2 Food and Beverage Cost Control

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Palawan State University

College of Community Resources Development

Quezon, Campus
Quezon, Palawan
S.Y. 2021-2022



 Introduction
 Menu Development
 Menu Design
 Menu Costing
 Menu Pricing
 Bartering

This chapter provides an overview of the nature and scope. In order to understand how accounts for
cost, and how to control them, several important functions of hospitality accounting are introduced
here, including communication, expense, revenue and forecasting.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module students should be able to:

 Determine the importance the food beverage cost control and understanding its specific
 Apply the knowledge on food preparation
Palawan State University
College of Community Resources Development
Quezon, Campus
Quezon, Palawan
S.Y. 2021-2022


Menu Development

Successful menu development depends on two pillars:

1. Customer/competition knowledge and

2. Menu planning.

Sometimes the menu evolves overtime as a restaurant’s

business plan is refined. The concept comes first and the
menu comes later. The menu may be the guide that directs
the restaurant toward a particular concept. The menu also
holds the key to whose responsibility it is to prepare certain
dishes, and how those dishes should be served to the

1. Customer/competition knowledge

Designing and preparing a successful menu begins with understanding your customer base and
competition. You must assess what customer will want and what they are willing to pay, and you
must consider the direct and indirect competition. A customer survey would contain questions about
the following topics: menu selection, menu pricing and perceived value (described below), food
quality and quantity, waiting time, server’s knowledge of menu, cleanliness, décor, restaurant
location, promptness of service, professionalism and friendliness of staff.

Designing your survey: The Restaurant Minimum Standards Survey

Maximizing sales is tied to how guests respond to your operation, its food and its service. Many
restaurants prepare questionnaires about service levels in order to solicit customer comments.
Restaurants uses the responses from customers to act upon perceived deficiencies. The customer
survey acts as “eyes and ears” for management in the areas of perceived value, cleanliness, service
standards, and ambience – the whole restaurant package. How the customer perceives the value of his
or her restaurant experience will determine business

2. Menu planning

The menu affects every step of a restaurant operation, from

planning to everyday functioning. Customer’s menu
preferences drive equipment needs and procurement

Menu Type

1. Standard Menu

Many bagel shops, diners and chain restaurants use the standard
menu format. This type of menu offers the same selection of
menu items from day to day. Since the same menu items are
offered every day, an operation can maintain a record of daily
Palawan State University
College of Community Resources Development
Quezon, Campus
Quezon, Palawan
S.Y. 2021-2022
sales for each item. The advantage is that
the sales record makes future sales easier to predict. Amounts of food to purchase can be more accurately
predicted, resulting in less spoilage and fewer money tied up unnecessarily in inventory.

2. Combination Menu

Required daily testing and training for both kitchen and service staff. They can create imbalances in
equipment use and skill-set requirements, depending on the menu of the day. Example: one day’s menu
item that calls for grilling as opposed to saute’ preparation. The chef will depend heavily on the grill and
less on the burner during this day. This can change the pattern of operation in the kitchen, affecting
different parts of the meal and how quickly meals are served.

3. Special Menus

Specials can be an excellent way to increase profits. Chef specials can be profitable items that are not on
the current menu. They may be left over from different cuts of other menu items, or they can be one of
your vendor’s best buy of the day. The key to increasing profit from specials is creativity.

4. Cycle Menu

Cycle menu is common in schools, hospitals, business cafeterias, conference centers and lodging facilities
that offer room and meal packages. It favorable and practical in these types of environment that the
customers are very frequent and require some variety and choice. Such menus have set of selections for a
period of time and this set of selections repeats.

5. Daily Menu

A daily menu is another form of daily special. It also allows the manager to
take advantage of special buys and to offer them as daily specials to the
customer. The management can quickly react to ever-changing product
costs and take advantage of special priced items to improve profitability.
This is a very common practice in upscale and non-ethnic restaurants. Daily
menus are generally very profitable if there is no over- or underproduction.
If the operation underestimates production and runs out, customers will be

Menu Design

When planning for sales, no tool is more influential than the menu
itself. And when designing a menu, generating a profit is a prime
consideration. For customers, the menu is the first impression and
the most complete presentation of a restaurant. The menu described
the product and the prices these items in order to generate enough
sales to make a profit. Menus need to be designed in a way that
ensures repeat business, high sales volume and healthy profit. A
Palawan State University
College of Community Resources Development
Quezon, Campus
Quezon, Palawan
S.Y. 2021-2022
good design addresses the menu’s lay out,
physical characteristics and content.

Physical Characteristics

An idea to use photographs of the items you wish to sell. Customers can be persuaded to order an item
because they have a visual guarantee that the actual presentation will match the photo on the menu. But
other managers decided against using photographs because the size of the menu didn’t permit pictures on
many items, and because customers could reject or judge their meal harshly if its presentation did not
resemble its inciting photo closely.

Menu Content

It should appear in the sequence of how the menu items are

served: drinks, appetizers, entre’es and then desserts. the
customer will nit wonder what these items are, how they are
prepared, or how they are served. They will know what
accompanies each dish, and they are reading appetizing
descriptive copy to help them decide what to order. Certain
words have more selling power than others like “marinated”,
“roasted”. “cooked in”, “fried”.

Customer Value Perception

All customers have some idea of the price and value when
they come to a restaurant to eat. If your prices are above those
people are expect to pay, your restaurant will have to provide
a greater perceived value – better ingredients, friendlier or
more efficient service, more creative menu items – to
emphasize the value and de-emphasize the price.

Menu Costing

This is different from menu price. The cost of the money

spent by the operation on labor, ingredients, and overhead. It
is also referring to potential cost – the expectation of what
food cost should be.

Menu Pricing

It is the establishment of how much a customer is charged of

the item. Menu pricing is an integral part of menu content.
Pricing methods can help or hinder cost and profit objectives.
Pricing can determine sales volume and dramatically affect
your bottom line because customer will react to prices so
quickly that you often won’t get a second chance.

Palawan State University
College of Community Resources Development
Quezon, Campus
Quezon, Palawan
S.Y. 2021-2022
Is defined as trading goods and services
without the exchange of money.

Learning Activities/Exercises
Answer the following questions in a separate sheet of paper. Once done, you can submit it thru
messenger. Don’t forget to write your name.

Direction: Answer the following brief but concise. Use separate sheet for
answering each question given in this module.

1. What factors should be considered in creating and designing a menu? 10

2. What is market survey, what is the benefits of giving survey? 10 pts
Palawan State University
College of Community Resources Development
Quezon, Campus
Quezon, Palawan
S.Y. 2021-2022

Content (Relevance of Topic) 5pts
Organization (Unity of thought, flow of discussion) 5pts
TOTAL: 10 Points


Lea R. Dopson
David K. Hayes
Jack E. Miller
Clement Ojugo

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