Oil Field Equipement

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College of Mechanical Engineering Technology-Benghazi

Petroleum Engineering Department

Oil Field Equipment

PT 404

Prepared by :
Hammed Saleh bazama

Academic 2019-2020

Chapter one - Drilling and Rig machinery

1.1 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

1.2 History---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

1.3 Definition------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3

1.4 Methods of oil drilling--------------------------------------------------------------------------3

1.5 Type of drilling -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------4

1.6 Type of drilling rigs------------------------------------------------------------------------------6

1.7 Drilling Rig Classification-----------------------------------------------------------------------7

1.8 Rig Personal---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Chapter Two- Onshore Drilling Rigs

2.1 Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

2.2 Mobile Drilling Rigs--------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

2.3 Component of Drilling Rigs-----------------------------------------------------------------------13

2.3.1 Hoisting System----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13

2.3.2 Power system-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29

2.3.3 Circulation System-------------------------------------------------------------------------------36

2.3.4 Rotating System----------------------------------------------------------------------------------42

2.3.5 Blow out preventer System---------------------------------------------------------------------45

Chapter Three - General Information

3.1 Drilling floor and handling tools-----------------------------------------------------------------48

3.2 Rat hole----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------52

3.3 Mouse hole------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------52

4.4 The control Panel-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------52

Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------54

Drilling & Rig Machinery
1.1 Introduction to drilling

Oil and natural gas drilling rigs can be used not only to identify geologic reservoirs but also to
create holes that allow the extraction of oil or natural gas from those reservoirs. Primarily in
onshore oil and gas fields once a well has been drilled, the drilling rig will be moved off of the
well and a service rig (a smaller rig) that is purpose-built for completions will be moved on to the
well to get the well on line.[1] This frees up the drilling rig to drill another hole and streamlines
the operation as well as allowing for specialization of certain services, i.e., completions vs.

1.2 History 3

China is credited with being the first in the world to have drilled for oil. Using bamboo poles in
an elaborate drilling apparatus, the ancient Chinese were able to extract oil from depths of over
800 feet. In the 8th century, petroleum was actively extracted in the Middle East. Western
Europe learned and benefited from the sciences of oil extraction and distillation from the Muslim
scientists in Moorish Spain. The scientists of Islamic Spain developed many methods of
processing petroleum for many products, such as distillation to extract kerosene and other
chemical methods for oil production.

1.3. Definition

Oil drilling is the process of perforating the earth's surface and rock layers to extract fossil fuels,
or oil, for energy production. Oil can be found all over the world, and it is drilled in many
countries. Oil is formed from the organic decay of plants and animals that existed millions of
years ago. In the absence of oxygen between the earth's layers, the decaying process of this
organic waste eventually leads to oil production.

1.4. Methods of Oil Drilling

Oil has been the most heavily relied upon energy source in the world for decades. Petroleum
products include the gasoline that powers cars and trucks, the asphalt that covers roads, and the

lubricants used in engines and mass-production factory machinery. With such a great demand for
petroleum products among the industrialized nations, it is vital that oil drillers be able to reach
the reserves of crude oil hidden beneath the surface of the earth.

The first method oil driller’s use is called Cable-Tool Drilling. It is the simplest way to drill and
is used to create shallow wells in soft beds of rock. A bit held to a long steel cable by an iron rod
called a stem is raised and dropped again and again. The force of the drop drives the bit deeper
and deeper into the ground. The jagged bit crushes soil and rock and the drillers must
occasionally pull it out to pour water in the opening to flush it out. The bailer, a long pipe, takes
out the water and loose rocks and soil.

The second and most widely used method is Rotary Drilling. The equipment used is more
complicated, but a rotary drill works more like a screwdriver, turning rapidly to force its way
down. The rotary table rests on the floor of the oil derrick and is turned by an engine to turn the
bit. The rotary table holds the kelly, the uppermost part of the hollow drill stem. The kelly
attaches to the drill pipe, which connects to the drill collar that holds the bit. The draw works is
what lowers and raises the drill stem out of the hole. A cable runs from the hoisting drum at the
bottom of the derrick over two sets of pulleys farther up. A hook connects the lower pulley to the
kelly to allow it to be raised and lowered.

1.5 Types of Drilling

1.5.1- Conventional Drilling

Conventional wells are drilled vertically from the surface straight down to the pay zone. This is
the traditional and still common type of drilling.

Figure( 1 -1 ) shows conventional drilling

1.5.2- Horizontal Drilling

Using technologies such as bottom driven bits, drillers are able to execute a sharp turn and drill
horizontally along a thin pay zone. In a related procedure, developed in this area, two horizontal
well bores are drilled one above the other, about 3 meters apart. One application for this is
SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage) where steam is injected into the higher of these
horizontal holes and the heat precipitates oil down into the lower hole, increasing production of
heavy oil. Drilling these holes requires an experienced crew, precision techniques and advanced

Figure ( 1 – 2 ) shows Horizontal Drilling

1.5. 3- Directional Drilling

Drilling has advanced from slant and horizontal drilling to drilling that can change direction and
depth several times in one well bore. A schematic of these drill bores (often several from the
same drill pad, resembles the roots of a plant. This type of drilling is uniquely suited to pay
zones in the Lloydminster area which are often distributed like prairie sloughs across the
underground landscape. Directional drilling is also being applied in other parts of the world now
such as Venezuela and where there is a special need to limit environmental impact on the

Figure ( 1- 3 ) shows Directional Drilling

1.6. Types of Drilling Rigs :

A drilling rig is a structure housing equipment used to drill for water, oil, natural gas from
underground reservoirs or to obtain mineral core samples. The term can refer to a land-based rig,
a marine-based structure commonly called an 'offshore rig' or a structure that drills oil wells
called an 'oil rig'. The term correctly refers to the equipment that drills oil wells or extracts

mineral samples, including the rig derrick (which looks like a metal frame tower).Sometimes a
drilling rig is also used to complete (prepare for production) an oil well. However, the rig itself is
not involved with the extraction of the oil; its primary function is to make a hole in the ground so
that the oil can be produced. A drilling rig is a machine, which creates holes in the ground.
Drilling rigs can be massive structures housing equipment used to drill water wells, oil wells, or
natural gas extraction wells, or they can be small enough to be moved manually by one
person.[citation needed] They sample sub-surface mineral deposits, test rock, soil and
groundwater physical properties, and also can be used to install sub-surface fabrications, such as
underground utilities, instrumentation, tunnels or wells. Drilling rigs can be mobile equipment
mounted on trucks, tracks or trailers, or more permanent land or marine-based structures (such
as oil platforms, commonly called 'offshore oil rigs' even if they don't contain a drilling rig). The
term "rig" therefore generally refers to the complex of equipment that is used to penetrate the
surface of the Earth's crust.

Drilling rigs can be:

 Small and portable, such as those used in mineral exploration drilling, water wells and
environmental investigations.
 Huge, capable of drilling through thousands of meters of the Earth's crust. Large "mud
pumps" circulate drilling mud (slurry) through the drill bit and up the casing annulus, for
cooling and removing the "cuttings" while a well is drilled. Hoists in the rig can lift hundreds
of tons of pipe. Other equipment can force acid or sand into reservoirs to facilitate extraction
of the oil or natural gas; and in remote locations there can be permanent living
accommodation and catering for crews (which may be more than a hundred). Marine rigs
may operate many hundreds of miles or kilometers distant from the supply base with
infrequent crew rotation or cycle.

1.7. Drilling Rig Classification

There are many types and designs of drilling rigs, depending on their purpose and improvements;
many drilling rigs are capable of switching or combining different drilling technologies.

By power used:

 electric - rig is connected to a power grid usually produced by its own generators
 mechanic - rig produces power with its own (diesel) engines
 hydraulic - most movements are done with hydraulic power
 pneumatic - pressured air is used to generate small scale movements

By pipe used:

 cable - a cable is used to slam the bit on the rock (used for small geotechnical
 conventional - uses drill pipes
 coil tubing - uses a giant coil of tube and a downhole drilling motor

By height:

 single - can drill only single drill pipes, has no vertical pipe racks (most small
drilling rigs)
 double - can store double pipe stands in the pipe rack
 triple - can store stands composed of three pipes in the pipe rack (most large
drilling rigs)
 quad - can store stands composed of four pipes in the pipe rack

By method of rotation:

 no rotation (most service rigs)

 Rotary table - rotation is achieved by turning a square pipe (the kelly) at drill floor
 Top-drive - rotation and circulation is done at the top of the drillstring, on a motor
that moves along the derrick.

By position of derrick:

 conventional - derrick is vertical

 slant - derrick is at an angle (this is used to achieve deviation without an
expensive downhole motor)

1.8. Rig personnel

Personnel on a drilling rig vary greatly depending on the size of the rig, type of rig, and the type
of well being drilled (directional vs straight, extended reach, etc). A list of the most common rig
personnel is as follows:

 Company man
 Derrick hand
 Directional driller
 Driller
 Geologist
 Rig Medic
 Mud engineer
 Mud logger
 Roughneck
 Roustabout
 Tool Pusher

Chapter 2

Onshore Drilling Rigs

2.1 Introduction::

Land drilling typically involves a mobile rig to drill a stepped and cased hole to production
depth. A wellhead is installed to support the casing strings and contain pressure of the annulus
between the casing strings.Drilling depth can range from quite shallow, requiring few strings and
a small truck rig, to depths of over 20,000 feet, requiring many casing strings and large rigs.
Typically, deeper wells will also require equipment suited for high pressures and temperatures.

Wells are completed with a tubing string run to production depth and supported at the wellhead
by a tubing hanger. The production zone is isolated and the casing perforated. An arrangement of
valves, known as a tree, is installed above the tubing hanger to control the production flow.

In recent years, coil-tubing drilling, steam-assist production and mutli-well pad drilling have
gained popularity. These are specialty versions of the same drilling process.

Figure(2-1) shows land drilling Rig

2.2-Mobile drilling rigs

In early oil exploration, drilling rigs were semi-permanent in nature and the derricks were often
built on site and left in place after the completion of the well. In more recent times drilling rigs
are expensive custom-built machines that can be moved from well to well. Some light duty
drilling rigs are like a mobile crane and are more usually used to drill water wells. Larger land
rigs must be broken apart into sections and loads to move to a new place, a process which can
often take weeks.

Small mobile drilling rigs are also used to drill or bore piles. Rigs can range from
100 ton continuous flight auger (CFA) rigs to small air powered rigs used to drill holes in
quarries, etc. These rigs use the same technology and equipment as the oil drilling rigs, just on a
smaller scale.

The drilling mechanisms outlined below differ mechanically in terms of the machinery used, but
also in terms of the method by which drill cuttings are removed from the cutting face of the drill
and returned to surface.

Figure ( 2-2 ) shows Mobile drilling rigs

2.3 - Components of oil drilling rigs

The main components of a petroleum onshore drilling rig. Offshore drilling rigs have similar
elements, but are configured with a number of different drilling systems to suit drilling in the
marine environment. The equipment associated with a rig is to some extent dependent on the
type of rig but typically includes at least some of the items listed below.

Five Main System of the Rig:

 Hoisting system
 Power system
 Rotating system
 Circulating system
 Control & Measurement system

2.3.1- Hoisting System:

The hoisting system is used mostly to move the strings of drill pipe or casing up and down in the
wellbore. The derrick, or mast, provides tall, mechanical support. The cable from the spool in the
draw works loops over the crown block at the top of the derrick and under the traveling block
hanging below the crown block. The swivel underneath the traveling block can be connected to
the drill pipe. The weight of the string of drill pipe plus friction forces on the pipe can be as
much as one million pounds, all supported by the derrick. To repair or replace parts of the drill
string, the crew must hoist, or “trip,” it out of the hole. During a trip, stands of pipe are stored
between the derrick floor and the monkey board. The monkey board is where the derrick hand is
stationed to guide the pipe. A stand of pipe is two or three pipe joints that are screwed together.
Two joints in a stand are referred to as “doubles.” Three joints in a stand are “triples.” Double
derricks are tall enough for “doubles,” and triple derricks are tall enough for “triples.” Derrick
A derrick is a lifting device composed of one tower, or guyed mast such as a pole which is
hinged freely at the bottom. It is controlled by lines (usually four of them) powered by some
means such as man-hauling or motors, so that the pole can move in all four directions. A line
runs up it and over its top with a hook on the end, like with a crane. It is commonly used
in docks and on board ships. Some large derricks are mounted on dedicated vessels, and are often

known as "floating derricks".

- Standard Derricks - Four sided structures that must be assembled and disassembled
when transporting.

- Portable Derricks - Telescoping and jackknife types. The telescoping derrick is raised
and lowered in an extending and collapsing fashion and lowered in one piece, but may be
disassembled to some degree after being lowered. Substructure:

The substructure has the function to supporting the drawwork, rotary table, stands
of DP and derrick.Top side is generally called Rig Floor.Substructure are made

following API STD 4E or 4F regulations. There is usually a plate mounted on the

substructure identifying its main characteristics




14 of substructures:

Land rigs are made for frequent Rig Up, moving and Rig Down.This is the main reason
why different substructure types have been developed. Two main types:
1- Box and Box type:

2- High floor substructure: Draw-works:
A draw-works is the primary hoisting machinery that is a component of a rotary drilling rig. Its
main function is to provide a means of raising and lowering the traveling blocks. The wire-rope

Figure (2.3 ) shows box on box substructure

drilling line winds on the drawworks drum and extends to the crown block and traveling blocks,
allowing the drill string to be moved up and down as the drum turns. The segment of drilling line
from the draw-works to the crown block is called the "fast line". The drilling line then enters the
sheaves of the crown block and is makes several passes between the crown block and traveling
block pulleys for mechanical advantage. The line then exits the last sheave on the crown block
and is fastened to a derrick leg on the other side of the rig floor. This section of drilling line is
called the "dead line".

A modern draw-works consists of five main parts: the drum, the motor(s), the reduction gear, the
brake, and the auxiliary brake. The motors can be AC or DC-motors, or the draw-works may be
connected directly to diesel engines using metal chain-like belts. The number of gears could be
one, two or three speed combinations. The main brake, usually operated manually by a long
handle, may be friction band brake, a disc brake or a modified clutch. It serves as a parking brake
when no motion is desired. The auxiliary brake is connected to the drum, and absorbs the energy
released as heavy loads are lowered. This brake may use eddy current rotors or water-turbine-
like apparatus to convert to heat the kinetic energy of a downward-moving load being stopped.

Power catheads (winches) located on each side provide the means of actuating the tongs used to
couple and uncouple threaded pipe members. Outboard catheads can be used manually with
ropes for various small hoisting jobs around the rig.

The drawworks often has a pulley drive arrangement on the front side to provide turning power
to the rotary table, although on many rigs the rotary table is independently powered

Figure ( 2-4 ) shows Draw-works

16 Crown block
A crown block is the stationary section of a block and tackle that contains a set of pulleys
or sheaves through which the drill line (wire rope) is threaded or reeved and is opposite and
above the traveling block. The combination of the traveling block, crown block and wire
rope drill line gives the ability to lift weights in the hundreds of thousands of pounds. On
larger drilling rigs, when raising and lowering the derrick, line tensions over a million pounds are
not unusual.

Figure(2-5 ) show crown block Traveling block:
A traveling block is the freely moving section of a block and tackle that contains a set of pulleys
or sheaves through which the drill line (wire rope) is threaded or reeved and is opposite (and
under) the crown block (the stationary section).

The combination of the traveling block, crown block and wire rope drill line gives the ability to lift
weights in the hundreds of thousands of pounds. On larger drilling rigs, when raising and lowering the
derrick, line tensions over a million pounds are not unusual. -HOOK :

The hook is located beneath the traveling block. This device is used to pick up and secure

the swivel and kelly. The hook has a shock absorber to lessen stresses when the load is picked

up and make screwing connections easier. The elevator bails are connected to two side

hooks. The hook is composed of two parts: upper and lower.

The upper part has a spring that absorbs the bouncing action when tripping pipe.

The lower part allow the hook to rotate facilitate different operations. It can also
be locked to avoid undesired rotation, such as when tripping. Drill line:

In a drilling rig, the drill line is a multi-thread, twisted wire rope that is threaded
or reeved through the traveling block and crown blockto facilitate the lowering and lifting of
the drill string into and out of the wellbore. On larger diameter lines, tension strengths over
a million pounds are possible.To make a connection is to add another segment of drill pipe onto
the top the drill string. A segment is added by pulling the kelly above the rotary table, stopping
the mud pump, hanging off the drill string in the rotary table, unscrewing the kelly from the drill
pipe below, swinging the kelly over to permit connecting it to the top of the new segment (which
had been placed in the mousehole), and then screwing this assembly into the top of the existing
drill string. Mud circulation is resumed, and the drill string is lowered into the hole until the bit
takes weight at the bottom of the hole. Drilling then resumes. Diameters vary widely depending

Figure ( 2.6 ) shows Traveling block

on the type of rig, but generally do not exceed 1.5 inches. The drilling line requires attention and
care. To evaluate the wear it can withstand, the toolpusher computes the daily drilling line service
which is the product of the load times the distance traveled. The total line service is expressed in

tons per kilometer or per mile, and will be used as a reference point to initiate maintenance
operations such as slipping and cutting off drilling line Wire rope structures:

Wire rope is an intricate network of close tolerance, precision made steel wires,
much on the order of a machine, where each part has a job to do.

Wire Rope is composed by three parts: the CORE, the STRAND and the WIRE.

API 9A defines drilling lines with abbreviations in function of:

 Type of core (Steel or fiber)

 Number of strands

 Number of wires per strand

Figure(2-7 ) shows wire rope


IPS = Improved Plow Steel with breaking strength between

1770 and 1960 MPa.
IWRC = Independent Wire Rope Core

S = Seale All layers contain the same number of wires.

PRF= Preformed Strands are helically formed into the final
RRL = Right Regular Lay

20 Deadline
The drilling line is secured to a specific deadline anchor which measures the tension on that end
of the line. It also allows new lengths of line to be run into the system in order to relieve the
worn parts of the line by moving them from critical wear points on the pulleys of the crown
block or the traveling block. Slipping the line, then cutting it off helps lengthen the lifetime of
the drilling line. The fast line
This is the end of the drilling line that is reeled up on the draw works drum
2.2 Hoisting Design Consideration :
1- Determine the deepest hole to be drilled
2-determine the worst drilling load or casing load
3-use these value the select drill line , the derrick capacity, and in the turn the derrick
2.2.1 Static Derrick Loads :

Static Derrick Load = Fast line load +hook load + dead line load

- Fast line load = , Deadline =


2.2.2 Efficiency of Hoisting System:

Friction between the wire rope and sheaves reduce the efficiency of the hoisting system.
The efficiency factor during pulling out

EF = ,

FL = , DL =

DF =

Friction between the wire rope and sheaves reduce the efficiency of the hoisting system.
The efficiency factor during lowering string:

EF =

FL =
Example :
Calculate efficiency factor for hoisting system employing 8 strung line ,assuming k
value = 0.9615

Table ( 2 – 1 ) block and tackle efficiency factors for K = 0.9615

Number of line strung Efficiency factor
6 0.874
8 0.842
10 0.811
12 0.782

Example 1 :

During a drilling rig structure fatigue test, the operator measured the wind load of
0.5 psi. The rig has ten lines which are strung through the traveling block. A hook
load of 250,000 lbf is being hoisted. According to the API standard, calculate the
wind velocity, and the total compressive load.

Solution: Given data:

= wind load = 0.5 psi

= hook load = 250,000 lbf

n = number of drilling lines through the traveling block = 10

Required data:

V = wind velocity, mph

T = total compressive load on the derrick, lbf


The win velocity can be obtained using :

Note: we know that 1 = 144

The total compressive load on the derrick is obtained using :

= x =

Example 2:

During a rig structure fatigue test, the operator measured the wind load of 0.6 psi.
The rig has sixteen lines which are strung through the traveling block. A hook load
of 550,000 lbf is being hoisted. According to the API standard, calculate the wind
velocity, and the total compressive load.

Solution: Given data:

Ww = wind load = 0.6 psi

Whl = hook load = 550,000 lbf

n = number of drilling lines through the traveling block = 16

Required data:

V = wind velocity, mph

T = total compressive load on the derrick, lbf

The wind velocity can be obtained using


The total compressive load on the derrick is obtained using :

= x =

Example 3 :

A rig is designed to withstand maximum wind speed of 250 km/hr. What will be
the wind load that will be developed at that speed?

Solution: Given data:

V = Maximum wind speed = 250 km/hr

Required data:

Ww = Wind load in lbf/


Wind load calculated using :

= 0.004
Using of wind speed must first change to mile/hr

V =

Wind load = = 0.004 0.004 x

Example 4 :

Hole depth = 11,000 ft drill pipe = OD = 5 inches ,ID=4.276 inches ,wt=19.5 lb/ft

Drill collar = length = 500 ft, OD =8 inches, ID = 2.825 inches , wt = 150 lb/ft

Mud weight = 10 ppg, with 10 lines , line sheave efficiency coefficient = 0.9615


1- Weight of drill string in air and in mud

2- Hook loads ,assuming weight of traveling block and hook load to be 23,000 lb
3- Dead line and fast line loads assuming an efficiency factor of 0.81
4- Gross Nominal capacity for derrick
5- Dynamic crown load
6- Wireline design factor during drilling if breaking strength of wire is 230,000 lb
7- Design factor when running 7 inches casing of 26 lb/ft

2.2 Evaluation of total service and cut off drill line:

Portions of drill line on the crown and traveling blocks sheaves and on the hoisting. Drum carry
the greatest amount of work and are subjected to great deal of wear and tear. These parts must be
cut and removed at regular time other wise the drill line will fail by fatique ,the process is called
slip and cut practice

The length of line to be cut is calculate as following:

Length of drum laps = number of laps x drum

= number of laps x π x D

Where :

D = Drum diameter inches

Example 5 :
Calculate cut off length in feet for drill line size 1 1/2 inches ,drum diameter = 30 inches,

Derrick height = 147 ft , DF = 5


Tone mile for line size 1/2 inches = 2600 TM ,

Recommended cut off length in terms of drum laps and derrick height for design factor = 5

Countecy of API

Derrick height Drum diameter

28 30 32

Number of drum laps per cut off

187 15.5 14.5 13.5

142,143,147 11.5 11.5 11.5

133,136,138 11.5 10.5 9.5

-Number of laps = 11.5 from drum diametr of 30 inches.

Length to be cut = number of laps x ( π xdrum diameter )

= 11.5 x π x 30 inches x 12 = 90.3 ft

2-3 Ton mile of drill line :

The drill line like any other drilling equipemen,dose work at any time it is nvolved in moving
equipment in or out of the hole.The amount of work done varies depending the operation
involved. This work causes the wireline to wear and if the line is not replaced it will eventually
break. The reader should note that the drlling line can only contact a maximum of 50 % of the
sheaves at any one time , but the damage will be done on contact area any way.

The amount of work done need to be calculated to determine when to change the drilling line .
the following gives equations for calculating the work done on the drilling line:

1- Work done in round trip operations ( Tr )

Tr =


M = mass of travilling assembly Lb

Ls = lenth of each stand ft

D = hole depth ft

We = effective weight per foot ( or master of drill pipe in mud

C = ( L X Wdc – L x Wdp ) x BF

Wdc = weight of drill collars in air

Wdp = weight of drill pipe in air

L = length of drill collars

2- Drilling done during drilling operation :

In drilling a length of section from d1 to depth d2

Td = 3 (T2-T1 )

3- Total work done ( WD ) in coring = 2 round trip to bottom

Ts = ( T2-T1 )

T2 = Work done for 1 round trip at d2 wher drilling or coring stopped before coming
out of the hole

T1 = work done for 1 round trip at depth d2, wher drilling or coring started

4- Work done in setting casing ( Ts ):

Ts =


Wcs = effective weight per unit length of casing in mud

Ls = length of casing joint

M = mass of travelling assembly lb

D = Hole depth ft

Example 6 :

Drill oi well to total depth 9982 ft using (307 joint of 5 inches drill pipe weight 19.5 lb/ft ,length
of joint 31 ft ) and ( 8 inches drill collars weight 150 lb/ft ) to drill oil ,with 10 ppg mud weight
Mass of travelling block assembly 23,500 lb and length of stands 93 ft. calculate

1- Around trip ton mile at total depth

2-Cone mile when coring from 9982 to 10162 ft

2. 3.2 Power Systems:

A variety of power systems are used on rigs, including mechanical systems, diesel electric
silicon‐controlled rectifiers (SCR), and AC systems. Using the oldest power system, mechanical
rigs have the internal combustion engine connected with clutches and transmissions to the draw
works, pumps, and so forth. Diesel‐electric SCR systems, which replaced most mechanical
systems, use internal combustion engines to generate electricity that is converted to DC with
SCR. The DC electricity powers motors to run the draw works, rotary table or top drive, pumps,
and so on. Diesel electric AC systems with variable frequency drives (VFD) are preplacing the
SCR systems. With VFD, motor control is superior to that with DC power. Instead of diesel for

fuel, some rigs may use natural gas, and some rigs in populated areas have connected directly to
the electric power grid. Overall power efficiency of an engine can be calculated from the input
power and output shaft power. The shaft power Psp is;

Psp = ω T

where : ω is the angular velocity of the shaft and T is the output torque. The overall power
efficiency ηsp is:

η sp = power output / power input

Power output is shaft power Psp. Power input Pin for internal combustion engines depends on
the rate of fuel consumption mf and the heating value of fuel H so that

Pin =mf H

Therefore, the overall power efficiency is :

η sp = Psp / Pin = ω T/mf H

Example .1 :

Shaft Power A diesel engine rotates a shaft at 1000 rev/min to provide an output torque of 1500
ft⋅lbf. What is the shaft power in hp?


Angular velocity ώ = 2ℿ x1000 rev/min = 6283 rad/min

Power out put = Psp = ω T = ( 6283 rad / min ) x 1500 ft.ib = 9.42 x 10 ft-lb/min

= 9.42 x 10 ft.lb/min x 1 hp/33,0000 ft.lb = 286 hp

Example .2:

An internal combustion engine is run by diesel fuel in a rig side to generate power
for the system. It gives an output torque of 1,600 ft-lbf at an engine speed of 1,150
rpm. The engine consumes fuel at a rate of 30 gal/hr. Calculate the wheel angular
velocity, power output, overall efficiency of the IC engine.


Given data:

T = Output torque = 1,600 ft-lbf

N = revolution per minute = 1,150

wf = the rate of fuel consumption by the engine = 30 gal/hr

Required data:

ω = Angular velocity of the shaft i.e., wheel angular velocity, rad/min

Ps = Shaft power developed by an IC engine i.e., power output, hp

η= Overall engine efficiency of the power system i.e., IC engine, %

Answer :

The angular velocity can be calculated by using the given equation:

ω = 2π N = 2 X π X 1150 = 7,225.68 rad/min

Power out put can be calculated as:

Power out put ( Ps ) = ωX T =

Note: 1 hp = 33,000 ft-lbf /min

Since the engine is run by diesl fuel therefore ,the density = 7.2 lb/gal and heating
value is 19,000Btu/lb

Fuel consumption rate is :

= (30 gal/hr ) x ( 7.2lb/gal ) x)(

Therefore, the total heat energy consumed by the IC engine. Input power can be
calculated by using input power:

= Wf Hf =

1 Btu = 779 ft-lbf

ηps =

Example .3:

An internal combustion engine is producing 251 hp power output at 6130 rad/min

wheel angular velocity. The engine is consuming about 23 gal/hr of kerosene fuel
that has a density of 0.79 gm/cc. Calculate the engine running speed, torque
developed by the engine and efficiency of the engine.

Solution: Given data:

Ps = Engine power = 251 hp

ω = Wheel angular speed = 6130 rad/min

ρ ker = Kerosene density = 0.79 gm/cc

wf = Engine fuel consumption = 23 gal/hr

Required data:

N = Engine running speed in rpm

T = Engine torque in ft-lbf

= Efficiency of the engine


The engine running speed can be calculated using the following equation:


The engine torque can be calculated after modifying:

T =

To calculate the efficiency of the engine,first we need to calculate the total heat
energy consumed by the engine:
Qi = x

Heating value of kerosene ( ) is 20,000 Btu/lbn

So the total energy is :

Qi =

Engine efficiency can be calculated from :

= = 21 %

Example .4:

A diesel engine was running at a speed of 1250 rpm at the drilling operations side.
The driller noticed that the engine shaft output is 360 hp. He was trying to pull a
drillstring of 600,000 lbf. The engine was running for one hour. Calculate the
wheel angular velocity, torque developed by the engine, the drillstring velocity,
distance travelled by the drillstring.

Solution: Given data:

N = revolution per minute = 1,250 rpm

W = Weight on pulley = 600,000 lbf

Ps = Shaft power developed by an IC engine i.e. power output = 360 hp

t = time required to travel the distance, d = 1 week

Required data:

ώ= Angular velocity of the shaft i.e. wheel angular velocity, rad/min

T = Output torque, ft-lbf

v = the drillstring velocity i.e., velocity vector, ft/min

d = distance travel by the weight on pulley, ft

The angular velocity can be calculated by using:


ω = 2 π N = 2π X1,250 = 7854 rad/min

The torque out pt is obtained using:

T =

Note : we know that 1 hp = 33,000 ft-lbf/min

The drill string velocity can be calculated using

V =

As the engine was running for one houre,so the total distance traveled by the
drill string within one hour is obtained by

W =

d = v x t = ( 19.8 ft/min)x ( 1hr x 60 min ) = 1188 ft

2.3.3 Circulation system:

Circulation system consist of :

1- Mud pumps

2- Standpipe 3
3- Flow line

4- Drilling fluid pit 2

5- Mixing drilling fluid tanks 1

Figure(2-8)shows circulation system Mud pump
A mud pump is a reciprocating piston/plunger device designed to circulate drilling fluid under
high pressure (up to 7,500 psi (52,000 kPa) ) down the drill string and back up the annulus.

Mud pumps come in a variety of sizes and configurations but for the typical petroleum drilling
rig, the triplex (three piston/plunger) mud pump is the pump of choice. Duplex mud pumps (two
piston/plungers) have generally been replaced by the triplex pump, but are still common in
developing countries. Two later developments are the hex pump with six vertical
pistons/plungers, and various quintuplex's with five horizontal piston/plungers. The advantages
that these new pumps have over convention triplex pumps is a lower mud noise which assists
with better MWD and LWD retrieval.

The "normal" mud pump consist of two main sub-assemblies, the fluid end and the power end.

The fluid end produces the pumping process with valves, pistons, and liners. Because these
components are high-wear items, modern pumps are designed to allow quick replacement of

these parts. To reduce severe vibration caused by the pumping process, these pumps incorporate
both a suction and discharge pulsation dampener. These are connected to the inlet and outlet of
the fluid end.

The power end converts the rotation of the drive shaft to the reciprocating motion of the pistons.
In most cases a crosshead crank gear is used for this. Parts of mud pump: 1.housing itself. 2.liner
with packing. 3.cover plus packing. 4.piston and piston rod. 5.suction valve and discharge valve
with their seats. 6.stuffing box (only in double-acting pumps). 7.gland (only in double-acting

Figure ( 2-9 ) shows Mud pump Bell nipple

A Bell nipple is a section of large diameter pipe fitted to the top of the blowout preventers that
the flow line attaches to via a side outlet, to allow the drilling fluid to flow back over the shale
shakers to the mud tanks.

Figure ( 2-10 ) shows Bell nippl Mud tank

A mud tank is an open-top container, typically made of steel, to store drilling fluid on a drilling
rig. They are also called mud pits, because they used to be nothing more than pits dug out of the
earth. The tanks are generally open-top and have walkways on top to allow a worker to traverse
and inspect the level of fluid in the tanks. The walkways also allow access to other equipment
mounted on top. Recently, offshore drilling rigs have closed-in tanks for safety. The mud tank
plays a critical role in mechanically removing destructive solids and sediment from costly land
and offshore drilling systems. The numbers of the mud tanks that are needed on the drilling rig
depend on the depth of the well, and also the mud demands of drilling. A tank is sectioned off
into different compartments. A compartment may include a settling tank, sometimes called a
sand trap, to allow sand and other solids in the drilling fluid to precipitate before it flows into the
next compartment. Other compartments may have agitators on the top of the tanks, which have
long impellers below inserting into the tank & stirring the fluid to prevent its contents from
precipitating. Mud guns are often equiped at the corners of the tanks' top, spraying high-pressed
mud to prevent the drilling fluids in the corner of the compartment from precipitating, typically
for the square tanks The pipe work linking the mud tanks/pits with the mud pumps is called the
suction line. This may be gravity fed or charged by centrifugal pumps to provide additional
volumetric efficiency to the mud pumps.

Figure ( 2-11 ) shows Mud tank Mud tanks for solids control

Mud tanks are the base of solids control equipments, such as shale shaker, desander, desilter,
etc., and also the carrier of drilling fluids. Mud tanks for solids control systems are divided into
Square tanks and Cone-shaped tanks according to the shape of the tank bottom. The body of the
tank is made by welding the steel plate and section, using the smooth cone-shape structure or the
corrugated structure. The mud tank surface and passages are made of slip resistant steel plate
and expanded steel plate. The mud tanks are made of the side steel pipe; all of the structure can
be folded without barrier and pegged reliably. The surface of the tank is equipped with a
water pipeline for cleaning the surface and equipment on the tank, it uses soaked zinc processing
for the expanded steel plate. The ladder is made of channel steel to take responsibility the body,
the foot board is made of expanded steel plate. The two-sided guard rail are installed the safe
suspension hook. The mud tank is designed the standard shanty to prevent the sand and the rain.
The pipeline is installed in the tank to preserve the warm air heat. Mud tank quantity depends on
mud process capacity requirements. Especially for mud storage, suitable for mud pump, drilling
rig, etc

Figure ( 2-12 ) shows Mud tanks for solids control

 Shale shakers
Shale shakers are devices that remove drill cuttings from the drilling fluid that is used for boring
holes into the earth. Controlling the solids in drilling fluid is an important component of the cost
of drilling.

Figure ( 2-13 ) shows Shale shakers

 Shale shaker design

Shale shakers typically consist of large, flat sheets of wire mesh screens or sieves of various mesh sizes that shake or
vibrate the drill cuttings, commonly shale, across and off of the screens as the drilling fluid (mud) flows through them and

back into the drilling fluid system. This separates the solid drill cuttings from the fluid so that it can be recirculated back
down the wellbore. In oilfield industry, linear motion shale shakers are widely used.

 Shaker Screen Panels

Screen panels play a major role by removing particles larger than the mesh size. Screen selection is critical
since shaking is the primary stage in the removal of solids. Improper screen selection can lead to de-
blinding[clarification needed], loss of drilling fluids, premature pump part failures, overloading of other solids removal
equipment within the mud systems, decreased service life, reduced flow rate capacity, and serious problems in
the wellbore.

Figure ( 2-`14 ) shows Shaker Screen Panels

 Causes of screen failure

The causes of premature screen failure are:

 Personnel improperly trained on handling, storage, maintenance and installation of deck

rubbers and screens
 Careless storage of screen panels prior to use
 Screens damaged before use from improper handling during installation
 Shaker screen not match very well to shale shaker
 Deck rubbers improperly installed

 Deck rubbers dirty, worn or missing
 Dried cuttings or drilling fluid left on screen during shutdown of shaker
 Personnel walking on screens or using the shaker as a work table
 Tools being dropped on screens
 Extremely high mud weights or heavy solids loading
 Defective or improperly manufactured screens
 Use of high pressure wash guns to clean plugged screens

 Desander - Desilter-

The desander and desilters are for contaminant or solids removal purposes. These devices
separate sand-size particles from the drilling mud. Both devices operate like a
hydrocyclone. The mud is pumped in at the top of the cyclone. This causes the mud
stream to hit the vortex finder which forces the mud down the cyclone in a whirling
fashion towards the apex of the cyclone.

2 .3.4- Rotation System:

Cable from the draw works runs through the crown block and traveling block and ends at the
anchor. The traveling block connects to the swivel, which connects to the kelly. The kelly is a
square or hexagonal pipe that mates with the kelly bushing (KB) on the rotary table. The mud
hose connects to the side of the swivel as shown in Figure 8.5. Mud from the pump flows
through the hose and swivel before entering the top of the kelly. The swivel does not rotate, but it
allows the kelly and the attached pipe to rotate while being suspended in the borehole. The
bottom end of the kelly is connected below the rig floor to the drill string, which includes the
drill pipe, drill collars, and the bit. The rotary table spins the KB which rotates the kelly and, by
extension, the drill string. The spinning drill bit breaks up the rock into rock cuttings. Newer rig
systems use a top drive to rotate the pipe string. The top drive can be hydraulically or electrically
powered. The top drive in rotary drilling eliminates the need for a kelly and rotary table. The top
drive reduces the amount of manual labor during trips and the associated hazards of working on
the derrick floor. Top drive rigs are designed to work with a smaller footprint than other drilling

rigs, which reduces its environmental impact, especially in urban environments where the space
available for well sites is limited. Rotary table (drilling rig):

A rotary table is a mechanical device on a drilling rig that provides clockwise (as viewed from
above) rotational force to the drill string to facilitate the process of drilling a borehole. Rotary
speed is the number of times the rotary table makes one full revolution in one minute (rpm).

Figure ( 2-15 ) shows rotary table Kelly hose:

A Kelly hose (also known as a mud hose or rotary hose) is a flexible, steel reinforced, high
pressure hose that connects the standpipe to the kelly (or more specifically to the goose-neck on
the swivel above the kelly) and allows free vertical movement of the kelly while facilitating the
flow of drilling fluid through the system and down the drill string

Figure ( 2-16 ) shows Kelly hose Kelly Spinner :

Pneumatic or hydraulic motor located on the lower part of the swivel and attached to the top of
the Kelly .it is used for light duty rotating and to screw the kelly into a drill pipe joint in the
mouse hole when connection is made. Swivel (drill rig):

A Swivel is a mechanical device used on a drilling rig that hangs directly under the traveling
block and directly above the kelly drive, that provides the ability for the kelly (and subsequently
the drill string) to rotate while allowing the traveling block to remain in a stationary rotational
position (yet allow vertical movement up and down the derrick) while simultaneously allowing
the introduction of drilling fluid into the drill string.

Figure ( 2-17 ) shows Swivel (drill rig)

2.3.5 Blowout preventer system :

A blowout preventer is a large, specialized valve used to seal, control and monitor oil and gas
wells. Blowout preventers were developed to cope with extreme erratic pressures and
uncontrolled flow (formation kick) emanating from a well reservoir during drilling. Kicks can
lead to a potentially catastrophic event known as a blowout. In addition to controlling the
downhole (occurring in the drilled hole) pressure and the flow of oil and gas, blowout preventers
are intended to prevent tubing (e.g. drill pipe and well casing), tools anddrilling fluid from being
blown out of the wellbore (also known as bore hole, the hole leading to the reservoir) when a
blowout threatens. Blowout preventers are critical to the safety of crew, rig (the equipment
system used to drill a wellbore) and environment, and to the monitoring and maintenance of well
integrity; thus blowout preventers are intended to be fail-safe devices.

The term BOP (pronounced B-O-P, not "bop") is used in oilfield vernacular to refer to blowout
preventers. The abbreviated term preventer, usually prefaced by a type (e.g. ram preventer), is
used to refer to a single blowout preventer unit. A blowout preventer may also simply be referred
to by its type (e.g. ram). The terms blowout preventer, blowout preventer stack and blowout
preventer system are commonly used interchangeably and in a general manner to describe an
assembly of several stacked blowout preventers of varying type and function, as well as auxiliary
components. A typical subsea deepwater blowout preventer system includes components such as

electrical and hydraulic lines, control pods, hydraulic accumulators, test valve, kill and choke
lines and valves, riser joint, hydraulic connectors, and a support frame.

Two categories of blowout preventer are most prevalent: ram and annular. BOP stacks
frequently utilize both types, typically with at least one annular BOP stacked above several ram
BOPs. (A related valve, called an inside blowout preventer, internal blowout preventer, or IBOP,
is positioned within, and restricts flow up, the drillpipe. This article does not address inside
blowout preventer use.)

Blowout preventers are used at land and offshore rigs, and subsea. Land and subsea BOPs are
secured to the top of the wellbore, known as the wellhead. BOPs on offshore rigs are mounted
below the rig deck. Subsea BOPs are connected to the offshore rig above by adrilling riser that
provides a continuous pathway for the drill string and fluids emanating from the wellbore. In
effect, a riser extends the

Figure ( 2-18 ) shows Blowout preventer

Chapter 3

General information

3.1 Drill floor and handling tools:

The Drill Floor is the heart of any drilling rig and is also known as the pad. This is the area
where the drill string begins its trip into the earth. It is traditionally where joints of pipe are
assembled, as well as the BHA (bottom hole assembly), drilling bit, and various other tools. This
is the primary work location for roughnecks and the driller. The drill floor is located directly
under the derrick

Figure (3.1 ) shows Drill Rig Floor

There are two types of tools and equipment: the ones used for hoisting and the ones used for
screwing, making up and breaking out the drill string.
 Hoisting tools: the drilling hook has an ear-shaped device on either side for the
bails that support an elevator. For each nominal dimension of pipe there is a type
of elevator. It is common to use lifting subs that are screwed to the

drill collar thread in order to hoist drill collars. The upper part of the sub has the same
dimensions as drill pipe so that the elevators do not have to be switched.

Figure(3 – 2) shows center latch bottleneck elevator

To hang the drill string on the rotary table, slips are placed in the master bushing
For safer handling of slick drill collars, i.e. drill collars without any recess. A clamp is used on
top of the slips.To make the crew's work easier on the rig floor, some pipe slips are
pneumatically powered and can be operated directly by the driller.

Figure ( 3 – 3 )shows slips for drill collars and slips for pipe

Screwing tools: makeup and breakout torque is still very commonly applied with multiple-jaw
tongs The backup tong is secured to a stationary point by line or chain. The other is connected to
a head that is rotated by the cathead transmission. The pulling force exerted by the cathead
provides torque on the tubular by means of the lever arm corresponding to the length of the tong.
Two crew men are required to place and remove these tongs.

Figure( 3-4 ) shows safety clam & casing slips

The spinning chain method is quick but requires a lot of skill and good coordination. It is
hazardous for the crew man who is in charge of pulling and holding the laps of chain around the
pipe. Safety would dictate using only pneumatic power tongs
Any and all offshore rigs, whatever the type, along with heavyweight onshore rigs are equipped
with hydraulic robot tongs that can also operate on the mouse hole. They are rail mounted so
they can be rolled off to leave the rotary table clear when necessary

Figure( 3. 5 )shows Manual makeup tong

Figure( 3.6 ) shows casing power tong

3.2 Rat hole:
It is used to restore Kelly during triping ( out of hole or run in hole or run casing )
3.3 Mouse hole :
Located near the rotary table on the rig floor.It is used to store a vertical joint of drill
pipe until needed to made a conection on the drillstring

3.4 The control panel

All measurement indicators are grouped together on a pressurized explosion-proof panel.

The weight indicator showing the load on the hook is the most important instrument, or in
any case the one most often checked by the driller. One of the two needles gives the
weight hanging from the hook and the other gives the difference between the drill string
off bottom and on bottom, i.e. the weight on the bit (WOB).
The other indicators tell the crew that level in the mud pits; mud circulation date, e.g.
flow rate, pressure and pump strokes, rotation parameters, e.g. rotary table engine torque
and rotational speed, and make up torque measurements on tubulars.
Most of these parameters are recorded in the mud logging office when there is one. In
any case the drilling contractor is under contractual obligation to hand over a copy of the
drilling parameter recordings to the operator along with the daily drilling report.

Figure ( 3.7 ) shows control panel

1- The Robert Gordon University.: “Drilling Technology Module,” . 2003 / 2004.

2- H. RABIA.: “Oil Well Drilling Engineering,” Principles & Practice. University of Newcastle.
Graham, Trotman.2000.


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