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Delhi Public School, Rourkela

Portfolio Details
Class IX and Class X
First Page:
Table of Contents: This will have the following heading
1. Introduction and Goal setting-Purpose and Focus.
2. Record of tests/assessments
3. Record of assignments/projects/activites
4. Subject wise activities.
1. English
2. II language
3. Science
4. Mathematics
5. Social Science
6. Artificial Intelligence (Skill Subject)
5. Peer assessment
6. Class Teachers assessment
7. Self assessment
8. My accomplishments/achievements
9. My strength
10.Creativity corner
Introduction and Goal Setting:
Note: Goal setting is a process that starts with careful observations of what the student wants to
achieve and ends with a planned work to actually do it.

This is the format of this page. Follow the same format

My Introduction: Purpose and Focus

Welcome to My Portfolio

passport size
colored photo

I am: _____________________________________ bearing admission no ____________________ in

Delhi Public School Rourkela and reading in Grade_____________ . Email Id:
______________________________________ Blood Group:_______________________ Contact No
of Father: __________________Father’s name: _____________________________and Mother’s
name: ________________________

What I understand by portfolio:


My Goals:

In the end my portfolio will reflect my abilities:

Signature of the parent

Signature of the student

Record of tests conducted done by the school or subject teacher
Signature of the student :
Record of tests
Subject Date Topic/portion of the test Marks secured with maximum
II Language
Social Science

Note: Increase the number of rows for each subject as when required.
Record of assignments/ projects/activities done by the school/teacher
subject wise
Subject Date Topic/Chapter Name Activity type
II Language
Social Science
Artificial Intelligence(Skill Subject)

Note: Increase the number of rows for each subject as when required.
Subject wise Activity Details
Order to be followed is
II language
Social Science
Artificial Intelligence
For each subject , attach your subject enrichment activity, Art Integrated activity
and any other of your best activity for that subject. Each subject should have a
write up with the reflection of each of activity done.
Peer assessment

Sl.no Descriptor Term 1 Term 2 Total

1 Helps classmates in case of
difficulties in academic and
personal issues
2 Seeks feedback from teachers and
peers for self-improvement
3 Actively listens and pays attention
to others
4 Sees and appreciated other’s
point of view
5 Demonstrated leadership skills
6 Supports and empathizes with
7 Is innovative in ideas
8 Is optimistic
9 Politely says NO when he/she
does not want to undertake a task
10 If unsuccessful, gracefully takes
the task again.
Number Number
of points / of
10*5 points /
Name of the Peer1/Peer2/Peer3
Class Teachers Assessments
Sl.no Descriptors Term 1 Term 2 Total
1 Takes initiative to plan, create and
direct various events
2 Demonstrate positive attitudes
towards learning
3 Takes suggestions and criticism in the
right spirit
4 Accepts norms and rules of the school
5 Feels free to ask questions
6 Respect ideas and opinion of others
7 Treats classmates as equal , without
any sense of superiority or inferiority
8 Does not bully others
9 Shares credit and praise with team
members and peers
10 Participates eagerly in intra school/
inter school events
Total N/10*5 N/10
Signature of the teacher

Grading assessment details

Self Assessment
Sl.no Descriptors Term 1 Term 2 Total
1 Attaches a lot of importance to
school activities and programmes
2 Shoulders responsibilities happily
3 Takes care of school property
4 Respect teachers and school rules
5 Sensitive and concerned about
environment degradation
6 Kind and helpful towards
classmates, people of community
7 Experiments to find new solution
8 Analyses and critically evaluate
events on the basis of data and
9 Questions and verifies knowledge
10 Willing to learn new things

Parameters for assessment

My Accomplishments/ Achievements (if any)
Write your reflection of each of your achievements
All the achievements till date. (Those who have many , can mention their best

My strengths and My weakness


How will I develop my strength and work on my weaknesses

Creativity corner (Any creative work)

You can write any reflection of each of creative work if required.


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