Project Management Using Primavera p6 IJERTV7IS040201

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 7 Issue 04, April-2018

Project Management using Primavera P6

Anurag Mahure 1 Amitkumar Ranit 2
P.G. Student, Associate Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering, Prof. Ram Meghe college Department of Civil Engineering, Prof. Ram Meghe college
of Engineering & Management , of Engineering & Management,
Amravati, Maharashtra, India Amravati, Maharashtra, India

Abstract: An analysis of the results of survey and comparison of Project Planner P6 , a product from Oracle is a very
conventional method and using PRIMAVERA, a management powerful tool present in the hands of project team. The
tool was undertaken. PRIMAVERA software has been use software helps in planning, scheduling and controlling of
because of it is use for large projects and fives comparable and projects very efficiently. Contractors in India are reluctant to
optimum project plans to stimulate the adjustments. The wide
acceptance of this software, especially in industries of
use project planning and scheduling techniques, which are
developing cities has made the project managers to easily being used world over and already proved as benchmark for
handle the large projects effectively and also resulted in low in time completion of projects. The study includes with
cost as when compared to conventional methods of discussion/introduction on Primavera P6 a project planning
management of project. The results indicate that this and scheduling tool available . The quality of schedule
management tool has many features and benefits to lead to a generated from the software often lacks detail and the
successful project completion. It has been studied that purpose of the software in adding value to the project is
professional project schedulers use PRIMAVERA to plan and generally not met by the users in India.
analyse multiple projects to ensure the timely completions and
within budget. It must be noted that this study is based on
comparison of relatively small projects and that the results on
In addition to provide insight on various project tasks, their
larger, more complex projects might be different Project inter relationship, dependencies to predict total project
activities are directed towards the achievement of project duration during planning phase. the schedule should be
objectives with respect to scope, time and quality construction comprehensive enough to let the user understand in detail
projects or industries are time bound and all. In a complex the purpose of various activities in the schedule. In today’s
project where large number of activities are performed at world construction industry is one of the most widely used
different places and different agencies and sub organizations, and rapidly booming industry of our nation and across the
with each having its own scheduled targets, a small delay in the world. Hence there is requirement of certain tools and
critical activity can affect many schedules. Delays in contracted techniques for the improvement of national economic
projects or construction projected can results in penalties and
adversely affect the reputation of the company. Construction
upliftment, and their environment planning to manage with
project shall employ the latest and the best available project the level of improvement in town and urban areas and the
planning and management software Primavera project time required to overcome this goal can shortened. There is
management, one of the most usable software package necessity for effective Project Management.
employed by a large group of industries. The planning process
for a building construction with some alternative schemes such 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
as execution schedule, activities relationship, resource 1. Satinder Chopra: concluded that the Activity ID and
allocation etc. has been attempted to examine the consequence Activity Description both the most unused part can
of overall implementation in terms of scope and time to the greatly enhance the quality of the schedule if used
project. Effective time planning is very important in
determining a success of any project, poor planning and
properly. It is the duty of the planning team to carefully
controlling of project will causes delay. To overcome this time decide the Activity ID structure in advance so, that
running problem analysis can be done by using the primavera schedule preparation flows smoothly without any
p6 software. In this project, primavera P6 software help the conflicts. Further research on how other fields like
planning, scheduling, resource allocation and time Original duration, Remaining Duration, Tasks bars in
management. This software gives better quality of construction the Gantt chart, Start and Finish dates can be presented
management process and easily understanding results. to give maximum understanding to the user for efficient
schedule development
Keywords: Planning, Scheduling, Primavera, Monitoring, 2. V.dhanalakshmi (2016):,Study deals with the project
monitoring process of the economical method of
1. INTRODUCTION transporting a pipeline construction was completed in
Project consumes several resources in its lifetime to achieve Ennore-Trichy-Madurai. Construction work and actual
the desired goal. The resources have time dependent, direct progress is a comparison between the planned progress
or indirect costs related to them. For large Construction of performed in this study using project management
projects with huge budget; it becomes very difficult for the software Primavera P6.
project team to handle the tasks So, it becomes very 3. P. Esaki Thaana: found time management system is
necessary to provide a tool in the hand of project team that considered to perform a key role in organization, which
helps keep a track of activities in the project. Primavera is responsible to complete the project in a specific time,

IJERTV7IS040201 241

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 7 Issue 04, April-2018

budget cost within a certain period of time. Poor time 3. METHODOLOGY

and cost performance are major problems faced by
construction industry. The main objective of this Literature survey
research is to prepare the proper planning and
scheduling for the 6 lanes road work construction at
VOC PORT TRUST, Tuticorin. Time management and
time control are done by primavera P6 software. The Data collection Of building
main advantage of project was timely execution and
completion of the project using primavera P6 software.
The road construction project has completed prior to the
contract duration.
4. Y.Umesh(2015): Proper planning and scheduling is Study of contract Document
very essential in projects for sinking and scheming
delays of the project. Extensive amounts of time,
money, resources are wasted each year in a construction
industry due to improper planning and scheduling. With
globalization the construction projects have become Study of Primavera P6 software
infinite and complex. Planning of such projects requires
huge amount of documentation work, which can be
reduced with the help of project planning software.
These study are to plan, schedule, and track a
residential project with help of primavera software, Preparing Detail planning & Scheduling
study the results generated, it is possible to propose
which method is suitable for the chosen residential
5. B.S.K.Reddy (2015): they did resource optimization
exercises on two on-going projects in Dubai, UAE. Developing Schedule using Primavera
They individually leveled and then combined option
with aggregated and then leveled clearly indicates
redcuction in demand of resources by 5.65% in later
option, which could be best considered for economy.
They concluded Resource leveling at project job site
Optimazation of time & Resources
and forwarding demand leads a possible sharing of
resources among projects.
6. E. Suresh kumar (2015), Scheduling using Primavera
A. Steps Involved in Scheduling
Software is a development which involves estimation,
sequencing the activities, resources allocation and
1. Creating EPS :
timing. The construction scheduling is to complete the
To create an ideal schedule for any project, first step is to
project in time and equal the resources with the
collect data available for the project. The following steps
allocated time. Scheduling using primavera Software
can be followed in Primavera P6 software. Create the
gives good controlling.
complete structure of the company with its branches, which
7. Ismail Abdul Rahman : study identified time
is executing the project using primavera P6. This is known
management together with their effectiveness level in
as Enterprise project structure (EPS).
large construction projects. From the construction
organization that deals with huge projects data was
2. Creating new project
collected. Relative Importance Index calculation was
The project constitutes a plan for creating a product or
employed to assess the level of effectiveness which is
service contains a set of different activities and associated
helpful for time management techniques and software
information. The project is governed under respective
adopted in the construction project. divisions in EPS. That can be given planned start and finish
dates. Global, resource or project calendar is assigned by
the project .

IJERTV7IS040201 242

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 7 Issue 04, April-2018

Fig.3 Relationship gantt chart

Fig.1 EPS
6. Creating a calendar
3. Work breakdown structure The calendar can create and assign it to each activity. These
WBS elements have defined and organize the project calendars define the available work hours in each calendar
elements. It helps to clearly identify the deliverables, report days. Also specify national holidays, organizations, and
and summarize project schedule and estimated cost data at project- specific work/non a workdays and resource
different levels of detail. WBS is a hierarchy of any project vocation days.
work that must be accomplished to complete a construction
project. Each project has its own project WBS hierarchy
structure with top level WBS element being equal to that of
each EPS node of the project. Each WBS element contains
more detailed in WBS levels, activities, or both resources

Fig.4 Calender

7. Activity Duration
When planning the work, the project duration is entered in
Fig.2 WBS the original duration field. The actual duration can only be
entered for the project activities, which are completed.
4. Defining activity
The smallest subdivision of a project activities are the 8. Activity Dates
fundamental and key work elements of a project and form The following types of project activity dates available in the
the top to lowest level of a WBS. The characteristics primavera; actual start, planned start, actual finish, planned
Activity like ID, activity name, start and finish dates, finish.
activity calendar, activity codes, activity type, constraints,
expenses, predecessor and successor relationships,
resources, roles etc .

5. Relationship between activity

By assigning succeeding, preceding activities with
significant relationship to the overall project activities , form
a network, scheduling the activities should be connected to
each other.
Finish to start (FS) relationship
Start to start (SS) relationship
Fig.5 Activity duration & Dates
Finish to finish (FF) relationship
Start to finish (SF) relationship 9. Creating baseline
A complete copy of the original schedule is a simple
baseline plan which provides a target against which a
project’s performance is tracked. Choose project. Maintain

IJERTV7IS040201 243

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 7 Issue 04, April-2018

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