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TB/T 3275-2011

Concrete for Railway Engineering


Issued on December 7,2014

Issued by National Railway Administration of the People's Republic of China


Concrete for Railway Engineering

TB/T 3275-2011

Issued by Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China

Issued Date:July 15,2011
Valid Date:January 1,2012

China Railway Publishing House

Beijing 2014

铁路混凝土:TB/T 3275-2011:英文/中华人民

ISBN 978-7-113-19753-7

I.① 铁 II.① 中·I 皿.① 铁路施工一混凝土施工

一英文 IN.① U215

中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2014)第 297071 号

Chinese version first published in the People's Republic of China in 2011

English version first published in the People's Republic of China in 2014
by China Railway Publishing House
No.8,You'anmen West Street,Xicheng District

Printed in China by Printing Factory of China Railway Publishing House

©2011 by Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means , electronic or
mechanical , including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without the prior written consent of the

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise
circulated without the publisher' s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar
condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

ISBN 978-7-113-19753-7
Introduction to the English Version

To promote the exchange and cooperation in railway technology between China and the rest of the world,China Academy of Railway
Sciences, entrusted by National Railway Administration of the People's Republic of China, organized the translation and preparation of Chinese
railway technology and product standards.
This standard is the official English language version of Concrete for Railway Engineering (TB/T 3275-2011). The original Chinese version of
this standard was issued by the former Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China and came into effect on January 1, 2012.In case of
discrepancies between the two versions,the Chinese version shall prevail. National Railway Administration of the People's Republic of China owns
the copyright of this English version.
The English version was prepared by China Academy of Railway Sciences. China Academy of Building Research,Academy of Building of China
Metallugrical Group Corporation and Beijing Jiaotong University provided great support during review of this English version.
Your comments are invited for next revision of this standard and should be addressed to Technology and Legislation Department of National
Railway Administration and China Academy of Railway Sciences.
Address:Technology and Legislation Department of National Railway Administration, No. 6,Fuxing Road,Beijing,100891,P.R.China.
China Academy of Railway Sciences,No. 2,Daliushu Road,Haidian District,Beijing,100081, P.R.China.
Email:[email protected]
The translation was performed by Liu Dalei, Chen Min,Chen Qi,Han Xu,Li Hanqiu, Zhang Yuchen,Qian Jun.
The translation was reviewed by Xie Yongjiang, Zhu Changhua, Hao Tingyu, Leng Faguang, Peng Gaifei,Lou Liangwei,Zhong Xinhua,Li Xiangtao.

Notice on the Issuance of the English Version of Nineteen Railway Technical Standards including Rolling
Stock Gauge o fStandard Gauge Railwa ys by National Railway Administration

Document Guo Tie Ke Fa[2014]No.62

To promote the exchange and cooperation in railway technology between China and the rest of the world,National Railway Administration
organized the translation and preparation of nineteen Chinese railway technical standards including Rolling Stock Gauge of Standard Gauge
Railways. In case of discrepancies between the original Chinese version and the English version,the Chinese version shall prevail.
The English version is published and distributed by China Railway Publishing House.
Attached here is a list of the English version of these technical standards.
S Chinese title English title Standard
/ number
1 标准轨距铁路机车车辆限 Rolling Stock Gauge of Standard Gauge GB 146.1-
界 Railways 1983
2 标准轨距铁路建筑限界 Structure Gauge of Standard Gauge GB 146.2-
Railways 1983
3 铁路混凝土 Concrete for Railway Engineering TB/T 3275-
4 43kg/m~75kg/m 钢轨订 Technical Specifications for TB/T 2344-
货技 Procurement of 43 kg/m-
术条件 75 kg/m Rails 2012
5 铁路道岔号数系列 Railway Turnout Number TB/T 3171-
6 混凝土枕 Concrete Sleeper TB/T 2190-
7 铁路碎石道砟 Railway Ballast TB/T 2140-
8 铁路碎石道砟试验方法 Test Method for Railway Ballast TB/T 2328.1~
9 预制后张法预应力混凝土铁 Technical Specifications of Precast TB/T 3043-
路 Post-tensioned Prestressed 2005
桥简支 T 梁技术条件
Concrete Simple-supported T-girders for
Railway Bridges
1 铁路桥梁盆式支座 Pot Bearings for Railway Bridges TB/T 2331-
0 2013
1 铁路信号名词术语 Railway Signaling Terms TB/T 454-
1 1981
1 铁路机车信号技术条件 Technical Specifications for Railway TB/T 2117-
2 1990
Cab Signaling

S Chinese title English title Standard
/ number
1 机车信号车载系统设备 Cab Signal Systems Onboard TB/T 3287-
3 2013
1 铁路信号 AX 系列继电器 AX Series Relays for Railway Signaling GB/T 7417-
4 2010
1 继电式电气集中联锁技术条 Technical Specifications of All-relay TB/T 1774-
5 件 1986
Electronic Interlocking
1 铁路自动站间闭塞技术条件 Technical Specifications for Automatic TB/T 2668-
6 Railway Inter- 2004
station Block Equipment
1 铁路信号计轴设备通用技术 General Technical Specifications for TB/T 2296-
7 条件 Railway Signal Axle 2011
1 铁路半自动闭塞技术条件 Technical Specifications for Railway TB/T 2497-
8 Semi-automatic 1994
Block Equipment
1 铁路车站电码化技术条件 Technical Specifications for Railway TB/T 2465-
9 2010
Station Coding
National Railway Administration of the People's Republic of China
December 7,2014
4.2 Environment Category3
2 4 Basi Provisios
High-Range Water Reducer of Polycarboxylate-type19 6.8
4.3 Environmental Action Grad3
5.2 Propertiesof Mixture13
5.3 Mechanical Property14 5.4 Durabli16
5.1 Properties of Raw Materials6


6.14 Long-term
References3 Terms
8.2 26


and Definitio

Co Performance20

nt General

5Technical Requirements


6.15 Solid Concrete


. High-Rangewater Reducer 6.7

5.5 Long-term Performance17

6.4 Silica Fume18
FineAggregate18 6.5
9 Inspection

9.1 General Requirements

o 29

9.2 Inspection before Construction
9.3 Inspection during Construction
9.4 Post-construction Inspection
Appendix A(Normative) Method for Rapid Detection of Sulfate Corrosion Resistance Performance of Cement or Binder·
Appendix B(Normative) Method for Detection of Effectiveness of Mineral Admixture and Chemical Admixture for Inhibiting Alkali-Aggregate
Appendix C(Normative) Test Method for Cl Content in Coarse Aggregate41
Appendix D(Normative) Method for Detection of Air Bubble Spacing Coefficient of Hardened Concrete(Straight Wire Method)...... 43
Test Method for Ratio of Bleeding Rate of Concrete under
Appendix E(Normative)


This standard is drafted by reference to GB/T 1. 1-2009.

This standard is managed by the Standards and Metrological Institute of the Ministry of Railways.
This standard is drafted by China Academy of Railway Sciences,Tsinghua University,China Railway 12th Bureau Group Co.,Ltd. and China
Railway 17'h Bureau Group Co.,Ltd.
This standard is mainly drafted by Xie Yongjiang,Zhu Changhua,Lian Huizhen,Zhong Xinhua,Li Huajian,Zheng Xinguo,Huang Zhijiu and Liu
Concrete for Railway Engineering

1 Scope
This standard specifies the technical requirements,test methods, mixture and construction requirements and quality inspection of concretes
for railway construction.
This standard is applicable to concrete for railway engineering.

2 Normative References

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited
applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including corrigendum) applies.
GB175 Common Portland Cement
GB/T 176 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Cement
GB/T 208 Standard Test Method for Cement Density
GB/T 1346 Test Methods for Water Requirement of Normal Consistency,Setting Time and Soundness of the Portland Cement
GB/T 1596 Fly Ash Used for Cement and Concrete

GB8076 Concrete Admixtures

GB/T8077 Methods for Testing Uni formity of Concrete Admixture

GB/T9142 Concrete Mixers

GB/T17671 Method of Testing Cements-Determination of Strength (ISO Method)
GB/T 18046 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Used for Cement and Concrete
GB 18582 Indoor Decorating and Refurbishing Materials-Limit of Harm ful Substances of Interior Architectural Coatings
GB/T 18736 Mineral Admixtures for High Strength and High Per formance Concrete

GB/T21372 Portland Cement Clinker

GB/T50080 Standard for Test Method of Performance on Ordinary Fresh Concrete
GB/T 50081 Standard for Test Method of Mechanical Properties on Ordinary Concrete
GB/T50082 Standard for Test Methods of Long-term Per formance and Durability of Ordinary Concrete

GB/T14684 Sand for Building

GB/T14685 Pebble and Crushed Stone for Building
JGJ 63 Standard of Water for Concrete
TB/T 2922.1 Test Methods for Alkali Activity of Aggregate for Railuay Concrete Litho facies Method
TB/T 2922.4 Test Methods for Alkali Activity of Aggregate for Railuay Concrete Rock Column Method
TB/T 2922.5 Test Methods for Alkali Activity of Aggregate for Railway Concrele Rapid Mortar-bar Method
TB10103 Regulation for Rock and Soil Chemical Analysis of Railway Engineering
TB10104 Code for Water Analysis of Railway Engineering
TB10425 Standard for Check and Accept Concrete Strength of Railway
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1 Design Service Life

Target service life taken by designers as the basis for structural durability and having sufficient safety degree or assurance rate.
3.2 Cementitious Material,or Binder Generic terms of cement and mineral admixtures for preparation of concrete.
3.3 Water to Binder Ratio
The mass ratio of total water quantity and total binder quantity in concrete mixture.
3.4 Deterioration
Gradual injury and damage of materials as a result of physical,chemical or electrochemical reactions with ambient environmental factors.
The deterioration of steel is called corrosion.
3.5 Resistance Coefficient to Sulfate Attack of Binder

The ratio between the flexural strength of cement or binder mortar specimens soaked in sodium sulfate with certain concentration and the
flexural strength of mortar specimens at the same age soaked in clean potable water, which is used to evaluate the cement or binder resistance to
sulfate chemical attack.
3.6 Passed Electric Charge
Total electric charge that passes the specified sectional area of concrete under certain conditions, which is used to evaluate the concrete
resistance to penetration of water, ion or other medium.
3.7 Chloride Diffusion Coefficient
Parameter describing the diffusion process of chloridion in water in concrete pores from high concentration area to low area,which is used to
evaluate the concrete resistance to chloridion ion attack.
3.8 Level of Resistance to Freezing-thawing of Concrete
The class of concrete resistance to freezing-thawing classified by the maximum number of freezing and thawing cycles measured with fast
freezing method, which is used to evaluate the concrete resistance to the attack from freezing and thawing cycle.
3.9 Air Bubble Spacing
The average of distances between neighboring air bubble edges in hardened concrete.
3.10 Level of Resistance to Sulphate Physical Attack of Concrete
The class of concrete resistance to sulphate physical attack classified by the maximum number of drying and watering cycles measured with
the method of sulfate corrosion resistance, which is used to evaluate the concrete resistance to sulphate physical attack.

4 Basic Provisions

4.1 Design Working Life

The design service life of concrete structure for railway engineering shall conform to the provisions shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Design Service Life of Concrete Structure for Railway Construction
Grade Design working life
I 100 years
II 60 years
III 30 years

4.2 Environment Category
The environment where the concrete structure for railway engineering is divided into 6 categories based on its mechanism of corrosion to
concrete material and reinforcement and shall be determined as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Environment Category

Environment category Corrosion mechanism
Carbonation Reinforcement corrosion caused by carbonation of concrete
environment cover
Chloride environment Reinforcement corrosion caused by chloride penetrating in
Chemical environment Concrete damage caused by chemical reaction between
sulfate or other chemical
substances and cement hydration products
Salt physical attack Concrete damage caused by crystallization and expansion of
environment sulfate and other
chemical substances in concrete
Freezing-thawing Concrete damage caused by repeated freezing-thawing
environment effects
Abrasion environment Concrete surface damage caused by high-speed flow of
water or sediment on the surface
4.3 Environmental Action Grade
4.3.1 The action grade of carbonation environment shall conform to the provisions in Table 3. For the thin type structure that is dry on one side
and wet or water-saturated on the other side,the action grade of concrete on the dry side shall be considered as T3.
Table 3 Action Grade of Carbonation Environment
Action Environmental condition
T1 Annual mean relative humidity indoors<60%
Underwater (excluding seawater) or in soil for a long time
T2 Annual mean relative humidity indoors≥60%
Outdoor environment
T3 In the area with fluctuation of water level
In a dry-wet alternate area
4.3.2 The action grade of chloride environment shall conform to the provisions in Table 4.
Table 4 Action Grade of Chloride Environment
Action Environmental condition
L1 In seawater or salt lake water or in soil for a long time
Marine atmospheric zone 15 m above the average water level
Coastal area 100 m-300 m away from the tide coastline
Concentration of Cl in water≥100mg/L and≤500mg/L,with dry-wet
Concentration of Cl in soil≥150mg/kg and≤750 mg/kg,with dry-wet
Table 4 Action Grade of Chloride Environment(continued)
Action Environmental condition
L2 Marine atmospheric zone with the average water level not more than
Coastal area with a distance of not more than 100 m from the tide
L2 Seawater tidal zone and splashing zone(not-hot area)
Concentration of Cl- in water>500mg/L and≤5000 mg/L,with dry-wet
Concentration of Cl- in soil>750mg/kg and≤7500mg/kg,with dry-wet
L3 Seawater tidal zone and splashing zone(hot area)
Capillary adsorption zone on the ground in saline soil area
Concentration of Cl- in water>5000 mg/L,with dry-wet alternation
Concentration of Cl- in soil>7500 mg/kg,with dry-wet alternation
Note:Hot area refers to the area with the annual mean temperature higher than
4.3.3 The action grade of chemical environment shall conform to the provisions of Table 5.
Table 5 Action Grade of Chemical Environment
Acti Environmental condition
on SOin SO in soil with SO in soil with pH value Aggressiv Mg2+in
grad water strong weak of e CO2 water
e water water acid mg/L
mg/L permeability permeability water in water
(water (water mg/L
solubility) solubility)
mg/kg mg/kg
H1 ≥200 ≥300 >1500 ≤6.5 ≥15 ≥300
≤1000 ≤1500 ≤6000 ≥5.5 八 40 ≤1000

H2 >1000 >1500 >6000 <5.5 >40 >1000

≤4000 ≤6000 ≤15000 ≥4.5 ≤100 ≤3000

H3 >4000 >6000 >15000 <4.5 >100 >3000

≤10000 ≥15000 ≥4.0

H4 >10000 >15000 - - - -
When the concrete structure is in an environment with high content of sulfate
(the content of SOf in water isgreater than 20000 mg/L and that in soil is greater
than 30000 mg/kg),the technical measures for its durability shall bedetermined
through special experimental study and demonstration.
In case acid rain exists in the environment,it shall be considered with the
effect of acid water attack,but itscorresponding action grade may be degraded for
one level.
Note:The soil with strong water permeability refers to gravelly soil and sandy
soil; the soil with weak waterpermeability refers to silt and cohesive soil.
4.3.4 The action grade of salt physical attack environment shall conform to the provisions of Table 6.
Table 6 Action Grade of Salt Physical Attack Environment
Action Environmental condition
grade SO in soil(water solubility)
SOin water
mg/L mg/kg

Y1 ≥200 ≥300
≤500 ≤750

Y2 >500 >750
≤2000 ≤3000

Y3 >2000 >3000
≤5000 ≤7500

Y4 >5000 >7500
For the concrete structure in saline soil area,the concrete buried in soil
shall be considered with the effect ofchemical environment; when the atmospheric
environment is windy and dry,the concrete in capillary absorption zoneexposed on
the earth surface shall be considered with the effect of salt physical attack
For the thin-wall concrete structure (e.g.tunnel lining)with one side
contacting saline environmental water (orsoil)and the other side being free and
located in a dry and windy environment,the concrete contacting salineenvironmental
water(or soil) shall be considered with the effect of chemical environment and the
concrete with freesurface shall be considered with the effect of salt physical
attack environment.
When the conerete structure is located in an area with high content of sulfate
(the content of SO;-in environmentalwater is greater than 10 000 mg/L and that in
environmental soil is greater than 15000 mg/kg),the technical measuresfor its
durability shall be determined through special research and evaluation.
4.3.5 The action grade of freezing-thawing environment shall conform to the provisions of Table 7.
Table 7 Action Grade of Freezing-thawing Environment
Action Environmental condition
D1 Slight freezing conditions,with concrete frequently contacting water
D2 Slight freezing conditions,with concrete locating in the area with
fluctuation of water level
Severe cold and cold conditions,with concrete frequently contacting
Slight freezing conditions,with concrete frequently contacting water
containing chloride
D3 Severe cold and cold conditions,with conerete locating in the area
with fluctuation of water level
Slight freezing conditions, with concrete locating in the area with
level fluctuation of water
containing chloride
Severe cold and cold conditions,with concrete frequently contacting
water containing chloride
D4 Severe cold and cold conditions,with concrete locating in the area
with level fluctuation of water
containing chloride
Note 1:The mean temperature in the coldest month under severe cold
condition,cold condition and slight freezing
condition is respectively:t≤-8℃,-8℃<1<-3℃and-3℃≤t≤2.5℃.
Table 8 Action Grade of Abrasion Environment
Action Environmental condition
M1 Sandstorm region with the wind scale ≥ moderate gale and the number
of annual accumulative
windy days more than 90 days
M2 Sandstorm region with the wind scale≥strong gale and the number of
annual accumulative windy
days more than 90 days
River channel with strong collision of drift ice (0.5 m below the
water level line of ice layer-1.0m
above the water level line of ice layer)
River channel with the sand content in flood season being 200kg/m-1
M3 Sandstorm region with the wind scale ≥ storm and the number of annual
accumulative windy days
more than 90 days
River channel with the sand content in flood season more than 1000
River channel mixing with lots of coarse particle gravels in the
northwest gobi desert area in
flood period
4.3.7 The environment with the action grade of L3,H4,Y4,D4 and M3 is severely corrosive environment.

5 Technical Requirements

5.1 Properties of Raw Materials

5.1.1 General requirements Common Portland cement shall be selected; high early strength cement should not be used. Portland cement or common Portland cement
shall be selected for C30 and higher-grade concretes; fly ash Portland cement,slag powder Portland cement or composite Portland cement may be
used for the concrete with the grade below C30. The mineral admixtures like fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag and silica fume with stable properties shall be selected. Fine aggregates shall be made of clean natural medium-coarse river sands with proper graduation,solid texture,low water absorption and
small porosity or artificial sands produced with special units; seas sands shall not be used. Coarse aggregates shall be made of clean gravels with good grain shapes,solid texture and low coefficient of linear expansion. Pebbles can
be used for the concrete with the grade below C40 without requirements on tensile and fatigue resistance. The chemical admixture shall be the product with stable quality that can significantly improve the concrete durability. The chemical
admixture shall be well compatible with cement and mineral admixtures. Its type and dosage shall be determined by trial test. The mixing water may be drinking water or water from other sources meeting the requirements of this standard; seawater shall not be
used. Seawater shall not be used as the water for curing.
5.1.2 Cement
In addition to the provisions of GB175, the cement properties shall also meet the requirements of Table 9.

Table 9 Properties of Cement
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
1 Specific surface area 300㎡/kg-350㎡/kg
2 Content of free CaO ≤1.0%
3 Alkali content ≤0.80%
4 Content of Ca A in clinker ≤8%
When the concrete structure is located in a sulfate chemical environment, the
concrete shall be made from cementwith low content of Ca A and the corrosion
resistance coefficient of the binder (56 d) shall not be lower than
0.8.Thecorrosion resistance coefficient shall be tested with the method specified
in Appendix A.
When the aggregate possesses alkali-silica reaction activity, the alkali
content in water shall not exceed 0.6%.Thealkali content in cement used for C40 and
higher grade concrete should not exceed 0.60%.
When the concrete structure is located in a chloride environment, the concrete
should be made from cement withlow content of Cl;sulfate-resistant Portland cement
should not be used.
5.1.3 Fly ash
The properties of fly ash shall meet the requirements of Table 10.
Table 10 Properties of Fly Ash
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
≥C50 <C50
1 Fineness ≤12.0% ≤25.0%
2 Water requirement ratio ≤95% ≤105%
3 Ignition loss ≤5.0% ≤8.0%
4 Cl content ≤0.02%
5 Water content ≤1.0%(for dry emission of fly ash)
6 SO3content ≤3.0%
7 CaO content ≤10%
8 Content of free CaO ≤1.0%
When the concrete structure is located in a severely freezing-thawing
environment,the concrete should be madefrom fly ash with the ignition loss not more
than 3.0%.
5.1.4 Ground granulated blast furnace slag
The properties of ground granulated blast furnace slag shall meet the requirements of Table 11.
Table 11 Properties of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
1 Density ≥2.8g/c㎡
2 Specific surface area 350㎡/kg-500㎡/kg
3 Ratio of fluidity ≥95%
4 Ignition loss ≤3.0%
5 MgO content ≤14.0%
6 SO3content ≤4.0%
7 Cl content ≤0.06%

Table 11 Properties of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag(continued)
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
8 Water content ≤1.0%
9 7d activity index ≥75%
28 d activity index ≥95%
5.1.5 Silica fume
The properties of silica fume shall meet the requirements of Table 12.
Table 12 Properties of Silica Fume
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
1 Ignition loss ≤6%
2 Specific surface area ≥18000㎡/kg
3 Water requirement ratio ≤125%
4 28 d activity index ≥85%
5 CI content ≤0.02%
6 SiO2content ≥85%
7 Water content ≤3.0%
5.1.6 Fine aggregate
The properties of fine aggregate shall meet the requirements of Table 13-Table 15.

Table 13 Properties of Fine Aggregate

No. Inspection item Technical requirement
<C30 C30-C45 ≥C50
1 Grading In compliance with the provisions in Table
2 Clay content ≤3.0% ≤2.5% ≤2.0%
3 Mud content ≤0.5%
4 Mica content ≤0.5%
5 Lightweight particles ≤0.5%
6 Organic content Lighter than standard color
7 Crush index(artificial <25%
8 Crushed dust MB<1.40 ≤10.0% ≤7.0% ≤5.0%
content MB≥1.40 ≤3.0%
(artificial ≤5.0% ≤2.0%
9 Water absorption ≤2%(≤1% in freezing-thawing environment)
10 Soundness ≤8%
11 Content of sulfide and ≤0.5%
12 CI content ≤0.02%
13 Alkali activity In compliance with the provisions in Table
When the clay content of river sand is beyond the provisions of this table, it
shall be treated until being compliantwith the requirements with special
When the sand contains granular sulfate or sulfide impurities,special
experimental study shall be made to confirmthat it meets the concrete durability
requirements prior to use.
In a freezing-thawing environment, the clay content of fine aggregate shall be
not more than 2.0%.

Table 14 Cumulative Screen Residue Percentage of Fine Aggregate
Nominal size Grading zone
Zone I Zone II Zone III
10.0 0 0 0
5.00 10%-0 10%-0 10%-0
2.50 35%-5% 25%-0 15%-0
1.25 65%-35% 50%-10% 25%-0
0.63 85%-71% 70%-41% 40%-16%
0.315 95%-80% 92%-70% 85%-55%
0.160 %06-%001 100%-90% 100%-90%
Except the nominal sizes of 5.00 mm and 0. 63mm, the actual cumulative screen
residue percentage of aggregate inother nominal sizes may slightly exceed the
boundary specified in this table,but the total excess quantity shall be notmore
than 5%.
Table 15 Alkali Activity of Fine Aggregate
No. Mortar-bar expansion Requirement
(rapid method)(6,)
1 <0.20% The alkali content of concrete shall meet the
provisions in Table 32
2 0.20%≤ε,<0.30% It shall not be used for precast members such
asbeam,track slab,sleeper and OCS post.When it is
used for other concrete structures, the alkali
content ofconcrete shall meet the provisions in
Table 32 and technical measuresfor inhibition of
alkali-aggregate reaction shall be taken for
concrete andshall be proved to be effective via
trial test
3 E≥0.30% Prohibited for use
5.1.7 Coarse aggregate
Coarse aggregate shall be made by mixing two or multi-graded aggregate and its properties shall meet the requirements of Table 16-Table 19.
Table 16 Properties of Coarse Aggregate
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
<C30 C30-C45 ≥C50
1 Grading In compliance with the provisions in Table
2 Crushing value In ecompliance with the provisions in Table
3 Total content of elongated ≤10% 8% ≤5%
and flaky particle
4 Clay content ≤1.0% ≤1.0% ≤0.5%
5 Mud content ≤0.2%
6 Compressive strength of rock The grade ratio between compressive strength
of virgin rock and
strength grade of concrete shall be not less
than 1.5
7 Water absorption <2%(<1% in freezing-thawing environment)
8 Voidage of tighly packing ≤40%

Table 16 Properties of Coarse Aggregate(continued)
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
<C30 C30-C45 ≥C50
9 Soundness ≤8%(≤5% when it is used for prestressed
concrete structure)
10 Content of sulfide and ≤0.5%
11 Cl content ≤0.02%
12 Organic content(pebble) Lighter than standard color
13 Alkali activity In compliance with the provisions in Table
Note 1:When the coarse aggregate is made of gravel, the strength of gravel
shall be expressed with thecompressive strength of rock.
Note 2:The strength of coarse aggregate may be controlled with the crush index
during construction.
Table 17 Cumulative Screen Residue Percentage of Gravel or Pebble
Nominal Side length of mesh
size mm
2.36 4.75 9.5 16.0 19.0 26.5 31.5 37.5 53
5-10 95%-100% 80%-100% 0-15% 0 - - - - -
5-16 95%-100% 85%-100% 30%-60% 0-10% 0 - - - -
5-20 95%-100% 90%-100% 40%-80% - 0-10% 0 - - -
5-25 95%-100% 90%-100% - 30%-70% - 0-5% 0 - -
5-31.5 95%-100% 90%-100% 70%-90%15%- -0-5% 0 - -
5-40 - 95%-100% 70%-90% - 30%- - - 0-5% 0
The maximum nominal grain size of coarse aggregate should not exceed 2/3 of the
thickness of the concreteprotective layer of reinforcement and, in case of a
severely corrosive environment, it should not exceed 1/2 and shallnot exceed 3/4
of the minimum spacing of reinforcement.
For preparation of C50 and higher grade concrete, the maximum nominal grain
size of coarse aggregate shall be notmore than 25mm.
Table 18 Crush Index of Coarse Aggregate
Strength <C30 ≥C30
of concrete
Rock Sediment Metamorphic Extrusiv Sediment Metamorphic Extrusiv
category ary rock e ary rock e
rock or hypogene igneous rock or hypogene igneous
rock rock
igneous igneous
rock rock
Gravel ≤16% ≤20% ≤30% ≤10% ≤12% ≤13%
Pebble ≤16% ≤12%
Note:Sedimentary rock includes limestone and sandstone, etc.;metamorphic rock
includes gneiss and quartzite,etc.;hypogene igneous rock includes granite,
syenite,diorite and olivinite, etc. ;extrusive igneous rock includes basaltand

Table 19 Alkali Activity of Coarse Aggregate
No. Mortar-bar expansion Requirement
(rapid method)(ε1)
1 <0.20% The alkali content of concrete shall conform to
the provisions in
Table 32
2 0.20%≤E<0.30% (1) It shall not be used for prefabricated parts
like beam body,trackslab,sleeper and OCS
post(2)When it is used for other concrete
structures,the alkali contentof concrete shall
meet the provisions in Table 32 and
technicalmeasures for inhibition of alkali-
aggregate reaction shall be taken forconcrete
and shall be proved experimentally to be
3 E≥0.30% Prohibited for use
The aggregate with alkali-carbonate reaction activity shall not be used.
5.1.8 High-Range water reducer
The properties of high efficiency water reducer shall conform to the provisions in Table 20. The properties of polycarboxylate-type high
efficiency water reducer shall conform to the provisions in Table 21. The properties of air-entraining agent shall conform to the provisions in Table
22. The uniformity of chemical admixture shall conform to the provisions in GB8076. When other new type chemical admixtures are applied, they
shall be demonstrated experimentally and reviewed by the competent authority.
Table 20 Properties of High Range Water Reducer
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
Standard type Delayed setting
1 Water-reducing rate ≥20%
2 Air content ≤3.0%
3 Ratio of bleeding rate ≤20%
4 Ratio of bleeding rate under pressure ≤90%
(for preparation of
pump concrete)
5 Ratio of compressive 1d ≥140% -
strength 3d ≥130%
7d ≥125% ≥125%
28d ≥120% ≥120%
6 1h slump variation (for preparation of ≤60mm
pump concrete)
7 Setting time Initial -90 min-+120 >+90 min
difference setting min
Final setting -
8 Sodium sulfate content (based on ≤10.0%
equivalent solid
9 Cl content (based on equivalent solid ≤0.6%
10 Alkali content (based on equivalent ≤10%
solid content)
11 Ratio of shrinkage ≤125%

Table 21 Properties of Polycarboxylate-type High-performance Water Reducer
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
High early Standard Delayed
strength type
type setting type
1 Water-reducing rate ≥25%
2 Air content ≤3.0%
3 Ratio of bleeding rate ≤20%
4 Ratio of bleeding rate under ≤90%
pressure (for
preparation of pump concrete)
5 Ratio of compressive 1d ≥180% ≥170% -
strength 3d ≥170% ≥160% -
7d ≥145% ≥150% ≥140%
28d ≥130% ≥140% ≥130%
6 1h slump variation (for - ≤80mm ≤60mm
preparation of pump
7 Setting time Initial -90 min-+90 -90min-+120 >+90 min
difference setting min min
Final -
8 Formaldehyde content (based on ≤0.05%
solid content)
9 Sodium sulfate content (based ≤5.0%
on equivalent
solid content)
10 CI content(based on equivalent ≤0.6%
solid content)
11 Alkali content(based on ≤10%
equivalent solid
12 Ratio of shrinkage ≤110%
Table 22 Properties of Air-Entraining Agent
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
1 Water-reducing rate ≥6%
2 Air content ≥3.0%
3 Ratio of bleeding rate ≤70%
4 1h air content variation -1.5%-+1.5%
5 Ratio of compressive 3d ≥95%
strength PL ≥95%
28d ≥90%
6 Setting time Final setting -90min-+120min
difference Initial
7 Ratio of shrinkage ≤125%
8 Relative durability index(200 times) ≥80%
9 Air bubble spacing coefficient of 28 d ≤300μm
hardened concrete

5.1.9 Water The properties of mixing water shall meet the requirements of Table 23.
Table 23 Properties of Mixing Water
No. Inspection item Technical requirement
Prestressed Reinforced Plain
concrete concrete concrete
1 pH value >6.5 >6.5 >6.5
2 Insoluble substance <2000mg/L <2000mg/L <5000mg/L
3 Soluble substance <2000mg/L <5000mg/L <10000mg/L
4 Chloride content <500mg/L <1000mg/L <3500mg/L
<350mg/L (using
wire or
after heat
<200mg/L(conerete in a chloride environment)
5 Sulfate content <600mg/L <2000mg/L <2700mg/L
6 Alkali content <1500mg/L <1500mg/L <1500mg/L
7 Ratio of compressive %06≤
8 Setting time difference ≤30min
For the concrete structure with reinforcement ratio lower than the minimum
reinforcement ratio,the properties ofwater for concrete mixing shall be the same as
those of reinforced concrete in this table. Except that no requirements are specified for the insoluble substances and soluble substances, the other properties of water for curing
shall meet the requirements of mixing water.
5.2 Properties of Mixture
5.2.1 Workability
The workability of fresh concrete shall be determined based on the type and molding manner of concrete structure. In general, the
workability of concrete should meet the requirements in Table 24.
Table 24 Workability of Concrete
Type of structure/member Molding manner Workability(upon casting)
Evaluation method Index
Sleeper Vibrating Densification 1.05-
platform factor method 1.40
OCS post(square) Vebe Consistency ≥20s
Type I track slab Adhesive Slump method ≤120m
vibration m
Type II track slab Slump method ≤160m
Type III track slab Slump method ≤120m
Electric pole Centrifuge Slump method ≤100m
OCS post(round) Slump method ≤100m
Pile, abutment, pile cap, T beam,track Vibrating rod Slump method ≤140m
bed slab, (bucket m
base, culvert, tunnel lining, inverted delivery)
arch and
subgrade retainer,etc.

Table 24 Workability of Concrete(continued)
Type of structure/member Molding manner Workability(upon casting)
Evaluation method Index
Pile, abutment, pile cap, box beam, Vibrating rod Slump method ≤200m
track bed slab, (pumping) m
base,culvert, tunnel lining,inverted
arch and
subgrade retainer,etc.
Pile Self- Slump method ≤220m
compaction m
Extension method ≤600m
Filling layer m
Extension method ≤750m
5.2.2 Air content
The air content of concrete shall meet the design requirements. In case of no relevant design requirement, the minimal air content of concrete
under different environment shall meet the requirements in Table 25.

Table 25 Minimal Air Content of Concrete

Environmental Freezing-thawing environment Salt physical attack Other
condition environment environmen
D1 D2,D3 D4 Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4 ts
Air content(for 4.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 2.0%
The air content of beam and track slab concrete shall be 2.0%-4.0%.
5.2.3 Temperature
The temperature of concrete for casting should be 5℃-30℃.

5.2.4 Setting time

The setting time of concrete shall meet the requirements of transportation, pouring and curing processes and shall be determined

5.2.5 Bleeding
Bleeding of concrete mixture shall not occur.

5.2.6 Uniformity
The relative deviation of mortar density in concrete shall not exceed 0.8% and that of coarse aggregate mass shall not exceed 5%.
5.3 Mechanical Property
5.3.1 Under different environments, the compressive strength of concrete for bridge cast-in-situ pile and tunnel lining shall meet the requirements in
Table 26.
Table 26 Minimal Compressive Strength of Concrete for Bridge Cast-in-situ Pile and Tunnel Lining
Environment Environment Cast-in-situ pile Tunnel lining
category action Reinforced Plain Reinforced Plain
grade concrete concrete concrete
Carbonation T1 C30 C30 C30 C30
environment C35 C30 C35 C30
T3 C40 C30 C40 C30
Chloride L1 C40 C35 C40 C35
L2 C45 C35 C45 C35
L3 C50 C35 C50 C35

Table 26 Minimal Compressive Strength of Concrete for Bridge Cast-in-situ

Pile and Tunnel Lining(continued)

Environment Environment Cast-in-situ pile Tunnel lining
category al
action Reinforced Plain Reinforced Plain
grade concrete concrete concrete concrete
Chemical H1 C35 C35 C35 C35
H2 C40 C40 C40 C40
H3 C45 C45 C45 C45
H4 C45 C45 C45 C45
Salt physical Y1 - - C35 C35
environment Y2 - - C40 C40
Y3 - - C45 C45
Y4 - - C45 C45
Freezing- D1 - - C35 C35
environment D2 - - C40 C40
D3 - - C45 C45
D4 - - C45 C45
Note 1:The compressive strength in the table is determined as per the
compressive strength of concrete producedand cured for 56 d under standard
Note 2: The cast-in-situ pile in the table refers to the pile body buried in
soil or underwater.
5.3.2 Except the concrete for bridge cast-in-situ pile,tunnel lining and supporting course, the compressive strength of concrete under different
environments shall meet the requirements in Table 27.

Table 27 Minimal Compressive Strength Grade of Concrete

Environment Environment Design working life
category al
action 100 years 60 years 30 years
grade Reinforc Plain Reinforc Plain Reinforc Plain
ed concre ed concre ed
concrete concre
concrete te concrete te
and and and te
prestres prestres prestres
sed sed sed
concrete concrete concrete
Carbonation T1 C30 C30 C25 C25 C25 C25
T2 C35 C30 C30 C25 C30 C25
T3 C40 C30 C35 C25 C35 C25
Chloride L1 C40 C35 C35 C30 C35 C30
L2 C45 C35 C40 C30 C40 C30
L3 C50 C35 C45 C30 C45 C30

Table 27 Minimal Compressive Strength Grade of Concrete(continued)
Environment Environment Design working life
category al 100 years 60 years 30 years
grade Reinforc Plain Reinforc Plain Reinforc Plain
ed concre ed concre ed concret
concrete te concrete concrete e
and and te and
prestres prestres prestres
sed sed sed
concrete concrete concrete
Chemical H1 C35 C35 C30 C30 C30 C30
environment H2 C40 C35
* C35 C35 C35
H3 C45 - C40 - C40 *
H4 C50 - C45 - C45 ¥
Salt Y1 C35 C35 C30 C30 C30 C30
physical Y2 C40 * C35 C35 C35 C35
attack Y3 C45 - C40 * C40 *
Y4 C50 - C45 - C45 *
Freczing- D1 C35 C35 C30 C30 C30 C30
environment D2 C40 - C35 C35 C35 C35
D3 C45 - C40 * C40 *
D4 C50 ¥ C45 - C45 *
Abrasion M1 C35 C35 C30 C30 C30 C30
M2 C40 * C35 C35 C35 C35
M3 C45 * C40 * C40 *
For the concrete structure with reinforcement ratio lower than the minimum
reinforcement ratio,the requirementsof minimal compressive strength grade of
concrete shall be the same as those of reinforced concrete in the table.
“*" means that plain concrete should not be used. If plain concrete has to be
used,its minimal strength gradeshall be consistent with reinforced concrete and
effective measures against cracking shall be taken.
Note:For reinforced concrete and plain concrete, the compressive strength in
the table is determined as per thecompressive strength of concrete produced and
cured for 56 d under standard conditions.
5.4 Durability
5.4.1 The density (in terms of 56 d passed electric charge) of concrete with various strength grades shall satisfy the requirements in Table 28.

Table 28 Density of Concrete with Various Strength Grades
Strength grade of Design working life
concrete 60 years 30 years
100 years
<C30 <1500 <2000 <2500
C30-C45 <1200 <1500 <2000
≥C50 <1000 <1200 <1500
5.4.2 Under chloride salt environment, the resistance performance to Cl permeability of concrete

shall satisfy the requirements in Table 29.

Table 29 Resistance to CI Permeability of Concrete under Chloride Salt Environment

Evaluation index Environmental action Design working life
grade 100 years 60 years
56 d Chloride L.1 ≤7x10-12㎡/s ≤10x10-2㎡/s
diffusion L2
coefficient DRCM ≤5x10-12㎡/s ≤8x10-12㎡/s
L3 ≤3x10-12㎡/s ≤4x10-12㎡/s
5.4.3 Under the salt physical attack environment, the air bubble spacing factor of concrete shall be less than 300 μm and the resistance to salt physical attack of concrete
shall satisfy the requirements in Table 30.
Table 30 Resistance to Salt Physical Attack of Concrete under Salt Physical Attack Environment
Evaluation index Environmental Design working life
action grade
100 years 60 years 30 years
Level of 56 d Y1 ≥KS90 ≥KS60 ≥KS60
resistance to Y2 ≥KS120 ≥KS90 ≥KS90
sulfate physical
Y3 ≥KS150 ≥KS120 ≥KS120
Y4 ≥KS150 ≥KS120 ≥KS120
5.4.4 Under freezing-thawing environment, the air bubble spacing of concrete shall be less than 300 μm and the resistance to freezing-thawing of
concrete shall satisfy the requirements in Table 31.
Table 31 Concrete Performance under Freezing-Thawing Environment
Evaluation index Environmental action Design working life
100 years 60 years 30 years
level of 56 d D1 ≥F300 ≥F250 ≥F200
resistance D2 ≥F350 ≥F300 ≥F250
to freezing-
thawing D3 ≥F400 ≥F350 ≥F300
D4 ≥F450 ≥F400 ≥F350
The level of resistance to freezing-thawing of girder concrete shall be not
less than F200 and that of doubled-blocksleeper and track slab concrete shall be
not less than F300.
5.4.5 Under chloride corrosion environment, the technical requirements for concrete steel-protection of important concrete structures shall be
studied and determined by a special test.
5.4.6 Under corrosion environment, the technical requirements for the abrasive resistance of concrete shall be studied and determined by a special
5.4.7 Upon special design requirements, the technical requirements for crack resistance of concrete shall be studied and determined by a special test.

5.5 Long-term Performance

5.5.1 The 56 d shrinkage of base concrete of ballastless track, track bed slab concrete of doubled-block sleeper,self-compacting concrete and
prestressed concrete shall not exceed 400x10-5.
5.5.2 For the prestressed concrete made of new materials and new technology, the creep coefficient under 14 d age and 90 d loading shall not exceed 1.0.

5.5.3 For the concrete structure under fatigue load,the technical requirements for fatigue resistance performance of concrete shall be studied and
determined by a special test.
5.6 Solid Concrete Quality
5.6.1 The maximum width of non-external force surface cracks of ordinary concrete structures shall not exceed 0.20 mm. No crack on concrete
surfaces is allowed within the prestressed section of prestressed concrete structures.
5.6.2 The chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete on surface layer of concrete structures shall be not less than the set value determined in the
laboratory contrast test.

6 Test Method

6.1 Cement
The loss on ignition, magnesium oxide content, sulfur trioxide content, calcium oxide content, alkali content, free calcium oxide content and Cl-
content shall be checked according to GB/T 176. The C3A content of the clinker shall be checked according to GB/T 21372. The specific surface area
shall be checked according to GB/T 8074. The setting time and soundness shall be checked according to GB/T 1346. The strength shall be checked
according to GB/T 17671.
6.2 Fly Ash
The fineness, water requirement ratio and water content shall be checked according to GB/T1596. The loss on ignition, sulfur trioxide content,
calcium oxide content, free calcium oxide content,alkali content and Cl content shall be checked according to GB/T 176. The soundness shall be
checked according to GB/T 1346.
6.3 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
The loss on ignition, fluidity ratio, water content and activity index shall be checked according to GB/T 18046. The specific surface area shall be
checked according to GB/T 8074. The density shall be checked according to GB/T 208. The sulfur trioxide content,alkali content, magnesium oxide
content and Cl content shall be shall be checked according to GB/T 176.
6.4 Silica Fume
The loss on ignition, silicon dioxide content and Cl content shall be checked according to GB/T 176. The specific surface area, water
requirement ratio and activity index shall be checked according to GB/T 18736. The water content shall be checked according to GB/T 1596.
6.5 Fine Aggregate
The grading, water absorption, clay content,clay lump content, soundness, mica content, lightweight particles content, organic content, sulfide
and sulfate content and Cl content shall be checked by the method specified in GB/T 14684. The crushed dust content and crushing value of artificial
sand shall be checked by the method specified in GB/T 14684.
For alkali activity test, first, the mineral composition of aggregate and alkali-active mineral type shall be checked according to TB/T 2922.1.
Then, the expansion ratio of alkali-silica reaction of aggregate shall be measured according to TB/T 2922.5.
6.6 Coarse Aggregate
The loose buck density, voidage of tightly packing, grading, clay content, clay lump content, elongated and flaky particle content, water
absorption, crush index, soundness, sulfide and sulphate content, organic content and compressive strength of rock shall be checked by the method
specified in GB/T 14685. The Cl- content shall be checked according to Appendix C.
For alkali-active test, first, the mineral composition of aggregate and alkali-active mineral type shall be

checked according to TB/T 2922. 1. If the aggregate contains active minerals generated from alkali-silica reaction, the expansion ratio of alkali-silica
reaction of aggregate shall be checked according to TB/T 2922.5. If the rock aggregate contains active minerals generated from alkali-silica
reaction,the expansion ratio of alkali-carbonate reaction of aggregate shall be checked according to TB/T 2922.4.
6.7 High-Rangewater Reducer
The water-reducing rate, air content, ratio of bleeding rate under normal pressure, ratio of compressive strength, 1h slump variation, setting
time difference and shrinkage shall be checked according to GB8076.The cement for on-site sampling inspection should be the construction cement,
whose sodium sulfate content, Cl- content and alkali content shall be checked according to GB/T 8077 and ratio of bleeding rate under pressure shall
be checked according to Appendix E.
6.8 High-Range Water Reducer of Polycarboxylate-type
The water-reducing rate,air content, ratio of bleeding rate under normal pressure, ratio of compressive strength,1h slump variation,setting
time difference and shrinkage shall be checked by the method specified in GB8076. The cement for on-site sampling inspection shall be engineering
cement, whose sodium sulfate content, Cl content and alkali content shall be checked according to GB/T 8077, the formaldehyde content shall be
checked according to GB18582 and the ratio of bleeding rate under pressure shall be checked according to Appendix E. When checking water-
reducing rate,air content, ratio of bleeding rate, ratio of compressive strength,setting time difference and shrinkage, the slump of concrete should
be 80 mm±10 mm.
6.9 Air-Entraining Agent
The water-reducing rate,air content, ratio of bleeding rate under normal pressure,1h air content variation, ratio of compressive strength,
setting time difference, shrinkage and relative durability index shall be checked by the method specified in GB8076. The air bubble spacing
coefficient of 28 d hardened concrete shall be checked according to Appendix D.
6.10 Water
The pH value, insoluble matter content, soluble matter content, chloride content, sulphate content,setting time difference and ratio of
compressive strength shall be checked by the method specified in JGJ63. The alkali content shall be checked according to GB/T 176.
6.11 Mixture Performance
The test of slump,air content, bleeding rate and setting time shall be carried out according to GB/T 50080. The uniformity shall be checked
according to GB/T 9142.
6.12 Mechanical Property
The test of compressive strength and elasticity modulus shall be carried out according to GB/T 50081.The specimens for construction control
shall be cured at the same conditions as on situ. The specimens for sampling inspection shall be cured at standard conditions after curing and
demouldingunder the same conditions on site, and then checked when it reaches the specified age. The molded standard specimens shall be cured
at standard conditions until it reaches the specified age for test.
6.13 Durability
The density,permeability resistance,resistance to freezing-thawing,resistance performance to Cl permeability and resistance to salt physical
attack shall be checked according to GB/T 50082 with the test age of 56 d. The resistance coefficient to sulfate attack of binder shall be checked
according to Appendix A.The mineral admixtures and chemical admixtures for inhibiting the effectiveness of alkali aggregate reaction shall be
checked according to Appendix B. The air bubble spacing coefficient shall be checked according to Appendix D.
If the natural curing is adopted for the concrete, the molded durable specimens shall be cured at standard conditions until it reaches the
specified age for test. If the steam curing is adopted for the

concrete, the durable specimens shall be cured at standard conditions after curing under the same
conditions on site,and then tested when it reaches the specified age.
6.14 Long-term Performance
The shrinkage, creep and fatigue properties shall be checked according to GB/T 50082.
6.15 Solid Concrete Quality
The width inspection of surface cracks of structural concrete shall be observed by naked eyes or magnifying glass.
The permeability of surface layer concrete of structural concrete shall be checked according to Appendix F.

7 Mix Proportion

7.1 General Requirements

7.1.1 The raw materials and mix proportion parameters of concrete shall be determined based on the design working life, environmental conditions
and action grades.
7.1.2 In the concrete, the mineral admixtures like fly ash, ground granulated blast furnace slag or silica fume for improving concrete performance
shall be properly added.
7.1.3 In the concrete, the high-range water reducer for improving concrete performance shall be properly added, water consumption and binder
consumption shall be reduced to the maximum. For the concrete with air content required to be more than or equal to 4. 0%,the high-range water
reducer (or high-range water reducer of polycarboxylate-type) and air-entraining agent shall be added at the same time.
7.1.4 The mix proportion of concrete shall be designed based on the principle of minimum mortar-aggregate volume ratio.
7.1.5 The alkali content of concrete shall meet the design requirements. If there is no relevant design requirement, the alkali content of concrete shall
meet the requirements in Table 32.
Table 32 Maximum Value of Alkali Content of Concrete Unit:kg/m
Design service life 100 years 60 years 30 years
Environme Dry environment 3.5 3.5 3.5
condition Humid environment 3.0 3.0 3.5
s 3.0 2.1
Alkali containing
For concrete structures under alkali containing environment, if the design
service life is 100 years,the alkali content ofconcrete shall meet the
requirements in the table and the non-alkali active aggregate shall be used; if
the design service life is 60years or 30 years,the alkali content of concrete
shall meet the requirements in the table and waterproof and alkaliproof
coatingsshall be made on the surface of concrete; otherwise non-alkali active
aggregate shall be used.
Note 1:The alkali content of concrete refers to the sum of alkali content of
all raw materials in the concrete. Thealkali content of mineral admixtures shall
be calculated as the soluble alkali amount contained. The soluble alkalicontent of
fly ash shall be 1/6 of the total alkali amount of fly ash. The soluble alkali
content of ground granulated blastfurnace slag shall be 1/2 of the total alkali
amount of ground granulated blast furnace slag.The soluble alkali content ofsilica
fume shall be 1/2 of the total alkali amount of silica fume.
Note 2: The dry environment refers to the environment without direct contact
with water, where the annual averagerelative air humidity does not exceed 75% for
a long time. The humid environment refers to the environment located underwater or
in wet soil,dry-wet alternate area,area with variation of water levels, with the
annual average relative air humidityexceeding 75%. The alkali containing
environment refers to the environment in direct contact with soil and seawater of
highsalt and alkali content, industrial wastewater with alkali or sodium salt and
sylvite. In case of alternative action of the dryenvironment or humid environment
with alkali containing environment,it shall be regarded as an alkali containing
7.1.6 The Cl content of concrete shall meet the requirements in Table 33.
Table 33 Maximum Content of CI- Content of Concrete
Concrete category Reinforced concrete Prestressed concrete
Cl content 0.10% %900
For concrete structures with reinforcement ratio lower than the minimum
reinforcement ratio,the requirement forthe Cl content of concrete shall be the same
with the requirement of reinforcement concrete in the table.
Note:the Cl content of concrete refers to the sum of the Cl content of all raw
materials in the concrete and it isrepresented by the weight ratio with binders.
7.1.7 The sulfur trioxide content of concrete shall not exceed 4.0% of the total quantity of binders.

7.2 Parameter Limit

7.2.1 The maximum consumption of binders for concrete with various strength grades shall meet the requirements in Table 34.
Table 34 Maximum Content of Binders for Concrete with Various Strength Grades

Strength grade of concrete Densification method

Vibration Self-compaction
<C30 360 -
C30-C35 400 550
C40-C45 450 600
C50 480 -
>C50 500 -
7.2.2 Under different environments, the minimum consumption of binders for concrete shall meet the requirements in Table 35.
Table 35 Minimum Consumption of Binders for Concrete with Various Strength Grades
Environment Action grade 100 years 60 years 30 years
Carbonation T1 280 260 260
environment T2 300 280 280
T3 320 300 300
Chloride L1 320 300 300
environment L2 340 320 320
L3 360 340 340
Chemical H1 300 280 280
environment 320 300 300
H3 340 320 320
H4 360 340 340
Salt physical Y1 300 280 280
attack 320 300 300
environment Y2
Y3 340 320 320
Y4 360 340 340

Table 35 Minimum Consumption of Binders for Concrete with Various Strength Grades(continued)
Environment Action grade 100 years 60 years 30 years
Freezing-thawing D1 300 280 280
D2 320 300 300
D3 340 320 320
D4 360 340 340
Abrasion M1 300 280 280
M2 320 300 300
M3 340 320 320
Under carbonation environment, the maximum water to binder ratio of plain
concrete shall not exceed 0.60 and theminimum binder consumption shall be not less
than 260 kg/ ㎡ '.Under chloride environment,the maximum water to binderratio of
plain concrete shall not exceed 0.55 and the minimum binder consumption shall be
not less than 280kg/㎡.
7.2.3 Under different environments, the dosage of mineral admixtures shall meet the requirements in Table 36.

Table 36 Dosage Range of Mineral Admixtures under Different Environments

Environment category Mineral admixtures type Water to binder ratio
≤0.40 >0.40
Carbonation Fly ash ≤40% ≤30%
environment ≤50% ≤40%
Ground granulated blast
furnace slag
Chloride environment Fly ash 30%-50% 20%-40%
Ground granulated blast 40%-60% 30%-50%
furnace slag
Chemical environment Fly ash 30%-50% 20%-40%
Ground granulated blast 40%-60% 30%-50%
furnace slag
Salt physical attack Fly ash ≤40% ≤30%
environment Ground granulated blast ≤50% ≤40%
furnace slag
Freezing-thawing Fly ash ≤30% ≤20%
environment Ground granulated blast ≤40% ≤30%
furnace slag
Abrasion environment Fly ash ≤30% ≤20%
Ground granulated blast ≤40% ≤30%
furnace slag
For prestressed concrete structures,the dosage of fly ash in the concrete should
not exceed 30%.
Under serious chloride environment and chemical environment,the dosage of fly
ash in the concrete shall exceed
30% or the dosage of slag powder shall exceed 50%.
Note 1:The dosage in the table refers to the suitable range with only one kind
of mineral admixture mixed. When
the mixing of various mineral admixtures is adopted, refer to the table for the
dosage of various mineral admixtures and
it shall be determined by experiment.
Note 2: The dosage range specified in the table in only limited to the concrete
Table 37 Maximum Value of Water to Binder Ratio of Concrete
Environment Action grade 100 years 60 years 30 years
Carbonation T1 0.55 0.60 0.60
T2 0.50 0.55 0.55
T3 0.45 0.50 0.50
Chloride L1 0.45 0.50 0.50
L2 0.40 0.45 0.45
L3 0.36 0.40 0.40
Chemical H1 0.50 0.55 0.55
environment H2 0.45 0.50 0.50
H3 0.40 0.45 0.45
H4 0.36 0.40 0.40
Salt physical Y1 0.50 0.55 0.55
environment Y2 0.45 0.50 0.50
Y3 0.40 0.45 0.45
Y4 0.36 0.40 0.40
Freezing-thawing D1 0.50 0.55 0.55
D2 0.45 0.50 0.50
D3 0.40 0.45 0.45
D4 0.36 0.40 0.40
Abrasion M1 0.50 0.55 0.55
M2 0.45 0.50 0.50
M3 0.40 0.45 0.45
7.2.5 The sand percentage of concrete shall be determined according to the maximum particle size of aggregate and water to binder ration of
concrete.Generally, the requirements in Table 38 shall be met.
Table 38 Requirements of Sand Percentage of Concrete
Maximum particle Water to binder ratio
of aggregate 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60
10 38%-42% 40%-44% 42%-46% 46%-50%
20 34%-38% 36%-40% 38%-42% 42%-46%
40 - 34%-38% 36%-40% 40%-44%
For each increase or decrease of sand fineness modulus by 0.1,the sand
percentage increases or decreases by0.5%-1.0% accordingly.
If pebbles are used,the sand percentage may decrease by 2%-4%.
If artificial sand is used, the sand percentage may increase by 2%-4%.
Note 1:the sand percentage is represented by the mass ratio.
Note 2:this table applies to the concrete with the slump of 80 mm-120mm,mixed
by gravels and natural mediumsand with fineness modulus of 2.6-3.0.

7.2.6 The mortar ratio of concrete shall meet the requirements in Table 39.

Table 39 Maximum Paste Ratio of Concrete with Various Grades

Strength grade Paste volume ratio
C3-C50(excluding C50) ≤0.32
C50-C60(excluding C60) ≤0.35
Above C60(excluding C60) ≤0.38
Note:the paste ratio refers to the volume ratio between the sum of volumes of
binders and water of the concreteand the total volume of the concrete.

7.3 Design Method

7.3.1 According to the requirements of workability,design strength and durability index of the concrete and concerning the properties of cement and
chemical admixture chosen for construction as well as the provisions in 7.2, the total binder consumptions, types and dosage of mineral admixtures,
dosage of chemical admixtures, water to binder ratio and sand percentage shall be preliminarily determined,and the cement consumption, the
consumption of mineral admixtures,water consumption and the consumption of chemical admixtures per unit volume of concrete shall be calculated.
7.3.2 The volumetric method shall be adopted to calculate the consumption of sand and coarse aggregate, based on formula (1), formula (2) and
formula (3), to determine the basic mix proportion
Pc Po Po2 Pa ·(1)
Where,V..g-The absolute volume of sand and coarse aggregate per cubic meter of concrete,unit:m3;
mw-The water consumption per cubic meter of concrete, unit: kg;
me-The cement consumption per cubic meter of concrete,unit:kg;
mp-The consumption of the admixture 1 per cubic meter of concrete, unit: kg;
m2--The consumption of the admixture 2 per cubic meter of concrete, unit: kg:
ma-The consumption of chemical admixture per cubic meter of concrete,unit:kg;
a-The air content of concrete,unit:m3;
pw-The density of water,unit:kg/m3;
Pr-The density of cement,unit:kg/m;
Pp1-The density of admixture 1,unit:kg/m;
Pr2-The density of admixture 2,unit:kg/m;
p.-The density of chemical admixture, unit:kg/㎡.

Where,m,-The consumption of sand per cubic meter of concrete, unit: kg;
S.-Volume sand percentage;
p.-The density of saturated surface-dry sand, unit:kg/m3.
mg=V..g(1-S.)p. (3)
Where,mg-The consumption of coarse aggregate per cubic meter of concrete, unit:kg;
Ps-The density of saturated surface-dry aggregate,unit:kg/m3.
7.3.3 The alkali amount, Cl content and sulfur trioxide content per cubic meter of concrete shall be checked for compliance with the provisions in 7.1.
The mortar ratio shall be checked for compliance with the provisions in Table 39.Otherwise, the raw materials shall be re-selected or the basic mix
proportion shall be adjusted until the requirements are met.

7.3.4 The concrete shall be mixed based on the determined mix proportion above and tested in the slump (or densification factor), bleeding rate,
setting time, air content, etc. In case of any difference between the test value and the required value, the sand percentage and the consumption of
chemical admixture shall be properly adjusted until the concrete whose mixture performance, alkali content, Cl content and sulfur trioxide content
satisfy the requirements is mixed. For the trial mix, the minimum dosage for each concrete mixer drum shall be above 20 L and not less than 1/3 of
the mixer capacity.
7.3.5 The consumption of binders, consumption of mineral admixtures, sand percentage and water to binder ratio of the above determined mix
proportion of concrete shall be slightly adjusted,to re-calculate and re-adjust three mix proportions of concrete which meet the design requirements
or requirements of this standard according to the above steps. The mechanical property, durability and long-term performance of these concretes
shall be checked by test according to the items specified in Table 40.
Table 40 Inspection Items for Mechanical Properties,Durability and
Long-term Performance of the Mix Proportion of Concrete
No. Inspection item Remarks
1 Compressive strength -
2 Passed electric,charge -
3 Elastic modulus Only for the prestressed concrete
4 Level of resistance to Only for the concrete under freezing-thawing
freezing-thawing environment or the
concrete with special requirements of
5 Air bubble spacing Only for the concrete under freezing-thawing
coefficient environment and
salt physical attack environment
6 Chloride diffusion Only for the concrete under chloride salt
coefficient environment
7 Level of 56 d resistance to Only for the concrete under salt physical
sulfate physical attack environment
8 Corrosion resistance Only for the concreteunder sulfate chemical
coefficient of the environment
9 Level of resistance to Only for the tunnel lining concrete
10 Shrinkage Only for the base concrete of ballastless
track, track bed slab
concrete of doubled-block sleeper,self-
compacting concrete and
prestressed concrete made of new materials
and new technology
11 Creep Only for the prestressed concrete made of new
materials and new
7.3.6 According to the principle of good workability,strength and durability as required and economic feasibility, an appropriate mix proportion among the mix

proportions satisfying the requirements from the above test results shall be chosen as the laboratory theoretical mix proportion.

7.3.7 The concrete shall be mixed with the raw materials and mixing method actually adopted for construction and the apparent density of the
concrete shall be measured. The correction coefficient shall be calculated based on the measured apparent density of the concrete mixture, so as to
correct the

laboratory theoretical mix proportion (multiply the consumption of each material of the theoretical mix proportion by the correction coefficient)
and get the theoretical mix proportion of the concrete.The correction coefficient shall be calculated according to formula (4):
Correction coefficient= measured apparent density of mixture/apparent density of
mixture of the laboratory theoretical mix proportion

8 Construction

8.1 General Requirements

8.1.1 The concrete shall be of centralized mixing in a mixing plant. The concrete products shall be fabricated in the mode of mass production.
8.1.2 The mixing technological test and concrete uniformity test shall be carried out before the official opening of the mixing plant.
8.1.3 The trial concrete pouring shall be carried out to check the mix proportion of concrete, construction process and the adaptability of
construction equipment before the construction of concrete structures. For the important concrete structures, the representative simulation test of
trial pouring shall be carried out to measure the inner temperature rise and temperature difference between inside and outside.Adjustment shall be
carried out in time once problems are found.
8.1.4 When the clay content or clay lump content of the coarse aggregate and fine aggregate exceed the provisions of this standard, treatment shall
be carried out by the special equipment.
8.1.5 When the concrete construction are in different seasons, different mix proportions shall be selected based on the climatic conditions and
relevant construction technical measures shall be made.
8.2 Adjustment of Mix Proportion
8.2.1 Before the concrete construction, the water consumption of the mixtures shall be adjusted based on the difference of the actual water
content of the coarse aggregate and fine aggregate and the theoretical mix proportion to determine the mix proportion of the concrete for
8.2.2 During the concrete construction, in case of no obvious change in the construction process and environmental conditions, but the quality
fluctuation of raw materials within the qualified range, proper adjustment for the water reducer and dosage of air-entraining agent of the concrete,
grading proportion of coarse aggregate and sand percentage may be carried out. After the adjustment,the performance of the concrete mixture
shall be the same with that with the original mix proportion.
8.2.3 During the concrete construction, in case of big change in the quality of raw materials and construction process, the test for the selection of
the mix proportion of concrete shall be carried out again.
8.3 Critical points for Quality Control
8.3.1 The storage of the raw materials for concrete shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) In the process of storage and transport of cement and mineral admixtures,moisture-proof measures shall be taken to avoid humidity.
b) In the process of storage of bulk cement, measure for reducing the cement temperature or preventing temperature rise of cement shall
be taken.
c) For the bagged cement and mineral admixtures, the warehouse shall be established at a higher place and a drainage ditch shall be
established around.
d) The chemical admixture shall be stored in a warehouse. In winter, insulation measures shall be taken to prevent the chemical admixture
from freezing or lower temperature crystallization.
e) The storage space of aggregate shall be of sunshine resistance,water resistance and pollution

f) Different raw materials shall be stacked at a fixed place and marked clearly to identify the material name,variety, manufacturer, date of
manufacture and date of receipt. The stacking dividing mark shall be set for the stacking of raw materials to avoid misuse.
g) Upon the receipt of raw materials, the management account for raw materials shall be established in time. The account shall include the
material name, date of manufacture, purchasing date, variety,specification, quantity, manufacturer,supplier,quality certificate number,test report
number, test result, etc. The account of raw materials shall be filled accurately,truly and completely.
8.3.2 The mixing of concrete shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) The forced mixer shall be employed for mixing. The performance and maintenance of the mixer shall satisfy the requirements of GB/T1
b) The maximum allowable tolerance of the metering equipment for all raw materials shall satisfy the following provisions (by weight):
binder (cement,mineral admixtures,etc.)of ±1%;chemical admixture of ±1%; coarse aggregate and fine aggregate of ±2%;mixing water of±1%.
c) During mixing, the mixing procedure should be as follows: the aggregate, cement and mineral admixtures shall be fed first. After
homogeneous mixing, water and liquid chemical admixture(the powder chemical admixture shall be added simultaneously with the mineral
admixtures) shall be added until homogeneous mixing again. The temperature of cement into the mixer shall not exceed 70 ℃.
d) The mixing time shall be metered from all the materials into the mixer for mixing until finishing mixing and beginning to unload. The
continuous mixing time for the concrete shall be determined by a test based on the mix proportion and mixing equipment conditions. The
minimum mixing time should be not less than 2 min. The uniformity of concrete shall comply with the provisions of 5.2.6.
8.3.3 The transport of concrete shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) The transport capacity of the transport equipment shall adapt to the demand of the setting time and pouring speed of the concrete to
ensure a continuous pouring process.
b) The transport equipment shall be of the functions to prevent disintegration, mortar leakage and bleeding of the concrete and sunshine
resistance and freezing resistance.
8.3.4 The concrete pouring shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) The pouring should be carried out continuously, and intermittence and leaving construction joint should be avoided as far as possible.
b) The temperature of concrete for casting should not exceed 30 ℃. For construction in winter, the temperature of concrete for casting
should be not less than 5℃ and proper insulation and curing measures shall be taken for the concrete.
c) For construction in winter, the temperature of medium in contact with concrete should be not less than 2 ℃. In summer, the
temperature of medium in contact with concrete should not exceed 40℃.
d) The temperature difference between the temperature of concrete for casting and the adjacent hardened concrete or rock-soil, rebar,
formwork and other medium should not exceed 15℃.
8.3.5 The vibrating of concrete shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) The type,frequency and strength of the vibrating equipment shall adapt to the structure type

and workability of the concrete.
b) The vibrating time and radius shall be determined based on the principle of the vibrating compaction of the concrete to avoid over-
vibrating or missed vibrating.
8.3.6 The curing of concrete shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) The curing shall be carried out in time. Generally, the insulation and moisture curing like coverage or spray for the new casting concrete
shall be carried out within 1h upon the completion of concrete pouring.
b) During curing, the temperature difference of the concrete core and surface, and between the surface and the environment shall not
exceed 20 ℃. (For girder concrete,track concrete and sleeper concrete, it shall not exceed 15 ℃). The temperature difference between the concrete
surface and curing water shall not exceed 15 ℃.The temperature of concrete core shall not exceed 60 ℃. For certain points, it shall not exceed 65
℃ to the maximum (The core temperature of the sleeper and track slab shall not exceed 55 ℃).
c) For natural curing, the insulation and moisture curing time upon the completion of concrete pouring shall meet the requirements in Table
Table 41 Minimum Time for Insulation and Moisture Curing of Concrete
Water to Moist atmospheric Dry atmospheric Extremely dry
binder condition condition atmospheric condition
ratio (20%≤RH<50%),with (RH<20%),strong wind
(RH≥50%),no wind
or direct sunshine wind or direct and
sunshine dramatical temperature
Average Curing Average Curing Average Curing
daily time daily time daily time
temperature d temperature d temperature d
2 2. ℃
>0.45 5≤T<10 21 5≤T<10 28 5≤T<10 56
10≤T<20 14 10≤T<20 21 10≤T<20 45
T≥20 10 T≥20 14 T≥20 35
≤0.45 5≤T<10 14 5≤T<10 21 5≤T<10 45
10≤T<20 10 10≤T<20 14 10≤T<20 35
T≥20 7 T≥20 10 T≥20 28
d) For steam curing, the concrete shall be of the time for proper static stay curing. The ambient temperature of static stay shall be not less
than 5 ℃. The static stay time shall be not less than 4h. The speed for temperature rise and fall of the steam shall not exceed 10 ℃/h.The insulation
and moisture curing time of the prefabricated girder after formwork removal shall be not less than 14 d. For other prefabricated parts (track slab,
sleeper,OCS post and tube pile) after formwork removal, the insulation and moisture curing time shall be not less than 10 d.
e) When the minimum ambient temperature is below 0℃, water curing for the concrete surface shall not be carried.
8.3.7 The form removal of concrete shall meet the following requirements:
a) During the form removal of concrete, the concrete shall be of enough strength to ensure no damage or collapse to its surface and edges.
During the removal of structural form,the concrete strength shall meet the design requirements. During the removal of non-structural form,the
concrete strength shall be not less than 5 MPa.

b) During the form removal of concrete, the temperature difference between the core and surface of concrete structures,and between the
surface and the environment shall not exceed 20℃;the temperature difference between the sleeper, track slab,girder core concrete and the surface
concrete,and between the surface concrete and environment and between the inside and outside concrete of box girder webs shall not exceed
c) For concrete after formwork removal, it shall not be in direct contact with the flowing water if the strength does not reach 75% of the
design strength.
d) For concrete after formwork removal, it shall not be in direct contact with seawater or saline soil if the strength does not reach the
design strength or the curing time less than 6 weeks.

9 Inspection

9.1 General Requirements

9.1.1 Quality inspection of concrete consists of pre-construction inspection, inspection during construction and post-construction inspection.

9.1.2 Concrete construction shall not be commenced until all the pre-construction inspection items are qualified; in case of any non-compliance in
the inspection during construction, cause analysis shall be implemented for immediate adjustment and construction shall not be continued until
compliance is reached;the post-construction inspection, together with the pre-construction inspection and inspection during construction, shall be
taken as the basis for quality evaluation and acceptance.
9.1.3 The specimens for sampling inspection of concrete strength and durability in construction process control or quality inspection shall be taken
from the concrete made in the same concrete mixer drum or the concrete transported in the same truck load.
9.2 Inspection before Construction
9.2.1 Prior to concrete construction, inspection shall be implemented for over-all properties of the main raw materials for concrete including
cement, aggregate, mineral admixtures,chemical admixture and water, etc. in accordance with 5.1; and the inspection results shall meet relevant
9.2.2 Prior to concrete construction,concrete mixture property, mechanical property,durability and long-term property shall be inspected in
accordance with the requirements in 5.2-5.5;and the inspection results shall meet relevant requirements.
9.3 Inspection during Construction
9.3.1 During concrete construction,routine inspection and re-inspection shall be implemented for the main raw materials for concrete including
cement, aggregate, chemical admixture, mineral admixture and mixing water, etc. in accordance with the requirements in Table 42;and the
inspection results shall meet relevant requirements of this standard.
9.3.2 During concrete construction, inspection of concrete mixture property shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements in Table 43;
and the inspection results shall meet the requirements of design, construction and the approved construction mix proportion.
9.3.3 During concrete construction, mechanical property of the concrete shall be inspected in accordance with the requirements of design,
construction and relevant discipline standards; and the inspection results shall meet the design and construction requirements.
9.3.4 During concrete construction, concrete durability shall be inspected in accordance with the requirements in Table 44 and the inspection
results shall meet the design requirements; if there is no design requirement, the requirements in 5.5 shall be met.

Table 42 Requirements for Inspection of Property of Raw Materials for Concrete during Construction
30 Inspection item Routine inspection Re-inspection
· Item Frequency Item Frequency
Cement Ignition loss (1)For the bulk cement of the same 个 Using the cement of the same
manufacturer, ✓ manufacturer,
Content of magnesium oxide delivery No.,date of delivery and type and specification for 6
Content of sulfur trioxide in continuous ✓
Setting time ✓ mobilization,500 t(200 t for bagged ✓
Soundness ✓ shall be taken as a batch and the ✓
Strength ✓ quantity less ✓
than that shall also be taken as a
Alkali content batch ✓
Specific surface area ✓ (2)Delivered for 3 months ✓
Cl content ✓
Fine Screening ✓ For the fine aggregate of the same 个 Using the fine aggregate of the
aggregate Water absorption material ✓ same material
source,type and specification and source,type and specification
Fineness modulus ✓ in continuous ✓
for 1 year
Clay content ✓ mobilization,400m3(or 600 t) shall ✓
be taken as a
Mud content ✓ ✓
batch and the quantity less than
Soundness that shall also be ✓
Mica content 个 taken as a batch 个
Lightweight particles ✓ ✓
Crushed dust content ✓ ✓
(artificial sand)
Organic content ✓ ✓
Crushing value(artificial 个 ✓
Content of sulfide and 个
Cl content ✓
Alkali activity ✓
Table 42 Requirements for Inspection of Property of Raw Materials for Concrete during Construction(continued)
Inspection item Routine inspection Re-inspection
Item Frequency Item Frequency
Coarse Grading ✓ For the coarse aggregate of the ✓ Using the coarse aggregate of
aggregate same material the same material
Compressive strength of rock source,type and specification and ✓
source,type and specification
Water absorption in continuous ✓ for 1 year
supply,400㎡3(or 600t) shall be ✓
Voidage of tightly packing ✓ taken as a batch
Crushing value ✓ and the quantity less than that ✓
Soundness shall also be taken ✓
✓ as a batch ✓
Elongated and flaky particle
Clay content ✓ ✓
Mud content ✓ ✓

CI content ✓
Content of sulfide and ✓
Organic content(pebble) ✓
Alkali activity ✓
Water pH value ✓ Inspection shall be implemented ✓ Using the water from the same
✓ once in a flood ✓ source within
Insoluble substance content season of the same water source 1 year
Soluble substance content ✓ ✓
Chloride content ✓ 个
Sulfate content 个 ✓
Alkali content ✓ ✓
Setting time difference 个
Ratio of compressive ✓
Table 42 Requirements for Inspection of Property of Raw Materials for Concrete during Construction(continued)
32 Inspection item Routine inspection Re-inspection
Item Frequency Item Frequency
Polycarboxy Water-reducing rate ✓ For the product of the same ✓ Using the product of the same
late-type Air content ✓ manufacturer, ✓ manufacturer
high- delivery No. and date of and type for 6 months, with
performance Ratio of bleeding rate under ✓ delivery,50t shall be ✓ date of delivery
water normal taken as a batch and the quantity of 6 months
reducer pressure less than that
Ratio of bleeding rate under ✓ shall also be taken as a batch ✓
(for preparation of pump
Ratio of compressive 个 ✓
1h slump variation (for ✓
preparation of
pump concrete)
Setting time difference ✓

Formaldehyde content
(based on
equivalent solid content)
Sodium sulfate content ✓
(based on
equivalent solid content)
Cl content (based on ✓
equivalent solid
Alkali content (based on ✓
solid content)
Ratio of shrinkage ✓
High-range Water-reducing rate ✓ Same as above ✓ Same as above
water ✓ ✓
reducer Air content
Ratio of bleeding rate under ✓ ✓
Table 42 Requirements for Inspection of Property of Raw Materials for Concrete during Construction(continued)
Inspection item Routine inspection Re-inspection
Item Frequency Item Frequency
High-range Ratio of bleeding rate under ✓ Same as above ✓ Same as above
water pressure
reducer (for preparation of pump
Ratio of compressive ✓ ✓
1h slump variation(for ✓
preparation of ✓
pump concrete)
Setting time difference ✓
Sodium sulfate content ✓
(based on
equivalent solid content)
Cl content (based on ✓
equivalent solid
Alkali content (based on 个
solid content)
Ratio of shrinkage ✓
Air- Water-reducing rate ✓ For the product of the same ✓ Same as above
Entraining Air content ✓ manufacturer, ✓
agent delivery No. and date of delivery,
Ratio of bleeding rate under ✓ 5 t shall be ✓
normal taken as a batch and the quantity
pressure less than that
1 h air content variation 个 个
shall also be taken as a batch
Ratio of compressive ✓ 个
Setting time difference ✓
Ratio of shrinkage ✓
Relative durability ✓
index,200 times
Difference in air content of ✓
concrete and of hardened
Table 42 Requirements for Inspection of Property of Raw Materials for Concrete during Construction(continued)
Inspection item Routine inspection Re-inspection
· Item Frequency Item Frequency
Fly Ash Fineness ✓ (1)For the product of the same ✓ Using the product of the same
Ignition loss ✓ manufacturer, ✓ manufacturer
Water content delivery No. and date of ✓ and specification for 6 months
✓ delivery,200t shall be ✓
Water requirement ratio
taken as a batch and the quantity ✓
Content of sulfur trioxide
less than that ✓
Alkali content
shall also be taken as a batch ✓
Cl- content (2)Delivered for 3 months
Content of calcium oxide ✓
Content of free calcium ✓ ✓
Soundness ✓ ✓
Grounded Density ✓ Same as above ✓ Same as above
furnace Specific surface area ✓ ✓
slag powder Ignition loss ✓ ✓
Content of magnesium oxide ✓
Content of sulfur trioxide ✓
Cl- content ✓
Water content ✓
Ratio of fluidity ✓ ✓
Alkali content 个
Activity index ✓
Silica fume Ignition loss ✓ (1) For the product of the same ✓ Same as above
Cl content manufacturer, ✓
delivery No.and date of delivery,30 ✓
SiO2 content t shall be
Specific surface area ✓ ✓
taken as a batch and the quantity
Water requirement ratio ✓ ✓
less than that
Water content ✓
shall also be taken as a batch
Activity index ✓ (2)Delivered for 3 months ✓
Table 43 Requirements for Inspection of Property of Concrete Mixture during Construction
Inspection item Frequency
Densification factor(hard At least one sampling inspection shall be implemented
concrete) in each mixing of
Slump 50m concrete or every work shift
Air content
Temperature of concrete for At least 3 times every work shift
Bleeding rate Sampling inspection shall be implemented at least
once e every work shift
Uniformity Sampling inspection shall be implemented once when
the mix proportionis
used for the first time
Sampling inspection shall be implemented once when
the mix proportion has
been used for 1 year
Table 44 Requirements for Inspection of Concrete Durability
Inspection item Frequency
Passed electric charge Sampling inspection shall be implemented at
Level of 56 d resistance to least once for theconcrete of the same
freezing-thawing section, construction technology andmix
(freezing-thawing environment)
proportionSampling inspection shall be
56 d chloride diffusion
coefficient (chloride salt implemented at least once for every20000 ㎡
environment) concrete
Level of 56 d resistance to
sulphate physical
attack (Salt physical attack
9.3.5 If main raw material (such as cement, chemical admixture or mineral admixture) for concrete is changed during concrete construction,
concrete mix proportion selection test shall be re-implemented.
9.4 Post-construction Inspection
9.4.1 After concrete construction, whether the solid concrete structure surface has any non-external force crack and permeability of concrete on
the surface of solid structure shall be inspected in accordance with the requirements in Table 45; and the inspection results shall meet the design
requirements. In case there is no design requirement, the requirements in 5.6 shall be met.
Table 45 Requirements for Sampling Inspection of Concrete Quality in Actual Structures
Inspection item Frequency
Surface crack width No less than 20 sampling locations for each member;
For the member with concrete consumption less than
1.0m,5% members
of the total shall be sampled for inspection randomly
and no less than 5
sampling locations for a single member
Permeability of surface In case of doubt on quality of the concrete for solid
concrete structure

Appendix A
Method for Rapid Detection of Sulfate Corrosion
Resistance Performance of Cement or Binder

A.1 This method is applicable to rapid assessment of sulfate corrosion resistance performance of cement or binder.
A.2 According to this method, corrosion resistance coefficient is calculated by measuring the flexural strength of cement or binder mortar
specimens soaked in sodium sulfate and the flexural strength of the specimens at the same age soaked in clean portable water, so to compare the
sulfate corrosion resistance performance of cement or binder.
A.3 Testing equipment and materials shall conform to the following specifications:
a) Pressure forming machine: small jack press, with maximum load over 15 kN.
b) Bending tester: small electric bending tester, with loading speed of 0.78 N/s.
c) Mold:stainless steel test mold for 10 mmx10 mmx60 mm cement mortar specimens.
d) Spherical pan for mixing, with the diameter of 200 mm,height of 70mm and thickness of 1mm-2mm.
e) Standard sand shall conform to the regulations in GB178.
f) Mixing water:distilled water.
g) Water for curing: drinking water.
A.4 Temperature and humidity of laboratory, raw material, curing box, water for curing and etchant shall conform to the following specifications:
a) The laboratory shall be with the temperature of 17℃-25℃ and relative humidity over 50%; and temperature of the raw materials used
for the test shall be the same as that of the laboratory.
b) The curing box shall be with the temperature of 20℃±3℃,with relative humidity over 90%.
c) Temperature of the water for curing before soaking shall be 50℃±1 ℃.
d) Temperature of water and liquid for soaking shall be 20℃±3℃.
A.5 The test shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures:
a) Forming of specimens: weigh 100 g cement or binder (use level of cement and mineral admixture for the engineering shall be calculated as
per mix proportion) and 250g standard sand which shall be put into the spherical pan for mixing for uniform mixing, then add 50g distilled water for
wet-mixing for 3 min. Put the mixed cement mortar into the test mold. Put the test mold with mold core and mold sleeve onto the small jack press
and pressurize to 7.8 MPa,keep for 5 s; then take out the test mold for leveling and numbering,and put it into the curing box for curing for 24
h±2h,followed by demolding.
b) Curing of specimens:put the specimens after demolding into the water with the temperature of 50 ℃ for curing for 7 d.
c) Specimens soaking: divide the specimens into 2 groups (9 per group): one group shall be put into the drinking water with the
temperature of 20℃ for curing, while the other group shall be put into the 3% Na2SO, solution for soaking. During soaking,0.5 mol/L H2SO, solution
shall be titrated once per day, for neutralization of Ca(OH)2 released by the specimens in the

solution; titration shall be implemented together with mixing, to maintain PH value of the
solution at around 7.0.
When the specimens is soaked in the Na2SO, solution, each specimens shall be provided with 200 mL soak solution and the liquid shall be at
least 10 mm above the top surface of the specimens. And the vessel shall be covered to avoid evaporation.
d) Specimens deformation: after soaking in the solution for 56 d and curing in the drinking water for 56 d,the specimens shall be taken out for
bending test with the small bending tester,in which span at the supporting point of the specimens shall be 50 mm, diameter of the supporting column
shall be 5 mm and loading speed shall be controlled at 0. 78 N/s.
Prior to deformation, water and sand on the surface of the specimens shall be wiped off and sundries attached to the surface of the column at
the supporting point shall be eliminated. When putting the specimens onto the supporting point for bending resistance, its side shall contact with the
A.6 The test result shall be calculated and processed in accordance with the following regulations:
a) The ultimate strength (MPa) of the specimens shall be calculated by multiplying failure load by 0.075 and the flexural strength shall be
rounded to 0.01 MPa.
b) Remove the maximum value and the minimum value of flexural strength of the 9 specimenss, and take average value of flexural strength of
other 7 specimenss as the flexural strength of this group of specimens.
c) The corrosion resistance coefficient shall be expressed by the ratio of flexural strength of cement mortar specimens soaked in the soak
solution for 56 d to the flexural strength of the cement mortar specimens at the same age cured in the drinking water for 56d,which shall be rounded
to 0.01.
A.7 In case that the corrosion resistance coefficient exceeds 0.80,performance of sulfate corrosion resistance of the cement or the binder mortar is

Appendix B
Method for Detection of Effectiveness of Mineral Admixture and Chemical Admixture for Inhibiting Alkali-Aggregate

B.1 This method is applicable to assessment of the effectiveness of mineral admixture and chemical admixture for inhibiting alkali-silica reaction.
B.2 This method is used to make mortar specimens with alkali-silica active aggregates,Portland cement, mineral admixture or chemical admixture
actually used in the engineering, and cure them in 1 mol/L NaOH of 80 ℃ for 28 d.
If length expansion rate of the mortar specimens is no higher than 0.10%, the inhibition of concrete alkali-silica reaction by the mineral
admixture or chemical admixture is regarded as effective.
B.3 Testing equipment and material shall conform to the following specifications:
a) Comparator: measuring range of 275 mm- 300 mm and precision of 0. 01 mm.
b) Mold: dimension of specimens of 25 mmx25 mmX280 mm, with stainless steel test mold.
c) Thermostatic water bath or oven: with the temperature of 80℃±2℃.
d) Portland cement shall be P·I 42.5 type, the alkali content is 0.80%. If alkali content is lower than 0.80%, NaOH (analytically pure) shall be
added to make it reach 0.80%.
B.4 Temperature and humidity of the laboratory shall conform to the following regulations: The temperature in the laboratory shall be 20 ℃±2 ℃
(except for that is specially indicated)and
relative humidity shall be greater than 50%.
B.5 The test shall be implemented in accordance with the following procedure:
a) Preparation of specimens: for the coarse aggregate, the specimens shall be crushed to be less than 5mm while for the fine aggregate, the
specimens exceeding 5 mm shall be crushed to be less than 5 mm firstly and then mixed with the specimens that is less than 5 mm.
b) Screening: the prepared specimenss shall be screened in accordance with the requirements of grading in Table B.5, then they shall be
cleaned grade by grade and dried under the temperature of 105℃ for standby.
c) Material weighing: after the dried specimens together with cement, mineral admixture and chemical admixture is put in the temperature
of 20℃±2℃ for 24 h, the material shall be weighed in accordance with the aggregate to binder ratio of 2.25:1 (for a group with 3 specimenss, the
specimens of 900 g, as well as cement, mineral admixture and chemical admixture of 400 g in total shall be weighed), in which use level of mineral
admixture and chemical admixture shall be calculated based on the engineering mix proportion;use level of each grade of specimens shall be
weighed in accordance with Table B.1 while water consumption shall be determined based on the test in which mortar fluidity is 105 mm-120mm
under 10 times/6 s.
d) Mixing:mortar shall be mixed in accordance with the procedure in GB/T 17671.
e) Forming:the mortar shall be put into the test mold in 2 layers, in which the knife shall be used to make the cemet mortar uniform by
stirring back and forth(when putting the 2md layer in, the depth of stirring shall penetrate the surface of the 1" layer of mortar),then the tamping rod
shall be used for tamping back and forth for 20 times in the test mold in

sequence. After completion of tamping, surface of the specimens shall be floated,with
numbering and indication of measuring direction.

Table B.1 Aggregate Grading

Screening 5.0-2.5 2.5-1.25 1.25-0.63 0.63-0.315 0.315-0.16
Mass 10 25 25 25 15

Mass 90 225 225 225 135


For each group, 3 specimenss shall be prepared in accordance with the above mentioned method.
In case that only coarse aggregate in the engineering is with alkali-silica reaction activity,only coarse aggregate shall be taken for making a
group of specimens in accordance with the above requirements; in case that only fine aggregate in the engineering is with alkali-silica reaction
activity, only fine aggregate shall be taken for making a group of specimens in accordance with the above requirements; if both coarse and fine
aggregate for the engineering are with alkali-silica reaction activity, the coarse aggregate and the fine aggregate shall be taken respectively for making
2 groups of specimenss.
f) Static stay: after forming,the specimens shall be put in the standard curing room together with the test mold for curing for 24h±2h.
g) Pre-curing:after completion of static stay,the specimens shall be subject to form removal and shall be immediately put into the water with
the temperature of 80℃ for pre-curing for 24h±2h.
h) Curing and length measurement: initial length of the specimens experiencing the pre-curing shall be measured and then the specimens
shall be immediately put into the 1 mol/L NaOH curing solution with the temperature of 80℃ for curing (ratio of volume of the curing solution for the
specimens to volume of the specimens in the curing container shall be 4:1). Length of the specimens shall be measured respectively at the age of 3
d,7d,14d,21d and 28 d. The duration (calculated from the time of taking out from the curing solution) for measuring the specimens length shall be
controlled within 15 s. At each time of measuring, situation changes such as deformation, crack, deposit sediment or transudation on the surface of
the specimens shall be carefully observed.
B.6 The test result shall be calculated and processed as follows:
a) The length of specimens shall be calculated as per formula(B.1):

L1-Lo x100 Lo-2A

Where,εi-Length expansion rate of specimens at the age of t day, which shall be expressed in percentage (%) and rounded to 0.01%;
L-Length of specimens at the age of t day, unit:mm;

Lo-Initial length of specimens,unit:mm;

Δ-Length of measuring head, unit:mm.
b) When difference between the length expansion rate of a single specimens and the arithmetic average value of the length expansion rate
of the 3 specimenss in the same group conforms to

the requirement in one of the following 2 situations, arithmetic average value of the length expansion rate of the 3 specimenss shall
be used as the length expansion rate of the specimens.
1) In case average value of the length expansion rate of the 3 specimenss is less than or equal to 0.05%,absolute value of difference
between the length expansion rate of a single specimens and the average value shall be less than 0.01%;
2) If the average value is higher than 0.05%,difference between the length expansion rate of a single specimens and the average value
shall be less than 20%.
c) When difference between the length expansion rate of a single specimens and the arithmetic average value of the length expansion rate of
the 3 specimenss does not conform to the abovementioned requirements, minimum value in the 3 specimenss shall be removed and arithmetic
average value of the length expansion rate of the rest 2 specimenss shall be used as the length expansion rate of this group of specimens.
B.7 The test results shall be evaluated in accordance with the following requirements:

a) In case only the coarse aggregate in the engineering is with alkali-silica reaction activity and length expansion rate of the specimens of the
sampled coarse aggregate at the age of 28 d is measured to be less than 0. 10% based on this method,the inhibition of concrete alkali-silica
reaction by the mineral admixture or chemical admixture shall be judged to be effective.
b) In case only the fine aggregate in the engineering is with alkali-silica reaction activity and length expansion rate of the specimens of the
sampled fine aggregate at the age of 28 d is measured to be less than 0. 10% based on this method, the inhibition of concrete alkali-silica reaction
by the mineral admixture or chemical admixture shall be judged to be effective.
c) In case both the coarse and the fine aggregate in the engineering is with alkali-silica reaction activity and length expansion rate of the
specimens of both the sampled coarse and fine aggregate at the age of 28 d is measured to be less than 0.10% based on this method,the inhibition
of concrete alkali-silica reaction by the mineral admixture or chemical admixture shall be judged as effective.

Appendix C
Test Method for CI Content in Coarse Aggregate

C.1 The following instrument and equipment shall be used:-

Balance:weight capacity:2 kg,sensitivity: 2g; weight capacity: 100g, sensitivity:0.01g;
Reagent bottle with ground mouth and stopper: 1 000 mL;
Triangular flask:300mL;-
Pipette: 50mL;2mL;-
Burette:10mL. or 25mL;-
Volumetric flask:500mL;-
C.2 The following reagents shall be used: -5% potassium chromate indicator solution; -0.01 mol/L sodium chloride standard solution; -0.01 mol/L
silver nitrate standard solution. The above mentioned 3 kinds of solution shall be prepared and calibrated in accordance with the regulations in
GB601 and GB602.-
C.3 The test procedure is as follows:
a) The specimens shall be split to be the sample of about 1 500 g by quartering at first, then it shall be put into the oven with the temperature
of 105℃±5℃ for drying to the constant weight; after it is cooled to be equal to the indoor temperature, 2 samples with 500g per each shall be
precisely weighed by the balance and shall be respectively put into the reagent bottle with ground mouth and stopper with a capacity of 1 000 mL,
followed by adding 500 mL distilled water and covering; after shaking for once, it shall be placed for 24 h, after which it shall be shaken for 3 times,
once per 5 min, for full overflowing of chloride. After that,the filter paper shall be used to make the clarified solution on the upper part of the
reagent bottle-with ground mouth and stopper flow into the 1000 mL beaker via the funnel, then the pipette shall be used for absorption of 50 mL
filter liquor which shall be injected into the triangular flask. 1 mL 5% potassium chromate indicator solution shall be injected into the triangular
flask,followed by titration of 0.01 mol/L silver nitrate standard solution, until brick red appears,at which moment the used silver nitrate standard
solution shall be recorded in milliliter(A).
b) Blank test: use the pipette to absorb 50 mL distilled water accurately to inject into the triangular flask in which 1 mL 5% silver nitrate

indicator solution shall also be added, with titration of 0.01 mol/L silver nitrate solution until the solution becomes brick-red,at which moment the

used silver nitrate standard solution at this point shall be recorded in milliliter (B).
C.4 The result calculation and evaluation shall be implemented with the following methods:
Cl content (based on NaCl) shall be calculated as per formula (C.1) and shall be rounded to 0.01%:

Q1=N(A-B)x0.058 5x10 x100
Where,Q4-Chloride content,expressed in percentage(%);
N-Concentration of silver nitrate standard solution,unit:mol/L;
A-Volume of silver nitrate standard solution consumed at the time of sample titration,unit:mL;
B-Volume of silver nitrate standard solution consumed at the blank test,unit:mL;
Gg-Mass of the specimens,unit:g;
0.0585-Converted to NaCl coefficient;
10-Volume ratio of the total sample solution to the divided sample solution.
The arithmetic average value of the measured values in the two tests shall be taken as the test result. If difference of the measured values
of the two tests is greater than 0.01%, test shall be implemented again.

Appendix D
Method for Detection of Air Bubble Spacing Coefficient of
Hardened Concrete(Straight Wire Method)

D.1 This method is applicable to inspection of air bubble parameters of concrete and to evaluation on quality of the air-entraining agent.
D.2 According to this method, any straight line may be taken from the hardened concrete at first, and ratio of total length of the line segment taken
for a certain component to the total length of the straight line shall be taken as the volume content of this component in the concrete. And air
bubble specific surface area, air content and air bubble spacing coefficient shall be calculated based on the measured quantity and volume content
of air bubble in the hardened concrete.
D.3 The following testing equipment shall be used:
a) Measuring microscope:with ocular micrometer and objective micrometer and with the magnification times of 80-128. The lowest
reading of the ocular micrometer shall be 10 μm. The objective table shall be able to be moved longitudinally and laterally, with the range of
movement no less than 50 mm and 100 mm respectively.
b) Microscope lighting: spot light.
c) Microtome, lapping machine and polisher.
D.4 The quantity for test shall conform to the following regulations:
Each group shall include at least 3 specimens. And total area of observation and total length of wir for each group of specimens shall
conform to the regulations in Table D.1.

Table D.1 Minimum Total Area of Observation and Minimum Total Length of Wire
Maximum aggregate Minimum total area of Minimum total length of wire
size observation mm
mm m㎡
80 50000 3000
40 17000 2600
30 11000 2500
20 7000 2300
10 6000 1900
If the aggregate or macrovoid in the concrete is distributed very nonuniformly,
the area of observation shall beincreased appropriately. If more than one finished
surfaces are taken in a concrete specimens, the space between twofinished surfaces
shall be greater than 1/2 of the maximum aggregate diameter.
D.5 The test shall be implemented in accordance with the following procedure:
a) The specimens shall be sawed from the hardened concrete specimens along the direction vertical to the surface of placing and shall be
cleaned, and then 400 and 800 grade emery paper shall be respectively used for careful grinding of the observation surface of the specimens. After
completion of each grinding, the observation surface shall be washed prior to the next grinding. Finally, chromium oxide shall be painted on the
worsted of the polisher

turnplate and after cleaning again, it shall be dried in the oven with the temperature of 105 ℃± 5 ℃ and then shall be put under the
microscope for trial testing. When the hard light with low angle of incidence illuminates on the observation surface, if field of vision on the surface is
basically flat with clear air bubble edge and the air bubble section with a dimension of 10 μm may be measured, the section under observation may be
considered to be processed qualifiedly even if air bubble section and aggregate hole may be observed on the surface.
b) Prior to formal observation, the objective micrometer shall be used for calibration of scale of the ocular micrometer and the sign concerning
wire spacing shall be affixed to both ends of the observation surface, so that the selected wire length may be uniformly distributed in the range of the
observation surface. Position of the observation surface shall be adjusted, for overlapping of transverse line of the reticle with the wire, then the ocular
micrometer shall be used for quantitative measurement. Observation shall be started from the starting point of the 1" wire, during which number of
air bubble(s) in the field of vision and scale value of chord length of each air bubble taken by the micrometer shall be measured and recorded.
Diameter of the air bubble section may also be measured as needed. After completion of the test on the 1" wire, the test shall be implemented on the
other wires until measurement of the specified length of wires are completed.
D.6 The test result shall be calculated and processed as follows:
According to the data observed with the straight wire method, the parameters shall be calculated in accordance with formula (D. 1)-(D.8) and
shall be rounded to 3 effective numbers in the calculation results.
a) Average chord length of air bubble shall be calculated based on formula(D.1):

i= (D.1)
Where,i-Average chord length of air bubble,unit:cm;
Σ-Total chord length of the air bubble cut by the whole wire,unit:cm;
N-Total number of air bubbles cut by the whole wire.
b) Specific surface area of air bubble shall be calculated based on formula(D.2):

Where,a-Specific surface area of air bubble,unit:c㎡/c㎡.
c) Average radius of air bubble shall be calculated based on formula (D.3):

r=3/4 (D.3)
Where,r-Average radius of air bubble,unit:cm;
d) Air content in the hardened concrete shall be calculated based on formula (D.4):
A= ·(D.4)

Where,A-Air content in the hardened concrete (volume ratio);

T-Total length of the whole wire,unit:cm.
e) Number of 1000 mm air bubbles in concrete shall be calculated based on the formula (D.5):

Where,n.-Number of bubbles in 1 cm3 concrete.
f) Number of air bubbles cut by each wire of 1cm length shall be calculated based on the formula (D.6):

/= (D.6)
Where,n1-Average number of air bubbles cut by the wire of 1 cm length.
g) Air bubble spacing coefficient shall be calculated based on formula (D.7) and formula(D.8): When mortar-air ratio P/A in the concrete is
greater than 4.33:
L=3A[1.4(/+1)-1] .(D.7)
Where,P-Content of cement paste in the concrete (volume ratio, exclusive of air content);
L-Air bubble spacing coefficient,unit:cm.
When mortar-air ratio P/A in the concrete is lower than 4.33


Appendix E
Test Method for Ratio of Bleeding Rate of Concrete under Pressure

E.1 Scope
This method is applicable to detection of bleeding rate and ratio of bleeding rate of pump concrete
E.2 Apparatus
The pressure bleeding tester is mainly composed of pressure gauge, swing bolt and screen,etc. Refer to Figure E.1. Working pressure of the
piston is 3.0 MPa, nominal diameter of the working piston is 125 mm, concrete volume is 1. 66 L and mesh screening size is 0.335 mm.
E.3 Test Procedure
The concrete mixture shall be put into the test tube and shall be stirred uniformly by the tamper from periphery to the center for 25
times,and the instrument shall be installed as specified.The concrete shall be pressurized to 3. 0 MPa as soon as possible and the bleeding pipe valve
shall be opened immediately, with simultaneous timing and maintenance of constant pressure; and the bleeding water shall be drawn into the
measuring cylinder. After pressurization for 10s, amount of bleeding water Vio shall be read; after pressurization for 140 s, amount of bleeding water
V14o shall be read.
E.4 Result Calculation and Evaluation
E.4.1 Calculation of bleeding rate under pressure(E.1):
B.=V/V1x100 (E.1)
Where,B,-Bleeding rate under pressure, expressed in percentage(%);
V10-Amount of bleeding water after pressurization for 10 s, unit: mL;
V140-Amount of bleeding water after pressurization for 140 s,unit:mL.
The result shall be based on the average value of the three tests and shall be rounded to 0.1%.
E.4.2 The ratio of bleeding rate under pressure shall be calculated based on formula (E.2) and shall be rounded to 1%:

Where,Rg-Ratio of bleeding rate under pressure, expressed in percentage (%);

Bro-Ratio of bleeding rate of normal concrete under pressure, expressed in percentage (%);
BPA-Ratio of bleeding rate of tested concrete under pressure,expressed in percentage(%).


1-Pressure gauge:
2-Hydraulic tee:
3-Quick coupling (connecting with manual oil pump);

5-Upper cover;
6-Swing bolt;
7-Bolt pin;
8-Cylinder block;
9-Swing bolt;
11-Sieve plate:
12-O ring:
13-Sieve plate:
14-Piston seal;
16-Screen with the aperture of 0.335 mm;
17-Valve of bleeding pipe(M10x1 t water valve opening,connecting with DP-5 type water drain valve).

Appendix F
Test Method for Permeability of Concrete Surface

F.1 This method is applicable to evaluate the resistance of surface concrete of solid structure to permeation of chloride and other corrosive ions.
F.2 The following instrument and equipment shall be used:
a) Ion permeability testing apparatus: electronic control system, cathode chamber (volume of 425 mL),anode chamber (volume of 650 mL),
temperature sensor,conductivity sensor and locking ring shall be provided;
b) Accessories for fixed device:three M6 screws;
c) Power supply: 220 V alternating current shall be provided; if there is no alternating current, 12 V battery may be used but it shall be used
with such boosting device as inverter.
F.3 The following reagents shall be used:
a) Distilled water or deionized water;
b)0.55 mol/L sodium chloride solution, which shall be prepared and calibrated in accordance with the regulations in GB601 and GB602 and
shall be sealed for storage in the environment with the temperature of 20 ℃-25℃
F.4 The test procedure is as follows:
a) Selection of working surface: the smooth and flat horizontal surface or vertical face of concrete shall be selected as the working surface.
b) Drilling: the ion permeability testing apparatus shall be attached closely to the concrete surface; the marking pen shall be used to draw
the position for drilling and the electric drill shall be used for drilling; in case of reinforced concrete structure, the drilling shall avoid the
reinforcement in the structure as much as possible; the depth of the drilled hole shall be determined according to the length of the set screw.
c) Water saturation: the ion permeability testing apparatus shall be fixed to the concrete structure surface and the set screws at the 3
positions shall be screwed down successively, during which the guide pipe shall be used to inject the distilled water or the ionized water into the
inner and the outer chambers according to the siphon principle and observation shall be implemented for discovery of leakage. In case of
leakage,the screw at the corresponding position shall be tightened (excessive force is not allowed to avoid damage to the apparatus) until
realization of water tightness. If leakage remains after taking the abovementioned measures,it indicates that the working face is not flat and shall be
replaced for retesting. A layer of butter may be painted on the seal ring if necessary to reduce the possibility of water leakage. For the ordinary
concrete, the time for water saturation treatment shall be more than 16h; while for the concrete with low permeability, the time shall be properly
prolonged, which shall be 20 h-24 h in general.
d) Water draining and adding of sodium chloride solution: after completion of water saturation treatment,the water of the inner chamber
and the outer chamber shall be drained away, after which distilled water or deionized water shall be injected into the outer chamber and

0.55 mol/L sodium chloride solution shall be injected into the inner chamber,until both chambers are full.
e) Setting of test parameters: connect the power line in a correct way, switch the voltage rotary knob of the controller to 60 V, turn on the
power and set the date and sampling time interval prior to implementation of test.
f) Electromigration test:after commencement of the test, attention shall be paid to the first 10 readings concerning the current on the
controller display and the applied voltage shall be changed according to the average value of initial current and the requirements in Table F.1. After
realization of steady state diffusion of ion, the test may be terminated; the test duration is 6 h-10 h in general.

Table F.1 Test Voltage Selected According to Initial Current

Average value of initial current Test voltage
mA V

<100 60

100-200 30

>200 15

g) Remove the testing apparatus and clean the inner chamber and the outer chamber with the distilled water; and diluted hydrochloric acid may be used for

rust removal for the anode if necessary.

F.5 The test result shall be calculated with the following methods:

a) Concentration change rate:

The graph of relation between the conductivity of the solution in the outer chamber after steady state diffusion and the duration of working
voltage application shall be made, to calculate the rate of change of the conductivity with the time d,/d,; and the concentration change rate of the
chloride in the outer chamber after steady state shall be calculated based on the formula(F.1):
de/d=Kxd,/d, ·····(F.1)
Where,de/d,-Concentration change rate in the anolyte; unit: mol/(m3·s);
d、/d,-Rate of change of conductivity with the time;unit:S/(m·s).
K value is the empirical constant and is relevant to conductivity sensor of the used instrument. In case of no relevant record, K value shall be
pre-measured, i. e. solution that is about 5 mL shall be taken from the outer chamber for at least 3 times at a certain time interval to (e. g. 15 min)
after realization of steady state of the test, for measurement of the chloride concentration c1, c2 and c3(mol/m3) in the specimens; in addition,
conductivity of the solution in the outer chamber (S1, S2 and S3) shall be recorded simultaneously and linear regression method shall be adopted for
calculation of d«/d, and d,/d,which shall be substituted into the formula (F. 1) to calculate K value.
b) Diffusion coefficient(Dmie) of chloride on the concrete surface shall be calculated based on the formula(F.2):

Where,Dmig-Chloride migration coefficient,unit:㎡/s;
T-Absolute temperature of average temperature of the solution in the outer chamber after realization of steady state, unit:

R-Universal air constant,8.31J/(K·mol);

Z-Valence of ion(-1 for chloride);
C-Concentration of ion source solution: 0.55x103mol/m3;
F-Faraday constant (9.65x10C/mol);
E-Potential difference between positive electrode and negative electrode: 60 V (or 30V,15V);

V-Volume of anolyte,6.5x10-*m3;
V/A-Ratio of flow length to external area, 3.74m-'.



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