Difficulties of Working in A Team

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Galló Ádám 3/b Business Skills : home assignement 1.

Difficulties of working in a team

At the beginning, I am getting into details about the structure of a team, what
is basic requirements to know. As being described the difficulties of
working in a term, the following important factors will be added to this
material. (Importance of size, development, cope with difficulties and
solution for that, and participants in a team)

Organisation consists of groups of people working together. Interactions take

place within and between groups and the degree to which these processes
are formalised varies according to the organisational context. To understand
an influence organisational behaviour, one must understand how groups
behave .

Firstly, another important factor is size.

There is a greater diversity of talent, skills and knowledge in a large group, but
individuals find it more difficult to make their presence felt. For the best
participation and for highest all-round involvement, the optimum size is
between five and seven. But to achieve the requisite breadth of knowledge
the group may have to be considerably larger, and this makes greater
demands on the skills of the leader in getting participation.

Secondly, development’s stages are also important :

Forming when there is anxiety, dependence on the leader and testing to find
out nature of the situation and the task, and what behaviour is accepted.

Storming where there is conflict , emotional resistance to the demands of the

task, resistance to control and even rebellion against the leader.

Norming when group cohesion is developed, norms emerge, views are

exchanged openly, mutual support and co-operation increase and the group
acquires a sense of its identity.

Performing when interpersonal problems are resolved, roles are flexible and
functional, there are constructive attempts to complete tasks and energy is
available for effective work.

Team roles

Effective teams need people who help to get things done. They also need
people who are concerned with the social side of working in a group. Task –
Galló Ádám 3/b Business Skills : home assignement 1.

orientated team members are most influential but socially inclined members
are most liked .

Eight different roles played by management team members.

- chairman : control the way in which a team moves towards

the group objectives by making the best use of team
- shapers : specify the ways in which team effort is applied,
directing attention generally to the setting of objectives
- company workers : turn concepts and plans into practical
working procedures and carry out agreed plans
systematically and effectively.
- plants : specify new ideas and strategies
- resource investigators : explore and report on ideas
developments and resources outside the gpoup
- Monitor evaluators : analyse problems and evaluate ideas
and suggestions
- team workers : support members in their strengths,
underpin members in their shortcomings
- completer – finisher: ensure that the team is protected
from mistakes , actively search for work which needs more
than a usual degree of attention.

Avoiding difficulties there are some methods how to cope with them.

Conflict is inevitable; agreement is impossible.

Conflict is not inevitable, yet agreement is not possible.
Although there is conflict, agreement is possible.

Four assumptions are given underneath.

1. Peaceful co-existence. People are encouraged to work happily with one

another. There is a maximum amount of information, contact and
exchange of views, and people move freely between groups. This is a
pleasant ideal but it may lead to smoothing over real differences and is not
practicable in all circumstances.

2. Problem solving. The joint development of solution to the problem and the
sharing of responsibility to see that the solutions work. This is clearly the
best approach. It emphasises the need to find a genuine solution to the
problem , rather than simply accommodating different points of view.
3. Compromise. Splitting the difference by negotiation of bargaining. This
approach assumes that there is a no right or best answer and is
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essentially pessimistic, although it may be inevitable if the other two

approaches are tried and do not work.

This approach may involve some form of confrontation.

1. Both parties have incentives to resolve the dispute.

2. Equal power is established between the two parties.
3. Adequate time is allowed for the `differentiation` phase before moving into
the integration phase when the aim is to identify common ground.
4. Conditions are created which favour openness.
5. Mutual understanding is increased through effective communication.
6. Stress and tension in the situation is , as far as possible , kept at a
moderate level.

The interview:

When TMCG directors Tim Foster and Kingsley Bungard first worked together
in the late 1980s they quickly realized the potential impact of combining two
very different strands of business development.

Tim had previously set up the Coventry office of Ernst & Young, focussing on
developing clients' business strategy. Kingsley had long been an expert in
management development techniques and training spending some years at
the Cranfield Institute of Technology.

Tim Foster explained how the two approaches came together: "Kingsley and I
had started working with the same clients and the potential of combining
effective team-work with customer focused strategies seemed clear. It was an
obvious and powerful step forward."

In 1990, the two set up The Management Consulting Group, more commonly
known as TMCG, with a primary aim of helping companies improve
performance through people.

Today the company has an impressive and diverse client list, including the
DTI, TRW ASG Lucas Aerospace, Caterpillar UK, Ultra Electronics and
professional bodies such as the Chartered Institute of Housing.
TMCG's main facilitators and trainers include Philip Crisp, Richard Neilson
and Jim Blenkinsop. Their skills are supplemented by associates Matthew
Hunter, Amy Turner, Maurice Brasher and Nick Whiting.

The entire team is supported back at TMCG's headquarters in Coventry by

Rachel Sheerman, Pat Doherty and Maggie Parker.
TMCG's extensive experience helping business develop and implement
business strategy has spelt success for its clients.

The TMCG philosophy is to provide a practical, action-based approach rather

than 'paralysis by analysis'. Tim said: "The best companies identify their best
customers and focus on their needs. It takes courage to identify and discard
non-core customers. The results can be dramatic - fewer customers, more
turnover and more profits."
Galló Ádám 3/b Business Skills : home assignement 1.

TMCG can also help organizations link their strategy to the day-to-day running
of the business through a team-working approach.
Kingsley explained: "We work with teams from front-line operators to board
level managers to change business culture. Teams become able to take and
make decisions and put in place daily habits, such as well run start of shift
meetings, to maintain the momentum for change."
Once teams start this new way of working, they never want to return to the old
Tim concluded: "The real challenge for businesses is to release the potential
of the workforce. In most companies this potential is concealed by traditional
management methods. In truth, most managers aren't willing to trust their
workforce to take control."
"Managers must learn to let go: their roles should be to provide a basic
operating framework to allow people to progress. It's tough, but they must
empower their teams, they must trust them enough to let them make
mistakes, or, as we say to 'fail forward'."
Key to the success of TMCG's team-working and business strategy approach
is its programme of exemplar visits. These allow organizations to visit
companies which have already developed strategies for change and set up
team-working initiatives where they can see best practice in action.

My brief work experiences of working in a team.

As I experienced from the first week (presentation), I can recognise the

importance of teamwork. Co-operating together, making up brand new ideas,
exchanging thoughts means to me, that I must be the most efficient way of
doing a project together with other members. Difficulties occur from time to
time, in the case of misunderstanding or lack of concentration, although
determination is the key word to achieve the desired goal. Leader is important
to be chosen because someone is needed to arrange different tasks and put
them into one complex presentation. Moreover, each individual member has
a particular character for which can be used for the purpose of the work.
Sometimes problems can be deprived from this factor, yet personal belief and
determination can set aside those. As a result, I was quite satisfied with our
achievement, because we could cope with all the problems. Additionally,
presentation went well due to having self-esteem because I had invested
many works in it. Difficulties were solved and than learning from it, we
expanded our experiences of working in a team.


A. Personnel management practice by Michel Armsrtong

B. Interpersonal Skills at Work
C. Internet (www.worldclassteamworking.com) - interview

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