FM Oct06 Studynotes

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This issue

Paper P10
Papers P3 study
and P6
MABS and

student one2one

Miho Endo,
n CIMA Contact
full-time student
T: +44 (0)20 8849 2251
F: +44 (0)20 8849 2450 You recently passed all six CIMA managerial level papers that I had the evidence. My husband qualified shortly afterwards,
in one sitting. How did you manage this rare feat? so it was a very happy time for us.
n Australia office
Level 3, The Plaza I hadn’t studied since I was at university ten years ago, but I’ve
Building, Australia been a full-time student for the CIMA exams, so it hasn’t been You also passed all five assessments in one go at certificate
Square, 95 Pitt Street,
Sydney NSW 2000 as hard for me as it would have been for someone with work level last year. What’s the secret of your success?
E: sydney@ and other commitments. I made CIMA the most important thing in my life. I treated it as
T: 1800 679 996 if I were in the office and studied for eight hours a day while my
(toll-free within Australia) What was the biggest challenge for you? husband was at work. I also studied at the London School of
or: +61 (0)2 9776 7982
F: +61 (0)2 9262 5979
The language barrier. I came to London from Tokyo with my Business and Finance and went on revision courses.
husband two years ago so that he could complete his training I think I’m quite a self-disciplined person anyway. I wrote out
n CIMA Botswana
Plot 50370
as a solicitor. My English has improved a lot since then, but I a task list for myself each day and scheduled in which questions
Ground Floor was still nervous when it came to the exams. I knew there was I’d practise. To help with revision I made my own flash cards to
Acumen Park Building
Fairgrounds Office Park
a danger that I might not understand a question correctly. remind me of key points and formulas. I also made sure that I
Gaborone asked my tutor to explain any points I didn’t understand, which
E: [email protected] Which parts of the syllabus were the most satisfying? was particularly important at certificate level. You need to
T: +267 395 2362
F: +267 397 2982 Papers P7 and P8 were good for me. I’m really interested in understand this well if you want to do well at the other levels.
international accounting standards and I hope this will help
n CIMA China Office
Unit 1905 with my career now that I’ve returned to Japan. Not many You found time to get really fit as well.
Westgate Tower people have studied them here. I decided that I needed to be both mentally and physically tough
1038 Nanjing Road (W)
Shanghai 200041 if I was going to do my best. I usually visit the gym once or twice
E: CIMA-China@ Did you have any problems during the exams themselves? a week, but a month before the exams I started to run two to
T: +86 (0)21 52285119 I was very worried because I ran out of time several times. three kilometres every morning. I think that helped a lot.
F: +86 (0)21 52285120 Some of the phrases in the questions were difficult to grasp
n Hong Kong Division
and it took a while to understand the tricks that were hidden What do you plan to do now that you’re back in Japan?
Suites 1414 – 1415 between the lines. This meant that I couldn’t finish in time. I left my job as assistant manager of global business at Japanese
14th Floor
Jardine House
Because of that, I felt that maybe I wouldn’t pass. mobile phone company NTT DoCoMo when I came to London.
Central Hong Kong I’ll now be looking for a job that uses the knowledge I’ve gained
E: juliee.tan@
So it must have been a long and difficult wait for your while studying. I do regret that there’s no CIMA presence in
T: +852 2511 2003 results to come through. Japan, but I plan to speak to CIMA about how I can continue
F: +852 2507 4701 Waiting for the results was hard. I was almost in despair. In with the exams. I’m also going to ask my former boss to certify
Continued on page 35. the end I had to stop thinking about it. When I received the my work experience for the purpose of qualifying with CIMA.
Global contact details e‑mail telling me that I’d passed all the papers, I thought that it Our accounting system is different here, but the government is
continued from page 33.
had been a mistake – or that my friends were playing a joke on reviewing it to make it more international. I’ll certainly let people
me. It was only when I received the letter from the institute know what a worthwhile experience it’s been. FM

Illustration: Patrick Morgan October 2006  management 33
pAPER p10

n India liaison office

Test of Professional Competence
in Management Accounting
DBS Corporate Centre
Second Floor
Raheja Chambers
213 Nariman Point
Mumbai 400 021
E: [email protected]
Kadgee Clothing is hanging by a thread. Adrian Sims analyses the case study’s
T: +91 (0) 22 5630 9200
pre-seen material and considers how the firm might avoid coming unstitched.
n Malaysia Division
123 Jalan SS6/12
Kelana Jaya Urban Centre
47301 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan This case describes a depressing situation that’s familiar to know what’s important to Kadgee? An important first step is to
E: kualalumpur@
European manufacturing companies, which are having to fight understand the situation of the firm described in the pre-seen
T: +60 (0)3 7803 for business against lower-cost operations in the enlarged material. (The opening pages contain a brief history of the
5531/5536 European Union and beyond. company. Don’t spend too much time analysing this, because it
F: +60 (0)3 7803 9404
In the past, Kadgee made profits and had cash – it was in the merely sets the scene.)
n Republic of black at the bank. But now it’s teetering on the edge of losses Kadgee is an unlisted private company. Two people, Bruno
Ireland Division
45-47 Pembroke Road, and has deepening debts. Red is this season’s colour, but it’s not Burnak and Anton Kramer, hold 39 per cent of its shares. They
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 one that suits either the shareholders or the bank. are both retired and no longer have daily connections with,
E: dublin@ The firm had grown until the nineties, at which point or perhaps even loyalties to, Kadgee given that they have
T: +353 (0)1 6430400 margins started to slip under the combined pressures of changes received no dividends for at least two years. They are likely to
F: +353 (0)1 6430401
in retailing and increasing global competition. It made losses resist any radical changes in direction.
n Singapore office from 1998 to 2002, but some extra nip-and-tuck measures by The management team has not been proactive in expanding
16 Raffles Quay,
Unit 33-03 B
the management team returned it to profitability in 2004-05. the business and Kadgee has come to depend on a small number
Hong Leong Building, But things are now on the slide again. Its cash position is so of key contracts. It has recently lost one of these, while the rest
Singapore 048581
E: singapore@
bad that it increased its bank overdraft by 61 per cent in 2005. are up for renegotiation. The company’s main response to its And there’s not much in the pre-seen material to suggest that competitive challenges has been to improve efficiency. It has
T: +65 6535 6822
F: +65 6534 3992
it will get better. been retrenching rather than seeking new business based on its
Kadgee is hemmed in by a hostile operating environment. core strengths.
n South Africa Division In terms of Porter’s five forces, it has suffered market entry
Postal: PO Box 745
Northlands 2116 based on price from global competition, most recently from
Physical: Second Floor
Thrupps Centre, 204
China after its admission to the World Trade Organisation. The loss of Forum seems to have
This rivalry will increase further. The firm faces considerable
Oxford Road, Illovo
E: johannesburg@ buyer power from the heavily concentrated retail sector, come as a shock to Dieter Stutt.
Is there more bad news to come
T: +27 (0)11 268 2555 where 73 per cent of its sales are to three clients – and
F: +27 (0)11 268 2556 major clients want their own labels instead of Kadgee’s.
n Sri Lanka Division Its second-largest client, Forum, has withdrawn its contract before exam day?
356 Elvitigala Mawatha with effect from the end of August. The management team will
Colombo 05
E: colombo@
need to decide how to rationalise to reduce output by 22.6 per cent. It’s already planning to cut 34 jobs to save on wage Some managers have sought to move the firm away from
T: + 94 (0)11 250 3880
F: + 94 (0)11 250 3881
costs, but three of its six factories make Forum’s clothes. Would hard bargaining on prices by instead using CAD and supply-chain
closing an entire factory be more sensible, so that overheads can management solutions. It is currently negotiating for 2007.
n CIMA Zambia
Box 30640
also be avoided? Seemingly, Forum felt able to give six weeks’ notice of
Lusaka, Zambia All in all, morale is low, quality is falling and the company termination of contract and was persuaded to continue
E: lusaka@ hasn’t fashioned a strategy to turn itself around. buying until August 2006. This means that further contracts
T: +260 1290 219 The examiner has set the same requirement in every could be terminated between now and the exam, which
F: +260 1290 548 TOPCIMA paper since September 2005. Let’s assume that a would affect the unseen material. The loss of Forum seems
n CIMA Zimbabwe pattern has been set, therefore, and that you will face the to have come as a shock to Dieter Stutt. Is there more bad
PO Box 3831 following requirement: prepare a report that prioritises and news to come before exam day? Is Stutt concealing bad news
Harare, Zimbabwe
E: harare@ advises on the main issues facing Kadgee Clothing, making from the board? appropriate recommendations. Kadgee seems to be facing price reductions of the order of
T: +263 (0)4 250475
F: +263 (0)4 708600/ The five pages of unseen material that you’ll receive on four per cent, assuming that its failed negotiations with Forum
720379 exam day will be where the examiner introduces twists to the are typical. These would reduce revenue to below operating costs
plot. In the past, the unseen material has contained eight or so and Stutt’s explanations of where cost savings could be made
extra issues. You must use your analytical skills to prioritise the are less than convincing.
main ones and then justify your choices. So how do candidates Falling quality, owing to low employee morale, is endangering

October 2006  management 35
paper p10

A few words of encouragement

Many students who are preparing for next month’s TOPCIMA paper may
be struggling with the idea of having to sit yet another exam, writes
Gary Leyshon. Haven’t you already proved your abilities by passing the
strategic level? Why are you now required to study for another exam that
has no set syllabus and covers material already tested in the other three
strategic level papers? And there may be as many as 20 pages of
information to read, analyse and assimilate, plus another two months of
preparation. All for a test that, based on current pass rates, carries a 40 per
cent chance of success. No one could blame you for feeling less than
Kadgee’s prices, contracts and premium market position. enthusiastic about it, could they?
Morale has been further dented by the knowledge that jobs are We tutors certainly encounter students who aren’t convinced about the
under threat. value of paper P10. Despite our best efforts, a considerable number of
Cash flows are in a mess. The cash flow statement shows that candidates initially view it as “just another exam”, to quote one September
the business is a net cash burner because of poor working capital pilot student.
management owing to excessive inventory, increased credit But, as soon as you start studying for TOPCIMA, you’ll begin to realise the
given and reduced credit received. skills and commitment required to do well. You’ll also start to understand and
The company depends heavily on Stutt – it probably wouldn’t value the significance of this final test of competence. Once you grasp its
have survived this long without him. It is vulnerable to staff in practical nature, you’ll be better able to associate with its purpose, recognise
other ways. It has five very skilled machinists and an undisclosed its significance and benefit from the experience.
number of other employees. These people are dedicated to A few months ago I was lucky enough to attend a function during which
Kadgee because they have few other job opportunities, but some the uniqueness and purpose of TOPCIMA was clearly illustrated. I’d been
have already been absent with stress and it does seem that the invited to a presentation of awards to successful CIMA students employed by
firm relies heavily on the efforts and goodwill of its workforce. one of my firm’s major clients and, despite being thrilled at the prospect of
There are potential ethical issues here. seeing many familiar faces beaming with happiness, nothing had prepared me
The company has a number of financial problems. Operating for what was to come. The ceremony went well and to finalise proceedings
profits fell by 18 per cent between 2004 and 2005, despite only the group finance director, John Kennerley, addressed the audience with an
a two per cent decline in revenues. Given that output increased unrehearsed speech. Without deliberately intending to, he explained the
by more than 30 per cent between 1998 and 2005, this reasons for the existence of TOPCIMA.
reinforces the message that prices are falling. “The finance team of the future”, he said, “will be able to consider, for
Margins are very thin. The average selling price of a garment example, exit strategies; governance issues and ethics; and expansion plans for
in 2005 was €6.83 (€74,420,000 ÷ 10.9m) against a cost per growth, such as acquisitions, adding value to the analysis by considering
unit of €6.66 (€72,580,000 ÷ 10.9m) – a profit measured in value-chain development and simplifying processes while retaining
cents per item and a margin of only 2.47 per cent. measurement accuracy.
Kadgee offered to reduce prices by four per cent to keep the “Those capable of contributing to the improvements that we plan for our
Forum contract, yet it was unsuccessful. It can’t seem to afford a business will perform their duties through the application of theoretical
four per cent cut, let alone a bigger one. For example, if all other knowledge, breadth of discussion and depth of analysis over a diverse range of
costs stayed the same in 2006 and revenues fell by four per cent, criteria. They will be able to prioritise the recommended approaches,
it would make an operating loss of €1.14m. exercising logic and judgment while focusing on the critical factors for the
The overdraft has grown by €580,000. This seems to have success for our business, integrating financial and non-financial information
resulted from the decline in operating profits and also from as appropriate.
some working capital issues. These include a deceleration in “The skill of communicating via easily comprehensible recommendations
inventory turnover from 31 to 40 days. Holding 40 days’ stock in will only assist our success.”
this industry is hazardous, because fashions change with the I have often said to my students that they should prepare for TOPCIMA as
seasons. This extra inventory has also sucked in €1.89m of scarce though it were a day in the office. Kennerley’s words quite clearly illustrate
working capital, so it’s incurring overdraft charges. It’s likely that this idea.
there’s some unsold stock in the warehouse or that stock is A case study in the making? Maybe. A simple coincidence? Unlikely.
being supplied to retailers to hold, which will be paid for only This was a speech made by a finance professional based on many years of
when it’s sold. experience at a senior level. To me this provides a clear illustration, were it
It may seem that there’s some scope for borrowing. Kadgee necessary, of the relevance of the CIMA qualification and, in particular, the
has 21 per cent gearing (loans + overdraft and a percentage of TOPCIMA case study.
loans + overdraft + equity) and interest cover of 3.5 times.
But disaster lies this way. Its earnings are volatile, which can be Gary Leyshon, tutor of the year in CIMA’s 2005 Financial Management
seen by calculating its operational gearing (percentage change Awards, is head of business development at FTC Kaplan, Reading.
in operating profit ÷ percentage change in turnover). In this case,

October 2006  management 37
Paper P10

for every one per cent change in revenue, its profit changes by
11.7 per cent. This firm has already lost €16.8m in revenue from
Forum and is facing the prospect of four per cent price cuts from
the remaining clients.
The asset base is depleting. Non-current assets have fallen by
€1.68m (14.6 per cent) and, commensurate with this, the
depreciation charge for each of the years exceeds the purchases
of tangible fixed assets. Having said that, some of the high
depreciation may have been a prudent writing down of the
remaining IT investment needed to set up the design centre in
2001. But the firm’s own technology also needs keeping up to
date, so it’s a worrying sign.
For some reason, our attention has been directed to one
shareholder. In 1998 Frankie Bayane spent €32,000 at €8 a share
to buy two per cent of the business, which was ailing at the
time. She played her part in turning the company around, but
we are bound to ask whether her investment was worthwhile.
We need, therefore, to conduct a business valuation. Given that
the net assets of Kadgee were €22,257,000 in 2005, this means
that her two per cent stake is worth €111.29 per share on a net
asset valuation basis against an income valuation basis, which is Switching off the lights and closing the company
likely to be much lower. As a rough calculation of the latter, the
EPS in 2005 was €4.62, which amounts to a total income value
is always a last resort. Don’t come into the exam
of €57.75 on the most generous income valuation basis. This has with a preconceived strategy to sell the business
been calculated as €4.62 ÷ eight per cent (I used eight per cent
for convenience because there is no cost of capital available in
the pre-seen material and the bank seems content to lend at shareholders shouldn’t assume that liquidation is the only way
this rate). If another company were to raise debt to buy Kadgee, to obtain value from this business. Switching off the lights and
it would gain tax relief on the interest, so the rate would be closing the company is always a terrible last resort. Don’t come
lower – say, 6.1 per cent if it paid at the small companies’ rate. into the exam room with a preconceived strategy to sell the
On the other hand, using equity to buy Kadgee would make the business – many students fail because they write rote-learned
cost of capital higher owing to the risk involved. answers that don’t fit the circumstances. You must be prepared
Kadgee is unquoted, so there’s no ready market or a willing to evaluate and advise on the basis of the information you’re
buyer for Bayane’s shares. In essence, she is locked in, holding given in the unseen.
shares that give no divided and which cannot easily be sold. In You need to consider ways to improve the earnings of the
March’s TOPCIMA exam a similar situation existed and a director business. Ansoff’s matrix will be useful here:
had resigned and wanted her shares bought back. n How could Kadgee penetrate its existing market better (eg,
It seems likely that Kadgee’s break-up value may exceed cut costs and prices further) or increase differentiation (eg,
its earnings value and that shareholders who presently receive launch its own label)?
no dividend may take an offer for the assets of the business. n What market development is available (eg, menswear,
Of course, net assets are very different from cash proceeds workwear or new sorts of retailers such as supermarkets)?
from liquidation. It seems unlikely that anyone in Europe will n What new products could it develop for the stores it supplies
be willing to buy clothing manufacturing equipment given the (eg, shoes, cosmetics or accessories)?
hostile market conditions. The calculation also ignores n Could it diversify by opening its own shops or selling directly
redundancy costs, which are a potential deal-breaker. But the via catalogues or the internet?

38 management  October 2006
Paper P10

n Could it manufacture other textile products, such as curtains what’s happened to many of the European firms affected by
and bedding? them. Don’t limit your research to clothing, because the same
In the exam you may be presented with proposals for trying issues have confronted makers of consumer durables, furniture
some of these ideas, whether they’re sensible or not. You will and even cars.
have to evaluate them using numerical techniques such as net How could Kadgee respond? European manufacturers are
present value and also the broader Johnson and Scholes criteria reacting in the following ways:
of suitability, acceptability and feasibility. n They relocate production to China but retain development
The notion of acceptability brings us back to shareholders and marketing in their home countries. The design centre and
and attitudes – ie, the balance of power in the boardroom. Stutt’s networks seem the only really valuable foundations
Bruno and Andrin Burnak hold 58 per cent of the shares between from which to rebuild Kadgee’s business.
them and, we might reasonably assume, an attachment to their n They seek to avoid price competition by developing
family business. But suppose they were to disagree on an issue – distinctive brands at home that can command premium
eg, a takeover approach or a risky “bet the business” investment. prices. The pre-seen material states that most output goes
It would leave one or the other needing to form a coalition of under the labels of the client stores, which suggests that
investors with differing powers and interests to get their own Kadgee does have some brands of its own. But building a
way. The percentage shareholdings seem almost contrived to premium brand will take more cash than it can afford.
cause this, suggesting that a stakeholder analysis might be useful n They adopt mass customisation – ie, the basic products are
as part of your preparation. made in a low-cost location but are then customised nearer
The pre-seen material gives strong pointers towards the sorts to the customer to add value. The pre-seen material’s
of decisions that the management may have to take. Should it references to the five expert machinists could be taken as a
follow its rivals’ lead and make some or all of its clothing outside hint in this direction.
Europe. If it does, there will be implications for risk, control and n They seek to improve the supply chain so that clients rely on
jobs. What further competitive advantage could be gained from the company to save them costs on inventory and logistics or
IT/IS applications? to remove the problem of stock-outs. Kadgee has played this
One interesting connection here is the tendency for contracts card already and restored profitability in the past few years,
to lead to shorter runs of a greater range of lines. This could help but things are on the slide again. What more can be done?
to explain the rising inventory costs and would presumably also Work out whether any of these options are suitable,
have implications for overheads given that set-ups are a acceptable and feasible for Kadgee. Consider their implications
recognised cost driver. Is there a better way to respond to losing for jobs, skills, finance, marketing and organisational structure.
the Forum contract than cutting 34 jobs? Perhaps moving the Research real businesses in the textile and clothing industry and
affected staff to part-time contracts might provide a solution. see what’s happened to them. FM
How can it restore quality and the total quality management
system again, particularly if buyers insert penalty payments for Adrian Sims, who teaches for BPP Professional Education in
poor quality into their contracts? Can it find another client to Luton and Milton Keynes, is BPP’s subject manager for
take up the capacity released by Forum, or would it be possible TOPCIMA. This is an edited version of an article on the CIMA
to win Forum back by offering lower prices or improved supply- web site. For the full version, plus advice on tackling the exam,
chain solutions? visit
Some of these are clearly short-term problems that need to
be solved immediately. The decision on relocation is more
difficult and will need greater consideration.
The growth of China as an economic giant has been one of P10 Recommended reading
the major business dynamics of the 21st century. Studies H Barnwell and A Sims, CIMA Study System: Test of
suggest that manufacturing costs there are lower than those in Competence in Management Accounting, 2006 edition,
Europe by a factor of 80 per cent or more. The EU has policies on CIMA Publishing/Elsevier, 2005.
the textile industry. You should investigate these and consider

40 management  October 2006

Management Accounting – Risk and

Control Strategy / Business Strategy
P3 and P6 approach the key topic of information from different angles. David Laws
discusses some issues that candidates might expect to encounter in the two exams.

Because information strategy (IS), purchased via its web site only, which
information technology (IT) and minimises the costs of sales staff. A
information management (IM) appear in product differentiator might involve using
both paper P3 and paper P6, you may be information to maintain an advantage. For
hoping that you’ll need to study these example, a bank differentiating itself on
subjects only once. In fact, although customer service might use text
there’s an overlap between the papers, the messaging to give its customers regular
approach required by each one is different. updates on their account balances.
The CIMA Study Systems offer the Technology can even act as a trigger
following definitions: for change by creating new industries or
n IS “determines the long-term altering existing ones. The ability of
information requirements of business”. customers to research holidays, customise
n IM “is concerned with methods by itineraries and book directly on the web
which information is stored”. has generated huge changes. In the travel
n IT “defines the specific systems industry, for example, it has led to the rise
that are required to satisfy the of new players, such as,
information needs”. and has changed the way that existing
So, IS deals with what information we companies, such as Thomas Cook, operate.
need to collect and why we need it; IM Customer‑facing technology is therefore
deals with how the information is made becoming essential in many industries.
available to those who need it; and IT deals with how this The retail industry shows what can be achieved when
information is transferred. This may mean collecting more organisations can collect, circulate and analyse information
information from inside the company or perhaps making more quickly and easily. Electronic point-of-sale technology and
and/or better use of it. It may also mean identifying and/or communications technology allow managers to receive sales
gathering additional external information. Many people use IT as information fast, making it easier for them to respond to the
a generic term to cover all of the above. In tackling P3 and P6, it effect of, for example, advertising campaigns; special offers (and
may be more useful to focus on the overall aims and benefits of whether customers continue to buy when these end); the
using information rather than worrying about whether weather etc. This information allows retailers to change their
something is an example of IS, IM or IT, although understanding sales policies, perhaps by changing stock levels or encouraging
the distinctions is a learning outcome of the P3 syllabus. customers to buy items with bigger mark-ups.
Business strategy is mainly concerned with creating and Risk and control strategy is mainly concerned with the risks
maintaining competitive advantages, so a P6 question on inherent in using and relying on information systems, as well as
information may be along the lines of: “Could improved use of how to control those risks. Clearly there are risks involved if a
information help to gain an advantage?” For an example, let’s supermarket relies heavily on sophisticated hardware and
consider the theories of Michael Porter. In his generic strategies software if that equipment then breaks down. A major concern
model, he suggested that two ways to build competitive will be to ensure that the risk to the system is minimised. This
advantage were cost leadership or product differentiation. For a would include procedures to ensure that:
cost leader, information can be used to monitor spending more n Hardware is not damaged or stolen.
closely – eg, to identify overspends more quickly and/or to n The systems can cope with the demands placed on them
communicate these to the relevant managers more rapidly, (eg, by using up-to-date hardware and software).
thereby helping with cost control. Alternatively, we might try n Viruses are not allowed to spread on to the system (eg, by
to reduce costs by researching alternative suppliers. We could restricting internet access).
use an extranet to post details of the supplies we need and There is also a risk that, if information is stored in a data
encourage suppliers to submit quotes. Another example would warehouse, it could be damaged or destroyed. An appropriate
be the ticketing policy of low-cost airline Ryanair: tickets can be response might be to restrict access to the information and to

October 2006  management 43
Papers P3 and P6 Exam notice
regularly for updates.

make regular back-ups. Another risk might n The CIMA certificate in business you are a new student starting the
be that unauthorised people (inside or outside accounting: new 2006 syllabus certificate level, we recommend that you
the organisation) could access the material. This is an entry requirement for the follow the 2006 syllabus and sit the
There is a further danger that the data might CIMA professional qualification and a related assessments.
be processed incorrectly. For example, imagine recognised qualification in its own right. If you pass any of the assessments,
the potential problems if the information The new syllabus for it was launched at or are awarded exemptions, from the
system regularly allocates costs to incorrect cost CIMA’s lecturers’ conference in March. 2000 syllabus before March 2, 2007,
centres (perhaps after a reorganisation or The institute has refreshed all five you will be given credits for subjects in
acquisition), or if the system used by a payroll certificate subjects and introduced new the 2006 syllabus (see panel, below).
department processes deductions incorrectly. An content on ethics and corporate Assessments for C1, C2 and C3 take
internal audit department might be asked to governance, so candidates should note 90 minutes each and those for C4 and
review the output of key information systems to the following information: C5 take an hour each. All assessments
identify problems of this sort. n Assessments based on the new 2006 for the 2006 syllabus take two hours.
From a strategic viewpoint, perhaps the syllabus will be available at CIMA- The pass mark for each one is 50 per
biggest risks concern incorrect decisions at the approved assessment centres from the cent and you will receive your results
system design stage. For example, in the internet first of this month. and, if you pass, a certificate of
boom of the late nineties, one of the high- n Assessments based on the old 2000 achievement immediately afterwards.
profile failures was clothing retailer syllabus will be available at CIMA If you are unsuccessful, you will receive
The company differentiated itself by having a approved assessment centres until some feedback on your performance.
high-tech web site with a lot of graphical March 1, 2007.
content. Unfortunately, it was slow to load and n Assessments based on the 2000 and n November 2006 exam entry for the
hard to navigate. spent in the region of 2006 syllabuses will be available professional qualification
$100m and went bankrupt within a few years. concurrently between October 2, 2006 November’s exams will be held on Tuesday
Other areas where poor initial design might and March 1, 2007. 21, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23.
lead to problems include investment in an n All assessments are computer based. The deadline for entries was
information system that fails to achieve the cost n Both the 2000 and 2006 certificate September 21, but in extreme
savings expected or becomes obsolete quickly. syllabuses are available to download circumstances we will consider very late
Or the project may be overambitious, leading to from entries. You must have suitable evidence
a system that’s more expensive than anticipated. It’s essential that you read the from your employer to support your
The UK government’s plan to computerise all syllabus before starting your studies. If application. We’ll charge a very late fee of
National Health Service records is a case in
point. This is the world’s largest civilian IT
project of all time. Whether it will deliver all the
benefits expected will only become clear in the OLD AND NEW Certificate SYLLABUSES COMPARED
future. According to The Sunday Times (April 16)
the costs have already increased from an initial 2000 subjects 2006 subjects
estimate of £2.3bn to at least £15bn. C1 Management Accounting C01 Fundamentals of
I hope that this article has illustrated that Fundamentals Management Accounting
information is a valuable commodity, but only if C2 Financial Accounting C02 Fundamentals of Financial
it’s managed properly – which sounds Fundamentals Financial Accounting
suspiciously like what you’re required to do to C3 Business Mathematics C03 Fundamentals of Business Mathematics
pass the P3 and P6 exams. FM C4 Economics for Business C04 Fundamentals of Business Economics
C5 Business Law C05 Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate
David Laws is a senior lecturer at FTC Kaplan Governance and Business Law
in London.

44 management  October 2006
Exam notice
Visit regularly for updates.
Changes to Managerial
Level Papers from May 2007
Changes to section weightings
The following three managerial level papers will have
new section weightings from the May 2007 diet:
P1 Management Accounting – Performance Evaluation;
P4 Organisational Management and Information
Systems; and P7 Financial Accounting and Tax Principles.
£330 as well as the standard exam fees. If you are taking TOPCIMA, it is your The new weightings will be as follows:
CIMA Contact can advise you if you responsibility to download this material n Section A: 40 marks (currently 50 marks).
would like us to consider a very late entry. and familiarise yourself with it before the n Section B: 30 marks (currently 30 marks).
exam. A “clean” copy of the pre-seen n Section C: 30 marks (currently 20 marks).
n Cancellations and changes material will be given to you in the exam.
We do not accept cancellations and will You cannot take any notes in with you. Change to assessment format
not refund fees. The closing date for From May 2007, section C of paper P7 will contain one
requesting changes to papers or exam n Examinable legislation compulsory question covering the preparation of at
centres was September 30. A list of examinable legislation is available least two of the three key financial reporting
on statements: the income statement, balance sheet and
n Admission advice letters cash flow statement. This is the only change to the
If you have entered for the exams online, n Exam paper formats assessment format for any paper. The assessment
you must print out your admission advice Ensure that you visit the web site to format for sections A and B remain unchanged.
online. You can do this from October 18. familiarise yourself with the exam paper For papers P1 and P4, the assessment format
The admission advice shows the exact formats before taking the exams. remains unchanged and is as follows:
details of your exam centre, as well as the n Section A: a variety of compulsory objective test
exams you have entered for. You must n Question papers questions worth between two and four marks each.
take it with you to the exams and keep it Please note that you cannot take question n Section B: six compulsory short-answer questions,
safely afterwards, because it contains your papers out of the exam hall. The each worth five marks.
candidate numbers. November papers will be available at n Section C: one question from a choice of two.
n Exam rules immediately after the exams.
You must download and read the exam
rules from the CIMA web site when you n Exam results n Computer-based assessments at
download your admission advice. The results of the November exams will certificate level
be sent out at the end of January 2007. For full information on entering for a
n Going to the exam Visit to computer-based assessment at certificate
As well as your admission advice, you will register to receive your results via e-mail. level, visit the CIMA web site at
need to take another means of
identification, such as a passport or n Important notice for managerial If you wish to sit managerial level
driving licence, to the exam hall. level candidates exams in November, you must have
All managerial level candidates are completed all of your certificate level
n Attendance slips reminded that the answers to all subjects by September 1.
You must complete attendance slips questions – including all section A
before starting each exam. The slips have objective test sub-questions – must be n Ask a tutor
tear-off sections, which you should take written in your answer books. Details of the next “ask a tutor” event will
away and keep. These will be your proof of If candidates draft their responses on be published on
attendance and are valid for four months the question paper, these should be studyresources. This is a chance for you to
from the date of the exam. transferred to the answer book before the ask an experienced tutor a syllabus-related
end of the exam. It will be assumed that question in the run-up to the exams.
n Pre-seen material for the TOPCIMA all writings in the question paper are the
case study candidate’s notes, so they will not be n Queries
The TOPCIMA pre-seen material and considered by the markers. If you have any questions, please visit
assessment matrix has been available to An article providing guidance on how CIMA’s web site to see if they are answered
download from to answer section A questions is available there, or get in touch with CIMA Contact
topcima since September 11. at (see page 33) or your local office. FM

46 management  October 2006

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