CRUX HR Casebook 2021-22

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CRUX, the consulting club of XLRI, is proud to launch it’s second edition of compilation of HR
frameworks and cases for the year 2021.

In the 11th year now, we aim to give readers a view of various frameworks that may be used to approach
HR cases asked in interviews. Given the conversational nature of cases, the mentioned frameworks aim to
provide starting point, structure and direction to the interviewee. Having said that, we would recommend
that the readers understand the frameworks instead of learning them and attempt to improvise the guiding
frameworks in accordance with the problem statement. The casebook also includes some HR cases that
were asked in SIP 2021 for a better understanding of the frameworks and the conversational nature of

Please reach out to us at [email protected] for any feedback/ suggestions. We wish the readers all the best
for their future endeavours and would welcome any suggestions towards improving the future versions.

1. Organization Facing Attrition
'Where' and 'How' of the attrition What can we recommend to curb
Why is the attrition happening?
(Probing Questions) attrition?

• Explore the details of the attrition • Is it because of talent cohort and its • Once the cause is identified, we can suggest
• What is the attrition related to? characteristics? Is there a change in them recommendations accordingly
• Is it related to competition? (We • For example: For sales job, main • Note: Attrition is often a symptom of
face high attrition w.r.t XYZ factors influencing them are- some other problem, temporary
company) • Location measures can reduce it but problem
• Is it time related attrition? (We • Relationship w/ supervisor diagnosis is very important.
face high attrition from six months • Variable pay margin • Attrition is sometimes a tradeoff - basis
before) • Product or area-based salesman cost allocations
• If so, how long has the • If not due to the above options, is it because
attrition phenomenon being of any recent changes in company policies
going on that is affecting the people leaving the
• Is the attrition an industry wise or just organization?
limited to the company? • Is the attrition because the competition is
• Is the attrition limited to a specific offering better rewards?
department or is it across the • If above factors aren’t the reasons, can
company? explore AMO model to determine the
reasons for attrition.

The objective here is primarily to get as much

information about attrition as possible
2. Training and Development Rollout Amidst Resistance
Who are the people
resisting and why Communication
T&D Design T&D Evaluation
the resistance? from HR
(Probing Questions)

• What is the nature of the T&D • Communicate to the • Perform Talent audit of the • T&D evaluation can be done
exercise? employees on why the training employees to gauge their using the following frameworks:
• Is it an organization wide is being done: List out current level of competence. • Kirkpatrick Model:
exercise? objectives the team wishes to • Do a KSA analysis of the job to
• Is it limited to a certain role or achieve using the T&D determine level of competence
a job? program. required for the job/role and
• Clarify the Outcomes post establish role ideals (e.g.: One
• Why are the employees resisting? training might require 4/5 rating in
Do we know what the current • In addition to this: one can communication)
employee perception is? • Use targeted incentives • Do a person analysis of the
to motivate the employee target audience to gauge their
• Link the training proficiency in the role ideals
outcomes with described above by getting
employee’s career feedback from their supervisors
trajectory. • Perform a Gap analysis after
KSA and Person analysis and
use that to input content for
training design. • Philips ROI model (model
design in the next page):
Philips ROI Model for TnD Evaluation (cont.)

5.0 Tabulate
Program Costs

3.0 Isolating the 6.0 Calculate

1.0 Collecting Pre- 2.0 Collect Post 4.0 Converting Data
effects of the Return On
Program Data Program Data Into Monetary Value
program Investment

7.0 Identifying
Intangible Benefits

Net Program Benefits

Program Costs
3. (a) Change Management: Approach
Following is a suggestive change management lifecycle with various stages in the columns and corresponding activities plotted
with respect to themes in the rows.

Plan Analyze & Design Build/Test Deploy Ongoing support Details

Develop Change - Capture stakeholder description,

Plan stakeholder expectations, concerns,

current position on the commitment curve
Identify & Analyze
Stakeholders for all impacted stakeholders
- Outline feedback mechanisms to track
Document Comms* Create Comms Plan Communicate with identified stakeholders effectiveness of communications
- Capture how impacted people will react to
Conduct Change
Impact Assessment process change- not just the process level
Capability building in

Define Role &

Document new Team Deploy Changes via pilot/ full roll out - Define roles and responsibilities, SOPs to

Processes & Roles Responsibilities cause minimal disruption to day-to-day

Design Training Develop Deliver Training to relevant - Leverage change agents to create and
Assess Training Needs program Training Content stakeholders deliver training for re-skilling/ up-skilling
Establish Initiative - Identify actionable risks that can be
Readiness Criteria Monitor Change Readiness addressed by the team through change
readiness assessment
Change Agents

- Create network effect and increase the

rate of adoption

Establish and Engage

Change Network Conduct Change Network Monthly Meetings - Serve as an open feedback channel and
provide ground level sentiment to the

- Measure the awareness level of impacted


Define monitoring

Conduct & Analyze Awareness and Change tracking stakeholders

metrics surveys - Flag off any risks that might jeopardize the
successful implementation of the change
3. (b) Change Management: Framework For Dealing
With Resistance
Following are the typical reasons why impacted stakeholders may resist a change initiative:

Reasons for

Lack of motivation:
Lack/ Absence of Inconsistent or Initiative failed to
need and urgency Perceived loss of Fear of job loss and
skills required for inadequate meet the promised
of change are not authority at work stability at work
the change communication expectations

After the reason is identified, the interviewee may then suggest relevant recommendations.
Tip: AMO framework has been applied to establish reasons for resistance
3. (c) Change Management: Approach To Design
Communication Strategy
Objective is to provide impacted stakeholders with news, facts and sound expectations about change activities and progress of the initiative
Program communications are: Channels for communication:
Planned and prepared in Interactive to build and Established channels
Through change agents and
advance with clear maintain interest of the such as intranet,
messages stakeholders newsletters, forums

Following elements need to be considered for every Communication plan: Channel activation
Introduce the program through relevant videos
Plan using existing communication channels
Name of activity – a communications event or action
Target Group – the audience or intended stakeholder group
Message – Answers to "why", "what", "how" and "when" Analyze Launch change network and engage
Channel – Meeting, Intranet, Bulletin Board and the change agents
Tone of message- formal, rational, inspirational, agenda setting, Design
innovative Prepare change agents and line
Method – push, pull, discussion, dialogues, top-down, bottom-up managers to handle queries and
Date/ Time / Location – the planned situation for the Build/ Test
communication to impacted employees
communications event
Sender – person, function, role, change agent Use change agents as ‘super
Responsible for preparation – functional manager, Program Deploy users’ to communicate and
team enhance adoption
Feedback – interaction with the audience, the mode and channel
for feedback Send regular
Status – the present status of the communication activity support
updates on adoption
Comment – any additional information progress
4. Managing a Digital Transformation (1/2)

Probing questions: Important terms:

• Is it an organization-wide transformation or for a • Digital talent: someone who knows how to interact with
particular department? a given digital environment. This mostly comes in the
form of social media platforms and other software
• Is it an upgradation of existing digital capabilities or an solutions relevant to your business.
entire digital transformation of processes?
• Agile: set of principles, behaviors and approaches to
• Is it a digital inside transformation (for internal delivering work iteratively. It allows teams to deliver
employees) or a digital outside transformation value quickly and often.
• Which departments should be transformed first? (if
department-specific transformation) Associated readings:
• What are the timelines for transformation? • BCG: Accelerating Digital Transformation
• McKinsey: A roadmap for digital transformation
4. Managing a Digital Transformation: Framework (2/2)
Having the Building Communicating
Empowering Giving day-to-
right, digital- capabilities for frequently via
people to work day tools a
savvy leaders in the workforce of traditional and
in new ways digital upgrade
place the future digital methods

• New leaders who are • Redefining individuals’ roles • Enforcing new behaviours • Adopting tools to make • Communicating a change
familiar with new and responsibilities in and ways of working information accessible across story – reasons for
technologies joining the alignment with the through formal mechanisms the organization transformation and why is it
management team transformation goals – continuous learning and • Implementing digital self- important
• Engaging transformation- • Fostering strong internal open work environments serve technologies for • Senior leaders should foster a
specific roles (leaders of capabilities through • Encouraging employees to employees sense of urgency for the
individual initiatives and integrators and technology- generate own ideas about • Modifying SOPs to include transformation changes
programs) innovation managers digitization to support new technologies through effective
• Leadership commitment is • Integrators – translate and business • Increased use of data-based communication
essential for integrate new digital • Enforcing cultural and decision-making • Highlighting targets for
transformation methods and processes into behavioural changes – organizations’ KPIs and
• Engaging a Chief Digital existing ways of working calculated risk-taking, communicating transformation
Officer (CDO) to support • Innovation Managers – increased collaboration, timeline
the transformations Specialised technical skills customer centricity • Using new digital channels for
and lead work on digital • Leaders experimenting new communication
innovations ideas and employees
• Investing the right amount in challenging old ways of
digital talent working contributes to
• Scaling up workforce successful transformation.
planning and talent
development – setting
enterprise-wide hiring goals
based on specific skill needs

Source: McKinsey - Unlocking success in digital transformations;

5. HR Considerations for M&A: Framework
In addition to the size and quality of firms involved, following factors become crucial to delineate the integration approach for M&A:

Strategic Interdependence Organizational

(How is value created?) Autonomy

Resource Knowledge Knowledge Strategic Level of Areas where

sharing for transfer of transfer of importance of autonomy autonomy is
operations functional skills GenMan skills autonomy required important

Framework for approach selection: Basis the approach, interviewer may establish the following
Need for strategic interdependence
Low High

High Required employee Organization

Preservation Symbiosis pool- identify critical structure and
strategy and plan
talent culture

Need for organisational

autonomy Employee retention
Terms and contracts Revised HR
policies and
of employment processes
synergies required
Low Holding Absorption
6. Downsizing
Probing questions and relevant framework: Approach
• Is this an industry wide issue?
• If yes, then ask about demand, customer sentiments, new Clarify objective of downsizing and functions/
employees affected
developments etc.
• If yes, then ask about social/environmental/economical/
legal scenario.
Apply Human Resource Architecture to identify
• Is there any dis/investment done by the firm recently? employees to make decisions of termination,
• If yes, then ask about vertical/horizontal dis/integration and reasons retention, internal transfer, and third-party transfer
for the same
• Has there been any change in the corporate strategy- vision, goals,
restructuring etc.? Outline benefits/ alternate career options for
• What part/department of the firm is the management thinking of employees to be terminated
• Analyze the HR Architecture to identify employees of strategic
Create communication strategy

Communicate to employees through relevant


Manage employee resistance/ any unrest

8. Post COVID Strategy for Organizations (1/2)

Probing questions: Post COVID Readiness Matrix:

• In what sector is the company operating? The three reopening models:

1. Full Reboot Model: Government waits till the COVID
• What are the government guidelines in terms cases are at zero and restart social and economic activity
reopening the offices? with minimum restrictions and no international travel. (e.g.,
New Zealand)
• Are the offices located in COVID vulnerable areas? 2. Reopening with restrictions in vulnerable areas: Right
What is the overall office distribution of the company? strategy for low-income countries that are not able to build
• What is the status of health care facilities in the host on health care and testing capacity without international
3. Graduated reopening model: Government lift restrictions
in phased manner based on reduction in number of infected
patients, readiness of health care system and public
readiness. (e.g., China)

Associated readings:
Setting up a Fulfilment centre

Interview Delivery Attrition of

hours Staff Deliverymen

Daily Absenteeism Short term

Orders Positions Presence of Discussion
deliveries rate incentives to
Trade Union with start long
representative drawn
No. of orders Head Functional discussions
Supervisors Deliveryman
delivered heads
5 rounds of 2 rounds of 1 round of
45-60 3 rounds
Orders delivered 30 minutes 15-30
minutes minutes
by one delivery

No. of
managed by 1

• Case tips:
• Important to account for the absenteeism rate to include contingency factors and maintain a smooth resource planning for FCs
• Interviewer was interested only in understanding the approach/structure – not interested in the numbers
Design a client engagement program where they’re spread across geographies like France, Saudi
and Vietnam
Probing questions:
• What is the objective?
• What are the needs and preferences of target clients?

Client Engagement Program


journey Service blueprints

Pre Sale Sale Customer Frontstage Backstage

Post sale Processes
actions actions Actions

Product Visiting the Employee

Chatbots Technology Responses Verification
demos Newsletter website actions

Social Visiting the Welcome Support Inventory

Catalogues Feedback Pricing
media store to store chat management

Events Phone calls Check Automated

Loyalty Purchase Fulfilment Delivery
inventory call
programs queue

Reviews Emails Receiving Provides Quality

order delivery time Accounting tests
You are working in the HR department in your company. The Head of your Business Unit says that
there’s attrition. How should you go about it?

Probing Questions Exit Interviews Alternatives

• How much attrition? • If the exit interviews data is not

• Which vertical? Exit interview reliable, other parameters that can
• How much attrition in each level of be looked into.
organisational hierarchy? o E.g., tenure in the organisation
of the employees who are
External Internal
reasons reasons leaving, market positioning in
terms of pay etc.
• Following which, a regression
Market Which analysis can be done to see the
analysis employee factor with highest corelation to find
among 9 box out the strongest parameter causing
model leaving the attrition.
There is an Amazon distribution center being set up in Prague city which will be in partial control of
India. You must hire around 150 people in total. Structure the hiring process for the same.

Probing questions:
• In how much time do we need to hire them?
• What would be the estimated budget for the hiring process?

Functions Interviews

Domains Mix Upper level Lower level Mode Techniques

Expertise Psychometric
HR Tests Tests Online
Interview tests

Sales & 3 Interview 2 Interview

Offline Aptitude tests
Marketing rounds rounds

Finance Interviews


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