively developing various LED
lighting businesses and giving a greater share of their portfolios to LED lighting
products. Demand growth for LED lighting products has been strong in the
commercial/industrial applications, with the fastest growth found in troffers, panel
lights, tunnel lights and high/low bay lights. New applications are also emerging,
including smart lighting and light communication. Developments in the emerging
markets such as India, Africa and Southeast Asia will be heavily influenced by
government policies and the volume of project tenders in the market. The Indian
government, for example, plans to purchase 200 million LED light bulbs by the end of
2016 and has issued tenders on LED streetlights retrofit projects. To meet bid
requirements related to revenue, production capacity and manufacturing capability,
international bidders are encouraged to enter joint ventures with local lighting
companies. The Indian LED lighting market therefore is expected to remain hot
through 2016. New report by Allied Market Research, “Global Light Emitting Diode
(LED) Market,” estimates this market will reach $42.7 billion by 2020,

registering a robust compound annual growth rate of 13.5 percent from 2014–2020.
The Asia-Pacific region dominates the LED technology market because it houses
approximately three-quarters of global electronics manufacturers. North America, due
to high-tech forensic and medical applications, leads the ultraviolet (UV) LEDs
market. The primary applications of UV LEDs are in medical treatments and forensic
tests. UV LED technology anticipates further development as companies are
rigorously working out acquisitions to expand their product portfolio and applications.
4 Foreseeing great environmental benefits and energy-saving capabilities,
governments across the globe are implementing LED lighting in many public settings.
The U.S. government is replacing conventional streetlights with LEDs, with expected
completion by the end of 2014. Such developments are instrumental in the growth of
the LED technology. Frequent product introductions have characterized the LED
lighting industry.
There is a highly competitive pricing environment with the current price point of $10
in 2013 per light about to decline to $6 per light. These market characteristics increase
the need for continuous innovation. LED lighting industry in India Light Emitting
Diode (LED) lighting technology has been recognized as efficient and eco-friendly in
comparison to the Incandescent Lamps (ICLs) and florescent lamps (FTLs, CFLs). In
India penetration of LEDs could significantly overall energy consumption without
compromising on the output. Over the years the opportunities for LEDs in Indian
lighting market have been across various segments including automotive,
communications, transport, signaling, architecture and entertainment.

Teknovision Private Limited was formed in Mumbai in the year of 1985 for
manufacturing DC Tube lights and inverters for Buses and Trains. Our Inverters and
Fittings for buses got approval from almost all city and state transport undertakings
such as DTC Delhi, BEST Mumbai, AMTS Ahmedabad and Indian Railways. Our
fittings are being used for buses for export to other countries

In the year 1986, we started another division for Rechargeable Solid State Emergency
Lights with latest technology. Our Emergency Lights give trouble free operation for
years with Solid State Fully Automatic Circuits. These Lights are being sold
throughout the country by our dealers and distributors network. Various Government
and semi- Government organizations are in the list of our valued patrons
for years.

In the year of 1993, another division was started for Electronic Ballasts and Electronic
Luminaries to achieve highest energy saving i.e. power factor of our ballasts are up to
0.99. We have wide range of Luminaries and ballasts to suit every need. We are
supplying our ballasts regularly to various government organizations directly or
through our distributors. Our ballasts and luminaries are fully guaranteed for years.

Teknolite will be one of the largest manufacturers of LED lights in India and will provide for
a bright, safe and an eco- friendly future. Through our commitment to quality, constant
innovation and respect for the planet, we aim to exceed expectations and be appreciated by
our customers.


Teknolite will be one of the largest manufacturers of LED lights in India and will provide for
a bright, safe and an eco- friendly future. Through our commitment to quality, constant
innovation and respect for the planet, we aim to exceed expectations and be appreciated by
our customers.





Swot analysis of the company

•More than 30 years of experience in the •A very small presence among small
Industry. retailers and consumers.
•Good chain of loyal exclusive dealers •Non aggressive approach of the area
across state. dealer.
•A decent brand among architects and big •Unavailability and late delivery of
Led dealers Weakness. ordered products dealers


•Hyper competition. •Growing demand of led lights
•Price war among bigger brands. •Government’s aggressive campaign for
•Huge chain of network of big companies Led lights
like Philips, syska, Eveready. •No presence of decent brands in Led
Strength and Weakness Analysis of the competitors


The Philips Company was founded in 1891, by Dutch-

Jewish entrepreneur Gerard Philips and his father Frederik Philips.
Frederik, a banker based in Zaltbommel, financed the purchase and
setup of an empty factory building in Eindhoven, where the
started the production of carbon-filament lamps and other electro-technical products in 1892.
factory has since been adapted and is used as a museum.

In 1895, after a difficult first few years and near bankruptcy, the Philips’s brought in Anton,
Gerard's younger brother by sixteen years. Though he had earned a degree in engineering,
Anton started work as a sales representative; soon, however, he began to contribute many
important business ideas. With Anton's arrival, the family business began to expand rapidly,
resulting in the founding of Philips Metaalgloeilampfabriek N.V. (Philips Metal Filament
Lamp Factory Ltd.) in Eindhoven in 1908, followed in 1912, by the foundation of Philips
Gloeilampenfabrieken N.V. (Philips Lightbulb Factories Ltd.). After Gerard and Anton
Philips changed their family business by founding the Philips corporation, they laid the
foundations for the later electronics multinational.

Strengths Weakness
Dedicated sales person Cost is high than other brands
Decent Quality of product
Outsourcing strategy is used, imports products
Brand Loyal customers
made in China
Lights spread is in 180 degrees Lumens is less approx. (600 for 7 watt)
Power factor high as 0.94 Delay in turning on time
Lifetime of 15000hrs
Weight is more approx. 160gms for 7W bulb,
Material used is glass
good heat sink
2. Eveready

EIIL started its operation in India in 1905. The first dry cell batteries were imported from the
US and sold in the major cities of the country. These batteries were primarily used in
imported torches.

In 1939, the company set up its first battery plant in Kolkata. This was followed by another
battery manufacturing plant in Chennai in the year 1952. A torch manufacturing plant was set
up at Lucknow in 1958. Today it is one of the largest torch manufacturing plants in South
East Asia. The plant manufactures the full range of brass, aluminium, and plastic torches.

In 1969, the now infamous factory in Bhopal was opened.

Lighting Solutions

 Compact Fluorescent Lamps: In 2007, Eveready forayed into the lighting business
with the launch of a range of Compact Fluorescent Lamps.[7]
 Halogen Lamps: Eveready offers halogen lamps for outdoor lighting and video-
 General lighting service/incandescent lamps: A range of incandescent bulbs in
different sizes, voltages, and colours are used widely in household and commercial
lighting, apart from portable, decorative and advertising lighting.
Strengths Weakness

1. Lumen value is 700 for 7-watt bulb 1. Flickering effect takes place very soon

2. Price is low 2. Made in China product

3. Instant lighting when bulb is pressed 3. Claims to have life of 15yrs but quality
not that good
4. Brand recall among the customers
4. High heat producing bulb due to
cheap quality of heat sink
5. 130-degree light spread

6. Lifetime of 20000hrs

7. Power Factor is low 0.5

8. Material used is plastic


CG Power and Industrial Solutions Limited, previously known

as Crompton Greaves Limited, is an Indian multinational company engaged in design,
manufacturing, and marketing of products related to power generation, transmission, and
distribution. It is based in Mumbai and a part of the Murugappa Group. The company was
restructured in 2016 following the demerger of its consumer goods business.

Col. R. E. B. Crompton founded R.E.B. Crompton & Company in 1878. The company was
merged with F.A. Parkinson in 1927 to form Crompton Parkinson Ltd. Greaves Cotton and
Company, established by James Greaves in 1859, was appointed as their concessionaire in

The company was incorporated in 28 April 1937 as Crompton Parkinson Works Private Ltd.
In 1947, it was acquired by Karam Chand Thapar of Thapar Group. The company went
public in 1960 and changed its name to Crompton Greaves Limited in 1966.

In July 2014, Crompton Greaves Limited announced plans to demerge the company in order
to separate its consumer goods business from the power and industrial systems segment. The
demerger was completed in 2016 with the listing of Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals
(CGCEL) and Gautam Thapar selling his 34% stake in CGCEL to Advent
International and Temasek Holdings for ₹2000 crore.

In January 2017, Crompton Greaves changed its name from Crompton Greaves Limited to
CG Power and Industrial Solutions Limited.

In August 2019, CG Power and Industrial Solutions reported that its employees had carried
out unauthorized transactions resulting in an "understatement of the company's liabilities" by
thousands of crores in the previous financial year.
In September 2020, Murugappa Group's Tube Investments acquired a 56% stake in CG
Power and Industrial Solutions for ₹700 crore.

Strengths Weakness
1.Cost is very low.
1. Lumens is 600. 2.Material used is plastic.
2.Power factor is approx. 3. 0.9. Well know brand. 3.. Build quality is poor
4.Weight of the bulb is less so poor
heat sink is expected (80gms).
5. Light spread is approx. 150 degrees

Syska Hennessy is a global consulting, engineering and commissioning firm for the built environment.
Established in 1928, Syska Hennessy is considered one of the largest U.S.-based engineering design
firms[1] with over 450 employees located in 18 offices worldwide. According to Consulting- Specifying
Engineer magazine's 2018 MEP Giants list, Syska Hennessy is the 14th-
largest mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP) engineering firm in the U.S. and the largest "pure" MEP
firm (i.e., all revenue is derived from MEP projects). Building Design + Construction ranked Syska
Hennessy10th in its 2018 list of top building engineering firms.
Syska Hennessy provides integrated, high performance engineering solutions that support near or net
zero and carbon neutral environmental performance of buildings as well as third party verified
environmental ratings (U.S. Green Buildings
Council LEED ratings, BREEAM, Estidama, 3-Star etc.). Syska Hennessy is an early adopter of the
Architecture 2030 Challenge[4] which aims to help reduce greenhouse gas emission to achieve carbon
neutral/net zero performance in new buildings by 2030. The firm also ranked #19 in Engineering News
Record's 2011 Top 100 Green Design Firms.

Strengths Weakness

1. Brand name and recall 1. Poor quality (Imports from China)

2. Attractive schemes to dealers/ sales 2. Gives dealership to only Sindhi

persons people
3. PF > 0.90 3. Many complaints and replacements of
their bulbs
4. Weight is more good heat sink
4. Lumens is less around 600

5. Light spread is 150 degrees

Comparative Price analysis of different brands


Name Specification Cost Difference Additional scheme offered

Teknolite 3 W(Bulbs) 125 NA None
Eveready 3 W(Bulbs) 105 20 Gives one battery on every bulb

worth Rs 20
Syska 3W(Bulbs) 112 13 None
Philips 2.5W(Bulbs) 105 20 None
Teknolite 5W(Bulbs) 139 NA None
Eveready 5W(Bulbs) 120 19 Gives one battery on every bulb

worth rs 20
Syska 5W(Bulbs) 132 7 None
Crompton 5W(Bulbs) 117 22 None


Name Specification Cost Difference Additional scheme offered

with Teknolite
Teknolite 20W 472 NA 20+1
Philips 20W 600 -128 None
Syska 18W 510 -38 Seasonal 10+1
Syska 22W 570 -98 Seasonal 10+1
Wipro 18W 525 -53 Seasonal schemes
Maxlight 18W 350 122 One silver coin with every tube
Eveready 18W 480 -8 12+1

Name Specification Cost Difference Additional scheme offered Warranty


Teknolite 2Amp 150 NA None 2 Years

Brisk 2 Amp 120 30 Depends upon the quantity 1 Year


Brisk 2 Amp 80 70 Depends upon the quantity 1 Year

(water proof) offered

Nova 2 Amp 50 100 Depends upon the quantity 1 Year

(Waterproof) offered

Teknolite 5 Amp 450 NA None 2 Years

Brisk 5 Amp 280 170 Depends upon the quantity 1 Year


Brisk 5 Amp (water 170 280 Depends upon the quantity 1 Year
proof) offered

Nova 5 Amp (water 70 380 Depends upon the quantity 1 Year

proof) offered
Chapter 2 The Assignment

2.1 The assignment at a glance

A) Market Strategies and Client Research -

 Finding OEM find clients across nine states in India which

included (Maharashtra, Orissa, Karnataka, Hyderabad, Kerela,
Assam, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh).

 Taking help of websites like just dial, India Mart,

Distributor.com, Google Advertisement, Magazines of led Lights
and also Google Maps.

 Sending Email to clients and contacting to international vendors

 Made compony page on facebook and got international an

domestic ventors.

B) Digital Marketing: -

 Increase followers in all the social media.

 Promoting all products in social media.

 Creating creatives posters and content.

 Taking live interview with the celebrities.

2.2 Responsibilities and Description

 Assist in day-to-day tasks

 Take on an increasing amount of responsibility

 Create Network

 Fulfil tasks set out by supervisors from several departments.

 Attend meetings and take minutes.

 Perform research at a supervisor's request.

 Update social media platforms and write copy for posts.

 Create images for social media posts.

Daily Report
2.3 Critical Observations

 Make industry contacts

 Build and practice new skills

 Learn time management

 Experience a professional working environment

 Interpersonal skills

 Negotiation Skills

 Closing Deal.

 B2B Marketing.

 Sales and Distribution.

 Working of FMCG Sector.

Chapter 3 The Project

3.1 Objective of the report

 “The primary objective of this project is to apply business concepts and theories to real-world
decision- making”’.

 Develop and improve business skills in communication, technology, quantitative reasoning,

and teamwork.

 Observe and participate in business operations and decision-making.

3.2 Scope

 The present study confines only to the impact of various dimensions of brand building
and tapping a large market area which is still remained untapped for a long time.

 The main benefit offered by OEM products is their price. Owing to economies of
scale, OEM products significantly reduce the cost of production. Moreover, the
company purchasing these products can use them to build systems without running
their own factories.

 With the maturity of the Internet of Things and sensing technologies, OEM
manufacturers have also begun to accumulate data in their products.

 In addition to optimizing OEM product performance, they also optimize the user
experience through continuous iterative updates. In the past, industrialists sold
products, but in the future on the product side, there is quite a chance to use the rent-
and-sell model for breakthrough innovation.

In order to find out the general perception of OEM sector

 Data Source

Secondary data was collected from several research papers, newspaper articles and

 Research Approach

The research approach was used was survey method for data collection and best suited for

descriptive type of research survey.

Methods (Secondary):

Secondary Data

Secondary data has been obtained from various Journals, Books and reports given by
different research agencies and strategic management consultants.
Chapter 4 Findings, Recommendations & Limitations

4.1 Findings

 We found that majority of the stores kept local brand and Chinese products.
 Syska, Philips had their stores in the market so these Teknolite OEM products
were not made available at this stores in market.
 Huge market opportunity to grow in this OEM market.
 Every state had a LED manufacturing hub were this vendors and distributors used to
procure products.
 China is the biggest manufactures of LED products and supplied this products to the
world at cheaper rate comparatively.
 Organizing contest is social media platforms can increase our sales.
 We should start direct marketing from our competitor’s data.
4.2 Recommendations

 Packing should be done in such way that consumer is attracted.

 Buy 1 Get 1 offer need to be introduce as company is new in the retail industry.
 Social media need to updated on daily basis.

 Giving discount offers during festivals like Diwali and Christmas.

 The operating context is not taken into account while designing the operating manual as
they have no idea what kind of human and physical resources, an organization has.

 The OEM make quite a bit of money off the spare parts so they may not provide you the
complete strategical information about their critical usage as they will benefit from it later
on not because they are trying to mislead buyers but to cover all the possible issues that
can arise for them in future.

 Typically, the OEM recommendations are not based on failure data because they do
not use a tested environment for this purpose as the varying day to day conditions can
be a big problem sometimes for the scope and other thresholds of the equipment usage.

 You don’t know how that maintenance strategy was built unless you can find some way
to get related information from them which allows you to make changes according to
your own specific requirements.
4.3 Limitations

 Due to Covid-19 our group was not able to get primary data from vendors and clients
through face-to-face interview.

 Our group was not able to visit the factory and learn.

 The development costs of OEM products proved to be expensive while dealing with
Chapter 5: Conclusion

After the exhaustive study of the product supply chain and the OEM vertical, weighing all the
pros and cons the strategies and solutions which are suggested are best fit for the company
Technolite. The company can start implementing these strategies and solutions without any
delay. The formal structure of the company is in place and with the new strategies and
solution we are very confident that the company can optimize their supply chain and gain
maximum profit also with the implementation of a new vertical of OEM, the company would
start generating more revenue
Chapter 6 -References

[1] Article by Binita Singh “Light of Opportunities” published in India know business
and economy on March 2015

[2] Study on LED demand aggregation by climate work foundation on October


[3] Report by Mirova Responsible investing “2014-2020 a new era of LED lighting?” on

[4] Report by Mckinsey & Company “Lighting the way: Perspectives on global lighting
industry”on August 2012

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