Trimming The Beard

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Trimming The Beard (After A Fistful)

By Shaykh Al-Albaanee

From the magnificent book "Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Daee'fah" by the Noble Imaam, the
Mujaddid, the Mujaahid, the Muhaddith Abu Abdur Rahmaan Muhammad Naasir ud-Deen al-
Albaanee (rahimahullaah).

Trimming the beard

The Imaam of the Sunnah says,

"And know that no authentic hadeeth is reported from the

Prophet (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) regarding trimming
the beard neither by speech like this one (the Shaikh here
refers to narration no. 2355 in the Da'eefah), or by action
such as the hadeeth which as preceded under no. 288.

Yes, that (trimming the beard) is affirmed from some of

the Salaf, and for you I present below a brief treatment of
the topic:

1) From Marwaan bin Saalim al-Muqaffa' who said, "I saw

ibn Umar grasp his beard and cut off that which had
exceeded a fistful." Reported by Abu Dawood and others
with a hasan chain as I have explained in Irwaa (920) and
Saheeh Abu Dawood 2041

2) From Naafi' that Abdullah ibn Umar used to finish

fasting in Ramadan and he intended to make hajj, then he
would not take off any of his hair or beard until he had
made hajj.
And in another narration that when Abdullah bin Umar
used to cut his hair after hajj or umrah he would also take
from his beard and moustache. Reported by Maalik in al-

And al-Khalaal reports in "at-Tarajul" (p.11) with a saheeh

chain from Mujaahid who said, "I saw ibn Umar grasp his
beard on the day of Nahr then he said the cupper, "Take off
what is below a fistful." Al-Baajee said in "Sharh al-
Muwattaa", "meaning that he used to trim form it along
with cutting his hair, and Maalik
(rahimahullaah) recommended that since trimming it is in
a way that does not alter the natural disposition of the
creation in terms of beauty…"

3) From Ibn Abbaas that he said regarding His, the Most

High, saying, "Then let them complete their prescribed
duties…" (Hajj:29)

The duties: shaving the head, trimming the moustache,

plucking out the armpit hairs, shaving the pubic hairs,
cutting the nails and taking hair off the cheeks (and in
another narration- the beard) and throwing stones at the
Jimaar, and staying in Arafah and Muzdalifah." Reported
by ibn Abee Shaybah (4/85) and ibn Jareer in the Tafseer
(18/109) with a saheeh chain.

4) From Muhammad bin Kaab al-Quradhee that he used to

say regarding the verse "Then let them complete their
prescribed duties…" (Hajj:29) and he mentioned what has
been stated above and in it is his saying "And trimming the
moustache and beard." Reported by ibn Jareer also, and its
chain is saheeh or hasan at least.
5) From Mujaahid, same as above with the wording, "And
trimming the moustache …and trimming the beard."
Reported by ibn Jareer also, and its chain is saheeh.

6) From al-Muhaarabee (and he is Abdur Rahmaan bin

Muhammad) who said, "I heard a man ask ibn Juraij and
His saying "Then let them complete their prescribed
duties…" (Hajj:29) and he said, "Trimming the beard and
the moustache…" Reported by ibn Jareer also, and its chain
is saheeh.

7) And in the Muwataa also, that it reached him that when

Saalim bin Abdullah intended to go into ihraam, he asked
for some scissors and trimmed his moustache and beard
before setting off and before putting on his ihraam.

8) And from Abu Hilaal who said, I was informed by a

Shaikh- I think he was from the people of Madeenah- who
said, "I saw Abu Hurayrah trim the hair from his cheeks."
And he said , "And I saw him with a yellowish beard."
Reported by ibn Saad in at-Tabaqaat (4/334)

The Imaam of the Sunnah then mentions that this 'Shaikh

from Madeenah' was Uthmaan bin Ubaidullaah bin Abi
Raafi'. Then he (rahimahullaah) goes on to say....

I say: So the authentic narrations contain that which is a

proof for trimming the beard or taking from it and that it
was a well known matter amongst the Salaf. As opposed to
what some of our brothers from Ahl-ul-Hadeeth think,
those who are severe against allowing trimming the beard,
clinging to the general saying of his (sallallaahualaihi
wasallam) "…and leave the beard!" without paying
attention to what was understood from the general was not
intended, due to the lack of procession of the actions of the
Salaf upon it and amongst them are those who reported the
general hadeeth, and they are Abdullah bin Umar and his
hadeeth is in the two Saheehs and Abu Hurayrah and his
hadeeth is in Muslim and I have given the Takhreej of both
in "Jilbaab al-Marah al-Muslimah" (p.185-187 Makatabah
Islaamiyah print) and ibn Abbaas and his hadeeth ' is in
Majma' uz-Zawaaid (5/169).

And from that in which there is no doubt that the reporter

of the hadeeth is the most knowledgeable about the
intended meaning of it, than those who did not hear it from
the Prophet (sallallaahualaihi wasallam) and he is the more
enthusiastic in following it than them. And this is based on
the assumption that leaving it means to let it grow and
enlarge as is well known, however al-Baajee said in Sharh
al-Muwataa (7/266) quoting from al-Qaadee Abu Waleed.

The Shaikh then narrates the quote which contains a

narration from Maalik about trimming the beard using the
narrations already quoted above.

I say: Al-Khallaal has reported from them (Ibn Umar and

Abu Hurayrah) in "at-Tarajul" (p. 11) with two saheeh
chains and he reported from imaam Ahmed that he was
asked about taking from the beard? And he said, " Ibn
Umar used to cut off that which was in excess of a fistful"
And it is as if this was his (Ahmad's opinion) Harb said, "I
said to him, (Imaam Ahmad) "What is leaving it?" He
replied, "It is reported from the Prophet (sallallaahualaihi
wasallam) this is what 'leaving' was according to him"

I say: And it is well known that the narrator is the most

knowledgeable about what he narrates than other, and
especially when he is very strict about the Sunnah such as
ibn Umar, and he saw his prophet (sallallaahualaihi
wasallam) the one who ordered with leaving it, day and
night, so reflect!

Then al-Khallaal reported by way of Ishaaq who said, "I

asked Ahmed about a man who trims from his cheeks? He
should take off his beard what is in excess of a fistful." I
said, "And the hadeeth of the Prophet (sallallaahualaihi
wasallam) 'Trim the moustache and leave the beard' ?" He
replied, "He takes from its length and from under his neck."

And I saw Abu Abdullaah trim its length and take from
under his neck.

I say: And I have expanded a little bit here by mentioning

the sayings of some of the Salaf and imaams due to their
strength and due to the misconception of many people that
this is in opposition to the general "and Leave the beard"
and they did not pay attention to the principle that when an
element from the elements of the general is not acted upon
then is it proof that it is not intended.

And how widespread are the innovations which Imaam as-

Shaatabee calls "The innovations of Idaafiyah" (additional
or supplementary) in this respect. But despite that they are
still rejected according to the people of knowledge because
they are not the actions of the Salaf. And they were more
pious and more knowledgeable than the khalaf. So it is
hoped that this matter is given due attention for it is a
critical and important matter.
By Abid Zargar

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