Prelim Examination in Basic Swimming

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Fiesta Homes, Araneta St., Sum-ag,
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VMA TESTC: (034) 445-7495
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(Basic Swimming)

Name: __________________________________ Year & Section: ___________

Directions: Read and understand carefully the sentences. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the blank before the number.

________1. The first version of the crawl.

a. Front crawl
b. Flutter kick
c. Scissor Kick
d. Dolphin kick

_________2. It is the movement by human or animals through water, usually without

artificial assistance.
a. Swimming
b. Diving
c. Surfing
d. Kayaking

_________3. It is the most common purpose of swimming. It is a good way to relax

while enjoying a full-body workout.
a. Competitive swimming
b. Swimming as an exercise
c. Resistance swimming
d. Recreational swimming

__________4. Which is NOT the benefit of Swimming?

a. Builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular
b. Alleviating stress
c. Providing a pleasant way to cool down on a hot day
d. Swimming will give you a cramps
_________5. What are the platforms called from which swimmers dive in
competitive swimming: starting _____ ?
a. Block
b. Steps
c. Stools
d. Tables

_________6. When you stretch your muscles: __________________ a. Do it after

you are warmed up: do it during/after each
workout: daily or at least a full times a week
b. Stretching is just for advanced athletes
c. You don’t really have to make time to stretch, your daily
life will bring enough stretching
d. Bounce when you stretching

___________7. Why do we need to warm-up before swimming? a. Reduces the

chances for muscle and tendon injuries
b. Increases body temperatures
c. Maintain a low heart rate so as not to fatigue the body
d. All of the above

___________8. This refers to the procedure, precautions, and policies associated

with safety in, on and around bodies of water, when there is a risk of injury or
a. Water safety
b. Risk of swimming
c. Safety measures
d. Emergency action plan

___________9. It can help save a life during cardiac or breathing emergency a. First
b. Emergency action plan
c. CPR
d. Rescue breaths

___________10. When delivering a rescue breaths, the first step you should follow is:
a. Pinch the nose shut, life the head and give a blow into the
person’s mouth
b. With the person’s head tilted back slightly and the chin
lifted, pinch the nose shut and place your mouth over the
person’s mouth to make a complete seal and begin the
rescue breaths
c. Call 911
d. Place your hands, one top of the other, in the middle of the


Directions: Write a capital T for true or F for false on the space

_____1. Accidents can happen at anytime and any place in the pool
when you are being careful
_____2. It is okay to swim alone, as long as the lights are on and the
door’s are open
_____3. If the depth of the pool is not known or is not clearly printed
on the side of the pool, do NOT dive into the area
_____4. Entering the pool without teacher permission is okay
_____5. Running around the pool area is prohibited at all lines
because the ground is slick from the pool water
_____6. You should always enter the pool feet first
_____7. Swimming in a pool where a lifeguard is present is a good
idea, but is NOT a must
_____8. Chewing gum while swimming will NOT affect your
swimming skills or cause serious problems
_____9. It is a good idea to eat a full coarse meal before you go
____10. Swimming is the most effective way to save your life in a
threatening situation involving water


A. Risk of swimming:
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________

B. Purpose of swimming:
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
C. Swimming equipment:
1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
6. __________

D. Steps before giving CPR

1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________

IV. ESSAY (10pts)

1. If you get into trouble in the water, how do you attract


“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed
― Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist

Prepared by: Amor Grace M. Sacudit

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