MELCs - General Chemistry 2

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Quarter Content Standard Performance Standard

Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learners The learners should be
demonstrate able to...
understanding of...
1st 1. the properties of Design a simple Use the kinetic molecular model to explain Week 1 STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-99
liquids and solids to investigation to properties of liquids and solids
the nature of forces determine the effect on Describe and differentiate the types of Week 1 STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-100
between particles boiling point or freezing intermolecular forces
2. phase changes in point when a solid is Describe the following properties of liquids, and Week 1 STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-102
terms of the dissolved in water explain the effect of intermolecular forces on
accompanying these properties: surface tension, viscosity, vapor
changes in energy pressure, boiling point, and molar heat of
and forces between vaporization
particles Explain the properties of water with its molecular Week 1 STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-103
structure and intermolecular forces
Describe the difference in structure of crystalline Week 1 STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-104
and amorphous solids
Interpret the phase diagram of water and carbon Week 2 STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-107
Determine and explain the heating and cooling Week 2 STEM_GC11IMFIIIa-c-109
curve of a substance
properties of Use different ways of expressing concentration of Week 2 STEM_GC11PPIIId-f-111
solutions, solubility, solutions: percent by mass, mole fraction,
and the molarity, molality, percent by volume, percent by
stoichiometry of mass, ppm
reactions in solutions Perform stoichiometric calculations for reactions Week 2 STEM_GC11PPIIId-f-112
in solution
Describe the effect of concentration on the Week 2 STEM_GC11PPIIId-f-115
colligative properties of solutions

Differentiate the colligative properties of Week 3 STEM_GC11PPIIId-f-116

nonelectrolyte solutions and of electrolyte
Calculate boiling point elevation and freezing Week 3 STEM_GC11PPIIId-f-117
point depression from the concentration of a
solute in a solution
Calculate molar mass from colligative property Week 3 STEM_GC11PPIIId-f-118
Describe laboratory procedures in determining Week 3 STEM_GC11PPIIId-f-119
concentration of solutions
energy changes in Week 3 STEM_GC11TCIIIg-i-124
Explain the first law of thermodynamics
chemical reactions
Explain enthalpy of a reaction Week 3 STEM_GC11TCIIIg-i-125

Calculate the change in enthalpy of a given STEM_GC11TCIIIg-i-127

reaction using Hess Law
1. the rate of a Describe how various factors influence the rate Week 4 STEM_GC11CKIIIi-j-130
reaction and the of a reaction
various factors that Differentiate zero, first-, and second-order Week 4 STEM_GC11CKIIIi-j-132
influence it reactions
2. the collision theory Explain reactions qualitatively in terms of Week 4 STEM_GC11CKIIIi-j-136
molecular collisions
Explain activation energy and how a catalyst Week 4 STEM_GC11CKIIIi-j-137
affects the reaction rate
Week 4 STEM_GC11CKIIIi-j-138
Cite and differentiate the types of catalysts
2nd spontaneous change, Prepare a poster on a Predict the spontaneity of a process based on Week 5 STEM_GC11CTIVa-b-140
entropy, and free specific application of entropy
energy one of the following: Explain the second law of thermodynamics and Week 5 STEM_GC11CTIVa-b-142
A. Acid-base equilibrium its significance
B. Electrochemistry Use Gibbs’ free energy to determine the direction Week 5 STEM_GC11CTIVa-b-143
Include in the poster the of a reaction
Chemical equilibrium concepts, principles, Explain chemical equilibrium in terms of the Week 5 STEM_GC11CEIVb-e-145
and Le Chatelier’s and chemical reactions reaction rates of the forward and the reverse
Principle involved, and diagrams reaction

of processes and other Calculate equilibrium constant and the pressure Week 5 STEM_GC11CEIVb-e-148
relevant materials or concentration of reactants or products in an
equilibrium mixture
State the Le Chatelier’s principle and apply it Week 5 STEM_GC11CEIVb-e-149
qualitatively to describe the effect of changes in
pressure, concentration and temperature on a
system at equilibrium
1. acid-base Week 6 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-153
Define Bronsted acids and bases
equilibrium and its
applications to the Week 6 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-154
Discuss the acid-base property of water
pH of solutions and
the use of buffer Calculate ph from the concentration of hydrogen Week 6 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-156
solutions ion or hydroxide ions in aqueous solutions
2. solubility Week 6 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-160
equilibrium and its Describe how a buffer solution maintains its ph
applications Calculate the ph of a buffer solution using the Week 6 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-161
Henderson Hasselbalch equation
Redox reactions as Week 7 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-169
Define oxidation and reduction reactions
applied to galvanic
and electrolytic cells Balance redox reactions using the change in Week 7 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-170
oxidation number method
Identify the reaction occurring in the different Week 8 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-172
parts of the cell
Define reduction potential, oxidation potential, STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-176
and cell potential
Week 8 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-178
Calculate the standard cell potential
Relate the value of the cell potential to the Week 8 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-179
feasibility of using the cell to generate an electric
Describe the electrochemistry involved in some Week 8
common batteries: STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-180
a. Leclanche dry cell
b. Button batteries
c. Fuel cells

d. Lead storage battery

Apply electrochemical principles to explain Week 8 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-181
Week 8 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-182
Explain the electrode reactions during electrolysis
Describe the reactions in some commercial Week 8 STEM_GC11ABIVf-g-183
electrolytic processes



Quarter Content Standard Performance Standard

Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Code
The learners demonstrate The learners should be able
understanding of... to...
1st 1. The effect of instruments Solve, using experimental Solve measurement problems involving Week 1 STEM_GP12EU-Ia-
on and theoretical conversion of units, expression of 1
measurements approaches, multi- measurements in scientific notation
2. Uncertainties and concept, rich-content Differentiate accuracy from precision Week 1 STEM_GP12EU-Ia-
deviations in measurement problems involving 2
3. Sources and types of measurement, vectors, Differentiate random errors from systematic Week 1 STEM_GP12EU-Ia-
error motion in 1D and 2D, errors 3
Newton’s Laws, Work, Estimate errors from multiple measurements of Week 1 STEM_GP12EU-Ia-
Energy, Center of Mass, a physical quantity using variance 5
Vectors and vector momentum, impulse and Differentiate vector and scalar quantities Week 1 STEM_GP12V-Ia-8
addition collisions Perform addition of vectors Week 1 STEM_GP12V-Ia-9
Rewrite a vector in component form Week 1 STEM_GP12V-Ia-
1. Position, time, Convert a verbal description of a physical Week 2 STEM_GP12Kin-Ib-
distance, displacement, situation involving uniform acceleration in one 12
speed, average velocity, dimension into a mathematical description
instantaneous velocity Interpret displacement and velocity, Week 2 STEM_GP12KIN-
2. Average acceleration, respectively, as areas under velocity vs. time Ib-14
and instantaneous and acceleration vs. time curves

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