APA Citation

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Scientific Writing I
APA Citation
Semester 5th
Lecturer: Hasina Haidari
[email protected]

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Citation formats of:
• What is APA?
• Why references?
1. Book
• How to references?
2. Journal
1. In text citations 3. Picture
2. Direct Quotes 5. Video
3. References List 6. Internet Source

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What is APA?
• American Psychological Association

- APA is one of many referencing styles used in academic writing.

- There are many different referencing styles (over 100).
- It is essential to follow the style specified in your scientific paper and not to mix

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Why Should you use citation?
• When you reference, you use the standardized style to acknowledge the
source of information used in your research.

• It is important (morally & legally) to acknowledge someone else’s ideas or

words you have used.

• enhancing the validation of your research

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How to reference?
• There are two main parts to referencing:

1. First part is referred to as: citing in text, in text citations or text citations

2. The second part to referencing is the construction of a reference list.

- The reference list shows the complete details of everything you cited.

*Everything you have cited in text appears in your reference list and likewise.

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Part 1: In-text Citation
When citing in text within an paper, use the author/s last name
followed by the year of publication.

1. One or two authors

2. Three, four, five authors
3. Six or seven authors
4. Eight or more authors

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In-text Citation Example

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3, 4 or 5 authors
• If a work has three (3), four (4) or five (5) authors, cite all authors the first
time and from then on include only the last name of the first author
• followed by the words et al. (‘et al.’ is Latin for ‘and others’)

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6 or 7 Authors
If a work has(6) or more authors, cite only the last name of the first author
followed by et al. each time you refer to this work.

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8 or more authors
• When there are eight (8) or more authors, cite only the last name of the first
author followed by ‘et al.’ each time you refer to this work.

• Note in the reference list: When there are eight (8) or more authors, include
the first six (6) authors’ names and then use ellipsis points (...) before concluding
with the last author’s name.

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Group as Author
• The names of some group authors (e.g., associations, government agencies)
are spelled out in the first citation and abbreviated thereafter

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Direct Quotes
• When using a quote, it must be copied exactly as written in the original work
including any punctuation or incorrect spelling.

1. Short quotes- less than 40 words

2. Longer quotes- more than 40 words

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Short Quote (Less than 40 words)
• To indicate a short quote (less than 40 words), enclose the quotation within
double quotation marks.

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Long Quotes (40 words or more)
• For a quote that is 40 words or more, include it in your essay do not use the
quotation marks. Double-space the entire quote.

• At the end of the quote, include the author’s name, year of publication and
page number/s.

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Part 2: Reference List
• All references or information sources cited in any written work need to be
listed in a reference list on a separate page at the end of your scientific paper.

‘References’ or ‘Reference List’.

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Primary and Secondary Sources
1. The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order of the authors’ last names.
2. If there is more than one work by the same author, order them by date (older
to new)
3. Use “&” instead of “and” when listing multiple authors of a source.
4. Italicize the title of the book/journal
5. Do not create separate lists for each type of information source. Books,
articles, web documents, brochures, etc. are all arranged alphabetically in one

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Reference List
• Identify and record specific details
1. Who – wrote /edited it – author or editor
2. When was it written – date
3. What is it – title of book, title of the article, title of the web document
4. Where was it published (Books) – place of publication
5. Where you located it (Internet sources) - URL – web address

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1. Author/s last name appears first, followed by initials (Bloggs, J.).
2. Year of publication in brackets (2010).
3. Full title of the book. Capitalize only the first word of the title and the subtitle,
if any, and proper names. Italicize the title. Use a colon (:) between the title and
4. Include the edition number, if applicable, in brackets after the title or subtitle
(3rd ed.) or (Rev. ed.).
5. Place of publication. Always include the city
6. Publisher’s name. Provide this as briefly as possible.

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1. Author/s last name (surname) first, followed by initials.
2. Year of publication in brackets. (2012)
3. Title of article
4. Volume number, in italics. Do not use “Vol.” before the number.

5. Month, season or other designation of publication8. Include all pagenumbers.

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Internet Source
1. Author/s of the document or information
2. Date of publication. If no date is available use (n.d.).
3. Title of the document or webpage in italics.
4. Complete & correct web address/URL.

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Internet Source(No author and no date)
When using information from the Internet consider carefully the origins of
the information.
• Is it credible, valid and reliable? Sometimes it is not clear who (author) wrote
it or when (date) it was written.

(Pet therapy, n.d.)

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Figures (images, photographes, map, charts)
• When you use a figure for educational purposes, you need to reference the
source of the figure.

• This means you need to cite and reference the publication details of where you
found the figure e.g. the web page, journal, book, or any other publication.

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Video from YouTube

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