Business Result Pre-Intermediate Teacher Book

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Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Book

Rachel Appleby,
Mark Bartram
& David Grant

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Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, ox2 6dp, United Kingdom
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Introduction   4–7

1 Companies  8–12
10 Environment  59–63

2 Contacts  13–17
11 Entertaining  64–68

3 Products & services   18–22

12 Performance  69–73

Viewpoint 1 A company profile  23–24 Viewpoint 4  Green business  74–75

4 Visitors  25–29
13 Future trends  76–80

5 Customer service  30–34
14 Time  81–85

6 Employment  35–39
15 Training  86–90

Viewpoint 2 The customer journey  40–41 Viewpoint 5  A successful partnership  91–92

7 Travel  42–46
Practice file answer key  93–96

8 Orders  47–51

9 Selling  52–56

Viewpoint 3  What colour is your logo?  57–58

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The course place within an organization, such as giving a report, making
arrangements and taking part in meetings.
Who is Business Result Second Edition for? The main emphasis of the course is on the students
speaking and trying out the target language in meaningful
Business Result Second Edition is a comprehensive multi-
and authentic ways; it is expected that a large proportion of
level course in business English suitable for a wide range of
the lesson time will be spent on activating students’ interest
learners. The main emphasis is on enabling your students;
and encouraging them to talk. The material intentionally
helping them to communicate more effectively in their
takes a communicative, heads-up approach, maximizing the
working lives.
amount of classroom time available to focus on and practise
In-work students the target language. However, you will also find that there
Unlike many business English courses, Business Result Second is plenty of support in terms of reference notes, written
Edition addresses the language and communication needs practice and review material.
of employees at all levels of an organization, who need to The syllabus is essentially communication-driven. The
use English at work. It recognizes that the business world topics in each of the 15 units have been chosen because of
is truly international and that many people working in a their relevance to modern business and the world of work.
modern, global environment spend much of their time Vocabulary is presented in realistic contexts with reference
doing everyday tasks in English – communicating with to real companies or organizations. Grammar is also a key
colleagues and work contacts by phone, via email and in a element of each unit. It is presented in an authentic context
range of face-to-face situations, such as formal and informal and ensures that students pay attention to accuracy, as well
meetings/discussions, and various planned and unplanned as become more proficient at expressing themselves clearly
social encounters. It contains topics and activities that allow and precisely. The Business communication sections ensure
the students to participate in a way that is relevant to them, that students are provided with a range of key expressions
whatever their level in their company or organization. they can use immediately, both in the classroom and in their
day-to-day work.
Pre-work learners
Business Result Second Edition can also be used with pre-
work learners at college level. The course covers a variety of
engaging topics over the 15 units, so students without much
work experience will receive a wide-ranging overview of the The Student’s Book pack
business world, as well as acquiring the key communication The Student’s Book pack offers a blend of classroom teaching
skills they will need in their future working lives. Each unit and self-study, with an emphasis on flexibility and time-
in this Teacher’s Book contains suggestions for adapting the efficiency. Each of the fifteen Student’s Book units provides
material to the needs of these students. around four hours of classroom material with the potential
for two to three hours of additional study using other
One-to-one teaching materials in the pack.
Many of the activities in the book are designed for use with The materials that support the Student’s Book units are:
groups of students, but they can also be easily adapted to • Viewpoint video lessons
suit a one-to-one teaching situation. Notes in the individual • Practice files
Teacher’s Book units offer suggestions and help with this.
• Progress tests
What approach does Business Result • Photocopiable worksheets
Second Edition take? • Online practice
Business Result Second Edition helps students communicate More information on all of these materials and how to use
in English in real-life work situations. The priority at all times them can be found later in these Introduction pages.
is on enabling them to do so more effectively and with
confidence. The target language in each unit has been Key features of a unit
carefully selected to ensure that students will be equipped
Starting point
with genuinely useful, transferable language that they
can take out of the classroom and use immediately in the Each unit opens with some lead-in questions to raise
workplace. awareness of, and interest in, the unit theme. Use these
questions to help you establish what students already know
The course recognizes that, with so many businesses now
about the topic and how it relates to their own working lives.
being staffed by people of different nationalities, there is an
These questions can usually be discussed as a class or in
increasing trend towards using English as the language of
small groups. 
internal communication in many organizations. As well as
learning appropriate language for communicating externally Working with words
– with clients or suppliers, for example – students are also This first main section introduces key vocabulary in a variety
given the opportunity to practise in situations that take of ways, including authentic reading texts, listening texts

4 Introduction

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and visuals. Students are also encouraged to look at how lesson usually opens with an introduction to the topic and
different forms of words (verbs, adjectives and nouns) interviews with people discussing the topic. Key words and
can be built from the same root, or to look at common phrases are then introduced before students watch the main
combinations (e.g. verb + noun, adjective + noun) that will video section. Here, students can develop listening and
help them to expand their personal lexicon more rapidly. note-taking skills with language presented in an authentic
This section also offers opportunities to work on your context. Each lesson ends with activities to give students
students’ reading and listening skills. speaking practice discussing the topic of the lesson.

Language at work Additional material

The grammar is looked at from a communicative point of At the back of the Student’s Book, you will find the following
view; this will meet your students’ expectations with regard sections.
to learning form and meaning, but also reminds them
how the grammar they need to learn commonly occurs in Practice files
business and work situations. The Language point highlights These provide unit-by-unit support for your classroom work.
the target grammar structures, which are then practised in Each file provides additional practice of target language
authentic work contexts. from the three main unit sections, Working with words,
Language at work, and Business communication. This can be
Practically speaking
used in two ways:
This section looks at various practical aspects of everyday
For extra practice in class – refer students to this section for
communication and social interaction from a ‘how to’
more controlled practice of new vocabulary, grammar, or key
perspective – for example, How to avoid negative answers,
expressions before moving to the next stage. The optimum
How to ask for directions – as well as useful ways that we use
point at which to do this is indicated by cross-references in
language in communication, such as How to link ideas.
the Student’s Book unit and the teaching notes in this book.
Business communication For self-study – students can complete and self-check the
This section focuses on one of five broad communication exercises for review and revision outside class.
themes – meetings, presenting, exchanging information, Answers for the Practice file exercises appear on pages 93–96
phone calls and socializing. These are treated differently of this book.
throughout the book so that, for example, students are able
to practise exchanging information on the phone as well Communication activities
as face-to-face, or compare the different language needed Additional information for pairwork and group activities.
for giving formal and informal presentations. Typically,
the section begins with students listening to an example Audio scripts
situation (a meeting, a presentation, a social encounter, a Irregular verb list
series of phone calls). They focus on Key expressions used
by the speakers which are listed on the page. They are then
given the opportunity to practise these in various controlled
and more open work-related tasks.

Throughout each unit, there are short, practical tips with
useful language points arising from a particular section or

Talking point
All units end with a Talking point. These provide the
opportunity for students to discuss a range of business
concepts, approaches and ideas and how they might apply
these in their own work. All of the topics relate to the unit
theme and provide the opportunity for students to use the
language from the unit.
The Talking point follows a three-part structure: Input (a short
text, listening or infographic), Discussion, Task.
*Note that in some units the Talking point format is
presented as a game. This is designed to be fun and is aimed
at recycling the language from the unit.

After every three units there is a two-page Viewpoint video
lesson. The topic of the Viewpoint lesson relates to a theme
from the preceding units and includes interviews and case
studies of real companies. Each Viewpoint has a number of
short videos and is divided into three or four sections. Each

Introduction 5

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TEACHER’S BOOK vocabulary is taught, or for making key expressions sound
more natural and fluent.
What’s in each unit? Dictionary skills
Unit content It’s helpful to encourage students to use a good dictionary in
class and the relevant notes suggest moments in the lesson
This provides an overview of the main aims and objectives of
when it may be useful to develop your students’ skills in
the unit.
using dictionaries.
This section not only provides information on the teaching USING THE COURSE
points covered in the unit, but also offers some background
information on the main business theme of the unit and How to use Business Result Second Edition
its importance in the current business world. If you are less
familiar with the world of business, you will find this section
to fit your teaching context
especially helpful to read before starting a unit. Business Result Second Edition provides all the flexibility
you need as a teacher. The syllabus and content has been
Teaching notes and answers carefully designed so that it can be used either from start to
Notes on managing the Student’s Book exercises and various finish or in a modular way, allowing you to tailor the course
activities are given throughout, with suggested variations to suit your and your students’ needs.
that you might like to try. You will find comprehensive
answers to all Student’s Book exercises, as well as notes on
Using the course from start to finish
possible responses to discussion questions. You can, of course, use Business Result Second Edition
conventionally, starting at Unit 1 and working your way
One-to-one through each unit in turn. If you do so, you will find it works
In general, you will find that Business Result Second Edition well. Each section of the unit is related thematically to the
can be used with any size of class. However, with one-to- others, and there is a degree of recycling and a steady
one students you will find that activities which have been progression towards overall competence, culminating
designed with groups of students in mind will need some in the Talking point. Timing will inevitably vary, but allow
adaptation. The Teacher’s Book provides suggestions for how approximately four classroom hours for each unit. You will
to adapt group work activities successfully for one-to-one need more time if you intend to do the Practice file activities
classes. in class.

Pre-work learners The ‘flexible’ option

Although most users of Business Result Second Edition will be Business Result Second Edition is written in a way that
students who are already in work, you may also be teaching recognizes that many business English courses vary greatly
classes of students who have little or no experience of the in length. With this in mind, teachers can use Business Result
business world. The Teacher’s Book provides suggestions for Second Edition in a modular way. Although each unit has
how to adapt certain questions or tasks in the book to their a logical progression, you will find that all the sections are
needs, and extra notes are given for these types of learners. essentially free-standing and can be used independently of
the rest of the unit.
Extension This modular approach provides the flexibility that business
With some students it may be appropriate to extend an English teachers need when planning their course. Teachers
exercise in some way or relate the language point more might want to choose the sections or unit topics that are the
specifically to a particular group of students. Suggestions on most relevant and interesting to them and their students.
how to do this are given where appropriate.

Extra activity
If you have time or would like to develop further areas of
language competence, extra activities are suggested where
they naturally follow the order of activities in the Student’s
Book. For example, if your students need writing practice or
need to build more confidence with speaking, extra follow-
up ideas may be provided.

With some students it may be preferable to approach an
activity in a different way, depending on their level or their
interests. These options are provided where appropriate.

Tips on teaching pronunciation and helping students
improve their intelligibility are provided where there is
a logical need for them. These often appear where new

6 Introduction

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Online practice and teacher The speaking test role-plays can also be used as extra
classroom practice without necessarily making use of the
resources marking criteria. 
All of the tests, and the answer keys, can be downloaded
For students from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
The Online practice gives your students additional language
practice of the Student’s Book content. For more information, Business cards
see page 5 of the Student’s Book. There is a set of downloadable business cards in the teacher
resources in the Online practice.
For teachers The business cards are particularly useful to use in role-play
As well as providing access to all of the student online situations from the Student’s Book if you have students from
practice exercises, the Learning Management System (LMS) the same company and they are required to exchange
provides an invaluable and time-saving feature for teachers. information about their company. You will find suggestions
You can monitor your students’ progress and all of their of when to use the business cards in the teacher notes of the
results at the touch of a button. You can also print off and Teacher’s Book.
use student reports on their progress.
A user manual for how to use the LMS can be found in the Class audio and video
teacher resources in the Online practice. All of the class audio and the videos for the Viewpoint lessons
can be streamed or downloaded from the teacher resources
Downloadable resources for teachers in the Online practice.
In the teacher resources in the Online practice are a Alternatively, class audio can be played from the audio CD
number of downloadable resources for teachers to use to and the videos can be played from the DVD that is found in
complement the Student’s Book. These include: the Teacher’s Book pack.
• Photocopiable worksheets for every unit
• Progress tests for every unit How to access the Online practice
• Business cards for role-plays
• Class audio For students
• Class video Students use the access card on the inside front cover of the
Student’s Book. This contains an access code to unlock the
Photocopiable worksheets content in the Online practice.
New for Business Result Second Edition are the photocopiable
worksheets. These provide extra communicative practice, For teachers
often in the form of a game, for every Working with words, Teachers need to go to and either
Language at work, and Business communication section from register or sign in. Members of the Oxford Teacher’s Club can
the Student’s Book. use their existing sign in details.
There are suggestions in the Teacher’s Book for when to use Then click on Register an organization and follow
these worksheets in class. All of the worksheets, as well as the instructions. Note that if you are not part of an
the answer key, can be downloaded and photocopied from organization, or you don’t have an authorization code from
the teacher resources in the Online practice. your institution, you will need to click on Apply for an
organization account. You will then be asked to supply
Photocopiable Progress tests some information. If you don’t have an institution, then put
These can be administered at the end of each unit in order your own name next to Institution name.
to assess your students’ progress and allow you, the student
or the head of training to keep track of students’ overall Teacher’s website
ability.  Additional teacher resources can be found at
Each test is divided into two sections. The first section tests
the vocabulary, grammar and key expressions from the unit.
This section is scored out of 30 and students will need about
30 minutes to complete the questions.
The second section is a speaking test. In this section
students are given a speaking task that resembles one of
the speaking activities in the unit. These are mostly set up
as pairwork activities in the form of role-plays, discussions or
Marking criteria is provided to help you assess students’
performance in the speaking test. It requires students to
perform five functions in the speaking test, and you can
grade each of the five stages using a scoring system of
0, 1 or 2, giving a final score out of 10.

Introduction 7

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1 Companies
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Do the first question with the whole class. Give them
cues if they are hesitant: Is it a big or small company? Is
• talk about what companies do
it an industrial or a service company? Is it local, national
• talk about their company using the present simple or international? The second question can be done with
• ask somebody to repeat information the whole class or in pairs before whole-class feedback.
• introduce themselves and others. Encourage them to develop their answers.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask learners what kind of company
Context they would like to work for.
The topic of Companies gives the students the basic
initial tools for business interaction. Anybody who works
or plans to work in business will need a certain amount
Working with words
of vocabulary for describing a company, including its Exercise 1
main activities, its location and its workforce. Not only Allow students a few minutes to discuss the question in
is it important to find out about a contact’s company pairs, e.g. what products the companies make or services
for practical business reasons, but it is also a subject of they provide, where they are based, how many people work
interest to most business people, and so will be a topic for them, and how old the companies are.
of conversation in many business situations, including
socializing. Exercise 2
Social interaction in business is crucial for the forging of Students read the text and match the descriptions to
good relationships and making new contacts. Cultural the companies in 1. Tell students it’s not necessary to
differences can lead to misunderstandings if business understand all the words, only the general sense. Provide
people do not use the appropriate expressions and feedback on answers with the whole class.
intonation in their initial exchanges.
In this unit, students will learn how to describe their
1  Yahoo!  2  Michelin  3  Ikea  4  Ben and Jerry’s  
companies. They will also have the opportunity to practise 5  Samsung
two important social aspects of business interaction –
asking people to repeat key information and introducing
themselves and others. At the end of the unit, the Exercise 3
students will play a game that will help them practise the Students work in pairs to discuss the questions about the
language studied. companies in 2. Elicit some of their answers.

Exercise 4
Students complete the sentences with the words in bold
from 2. Do the first one together. When they have finished,
ask them to compare in pairs before checking the answers
with the group.
1 produce 6 subsidiary
2 provide 7 operates
3 specialize 8 competitor
4 employee 9 exporter
5 based 10 revenue

Exercise 5
Refer students to the Tip, then ask them to count the
syllables in each word in 4. Do the first two together
(produce and provide). Ask students to underline which
syllable is stressed. If they aren’t sure, say the words aloud
for them and ask them which is correct, e.g. Is it produce
or produce? Then ask them to do the same for the other
words, encouraging them to say them aloud to see if the
pronunciation sounds correct. Check answers with the
whole class.

8 Unit 1

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Answers company, follow the suggestions in the Pre-work learners
1 produce (2 syllables) section below. You might like to provide a model first and
2 provide (2) ask students to guess the name of the company, e.g. I work
3 specialize (3) for X. We make cars. We have about 3,000 employees. We are
4 employee (3) based in Italy. Our main competitors are Porsche and Maserati.
5 based (1) It’s a subsidiary of Fiat. We specialize in sports cars, and we have
6 subsidiary (4 or 5) sales of over €2.5 billion. (Ferrari)
7 operates (3) Give students time to prepare this speaking activity.
8 competitor (4)
Weaker students may want to write notes. To make it more
9 exporter (3)
10 revenue (3)
challenging, you could ask the person listening to write
notes on what their partner said. You could then ask two or
three students to report back to the class from their notes.
Exercise 6
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to imagine they work for
As an introduction, ask students to close their books and tell
a (real) well-known company. You could do this activity as
you about the Volkswagen group, e.g. where their cars are
a further practice exercise in the next lesson and ask them
made, the names of some of them, etc. You could ask them
to research the necessary information (revenue, employees,
to do this in pairs before eliciting answers from the group.
etc.) online.
Then ask students to open their books and complete the
text, before checking answers with the whole class. Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 1 Working with words
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
1 produces
2 subsidiary
Language at work
5 employees Exercise 1
6 competitors
7 specializes
Students ask and answer the questions in pairs. Make a note
8 provide of three or four sentences that they say, of which at least one
should be incorrect. You will use these sentences after 3, to
Further practice illustrate the language point.
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 1 on page PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to think of a company
106 of the Student’s Book. they would like to work for, or one they have worked for in
the past.
Exercise 7
Ask the students to discuss the question in pairs or small Exercise 2
groups. What companies is their country famous for? Does it Students read the statements and decide if they are true
export to other countries? Encourage students to use some or false; ask them to correct the false sentences. Check the
of the words from 4. answers with the whole group.
Exercise 8 Answers
l 1.1 Give students time to study the table. Ask them what 1 T
kind of information they need to listen for. Play the listening. 2 T
They can then compare answers in pairs before listening a 3 F (It produces food.)
second time. Check their answers with the whole class. 4 F (Only Toyota produces cars.)
5 T
Answers 6 T
1 locks
2 security systems Exercise 3
3 Eastern Company
4 Swedish As this may be the first time they have done this type of
5 43 grammatical analysis, you could guide the whole class
6 5 through the activity rather than working in pairs.
7 70 Point out that all the verbs in 2 are in the present simple.
8 150 Then refer them to 1–5 in the Language point, and ask them
9 Besam to find examples from 1 and 2 for each. Note that for some
of the categories there is more than one example.
Exercise 9 When you come to sentences a–c, they may not be familiar
Students work in pairs to make sentences. Encourage them with the terms second / third person or may not be confident
to use words from 4. Monitor and give feedback on good of the difference between an adjective and a verb. Be ready
use of vocabulary and correct pronunciation (word stress). to give or elicit examples of these.
When you have finished, write the student sentences you
Exercise 10 noted from 1 on the board. Ask the students to find the
Students work in pairs with someone from another incorrect sentence(s), and to correct them.
company, if possible. If students are all from the same

Unit 1 9

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Answers Exercise 7
1 produces, provides, does (students may also list is) Students use the information from 6 to make sentences
2 Nestlé provides services but it doesn’t produce anything; about Nestlé. Stronger classes may be able to do this
Nestlé and Gazprom don’t have their head office in Japan. exercise orally. Weaker students should write the sentences
3 The companies aren’t competitors; Toyota isn’t Russian. and could do this exercise with a partner. As this is an
4 Which company do you work for? What does it do? Do you accuracy exercise, you should insist on a fairly high level of
work at the head office? Does the company have offices in grammatical precision, especially with the present simple
other countries?
verb forms. Suggest they try to write about 50 words.
5 Is it a new company?
a facts or regular actions Possible answers
b third It specializes in food and beverages. Its annual revenue is around
c be (questions with adjectives), do (questions with verbs) 90 billion Swiss francs. Its head office is in Vevey, Switzerland. It has
447 factories. The company sells on all five continents. It employs
Grammar reference over 300,000 people. 80% of employees do training courses. It
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference gives money and other help to the community. It protects the
on page 107 of the Student’s Book. environment by using less water, energy and packaging.

Exercise 4 Further practice

Ask students to read the text. Elicit what kind of text it is (a If students need more practice, go to Practice File 1 on page
website page giving information about a radio programme). 107 of the Student’s Book.
You may need to explain the phrase protect the environment.
Exercise 8
Ask students to choose the correct words in italics, referring
to the grammar explanations in 3 where necessary. They Students work in pairs and ask and answer the questions
should work individually, then compare their answers in from 6 about each other’s companies or a company they
pairs. Discuss answers as a class, eliciting why students’ know well. You may need to help with vocabulary, especially
answers are not correct if they choose the wrong option. for questions 8 and 9, which may need vocabulary different
from that of the listening text. Students should note down
Answers the answers in preparation for 9.
1 know 7 do
2 produce/produces 8 talks Exercise 9
3 see 9 learns Put the students in new pairs. They should report to their
4 do 10 are new partner about the first partner’s company. Make sure
5 does 11 don’t
they use the third person forms correctly.
6 isn’t
EXTENSION   If you have a group with students from a range
Note that when talking about companies (or ‘the police’ or of companies, you could ask them to bring in some material
‘the staff’), we can use either a singular or plural verb. next lesson to show each other and exchange information
about their companies.
Exercise 5
l 1.2 Play the listening once. Students listen for interesting Photocopiable worksheet
facts. When they have compared answers in pairs, ask the Download and photocopy Unit 1 Language at work
whole class for two or three interesting facts that they heard. worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Possible answers
Their first product was baby milk; Nestlé still produces baby Practically speaking
products today; it has a huge number of factories; Nestlé
provides a lot of training, etc. Exercise 1
Start by asking students why it’s sometimes necessary
Exercise 6 to ask people to repeat something, e.g. because they
l 1.2 Ask students to read the questions and see how many speak too quickly or their accent is difficult to understand.
they can answer from memory. Then play the listening again Reassure them it’s normal not to understand everything,
and give students time to compare answers in pairs before and that asking for repetition is an important part of good
checking with the whole class. If necessary, play the listening communication. Then ask students to read the question,
again, pausing when the answer to each question is given, and elicit one or two answers from the class. Say which
to give students more time to note their answers. expressions are correct or incorrect but don’t provide any
new language for the moment.
1 over 150 years old Suggested answers
2 baby products, food and drink products, chocolate and Sorry, can you repeat that / say that again? What’s your name /
confectionery, bottled water, breakfast cereals, ice cream the name of your company again? And where do you work?
3 90 billion Swiss francs
4 Vevey in Switzerland Exercise 2
5 447
6 over 300,000
l 1.3 Explain that students are going to listen to somebody
7 Yes, it is (80% of employees do training courses). asking the speaker to repeat. Play the listening and ask
8 Yes, it does (it gives money and other help). students to compare their answers in pairs before checking
9 Yes, it is (it uses less water, energy and packaging). their answers with the whole class.
10 Unit 1

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Answers Exercise 2
Number of countries: 165 l 1.4 Make sure students understand the phrase introduce
Number of factories: 89 yourself. Play the listening once only. Let students compare
Number of employees: 305,000 their answers in pairs and then check them with the group.
Annual sales: $17.8 billion
1 Argentinian
Exercise 3 2 (self-employed) journalist
l 1.3 Before playing the listening again, ask students if they 3 She’s here to research an article (on Internet service
can remember any of the missing expressions. Then play it providers).
again, pausing the listening after each sentence and eliciting
the missing words. Check the answers together. EXTENSION   Ask students to compare their ideas in 1 with
what they heard in 2. Were any of their ideas mentioned?
1 say that again Exercise 3
2 speak, more slowly
3 how many l 1.4 Students read the conversation and try to complete
4 what are, again it. Then play the listening for students to check. Let them
compare answers in pairs. If necessary, listen again and
pause after each gapped sentence to elicit the answer.
Exercise 4
Students read the questions in 3 again and decide which Answers
ones ask the speaker to repeat only part of the information. 1 Is 6 why
Elicit answers from the whole class. For the second question, 2 introduce 7 you, him
make sure they are using the correct rising intonation when 3 too, from 8 again
4 who 9 This
they give the answers.
5 do
Questions 3 and 4 ask the speaker to repeat only part of the Exercise 4
Similar questions in response to the person in 1: Sorry, what’s
l 1.4 Students work in pairs to match the questions with
your name (again)? Sorry, who do you work for (again)? / What’s the responses. Then play the listening again to check.
your company (again)? Where do you work (again)? Answers
2  d  3  h  4  f  5  a  6  e  7  g  8  b
Refer students to the Tip and point out that it is important for
your voice to go up in the second question because it shows
you are asking the person to repeat something (and not just Exercise 5
asking a stupid question that has already been answered!). Students practise the conversation in pairs and then swap
Model the two questions in the Tip for the students, and ask roles to do the same conversation again. You could ask the
them to repeat after you. person giving Carmen’s responses to cover the right-hand
part of 4 so they can’t see the answers when they respond.
Exercise 5
Students work on their own and write down five facts about Exercise 6
themselves or their company. Then ask them to choose one l 1.5 Write the two exchanges on the board and play the
key word (a fact) in each sentence to cross out. You could listening, pausing after each target sentence to elicit the
demonstrate this yourself first, e.g. I work for **** language main stressed words. Ask individual students to repeat the
school. I’ve been teaching for **** years. The school has offices sentences with the same stress. You could point out that the
on **** street. There are **** full-time teachers, etc. Monitor and expression How / What about you? is often enough to show
make sure the students respond using the target expressions that you are asking the same question again, so Carmen’s
in 3 and with the correct intonation. questions What do you do? and Why are you here? aren’t
absolutely necessary.
Business communication Answers
1 What about you? What do you do?
Exercise 1 2 How about you? Why are you here?
Discuss the question briefly with the whole class. Carmen stresses these words because she is asking the same
question that Gianluca asked her.
Possible answers
Their nationality, where they live or work, their company, their
job, why they are at the conference, if it’s their first time, which
Further practice
talks or presentations they are going to, if they are going to If students need more practice, go to Practice file 1 on page
present something, etc. 106 of the Student’s Book.

Unit 1 11

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Exercise 7 to answer first each time. If they answer correctly on their
Refer students to the example sentences and ask students turn, they proceed as per the normal rules. If they answer
which of the prompts the information corresponds to (Name correctly on your turn, you must stay in the same place.
and Country). Then elicit what questions they need to ask for
Progress test
the other prompts. If students are from the same company
Download and photocopy Unit 1 Progress test and Speaking
and/or country, you could ask them to invent a new identity
test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
for themselves. Then let them develop their conversation in
pairs. Monitor their conversations and correct them if they
aren’t stressing the right words.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to invent a new identity
for themselves. They could use different role cards from the
teacher resources in the Online practice if necessary.

Exercise 8
Divide the students into groups of five or six. Elicit why
conferences are important for business people (they are a
good chance to make new contacts).
Students could use their own identity or the one they used
for 7. They could use different role cards if necessary.
Students stand up and walk around as if at an event. You
could tell them they have to make three new friends/
contacts. In addition, they have to introduce their new
contacts to a third person if possible.
Give some feedback about their language performance.
Correct one or two common errors, but not too many, and
keep this mostly positive.
ONE-TO-ONE   You could take the roles of several different
people at the conference, and suggest your student
introduces him/herself to you. You could use different role
cards from the teacher resources in the Online practice if

Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 1 Business communication
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Talking point
Refer students to the rules of the game, on page 136 of
the Student’s Book. They are fairly self-explanatory. Check
students understand the rules. You could do a trial run of
one or two ‘goes’ with the whole class.
l 1.6 Note that the questions for the ‘Joker’ squares are
both on the listening and on page 144 of the Student’s Book.
However, since the pairs will be playing at different speeds,
and reaching these squares at different moments, it will
probably be easier for them to call you over and for you to
read out the questions. An alternative would be to give the
Joker questions (and the answers) to one member of each
group to read out.
Answers to Joker questions
1 Google
2 Rolls-Royce
3 Sony
4 Boeing
5 Pirelli
6 Nokia
7 Danone

ONE-TO-ONE   To make sure the student gets the maximum

practice in the language on the board, give them the chance

12 Unit 1

01_BR2e_8811_PITB_U01.indd 12 13/11/2018 10:30

2 Contacts
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Elicit ideas for 1 from the whole class, then ask them to
discuss 2 in pairs.
• describe their job and the people they work with
• talk about work activities using the present continuous PRE-WORK LEARNERS   For question 1, ask students to think

• give phone numbers and spell names about their regular communication with people, and what
ratio of it is on the phone as opposed to face-to-face. For
• make and receive phone calls. question 2, ask students to consider how much time they
spend speaking with fellow students, staff or professors, and
Context how much studying alone.
The topic of this unit Contacts will be relevant to all EXTRA ACTIVITY  
business people. Making contact with people from
Before answering question 2, you could review some
within your company or from outside is an essential
expressions of frequency. Write the words time and a week
part of business life as an increasing number of tasks are
on the board and the following words randomly around
outsourced, companies become more internationalized,
them: a little, a lot of, most of my, once, twice, three times,
and employees have an increasing amount of contact
one day, three hours. Students have to decide which of the
with customers and suppliers. Much of this interaction
expressions go with the word time, and which with the
involves exchanging information and ideas, and giving
words a week.
support, and is carried out on the phone. Indeed, many
jobs are conducted almost 100% over the phone or using
video-conferencing equipment. However, doing business Possible answers
over the phone in a foreign language without the aid a little / a lot of / most of my with time
of non-verbal clues can lead to misunderstandings and, once / twice / three times / one day / three hours with a week
therefore, lost business. Your students will need effective
ways of checking and clarifying information. Small talk,
whether on the phone or face-to-face, is crucial for Working with words
building good working relationships, and being able
to introduce yourself or someone else and give basic Exercise 1
information about a company is a basic requirement Write the three jobs on the board. Check the pronunciation,
within this context. particularly psychologist. Explain if necessary that retail is the
In this unit, students learn how to talk about companies sale of products directly to the public (so a shop is a retailer).
in general, as well as their own company, and their job Elicit some ideas from the whole class on what the three
in terms of what it involves, what roles there are and jobs consist of, but don’t confirm the answers yet.
their current activities. The unit also deals with some set
Exercise 2
phrases needed in English to talk on the phone effectively,
specifically checking information, as well as appropriate Students read the text and compare their answers in pairs.
questions and responses when meeting and introducing Ask if their definitions in 1 were correct.
people. Finally, students have the chance to compare their Answers
own workloads with those of people questioned in an 1 Retail buyer: a person who buys goods or services for a shop
international survey, carry out their own mini-survey, and or chain of shops
imagine what parts of their job they would delegate to an 2 Public relations officer: the person inside a company who
assistant. works on the public image of the company, media relations,
3 Business psychologist: a person who studies the working
relationships of employees to make the company more
effective and/or increase job satisfaction.

Exercise 3
Students read the text again and answer the questions.
1 Heidi (and Ben)
2 Sara, Ben
3 Sara
4 Heidi

Note that we use work for a company when we are actually

employed by that company. We use work with a company

Unit 2 13

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when we have dealings with another company, or we are seller). Students complete the table alone, then compare
self-employed and work at their site for a limited period. answers in pairs. Check answers with the whole class.

Exercise 4 Answers
produce (v), product
Students work individually to match the words with their
definitions, and then compare answers in pairs. Check
calculate (v)
answers with the whole class. employ (v), employee
Answers organize (v)
1 suppliers training
2 employment agency consultant
3 colleagues
Point out the different word stress on employer and employee.
4 clients
5 consultant DICTIONARY SKILLS  
6 customers Ask students to choose two words from 8 to check in a
7 staff
dictionary: what other related words can they find in other
PRONUNCIATION   Write the word company on the board with
parts of speech (e.g. adjectives or nouns)? (e.g. production;
consulting (firm), etc.
its three syllables marked (com – pa – ny). Explain that the
first syllable has the stronger stress: company. Students then
put the other words in the exercise into groups of the same Further practice
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 2 on
stress pattern. Get them to say the words aloud and give
page 108 of the Student’s Book.
them the correct pronunciation if necessary.
Exercise 9
suppliers, consultant, employment Write Where do you come ? on the board and ask
agency, customers students which word is missing. Point out that in questions
colleagues, training with a preposition like from, with, on or in, the preposition
staff is usually at the end. In many other languages, it’s the first
word of the question.
Exercise 5 Students complete the questions and compare with a
Encourage students to develop their answers by saying partner. To help them with the word area in question 2,
where, when and why they work with the different people. give or ask them for example answers, e.g. I work in sales,
production, education, etc.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to think of a job at a
Students can then ask you all the questions and you can
company that they have had, or would like, and to answer
answer either with details of your own job or another one
the question with this in mind.
you can invent. (If it’s invented, can they guess which job
it is?)
Exercise 6
l 2.1 Before playing the listening, check students know Answers
what software is. You might also want to pre-teach sales rep 1 for
(someone who sells the company’s products or services). 2 in
3 with
Let students compare answers in pairs then check with the
4 on
whole class. 5 with
1 sales rep Exercise 10
2 sales department
While students are asking and answering the questions,
3 a team of two other reps, customers
monitor and make a note of both correct and incorrect
4 time
uses of target vocabulary from this section. Write these
examples on the board at the end and ask students to find
Exercise 7 the mistakes.
l 2.1 Ask students to try to guess or remember the missing PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Introduce a game element. Students
words in pairs, then play the listening again and check the
answer the questions for a job of their choice and their
answers with the whole class.
partner has to guess which job it is. You could suggest a
Answers maximum of ten yes/no questions to guess each other’s job.
1 produces Demonstrate the activity yourself first.
2 calculate, product
3 supplier Photocopiable worksheet
4 employs Download and photocopy Unit 2 Working with words
5 organize, training worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Exercise 8
Refer students to the Tip, then to the table. Ask them for
examples of nouns in the same family as sell (sales, sales rep,
14 Unit 2

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Language at work continuous forms. Let them listen and compare answers in
pairs, then check answers with the whole class.
Exercise 1
Students look at the pictures and answer the questions in Conversation 1
pairs. Point out that for question 2, they should say what 1 access her files
they think the people are talking about. Then get a few 2 NADI1374
possible answers from the class. Accept all answers at this 3 a problem with the server
point, regardless of what tense they use. Conversation 2
1 He’s giving a training course.
Possible answers 2 a group of six people in telesales
1 A: at a trade fair or conference; B: in the company car park, in 3 Johann and the telesales team (but not Anabelle)
front of the company; C: in the office
2 A: products they have seen or want to buy, the jobs they
do; B: their work, what they’re doing today or where Exercise 6
they’re going. Maybe one of the people is visiting the l 2.3 Ask students to try and complete the conversation
other’s company; C: a document or report they’re writing, a extracts in pairs. Then play Conversation 1 again, pausing to
computer problem check the correct answers after each sentence.
Exercise 2 1 am, speaking
l 2.2 As an initial task, ask students to say what the 2 ‘m trying
people are talking about and compare their answers with 3 isn’t accepting
question 2 from 1. Then refer them to the three questions 4 Is, working
in this exercise and play the listening again, pausing where 5 is having
necessary to allow them time to note the responses. Ask
the students for the responses and note them on the board. Exercise 7
Ask them if each sentence is in the present continuous or l 2.3 Students work in pairs to make full sentences using
present simple form. the correct tenses. Explain that they don’t have to reproduce
Answers the conversation word for word, just with the correct
1 I’m a sales rep. grammatical form. Then ask them for the correct questions
2 I’m travelling a lot more. and sentences and play Conversation 2 again to compare.
3 I’m just finishing this report.
See audio script 2.3 on page 145 of the Student’s Book.
Exercise 3
Students complete the explanations in the Language point Exercise 8
individually, and then compare answers in pairs. Check the
Students work in pairs and practise the conversation twice,
answers with the group. Point out that the term around the
swapping roles the second time around.
present time in explanation 2 could mean for example today,
this week, this month or this year, depending on context. Further practice
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 2 on page
Answers 109 of the Student’s Book.
1 present continuous, I’m just finishing this report.
2 present continuous, I’m travelling a lot more. Exercise 9
3 present simple, I’m a sales rep.
Remind students of the situations in the two pictures, i.e.
4 be
5 be, -ing form of verb one conversation between people meeting for the first time,
and another between people meeting each other again
Grammar reference after a long time. Ask the class for questions that could be
If students need more information, go to the Grammar asked in each situation, then let them work in pairs. Monitor
reference on page 109 of the Student’s Book. and make sure students are using the correct grammatical
Exercise 4 PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could use an invented job,
Check understanding by asking students to give one or or a job they would like, or talk about their current course
two examples, then let them work in pairs. Monitor and of study and their school or college. They could also use
ask students to self-correct if you hear any incorrect use of different role cards from the teacher resources in the Online
present simple or present continuous forms. practice if necessary.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to work in pairs, and to
Photocopiable worksheet
tell each other three things they do regularly at college and
Download and photocopy Unit 2 Language at work
three things they are working on or studying at the moment.
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Exercise 5
l 2.3 Tell students they are going to listen to two more
conversations where people are using present simple and

Unit 2 15

02_BR2e_8811_PITB_U02.indd 15 13/11/2018 10:33

Practically speaking Why/Why not? (No, because he didn’t get the chance to tell
her anything about the product.)
Exercise 1 Conversation 2: What’s the reason for the call? (to offer Leo
Refer students to the Tip, then ask them to answer the some consultancy work) What’s the message? (for Leo to call
question. Elicit a range of answers. him back)

Exercise 2 Answers
Conversation 1 b  Conversation 2 a
l 2.4 Students listen and write the numbers, and then
compare answers with a partner. Check the answers
together. Exercise 3
l 2.6 Ask students to do the matching exercise
Answers individually and then compare answers in pairs. Then play
mobile: 0625 978033
Conversation 1 again. You can point out the following:
code for UK: 0044
• We tend to say This is … , not I’m … to say who you are on
the phone.
Exercise 3
• We say I’m calling … to give the reason for the call.
Students work in pairs, and exchange and note each other’s
phone numbers. Encourage them to check the numbers
• The expression Speaking means It’s me speaking.
they’ve written down are correct, by saying Can I repeat that • You’re welcome is a standard response to somebody who
back to you? thanks you.
Exercise 4
1  c  2  a  3  b  4  e  5  d
l 2.5 Students listen and then compare answers before
you check with the whole class. Make a note of any
confusion, e.g. between a, e and i, g and j, p and b, or b and v. Exercise 4
Check pronunciation of letters as necessary. Students decide who said which sentence/response. Go
over the answers with the whole class.
1 Geoff Eccleston Answers
2 Aliny Reis Caller 1, 4, a, b, d
Receiver 2, 3, 5, c, e
Note that in British English, z is pronounced ‘zed’, but in
American English it is ‘zee’. Exercise 5
Exercise 5 Point out that the person receiving the call will answer with
As in 3, encourage students to check understanding by their own name and company name. Decide together who
repeating the spelling of the names they’ve just noted. If the caller would be (e.g. a university teacher for the first call
they already know each other well or work/study in the and a sales rep for a training organization in the second)
same place, they could invent names and companies for and invite students to choose a name for their university/
themselves. Alternatively, they could also use different role organization. Then monitor their conversations and ask them
cards from the teacher resources in the Online practice if to self-correct if you hear incorrect use of language.
necessary. Exercise 6
l 2.6 Students write the questions individually and then
Business communication compare in pairs. Then play Conversation 2 again to check
answers. Pause where necessary to allow time to note the
Exercise 1 responses.
Ask students to answer the questions in pairs, then check
the answers with the whole class. If the expressions they use
Could I speak to Leo Keliher, please?
aren’t appropriate, ask them if they can improve on them, Could I leave a message?
but don’t provide any new language yet. Could I have your name, please?
Could you ask Leo to call me back?
Possible answers
Could you tell me what it's about?
a I’m sorry, but I’m afraid he/she’s not here / in a meeting / out
of the office. Can I take / Would you like to leave a message?
b No, thanks, I’m not interested. / I’m sorry, but / I’m afraid I don’t Further practice
have time. Can you call back later / another time? If students need more practice, go to Practice file 2 on page
108 of the Student’s Book.
Exercise 2 Exercise 7
l 2.6 Students listen and match the conversations with the Ask students to read the two situations. Check they
situations in 1. Check answers with the whole class, then ask understand the instructions by asking Who is the caller for
follow-up questions about the two conversations. the first/second conversation – A or B? What’s the reason for the
Conversation 1: Who is the customer – the man or the woman? first/second call? Then refer students to the Key expressions
(the woman) Do you think the sales rep is happy with the call? and give them time to prepare sentences they may need

16 Unit 2

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for each call, either individually or in separate Student A and their lists of regular and present activities. After five minutes,
Student B groups. Then form A/B pairs and monitor their ask them for a few examples of each and check they are
conversations for correct use of language, asking them to correctly using present simple and continuous forms.
self-correct where necessary. PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to imagine that the
Photocopiable worksheet assistant will be there to help them with their studies.
Download and photocopy Unit 2 Business communication
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice. Exercise 2
For this exercise, students discuss with their ‘new assistant’
their ideas from 1. When they swap roles, and the new
Talking point assistant becomes the ‘boss’ and vice versa, you can either
As a lead-in, write Modern working life on the board with a keep the same pairs or change them around so that they talk
happy emoticon to the left and an unhappy one to the right. and listen to somebody different. You may like to pre-teach
Ask students to copy this down and then list in pairs the the expressions I need/want you to … and Do you need/want
advantages and disadvantages under the relevant emoticon. me to …?; both are useful for talking about the assistant’s
Elicit one or two ideas first, if necessary, e.g. h more flexibility; responsibilities. At the end of the activity, ask the class who is
k longer hours. Discuss their answers as a whole class. offering the most interesting (or boring) assistant‘s job.
ONE-TO-ONE   Use this opportunity to get as much
Discussion information as possible about your student’s job and
make a note of the main responsibilities and the problems
Exercise 1 or challenges they face. This could be a useful source of
Refer students to the infographic and ask them if any information for future discussions or personalized role-plays.
answers surprise them. Elicit a few comments from the class.
Progress test
Exercise 2 Download and photocopy Unit 2 Progress test and Speaking
Students discuss any similarities and differences with their test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
own country. Share some of their answers to the group.

Exercise 3
Students consider what they would change in their own job
to reduce the workload, and share answers in small groups.

Exercise 4
This exercise will work better in a larger class of ten or more
students, where students can circulate and ask the questions
to at least five other people and compile their own survey
results. In a smaller group, you can ask the same questions
to the whole class and list the results on the board. In both
cases, encourage students not just to answer yes or no, but
to give more details.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Exercises 2 and 3 can be answered
with reference to students’ country and studies respectively.
ONE-TO-ONE   Ask each other the survey questions. You
could also suggest the student asks people he or she
knows outside class who are currently working, and bring
their answers back. The survey could be done in their own
language if necessary, but the student should report back in

Exercise 1
Refer students to the first sentence and get ideas briefly
from the whole class of what sort of work they would give to
an assistant. If necessary, point out that Who in the second
question refers to the colleagues your assistant will need
to work with, and that the question What hours …? means
what times you want the assistant to be there (because
maybe you are busier at certain times of the week).
Ask students if they would choose to delegate the tasks or
activities they don’t like themselves or give their assistant
something more interesting. Then let them work alone on

Unit 2 17

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3 Products & services
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Students read the questions. You could elicit one or two
examples, e.g. digital gadgets, food, drink and online
• describe a company’s products and services
services, to get them started. Allow time for them to
• talk about inventions consider their responses in pairs, then compare answers as a
• show interest in a conversation group.
• give a research report.
Working with words
The topic of this unit Products & services is important in Exercise 1
the business world. In a technological age, products Students work individually to consider if they agree or
and services are constantly being developed. While disagree with each sentence, and then discuss in pairs. You
differentiating between products and services is less can then ask students to raise their hands to see which
clear with so much available and accessible online, it’s statements they agreed with most before asking for a few
still a worthwhile distinction. In addition, as consumers, comments on why they made these choices.
business people often like to keep up with and be aware
of new developments and technologies. Many new
Exercise 2
products also have a role both in personal or social lives Explain that the text is about what most people want from
as well as business life; social media, for example, as well products they buy and what their opinions are. Ask students
as online platforms and communication tools are key in to compare the five sentences in 1 with the five main points
business, as well as in liaising with friends and family. in the article: do most customers have the same opinion
as the people in 1? Students might need help with advice
In this unit, students have the opportunity to learn and
(uncountable), efficiently, faulty, gadget.
talk about the benefits of products and services, and
criteria for evaluating them, which is needed in talking Answers
about their own companies in the presence of clients as 1 Not true for most people – it’s not just a question of low
well as colleagues. They also learn to use the past simple prices.
to talk about the history of well-known products and 2 True
the entrepreneurs who created them, as well as their 3 True – we want to know that companies can keep their
own adoption of these products. They practise showing promises.
interest in what another speaker is saying, a reflex which 4 Not true – there are some very good cheap products.
5 True
is often lacking in students of this level because they
don’t know which expressions to use. They also have PRONUNCIATION   Check sounds and stress in the following
practice in giving a short oral presentation to summarize
words: advice (n) /ədˈvaɪs/; to advise (vb) /ədˈvaɪz/; 
in a structured way the results of a market research study.
efficiently /ɪˈfɪʃntli/; gadget /ˈɡædʒɪt/; reliable
Finally, they assess the value to them of four well-known
/rɪˈlaɪəbl/; value /ˈvæljuː/.
technological products and nominate ‘the greatest
product of all time’.
Exercise 3
Students look back at the survey again and discuss in pairs
whether they agree with the order, and why/why not. Then
elicit ideas from the whole class.

Exercise 4
Students complete the descriptions with words from 2,
and then compare answers in pairs before whole-class
feedback. Then refer students to the Tip and ask them to
find the example in 4 where the adjective goes before the
noun (sentence 5). If students speak languages in which
adjectives agree with the nouns they qualify, you can also
point out that adjectives don’t change their form in English,
e.g. Our staff are helpful (no final ‘s’); Our products are the best
(no final ‘s’). You could then ask them to transform other
sentences in 4 to give a few other examples of adjectives
before nouns, e.g. 1 We provide a reliable service.

18 Unit 3

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Answers Further practice
1 reliable If students need more practice, go to Practice file 3 on page
2 user-friendly 110 of the Student’s Book.
3 good value
4 high-quality (or reliable) Exercise 9
5 popular Working alone, students think of a company, shop or
6 high-tech product, and compile a lists of words they could use to
7 original describe it.
8 helpful
Then ask them to read point 2: they will be recommending
their company/shop/product to their partner, using the
Exercise 5 words. Give them time to prepare what they want to say. In
Elicit what types of products and services the pictures turns, each student recommends the item to their partner.
represent, then ask students to work in pairs. Get feedback While they are doing this, listen out for accurate use of
from the whole class. vocabulary.
Possible answers When they have finished, invite specific recommendations
Bank: reliable, popular, helpful (staff ), user-friendly (website) from the whole class: students may enjoy sharing
Tablet computer: reliable, high-tech; high-quality information about good shopping opportunities with
Online travel agency: reliable, user-friendly, good value, popular the others! You could write any mistakes on the board
Clothes shop: original, high-quality, helpful (staff ), good value afterwards, and ask the group to correct them.
Photocopiable worksheet
Exercise 6 Download and photocopy Unit 3 Working with words
l 3.1 Students listen and match, and compare answers in worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
pairs before you check with the group. They may need help
with the following ‘extreme’ adjectives: fantastic, amazing,
great. Language at work
Answers Exercise 1
1 Tablet computer: high-tech, high-definition, high-speed, Students decide which inventions are the most important to
super fast, popular, fantastic them. Invite a couple of opinions before letting them discuss
2 Clothes shop: high-quality, original in pairs. Then try to establish a consensus with the class on
3 Bank: safe, reliable, guaranteed, user-friendly, (easy) the most important inventions.
4 Online travel agency: fantastic, great, amazing, good value,
helpful Exercise 2
Ask students to try to match the inventions in 1 with their
Exercise 7 inventor and year, and then check in pairs. Don’t provide the
l 3.1 Ask students to complete the sentences, then check answers yet as they will be listening for these in 3.
answers with the group. Put three symbols: +++, ++ and
+ on the board and ask students to group the adverbs Exercise 3
according to how ‘strong’ they are (totally/really/extremely, l 3.2 Students listen to the radio programme to check their
very and pretty/quite respectively). Check the answers answers in 2, and then compare answers in pairs. Go over
together. the answers with the whole class and ask students if they
were surprised by any of the answers.
1 totally Answers
2 really Twitter: Jack Dorsey – 2006
3 quite Mobile phone: Martin Cooper – 1973
4 extremely World Wide Web: Tim Berners-Lee – 1991
5 very Smart cards: Roland Moreno – 1974
6 pretty
Exercise 4
Exercise 8 Students match sentences 1–4 in the Language point to
Students use the sentences to talk about products and their explanations. Point out that the sentences are all from
services they know. Elicit or give an example to start with, the listening in 3. Ask students to do the matching exercise
e.g. I use the TripAdvisor website for checking restaurants. It’s individually, then check with the whole class. Ask students
quite reliable, but not always; or The flight was extremely good to identify the irregular verbs in the four sentences and see if
value, and we didn’t have to pay for extra suitcases. After the they know the past simple forms of know and begin.
pairwork, elicit a few examples from the whole class.
PRONUNCIATION   Point out that using these adverbs and 1  a  2  c  3  d  4  b
adjectives demonstrates the speaker’s emotions, so it’s
important to use your voice to match this: we can do this by Grammar reference
putting the stress on the adverb, i.e. totally new; really high If students need more information, go to Grammar reference
quality. Students could listen again to listening 3.1 to hear on page 111 of the Student’s Book.
which words are stressed.

Unit 3 19

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Exercise 5 Answers
l 3.3 Students listen to the story of Jack Dorsey and Twitter,
and order the events. On the second listening, pause the Roland Moreno Martin Cooper
listening each time one of the events is mentioned to allow Main Smart card Mobile phone
students to note their answers. Students compare answers in invention (Dyna-TAC)
pairs after each listening before checking with you.
School/ Paris – didn’t finish his Illinois Institute
Answers Education studies of Technology –
9 People don’t understand why Twitter is necessary Masters (1957)
7 Starts a new company with two other people
Job(s) Worked for newspapers Motorola
3 Goes to New York University
then created own
4 Doesn’t finish his studies
company Innovatron
10 Presidential candidates use Twitter
2 Studies in Missouri Launch date 25th March 1974 3rd April 1973
6 Sells software online of invention
5 Moves to California
1 Produces software for taxi drivers First success 1983 – France Télécom 1983 – first
8 Creates a website in two weeks used technology for commercial
phone card mobile phone
Other Musical instruments, 1967 – first
Ask students to work in pairs to decide which verbs in 5
inventions including the ‘pianok’ portable police
are regular and irregular and what the past simple forms
portable piano radio system
are. They can then check these by looking up the verbs in
the dictionary. You may need to point out how the verb
forms are indicated in the dictionary entry. Exercise 8
Elicit the correct question forms from the whole class, then
Exercise 6 ask them to ask and answer the questions in pairs. Monitor
Refer students to the Tip. Practise the pronunciation of the the pairwork for correct past simple forms and ask students
four verbs, then ask them to identify the regular verbs in to self-correct where necessary. When they have finished, ask
5 and put them in two categories: extra syllable (started, the whole class what they found interesting or surprising.
created) and no extra syllable (finished, used, studied, moved,
produced). Ask them to practise saying these, too. They then
What did he invent?
take turns with a partner to tell the story of Jack Dorsey. Where did he go to school?
Monitor the pairwork, asking students to self-correct if they Who did he work for?
make a mistake in past simple forms. When did he launch his invention?
When did his invention become a success?
Suggested answer
Did he invent any other products?
He produced software for taxi drivers. He studied in Missouri. He
went to New York University, but he didn’t finish his studies. He
moved to California where he sold software online. He started Exercise 9
a new company with two other people and created a website Students discuss their experiences of products and services
in two weeks. At first, people didn’t understand why Twitter was in 1 using the questions. Monitor their discussions, and write
necessary, but in 2008 the two Presidential candidates used
on the board three correct and two incorrect past simple
sentences you hear. When students have finished, ask them
to find the incorrect sentences and to correct them.
Further practice
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 3 on Photocopiable worksheet
page 111 of the Student’s Book. Download and photocopy Unit 3 Language at work
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Exercise 7
Elicit from students what they learnt about Roland Moreno
and Martin Cooper in 3, and let them decide in their pairs Practically speaking
who will read about each inventor. They then read the
Exercise 1
relevant pages and make notes. Check they understand
smart card technology (student A), and device and portable l 3.4 You could start by modelling how strange it looks
(student B). Ensure they write short notes and not complete or sounds when you don’t show interest, e.g. by asking a
sentences. student to tell you about what he/she did last weekend and
asking the other students to watch and listen to you. Then
just look at the student while he’s/she’s speaking without
commenting or responding in any way. Ask the class to say
what was wrong.
Then refer students to the exercise. After listening, check
answers with the whole class.

20 Unit 3

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Answers Possible answers
Students should tick: Did you?, That’s interesting!, Oh really?,
Was it? Why did they do the To find the best
research? accommodation for visitors
during outdoor festivals
Exercise 2
How did they do it? They offered free
l 3.4 Students may be able to complete the extracts
accommodation in podpads
without listening again. If so, you can refer them directly to
to 50 people. Then they
the Tip. Play the listening again, and say on which words (or interviewed them and the
on which part of the word) the voice of the speaker changes, farmers who allowed the use of
and if the voice goes up or down. Ask them to repeat their land.
what they hear and provide a model yourself if necessary.
Demonstrate by saying the phrases more slowly. Encourage What were the results? The podpads were popular
with visitors and farmers. 75%
them to repeat the sentences after you.
of visitors said they would use
Answers them again. Farmers said they
1 Did you? were attractive and the podpad
2 That’s interesting! teams were quick and efficient.
3 Was it?
What were the Podpads were a big success.
4 Oh really?
conclusions? They recommend using them
Exercise 3
Students practise the exchanges in pairs. Monitor their Check students understand to install.
pronunciation carefully and make sure their intonation ALTERNATIVE   As there is a lot of information to listen to, you
makes them sound interested.
could suggest students work in pairs: Student A notes down
Exercise 4 answers to the first and third questions, and Student B notes
down answers to the second and fourth question. Students
Students follow the instructions and try to keep their
then discuss their shared answers together.
conversations going as long as possible.
Exercise 3
Business communication l 3.5 Students work in pairs to match 1–10 to a–j to make
sentences. Then play the listening again for students to
Exercise 1 check. Students might ask the difference between to find out
Students work in pairs to look at the picture and discuss the in sentence 2 and (we) found in sentence 6. Point out that we
questions. Elicit feedback briefly from the whole class. normally find out something by asking questions or receiving
information. (We) found means we learnt or discovered.
Possible answer
Podpads might be used at music festivals or on campsites. Remind students that research (n) is uncountable, e.g. some /
a piece of research.
Exercise 2 Answers
l 3.5 Students listen to the research report on the use of 1  f  2  h  3  b  4  j  5  e  6  c  7  a  8  g  9  i  10  d
podpads. There is a lot of information to note, so you might
like to ask them not to write anything the first time they Further practice
listen. Play the listening once without stopping and allow If students need more practice, go to Practice file 3 on page
students time to compare answers in pairs. Then play the 110 of the Student’s Book.
listening a second time, pausing when each question has
been answered by the presenter to allow students time to
Exercise 4
write. Let them compare answers in pairs before checking Students read the questions, and then work in pairs to ask
together. and answer them. Elicit a few answers to the first question
to get them started. After four or five minutes, elicit some of
their findings from the group.

Exercise 5
As a lead-in, ask students why a company might want its
employees to have a short sleep after lunch (to work better
in the afternoon). Does the idea exist in their country? Would
they like to have this possibility in their company? Then refer
them to the two pictures – which type of bed would they
prefer? Why?
Divide the class into As and Bs. Each looks at their relevant
page. Check they understand volunteer. Allow time for
students to read their information and prepare their reports,
individually or in pairs. Refer them also to the Key expressions.

Unit 3 21

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Point out that the verbs in the information they have are in Exercise 2
the present, but they will need to change some to the past Students discuss in pairs if they use the products pictured,
simple to report on what they did. and why.
Then form A+B pairs. Each pair gives a report in turn, and
together they decide which of the beds is better. Encourage Exercise 3
use of the language from 3 and 4 and Key expressions. Listen Encourage students to give reasons for their answers, and
in and note down any language you want to highlight. then discuss one or two of their comments with the whole
When they have finished, elicit answers from the whole group.
group; you could have a class vote on the best bed!
Exercise 4
Check the use of report language from 3. Point out examples
Encourage students to give reasons for their answers, and
of good use of language and any common mistakes,
then discuss some of their ideas with the whole group, with
especially in the target language.
reasons why. Find out which items are most popular, i.e.
ONE-TO-ONE   Either give a report yourself on one of the which ones they can’t live without, and which ones are not
ideas, after which the student gives theirs, or ask the student important to them.
to give two reports.

Photocopiable worksheet Task

Download and photocopy Unit 3 Business communication Exercise 1
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Students read the instructions. Discuss and agree on what
you all understand by ‘modern-day’ and ‘traditional’, e.g.
Talking point technological and non-technological products, or products
made before or after the digital revolution. Elicit a few
As a lead-in, ask students to discuss in pairs what their examples of products they might put in each category. Point
favourite products are and why. You could demonstrate this out different types of products, e.g. for the home, for work,
first yourself. Get feedback on their ideas from the group. for health, education, travel, or sport.
Exercise 2
Tell students that the average family of four has eight
Students finalize their lists of traditional and modern-day
screens in their house. Elicit what types of screen this
products to three items in each group. When agreeing on
could include (TV, computer, tablet, laptop, mobile phone,
their shortlists of products, encourage them to justify to
camera, satnav or GPS). Ask them to count how many
each other why they have nominated these.
screens they have in their home and see who has the
most. Then ask them to consider these questions in pairs: Exercise 3
Do we need all those screens? Imagine a situation where you Students think about ways to evaluate the products, e.g.
can only have three screens in your house. Which screens good value; created a need that didn’t exist before; makes
would you choose and why? life easier/safer/quicker/etc.; solved a problem that had no
solution before; popular with many different ages, etc.
Discussion Exercise 4
Exercise 1 Students use the criteria to decide which is the best product
l 3.6 Refer students to the four pictures. Ask them to name in each category.
the products and say what they’re used for. Ask them to Monitor and ask students to self-correct if you hear any
read the two questions, and then play the listening (twice mistakes in either present or past simple tenses as taught in
if necessary). Allow them to compare answers in pairs after the first three units of the book.
each listening. Then check answers with the group and invite Finally, ask a person from each group to tell the class which
comments on whether they agree with the speakers. product they chose in each category and why.
Answers Progress test
Product 1 – an e-reader. Bought to make travelling easier, and Download and photocopy Unit 3 Progress test and Speaking
not to have to take lots of books on holiday. Advantage(s): easy test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
to transport; includes hundreds of books.
Product 2 – a SatNav. Bought because the person was not good
at map-reading. Advantage(s): all the information is there; it’s
reliable; it finds another solution if you take the wrong route; it
tells you when you will arrive.
Product 3 – a microwave. Bought because she forgot to drink
her drinks while they were hot. Advantage(s): everyone in the
family can use it; it’s safer for young children than using a gas
Product 4 – a watch. Bought because it’s user-friendly and

22 Unit 3

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1 Viewpoint 1
Preview Exercise 5
Students work in pairs to discuss their answers, and give
The topic of this Viewpoint is A company profile. In this
Viewpoint, students begin by watching people being
interviewed about their companies. The students then Exercise 6
watch and discuss a video interview with the director of r 04 Students now watch the full video with Till Hahn,
Glasbau Hahn, a glass-making factory in Germany. Finally, company director of Glasbau Hahn, to check their answers in 4,
the students do a task which involves comparing their and to add information about the company to the table.
own company with Glasbau Hahn.
Suggested answers
Exercise 1 makes a product or provides They make a product –
r 01 Allow the students time to look at the question a service windows, door fronts,
words, and to think about what questions they could make. glass doors, louvered
Students then watch and decide what questions each windows, display cases,
person was asked. You could play the video more than once museum equipment.
so that students can take notes, or elicit what the speakers is a modern or traditional Traditional, but also uses
say; this will help them work out the questions. company modern technology

Exercise 2 employs lots of people Quite big. They have 120

employees in Frankfurt,
r 02 Students watch the complete video and compare
35 in Stockstadt, and 15 in
their questions in 1 with the questions used in the video. If
offices in Japan, China, the
necessary, pause after each question to allow writing time. US and England.
Answers works with international Yes
Who do you work for? clients
Which department do you work in?
What does your company specialize in? is specialized and technical Very specialized and
Where is your company based? technical
How old is your company?
How many people does it employ?
Exercise 3 (Voiceover: Glasbau Hahn is a glass-making factory in Frankfurt in
Germany. Till Hahn is its Director.)
Ask the students to work in pairs and interview each other
using the questions from the video. Try to put students with Our company has been based from the very start always in
someone from a different company; alternatively, they could Frankfurt am Main. Originally, we had been more in the centre of
pretend they work for another company. the city, but during World War II Frankfurt was heavily bombed,
You could suggest they make videos of their interviews, and then we moved out a bit towards the East and this is where we are
post them on a classroom blog so that they can watch the and where we feel very happy.
interview with all the students in class. We can trace our company back to 1836, that’s when my great-
grandfather came to Frankfurt as a glazier and he married a widow
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to imagine they work for who had been in the glass business already before, and ever since,
a company they know something about; they could make a it’s in the hands of the Hahns.
few notes first, before interviewing each other. Alternatively, Our company can be divided in three sections. The original one
they could use the questions below: was strictly the glass business – windows, door fronts, glass doors,
Where are you studying? and so on. The second one is louvre windows – a special window
What are you specializing in? for ventilation. Perhaps the most glamorous part of our business is
Where is your college? display cases, museum equipment.
When does your course finish? Who are your clients?
How many people are there on your course? Well, when I talk about display cases, our clients certainly
What do you hope to do after the course? are museums – museums all around the world. After England we
were brave enough to expand into the United States, that was my
Exercise 4 special effort for the company, which has turned out very well. And
now we are doing business with most places on earth. We have, I
r 03 Give time for students to read the information in the
think, six offices for representing us spread around.
box before playing the video. Then play Video 3, which is
only pictures and has no script. They answer the questions How many employees do you have?
individually. Don’t check answers for now. In Frankfurt we have about 120 employees, there are about another
35 in Stockstadt who are doing the louvre window business, and
then we have about another 15 people in our various offices in
Japan, in Tokyo, in China, in the United States and in England.

Viewpoint 1 23

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Who are your competitors? training in their city, fast food or quality restaurants, sports
There had been some glorious times in the past when we didn’t equipment and so on.
have any competition, that was in 1935 when my father invented
the first all glass construction, meaning the bonding of glass to Further video ideas
glass without intermediate framing. You can find a list of suggested ideas for how to use video in
Then it was back in 1970 where competitors became more the class in the teacher resources in the Online practice.
apparent and they are not so much in Germany, but rather one
of the competitors is based in Italy, one is in England, and we
always meet when there’s an international bidding to do. And
usually we are the most expensive one, but fortunately our clients
nevertheless rank quality highest, and the price tag is not the only
decision factor, otherwise it would be very … to our disadvantage.
Our markets where we are very successful outside of England and
America is lately, specially is Japan, very important, China, and even

Exercise 7
r 04 Before playing the interview again, ask students to
read the sentences, and guess what sort of information
is missing. Then play the interview again, while students
complete and check the sentences.
Check any difficult vocabulary, e.g. trace (vb): to find the
origin of something; louvre windows (n): windows with
angled, horizontal slats of glass; bond (vb): join firmly; price
tag (n): a label on something that shows how much you
must pay (sometimes figurative).
1 Frankfurt am Main
2 1836
3 three, glass
4 clients
5 six
6 120, 35, 15
7 competition, England
8 China, Egypt

Exercise 8
Students work in pairs to compare their own company with
Glasbau Hahn. Depending on who you have in your class,
students could work first in same-company groups, and
then re-pair with someone from another company to share
their findings.
Elicit a few key findings from the class.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to think of a local
company, or one they know well, and compare it with
Glasbau Hahn. They could check information and statistics
about the company of their choice online first.

Exercise 9
Ask students to work with a different partner, read the
sentences and consider the price, quality or other deciding
factors in their service or product’s success.
For feedback, ask each pair to give one key piece of
information to the group.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could think about a product
or service they know well and compare it with a similar
product made by a different manufacturer. Again, they could
find some of the information online first. Alternatively, you
could ask each student to research one product at home,
in their own time; you could decide on or allocate these
products or services in class so that everyone knows what
the other is researching, e.g. different options for language

24 Viewpoint 1

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4 Visitors
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Answer the first question with the whole class and help
with the names of departments if necessary, but don’t write
• talk about company structure
anything on the board. Then let them discuss the second
• ask questions question in pairs before getting feedback on answers with
• confirm information the whole class.
• welcome a visitor. PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Make the first question hypothetical:
Which department would you like to work in?
Visitors are a key element in business life. The visitor may
be a potential investor or partner, or a new or regular
Working with words
supplier or client. In these days of globalization and Exercise 1
multinational companies, the visitor may work for the Ask students to do this in pairs. Note that they may already
same company or a subsidiary. Although companies are have the names of a few departments from the Starting
increasingly making use of conference-call and video- point. If they don’t know the names in English, encourage
conferencing possibilities, it is still recognized that there is them to ask you questions beginning What do you call the
a need to visit a company’s facilities and have direct face- department where …? Write the list from the class on the
to-face contact with the people concerned, especially in board.
the early stages of a relationship.
As part of a visit, someone may be taken around a Possible answers
company to visit the different departments. It is important The ten departments that feature in 5 + Training, After-sales,
for the visitor to be able to ask questions about these Engineering, Dispatch, Inventory, R + D, Costing
departments and the people who work in them, and
PRONUNCIATION   You could write the names of each
for the host to be able to answer them. Moreover, for
department on the board, ask students to identify the
the host, making your visitor feel welcome will certainly
correct stress on each word, and mark it on the board.
contribute to the success of their visit.
In this unit, students will learn to talk about the Exercise 2
departments in a company and what people in those
Ask students to work in pairs and divide the departments
departments do, as well as describing the activity of
from your list into two categories – more important and less
their own department. Students will also have plenty of
important – and to explain their choice by talking about
question practice both in asking about company structure
their company. Be ready to stop this activity if students
and making visitors feel welcome. In the Talking point,
quickly reach the conclusion in the text that follows, i.e. that
they will have the chance to role-play a series of typical
all departments are equally important in their company.
scenes from a company visit.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   As students don’t have a department
or company to speak about, ask them to talk about their
general opinion of which departments are more or less

Exercise 3
Ask students to read and answer the questions individually,
then quickly check the answers with the whole class.
Sales, Marketing, Finance, Purchasing, Accounts, Production,
Quality Control, Logistics, Customer Service, Human Resources
(HR), IT
The writer says that all departments are equally important.

Exercise 4
After the pairwork, get feedback on answers with the whole
class. Note that this exercise may be redundant if they have
decided in 2 that all departments are equally important.
If so, ask students if there is any competition between
departments in their company, and whether it’s positive or

Unit 4 25

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Exercise 5 Exercise 8
Students complete the exercise individually, then check with l 4.1 Students listen again and complete the sentences.
a partner before whole-class feedback. Note that students
may need help to pinpoint the meaning of the target Answers
1 work, with
verbs. These near synonyms may be useful: dispatch (send),
2 responsible for
maintain (keep in good condition), generate (create), resolve 3 charge of
(find solutions to), invoice (send request for payment), control 4 contact with
(manage), recruit (find). 5 report to

1 dispatches 6 checks Exercise 9
2 maintains 7 manufactures Monitor and ask students to self-correct if you hear any
3 buys 8 invoices incorrect use of the target language.
4 generates 9 controls
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students decide which department
5 resolves 10 recruits
they ‘work’ for but don’t tell their partner. When answering
PRONUNCIATION   Focus on the different pronunciations of
the questions, they shouldn’t mention the name of the
department at all, and their partner has to guess. (Suggest
the third person ‘s’: Say the ten verbs from 5 and ask students
students don’t ask and answer questions 3 and 4.)
to listen for the ending and put them in the correct category.
Then ask them to practise saying the sentences aloud in Photocopiable worksheet
pairs. Download and photocopy Unit 4 Working with words
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
/z/ maintains, buys, resolves, manufactures, controls
/s/ generates, checks, recruits
/ɪz/ dispatches, invoices
Language at work
Exercise 1
EXTRA ACTIVITY   You could start by asking students to imagine they are
Students work in threes. In turn, each student thinks of visiting another company for the first time. What kind of
a department and mimes (or draws, without using any questions could they ask? You could give students a sheet
words) what the people work there do. The others have to of A4 and ask them to write, in large letters, their ideas for
guess. See which group can guess the most departments questions; you can then stick them on the board. Don’t offer
within a time limit of, e.g. five minutes. any correction for the moment, but tell students you will
look at their questions again in a few minutes.
Exercise 6 Then refer students to the exercise. They complete the
questions individually, then check with a partner before
Ask students to draw or use an actual organization chart
asking and answering the questions in pairs. Monitor the
from their company. If they do not know, ask them to draw a
pairwork and ask students to self-correct if you hear any
diagram of the departments they work with.
mistakes in tense use in the answers.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to research the
organization chart of a company of their choice on the Answers
1  When  2  How many   3  Which  4  Who  5  How often  
Internet, and then to present it.
6  Did  7  Is
Further practice
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 4 on page Exercise 2
112 of the Student’s Book. Students answer the questions in pairs before you check
with the whole class. They may need reminding of the
Exercise 7
difference between an auxiliary and a main verb, and they
l 4.1 This activity allows students to listen for some of the may have particular difficulty with the Why? questions in 4
department names from this unit, and introduces some and 5.
expressions for describing company structure. Play the
Refer students to the Tip about which and what. Ask them
listening once or twice as necessary. Students compare
why the first four questions in the Language point begin
answers in pairs before checking over answers with you.
with the word Which? rather than What? To check their
Answers understanding, elicit some other examples of questions
using the two different question words.
Person A B C
Works in Finance Logistics HR 1 Questions 1, 3 and 5
Usually Accounts Production and all departments 2 The auxiliary verb
works with Sales 3 Questions 6 and 7
4 Question 7. There is no auxiliary verb when be is the main
Meeting IT Purchasing Director of HR verb.
today with 5 Because the question word or phrase is the subject of the

26 Unit 4

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Grammar reference Exercise 6
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference Let students prepare the questions in pairs, then check
on page 113 of the Student’s Book. answers with the whole class.
Exercise 3 Suggested answers
Ask students to complete the questions individually before 2 What time do I start and finish?
3 Where/When do I have lunch? / How long do we get for
checking answers with the group. Then refer them to
the questions on the board from 1 and ask them to say if
4 Do we have coffee or tea breaks?
they are correct or not. If there are mistakes, ask them to 5 Where’s the photocopier? / How do I use it?
correct them. 6 Do I need a key or security pass?
Students then ask and answer the questions from this 7 Where is the restroom?
exercise with a partner. 8 Is there a car park? / Can I use the car park? / Where can I park
my car?
Answers 9 When do we receive our salaries?
1 Do 10 Who is the administrator?
2 leaves
3 do you EXTENSION   Ask stronger students, or early finishers, to think
4 Is of three more things they would ask questions about, e.g.
5 work
a password to use the photocopier; a café or restaurant
nearby, etc.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   When students have completed the
questions with the correct option, ask each student to invent
Exercise 7
a job for themselves and to decide on their answers to each
question. Then put them in pairs to ask and answer the Students ask and answer all the questions playing the same
questions. roles. They then swap roles and do the same again. Monitor
and be ready to provide help with vocabulary as necessary
Exercise 4 because the open nature of the activity may mean students
need new terms they haven’t learnt yet.
l 4.2 You may like to start by reviewing company
departments. Ask each student for the name of a PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students invent the information, so
department. Students then listen and compare answers in they may need a little time to prepare their answers before
pairs. Ask them what key words in each extract helped them doing the role-play. You could ask one student from each
to find the departments. Check answers with the whole pair to imagine a department where rules are very strict, and
class. the other student one which is more relaxed.

Answers Photocopiable worksheet

Extract 1 Finance Download and photocopy Unit 4 Language at work
Extract 2 HR worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Extract 3 Customer service
Extract 4 Sales
Practically speaking
Exercise 5
Exercise 1
l 4.2 Students do this individually, then compare answers
Students read the instructions and then think of the words
with a partner. Listen to check, pausing after each question.
they can use to complete the questions. Elicit possible
Answers answers from the whole class. They will probably give
1 How often does he work in this office? (about one day a the answer Does for question 1, and may try to produce a
week) question tag for 2 or 3 or have no idea. Don’t provide the
2 Where does he come from? (New York, America) answers for the moment.
3 How long are you staying here? (two days)
4 How many people work in Human Resources? (six) Exercise 2
5 When did you open this building? (two months ago) l 4.3 Listen and elicit the answers from the whole class.
6 Are all the staff fluent in English? (no) Elicit or point out if necessary why we say Doesn’t and not
7 Who chooses your sales markets? (markets and sales director)
Does in question 1 (it shows that we think we are right but
8 Which countries are interested in your products? (Sweden
and Denmark, some interest from Poland)
want to confirm the information).
9 Do you know the Polish market well? (no) Point out also that when we use a question tag as in
question 3, we use the same auxiliary verb as in the question
PRONUNCIATION   Usually, intonation on questions with form but in the negative, e.g. He went to the trade fair (past
a question word will go down. Yes/No questions usually simple) = Did he go to the trade fair? (question) = He went
end with the intonation going up. Suggest students listen to the trade fair, didn’t he? (question tag). To check their
again to the questions in 5, pausing after each question for understanding, ask them what the question tag would be for
students to repeat. question 2 (doesn’t he).
Note that this may be the first time students have seen
Further practice question tags and they will probably find them difficult to
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 4 on page
form. You can point out that if they are in any doubt when
113 of the Student’s Book.

Unit 4 27

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speaking, they can usually just tag the word … right? to the Possible answers
end of their question, as in question 2. The following are all possible:
Answers Did you have a good trip or journey? Did you find the company
1 Doesn’t without any problems? Is your hotel OK? Would you like a
2 right coffee/something to drink? Is this your first visit? Do you know
3 didn’t he our town/this area? How long are you here for/are you staying?
Do/Will you have time to visit the town/area? What would you
like to do during your stay?
On question tags, our voice goes down if
Students may also find other useful questions within this section
we want to confirm that the information is true. However, if they can use.
we’re not sure, and it’s actually a real question, the intonation
usually goes up at the end. However, these speech patterns PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to imagine they work for
vary from culture to culture and person to person. For this a company, and have a visitor from abroad (e.g. a client, or
unit section, the only important thing is that students do partner) coming in today. What questions could they ask, e.g.
one or the other (rather than use flat intonation) to indicate about their journey, where they are staying, etc. Give them
that this is a question. three minutes in pairs to think of some questions.

Exercise 3 Exercise 2
Do this with the whole class first, as you will probably l 4.4 Listen to all three conversations without stopping, and
need to provide help with question structures. Note that let students compare their answers in pairs. Then listen again
in questions 2, 3 and 5 we use the auxiliary be rather than if necessary, stopping after each conversation to give them
do, but you can point out that the question tag follows the time to compare again. Check answers with the whole class
same rule as indicated in 2, e.g. She’s in charge – Is she in at the end.
charge? – She’s in charge, isn’t she?
Then let students practise the different forms in pairs, and Answers
monitor for correct forms and intonation. For stronger 1 She asks him to show some identification and to sign in. She
gives him a visitor’s pass.
students, help them with the intonation, reminding them if
2 His flight arrived on time, but he was a little late because of
they are only asking for confirmation, the intonation goes the bad traffic. Olivia takes him to her office.
down, but that if it’s a real question, the intonation goes up. 3 He asks for a coffee, a socket to plug in his computer and an
Answers Internet connection. He wants to check his email first.
You can add … right? To all sentences to make questions or
2 Isn’t she in charge of Accounts? She’s in charge of Accounts, Exercise 3
isn’t she? Let students do this in pairs but be ready to offer extra help,
3 Isn’t he coming to the meeting? He’s coming to the meeting,
as students will probably only remember or be able to guess
isn’t he?
4 Doesn’t she live in London? She lives in London, doesn’t she?
some of the missing words. If you feel it’s necessary, write
5 Aren’t you from Hamburg? You’re from Hamburg, aren’t you? all the missing phrases randomly around the board and
6 Didn’t I meet you yesterday? I met you yesterday, didn’t I? ask students to match them to the gaps in sentences 1–10.
Don’t check answers with the whole class for the moment.
Note that the host is the person receiving the visitor.
Exercise 4
Alternatively, you could listen to the conversations again,
Students need time to think of the five pieces of information
but don’t do this if they have taken a long time to find the
before asking the questions. You may need to give them
answers to 2.
ideas for this, e.g. present job, last job, home town, family,
likes/dislikes, last weekend, etc. If students don’t know each Exercise 4
other well enough, you could ask each person to write down Students do this individually and then compare answers
five pieces of information, three of which are true and two with a partner. They may need help with the meaning of the
not exactly true. They then give the list to their partner, who expression No hurry. The phrases Here you are and After you
then asks the confirming question. can be explained with a simple mime if necessary.

Exercise 5
Business communication l 4.4 Stop the listening after each sentence and response
Exercise 1 and elicit the answers to 3 and 4. For the oral practice, one
Students read the question. Elicit possible questions student in each pair plays the role of the visitor, and the
from the whole class and give feedback on whether their other the receptionist, then the host. They then switch roles.
questions are good, could be better or are not appropriate You could then ask them to cover the responses and do it
– but don’t suggest alternatives for the moment. You may again so they are giving the responses from memory.
like to note the good questions on a prominent part of the If you noted down any questions that needed improving or
board and those that need improving on a piece of paper to were inappropriate in 1, ask students to correct them now
deal with later. based on what they’ve learnt in this section.

28 Unit 4

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You may choose to impose the rule that only grammatically
correct or appropriate sentences win a point. (Students will
1 an appointment with (V) 6 let’s go to (H) have to agree between them if a question is correct or not,
2 identification (R) 7 I get you (H) and check with you if necessary.)
3 here’s your; visitor’s pass (R) 8 plug in (V) ALTERNATIVE   Instead of swapping roles when students get
4 good trip (H) 9 Help yourself (H) to each new ‘place’, you could ask them to stay in role in the
5 for inviting (V) 10 just need to (V)
interests of continuity but set a time limit of, say, ten minutes
after which the roles swap even if they haven’t covered all
1  j  2  d  3  f  4  b  5  c  6  i  7  h  8  e  9  a  10  g
the situations.

Further practice Possible answers

If students need more practice, go to Practice file 4 on Questions could include the following (for visitor or host):
page 112 of the Student’s Book. Is this your first time here/the right entrance? Are you Mr. X?
Aren’t you the Marketing Director? Do you work here every
Exercise 6 day? Don’t you have another office in London? Does the
If you think students need time to plan their conversation meeting room have a projector? Doesn’t your boss work here
carefully, put them in AA and BB pairs first, with As preparing too? Did you have a good trip? Didn’t I see you in Paris last
the visitor’s role, and Bs preparing the receptionist’s/host’s week? Can I get you / have a glass of water? Can you tell Mr Y
I’m here? Where’s your office? What do you do exactly? Which
role; monitor and help students with question and answer
department do you work in? Who do you want to see this
ideas where necessary. You could also suggest they take afternoon? Why did you decide to work here? When did you
notes. Once they have role-played one conversation, they move to these offices? How do you come to work? How many
could repeat it, swapping roles. Monitor the conversations people live in this town?
for correct use of expressions and appropriately enthusiastic
(not flat) intonation. Progress test
Possible answers Download and photocopy Unit 4 Progress test and Speaking
In reception test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Visitor: I have an appointment with … Thank you for inviting me.
Receptionist: Can you sign in, please? Can I see some
identification? Please take a seat. He’ll/She’ll be right there.
Host: Nice to meet you / see you again. Thank you for coming.
Did you have a good trip / any trouble finding us? Let’s go to the
meeting room. It’s this way.
On the way to meeting room
Visitor: How many people work here? Which department do you
work in? When did you start working here? How often do you
have visitors? Who is here for the meeting today? Where’s your
office?, etc.
In meeting room
Host: This is / Here’s the meeting room. Can I get you a coffee /
anything else? Do you need an Internet connection / a video
projector? Help yourself. There’s a socket just there.
Visitor: Can I have some photocopies? I just need to make a
quick phone call.

Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 4 Business communication
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Talking point
This game takes the ‘players’ through a typical visit to a
company, starting with the initial welcome, then a tour of
the company, getting ready for a meeting/presentation, and
finally chatting socially over lunch or dinner.
Work through the rules of the game with the students.
Emphasize that the aim is to ask more questions than their
partner, but that their questions must be natural for the
situation described. With weaker students, you might like to
start by asking them to work in pairs on a list of questions
that could be asked either by the visitor or the host using
the question words given.

Unit 4 29

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5 Customer service
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to You could start by asking students to think about bad
experiences of customer service and what kind of things
• talk about customer service
they find annoying. They can then discuss the questions as a
• make comparisons whole class or initially in pairs. For question 2, you could ask
• soften a message when complaining them as a follow-up to formulate ‘rules’ for good customer
• make and deal with complaints. service, starting with Always … and Never …

Context Working with words

Customer service is a field which has become of increasing
importance over recent years, as companies try to find the Exercise 1
added value that will attract and, as importantly, retain Students read and discuss the questions, as a whole class or
customers. This field has even become a separate area in pairs.
of business expertise, with various ‘gurus’ being hired by
companies to improve their performance.
Exercise 2
Students read individually and discuss the answers to the
A challenge that many businesses are facing is that of
questions in pairs before whole-class feedback.
developing online sales while continuing to improve
their customer service. The Internet offers quick solutions Possible answers
for customers and retailers to find each other, but it is 1 Customers have a wide choice of communication channels.
important to ensure that this potentially more impersonal Companies can learn more about their customers.
contact isn’t at the expense of customer satisfaction or 2 They can waste a lot of time explaining and re-explaining
loyalty. their problem to different people in the company.
3 They lose customers.
Another vital aspect of customer service is that of
dealing with complaints. No company can avoid things
occasionally going wrong, but the way in which it Exercise 3
copes with that situation can make a strong positive Answer the question as a whole class. Encourage students
impression on the customer – or a negative one. In this to think about their own experience as consumers or
way, complaints can become an opportunity to improve employees in their own companies.
customer relationships.
Possible answers
This unit focuses on customer service from two points Thinking about where and when communication takes place,
of view: as workers (or potential workers) in companies and whether other times or channels of communication are
that deal with customers, and as customers themselves. better, e.g. face-to-face vs. telephone or written communication;
Students will learn the vocabulary necessary to talk email, etc. Does the company website have a ‘Contact us’ option?
about customer service practices and experiences. What other forums for communication are available? You could
By contrasting these different practices, they will also ask students to think about which means are best for which
learn how to make comparisons. They will then practise sorts of customer issues.
some useful expressions for making and dealing with
customer complaints. In the Talking point, they will discuss Exercise 4
with reference to specific customer experiences what Students answer alone, then compare answers in pairs. Give
constitutes exceptional customer service. feedback on answers with the group. Elicit or point out:
• that issue and problem are synonyms in this context
• the difference between query and complaint: something
you don’t understand vs. something you’re not happy
about. You can also point out that query can also be a verb
and that you query something (not someone).
• that query is also sometimes used as a euphemism for
complaint by businesses
• one or two ways that you can get feedback
• other expressions using the word loyalty: loyalty card/

30 Unit 5

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Answers Possible answers
1 make a complaint
2 report a problem Situation 1 Situation 2
3 explain the issue What was the It didn’t talk. It didn’t connect to
4 response time problem? the Internet.
5 customer loyalty
6 Customer Support How did they by email went back to the
7 get feedback contact the shop
8 offer a solution company?
9 have a query
How did the They called They said they
company back the same couldn’t help because
PRONUNCIATION   Ask students to group the following words
respond to the afternoon. the customer bought
from the exercise according to their main stress. Say the problem? it online.
words aloud for them if they need a model.
What solution They sent a They gave the phone
00  query, problem, feedback, issue, offer did the replacement and a number of the
00  report, complaint, support, response company £10 credit voucher. Technical Support
000  customer, loyalty offer? hotline.
000 solution

Exercise 5 Exercise 9
Monitor the pairwork for correct use of the target language,
After the pairwork, get feedback by asking students to
and ask students to self-correct where necessary. Get feedback
give examples of companies which offer particularly good
from the group by asking students to re-tell anything they
and bad customer service. If they work for a company
heard that was particularly amusing, surprising, etc.
themselves, ask them how it could improve its customer
service. Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 5 Working with words
Further practice
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 5 on page
114 of the Student’s Book.
Language at work
Exercise 6
Refer students to the list of words and ask them how many Exercise 1
they know or recognize. If they don’t recognize more than Students work in pairs to make a list of reasons for online
one, do the exercise as a group. Otherwise, ask them to do shopping before whole-class feedback. Make a note of any
the exercise in pairs and then check answers with the group. incorrect uses of comparative forms you hear to deal with later.
Answers Possible answers
1 a discount Online shopping is cheaper, easier than going to different shops,
2 a replacement offers more choice of shops and products, more information
3 a refund about products.
4 a credit voucher
5 compensation
Exercise 2
l 5.2 Students listen and compare their answers in pairs
Exercise 7 with the lists they made in 1.
l 5.1 After listening, ask the class for a show of hands
on whether the experience was good or bad. If there is Answers
considerable disagreement, play the recording again. Ask lower prices, flexible hours, possible to compare products online,
number of products available, more information about the products
them what information helped them to find the answer.
1st person: good experience  2nd person: bad experience
Students can listen again and note how these numbers
are said: 15,000, 15, 55, 24, 7, 11. With a strong group, don’t
Exercise 8 give the numbers, but ask students to listen both for the
l 5.1 Before listening again, refer students to the table. Ask numbers and how they are used.
them how much they can remember from the listening. Play Answers
the recording again and let them compare answers in pairs.
fifteen thousand (shoppers)
Get whole-class feedback on answers, and ask them what
fifteen (different parts of the world)
they thought of the company’s response in each situation.
fifty-five % of people choose online shopping for lower
twenty-four (hours a day)
seven (days a week)
eleven % of people think this (better information) is a
reason for buying online

Unit 5 31

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Exercise 3 Exercise 6
l 5.2 Get whole-class feedback after listening again. l 5.3 Students complete the sentences alone, and then
check in pairs. They listen again to check the answers. As a
Answers follow-up, ask students if they agree with the ideas.
1 cheapest
2 most Answers
3 easy 1 better
4 wider 2 as low, quickest
5 better 3 most important, easier
4 less difficult, least expensive
Exercise 4 5 as reliable, longer
You may need to explain the terms comparative and
superlative (the first to compare just two things; the second
Further practice
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 5 on page
to compare something with two or more other things).
115 of the Student’s Book.
Students do the exercise in the Language point. Go over
the answers together. Check by asking them to work out, Exercise 7
in pairs, the opposite of these comparative and superlative Before the pairwork, point out to students that their answer
forms: may depend on the product they’re buying. If so, they
• older (newer or younger) should answer for different types of product.
• better (worse) Monitor the pairwork for correct use of comparatives and
• the most dangerous (the least dangerous or the safest) superlatives and ask students to self-correct if necessary.
• more modern (less modern or more traditional) Get feedback with the whole class by asking for a show of
• the easiest (the most difficult) hands for each of the options suggested in questions 1–4,
• quieter (noisier). then inviting comments on the results of this survey.
The last adjective in the Language point, easy, will be an ideal EXTRA ACTIVITY  
opportunity to refer students to the Tip. Elicit or point out Give students a general knowledge challenge, e.g. The
other two-syllable adjectives that end in -y, e.g. angry, busy, Amazon river is longer than the Nile. Ask them if it’s true or
happy, healthy, lucky, pretty, tasty. false. Then ask them to write three general knowledge
quick questions each. Give them five minutes. (Tell them
1 cheapest, wider
they can use the Internet on their phones if they wish.)
2 most expensive, less detailed They then pair up with another pair and test each other.
3 better
4 as Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 5 Language at work
Two more useful rules that you might want to add: worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
• one-syllable adjectives ending in -ed are an exception to
rule 1: they take more and the most. (e.g. more tired, more
bored) Practically speaking
• less and the least are not used with short adjectives: we Exercise 1
use not as … instead (not as good, not as fast).
If students have difficulty understanding the word soften, tell
Grammar reference them that the question is about situations where we have to
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference be less direct and more diplomatic. Elicit answers from the
on page 115 of the Student’s Book. whole class.

Exercise 5 Possible answers

When you’re talking to somebody in a position of authority, e.g.
l 5.3 Refer students to the question and elicit reasons for
your boss, a customer.
shopping in a physical store rather than online. Write their When you think the other person will find it difficult to accept
ideas on the board. Students listen to compare, and then what you’re saying, e.g. they may be angry or unhappy or not
check answers in pairs before whole-class feedback. agree.
You get professional advice, the staff know more about the Exercise 2
products, it’s quick (you don’t have to wait for a parcel to arrive), l 5.4 Students listen, and then compare answers in pairs
it’s good to see and touch the products, it’s easier to return before whole-class feedback on answers.
or exchange items and doesn’t cost anything. With online
shopping, delivery times are longer and there’s a risk of parcels Answers
being lost in the post. The report isn’t organized in the correct way. The employee has
to redo the report and present the results by country.

32 Unit 5

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Exercise 3 Exercise 2
l 5.4 Play the recording once without stopping and ask l 5.5 Play the conversations, pausing after each one to give
students just to tick the expressions they hear. Then listen students time to think about what they heard or to note
again and pause after each key sentence. Ask them to repeat answers. Let them compare answers in pairs, then play again
exactly what the person said and identify who was speaking. as necessary. Get feedback on the answers.
Answers Possible answers
I’m afraid … B 1 The customer received the Spanish version of the book, not
Sorry, but … B English. The customer will return the book. The supplier will
I’m sorry to say this, but … M send the correct version and credit the customer £5 to cover
Sorry about that. E postage for the return.
Well, actually … M 2 The customer ordered a taxi for the airport but it hasn’t
… isn’t very (+ positive adjective) M arrived. The taxi company will call her back.
3 The customer’s music system doesn’t read MP3 files. It’s been
repaired once before for the same problem. The shop offers a
Exercise 4 replacement but not a refund.
Students may need to hear the expressions used again. Play 4 The employee prepared the wrong files and will now prepare
the recording again, or just say the key sentences aloud, as the right ones.
indicated in the Answers section below.
You might like to point out that we use the expressions Exercise 3
I’m afraid … and I’m sorry … in any situation where we think l 5.5 Students can try to complete this exercise first in pairs,
the other person won’t be happy with what we are saying. then listen to check. Get whole-class feedback. Check look
Refer students to other examples from the conversation: I’m into it (investigate the problem), get back to you (contact you
afraid I don’t understand …, Sorry, but could you do it again? again) and right away (immediately).
Answers Answers
Conversation 1: sentences 2, 4, 8
I’m sorry to say this, but the report isn’t very good.
Conversation 2: 6, 10
I’m afraid they aren’t organized in the right way.
Conversation 3: 1, 7, 9
It’s not very easy for me to use these statistics.
Conversation 4: 3, 5
Respond to a complaint:
Sorry, but I thought that’s what you wanted.
Sorry about that. Exercise 4
Correct wrong information: Remind students to refer to the information they noted in 2.
Well, actually, I told you to present the results by country. Recap on the main points if necessary. They should try and
use all the sentences from 3. Monitor the pairwork and make
Exercise 5 sure they are using appropriate language and intonation.
Students practise the conversation. Allow them to refer Further practice
to the audio script on page 148 of the Student’s Book if If students need more practice, go to Practice file 5 on page
necessary. 114 of the Student’s Book.
PRONUNCIATION   Point out that softening your message
is not only about the words, but also intonation. Play the Exercise 5
conversation sentence by sentence, asking them to repeat Students may need help with vocabulary when talking
with the same intonation. Then ask them to practise the about possible solutions. Get feedback on ideas with the
whole conversation. whole class after the pairwork.

Exercise 6 Exercise 6
Before going into role-play mode, discuss together how Go through the Key expressions and make sure students
to use the expressions in 3 in each situation. The following understand how to use them. Check I’m sorry for the
words might be useful: reliable, spellcheck. inconvenience (= the problem I have created for you) and I’ll
wait to hear from you (= receive more information from you).
Monitor the pairwork for correct use of expressions and
appropriate intonation. For the first two conversations, ask them to prepare their
roles in advance, thinking about which expressions they
can use. For the last two, let them have the conversation
Business communication spontaneously. Monitor conversations for correct
expressions and intonation. If you hear a particularly
Exercise 1 successful (or amusing) conversation, ask the pair to repeat
Discuss the advice as a group or in pairs. Although it’s it to the group.
standard advice for maintaining good customer relations, in
certain cultures getting angry and immediately establishing
Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 5 Business communication
responsibility for a mistake may be considered the quickest
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
way to get what you want. Accept any alternative views
without passing judgement.

Unit 5 33

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Talking point together which of each of your two employees is better,
giving reasons. Then decide which of the two best
This Talking point has students in the role of judges deciding candidates should win the WOW! Award.
which company should receive an award. The basic premise,
that of the WOW! Awards, is authentic, and the stories about Progress test
the nominees are based on real-life case studies. Download and photocopy Unit 5 Progress test and Speaking
test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
As a lead-in, ask the students to think of surprising or
innovative ways in which a company could provide
good service to their customers. Stress the ‘wow’ factor –
something that makes a customer sit up and take notice!
Then refer them to the text. Ask the following: Who can
be nominated? (any company staff member) Who does the
nominating? (customers) Why do customers like to do this? (as
a way of saying ‘thank you’) Then ask students which story
they like best, and why.

Exercise 1
Discuss the question as a whole class.

Exercise 2
Students work in pairs to think of benefits for companies
who do this, e.g. positive stories spreading word-of-mouth.
Possible answers
Good for the image of the company, even if they don’t win.
Makes all employees in the company focus on good customer
service. Encourages customers to focus on positive aspect of
relationship with company – not just negative (complaints) and
builds customer loyalty.

Exercise 3
Students discuss their ideas in pairs, e.g. as a teacher,
spending extra time after a class with a student who needs
help, or having an ‘extended’ class with a group in a café.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could choose a job they
would like, or have had, and discuss how they or their
company could ‘wow’ customers.

Exercise 4
Put students into the groups they’ll be doing the Task in.
They choose the most important criteria and add any others
they can think of. Discuss their ideas as a class.
You might also like to ask if there are any possible negative
consequences of participating in the WOW! Awards.

Exercise 1
Groups of five would be best as there are five nominees for
the award. Groups of three will work. Each student chooses
a different employee to read about and tells their group.
Encourage them to use their own words, by making notes as
they read. It isn’t necessary to read about each employee.

Exercise 2
In groups, students use the criteria from 4 to decide which of
their employees will win the WOW! Award. Finish by asking
each group to give their top three with a brief rationale.
ONE-TO-ONE   You could choose, and read, two different
employee nominations each. Use the criteria and discuss

34 Unit 5

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6 Employment
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Let students consider the questions in pairs and then feed
their ideas back to the whole class. For the first question, you
• talk about employment procedures
may like to note their ideas on the board and then reach a
• describe their experience in a job interview using the consensus on the best of these.
present perfect
• turn a negative answer into a positive answer
• evaluate options. Working with words
Exercise 1
Context Ask students to discuss this in pairs and then get feedback
Issues of Employment and human resources are of interest with the whole class. Alternatively, designate three areas of
to everybody. All employees have to go through the the classroom for each social network. Students ‘visit’ the
recruitment process at least once in their professional areas according to their use of each one and discuss the
lives, and often several times. They will be required to give question with others in the area.
a good account of themselves during interviews, and in
international business environments these interviews will
Exercise 2
often be conducted at least partly in English. Candidates Students read and answer the questions individually before
will also be interested in learning about benefits available comparing answers in pairs. Check answers with the group.
at the company, including training possibilities. They will Answers
also want to understand something of the work culture, 1 more than 400 million
which can vary enormously from country to country and 2 To find jobs, people can put their profile on the website;
company to company. look for friends or ex-colleagues who can maybe help them;
In the first section of this unit, students will focus on the answer job advertisements from companies looking for
recruitment process, with particular reference to Internet- employees; get information about other people applying for
based recruitment. They will also have the opportunity the job.
For employers, it’s a good way to find employees because so
to talk about their own experience of job-seeking and
many people use it.
interviews. They will then learn the tenses necessary to
talk about their own professional experience during a job
interview, before focusing on ways to present themselves Exercise 3
in the most positive way by avoiding negative answers. Students discuss the questions in pairs, then discuss ideas as
The Business communication section focuses on the a whole group.
related employment issue of promotion. Students will Possible answers
practise some useful expressions for evaluating options 1 Yes – easier to find available jobs, and it’s quicker and cheaper
during a meeting. In the Talking point, they will have the to apply online than to send by post
chance to compare the working cultures of two well- 2 Probably more candidates, so more competition. Too much
known companies in terms of the benefits they provide choice – you can spend a lot of time researching possible
and to evaluate which of these benefits they would like to jobs.
have in their own place of work.
Exercise 4
Students complete the stages of getting a job alone,
then compare with a partner quickly before whole-class
feedback. Check they understand the difference between
qualifications, experience and skills by eliciting or giving
1 recruit
2 advertise
3 apply for
4 qualifications
5 experience
6 skills
7 reference
8 candidates
9 shortlist
10 interview

Unit 6 35

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This will be of particular benefit for students who will qualification (noun), qualified (adjective)
need to have an English version of their CV. Ask them shortlist (noun), shortlisted (adjective)
to write notes about themselves under the headings: interview (noun), interviewed (adjective)
skill (noun), skilled (adjective)
Qualifications, Experience and Skills, helping them with
experience (noun), experienced (adjective)
vocabulary as necessary. They then use their notes to tell
recruitment (noun), recruit (verb)
a partner about themselves.
Further practice
Exercise 5 If students need more practice, go to Practice file 6 on page
Point out to students that the idea is to give their opinions 116 of the Student’s Book.
about the recruitment process based on their general
experience. (Note that they will be telling a specific job Exercise 9
application story when they get to 9.) Students may need Students work in pairs to talk about their current job.
help with words to describe their emotional reactions, such Monitor and check for correct use of the target language.
as stressed/stressful, nervous, relieved, excited, disappointed. Ask students to self-correct where necessary. Get feedback
After the pair discussion, get feedback from the whole class. with the group by asking if anybody went through an
unusual recruitment process. Students can answer for
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   If students have already experienced
themselves or their partner.
applying for a job, ask them to share their ideas. If not, ask
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could talk about a work
them to think about the different stages and which would
be easier and more difficult (e.g. writing a CV, going for placement they did or the job of a person they know
interview, etc.). (e.g. a friend, a relative).

Photocopiable worksheet
Exercise 6 Download and photocopy Unit 6 Working with words
l 6.1 Students listen to two people talking about how worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
they got their job. Let them compare answers in pairs
before doing a whole-class check. The level of detail of their
answers will vary according to their listening ability, so don’t Language at work
insist that they get every single detail before you go on to
the next exercise. Exercise 1
Students discuss interview questions. Elicit ideas from the
Possible answers whole class or let them discuss in pairs first.
Speaker 1 only saw the advertisement at the last minute.
Because she was the last person to apply, she was the first EXTRA ACTIVITY  
candidate that they looked at. Write these questions on the board or give them to
After a bad interview in one company, Speaker 2 went for a students in a handout. They have to discuss if each one
drink and met an ex-teacher who needed technicians for his is easy (E) or difficult (D) to answer, and acceptable (A) or
own company.
unacceptable (U).
1 Have you ever had any problems with your boss?
Exercise 7
2 What are your weaknesses?
l 6.1 You could ask students to see how many words they
can complete in pairs before listening again. Listen and 3 Do you have any children?
let them check quickly with a partner before whole-class 4 What does your partner/husband/wife do?
feedback. 5 How old are you?
1 advertisement Exercise 2
2 application l 6.2 To check their understanding, ask students for
3 qualified examples of non-profit organizations (e.g. the World Wild
4 shortlisted Fund for Nature, Greenpeace, Save the Children). Students
5 interviewed then listen and compare answers in pairs before whole class
6 skilled
7 experienced
8 recruitment Possible answer
She has work experience with three small organizations that
Exercise 8 have operations in Africa. She has worked in Tanzania on the
construction of a new school.
Draw a three-column table on the board with the headings
Noun, Verb and Adjective. Elicit the answer for the first
sentence (advertisement, advertise); ask students where the Exercise 3
words should go. Continue in the same way with the group l 6.2 Students listen and underline the verb forms they
or have them work in pairs before feeding back on answers. hear. Check answers with the whole class.
Check pronunciation and word stress of the different words.

36 Unit 6

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Answers Exercise 7
1 did you start Ask students to identify the tenses of the questions in the
2 left conversation (present perfect, then past simple) and to say
3 Have you ever worked why these are used (general experience; specific past time).
4 ’ve never had Check they understand ever (in your life). Students then ask
5 Have you been and answer the questions in pairs. Monitor for correct use of
6 ’ve spent tenses and ask students to self-correct where necessary.
7 did you do
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Write the following cues on the board:
Exercise 4 • go on holiday to an English-speaking country?
Check students recognize the tenses of each verb in 3 (if • learn any other languages?
necessary refer them back to Unit 3 Language at work). Give • do IT training?
them time to complete the explanations in the Language • play a musical instrument?
point alone or in pairs; then check answers with the class.
Refer students back to question 5 from 3 and ask if they Exercise 8
notice anything strange about the choice of verbs in the two Students who work in similar jobs could prepare the
questions (the second one uses been, not gone). Refer them questions together in pairs. Alternatively, set this as
to the Tip for the explanation. Ask them to write sentences homework and ask students to conduct the interviews next
with been and gone based on their own experience, e.g. I’ve lesson. Tell students that not all questions have to be in
been to England twice. My boss has gone to a meeting today. the past simple or present perfect: questions using present
tenses would also be quite natural in the context, e.g. Do
Answers you have experience of XYZ? What are you working on at the
Sentences 1, 2, 7 are in the past simple. Sentences 3, 4, 5, 6 are in
the present perfect.
1 present perfect PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students imagine their future job and
2 past simple the questions they would be asked at the interview.
3 have(n’t)
4 have, past participle Exercise 9
Students interview each other. Monitor for correct use of
Grammar reference tenses and ask students to self-correct. Note down three
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference correct and three incorrect forms you hear, and ask students
on page 117 of the Student’s Book. to correct them during final feedback with the whole class.
Exercise 5 Photocopiable worksheet
l 6.3 Elicit whether each question is about general Download and photocopy Unit 6 Language at work
experience or a specific time in the past. Then let students worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
complete the questions in pairs before checking by listening.
Answers Practically speaking
2 How long did you stay there?
3 What other projects have you worked on? Exercise 1
4 Have you ever managed a team? Elicit answers from the whole class. Students from certain
5 Why did you decide to work in this field? cultures may feel that there’s nothing wrong with the
employee’s response, so refer them to the title of this section
Exercise 6 and ask why it’s sometimes better to avoid a negative
l 6.3 Ask students if they can remember Naomi’s answers; answer.
then play the listening again. Check the answers quickly, Possible answer
then ask them to role-play the questions and answers. They The employee’s answer is quite negative or even impolite. The
could repeat the whole conversation with the roles reversed. employee could explain why they’ve been busy and when the
proposal will be ready.
Possible answers
1 last year in March
2 four months Exercise 2
3 construction projects, and organization of training l 6.4 Students listen and decide what each conversation is
programmes about. They compare answers in pairs quickly and then get
4 not yet
feedback with the group. What other details did they catch,
5 My mother lived in Africa when she was a child.
e.g. What documents in each case? What work experience?
Further practice Answers
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 6 on page a Conversation 3
117 of the Student’s Book. b Conversation 1
c Conversation 4
d Conversation 2

Unit 6 37

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Exercise 3 Possible answers
l 6.4 Students listen to complete the responses. Pause
the listening after each response to give students time Arguments for Arguments against
to note down the missing words. Play each one a second external Can find Young engineers could
time if necessary. Let them compare answers and discuss somebody with leave company to work with
the follow-up question in pairs before doing whole-class more experience competitors
feedback. Not enough time to find the
right person
Answers Cost of recruitment + high
1 I saw a presentation salary
2 it’s something I’d really like
3 I’ll send it to you internal Company has Young engineers don’t have
4 I’ve often spoken it young engineers enough experience
All the information after but is positive. The speaker doesn’t want who want to Japanese customer prefers
to give a completely negative answer. progress. to work with experienced
Sends positive managers
Exercise 4 Can save money
Point out to students that it should be possible to give a ‘no’ on recruitment
answer to their questions. Elicit from or tell them how their
questions could begin: Do/Are/Did/Have/Could you …? Possible solutions: recruit somebody from outside for the
Let them work on their questions individually. Ask them to Japanese customer, but offer Project Manager training courses
make at least two questions for each situation. Monitor their to younger engineers to keep them happy. Alternatively, use a
questions and ask them to self-correct if necessary. more senior in-house project manager (if there is one) for the
Japanese customer and promote a young engineer to do the
Exercise 5 work of the senior project manager.
Ask students to role-play all the ‘boss’ conversations first,
and then the interview ones (or vice versa) so that they Exercise 3
don’t have to keep changing between situations. As a l 6.5 Students listen to match the sentences halves, then
whole class follow-up, you might like to ask students for compare answers in pairs. Elicit or explain the meaning
their ‘best’ questions from the list they made, then elicit of potentially difficult terms, such as I’d go for … (I would
different answers from around the class and vote for the choose), an issue (problem), a key advantage (important),
best response. risky (possibly dangerous) and attractive (interesting).
Business communication 1  d  2  i  3  g   4  f  5  h  6  b  7  a  8  c  9  e
The language of evaluating options provides a natural
Exercise 4
context for practising comparisons, covered in Unit 5
Language at work. You could review this grammar point Students read the suggestions and evaluate them. They
quickly first. should try to use as many of the expressions as possible
from the Key expressions. Monitor the pairwork for correct use
Exercise 1 of these and ask students to self-correct as necessary.
This exercise allows students to reuse some of the Do whole-class feedback, asking different pairs to summarize
vocabulary from Working with words in this unit. Students their arguments for each point and see if the others agree.
discuss the questions in pairs, then compare answers as a
Possible answers
1 Good to have more young people in the company and
Possible answers salaries will probably be lower, but you also need experienced
1 need somebody with more experience or with special skills, people in the company.
nobody interested or right for post inside company, want 2 Good to learn Chinese if the company is planning on working
younger people to join company (who are maybe cheaper!) with China in future years, but could be a lot of money spent
2 encourage good employees to stay with company, not if only a few people will need it (or none at all).
necessary for other employees to get to know new manager, 3 Good to keep the experience in the company for a year to
no additional recruitment costs pass on information to new employees, and good for seniors
who want to ‘retire slowly’. But how many will want to stay for
an extra year and how many will the company want to keep?
Exercise 2
l 6.5 Students listen and complete the table. If necessary, Further practice
play the recording again, stopping at intervals to allow If students need more practice, go to Practice file 6 on page
students to note the information. Students compare answers 116 of the Student’s Book.
in pairs before getting feedback as a group. Ask the whole
class for possible solutions to the problem. Exercise 5
Before doing this activity, ask students what training they
have done – pre-work, within the company, outside or
online. Students then read the three courses on offer and the
descriptions of how they can be delivered, and decide which

38 Unit 6

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method(s) would be best for each course. They may decide Possible answers
to choose the same method for more than one course.  Semco: some employees don’t want so much responsibility
Ask students to work in groups of three or four. Monitor and – they just want to go to their office and be told what to do.
help with any vocabulary. Then ask one person from each Google: too much time spent at work and feeling that you have
group to summarize the group’s decisions and reasons. lost your freedom.
ONE-TO-ONE   Discuss briefly any experience the student
has of face-to-face or online learning. Share your own Task
experiences. Then read the three course topics and
descriptions of the possible delivery methods, and ask the Exercise 1
student to decide which would be best for each course and If students work for the same company, ask them to think
why. about their own employer when choosing the advantages.
If they work for different companies or are pre-work learners,
Exercise 6 they could imagine the company they all work for. To set
This activity allows further discussion on the theme of the scene, ask them to agree first on the details of the
training, as well as further practice on the present perfect company: area of activity, location of offices, number of staff,
and past simple, as seen in Language at work. range of ages, etc. During the discussions, monitor and give
Start by asking the whole class if they’ve had any of the encouragement and help with vocabulary where necessary.
types of training indicated. If the majority say yes, let them Students should each have a copy of their list for 2.
discuss in pairs. If most people haven’t, then just ask the
people who have had that experience to tell the rest of the
Exercise 2
class. Re-pair the students to compare their lists. Monitor and
make a note of any mistakes for future work; otherwise let
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to choose one of the
students communicate freely without insisting on correct
courses listed in 5 and decide which they would like to do, in language.
what format and why.
ALTERNATIVE   You could have each pair in the first phase
Photocopiable worksheet representing either employees or management, in which
Download and photocopy Unit 6 Business communication case the benefits chosen may be influenced more by the
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice. roles they’re playing. In the second phase, new pairs are
then formed with each one having one representative from
management and another from the employees.
Talking point
Progress test
Discussion Download and photocopy Unit 6 Progress test and Speaking
test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Exercise 1
Before doing this exercise, ask students what attracted them
to work for their present company. Ask pre-work learners
how they chose where to study English or another subject.
Students read the two lists. Check nap, hammock, laundry
and pet. Ask them to discuss in pairs which ideas they like
most and why. Get feedback from the whole class.

Exercise 2
Students read the question and discuss it with a partner.
Elicit their ideas.
Possible answers
Semco want responsible people who like their freedom but
are capable of managing themselves. Google want young
unmarried people who are still students at heart and are happy
to work long hours while having fun.

Exercise 3
Students decide which company they would like to work for.
Elicit some of their ideas, with reasons why.

Exercise 4
Students discuss what disadvantages there might be, e.g.
employees don’t go to any meetings.

Unit 6 39

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Viewpoint 2
Preview Suggested answers
The topic of this Viewpoint is The customer journey. In this 3,600 Hotels around the world
Viewpoint, students begin by listening to people talking
about choosing hotels. The students then watch and 10 Different brands
discuss a video interview with Dagmar Mühle from the destination or Customers choose destination rather
Hilton Hotel chain. Finally, the students do a task which brand? than brand.
involves mapping a different customer journey.
facilities Meetings and conference rooms,
ballroom, 350 car park spaces
Exercise 1
120 Countries around the world
With books closed, ask students what criteria they bear in
mind when booking a hotel. Then ask them to look at the loyalty programme Hilton Honours, which gives incentives
criteria listed and to prioritize them. Students should first such as points and air miles
work alone, and then in pairs. You could then come up with
a class list in order of preference.
Exercise 2 Hilton is the best known hotel brand name in the world. We have
r 01 Students watch the video, and note down what each altogether about 3,600 hotels around the world and growing. We
person considers when choosing hotels. If necessary, pause are divided into ten different brands – Waldorf Astoria, Conrad
after each speaker to allow writing time. being the luxury; Hilton Hotels, Double Tree Hotels and Embassy
Suite Hotels in the sort of mid-market segment and full service; and
Answers then more, the sort of limited service which is excellent products
but not so much service, it’s like the Hilton Garden Inns, the
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Hamptons, and these sort of brands.
Location (in the Location Price How do customers choose a hotel?
centre) Good standard of Location I think a customer chooses destination more than brand, you
Canals / historic hotel Convenient to get know, to start off with. If anyone wants to come to London or to
modes of travel Opinion of other to and from the Düsseldorf or to Berlin, they may, you know look at the destination
travellers (website airport first and then they may look what’s there and what’s on offer and
reviews) Business facilities what hotels are there where they can stay.
Hotel facilities (meeting room, wi-
(swimming pool, fi, office space) How does the Hilton compete?
restaurant) Swimming pool It is product, it’s location, it’s service, it’s the different facilities in the
hotel that we offer, for example we have a very good meetings and
conference product and a ballroom which can seat a thousand
people, we have 350 car parking spaces, so we are offering some
Exercise 3
unique features here. And, of course, service.
Students compare their answers in pairs, and comment on The fact that we are in so many different locations, I couldn’t tell
how they relate to their own ideas from 1. you now, but I think we are in over 120 countries around the world,
so there are not many places where there is no Hilton branded
Exercise 4 hotel. Then we have a fantastic loyalty programme, our Hilton
Students match the phrases from the interview they are Honours, and that enables the regular user to collect points and air
going to watch with the correct definition. Do the first one miles at the same time, so it’s another incentive to stay and to sleep
together. Check the pronunciation of any words students with Hilton rather than at the competition.
find hard.
Exercise 6
Answers Students discuss which hotel chains are famous in their own
a  5  b  3  c  6  d  7  e  2  f  1  g  8  h  4 countries and what sort of customer goes to each one. They
also discuss the various levels of service. Students could
Exercise 5 discuss this in pairs; then elicit some of their comments to
r 02 Students read the numbers and phrases in the table, the group. How do these chains compare with the Hilton?
and then watch the interview with Dagmar Mühle: they
Exercise 7
should listen out for the information in the table and take
notes about it. Students then share their ideas in pairs. If r 03 Before playing the second part of the interview, ask
necessary, play the video again. students to read the information in the table: they should
then listen specifically for details relating to the customer
Students may ask for clarification of ballroom (n): a very large
journey, as well as how staff are trained for each stage.
room used for dancing on formal occasions.
Students check their answers in pairs, and then elicit their
ideas to the group.

40 Viewpoint 2

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Suggested answers Exercise 9
Students again work in pairs, but this time thinking about
Stages of the Booking on the Internet or by phone, when a different situation. Elicit other examples they could use.
customer they walk in and check in, interact with staff, They should work together and note down each stage of
journey at the room, order room service, clothes in
the customer journey, and then note down what training
the Hilton the laundry, sleep in the bed, a clean room,
Hotel breakfast, the mini bar, use the conference
staff would need at each stage. You could demonstrate this,
facilities or meeting rooms, attend an event perhaps in table format, on the board first, using one of the
in town, use public transport, pay the bill, examples listed.
check out, receive a friendly goodbye.
Exercise 10
Ways of 1 Define the service standards. For example, Students then pair up with another pair to discuss their ideas
training staff answering the phone after three rings. on stages and staff training.
for each 2 Introducing team members to their
stage in the department and standards. Exercise 11
journey 3 Check quality gets done.
Students should now consider the customer journey at their
own company. You could pair same-company students
VIDEO SCRIPT together. They should list the key stages, staff training
necessary, and then consider what improvements could
What is the customer journey at the Hilton?
There are some basic areas that one expects, which is a nice
be made.
welcome on arrival, a clean room and a comfortable bed, a good PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could discuss the ‘customer
breakfast, and a friendly and helpful service. journey’ for new students at their school or college.
We’re looking at, at the customer journey, the customer journey Alternatively, they could think about a company they
is the path a guest takes when they arrive in the hotel, actually know well.
already when they make the reservation. So the customer journey
starts perhaps in the Internet or the moment they are on the phone
Exercise 12
making a booking, and then it continues when they arrive, when
they walk into the front door, when they check in, when they have Students from the same company could present their
the first interaction with the hotel staff on arrival. The next step is customer journey to the group in pairs, or individually.
the room itself and what they do in the room. In the room they can, Then, as a group, discuss which company currently offers the
they can order room service, or they can, they can put clothes into best customer journey!
the laundry or dry cleaning, they sleep in the bed obviously, the
room is being cleaned every day. The next day they take breakfast, Further video ideas
perhaps in the room or in the restaurant, they may use their mini You can find a list of suggested ideas for how to use video in
bar, they may go, they may attend a conference in the hotel and the class in the teacher resources in the Online practice.
use the meeting rooms in the business centre, or they attend an
event in town and may use public transport. At some stage they
will then leave again – they will come back to Reception, they will
pay the bill and check out and hopefully receive a friendly goodbye
and farewell and, you know, ‘see you again soon’. So all that is the
customer experience and the customer journey as we call it.
How do you train staff for a positive customer journey?
We have two ways of training our staff in customer service. The first
step was to define our services and we call them service standards
or brand standards. So a brand standard, for example, describes
that the telephone has to be answered within three rings, that
it has to be answered with ‘Good morning, Dagmar speaking,
Reception. How can I help you?’
The second step is then of course, the training we do with all
the team members when they start. On day one they get an
introduction to Hilton, and then they get an introduction into
their department and the service standards of that respective
Number three is to check that it actually gets done, so twice a year
we have mystery customers visiting us like a quality inspector,
checking us and doing mystery quality control, to make sure that
all the hotels and the hotel teams actually adhere to these service

Exercise 8
You could discuss this as a class, or ask students to discuss in
pairs the last time they stayed in a hotel. Encourage them to
go through each stage of the customer journey.
Discuss ideas as a group, and find which stages were more
or less successful and why.

Viewpoint 2 41

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7 Travel
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Note that here and in the Working with words section,
questions have been worded so as not to alienate those
• talk about air travel
students who either don’t travel for business or have never
• discuss future plans, arrangements and decisions using been on a plane.
will, going to and present continuous
You could ask the students to discuss the questions in pairs
• ask for and give directions first before eliciting a few ideas from the whole class.
• make arrangements to meet.

Working with words
Travel is important to many business people – in the past Exercise 1
it was only the top executives who travelled for work, but Discuss the question with the whole class and ask them
in today’s global community, people at any level of an follow-up questions to get more details, e.g. What additional
organization may find themselves being asked to travel costs might there be? Why are there often long waits at the
abroad for a conference, a training session, or a meeting airport? What’s the problem with other passengers?
with customers or suppliers. Often they will have to make
their own arrangements in advance, find their way around
when they arrive and be prepared to make changes As a lead-in, you could ask students to work in pairs and
to their plans at short notice because of flight delays, make a list of advantages and disadvantages of travelling
cancelled appointments and other last-minute issues. with low-cost airlines. After getting feedback on these, ask
if they think the traveller complaints in 1 are particularly
Not everybody has to travel, but many employees who
true for low-cost travel or for all air travel.
don’t travel are involved in liaising with future visitors to
organize the details of their visit and making sure they are ALTERNATIVE   If necessary, you could ask students to
looked after during their stay. consider these issues for trains or buses.
In this unit, students will learn the vocabulary necessary to
talk about air travel, whether in conversation at the airport Exercise 2
during their trip or when talking about travel experiences. Check that students understand the word annoying in the
They will learn to use different future forms to talk about title of the text. Then let them do the task individually before
travel arrangements and to make travel-related decisions, checking answers with the whole class.
as well as some expressions for making appointments.
They will also practise how to ask for directions and be Answers
introduced to some stock phrases used when giving 1 Uncomfortable seats
directions. Finally, they will play a game where they will be 2 Additional costs
given further practice of a lot of the language taught in 3 Long waits at the airport
the unit. 4 Other passengers

Exercise 3
Students read and discuss the questions in pairs. Do whole-
class feedback afterwards about their opinions on the
subject. Elicit, if possible, students’ real stories about airline

Exercise 4
Students do this individually, then check with a partner
before whole-class feedback.
1 weight restrictions
2 seat upgrade
3 delayed flight
4 aisle seat
5 hand baggage
6 self-service check-in
7 baggage allowances
8 airline charges
9 security scans
10 missed connection

42 Unit 7

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PRONUNCIATION   Check the sounds and word stress of the
following: aisle /aɪl/; upgrade /ˈʌpɡreɪd/; baggage
Ask students the difference between a passenger plane (a
/ˈbæɡɪdʒ/; weight /weɪt/; security /sɪˈkjʊərəti/. Note that
plane for passengers) and a plane passenger (a passenger
the verb upgrade is stressed on the second syllable.
on a plane). Then write the keyword travel on the board.
Point out that the words baggage and luggage are often Point out that travel can be a verb, but here they’re going
used interchangeably. However, on websites, airlines usually to use it as a noun. Then write these words around it:
refer to baggage, and you collect your suitcase(s) from the first-class, agent, air, expenses, costs, long-distance, business,
baggage claim area. When you buy a new suitcase, you’re document, industry, rail. Ask them to decide if the words go
buying luggage, and customers often talk about their before or after the keyword, and to find the one word that
luggage. can go before or after (business).

Exercise 5 Point out that luggage you take on board with you onto the
Let students discuss in pairs for two minutes, then elicit plane can also be called ‘hand luggage’ or ‘cabin baggage’ or,
possible answers from the whole class. in the US, simply ‘carry-on’.

Possible answers Exercise 8

1 Delayed flight and/or missed connection. Meeting has to be l 7.1 Pause the listening after each conversation to allow
cancelled. students to note down, then discuss, their answers. Then get
2 Children scared of flying or too noisy for other passengers.
feedback on answers with the whole class.
Parents really tired and stressed after journey.
3 Needs more luggage than the official allowance; has to pay Possible answers
excess baggage fees. 1 Her flight is cancelled, so she will miss her connecting flight.
The airline offers her a free upgrade.
Exercise 6 2 He used the online check-in but didn’t print all the boarding
passes. His suitcase is too big and he needs to check it as hold
l 7.1 Students read the three options, and then listen to the baggage. He can do this at priority check-in.
recording. Compare answers with the whole class, then write 3 His bags are heavier than the baggage allowance and he
the following questions on the board and ask students to has to pay extra charges for excess baggage. There are no
discuss the answers in pairs. Listen again if necessary. window seats free – only middle seats.
• Why will passenger 1 arrive late?
EXTENSION   Ask students their own experiences of some of
• What mistake did passenger 2 make?
these ideas when they have been travelling, e.g. a time when
• Why will passenger 3 have to pay more?
they missed a connecting flight, or travelling alone and
Get feedback on answers with the whole group. Note having to sit in the middle seat.
that they don’t have to understand all the detail of the
conversations because they will listen again in more Further practice
detail in 8. If students need more practice, go to Practice file 7 on page
118 of the Student’s Book.
a Passenger 3 will have to pay more (because his baggage is Exercise 9
too heavy).
b Passenger 2 made a mistake at check-in. (He only has three Students work in pairs, and choose one of the experiences
boarding passes for four people, and his suitcase is too big to to share and discuss. Encourage partners to ask questions to
take on the plane. He will have to go back to check-in.) find out more information. Monitor the pairwork for correct
c Passenger 1 will arrive late. (The flight is cancelled because of use of the target vocabulary in this unit section and ask
a technical problem and she will arrive late in Amsterdam for them to self-correct if necessary. Then ask the class if they
her connecting flight to Stockholm.) heard any amusing or surprising stories from their partners
and, if so, let them re-tell the anecdote to the class.
Refer students to the Tip about compound words. Students If you have students who don’t have recent air travel
may need help with the words priority, hold, additional and experiences to talk about, write this (invented) newspaper
extra. Check answers with the whole class and ask Wh- headline on the board: ‘New study shows 51% of business
questions to check their comprehension, e.g. Who often has travellers now prefer the train.’ Then ask students to work
priority check-in? When do you get a free upgrade? What extra in pairs and discuss reasons why train travel would be
charges do airlines ask you to pay? preferable to air travel.
2 passport Photocopiable worksheet
3 electronic Download and photocopy Unit 7 Working with words
4 seat worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
5 airport
6 delayed

Unit 7 43

09_BR2e_8811_PITB_U07.indd 43 13/11/2018 10:52

Language at work Answers
1 b is coming / is going to come, are showing / are going to
Exercise 1 show
Let students discuss the question briefly in pairs, then get 2 f ’ll do, ’re leaving / ’re going to leave
feedback from the class. Write their ideas on the board, but 3 d ’ll ask
without correcting anything that may be wrong yet. 4 e ’re coming / ’re going to come, ’re staying / ’re going to stay
5 a ’ll change
Exercise 2 6 c ’ll send
l 7.2 Students read the situation. Play the recording. Listen
twice if necessary, pausing at intervals the second time. Exercise 6
Let students compare answers in pairs before whole-class After students have practised the exchanges, you could ask
feedback. them to do it again, but covering the responses. They then
have to come up with responses that are similar, but not
necessarily the same.
1 Emily is going to leave her company.
2 She’s starting a Masters course in Psychology.
Exercise 7
3 Fabrizio is arriving in Montreal.
4 He’s leaving Montreal. Students work alone to read the text and underline the
5 Fabrizio will call Emily again. correct option. Then get feedback on the answers. Students
will need to understand the details of the email for the
activity that follows, so ask them to summarize what they
Exercise 3
know about Arianna Boyle’s visit and what Meghan wants
Students underline the verbs in the extracts which refer them to do.
to the future. Let students do this individually, then check
answers with the whole class. Answers
1 visit
Answers 2 She’s
1 ’m going to leave 3 leaving
2 ’m coming 4 will
3 ’ll call 5 I’ll call

Exercise 4 Further practice

Students complete the Language point individually, then If students need more practice, go to Practice file 7 on page
compare answers in pairs. Get feedback on the answers 119 of the Student’s Book.
with the whole class. Point out how we can use the present
Exercise 8
continuous for talking about present actions (as seen in Unit
2) as well as for future plans. You could also explain that we Refer students to the information files and ask them to
often use I’ll … when talking on the phone, because we are read the schedule (Student A) and the email (Student B)
often making decisions as we speak, e.g. I’ll try again later/ respectively. When they exchange the information, you can
hold on/give him the message/connect you. either ask them not to look at each other’s document but to
take notes (more challenging) or to talk each other through
Refer students back to the sentences you wrote on the
with both documents in front of them (more natural). When
board in 1 and ask them to correct those that are wrong. If
they move on to point 2, point out that Arianna is coming
all the sentences were correct, ask students to explain why
to the town where they’re studying or living, so they should
they used a specific tense.
choose activities for Arianna based on their local knowledge.
Answers Monitor the pairwork for correct use of future tense forms.
1 going to (I’m going to leave the company soon.) When they have finished point 3, ask two or three pairs to
2 will (I’ll call you again on Friday.)
summarize to the whole class what they have decided to do
3 present continuous (I’m coming to Montreal for a conference
with Arianna.
next week.)
Grammar reference Find out which schedule students like best and why.
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference Would they put together a different schedule for a
on page 119 of the Student’s Book. different person?
Exercise 5 Then ask students to work in pairs to make a schedule for
Before students work on this, point out that in some cases someone visiting their place of work or study. They should
there is more than one answer. Ask the students to complete first decide who’s visiting, and then put together a suitable
sentences a–f and then match sentences 1–6 with the schedule. They should consider how the person will travel
responses in a–f. Let them compare answers in pairs before from the airport, where they could take them for lunch,
whole-class feedback. late afternoon and evening options, etc. In each case,
they should be able to give reasons for their decisions.
Students then present their schedule to the group.
Encourage listeners to ask questions!

44 Unit 7

4738828 BR2e Pre Int TB.indb 44 28/11/2016 15:56

Photocopiable worksheet sure they are using the present continuous and remind
Download and photocopy Unit 7 Language at work them about its use for future plans if necessary.
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Possible answers
He’s flying to Montreal for a conference on Sunday. He’s arriving
Practically speaking at 14.30. He’s going to the IEFA conference from Monday to
Wednesday (the Tuesday entry shows that the conference ends
Exercise 1 on that day at 5 p.m., so you should accept an answer of ‘on
Monday and Tuesday’ as correct) and he’s returning home on
If doing this after the previous section, you could use one Wednesday evening.
of the places in the students’ area mentioned in 8 and
elicit possible ways from the class to ask for directions. Give Exercise 2
immediate feedback on whether they are correct or not. l 7.4 Before playing the recording, elicit when Fabrizio
Exercise 2 could be free to meet Emily. Then play the conversation.
Let students compare answers in pairs before whole-class
l 7.3 Students read the sentences, and then listen to
complete them. Let students compare answers in pairs
before whole-class feedback. Play a second time if necessary, Possible answers
pausing at the end of each question. Point out how the verb 1 Sunday isn’t possible because Emily is flying to Toronto.
comes at the end after Do you know where …?, i.e. not … Tuesday isn’t possible because Fabrizio is having lunch with a
where is the nearest petrol station? customer and Emily isn’t free in the evening.
2 They decide to meet on Wednesday at 1.15 p.m. outside the
Answers conference centre.
1 Can you tell me
2 I’m looking for
3 How do I get to, Do you know where
Exercise 3
l 7.4 Ask students to read the sentences. Can they
remember any of the missing words? Then play the
Exercise 3
recording, stopping after each target sentence to allow
l 7.3 Students listen and number the directions. Let students time to note and/or compare with a partner. Get
students compare answers in pairs after listening. feedback on answers with the whole class. Students may
You may want to check potentially problematic terms like need clarification of these words and expressions:
traffic lights, roundabout, exit, corridor, stairs, motorway, signs. • When would suit you? (When would be good for you?)
Answers • your availability (the times you are free)
you’ll see signs 8 • How/What about …? (to suggest a day or time – no verb
on your right 5 needed)
take the third exit 2
take the first left 6
• Let’s meet … (stronger suggestion than How/What about
turn right at 1 …?; used when you are quite sure the other person will
in front of you 3 accept)
go straight on 7 • … instead (as an alternative to the last time I/we
go past the 9 suggested)
then go down the stairs 4 • I’ve got something on (I’m not free, but I don’t want or need
to tell you why)
Exercise 4 • Shall we say …? (normally used to decide on a specific
Students turn to the audio script on page 150, and practise time and place).
the conversations. Encourage them to practise each Refer students to the Key expressions. Ask them if there is
conversation twice so each person gets to ask for and give anything extra listed (e.g. That’s fine for me.).
directions three times.
Exercise 5 1 Are you free
Be ready to provide extra vocabulary students may need for 2 Can we find
3 would suit
giving these directions and write these words or expressions
4 What about
on the board (with a drawing if possible) for the benefit
5 your availability
of other pairs who might need them. You might like to 6 instead
encourage the students asking for directions to recap on the 7 got something on
instructions they’ve been given, as we would often do in the 8 work for you
real situation. 9 Let’s meet
10 Shall we say

Business communication PRONUNCIATION   Refer students again to the Key expressions.

Explain that with Wh- questions, the voice normally goes
Exercise 1
down at the end, and with Yes/No questions it goes up. Ask
Students look at Fabrizio’s schedule. They can discuss this in them to practise the questions with the appropriate up or
pairs, or you can elicit answers from the whole class. Make down intonation.

Unit 7 45

09_BR2e_8811_PITB_U07.indd 45 13/11/2018 10:52

Further practice Progress test
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 7 on page Download and photocopy Unit 7 Progress test and Speaking
118 of the Student’s Book. test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Exercise 4
Students work in pairs and try to arrange a different time for
Fabrizio to meet Emily. Monitor the pairwork for correct use
of the target expressions.
Possible answers
Emily could cancel her engagement on Tuesday evening or
maybe arrange to see Fabrizio on Monday evening if she’s not
back too late. The only other possibility is a quick meeting (over
a drink?) after the conference before he goes to the airport on
Wednesday evening.

EXTENSION   For students who finish quickly, you could

add another element by telling them that Emily now has a
problem with the new time that’s been decided. She now
has to call Fabrizio back to rearrange again. Ask them to role-
play this conversation.

Exercise 5
Put students in groups, of four to six if possible, as this will
make it more difficult to find a time and will maximize the
number of times they have to use the target language.
You could also participate in the lunch-date arrangements
and thus help to prolong the conversations by deliberately
being unavailable at times when the other students are free.
ONE-TO-ONE   Ask your student to look at their calendar,
with yours open too. If necessary, add in a few more events.
Alternatively, you could each use a blank diary page for ‘next
week’: add in six or seven events/engagements/meetings
(e.g. out all day Wednesday; lunch meeting Thursday, etc.),
without looking at each other’s. Then try to fix a time to
meet up for lunch.

Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 7 Business communication
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Talking point
The objective of this game is to practise the language for this
unit, and reach Chris’s office. Each pair will need a coin, and a
counter or small object each.
Ask the students to read the instructions and study the
board for a few moments. Check they understand the
rules and the vocabulary. (The rules of the game are such
that they will have to visit every square on their side of the
board.) They both start in the top square at the ‘airport’: one
student will go clockwise, the other anti-clockwise. Weaker
students could be given time to prepare and rehearse the
conversations mentally, but don’t let them write anything
down, as the idea of the game is to produce spontaneous
speech. Check they understand delayed.
Monitor their conversations and make a note of any good
language you hear, as well as any that needs correcting.
Write up any vocabulary that students ask for help with so
that the others can benefit from it too. Give feedback on the
language they used, perhaps by writing it up on the board
and asking them to correct any mistakes.

46 Unit 7

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8 Orders
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to For the first question, elicit answers from the whole class.
If students have access to the Internet, you might like to
• talk about orders and deliveries
ask them to research ‘best-selling products online’ first. For
• talk about order processes using the passive questions 2 and 3, you could ask them to discuss in pairs
• discuss payment terms first, before whole-class feedback.
• make and respond to requests.
Working with words
The success of a company depends very much on the Exercise 1
effectiveness of their ordering and delivery processes. Students read the questions. They could discuss them first in
Companies are continuously looking at how to streamline pairs. Discuss the answers with the whole class.
their systems, and one direction which many companies Possible answers
are taking is online retailing. Although online purchases Valentine’s Day: 14th February. The day you give presents to the
represent less than 10% of total sales worldwide, this area person you love
represents three quarters of total sales growth since 2015. New Year: 1st January, but Chinese New Year falls on the day of
Online retailers like Amazon have become leading figures the new moon between 21st January and 20th February.
in the retail of books, CDs and electrical goods. They have Diwali: The ‘Festival of Lights’ is a Hindu festival celebrated in
developed a fast and cost-effective order and delivery autumn (northern hemisphere) or spring (southern).
system which benefits both the retailer and the customer. Thanksgiving: Fourth Thursday in November. Started as a day to
Increasingly, we are also seeing cross-channel purchasing give thanks for a good harvest. Now most Americans’ favourite
and delivery: more and more physical stores are selling holiday.
Mother’s/Father’s Day: Different dates in different countries.
through their own or other websites, and online retailers
Children of all ages give presents to their parents.
are offering delivery options to physical stores as an Christmas: 25th December, Christian festival in which people
alternative to home delivery. In some countries, buying exchange gifts. In many countries, presents are given on the
online is much more typical, e.g. 65% of Chinese shoppers evening of the 24th.
shop online via their mobile at least once per month, All these offer retailers the chance to sell merchandise (products)
while this figure is only 22% in the US. especially designed for these occasions, e.g. cards, gifts, special
This unit presents relevant language for talking about wrapping, flowers, magazines, recipes, books and much more.
orders and deliveries. Students will also learn how to
EXTENSION   Ask students what the most important
use the passive to talk about logistical processes in the
present and past, and learn some useful expressions to commercial, and religious, holidays there are in their
talk about payment terms. In Business communication, countries.
they will practise making requests and asking for
permission in the context of conversations about orders Exercise 2
and delivery issues. In the Talking point, they will assess Students read and answer questions individually before
the advantages and disadvantages of different payment comparing answers in pairs. Do a quick whole-class
options and decide how they are going to sell a range of feedback.
products of their choice.
Possible answers
1 The last Friday in November. It’s a big shopping day in the
USA and other countries.
2 Retailers have had problems with stock and delivery because
so many people ordered products at the same time.
3 Retailers need to have a better idea of the demand and
employ more staff.

Exercise 3
Discuss the questions with the whole class. You might like
to point out that Black Friday is a purely commercial day.
Do students think it is better or worse than using a religious
festival like Christmas for commercial purposes?

Exercise 4
Students do this individually, then compare answers in pairs
before whole-class feedback.

Unit 8 47

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Answers Exercise 9
1  g  2  j  3  b  4  f  5  d  6  i  7  h  8  a  9  e  10  c Refer students to the different bullet-point subjects and
check they understand by asking them how the customer or
Exercise 5 supplier may talk about them, e.g. Stock: Do you have them in
stock? We don’t stock that product. Refer them to the Tip and
Ask students to do this in pairs before going over answers
ask them the difference between shipping date and delivery
with the class.
date. Point out that many goods are now no longer sent
Answers by ‘ship’, but that this word has been kept to describe the
1 quote overall transport process.
2 guarantee Students use the conversation topics. Check the
3 process/place/deliver pronunciation of antique and furniture. Before they start, give
4 check them a few minutes to think about what they are going to
5 transport
say. Monitor the pairwork and ask students to self-correct if
6 track
7 enquire
you hear incorrect use of the target language for this section.
8 meet Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 8 Working with words
Exercise 6 worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
You could start by asking students to list the phrases in 5 in
two columns under the headings ‘Customer’ and ‘Supplier’.
They then have to number them in a logical order and talk
Language at work
through the process at the same time. Check answers with Exercise 1
the whole class. Students first make a list in pairs. Write their ideas on the
Possible answer board.
First, the customer calls to enquire about a product. The supplier
Possible answers
quotes a price, and the customer places an order. The supplier
There’s a mistake in the quotation; the factory has too many
checks the product is in stock (or that he/she can meet the
orders and can’t produce in time; the goods are damaged when
demand) and guarantees a delivery date. He/She processes the
they arrive; the order arrives too late; the quantity is wrong; the
order and when it is ready, transports the goods to the customer.
transporter delivers to the wrong address.
The customer can track the shipment online during this time.
Finally, the supplier delivers the order to the customer.
Exercise 2
Exercise 7 l 8.2 Students read the four descriptions, then listen to see
what each conversation is about. Play the recording once
l 8.1 Students listen and answer the questions, then
and elicit the answers from the class. Ask them what words
compare answers briefly in pairs. During the whole-class
they remember that helped them to decide on the correct
feedback, ask what action the supplier will take next
(Conversation 1 – quote a price and place an order with the
supplier if the customer accepts the price. Conversation 2 – Answers
check with the warehouse for a definite delivery date). Listen 1  c  2  a
again if necessary.
Answers Exercise 3
a  2  b  1  c  1  d  2 l 8.2 In pairs, students choose what they think is the correct
answer. Then play the listening again, pausing after each key
Exercise 8 sentence to elicit the correct answer.
l 8.1 In pairs, students complete as many of these as Answers
possible. Then play the listening again, pausing after each 1 is transferred
target sentence to elicit the correct word. Ask them which of 2 are shipped
the words they completed are nouns and which are verbs. 3 are placed, guarantee
4 tracked, were delivered
Answers 5 was confirmed
1 enquiry (noun) 6 was sent
2 stock (verb)
3 order (verb)
4 quotation (noun) Exercise 4
5 guarantee (noun) First, focus on the correct verb forms for sentences 1–6
6 process (noun) in 3. If students aren’t sure of the passive/active distinction,
7 ship (verb) point out one example of each in the sentences in 3,
8 delivery (noun) then ask them to correctly identify the others. Then ask
them to complete the explanations in the Language point
Further practice individually, allowing them time to compare answers in pairs
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 8 on page before whole-class feedback.
120 of the Student’s Book.

48 Unit 8

10_BR2e_8811_PITB_U08.indd 48 13/11/2018 10:54

Answers Practically speaking
1 passive (Examples: sentences 1, 2, 3, 5)
2 active (Examples: sentence 3 we guarantee, sentence 4 Exercise 1
I tracked) Elicit answers from the group and write them on the board.
3 is (Examples: sentence 1, sentence 2, sentence 3 are placed)
4 were (Examples: sentence 4 were delivered, sentence 5, Exercise 2
sentence 6) l 8.3 You may like to pre-teach the term VAT by asking
students what the equivalent would be in their country. As
PRONUNCIATION   Highlight the weak forms of are /ə/, was
an initial listening task, you could ask them which of the
/wəz/ and were /wə/ in the different passive forms in 3 payment ideas from 1 were discussed in the conversation.
(sentences 2 to 6). Point out that we pronounce them like Then listen again for the question asked here and let
this because they are not stressed in the sentence: the main students compare answers in pairs before whole-class
stress falls on the main verb because it's more important. feedback.
Ask students to repeat the sentences, providing a model
if necessary. Then insist on correct pronunciation of these Possible answer
weak forms when students go through 5 and 6. The customer will pay €285 (€300 - 5%) immediately by bank
Grammar reference
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference Exercise 3
on page 121 of the Student’s Book. l 8.3 Students complete the questions individually, then
Exercise 5 compare answers with a partner. They may need help with
the terms (to) charge, discount, instalments. Only listen again
Students do this individually, then compare answers in pairs
at this point if necessary. Check answers with the whole
before you check with the whole class.
class. You could then check their understanding of the
Answers questions by eliciting the answers to all the questions as
1 are made, are sold heard in the listening (you may choose to listen again here).
2 was sent
3 were checked Answers
4 is guaranteed 1 total
5 was placed, were confirmed 2 include
3 charge
4 discount, advance
Exercise 6 5 forms, accept
You could start by asking students to read through the text 6 monthly
quickly without completing any of the verb forms and to
tell you what ‘Click and Collect’ is. Have they used this type Exercise 4
of service in their own country? Then remind students that Students complete the exercise individually before whole-
for this exercise they have to choose either an active or a class feedback.
passive form. Ask them to work through the exercise in pairs,
then do whole-class feedback. Answers
1  c  2  a  3  b
1 is placed 7 opened
2 isn’t delivered 8 were offered DICTIONARY SKILLS  
3 is offered 9 were invited Point out that some words can be used as verbs and
4 choose (or are choosing) 10 were installed nouns, but with different word stress: when they are verbs,
5 was introduced 11 return the stress is on the second syllable; as nouns, the stress is
6 wanted 12 pick on the first syllable.
import, export, record, discount, refund, update, upgrade,
Further practice increase, decrease, invite, present, reject, contract, object,
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 8 on page subject
121 of the Student’s Book. Students could use their dictionaries to see if the verb and
noun meanings are similar (e.g. import), or very different
Exercise 7
Encourage students to find at least one benefit and one
disadvantage for the different people indicated. Monitor
the pairwork and ask students to self-correct if you hear any Exercise 5
incorrect active or passive forms. Get feedback on answers Make sure students understand they are playing the role of
from the whole class. customer or salesperson for each situation. Encourage them
to switch roles for the second conversation. With weaker
Photocopiable worksheet classes, you may like to start by brainstorming the different
Download and photocopy Unit 8 Language at work questions the customer could ask in each situation. Monitor
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice. the pairwork and ask students to self-correct if necessary.

Unit 8 49

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Business communication aren’t buying something). Highlight the expressions used
here, too.
Exercise 1
This initial exercise introduces the idea that the language we Simple requests: 3, 6, 7
use to make a request will depend on what we are asking Less simple requests: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8
and who we are talking to. Elicit possible answers for each
situation. If students can’t come up with suitable expressions,
Exercise 5
give them a choice of two (e.g. Do you think I could ask you to
…? and Could you …?) and ask them which they would use Ask students to consider if the request is ‘simple’ or ‘less
in each situation, and why. simple’ before choosing their expression. Let them work
through all the situations with their partner, then ask a
Remind students that what you say depends on how big
different pair to role-play each exchange to the whole class.
the request is and what your relationship is with the other
If the other pairs chose different expressions, they can check
with you if these were OK. Note that the request expressions
Exercise 2 chosen will depend in certain cases on the perception of the
situation, e.g. you wouldn’t use the same language when
l 8.4 Students read the instructions, and then listen to the
asking someone to open the window in your own office, and
three parts of the conversation. Listen twice if necessary,
when in a railway carriage with four strangers. Let students
allowing students time to compare answers after each
justify their choice of language if necessary by explaining the
listening. Check answers with the whole class.
context of their conversation.
Possible answers Further practice
The man asks: for small change; if it’s possible just to show his
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 8 on page
driving licence; for a bag.
The shopkeeper asks the man: to wait (twice); for his 120 of the Student’s Book.
confirmation email/order reference; for his ID; for a signature.
Exercise 6
Refer students to the Key expressions. Ask them to read
Exercise 3 through. If necessary, check with them the response to
l 8.4 You could ask students to try to match the questions Would you mind …-ing … and Do you mind if … in both
and responses first, before playing the recording again. Then negative and positive situations.
let students listen to check. You could pause the recording Stronger students could work on this in closed pairs first.
briefly after each request and response to allow students Monitor the pairwork for correct and appropriate use of the
to complete the exercise. Then check the answers with the target language. Then go over the whole conversation with
class. You may like to point out/elicit: the class by asking individual students to contribute a line to
• why No, not at all is a positive answer here (it’s in response the conversation. Other students should listen to compare
to Would you mind …? which means Is it a problem …?) with their own conversations.
• why the customer says the following: Go ahead (to give Weaker classes may need more help building up the
permission to serve the lady first); I didn’t realize (The conversation as a whole class first, before practising in pairs.
customer hadn’t seen the other customer); Here you are In either case, make sure that the pairs practise the
(used when giving something to someone). conversation at least twice with each person playing both
Answers roles. They could swap partners to role-play it again.
1  f  2  h  3  a  4  c  5  e  6  g  7  d  8  b Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 8 Business communication
Exercise 4 worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
This exercise picks up on the distinctions highlighted in
1. Do this as a whole-class exercise. You may like to start
by creating a two-column table on the board under the
Talking point
headings ‘simple requests’ and ‘less simple requests’. You will
then add the different expressions to the table as you go Discussion
through the exercise. Exercise 1
Elicit which three requests could be considered as ‘simple’ As a lead-in, ask the class what payment methods they
in the context of the conversations they’ve heard, i.e. the have used in the last week and what they have used them
shopkeeper asking for the confirmation email, some ID and a for. Then refer them to the questions and ask them to
signature. These are all normal requests in this situation and discuss their answers in pairs, thinking about both in-shop
the response will usually be positive. Elicit/highlight which and online purchases. Get feedback from the whole class,
request expressions are used for these. focusing in particular on the ‘Why?’ question, as this will
Then elicit or point out why the other requests are ‘less highlight the advantages and disadvantages from the
simple’ for the person talking, e.g. Do you mind if I see this consumer’s point of view.
gentleman first? (I’m asking you to wait your turn but I have
to be polite), Would you mind giving me some small change?
(I know shopkeepers don’t always like to give change if you

50 Unit 8

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Exercise 2 ONE-TO ONE   If your student isn’t a potentially
l 8.5 Before listening, you could ask students what payment entrepreneurial type, you may prefer to research your own
methods they think retailers would prefer – again making product idea in advance.
a distinction between in-shop and online sales. Then listen,
twice if necessary, pausing after each speaker to allow Exercise 1
students to note their answers. Let them compare answers Students work through the questions in pairs or groups. Give
in pairs before whole-class feedback. feedback on their ideas but don’t focus on correcting their
English unless their explanations aren’t clear.
Possible answers
Exercise 2
Payment Advantages Disadvantages
type Students present their ideas and then invite questions or
suggestions from the rest of the class. You might like to ask
1 mobile nearly everyone has a not everybody students to vote for the best product and business plan.
phone mobile phone has payment
application on Progress test
their phone, Download and photocopy Unit 8 Progress test and Speaking
need to update test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
problems with
2 cash no additional fees for there are a lot of
shops; you have the false banknotes;
money immediately false banknote
detector is
3 contactless makes high-street the limit can be
payment shopping for small annoying, but is
purchases very quick a safety measure;
and easy; no need some customers
to bother with coins, are worried that
notes, or PIN numbers; anyone could use
the amount is limited their card if they
lose it
4 credit card people can pay expensive –
quickly – don’t think up to 5% per
about the money transaction
they’re spending
5 online safe – payment not high transaction
accepted if people fees
don’t have money in
their account
quick – immediate

Exercise 3
This could be done as a whole-class activity or initially in
pairs before whole-class feedback.

To set up this activity, ask who in the class would be
interested in setting up their own business one day. What
products would they sell? You can then form pairs or small
groups around the people with the product idea, thus
ensuring that there is a leader in each group.
If students are short of ideas, you might like to ask them
to research products of interest on a crowdfunding site
like Kickstarter, where entrepreneurs try to get financial
sponsors for their new venture. They can then use one of
these products as if it were their own idea. If you don’t have
Internet access in your class, you can set this as a homework
task and do the rest of the activity in the next lesson.

Unit 8 51

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9 Selling
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to You could start by showing various advertisements on video
or in magazines. Ask what they are for and if students think
• talk about advertising
they work. Students discuss the questions in pairs or small
• talk about obligation, necessity and permission groups before whole-class feedback. For the final statement,
• interrupt and avoid being interrupted ask students if they think any of the controls on advertising
• control the discussion in meetings. are too strict / not strict enough in their country. You could
refer them to the Tip on the second page of this unit section,
as the terms advertising and advertisement will be used
repeatedly throughout this unit section, so the differences
The world of advertising has been transformed and the abbreviated forms will be useful.
fundamentally by the Internet revolution. To reach their
target audiences, companies now have to advertise across
an ever wider range of media as they seek to follow their Working with words
existing or prospective customers in their increasingly
diverse reading, listening and viewing habits. This has Exercise 1
both advantages and disadvantages: it can make it Students read the question and discuss it in pairs. Elicit
easier to communicate a targeted advertising message answers from the whole class and write them on the board.
at exactly the moment when a customer is thinking of You can then refer to this list when you get to 2.
buying. On the other hand, the choice of media is now
so vast that a lot of careful thought and planning is
Exercise 2
needed to find the right mix – as well as a certain amount Students read the text and compare answers in pairs before
of luck. In addition, there is an inevitable backlash from whole-class feedback. If you have Internet access, you could
many consumers fed up with the fact that advertising show students an advertisement for Orabrush and ask why
now follows us everywhere. For example, apps to block they think the campaign was such a success. (The term ‘viral
online ads on computers or phones are commonplace, video’ may come up in conversation. Point out that they’ll be
and certain cities have moved to stop or limit outdoor looking at viral videos in more detail in the Talking point.)
advertising, as seen in the Language in work section of Possible answers
this unit. The advice is to use social media, but to make sure that you
This unit focuses first of all on the vocabulary of choose the right media for your audience, to add value with
advertising and promotion. It then gives students the special offers (this will get people talking) and to use humour.
chance to talk about advertising laws around the world.
Practically speaking and Business communication focus Exercise 3
on useful expressions for asserting yourself in meetings, Students discuss the question in pairs, then share their ideas
leading to a final role-played meeting where students with the whole group. Students may come up with similar
decide on a promotional campaign. In the Talking point, ideas to those in the ‘Context’ section at the beginning of the
they get to talk about the phenomenon of viral videos Teacher’s Book notes to this unit. If not, you could feed them
and plan a viral marketing video of their own. in to the discussion and ask students what they think.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to think about a company
they know something about and the different types of
promotion they have seen before and since the use of
the Internet.

Exercise 4
Students match the phrases and definitions individually,
then compare answers in pairs. Follow up with whole-class
feedback. You may like to elicit or point out the following:
• we generally use advertising when a company pays
for it: we use publicity when it’s free, or the company is
mentioned in the media.
• the adjective from awareness is aware: we are aware of a
product means we know that it exists
• target can also be a verb: we target a particular audience
• boost is similar to increase but is a faster action.
Some languages use the same word for last and latest. To
test their understanding, ask what are the last and latest

52 Unit 9

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versions of a well-known product. The latest = the newest, Students then read the six forms of advertising. Check their
most recent – up to now. The last implies nothing will follow, understanding with questions, e.g. What happens when you
e.g. the last train (at night). click on a click ad? What’s the difference between a targeted
and non-targeted email? What search engine do you use?
Answers Students work in pairs and decide which forms they would
1 attract new business
recommend for the companies in 6. Discuss ideas as a
2 boost sales
3 get free publicity group, encouraging students to give reasons.
4 conduct an advertising campaign Possible answers
5 word of mouth All methods could be used, however, the following might
6 reach a target audience be best:
7 promote your latest range Office supplies: click ads, targeted emails, search engines
8 increase awareness Health clubs: social media (connecting through ‘friends’/
9 offer discounts contacts), click ads, advertising boards on location, search
engines, promotional events, (to be able to offer something, and
Exercise 5 ‘take a friend’)
Internet service providers: social media, click ads, targeted
Students choose the correct word. Check their answers
emails, search engines (all online spaces)
before students work in pairs to ask and answer the
questions. Get feedback briefly with the whole class.
Exercise 9
Answers l 9.2 Students listen to the speakers describing how they
1 word of mouth
advertise. Students compare answers in pairs before whole-
2 boost, sales
3 get free publicity class feedback. Ask them what they think of the methods.
4 target audience, reach Answers
Speaker 1: digital advertising boards at sports stadiums, click
Further practice ads in online sports magazines
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 9 on Speaker 2: targeted email campaign twice a year, getting
page 122 of the Student’s Book. website onto first page of search engine
Speaker 3: promote company on Facebook and Twitter. Free
Exercise 6 outdoor exercise class once a month in the summer
l 9.1 Before playing the recording, ask students how the
three types of business mentioned advertise in their country. Exercise 10
How did they choose their Internet service provider? Were If students are not aware of how their company advertises,
they influenced by their advertising? Then listen and check they could either find this out for the next lesson or research
answers with the whole class. another company as indicated below for pre-work learners.
Answers Students discuss in pairs or groups, preferably with someone
Office supplies 2 from a different company. Monitor for correct use of target
Health clubs 3 language. Then, invite students to talk about any particularly
Internet service providers 1 interesting campaigns they heard about from other
Exercise 7 PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask your students to do some research
l 9.1 If you think students understood quite a lot the first outside the classroom: students research ‘best advertising
time, let them try to answer the questions before listening campaigns’ on the Internet, then report on their findings
again. Then play the recording again and let them compare in class.
answers in pairs before checking with the whole class.
Photocopiable worksheet
Possible answers Download and photocopy Unit 9 Working with words
Speaker 1: Everybody offers the same services for the same price. worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
They are trying to attract sports lovers with a special offer for
sports channels.
Speaker 2: People think they are expensive because it’s a small Language at work
independent shop. So they offer big discounts on 50 different
products every month. Exercise 1
Speaker 3: They opened in a town where nobody knew them. Students discuss the questions in pairs. Discuss as a group
They’re offering a free month of classes to people who bring
what kind of changes they talked about. Who thinks their
new customers.
town/city has changed for the better, or worse, and why?

Exercise 8 Exercise 2
Before doing this exercise, refer students to the Tip on Students read the text, and compare answers in pairs. Ask
advertising. Remind them also about how this word is them to vote on whether it’s ‘a good idea’, ‘not a bad idea’, or
pronounced in its various forms: advertising, advertisement ‘not a good idea’; use this as the basis for a brief discussion.
(US English), advertisement (British English), advert. If most of them choose one of the first two options, ask how
the city can compensate for the loss in advertising revenue.

Unit 9 53

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Answer Exercise 6
The city doesn’t have commercial street advertising now. Students read the messages and complete the task in pairs
before whole-class feedback. They may need help with the
Exercise 3 following: throughout the store, non-refundable (NB they
learnt refund in Unit 5), cancellation insurance (they learnt
Students match the verbs in bold to the correct meaning,
cancelled flight in Unit 7), bill posters and prosecuted.
and then compare with a partner. Check with the whole
class. Note that in certain languages the ‘not possible’ and Suggested answers
‘not necessary’ notions are often expressed with the same 2 You can get a 30% discount, but you have to buy today.
verb, so it’s important to make the distinction clear between 3 You aren’t allowed to pay by cheque. You have to pay cash or
don’t have to / don’t need to and can’t / aren’t allowed to. Note by card.
that two gaps at the end of the Language point don’t have a 4 You don’t have to pay for delivery if you spend more than
verb in the text. Students discuss what verbs would fit there. €100.
5 You can’t have a refund for this ticket. If you want to be
Answers protected, you have to take cancellation insurance.
1 have to / need to 6 You aren’t allowed to / can’t advertise here.
2 don’t need to
3 can / (are allowed to) Further practice
4 aren’t allowed to / (can’t) If students need more practice, go to Practice file 9 on
The two missing verbs are ‘are allowed to’ and ‘can’t’. page 123 of the Student’s Book.

Grammar reference Exercise 7

If students need more information, go to Grammar reference Students read the instructions. Check the vocabulary. They
on page 123 of the Student’s Book. should spend a few minutes thinking which question form
is most appropriate for each item. Point out the formation of
Exercise 4 the questions (students may want to say *Have you to …?);
l 9.3 Students listen to people discussing advertising. drill a few examples if necessary. Students work in pairs to
Check answers quickly as a group. Don’t listen again at answer the questions. Encourage use of the modal verbs
this stage. from 2.
Answers ALTERNATIVE   If students are from the same country, ask
a  3  ​b  4  ​c  1  ​d  2 them to research a different country online and to report
back on what they find out.
Exercise 5
l 9.3 Students try to complete the sentences with verbs
If you think students need more practice in this area,
from 3. Point out to students that even if they don’t
ask them to discuss other rules and regulations in their
remember the verbs from the listening, they can complete
countries. Topics could include: laws for under-18s,
these sentences in a logical way. Students complete the
voting and elections, driving (both cars and motorcycles),
sentences individually, then compare answers in pairs. Listen
drinking alcohol, travelling to other countries / visas. NB
again to check answers with the whole class, pausing after
Make sure you choose topics which are acceptable in your
each target sentence.
local teaching context.
For the second part of the task, students need to refer more
to the general point that each speaker is making, rather Photocopiable worksheet
than the individual sentences (sentences 5–8 are facts, not Download and photocopy Unit 9 Language at work
opinions, so it’s difficult to respond to them). You could refer worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
students back to the statements in 4 and ask them why each
speaker has that opinion e.g. Statement c: Outdoor advertising
isn’t attractive because billboards look unattractive and get Practically speaking
bigger every year. Play the recording again if necessary. They
could discuss their opinions as a group, or in pairs first. Exercise 1
l 9.4 As a lead-in, ask the class why it is sometimes
Answers necessary to interrupt somebody who is speaking. When is it
1 have to
impolite to do this?
2 don’t need to
3 need to Play the recording and let students compare answers in pairs
4 have to before whole-class feedback. Students familiar with Internet
5 aren’t allowed to advertising and the use of cookies may give more detailed
6 are allowed to, can’t answers, and their opinions on the subject. For others,
7 don’t have to accept minimal answers and move on to the next exercise.
8 can
9 don’t have to Suggested answers
1 They’re talking about targeted advertising on the Internet
ALTERNATIVE   You may prefer to move straight on to the and ‘cookies’.
controlled practice in 6. You could then come back to this 2 They don’t agree.
part before the final exercise.

54 Unit 9

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Exercise 2 Exercise 2
l 9.4 Students listen and number the phrases. Check l 9.5 You may need to explain or elicit the meanings of
answers quickly with the whole class after listening. sentences 1−6 before students can match them with a−f. In
particular, they may not understand the following terms:
a  4  ​b  5  ​c  3  ​d  2  ​e  1 • catch = hear
• get off the subject = talk about a different subject
Exercise 3 • cover = deal with
Do this activity with the whole class. Play the recording • I’m not with you = I don’t understand what you mean
again if necessary to allow students to hear the expressions • sum up = describe the main points
in context, pausing after each expression is used. • be more specific = give more detail
Answers • move on (to) = change (to a new subject)
1  a, e   ​2  b, d   ​3  c • come back to = return to (a subject discussed before).
Students match A and B individually, then compare answers
Exercise 4 in pairs. Play the recording again and pause after each
matched pair of sentences to elicit the correct answers.
Each pair chooses the same subject to talk about. Give
them enough time to think individually of three or four Answers
ideas so that the discussion goes on long enough for them 1  f  ​2  c  ​3  e  ​4  d  ​5  b  ​6  a
to use the phrases from 3. They may tend to let each other
finish without interrupting: encourage them to interrupt Refer students to the Key expressions, and check they
as often as possible, even if it means being a little impolite. understand the phrases.
Model this first with a stronger student, with the teacher PRONUNCIATION   Ask students to mark the main stressed
interrupting. words on the follow-up sentences a–f (and stressed syllables
ALTERNATIVE   You may like to introduce a game element by in the case of words with more than one syllable).
telling students to give themselves a point each time they
use one of the target expressions. Answers
a Can we sum up what we’ve agreed?
b Could you be more specific?
Business communication c
What was the last figure?
Can we move on to the next point?
EXTRA ACTIVITY   e Can we come back to that later?
f We need to discuss our new marketing campaign.
Ask students what they like and/or dislike about
meetings. Elicit problems that business people often have
about meetings (too long, not focused enough, some Exercise 3
participants talk too much) and explain that controlling Students use the sentences as prompts. Encourage pairs
the discussion (the focus of this section) is an important to come up with alternative responses in each case. Get
skill, as it can reduce these problems. feedback on different possible answers with the whole class.

PRE-WORK LEARNERS  Ask the students what they think the Possible answers
2 Sorry, I’m not with you. Can you be more specific? Do you
problems might be with meetings in companies.
want to recruit more people?
3 We’re getting off the subject. Can we come back to that later
Exercise 1 if we have time?
l 9.5 Due to length, you could break the listening into three 4 Sorry, I didn’t catch that. What was the second figure?
sections and ask students to compare answers after each 5 No, I think we’ve covered recruitment. Can we move on to the
section. Students listen to complete the notes. Get feedback next point?
at the end with the whole class. 6 No, I think that’s everything. Can we sum up what we’ve
Advertising: Further practice
Money spent last year: €28.6 million If students need more practice, go to Practice file 9 on
Budget this year: €37.5 million
page 122 of the Student’s Book.
Extra money to be used for: big social media campaign
Sales: Exercise 4
This year: 7 % increase
Next two years: 7 % Refer students to the meeting agenda. If you have at
Key markets: the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary least four students in your class, ask them to prepare
Action: for the meeting in pairs by discussing their reactions to
Edward to prepare detailed sales forecast the proposals and thinking of ideas for the advertising
Anton to provide details of social media campaign campaign.
Form meeting groups of four to six students. Divide large
groups into separate meetings. Don’t appoint a chairperson:
the idea is that everyone can control the discussion.

Unit 9 55

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Monitor for correct use of the sentences from this section, Task
including natural stress, rhythm and intonation. Stronger
groups could be encouraged to include interrupting Exercise 1
language from the Practically speaking section of this unit: a Divide students into groups of three or four. Ask them to
quick recap of the expressions will be useful before starting. think about what company they are going to plan for. When
Bring common mistakes to the students’ attention at the end they’ve made their choice, note them all on the board.
of the meeting and ask them to self-correct. ONE-TO-ONE   Ask the student to decide which company
With several groups, ask each group to summarize at they want to focus on, and what the video will be about.
the end. Discuss their ideas, and suggest some of your own. If the
ONE-TO-ONE   This activity works perfectly well as a two- student is self-motivated, they could do this task at home,
person discussion, but in your preparation, you could and then present it to you next lesson.
include some information which will prompt the student to
use the target language for this section, e.g. some (invented) Exercise 2
statistics which they will have to ask you to repeat, some Students decide on a subject for their video.
deliberately unclear arguments or a deliberate digression.
Avoid being the unofficial chairperson: let the student move Exercise 3
things along. Students discuss which of the five tips they will follow.

Photocopiable worksheet Exercise 4

Download and photocopy Unit 9 Business communication Students plan their video together, and give timings.
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice. Encourage them to map it out on paper like a story board.
Monitor and give help with vocabulary or ideas. Don’t
Talking point correct their use of language unless it’s not clear to the other
students, but make a note for later work.
Discussion Exercise 5
Exercise 1 Each group chooses a spokesperson to present their
video plan to the rest of the class. Encourage listeners to
As a lead-in, ask students why some videos on YouTube get
give feedback, e.g. on an idea they particularly like or any
fewer than a hundred views, and others several million. Write
suggestions they have.
their ideas on the board. Students then read the five tips; ask
them which of the ideas mentioned are similar to their own. Progress test
Deal with any vocabulary problems in the text. Download and photocopy Unit 9 Progress test and Speaking
test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Possible answers
Similar: traditional and online adverts are both short; people talk
about good advertisements; need to interest the viewer straight
Different: people often share online videos with friends; people
are more likely to close an online video before it finishes, but are
more likely to watch a TV ad until the end. Online adverts can
encourage you to click, and go to a site, or take action.

ALTERNATIVE   As an alternative lead-in, tell students they are

going to answer two questions: What is a viral video? Why
do you think some videos ‘go viral’? Then ask them to type in
the terms ‘top viral videos’ and ‘top viral marketing videos’ on
YouTube and to watch a selection from each to give them
an idea of how to answer the two questions. If you have no
Internet access, this could be done in advance at home.

Exercise 2
Students discuss in pairs which tips they think are more or
less important. Encourage alternative ideas.

Exercise 3
Students discuss what sorts of videos they share. In
feedback, you could ask them to give reasons.

56 Unit 9

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Viewpoint 3
Preview Exercise 3
Students read the words for talking about logos, and put
The topic of this Viewpoint is company logos. In this
them into the categories. Do the first word together.
Viewpoint, students begin by listening to people
explaining why company logos are important, then Answers
watch a video which examines the role colour plays in How it looks: small, modern, round, bright
the design of logos, before finally designing a new logo Where you see it: van, website, supermarket, packaging
themselves. How it makes you feel: optimistic, excited, happy, safe

EXTENSION   Ask students which words they could use to

Exercise 1 describe their own company or college logo.
You could start by showing, or drawing on the board, one
or two famous logos, and asking students to guess what Exercise 4
company they represent. Students then discuss in pairs what Students work in pairs and look at the colours. Ask them to
famous logos they know, and how important they think suggest which types of businesses use which colour. Elicit
a logo is. Ask them to show, if possible, and discuss their one or two to get them started (e.g. car manufacturers,
company or college logo, in terms of colour and design, and drinks companies, etc.).
what it may represent.
Exercise 5
Exercise 2
r 02 Before playing the video, ask students to read the
r 01 Give students time to read the information in the information in the table so that they know what to listen out
table, and then play the video. Ask students to make notes for. Then play the video. If necessary, play it a second time,
in the table. Reassure students that they do not need to pausing after each colour section.
understand all of what the speakers say, but to try to pick out
Students check their answers with a partner, and then check
their key points only.
the answers together.
Note that speaker two (Mark) does not answer the third
question. Answers
Ask students if either speakers’ comments or opinions are 1 happy
similar to their own. Discuss as a group. 2 Red
3 good
Possible answers 4 IT
5 car companies
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 6 Internet search engine
What do Typeface (font) has to A quick
you think represent look, tone understanding at VIDEO SCRIPT
makes and feel that you want a quick glance of They’re all around us. We see them every day.
a good to create for/with your what the company On cars.
logo? company. is about. On packaging.
It can be (make it) formal, Something On the sides of vans.
fun, less serious. that you can On the front of our local shops.
Design (mark) which is immediately On the shelves of our shops.
symbolic or metaphorical recognize on a van In our homes.
or an immediate read that passes you on On our phones.
for what your company the street. We even wear them!
stands for is very Something that Logos are everywhere.
powerful. sticks in your head. So what makes a logo powerful?
Can you The company (Vantiv) The company Colour is a key factor.
tell us does not have a design (Lincoln college) Colours send a message and create an emotional response. Colour
about mark, so the logo is only has a crest: three also says something about our business. Let’s take a look at some
your words. reindeer, a shield logos to see how they use colour.
company Stylized with a particular and three stars For most people, yellow is a bright and optimistic colour. It makes
logo? font, all lower case, grey. (diamonds) and a us feel warm and happy inside. So brands like fast food restaurants
Trademarked. little star. use yellow on their signs and logos. It says to customers: ‘Hey! We’re
a happy place to bring the kids and have fun’.
How Very powerful. Red can Another colour that’s popular with fast food restaurants is red. Red
important be aggressive and blue is is an exciting colour which you often see on burger bars but of
is colour associated with finance course …
in a logo? and is considered safe. Red can also mean danger or there’s an emergency, so you’ll see
red logos for medical companies.
Of course, you can use colour in a logo to say something
completely different about a product. For example, imagine you

Viewpoint 3 57

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are selling a soft fizzy drink. You’d probably have a red logo to let ONE-TO-ONE   The same exercise can be used with a one-to-
everyone know how exciting life becomes when you drink this one student. If time is an issue, you could ask the student to
product. choose just one logo to design.
But what happens when everyone wants a fizzy drink with less
sugar in and you have to make your product healthier? Simple.
Exercise 9
Just turn your red logo into a green logo. After all, green sends the
message that the product is clean and good for you. Students present their ideas to the class. Remind them
So green is also good if you’re an energy company, or maybe sell before they start to use the phrases from 6 to help.
organic food. Another colour that’s healthy is blue. Now earlier we Invite feedback from other class members on the suitability
said that logos for medical companies are often red. That’s usually of the colours chosen and the design, and how the logo
when they are involved with first aid or emergencies. But we would make them feel, as customers.
associate blue with safety and reliability so blue is popular with the
pharmaceutical industry and with IT businesses. EXTENSION   Students could find similar companies online in
You might think blue is a bit boring, but even less exciting than their own time and compare those logos with the ones they
blue is the colour grey. Who uses grey as a logo? designed.
Brands that produce technology use grey to emphasise how
reliable their products are. Further video ideas
A classic timeless grey or silver logo is also the choice of many car You can find a list of suggested ideas for how to use video in
companies because it represents strength and performance. the class in the teacher resources in the Online practice.
But what if you want your product to say your company is many
things to many different people? Maybe you’re an Internet search
engine that everyone uses.
The answer is simple.
Think about it. What does your company logo say about you and
your business?
EXTENSION   Ask students if their company or college logo
fits into the colour categories described.

Exercise 6
r 02 Before playing the video again, ask students to read
the sentences and check their answers with a partner. Then
play the video again. Students check their answers again,
then check them with the whole class.
1 makes, feel
2 says
3 mean
4 sends, message
5 good
6 associate, popular
7 represents

Exercise 7
You could deal with these questions in two stages, as each
one could promote a lot of discussion.
Give students time to read the questions, and perhaps make
a few notes, and then pair them off with a new partner to
discuss the questions.
Discuss a few of their ideas as a group, and find out how
closely the logos they know resemble the information in
the video (in the table in 5), or whether there are significant

Exercise 8
Students work in small groups. They should imagine that
they are going to design a logo for each of three companies.
If you are short of time, each group could focus on just one
of the companies.
Tell them first to look at the pictures, and descriptions, so
that they understand a bit about each company. Then give
them time to discuss the logo and draw a sketch.
They should use the information in 5 to help and give them

58 Viewpoint 3

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1 Environment
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Elicit ideas for 1 from the whole class, then ask them to
discuss 2 in pairs. Before answering 2, you could brainstorm
• talk about environmental protection
a list of problems on the board, and then ask students to
• talk about probable future results put them in order of urgency. Check the pronunciation
• ask for clarification (including stress) of environment: /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ and
• give a formal presentation. environmental /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl/.

Context Working with words

The topic of Environment will be relevant to all business
people. Leaders and managers now realize that financial Exercise 1
and public relations benefit from a much greener Ask students what information they can think of which is
approach to business, so most companies, both large stored on computers, e.g. personal and public data, files, etc.
and small, now usually address their environmental Then ask them to work in pairs to answer the questions. Elicit
credentials. Partly this is because consumers are less and a few ideas briefly from the whole class.
less inclined to use a company which has a reputation for Suggested answers
being anti-green, so a company will lose business unless it 1 Personal data; corporate (from companies) data; government
can show it is environmentally-friendly. If you type ‘making data.
business green’ into an Internet search engine, you will 2 It is usually stored on huge servers (main computers which
get around a billion hits. connect several computers connected in a network).
To some extent, our attitude to green issues is cultural. For 3 They require a lot of energy, and could be costly to produce
example, northern European countries such as Germany and run.
or Denmark have traditionally been at the forefront of
making business green; developing countries have taken Exercise 2
the understandable viewpoint that restrictions on output Students read the text, compare their answers in 1 and
or distribution are going to hit them hard just as they answer the question.
are gaining market share. So your students are likely to Check students understand generate (v) – to produce or
express differing viewpoints, depending on where they create sth; (bomb) /bɒm/ shelter (n) – a place of protection
come from and what business they are in. from rain, danger or attack; extract (v) – to remove or
This unit provides the opportunity to discuss obtain a substance from sth., e.g. by using an industrial or a
environmental issues within the business world and to chemical process.
learn useful vocabulary in that field. It also gives a basic
introduction to the language of presentations and gives Answers
students ample chance to practise. They will also practise In Helsinki, the servers are kept cool under water in the Baltic
asking for clarification. The unit ends with a Talking point Sea, and the heated water is then used to heat homes.
At Google, the energy for big data servers comes from
where students discuss ways of getting people to change
their habits for the better to benefit themselves, and/or
others, and make a short presentation.
Exercise 3
Students work in pairs and discuss the questions.
EXTENSION   Ask students if these ideas could be
implemented in their own countries, or companies, and

Exercise 4
Students work individually, then compare answers in pairs.
Check answers with the whole class.

Unit 10 59

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Answers Exercise 7
1 energy consumption l 10.1 Students work in pairs and listen again to note which
2 recycled verb-noun combinations in 5 are used. You could suggest
3 reused they tick them off as they hear them. Check the answers
4 eco-friendly with the whole class.
5 renewable sources
6 throw away Answers
7 Fossil fuels 1 recycle metal cans, reduce waste
8 reduce pollution 2 pollute the environment, consume (less) electricity
9 Carbon emissions 3 throw away food, reuse glasses
10 Global warming 4 reduce emissions, pollute the air

Point out that we sometimes use reuse and recycle Further practice
interchangeably. Note that re- is a prefix meaning ‘again’ on If students need more practice, go to Practice file 10 on page
the following words: reuse, recycle, renew, but not on reduce. 124 of the Student’s Book.
Exercise 5 Exercise 8
After students have done the exercise in pairs, encourage Students discuss the four initiatives. Ask if any of them are in
them to develop their answers by using one each of place in their own places of work or study, and/or whether
the other verb-noun combinations in a sentence about they would be feasible. What might the disadvantages be
themselves or their working/study environment. of each?
Answers Exercise 9
2 fossil fuels
3 petrol Students should form pairs from different companies if
4 warming possible, and find out what their partner’s company does.
5 emissions PRE-WORK LEARNERS   For questions 1 and 2, students should
6 energy discuss their place of study. They could write a letter to their
principal, suggesting new green initiatives the school could
Some students (e.g. French-speaking) may confuse Refer students to the Tip about the word green. Can they use
the meaning or spelling of the following: consumption, it to describe their place of work or study, product or service,
customer, custom, costume. or one they know?
You could suggest they check their dictionaries to Photocopiable worksheet
check the meaning, as well as to find other words in the Download and photocopy Unit 10 Working with words
word families, e.g. consume (v), consumer (n, person), worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
consumption (n, object). Suggest they also check which
part of the word is stressed, i.e. consumer but customer.
Language at work
Ask students to work in pairs and write down two verb– Students answer the questions in pairs. Elicit a few ideas
noun combinations they want to remember. They should from the whole class, asking them to give reasons.
then write down an example when they would do this,
or this would happen, but without using the phrase, e.g. Possible answers
My brother cycles to work every day because he doesn’t want Students might come up with issues relating to price, rebuilding
to … (pollute the environment); We have three big boxes routes, capacity (number of people who can be transported),
in a cupboard in the kitchen to … We put empty containers etc.
and packaging in them, and then we take it all to a general
collection point. (recycle paper/plastic/glass) Exercise 2
Give students five minutes to prepare their situations, and l 10.2 Tell students they are going to hear a discussion
then ask them to pair up with another pair. Each pair reads about the costs of trams and electric buses, as well as how
out one of their situations and the other pair tries to guess many passengers each can carry. Ask them to listen for the
which verb-noun combination it refers to. numbers and complete the table.
Write the table on the board. Ask the students for their
responses and fill in the table.
Exercise 6
l 10.1 Tell students they will hear four short extracts that Answers
correspond to the four pictures. Let students compare
Trams Electric buses
answers in pairs, then check with the whole class.
Start-up costs/km (€): €19–22m €3m
A  3  ​B  2  ​C  4  ​D  1 No of passengers/hour 7,000 3,000
Running costs/km (€): €7 €5

60 Unit 10

13_BR2e_8811_PITB_U10.indd 60 13/11/2018 11:02

EXTENSION   Ask students if they have changed their mind Exercise 6
about which idea they prefer, and if so, why. Students read the instructions about introducing green
initiatives and discuss their ideas with a partner. They should
Exercise 3 then decide which they would choose. Encourage them to
l 10.2 Students underline the correct word individually, have reasons for their answers.
then compare answers in pairs. Then play the recording PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could discuss the situation at
again for them to check. Confirm the answers with the
their school or college.
whole class.
1 choose, will be Give each pair of students a new green initiative, e.g.
2 will cost, have to Photocopying is only allowed on Fridays.
3 don’t, won’t We should encourage people to work from home, and have
4 will, loses meetings on Skype.
Everyone must use their own mug at work; company mugs
Exercise 4 are only for visitors.
Refer students to the Language point and ask them to decide They should write it at the top of a piece of A4 paper, and
which sentences in 3 match each rule. then write a full sentence with the result of the initiative.
Then pass their paper clockwise round the classroom:
Answers each pair now thinks of the next result. Continue rotating
2 sentences 1 and 3
the pieces of paper for four or five sentences/results, then
3 sentence 2
4 sentence 4 pass the papers back to the original pair to read. Which
green initiative is the most interesting, or most effective,
Point out that if the if structure comes in the second part of and why? What are the consequences?
the sentence, we do not need a comma between the two
parts. Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 10 Language at work
Grammar reference
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference
on page 125 of the Student’s Book.

Exercise 5
Practically speaking
Students work in pairs to consider ways to improve their Exercise 1
city. Remind them that, in each case, they are talking about Pre-teach clarification – making something clearer or
the result of doing something. Listen out for use of tenses as easier to understand. Then elicit from the class their ideas
they talk, and if necessary, prompt and remind them that we about things to say if you don’t understand something in a
do not usually use will in the if clause. meeting.
Possible answers Possible answers
A What will happen if we improve public transport? Sorry, what did you say?
B Some people will stop using their cars, so there will be fewer Could you explain, please?
cars on the roads. If we do that, there’ll be less pollution.
A What will happen if we improve public transport? Exercise 2
B It will cost a lot of money, so we’ll need to increase ticket l 10.3 Ask students to read the sentences, and then listen
prices. for the correct answer.
A That won’t be popular with the public!
A What will happen if we create more cycle lanes? Answer
B More people will go to work by bike, and it will make the 1 the whole company
roads safer for cyclists. 2 next year
3 can’t
EXTENSION   Stronger students, or those who finish early, 4 part of the day
can be asked to come up with their own ideas and results,
or even to extend their conversations to add a follow-up Exercise 3
result of the suggestion. Other suggestions could include: l 10.3 Students listen again and complete the questions.
putting a speed limit on inner-city traffic to e.g. 10 km per
hour; banning cars from the city at weekends; creating more Answers
green spaces from closed roads, etc. 1 Do you mean
2 Sorry, did you say
Further practice 3 So, are you saying
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 10 on page 4 What do you mean by
125 of the Student’s Book.

Unit 10 61

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PRONUNCIATION   Ask students to decide which words are
important, and are stressed, in each phrase. Encourage them 1  e  2  g  3  f  4  a  5  b  6  c  7  h  8  d
to say each complete question out loud. Model this, or play
the listening again, pausing after each question. PRONUNCIATION   Ask students to focus on the numbered
phrases and to underline the stressed words in each phrase.
Answers For example:
1 Do you mean I’m here today to tell you about …
2 Sorry, did you say
3 So, are you saying I’ll come to …
4 What do you mean by Then ask students to repeat the phrases, paying particular
attention to the stressed words. Model the pronunciation
Exercise 4 yourself, or play the recording and pause at the appropriate
Demonstrate the first one with one student first. Students places.
work in AB pairs. Encourage B students to use different
phrases for checking clarification. If necessary, first work
Exercise 4
together with the class to make complete sentences with Explain e-billing. Explain also that bill can be both a noun and
the cues, e.g. We need to reduce our energy consumption next a verb – to send someone a bill for something. Check the
year; We must improve the results for recycling, etc. pronunciation of secure /sɪˈkjʊə(r)/, and security
PRONUNCIATION   In the questions with two alternatives,
Remind students that the notes are only notes, so they need
make sure students use contrastive stress correctly.
to fill them out with any necessary grammar words, as well
1 Do you mean the twenty-first or the thirty-first of October? as using the expressions in 3 and the Key expressions.
2 Are you saying the whole company, or just the factory?
Suggested answer
4 Sorry, did you say fifteen or fifty? I’m here today to tell you about the switch in our company to
Make sure students swap and each have a turn at asking for e-billing.
clarification. Listen out for correct use of phrases. First of all, I’ll tell you about some of the advantages and
disadvantages. Let’s start with the advantages. For example,
EXTENSION   You could ask stronger students or fast finishers
customers can view bills at any time of the day or night. In
to think of two more ideas, and think of what they would addition, e-billing is faster and cheaper than sending bills by
need to clarify, e.g. We’re having a team away day on Thursday. post. Additionally, e-billing helps the environment because
(clarify Thursday, not Tuesday) it saves on paper and plastic bags used for collecting waste
paper. My next point concerns the disadvantages: if we switch
to e-billing, we’ll need special secure software, and not all
Business communication customers have it. In addition, some customers are still worried
about security.
Exercise 1 So, to sum up, there are pros and cons, but I believe the
Let students discuss the question in pairs, then check their disadvantages can be overcome. That brings me to the end of my
ideas with the whole class. talk. Thank you for listening!

EXTENSION   As each student gives their (part of the)

Possible answers
Green policies can save money (by recycling goods or cutting presentation, their partner ticks off the phrases they hear.
bills) and increase profits / raise awareness of green issues Compare notes at the end to see who used the most
among staff / make the company environmentally friendly to the phrases!
public / more attractive to job applicants / create a feel-good
ALTERNATIVE   Have students working as A or B and planning
factor amongst the staff / help cut carbon emissions / reduce air
pollution. together: Student A could present the topic (subject)
and the advantages, and then Student B presents the
Exercise 2 disadvantages and the conclusion.
l 10.4 Play the listening once for students to compare their Further practice
list of advantages from 1. Then play the listening again and If students need more practice, go to Practice file 10 on page
ask them to complete the notes. Check answers with the 124 of the Student’s Book.
whole class.
Exercise 5
1 energy, profits Students work in two groups: Group A and Group B. They
2 environment, business should work together in groups to help each other and
3 employer prepare their presentations. When they are ready, pair them
4 regulations up A+B, for them to give their presentations to each other.
Listeners should write down the topic of the presentation,
Exercise 3 and then list some of the advantages and disadvantages
l 10.4 Students match the beginnings and ends of the they hear: they could then use this information to ask the
sentences from the presentation, then listen again to check presenter a question afterwards.
their answers (or read the audio script on page 153).

62 Unit 10

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Monitor their presentations and, afterwards, ask them to self- Task
correct if you hear any incorrect use of language: you could
write incorrect examples on the board. Exercise 1
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Group A could discuss the advantages Students read the list. Encourage them to come up with
and disadvantages of taking holidays without going at least three ideas for each action. Alternatively, you could
by air, using the following ideas: ticket prices, distance, allocate one activity to each pair. After five minutes, ask
destinations, times, tiredness, etc. Group B could discuss students for a few examples of each initiative. Check they are
using only public transport during the week and for work using the conditional forms correctly.
(not private cars), using the following ideas: cost, time, PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could talk about the situation
convenience, carbon emissions, etc. where they study.
ONE-TO-ONE   The student makes one, two or all of the
Exercise 2
presentations. You take notes on both content and
expressions used, and the student then compares your notes In turn, each pair presents their idea to the group. Give them
with the list of key expressions. If appropriate, they could time to prepare, reminding them to use phrases from the
prepare this at home for next time. Business communication section, as well as the language for
talking about results from the Language at work section.
Photocopiable worksheet ONE-TO-ONE   You could take two ideas each, and then
Download and photocopy Unit 10 Business communication compare and discuss them. The student could then write up
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice. the suggestions for one of the ideas as a mini-presentation,
using phrases from the previous section. They could then
Talking point present it next lesson.

As a lead-in, write nudge on the board and elicit or give the Progress test
meaning (here – to push somebody gently, in order to get Download and photocopy the Unit 10 progress test and
them to change their behaviour; to persuade). Demonstrate Speaking test from the teacher resources in the Online
the literal meaning (to push somebody gently, especially practice.
with your elbow), then explain the meaning here.

Exercise 1
Refer students to the text and The Golden Rules of Nudging,
and check they understand. Then ask them to read the text
and decide which rules the Speed Camera Lottery follows.
They could tick off their choices.
All of them.

Exercise 2
Students then discuss in pairs any possible disadvantages of
the Speed Camera Lottery. Discuss their ideas as a class.
It takes time, and someone would need to be paid to do the job.

Exercise 3
Ask students to think of other examples of nudging in
everyday life, e.g. getting people to use less electricity, by
installing metres in people’s homes for each individual
electric item; downloading an app which donates money for
every 1 km that users walk or run, to motivate people to do
more exercise. (The app generates money from advertising.)
Discuss ideas as a class.

Exercise 4
Students discuss whether they think nudging works better
than rules or punishments. Encourage them to give reasons
for their answers.

Unit 10 63

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11 Entertaining
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Elicit ideas for 1 from the whole class; students then discuss
2 in pairs.
• talk about corporate hospitality
• talk about corporate event facilities
• ask about food on a menu Working with words
• make invitations and offers.
Exercise 1
Students discuss the questions. Encourage them to come up
Context with a list for each answer.
Corporate entertainment has expanded considerably Possible answers
in recent years. Although the idea of companies ‘wining 1 to recognize and thank them for their loyalty, to win over their
and dining’ their clients is well-established, this area of loyalty, to encourage new business
business life has now spawned its own companies who 2 the entertainment may be cheaper than offering other
exist simply to provide entertainment and hospitality discounts or benefits, ‘old’ and new customers may be more
services for business people. The events fall into two inclined to use their products/services and not those of a
categories: the first type of event are those used to build competitor
and reinforce relationships with people outside the
company – usually clients, but also service providers, Exercise 2
agents, writers, and so on. These tend to be social and Students read the text and compare their answers in 1.
sporting events (often involving a lot of eating and
drinking): the new Wembley Stadium in London has Answers
18,000 corporate seats (of a total capacity of 90,000, 1 to improve relationships with their customers, suppliers or
i.e. 20%). The second type of event is provided for the staff, to give them a good time and be sure of their loyalty in
company’s own staff, usually to promote team-building the future
and increase motivation. These often involve games like 2 Companies consider it good value for money; it can be
cheaper than offering a discount.
paintballing or problem-solving activities such as murder
mystery weekends. Check students understand VIP /ˌviː aɪ ˈpiː/ (n) –
Corporate hospitality is now a massive industry in itself, abbreviation for ‘Very Important Person’, and to sponsor.
boosted in recent years in the UK by the 2012 Olympics, EXTENSION   Ask students if they’ve ever been involved in
the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the 2014 Commonwealth
any corporate entertainment, either as a company or client.
Games, and the 2016 Rugby World Cup. There is no doubt
What do, or could, their companies offer for a corporate
that the recipients of hospitality enjoy and appreciate it,
event? Which clients would they invite?
although whether it makes much difference to clients’
decision-making is another matter. In any case, food and
Exercise 3
drink are an important part of the business person’s life.
Students work in pairs to discuss the questions, based on
In this unit, students will start by talking about corporate
the information in the text. You could divide the class in two,
entertainment. Most contact between business people
and ask one group to consider the event organizers and the
from different companies will involve food and drink,
other to consider ordinary people.
and the language to discuss it will be immediately
useful. Within this context, the language of inviting and Answers
accepting or declining an invitation is key, and students Event organizers: Advantages: They can sell a large number
are given a number of take-away expressions to help of tickets at high prices; income is more guaranteed.
them with it. The Talking point at the end of the unit Disadvantages: they risk being labelled ‘elitist’; corporate clients
involves discussing the differences between corporate pay more and may expect more.
Ordinary people: Advantages: Higher prices for corporate
hospitality and bribery.
clients may be used to ‘subsidize’ ordinary ticket holders.
Disadvantages: corporate clients may get the best seats/places;
it may be very difficult/impossible to get tickets for major events.

Exercise 4
Students work individually to complete the table, and then
compare answers in pairs. Do the first one together. Check
answers with the whole class.

64 Unit 11

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Ask students to list other collocations with these verbs.
Information Details
Possible answers
Host company Banco de Santander.
hold + a party, a meeting, a reservation, office, an opinion, a
Guests Leading VIPs from banking conversation
world arrange + a meeting, a party, a conference, a loan, an
Package Premium seat + champagne have + an appointment, an argument, a break, a chance, a
+ 4-course meal conversation, a look, a party
Venue Camp Nou Stadium entertain + friends, guests, the audience, the crowd
book + tickets, flights, a restaurant, a hotel, a court (for tennis)
Event FC Barcelona vs Real Madrid accept + a proposal, an offer, a bribe, the job, money, advice
Budget €150,000
Exercise 7
PRONUNCIATION   Check the pronunciation of these words: Students decide which phrases match the collocations in 6.
venue /ˈvenjuː/; budget /ˈbʌdʒɪt/; package /ˈpækɪdʒ/, and Check the answers with the whole class.
ask students to say them out loud together, focusing on the Answers
sounds and word stress. 1 have a great time
2 accept an invitation
Exercise 5 3 entertain clients
l 11.1 Students complete the table with information from 4 arrange a trip
each speaker, and discuss their answers with a partner. 5 book a venue
6 hold an event
You could draw the table on the board and elicit students’
answers. Refer students to the Tip about the difference between
Answers customer and client. The main difference relates to whether
you buy a product or a service. Ask students to give you
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 examples of when they are a customer, and when they are a
Host his employer, big a big German bank
client. You could prompt by mentioning financial or dental
company electronics company services, or buying products online or on the high street.

Guests its top salespeople its VIP clients Further practice

If students need more practice, go to Practice file 11 on page
Venue five-star hotel in Brazil Tristan and Isolde at La 126 of the Student’s Book.
Scala, Milan
Package all meals and day trips first class plane
Exercise 8
ticket, opera tickets, Students work in pairs to discuss the questions. Give them a
accommodation few minutes to work on their own first. Encourage them to
use vocabulary from the text and phrases from 6.
Events/ two-hour convention, a tour of the opera
Activities a trip to Salvador da house, five-course EXTENSION   Students swap pairs and tell a new partner
Baía, riding quad bikes dinner about their experience or dream event.
on a deserted beach
Exercise 9
Check quad bikes (n) – four-wheel motorbikes with large Students work in small groups to plan a corporate event.
tyres; deserted (adj) – (of a place) with no people in it. Point out that the type of company and the nature of
EXTENSION   Ask students which of the two events they
the guests will impact on the size and type of event:
motivational events tend to have more games and fewer
would enjoy most as a corporate client and why.
cultural activities, while events for VIPs are high-status (and
budget). Give them five minutes to plan an event using the
Exercise 6
criteria. Groups report back on their discussions briefly. Listen
l 11.1 Students match the verbs and nouns, and then listen out for vocabulary and use of verb + noun collocations.
again to check.
ALTERNATIVE   You could give students a fixed budget to
Answers work with, and then discuss which group comes up with the
1  f  2  e  3  d  4  a  5  c (e is also possible)   6  b best event!
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   If students are at school or college,
you could suggest they plan an event for visiting teachers or
professors from abroad.
ONE-TO-ONE   You could suggest the student plans an event
at home, and presents their idea next time. Alternatively,
brainstorm options together, ask the student to choose the
best ones and then present the idea.

Unit 11 65

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Photocopiable worksheet Answers
Download and photocopy Unit 11 Working with words 1 How much
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice. 2 How much
3 How many
4 How many
Language at work 5 Is there
6 Are there
Exercise 1 7 Is there
Students discuss the question in pairs. Elicit a few ideas from 8 Are there
the whole class, asking them to give reasons. 9 Is there
10 How much
Possible answers
Sporting events are popular with many people, probably more
so than, e.g. a night at the opera. Such events are sometimes Exercise 6
difficult to get tickets for, and tickets can be expensive, so it can l 11.3 Tell students to listen to the tour guide talking about
be very special to be invited! Wimbledon and note down the answers to the questions in
5. Then play the listening. If necessary, play it again, pausing
Exercise 2 after the relevant information. List the numbers 1–10 on the
board, elicit the answers from the students, and write them
l 11.2 The students will hear two short conversations.
on the board. Find out which pieces of information surprise
Ask them to read the questions, then listen and note the
them, and why.
1 350,000 cups
Conversation 1: No, the host is still waiting for two guests to
2 28,000 bottles
arrive. She orders four bottles of mineral water and an orange
3 125,000 portions of ice cream
4 15,000 bananas
Conversation 2: It’s 1 p.m. The guest wants to buy some
5 Yes, there is.
souvenirs for her children.
6 Yes, there’s a bank.
7 Yes, with books and videos
Exercise 3 8 No, there aren’t; only outside the grounds.
l 11.2 Students listen again to complete the questions. 9 No, there isn’t, but there is help on the website.
Check the answers with the whole class. 10 £27 million

Answers EXTENSION   Ask students what events in their own countries

1 Are there would be suitable for corporate hospitality.
2 How many
3 Is there Further practice
4 How much If students need more practice, go to Practice File 11 on
5 Is there page 127 of the Student’s Book.

Exercise 4 Exercise 7
Students complete the explanations in the Language point. Students work in pairs to complete the left column of
Check answers with the whole class. Refer students to the the table. Remind them to choose a country. Give them
Tip about how to describe drinks as countable: ask if they’ve five minutes and make sure they both write down the
‘had a coffee’ today, or ‘an orange juice’. When they go out to information (this will be needed in 8). You could encourage
a café, what do they usually order? them to include something different to attract clients (e.g.
a hotel on a boat or underground; each room has a rooftop
Answers terrace; breakfast 500 m high; jungle trips, etc.). Monitor
1 Countable and check they complete all the information. For weaker
2 Uncountable students, demonstrate the activity by discussing as a class
3 countable, uncountable first.
4 countable, uncountable
5 countable ONE-TO-ONE   Elicit one or two ideas as examples for the left-
hand column for your student, and then, without discussion,
Grammar reference each fill in the left-hand column with different information.
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference This is preparation for 8.
on page 127 of the Student’s Book.
Exercise 8
Exercise 5 Re-pair students. They should use the question starters
Before doing this exercise, ask students if they have been to to find out information about their partner’s hotel. Give
Wimbledon to see the tennis, or if they know what it’s like. students time to check how to ask the questions. To help
Then ask them to complete the questions. Do the first one make this a phone call, ask students to sit back-to-back.
together. Check the answers with the whole class. Students listening should note down their partner’s
information on the right. Listen for correct use of question
forms, and countable and uncountable nouns.

66 Unit 11

14_BR2e_8811_PITB_U11.indd 66 13/11/2018 11:06

Exercise 9 EXTENSION   Ask your students if they have been in a similar
Students return to their original partner to compare restaurant situation, either asking for or giving advice on a
information and decide if they want to change anything. menu. Do they have a favourite restaurant where they like
Share any changes with the whole group, with reasons. Find taking friends or colleagues and sharing ideas about the
out which pair has the most suitable hotel for specializing best food there? If so, what makes it special?
in corporate hospitality and why. Give feedback on use of
accurate language. Exercise 5
Students work in pairs to have a similar conversation. Make
Photocopiable worksheet sure one student is the ‘expert’ who knows the restaurant.
Download and photocopy Unit 11 Language at work
Give feedback on their use of phrases. You could put the
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
questions and responses (without the food items) on slips of
paper, give a set to each pair, and ask students to turn them
Practically speaking over when they use them in their conversation.
EXTENSION   Make the activity into a role-play. Arrange the
Exercise 1 tables to make a ‘restaurant’ and appoint a student as the
Students discuss the questions briefly in pairs. Then discuss waiter. Ask the waiter to be quite slow, to give the ‘diners’
some of the answers as a group. time to discuss the menu and make small talk while they’re
Possible answers waiting. Use the role-play to recycle functional language:
Read the menu, ask the person you are with, ask the waiter making requests (Unit 8) and showing interest (Unit 3).
Food descriptions can be misleading, there are too many good ONE-TO-ONE   Take turns to play the ‘expert’ at the restaurant.
options to choose from, etc.

Exercise 2 Business communication

l 11.4 Ask students to read the questions and then listen for
the information. Check the answers with the group. Exercise 1
Ask students to read the three situations and decide how
Answers they could make an offer to each person. Accept all answers
The woman knows the restaurant. without correcting, as invitations and offers will be focused
He chooses: Parma ham, spaghetti carbonara, ice cream
on later. Try to elicit that what you offer, and how, depends
She chooses: tomato and mozzarella salad, lasagne, ice cream
on who you are talking to, i.e. how formal, informal or
Exercise 3
l 11.4 Students match the questions and responses, and Exercise 2
listen again to check. Check the answers with the whole l 11.5 Students listen and match the conversations to the
group. places.
Answers Answers
1  b  2  d   3  a  4  c a  3  b  1  c  2  d  4

PRONUNCIATION   Ask students to underline the stressed

Exercise 3
words in the questions and responses. Do the first one
l 11.5 Students listen again to the conversations to
together. Point out that we usually stress key information
complete the invitations and responses. They then match
words; however, for emphasis, other words are stressed (e.g.
the invitations to the responses. Check the answers with the
must in 1 and you in 3). Play the listening again for them to
whole group.
check their ideas. Get the students to repeat the questions
and answers, focusing on the stressed words. Answers
1 e Would you like to, invitation
1 What’s good here? You must try the Parma ham.
2 d Would you like me to, good
2 What are the pizzas like? They’re not bad, but I recommend 3 c Would you like, love
the pasta. 4 b Do you fancy, great
3 What are you having? I think I’ll have the lasagne. 5 a Shall I, asking
4 What do you recommend? I think you’ll like the ice cream.
Exercise 4
Exercise 4
Students decide which conversation is less formal. Elicit their
Discuss with the group what they think. You could point out ideas, with reasons. In the more formal expressions, point
that language in questions is often much more indirect in out that we use Would you like (to) …? to make a suggestion
some cultures to avoid losing face and being embarrassed. for the other person to do something, and Would you like me
Possible answer to …? for the person speaking to do something.
In many cultures, we ask such questions in order to maintain
the right impression, especially when eating with colleagues in
The speakers know each other well in conversation 4.
similar or higher positions. We don't want to order something
Inviting: Do you fancy +-ing, Shall I get you …
that other people might judge negatively.
Responding: That would be great, Thanks for asking, but …

Unit 11 67

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PRONUNCIATION   Highlight how intonation helps you sound PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could decide on a set
polite: demonstrate this by contrasting an example invitation of guidelines for a company to ensure their events are
with very flat intonation. Model the invitations, or use the ‘hospitality’ and not ‘bribery’.
listening, pausing after each one. Get students to repeat
them with appropriate polite intonation. Task
Exercise 5 Exercise 1
Give the students a few minutes to read the situations. Students read the situations and decide if they are bribery or
Check they know the following: Madame Butterfly is an opera hospitality. Alternatively, allocate one activity to each pair.
by Puccini; Picasso was a 20th-century Spanish painter. Check the following: to donate; to apply for; launch /lɔːntʃ/
In pairs, students take turns to make appropriate invitations party; designer (watch).
and offers, and either accept or decline. Ask students for reasons for their opinions. After five minutes,
Possible answers ask them for feedback on the situations.
2 Would you like me to make some more copies? PRONUNCIATION   Check students are aware of the different
3 Do you fancy going to see Madame Butterfly? word stress on these words: competitive, competition.
4 Would you like me to drive you to your hotel?
5 Shall we / Do you want to stop for lunch? Exercise 2
6 Do you want / Would you like me to help you?
7 Would you like to go to a Picasso exhibition? Students read the expert’s view of the situations in 1 and
compare it to their own. What do they think of the verdicts?
Further practice ONE-TO-ONE   You could take one or two situations each, and
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 11 on page then compare and discuss your views.
126 of the Student’s Book.
Progress test
Exercise 6 Download and photocopy Unit 11 Progress test and Speaking
Students could work with a new partner. Refer them to the test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Key expressions. Point out that when we decline an offer, it’s
usual to give a reason. Encourage students to use different
ways to invite their partner and respond appropriately
(formal or informal). Monitor their conversations and,
afterwards, ask students to try to self-correct if you hear
any incorrect use of language: you could write incorrect
examples on the board.
Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 11 Business communication
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Talking point
As a lead-in, write bribery on the board and elicit or give its

Exercise 1
Students read the text and, in pairs, think of examples.
Possible answers
Bribery: paying extra to an individual at a company; giving
them a gift or special treatment; exchanging special favours
between individuals at different companies.
Not bribery: inviting clients to an event (e.g. a concert), taking
them for dinner, etc. (Several ideas have been discussed earlier
in this unit.)

Exercise 2
Let students discuss this in pairs. Elicit some of their ideas.

Exercise 3
Encourage students to give examples with reasons.

68 Unit 11

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1 Performance
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Students read the questions. Elicit ideas for 1 for each
category from the whole class, then ask them to discuss 2 in
• talk about performance
pairs. If students need prompting for 2, you could elicit how
• talk about how long and when you have done things a teacher’s performance is measured (e.g. through feedback
• say complex numbers from students, colleagues, exam success).
• describe performance trends.
Possible answers
1 a company: profit / output / value (net worth) / reputation /
Context staff turnover
a sportsperson: speed / scores / competition against other
Company performance is a key part of business life.
competitors / net worth
Traditional measures of a company’s performance include a government: state of the economy / wealth of the
profits, sales and (in the case of a public company) population / crime statistics / contentment of the people /
the share price. However, these in themselves are no number of people emigrating / prison population / press
longer perceived as sufficient. Even the most successful comment
companies need to address the field of corporate
responsibility, so a brand leader like Coca-Cola, in its PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could answer the questions
annual report, not only talks about revenues and sales, but based on a job they have had or one they would like, or
also addresses the issue of health and obesity, and talks know.
about the company’s involvement with health education
programmes. Environmental performance, as we have
seen in previous units, is another area where many Working with words
companies have become acutely aware: for example,
on their website, Ford make much of the fact that their Exercise 1
plant in Dagenham, UK, won an award for environmental Students rank the different ways of measuring company
performance and innovation. These factors, rather than performance. Stronger students could add to the list.
being a cost, have become a potential asset.
Exercise 2
In this unit, students will discuss and learn key vocabulary
to do with evaluating performance. Connected with this You may wish to pre-teach the following: socially responsible,
is the question of how we describe performance, and, in ethnic minorities and disabled.
particular, changes in performance, through statistics and Students read the text and say which categories in 1 are
graphs. mentioned.
The world of business is one where numbers and trends Answers
are minutely studied, and some language for describing how much money it makes, how green it is, who it employs,
these, both precisely and approximately, is presented how safe it is to work there
here. The unit ends with a decision-making game which
enables students to put into practice the language of Exercise 3
the unit.
Students work in pairs to discuss the questions.

Exercise 4
Students go back to the text and complete the sentences
with the words and phrases in bold. Check the answers with
the whole group.
1 workplace diversity
2 socially responsible
3 perform well
4 reputation
5 manage, costs
6 safety record
7 achieve, sales targets
8 environmental performance

Unit 12 69

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PRONUNCIATION   Check, or ask students to use their
dictionaries to check, the individual sounds and stress in the
Students draw a line across the page and write the
following words: achieve /əˈtʃiːv/; reputation /ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn/;
adjectives in 7 along the line from ‘good’ on the left to
diversity /daɪˈvɜːsəti/; safety /ˈseɪfti/. Encourage them to
‘bad’ on the right (answers: excellent > encouraging >
repeat the words, as a group, with the appropriate sounds
average > satisfactory > disappointing > poor). What other
and stress.
adjectives could they add? (Possible answer: outstanding,
brilliant, good, fair, adequate, average, bad, terrible, awful.)
Exercise 5
Students should be paired with a partner from a different EXTENSION   After they have read the Tip, ask students if
company if possible. They discuss the relative importance of they know any similar pairs of words. (Possible answers:
the factors in 4. frightened/frightening, excited/exciting, bored/boring,
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could discuss a company interested/interesting, tired/tiring, depressed/depressing,
which they know well. An alternative would be for them amazed/amazing, embarrassed/embarrassing.) Ask students
to research a company out of class, find the answers to the to write sentences to show their meaning.
question in 5, and bring their findings back to class.
Further practice
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 12 on page
Exercise 6
128 of the Student’s Book.
l 12.1 Students listen and say which of the factors in 4 is
being evaluated. As this activity practises listening for gist, Exercise 9
don’t pre-teach vocabulary at this point. Students will need some thinking time before they start
Answers speaking. They choose three of the topics and tell their
1 workplace diversity partner about performance using the words in 7.
2 safety record Students re-pair to explain their answers. Listen out for, and
3 performing well give feedback on, accurate use of vocabulary from 4 and 7.
4 environmental performance
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   For the first two topics, students could
5 managing costs
discuss a company they know well or their place of study.

Exercise 7 Photocopiable worksheet

l 12.1 Students read the sentences and try to guess, or Download and photocopy Unit 12 Working with words
remember, the missing words to complete the sentences. worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Then they listen again to complete the sentences with
the adjectives. Check the answers with the whole class. If
necessary, check students’ understanding of the following:
Language at work
target; to promote; the darling of sth; incident. You could point Exercise 1
out that the audio says ‘We haven’t achieved our target of
l 12.2 Ask students to read the questions first; then play the
less than 100 accidents per year’. This is a common structure
used in spoken English, whereas in written form we would
tend to say ‘fewer than’. Answers
1 They both work in Dubai.
Answers 2 Lionel arrived in 2012; Raul arrived three years ago.
1 disappointing
2 encouraged
3 excellent Exercise 2
4 poor l 12.2 Ask students to listen again and to underline the
5 satisfactory, average correct form of the verb. You could ask stronger students to
try to underline the correct verb first, before listening. Note
PRONUNCIATION   Check the word stress on the following: that you may need to remind students of the terminology
disappointing, encouraging, excellent, satisfactory, average, past simple and present perfect. Check the answers with the
and ask students to repeat the words. whole class.

Exercise 8 Answers
1 opened (past simple)
Students match the adjectives in 7 to the definitions. Check
2 had (past simple)
the answers with the whole class. Refer students to the Tip
3 has increased (present perfect)
about adjectives ending in -ed and -ing, and the examples. 4 ’ve been (present perfect)
Answers 5 moved (past simple)
1 satisfactory
2 average
3 encouraged
4 disappointing
5 excellent
6 poor

70 Unit 12

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Exercise 3 Exercise 6
Students choose the correct option in the Language point, Ask students to read the Tip before they do this exercise. As
and then an example to illustrate it from 2. this is the first time they have used the question form of the
present perfect, students may need a model on the board:
1 past simple (sentences 1, 2 and 5) How long + has/have + subject + past participle?
2 present perfect (sentences 3 and 4) You could ask a stronger student to read out the example
3 since (sentence 3) question and give the answer. Do this exercise in two stages:
4 for (sentences 2, 4) first, forming the questions, and then asking and answering
them in pairs.
EXTENSION   If the students are having problems with for/
since, read out the following list of time expressions and ask Answers
them to put up their left hand if they would use for, and their 2 How long has Dubai invested in services? Since the early
1990s. / For over 25 years.
right if they would use since:
3 How long has the government allowed non-nationals to buy
2006, ten minutes, the day before yesterday, ten o’clock this
property? Since 1999. / For over 15 years.
morning, an hour, the end of last year, three days, twenty years 4 When did the Mall of the Emirates open? In 2005.
5 How long has Palm Jumeirah had residents? Since 2006. / For
Answers over ten years.
for: ten minutes, an hour, three days, twenty years 6 How long did it take to build the Burj Khalifa Tower? Six years.
since: 2006, the day before yesterday, ten o’clock this morning, 7 When did Dubai win the right to hold Expo 2020? In 2013.
the end of last year
PRONUNCIATION   Make sure students pronounce has/have
NB  You could point out that although we can use for with
with a weak form /həs/ and /həv/; they are used in their
both past simple and present perfect, we usually use since
strong form /hæs/ and /hæv/ when in an abbreviated
with the present perfect only.
answer, e.g. Yes, it has, or in a yes/no question: Have you
Grammar reference got …? Give students examples of both forms and get them
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference to repeat them.
on page 129 of the Student’s Book.
Further practice
Exercise 4 If students need more practice, go to Practice file 12 on page
129 of the Student’s Book.
Students work in pairs and make sentences using the
information in the table. They may need to consult the audio Exercise 7
script on page 155 of the Student’s Book. Note that some
Students work in pairs, and use questions with How long
students may want to use the present perfect continuous
and When with the appropriate tense to find out things
when they see the verbs working and increasing in the table
they have in common. Model the conversations first: ask a
(e.g. His business started in 2012 and sales have been increasing
student: How long have you been in this room? The student
since 2014.). Accept these sentences if they are correct.
answers (for example): Since 11 a.m. You reply: Me too! We
Possible answers have one thing in common. Students read through the list
Lionel’s company has had a sales office in Dubai for X years / and formulate questions in their heads. Then they ask and
since 2012. His business has had more encouraging results since answer questions.
2006. Lionel arrived in Dubai in 2012. He’s lived in Dubai for X To give them more practice with the two tenses, ask
years. students to report back to class using both, e.g. We have both
Raul has lived in Dubai for three years. Raul’s family arrived in
worked for KME for two years. / We both lived in our last flat for
Dubai last year. Raul’s family has lived in Dubai for a year.
more than five years.
EXTENSION   Stronger students, or those who finish early, can PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students choose those questions
be asked to come up with similar sentences about their own relevant to them, or change the questions about work to
situation. relate to their studies. You could also add these ideas to the
list: be in your present class? finish your last school? have your
Exercise 5 present computer? start learning English?, etc.
Start by asking students what they know about Dubai.
Students read the information about Dubai and answer the
Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 12 Language at work
questions. Weaker students could use a dictionary for this.
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Possible answers
1 Dubai is trying to build the first non-oil economy in the Gulf.
2 Yes, it has, because it has built a number of popular new
tourist and commercial sites, it has opened up its trading
and is now able to sell property to non-nationals. Although
oil is still important, still generating 2% of GDP, more is being
generated from other activities.

Unit 12 71

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Practically speaking Business communication
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
l 12.3 A fun lead-in could be to ask students if they know Let students discuss the question in pairs. Students may first
the five different ways to say the number 0 in English. want to name the most popular cars, and where they are
(Answer: zero, nought, ‘O’, nil (as in football games: 2−0 = from. They may also want to discuss what they understand
two−nil), love (in tennis: 15–0 = fifteen–love). Explain that by ‘best’! Share some of their ideas with the whole class.
numbers are problematic in English. Students study the
numbers for a few minutes and try to say them. (They will Possible answers
The following countries should probably be on the list in terms
probably find this difficult.) Then they listen and check.
of quantity: India, China, Japan, the United States, South Korea,
Make sure students don’t use the plural *four hundreds Germany. Students could try to order them into the top three
or say *one point thirty-nine. You could tell students that countries.
zero is always acceptable for the figure 0, especially in In terms of ‘best’ cars, the following issues could be taken into
American English. consideration: horsepower, acceleration (0–60 km per hour), top
speed, safety, fuel efficiency, etc. Other countries to include here
Answers could be Britain, Sweden and Italy.
one point three nine per cent
nought point oh three three
one hundred and two Exercise 2
seven thousand four hundred and sixty-seven l 12.5 Teach/Elicit the word trend and (horizontal/vertical)
nine hundred and six thousand five hundred and seventy axis. Students speculate as to which line represents which
country. They then listen and check.
Exercise 2 Answers
Students read the sentences, and check their answers 1 China
together. 2 USA
3 Japan
Answers 4 Germany
1 We use a point before a decimal and a comma to show a
thousand. EXTENSION   Ask the students if they are surprised by the
2 We say ‘nought’ before the decimal and ‘oh’ after the decimal.
results, and if so, why.
3 We use ‘and’ in British English after ‘hundred’ (but not in
American English).
4 We say each number separately after the point. Exercise 3
l 12.5 Students could use a dictionary for this exercise.
Exercise 3 Answers
l 12.4 Students listen and complete the table. Write their Upward: rise, grow, increase
answers on the board, and check they say them correctly. Downward: decrease, drop, fall, decline
No change: remain stable
Nikkei: + 0.63% = up nought point six three per cent
FTSE 100: - 58.74 points, = down fifty-eight point seven four
Exercise 4
points Students ask and answer questions about the graph in 2
DAX: - 0.17% = down nought point one seven per cent in pairs.
Dow Jones: - 343.13 points = down three hundred and Note that for this activity, students will need a few phrases
forty-three point one three points to describe dates, e.g. in the nineties, in the noughties, since
Nasdaq: 4,958.47 = four thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight (2000), between (2005) and (2010), from (2010) to (2015), at
point four seven
the start / end of the (noughties). You could also teach will
probably + verb for the future.
Exercise 4 Check students know the past simple of these irregular verbs
Students use the table to practise saying the figures in 3. rise, grow, fall (rose, grew, fell).
One student speaks; the other listens and corrects.
Make sure students swap and each have a turn at asking for Exercise 5
clarification. Listen out for correct use of phrases. Elicit one or two ideas about recent car market trends, and
then ask students to discuss this in pairs. If you have a mixed
ONE-TO-ONE   Do the activity in the same way, but you could
nationality group, put students from the same country
introduce a few mistakes (e.g. ways of saying ‘0’), and ask the
together first to plan their answers; then re-pair them with
student to spot them!
someone from another country. If students have no idea
EXTENSION   Ask students to find the most recent stock about their local car market, they could research this online
market figures online or in a newspaper, and compare the for homework, and then present their ideas in the next class.
value, what the change is, and the percentage difference Listen to what they say, and note down examples of
(they may need calculators for this!). both good and incorrect language, specifically verbs for
describing change, and tenses. Afterwards, ask them to self-
correct if you hear any incorrect use of language: you could
write incorrect examples on the board for group correction.

72 Unit 12

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ONE-TO-ONE   If you are from the same country as your When the students start the activity, make sure that one
student, you could suggest they choose a different country person in each group is keeping a record of their score
to research cars, if they choose to do this task at home. (see page 139 for a score for each answer). Check that the
students are taking time to discuss each option before
Exercise 6 moving to the next.
Draw students’ attention to the prepositions in each If needed, pre-teach to promote (box 3), injured (6) /ˈɪndʒəd/,
sentence. Then ask them to guess which country each to collapse (6), to outsource (7).
sentence refers to. They then write their own sentences.
They do this individually, and then get their partner to guess. Exercise 2
Monitor, and check specifically on correct use of verbs for At the end, each group calculates their final score, and
describing change and tenses, and prepositions. discloses it to the class.
ONE-TO-ONE   You could work individually, representing a
1 USA different company each, and taking individual decisions,
2 Japan and perhaps intentionally make a different choice on some
3 Germany squares. You could challenge the student to give a reason for
each decision they make.
EXTENSION   Ask students to write down three sentences
about the graph in 2, including the country, but where one Progress test
piece of information in each sentence is incorrect. They read Download and photocopy Unit 12 Progress test and Speaking
the sentence to a partner, who has to find out which item is test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
incorrect, and then correct it.

Further practice
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 12 on page
128 of the Student’s Book.

Exercise 7
For this exercise, students may have to find the graph
before class or for homework. If this is not possible,
and students have no knowledge of their company’s/
country’s performance, ask them to draw a fictional graph
(for example, a company’s profits 2000−2015) and give
it to another student to describe. Students study the Key
expressions before they start; highlight particularly the
phrases for Referring to a chart: these will make their mini-
presentation more focused, and audience-orientated. Give
feedback on use of tenses, ways of saying numbers, verbs for
describing change, and prepositions.
Each student brings in a graph they have found (e.g. on
the Internet). Shuffle the graphs, and redistribute so that
each student has a new graph. Students describe their
new graph to the class, or write a description and put
it up on the wall next to the graph. Alternatively, when
they have written the description, separate the writing
from the graph, numbering the graphs, and labelling the
descriptions a, b, c, etc. Students read all descriptions and
match them to the graphs.

Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 12 Business communication
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Talking point
Exercise 1
This activity is fairly self-explanatory, so allow students time
to read the instructions. Explain that they will win or lose
points according to their decisions, and the total number of
points they gain will show their company performance, both
in terms of sales and profits, but also in social responsibility.

Unit 12 73

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Viewpoint 4
Preview 5 Yes (and Yes Yes Don’t know
The topic of this Viewpoint is Green business. In this use digital (sometimes,
Viewpoint, students begin by listening to people talking versions depends on
about how environmentally friendly they think their to save quality of
paper) product)
company is. They then watch a video with the Managing
Director of the company Edible Oil Direct. Finally, they
role-play a situation about biofuel, how it works, and what 6 Yes Yes (a Yes (most of Yes
its benefits are. green fairy it, but some (automatically
leaves lights left turn off at
Exercise 1 you a on at night 6 p.m. and
chocolate time) sometimes
You could start by asking students how environmentally-
if you reward
friendly they are, and what they do to be ‘green’. Elicit a few
switch incentives to
ideas. everything encourage
Then ask students to read the quiz, and check they off ) this)
understand. Give them two minutes to complete it
Mostly ‘Yes’ answers means the company is environmentally- You could ask your students to create their own
friendly. questionnaire and then ask and interview others in the
class. The questions could be set out in a similar way
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Pre-work students can take the quiz to those in 1, or could be a ‘how often’ type of quiz.
to find out how environmentally-friendly their school or For example: Do you switch off your computer at the end of
college is. the day?: Always, sometimes, rarely, never.

Exercise 2 Exercise 4
Ask students to askeach other questions from the quiz, and Check students understand edible (adj): fit or suitable to be
then to compare their answers. Elicit any strong differences eaten; not poisonous.
between them.
Students match the words and phrases in bold in sentences
Exercise 3 1–8, to their definitions, a–h. Do the first one together.
r 01 Students watch the interviews and listen for how the Answers
four speakers answer the questions. 1  c  2  a  3  d  4  b  5  e  6  h  7  g  8  f
Ask students if any of the speakers’ comments or opinions
are similar to their own. Elicit their ideas. Exercise 5
Answers r 02 Before playing the video, ask students to read the six
questions. Each section of the video will answer one of them;
Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 the students should put the questions in the right order.
1 Yes (Paper, Yes Yes (lots of Yes (Paper, Students check their answers with a partner, then check with
bottles, different food waste, the whole class.
coffee, tea bins) food
bags) packaging) Answers
2 Don’t Yes Don’t know Don’t know Part 1 d
know (probably) Part 2 e
Part 3 b
3 Yes (Bus, Yes Yes Yes (Cycle Part 4 a
bicycle) (Cycle- (incentives scheme to Part 5 f
to-work for train and help pay Part 6 c
scheme, bus tickets for bike,
bicycle and buying subsidized
loan, bikes) bus passes) VIDEO SCRIPT
showers, 1
bike racks) What we do here is we retail cooking oils, all types, to the catering
4 Don’t Don’t Don’t know Don’t know trade. We then, when those oils are finished with, we collect those
know know (probably, oils, we bring them back here, we refine them and we turn them
especially into a biofuel which is sustainable for all types of applications. And
big things) that is the company in a nutshell so to speak.
Basically we are very much into the renewable energy and the
company was based on a closed-loop philosophy and that closed

74 Viewpoint 4

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loop represents something that has a starting point and has a
finishing point, in other words a complete cycle.
2 biofuel
3 loop
I wanted to get involved with something that was going to help
4 finishing
the environment, which was going to help, like CO2 emissions, so
5 sustainable
that was my first stage, and the starting point was selling edible oil
6 low
which eventually would turn into a biofuel.
7 20
8 seven
The fuel that it’s going to be, the biodiesel as we call it, is very much
9 five million
sustainable and in fact it lowers the emissions levels, there’s hardly
10 15
any CO2. It’s also a very good lubricating factor for engines and the
11 green
solvent within that biofuel cleans engines and therefore it really is
something for the future or we hope it is, anyway.
4 Exercise 7
Well, apart from the, obviously the, the environmental side which Students initially work individually. Divide them into As and
is on the emissions and the low CO2, it’s the benefits, it helps the Bs. Ask them to read their part and give them a few minutes
pocket as well. The government have allowed a differential on duty
to plan what they want to say. Monitor and help as needed.
of 20p and therefore that 20p is passed onto the consumer.
5 When they are ready, ask students to work in AB pairs.
We’ve been going now for seven years, just over seven years, and Students A should start. Student B should listen and note
it’s been rapid growth. You know, starting from me in a little van down anything extra they want to ask. Then, as appropriate,
delivering oil, we’re, we’re now approaching a five million turnover they should ask Student A their questions. Remind B
per annum. That is going to grow next year. We employ 15 people students that they should reach a decision on whether they
and we’re hoping to introduce another two. want to work with Edible Oil Direct or not!
Monitor and note down any good use of language,
The changes are happening all the time with the business, since
we first started and I think it’s very much the changes are pushing
especially vocabulary from this Viewpoint.
us rather than us pushing the changes. One of the things that When students have finished, first ask what decisions they
we need to do is to try and convince the OEMs, which are the car reached, and why. You could also elicit from A students what
manufacturers and the truck manufacturers, that biodiesel is a they found easy or difficult in persuading their partners to
sustainable, clean fuel. work together.
We’re also looking to expand the business, the business needs to
ALTERNATIVE   If you have a weaker group, you could ask all
expand and again, it’s not a question of us pushing to expand it,
we’re being pushed to do that. We’ve bought a premises which A students to work together to prepare a presentation, and
now occupies well over 14,000 square feet, so we’re able now to all B students to work together to prepare questions.
introduce a new biodiesel line which the extra demand from next
year for biofuels, from our major customers, and also to portray a Exercise 8
better image of our business to the likes of the OEMs. So the future Let students work individually for five to ten minutes to
does look bright and it looks green. prepare a short presentation about their own company, or
a company they know well. Tell them to make brief notes to
Exercise 6
help them give their presentation.
r 02 Before playing the video again, ask students to read
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask the students to think of a company
the text. Then play the video again for students to complete
the summary. they know well to give their presentation. They could search
for information on the Internet if necessary.
Students check their answers with a partner, and then check
the answers together.
Exercise 9
You may want to deal with any vocabulary students bring
Put the students into pairs to give their presentations. The
up, e.g. catering trade (n): the industry which provides
student listening to the presentation should take notes and
food and drinks (for meetings or social events); lubricating
ask follow-up questions at the end.
factor (n): something which helps parts of a machine move
smoothly; solvent (n): a substance, especially a liquid, that Further video ideas
can dissolve another substance; differential (n): a difference You can find a list of suggested ideas for how to use video in
in the amount, value or size of something; OEM: Original the class in the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Equipment Manufacturer.
ALTERNATIVE   Stronger students could be encouraged to try
to fill in the gaps before they watch again.

Viewpoint 4 75

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13 Future trends
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Elicit ideas for 1 from the whole class, then ask them to
discuss 2 in pairs. Elicit some of their answers, with reasons.
• talk about global issues
• make predictions
• link ideas together Working with words
• make predictions and forecasts.
Exercise 1
Students discuss the sentences. Note that ‘consume’
Context (sentence 3) is about general water use, not how much
The intersection between global issues and business water we drink. Elicit some answers from the group
practice is becoming an increasingly important factor in including reasons why, but don’t confirm which are correct
decision making. In the past, the world of business has at this stage.
been accused of ‘hiding their head in the sand’ when it
comes to global issues, but this may not be possible in the
Exercise 2
future, especially if precious resources start to run out. For Students read the text and compare their ideas from 1. Elicit
example, water running short will have a massive impact whether they were right or not, and why.
on all areas of everyday life, including business. Without Answers
water neither small business nor major global industries 1 True – partly due to the rising demand
can function. Water is often taken for granted but if not 2 True – a lot of water is used in production
properly managed, its scarcity will directly affect growth 3 True –  (because of ‘virtual’ water): most people are probably
and job creation. not aware of how much water we consume
With technological developments happening faster, it 4 True
may be that technology can provide (part of ) the answer 5 False – the problem of water is a global issue
in water resource management; this could include, for
example, ways of managing efficient water use, providing Exercise 3
solutions for water pollution and the collection of Students work in pairs to discuss the questions. Prompt
rainwater, and methods for re-using waste water. them to consider issues at home, as well as at work or
Some students will also see an ethical side to global college. Discuss some of their answers as a class.
issues. For example, on an everyday level, is it right for
Possible answers
an office or school to have a water cooler that consumes
Manufacturing could be at risk if there is a water shortage.
electricity to cool the water, and plastic for the cups? At Agriculture will be hit directly, which could affect international
a higher level, is it ethical to adopt industrial processes trade. A lack of clean water, or ways to treat polluted water,
which use a lot of raw materials? Companies that can could result in disease.
show they are addressing these concerns may do better Everyone can become more conscious and work towards being
with the ‘ethical consumer’ and hence also improve the more efficient with water. National and international strategies
bottom line. are necessary, and investment is needed for water infrastructure
In this unit, students will talk about global issues before and management.
moving on to look at the language of making predictions,
PRONUNCIATION   Ask students to use their dictionaries to
in both a general and a business context. They will also
discuss future trends in the workplace. The Talking point check the individual sounds in the following: shortage
deals with how consumers can help to make a difference /ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ/; threat /θret/.
and become more involved in supporting global causes. EXTENSION   Ask students to go online and find other
statistics/facts relating to global issues, and then report back
to the class.

Exercise 4
Students go back to the text in 2 and match the words in
bold to the definitions.

76 Unit 13

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Answers Answers
1 serious threat 1 affects
2 rising demand 2 run out of
3 economic development 3 get worse
4 global crisis 4 forecast
5 population growth 5 threaten
6 water shortage 6 estimates
7 climate change
8 water supply EXTENSION   Ask students to work in pairs, and to choose
three of the words above and use each one in a sentence to
PRONUNCIATION   Check word stress and ask students to talk about their own life or close environment, e.g. They’ve
repeat the words: serious threat, rising demand, economic forecast that unemployment in my country will rise to 9% next
development, global crisis, population growth, water shortage, year. Climate change threatens many crops.
climate change, water supply.
Refer students to the Tip about using get with comparative
adjectives. Ask them to think of one new example each,
Exercise 5
e.g. Bread and milk get more expensive every year. I think my
Students work in pairs to discuss natural resources. Students English is getting better!
could discuss what they know about how these resources
are used, and then what countries use them and what for. Further practice
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 13 on page
Exercise 6 130 of the Student’s Book.
l 13.1 Students listen out for the numbers and what each
one refers to. Elicit their answers. Check vocabulary, e.g. Exercise 9
barrel (of oil) and vehicle. Students work in pairs to discuss the sentences in 8 and
answer the questions. Ask them to work alone to think about
Answers their answers, and then in pairs try to come up with one
5%: the possible shortage that would lead to a 400% price
solution for each issue. Students could re-pair to explain
their answers. Listen out for accurate use of phrases from 4
400%: an increase in the price of oil
60%: the percentage of total oil used to produce petrol for cars and 7.
20: the number of barrels of oil used to produce one vehicle ALTERNATIVE   Ask students to work in pairs or small groups,
2.5%: the percentage decrease in petrol consumption needed each one representing a particular country, e.g. China, India,
for oil demand to remain stable the USA, a country in Africa, a country in Europe, etc. Ask
200: the number of years for which we have gas them to think about what the most important issues are,
and what action that government could take.
EXTENSION   Students could do some online research at
Ask students to use their dictionaries to find other home to find out what their country, or a country of their
words belonging to these families: analyst, to produce, to choice, is doing to address the issues in 8. They could report
consume, and to check where the stress is on each word. back to the group next time.
Encourage students to say each word out loud.
e.g. to analyse, analyst (n. person), analysis (n. object), Photocopiable worksheet
analytical (adj) Download and photocopy Unit 13 Working with words
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
to produce, producer, production, produced
to consume, consumer, consumption, consumed Language at work
Exercise 7 Exercise 1
l 13.1 Students listen again to complete the sentences. Write the title of the text on the board and check students
understand. To guide their discussion, you could give them
Answers the four sub-headings from the text before they start talking.
1 affect Students discuss the question in pairs and then feed back to
2 estimates the group. They then read the text and decide if the changes
3 threaten
in the text are similar to the ones they suggested.
4 forecast
5 get worse Answers
6 run out of Competition between businesses will be stronger; managers
may need to restructure their companies; retirement at 75;
Exercise 8 adapting workplace for older workers; more flexible working
hours; employees won’t need their own desk; more space for
Students replace the words in italics with a verb or phrase meetings and leisure activities.
from 7.

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Exercise 2 PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to consider a job they
Check the following: to restructure; workforce; flexibility; leisure expect to have in two years’ time, and how this might
/ˈleʒə(r)/ activities. change after 10 or 15 years.
Students choose the correct answer and read the text to Photocopiable worksheet
check. Download and photocopy Unit 13 Language at work
Refer students to the Tip on short forms of will. Practise the worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
pronunciation of won’t and make sure they can distinguish it
from want.
Practically speaking
1 may Exercise 1
2 might not Students match the sentence halves. Check their answers
3 will
4 won’t
Exercise 3 1  c  2  a  3  b
Students complete the explanations in the Language point
about making predictions, and add an example from 2. Exercise 2
Students decide on the function of each sentence, and
Answers check their answers together.
1 will, sentence 3
2 may, might, sentence 1 Answers
3 may not, might not, sentence 2 1 so
4 will not/won’t, sentence 4 2 and
3 but
Grammar reference
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference Exercise 3
on page 131 of the Student’s Book.
Students add the linking words to the categories in 2.
Exercise 4 Answers
Focus students’ attention on the table, and ask them to make 1 In addition = add more information
predictions about the typical workplace in 2030. Encourage 2 Therefore = show a result
them to try to use all the modals listed. NB point out the 3 However = show a contrast
difference in meaning and word stress between employer
and employee. Elicit one or two suggestions, e.g. In 2030, Exercise 4
many jobs will be part-time. In 2030, management positions Students work in pairs to think of ways to complete the
might not be easy to find. predictions using linkers from 2. Elicit an example first, e.g.
Exercise 5 People will work fewer hours, … so they’ll receive a lower salary;
… and they may do a second job; … but they will work more
l 13.2 Students listen to a talk about the typical workplace
from home. Listen to their ideas and check they use the
in 2030, and tick what the speaker’s predictions are in the
linking words correctly.
table in 4. Check they know to exceed /ɪkˈsiːd/ and self-
managed. EXTENSION  
Students pair up with another pair of students,
and compare their predictions.
Many jobs will be part-time. EXTRA ACTIVITY  
Management positions may/might not be easy to find. Students could work in pairs or small groups to make a set
More people will work from home. of predictions about their own company, or a company
Colleagues may/might see each other less often.
they know well, for ten years from now. They could add
Office buildings will not/won’t be used in the same way.
Employees may/might not want to stay long with the same details, e.g. how many hours people will work, which
company. jobs will be done by computers, how colleagues will
Employers will need to offer better working conditions. communicate without travelling to meet, etc.
Companies may/might provide leisure facilities.
Many employees may/might decide to take career breaks.
Business communication
Further practice
If students need more practice, go to Practice File 13 on Exercise 1
page 131 of the Student’s Book. Introduce the topic of teleworking, and discuss the meaning
together. Students work in pairs and discuss the advantages
Exercise 6 and disadvantages. Elicit some of their ideas.
Students first make predictions about their own jobs using
the ideas given, and the modal verbs in 3, and then compare
in pairs to see if there are any similarities. Give feedback on
accurate use of the verbs (will, may, might and the negatives).

78 Unit 13

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Possible answers will / definitely won’t / is likely to / is unlikely to / probably will /
Teleworking is working at home, but staying in touch with work probably won’t
by phone/email, etc.
Possible answer
Employee Company definitely won’t » is unlikely to » probably won’t » hopefully won’t
» hopefully will » is likely to » probably will » definitely will
Advantages Employees don’t waste The company
time commuting; they doesn’t need Point out that hopefully will/won’t is subjective, so doesn’t fit
can be more flexible to provide naturally with the phrases above.
and comfortable so much
in their work workspace and Exercise 4
arrangements; they can car parking; it Students work in pairs to rephrase the sentences, using the
get a job even if they can increase
word in brackets. Ask a student to read out the example.
live somewhere remote. productivity.
Check the answers together. NB we use (un)likely to + verb
Disadvantages Employees can feel How can the with the present tense of be, but probably and definitely
isolated; it is more company with will/won’t. If students need more practice, ask them to
difficult to meet clients; monitor write two or three true sentences about themselves e.g. I’m
it is more difficult to performance? unlikely to get a new job soon. / I definitely won’t work at this
build a ‘team’; how can company for more than a year.
the employer monitor
performance? Suggested answers
2 We’ll definitely save money.
3 Hopefully, I won’t work in the evenings.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS  Students may need a little more 4 You’re likely to find it difficult at first.
prompting and help with ideas if they have no work 5 I probably won’t work from home.

Exercise 2 Exercise 5
l 13.3 Students listen to the discussion of the teleworking Give students time to read through the ideas. Students work
scheme, and compare their ideas. If they wrote a list of ideas in pairs to role-play the situations, and ask for and make
in 1, they could tick off the ones they hear. predictions. You could elicit the answer to the example
question, and a follow-up question. Remind them to use
Answers the target language: (un-)likely, probably and definitely. Give
Advantages for the employee are that they will feel more feedback specifically on the target language from this
motivated, and happier, working from home. Advantages for the section.
company include the fact that he thinks the company will save
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to consider the same
money in heating, lighting costs, etc., and be able to raise money
from renting office space; production usually goes up 10-40%. bullet-point issues relating to an online course, where they
Disadvantages for the employees are that they won’t often see learn from home, and perhaps only ‘meet’ other students
their colleagues. The manager doesn't list any disadvantages for online.
the company.
Further practice
EXTENSION   Ask students if any of them are already If students need more practice, go to Practice file 13 on page
involved in teleworking. Are they able to do any of their 130 of the Student’s Book.
work from home? What, for them, are the advantages and
disadvantages? Exercise 6
Make sure the students understand that the objective of
Exercise 3 this activity is to practise the language from this section. Ask
l 13.3 Students listen again and complete the sentences. them to read the Key expressions. Give them plenty of time to
think about the scenario and to come up with ideas. Ask the
Answers class if any students use video-conferencing at the moment,
1 are, likely and what its advantages and drawbacks are.
2 hope, will Students pretend to work for the same company, and
3 unlikely
discuss the proposal from Head Office.
4 think, will
5 will definitely While students are discussing their ideas, make a note of
6 probably won’t common errors, focusing on the target language of this
7 expect unit; bring them to the attention of the class at the end:
8 Hopefully, will you could write them on the board and ask students to
correct them.
Check the following: running costs; scheme /skiːm/; to rent;
ALTERNATIVE   You could award points to students for every
voluntary /ˈvɒləntri/.
time they use one of the key expressions, or you could put
EXTENSION   Draw a cline scale on the board (a long line
the expressions on cards for students to turn face down after
from left to right). Write won’t at the far left end, and will they use each one.
at the far right end. Write these phrases randomly on the
board, and ask students to place them on the cline: definitely PRE-WORK LEARNERS  Ask students to imagine they work
for the same company. They could consider first what

Unit 13 79

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equipment they have, or need, what business trips they Task
currently make, and what training is currently in place. Then
ask them to think about what effects the cut-backs will have. Exercise 1
Students work in pairs or small groups to plan a cause
Photocopiable worksheet marketing campaign, based on the ideas given. Give them
Download and photocopy Unit 13 Business communication six or seven minutes to do this, and prompt with help if
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could choose a company
Talking point they know, and pretend they work for it.
Write cause marketing on the board and try to elicit from ONE-TO-ONE   Work together with the student on planning a
the students what it means. Then ask them to read the first cause marketing campaign, or, alternatively, ask the student
paragraph. Elicit any ideas or examples of cause marketing. to plan one at home, and then evaluate it together next
Students then read the three examples. Check they time.
understand the following: slogan; to donate; stereotype;
initiative. Exercise 2
Before students present their ideas, discuss how to evaluate
Discussion the campaigns, i.e. what results do you want to achieve a) for
the for-profit company, b) for the non-profit organization, c)
Exercise 1 for the beneficiaries, etc.
Students read the question and discuss their answers. Each pair or group should choose a spokesperson to present
their ideas to the class. Students then discuss which one(s)
Possible answers
(a) good PR: it makes people think the company has good is/are likely to be the most successful and why. You could
corporate social responsibility (CSR); the company is advertised base this on the results each group aimed to achieve.
through activities consumers carry out; they may attract and Make a note of any incorrect language; put these on the
retain customers and employees, and attract new investors and board for whole-class correction.
customers, as people may prefer doing business with companies
EXTENSION  Ask students to search online for other examples
who support a good cause.
(b) it saves them having to do some fundraising and raises their of cause marketing and report back to the class next time.
profile; the activities help raise awareness of important causes;
they help people contribute indirectly through taking part in or
Progress test
buying something.
Download and photocopy Unit 13 Progress test and Speaking
test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Exercise 2
You could ask pairs or groups of students to choose one of
the companies and think about why the companies chose
these causes. Share their ideas with the group.
Possible answers
TOMS: This campaign highlights the issue of the haves and have-
nots: for every item bought, the buyer knows they’re helping
one other person in need.
Unilever: This campaign suggests, ironically, that cosmetics do
not necessarily make people beautiful; however, all consumers
who buy such products are interested in caring for their looks,
health and/or well-being.
General Mills: Food is in everyone’s house, so these products
target a huge range of users, many of who will be interested in
educational resources.

Exercise 3
Students work in pairs to find similarities and differences
between the companies. Share ideas as a group.
In each case, the company is raising awareness of a social issue;
in the first and third examples, the companies are actively giving
something to someone else (a similar item, or one related in the
first; 10 cents per box top in the second).

Exercise 4
Students discuss their preferences. Discuss reasons as a

80 Unit 13

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1 Time
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Elicit ideas for 1 from the whole class, with reasons, then ask
them to discuss 2 and 3 in pairs. Elicit some of their answers,
• talk about time management
encouraging them to give examples (as long as this doesn’t
• speculate and discuss consequences using the second embarrass anyone).
Remind students that we use always, sometimes and
• talk about deadlines never before the main verb, but after the verb be, e.g. ‘I’m
• negotiate conditions. sometimes late for meetings’; ‘I never finish work on time’.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Replace the sentences in 2 with the
Context following
Time management is an important issue in current • I organize my study time well.
business thinking, and large numbers of experts, • I have a lot of interruptions while I’m studying. OR I’m
companies and websites have sprung up to help us with easily distracted when I study or work.
it. Some of these undoubtedly provide useful advice,
• When I have assignments to do, I hand them in on time.
especially on how to deal with modern technology,
which, although it supposedly makes our lives easier and
quicker, often clogs them up with emails and texts. From Working with words
the students’ point of view, especially if they are pre-work
learners, time management has an extra significance Exercise 1
because it is useful for their study as well as their work. Write multitasking on the board and elicit the meaning. Ask
There is also a cultural element. Some cultures, for Do you have to multitask in your job/studies? Then ask students
example, approve of somebody who works long to answer and then discuss the questions in pairs.
hours, whilst others will see them as inefficient and
probably a time-waster. Also, traditionally (and perhaps Exercise 2
stereotypically), we tend to divide cultures into those Students read the text and find the answers to the questions
where time and punctuality are important and those in 1. Check keyboard. Note that in British English we say
where people are more relaxed about it. This divide has schedule /ˈʃedʒuːl/, but in American English /ˈskedʒuːl/.
become more significant as business becomes global, Answers
and we can end up working with colleagues of any 1  b  2  b  3  a
The second area in this unit is negotiation. Different
Exercise 3
cultures negotiate differently, and it is not the case that
the Western norm of working towards a compromise is Students discuss their own habits and situations, and
necessarily accepted by all. compare them in pairs. Discuss some of their ideas with the
whole group.
Both these topics should provide a good starting point for
intercultural exchange if you have a suitable class. And in Exercise 4
both areas, we could ask the question: does an individual Students choose the correct words to complete the
person’s attitude derive mainly from their culture, or sentences.
simply from their own personality? This unit helps the
students to explore these questions. They will also learn Answers
about negotiating, and practise what they have learnt 1 waste
throughout the unit in the Talking point on work–life 2 plan your schedule
balance. 3 allow
4 enough, deadlines

EXTENSION   If students have trouble differentiating between

save time and spend time, give these examples: save time is
the opposite of waste time, e.g. ‘We’ll take a taxi to save time.
It’s faster than the bus.’ Spend time is using time for a specific
purpose, e.g. ‘I spent an hour doing my homework.’ Ask
students to write a sentence to illustrate each meaning.

Exercise 5
Students work in pairs to make sentences using the phrases.
Elicit one or two first to help. When they have finished, elicit
some examples from the group.

Unit 14 81

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Possible answers Further practice
When you don’t meet deadlines, your customers aren’t happy. If students need more practice, go to Practice file 14 on page
Our meetings never finish on time. 132 of the Student’s Book.
You save time when you take a plane instead of a train.
I spend time watching TV every evening. Exercise 10
Give students time to think how they use their own time,
Find out what different ways students use to and how others use their time. They then compare in
meet deadlines and save time. They could share these with pairs and discuss how to manage their time better. Listen
the group! out for good use of phrases from 4 and 8. Share the best
suggestions with the group. Give feedback on good use
Exercise 6 of phrases; any which need correcting could be corrected
Students could work with a new partner to discuss time together as a group.
management. Encourage them to use the ideas listed, Photocopiable worksheet
perhaps deciding on which issues cause the most problems. Download and photocopy Unit 14 Working with words
Elicit an example first, e.g. I often have a lot of phone worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
interruptions. This means that I can’t always meet deadlines.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to think about their own
time management, tasks and deadlines, and interruptions, Language at work
e.g. doing assignments, social media (e.g. Facebook), family
Exercise 1
commitments, etc.
Students read the questions. Discuss some of their answers
Exercise 7 as a group, with reasons, e.g. What made their time abroad
enjoyable? Would they like to work abroad and why / why not?
l 14.1 Students listen and match the speakers to the
situations in 6. Ask students if any of their difficulties with PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Discuss the same questions but about
time management are similar to those they heard. Check studying. i.e. Have you ever studied abroad?
students know agenda – a list of items to be discussed at a
meeting. Exercise 2
l 14.2 Students read the two questions, and then listen and
Answers answer the questions.
Speaker 1: meetings
Speaker 2: administrative tasks Answers
Speaker 3: difficult deadlines 1 Yes
Speaker 4: phone interruptions 2 Only for a short time

Exercise 8 Exercise 3
l 14.1 Before playing the listening, ask students to try to l 14.2 Before playing the listening again, ask students to
remember what words are missing. Then play the recording try to underline the correct option. Then play the recording.
again for them to complete and check the sentences. Refer Check the answers together. Point out that in sentence 3,
students to the Tip about in time and on time, highlighting both might and would are grammatically possible (see Tip
the different focus. Ask them to write a sentence for each below).
Answers 1 I’d, lived
1 late 2 would, offered
2 save 3 was, might
3 run out 4 wanted, wouldn’t
4 take, allow
5 last Exercise 4
6 ahead Students read the sentences in 3 again, and choose
7 in the correct words to complete the explanations in the
8 waste, slows
Language point. Refer students to the Tip on might and could.
Ask students to write a sentence to illustrate the use of
Exercise 9
each word.
Students work in pairs to write the phrases from 4 and 8
under the correct headings. Answers
1 imaginary, future
Answers 2 past, infinitive
Good: plan your schedule, allow time, save time, enough time, 3 can
arrive ahead of time, in time, on time, meet deadlines
Bad: waste time, run out of time, leave until the last minute, slow Grammar reference
you down If students need more information, go to Grammar reference
on page 133 of the Student’s Book.

82 Unit 14

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Exercise 5 Answers
Students complete the questions with the correct form of Conversation 1: finish a report
the verbs. Check the answers together. Point out that we Conversation 2: send a quotation, send the results for June
don’t use would in the ‘if’ clause.
Exercise 2
Answers l 14.3 Before listening, ask if students can remember the
1 had, would you choose
phrases they heard. Then play the recording again for them
2 would you say, asked
3 could, would interest to match 1–7 to a–g. Check the answers together.
4 was, would you spend
5 Would you be, didn’t exist
1  g  2  f  3  e  4  b  5  a  6  d  7  c
6 didn’t have, would you be
PRONUNCIATION   Point out that in these phrases, we usually
Exercise 6 link sounds, e.g. as soon as possible /əzsuːnəzˈpɒsəbl/. Point
Students work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in 5. out also which word we stress, i.e.
Encourage the use of might where appropriate. Listen out as soon as possible; when you have time, right away, before
for accurate use of second conditional sentences in their the end of next week.
answers. Give feedback on good examples; you could write
any mistakes you hear on the board and ask students to Exercise 3
correct them. Students decide which two phrases do not give a deadline,
Further practice and then order the others, from the most to the least urgent.
If students need more practice, go to Practice File 14 on Remind them to work from today as Wednesday. You could
page 133 of the Student’s Book. help, as follows: by means ‘on or before’ and is used with
specific times or days/dates; on is used with a day or date;
Exercise 7 within means inside a period of time.
As a lead-in, ask students about attitudes to time and Answers
punctuality in their country. Write clock time and event time 4 (as soon as possible) and 7 (when you have time) do not give a
on the board; ask them what they think the phrases mean. specific deadline.
Students read the text and answer the questions in pairs. Most to least urgent: right away, by Friday, on Monday, within a
When discussing the questions, be ready for some lively week, before the end of next week
responses: some students may object to cultural stereotypes.
Exercise 4
Exercise 8 Students work in pairs, taking turns to ask for things in
Students work in pairs. Student A turns to page 139, sentences 1–6, using the words in brackets. Their partner,
and B to page 142. Ask them to read the task examples B, responds using a different time expression. Model first, if
carefully: make sure they understand that they need to necessary. Before starting, check they can form the correct
make questions using the second conditional from the phrase with the word in brackets. For stronger students,
information given. suggest that they use different ways to start each request,
Check they understand quotation, irritable and checkout. e.g. Could you / Can you / I’d like to / I need to …, etc.
Students answer the questions first for themselves, and then Give feedback on correct use of time expressions, as well as
for their partner, noting down both sets of answers. They conditional sentences, if students use them.
then look at page 140 to add up their score, and compare
Possible answers
together. Leave time to discuss results with the group. Ask
2 Can/Could you send me the report by the end of the day /
how accurate they think the quiz is for defining their use before the end of today?
of time. 3 Can/Could you confirm the meeting by the weekend / by the
EXTENSION  Stronger students could write an extra quiz end of the week?
question, with three answer options. They could then ask the 4 I’d like the budget figures before the end of the month /
group to answer this. before the end of the year.
5 I need to see the new product right away.
Photocopiable worksheet 6 Can/Could we have a meeting on Thursday?
Download and photocopy Unit 14 Language at work
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students can use the prompts in 4,
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
or make up their own ideas for deadlines, e.g. assignment,
essay, tutorial, seminar, etc.
Practically speaking
Exercise 1
l 14.3 As a lead-in, you could ask students if they are flexible
about time and deadlines. Elicit some examples. Students
listen to the two conversations and answer the question.

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PRONUNCIATION   Ask students to listen to the conversation
again and mark the sentence stresses, e.g. We have an issue
Ask students to look up the following verbs to find out the
with delivery.
verb patterns (including prepositions). The answer may
be in the grammar information in the dictionary, or in the
examples. Do the first one together.
1 We have an issue with delivery.
1 waste time 2 Basically, we’ve got a lorry drivers’ strike here.
2 succeed 3 Would it be OK if we sent them by train?
4 Yes, that might be possible.
3 plan (v) 5 What if we transported them by train to the border?
4 propose 6 Could you send a lorry to pick them up?
5 offer (v) 7 I think we could do that.
8 That would allow us to get the parts to the factory in time.
6 agree
9 Would you agree to pay the extra cost?
Answers 10 Sorry, that wouldn’t be acceptable.
1 + -ing / + on + -ing
2 + in + -ing
Exercise 4
3 + to + verb / + on + -ing
4 + to + verb / + -ing Students decide which phrases in 3 have which function. Do
5 + to + verb the first one as a whole class. Check the answers together.
6 + to + verb / + that + subject + should/would, etc.
Then ask them to choose three verbs and use them to 1 1, 2
write three sentences about their own situation, e.g. I 2 3, 5
succeeded in passing my exam! / I plan to study / on studying 3 8
in the UK. 4 6, 9
5 4, 7
6 10
Business communication
Exercise 1 Give the class one word from a sentence in 2 as a prompt
Introduce the topic of sales and suppliers. Students read the to elicit the sentences. Students must produce the
question. Discuss some of their answers as a group. sentences using the prompt word. Then they do the same
Possible answers in pairs. You could also ask students to add an appropriate
Deliveries are late; suppliers run out of stock; the company has gesture each time they use one of the phrases, e.g. to
technical problems, etc. reject a solution, they shake their head; to agree, they nod;
etc. NB gestures can be culturally sensitive, so this will
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students may need a little more need careful introduction.
prompting to think about all the things involved in
supplying goods, e.g. staff, materials, transport, etc., before Exercise 5
coming up with ideas. Before doing this exercise, students will need practice of the
phrases in 3. Refer them also to the Key expressions.
Exercise 2
Tell students they will be discussing the supply of computer
l 14.4 Check the following: machine, tool, manufacturer. processors. They study the situation in 5, and think of ways
Students read the instructions, speculate about the to use the sentences from 3 in the new context. Weaker
problem (and solutions), and then listen and complete the students could write their ideas down first; alternatively,
information. Point out the use of basically to introduce an divide the class into two: all student As work together, and
explanation. Bs together: they plan what alternatives to offer or suggest.
Answers You could elicit or demonstrate the conversation on the
Problem: a lorry drivers’ strike. Luca won’t be able to deliver the board first, without giving all the answers, e.g.
order on time. A We have an issue with delivery. Basically, … [explains
First solution: sending the goods by train
problem], etc.
Disadvantage: the order won’t arrive in time for production.
Second solution: train to the border, where a lorry from Hans- B  Yes, that might …, etc.
Peter’s company will pick it up. Students work in pairs to negotiate according to the
Who will pay: Luca’s company, the supplier instructions.
To give further practice, and help increase fluency, ask
Exercise 3 students to do the activity again, swapping partners,
l 14.4 Before playing the listening, ask students to try to and roles. Give feedback on the phrases for negotiating,
match the sentences halves. Then they listen again and appropriate sentence stress and use of second conditionals.
check their answers.
Further practice
Answers If students need more practice, go to Practice file 14 on page
1  c  2  d  3  i  4  a  5  g  6  h  7  j  8  e  9  b  10  f 132 of the Student’s Book.

84 Unit 14

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Exercise 6 Task
Refer students to the Key expressions and check stress and
intonation again. Then ask the students to work in AB pairs Exercise 1
and to read the relevant information. Check vocabulary and Students work in pairs or small groups to read the questions,
that they understand the situation. Stress that the aim of and come up with answers to improve the work–life balance
the negotiation is to come to an agreement! Students then of employees. Remind them to add any extra ideas of their
negotiate using the expressions. own to the list. Monitor and make a note of good examples
With a weaker group, ask pairs of A students to work of language use, as well as any that need correcting.
together to plan what they want to say, and B students to PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could choose a company
work in pairs to anticipate what A will ask and to think about they know, or an ideal company, and answer the questions
how to respond. based on this.
When giving feedback, focus first on the outcome of their
negotiation; students are likely to be interested in how other Exercise 2
pairs negotiated, and who was the ‘best’ negotiator. Then Each pair or group chooses a spokesperson to present their
give feedback on their use of the target language. ideas to the class. You could then discuss which ideas would
be most successful in ensuring a suitable work–life balance.
Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 14 Business communication Give feedback on their ideas, as well as on accurate language
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice. use, and any which needs correcting.
EXTENSION   Stronger students could consider the effect of
the measures they introduce on the company: they could
Talking point consider issues such as costs, staff needed to run children’s
Write work–life balance on the board. Elicit from the students activities, office space and job-sharing, etc.
what they understand by it and what their own work–life
Progress test
balance is like.
Download and photocopy Unit 14 Progress test and Speaking
Then focus students on the infographic, and elicit briefly one test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
or two comments and opinions on what they understand.
Check students understand HR and to sacrifice.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   If you have students who are at school
or college, ask them to think about how they manage their
study and leisure time.

Exercise 1
Students discuss in pairs what they can learn about working
life in America from the statistics. Elicit some ideas from the
Possible answers
Working life in America is taking up far more of people’s time
than it used to. Family life is suffering, as regular sit-down
meals are now more infrequent. Social lives also suffer, as work
becomes more important.

Exercise 2
Students compare this with the situation in their own
country and try to imagine what the statistics would be.

Exercise 3
Elicit one reason from the group for why we are busier now,
and then ask each pair to come up with one more reason.
Possible answers
Competition for jobs is probably much tougher than it used to
be, and there is rarely nowadays such a thing as a ‘job for life’; this
means that many people are willing to work harder in order to
try not to lose their job. In addition, many jobs are now done by
computer, or done more quickly online, so more jobs are under
threat. To survive we need to work more, and work harder, and
as a result most people are busier.

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15 Training
Unit content Starting point
By the end of this unit, students will be able to Briefly elicit one or two pieces of information for question 1
from the class, and then ask students to discuss both
• talk about personal development and training
questions in detail with a partner. If students need
• give advice using modal verbs prompting, you could use yourself in the role of a teacher to
• give and respond to positive feedback give one or two examples.
• make and respond to suggestions. Discuss answers as a group.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Encourage students to think about
Context a job they would like and what they know about training
Improvement – in the form of personal development opportunities.
and Training – is a key issue in business today. Since the
students will, by definition, be undertaking a training
course of some kind, it should be an area of relevance Working with words
to them. Staff changes and turnover are more frequent Exercise 1
than in the past, and one path to finding better jobs and
Write coach on the board and elicit what students
gaining promotion is through gaining extra skills. The
understand by it. They should be familiar with a sports
companies that offer this are more likely to retain staff.
coach, who trains their team and encourages them. Elicit
Some companies may complain that they train the staff,
a few ideas from the group on what they think a business
who then leave. But the alternative is not training them –
coach does.
and then they will leave. Or, worse, they’ll stay!
Professional development (i.e. the development of Exercise 2
technical skills to do with the job) has always been seen Students read the text and compare with their answers from
as the responsibility of the employer, but increasingly 1. Check students understand impressive.
personal development is, too. This is linked with the need
to motivate staff through setting and achieving goals, Suggested answer
appraisals to check progress, and giving constructive A business coach helps managers improve their performance.
feedback on performance. Many managers are not trained Specifically, they help set goals and achieve objectives. They can
to do these tasks, which can cause problems. improve an individual’s promotion prospects, and help motivate
them. A coach also gives feedback and helps identify training to
These issues are explored in the unit, which also gives the further develop skills.
students the language and tools to give advice, suggest
solutions, and reassure colleagues in difficult situations.
The Talking point at the end of the unit allows students to Exercise 3
review some of the important grammatical points from Students discuss the questions in pairs. Discuss some of their
the course. ideas with the whole group.

Exercise 4
Students match the words and phrases in bold in the text in
2 to definitions 1–8.
1 take a step back
2 motivate
3 develop your skills
4 improve your performance
5 set goals
6 achieve your objectives
7 improve your promotion prospects
8 give feedback

PRONUNCIATION   Ask the students to underline the main

stress in each phrase.

86 Unit 15

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Answers Exercise 7
take a step back l 15.1 You could introduce this listening by asking in
motivate what situations managers meet employees. Ask for some
develop your skills examples from their own businesses. How many of the
improve your performance meetings are accidental and how many planned?
set goals
Students read the situations, and listen to match the extracts
achieve your objectives
to the situations. Check they understand annual appraisal.
improve your promotion prospects
give feedback Answers
a  3  b  1  c  2
Exercise 5
Students complete the sentences with words and phrases Exercise 8
from 4. Then they ask and answer the questions. Focus on l 15.1 Students listen again and identify what Scott is doing
the Tip and the difference between goals and objectives. wrong. Then they look back at the list of courses in 6 and
Ask each student to think of an example of their own for decide which courses he should take and why. You might
each word. want to point out that the language used is very direct, e.g.
conversation 1, ‘you never told me that’. Advise students that
1 motivate this language may not be appropriate in a business context.
2 set, goals, achieve Answers
3 give, feedback 1 Conversation 1: He didn’t make the objectives clear a
4 improve, promotion, prospects year ago.
5 take, step back Conversation 2: He didn’t tell the team in advance what he
6 objectives, achieve or set (or skills, develop) wanted from them for the meeting.
7 develop, skills (or improve, performance) Conversation 3: He doesn’t have time to read a proposal that
has to be sent this evening.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Change the questions to: 2 Possible answers
1 What things you to study hard? Course 2: to express himself more clearly (conversations 1 
and 2)
2 At the start of this course/year, did you any
Course 3: to speed read and deal with emails more effectively
? What are you doing to try and them? (conversation 3)
3 How often does your teacher you on your Course 4: to set clear goals and give better feedback
performance? (conversations 1 and 2)
4 Do you think training would be the best way to
a person’s ? What other ways are there to Exercise 9
move up in the company? Students work in pairs. They should read the questions and
5 When is the best time for somebody to a share their answers about which courses they think would
from their job? be good for them, and why. They could write their reasons
6 What new would you like to in your down. Elicit some of their answers and discuss as a whole
personal or academic life? group. Give feedback on correct use and pronunciation of
7 Have you done any training courses recently to phrases from 4.
your at school or college? How have these courses PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Brainstorm a list of short courses the
helped you? students have been on, or heard about and considered,
EXTENSION   Elicit from the group anything particularly and write these on the board. Then ask them to discuss the
interesting they found out about each other. questions in pairs.
ALTERNATIVE   If your students haven’t done, or don’t plan to
Exercise 6 do any training courses, ask them to assess the courses in 6
Students match the training course titles to their and say which could be useful for them in their studies or at
descriptions. Check their answers with the whole group. work.
Answers Photocopiable worksheet
1 Managing stress
Download and photocopy Unit 15 Working with words
2 Communication skills
3 Time management worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
4 Motivating employees
5 Project management
Language at work
EXTENSION   Ask your students if they have done any courses
Exercise 1
such as those listed and, if so, how useful they were.
If your class has a lot of work experience, you could ask them
Further practice to exchange experiences of appraisals and decide what
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 15 on page makes a good or poor one.
134 of the Student’s Book. Students read the advice as if the gaps are not there, and
say if they agree or not. (Note that some of the points are

Unit 15 87

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actually the opposite of what is advised in 2.) Briefly discuss time to read through the advice, and monitor for vocabulary
some of their answers as a class. problems.
Students read the sentences and decide what they think of
Exercise 2 the advice. Don’t let them discuss the ideas yet, as that is the
l 15.2 Students listen and compare the speaker’s advice focus of 6.
with their own opinions from 1. Check the answers with the
class. Exercise 6
Students discuss the ideas in 5 using modal verbs from 3.
1 No Focus on correct use of modals. Make sure they contract the
2 No negatives and pronounce mustn’t correctly. Use their reasons
3 Yes, especially if they are shy to check they have understood the concept of each modal.
4 Yes
5 Yes Exercise 7
6 Yes Students read the profiles. Ask students if they know
anybody in a similar situation. Students discuss the advice
Exercise 3 they would give each person in pairs. Make sure they use the
modal verbs from 3 when they are talking about advice.
l 15.2 Students listen again and complete the advice in 1
with the correct modal verb. Check the answers with the Exercise 8
class. If students ask you for the meanings of the verbs at this
l 15.3 Students listen to the experts and compare their
point, tell them you will study this in the next activity.
answers in 7.
1 shouldn’t
2 mustn’t
Should try to take some holiday and spend time with his family
3 could
Needs to work on his management skills
4 should
Should ask for training in time management and managing
5 should
6 must
Could hire a personal coach
Must talk to his team
PRONUNCIATION   Make sure students don’t pronounce the
Should set clear goals for his team
middle /t/ in mustn’t. Klaudia:
Should talk to her boss
Exercise 4 She could ask him how to improve her promotion prospects
Students read and complete the sentences in the Language She could speak to the CEO, but she shouldn’t do this
point using a modal verb from 3. Refer students to the Tip immediately
box on have to and must. Ask students to write their own She could say she might leave
two sentences, one for an ‘outside’ request, and one for
something they personally believe is important. Discuss Further practice
some of their examples as a group. If students need more practice, go to Practice file 15 on page
135 of the Student’s Book.
Point out that the question form for both verbs is usually
with have to, e.g. Do you have to wear a uniform? Exercise 9
Answers Give students time to read the list, choose two topics and
1 must come up with some advice. Students then ask their partners
2 should for advice on how to do these things. Tell them they should
3 could formulate the problem properly using the prompts e.g. I don’t
4 shouldn’t feel motivated in my current job, and I need some advice on how
5 mustn’t to increase my motivation. The other student listens and gives
advice using the modal verbs. Encourage use of all five verbs
EXTENSION   You could extend the Tip to talking about the
from 3.
difference between don’t have to and mustn’t, where there is
a clear distinction in meaning. You don’t have to do something EXTENSION   If you have students from different places of
means it is not necessary but you can if you want. You work, you could ask them to talk about a colleague they
mustn’t do something means it is not allowed or strongly know and ask for advice on how they can do their job better.
inadvisable. If students are from the same company, this is probably not
Grammar reference
If students need more information, go to Grammar reference Photocopiable worksheet
on page 135 of the Student’s Book. Download and photocopy Unit 15 Language at work
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Exercise 5
Note that the answers to this exercise are highly subjective
and could provoke interesting discussion. Give the students

88 Unit 15

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Practically speaking Business communication
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
Students read the situations, and decide what they could say Ask students what ideas they have for motivating employees
as a response. Elicit a possible response for the first one, and or college students, e.g. a suggestions box. Elicit other ideas
then ask students to work in pairs and come up with other from the group. Students read the three ideas for motivating
alternatives. employees. Ask them which is best for them. Elicit one or
two ideas from the group. Then ask students to discuss them
Possible answers in pairs. Elicit any other ideas which help motivate them.
a Thank you! / That was really interesting / I really enjoyed your
talk. PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students who are studying at
b Thank you. It’s mostly fine, but it would be good if you … / it college to think of what motivates them to study and do
still needs a bit of work on it. course work. Answers could include, e.g. the prospects of
c This is excellent. / Thank you very much. / I’m really pleased getting a good/better job; getting good grades and results;
with what you’ve done. learning about new topics and areas of work, etc.

Exercise 2 Exercise 2
l 15.4 Students listen and match each conversation with l 15.5 Pre-teach defective – having a fault or faults; not
one of the situations in 1. perfect or complete. Students listen to the conversation
about team motivation and put the points in 1 in order.
1  a  2  c  3  b Answers
a  2  b  3  c  1
EXTENSION   Ask students if they have been in any of these
situations recently, giving feedback on something. What was Exercise 3
it, and what did they say?
l 15.5 Before playing the recording, ask students to try and
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   If students are at college, ask them match the suggestions and responses. Then students listen
if they have recently been given feedback on any of their again to complete the sentences, and check their answers.
coursework. What did their tutor say? Was it appropriate?
Why/Why not?
1  c  2  d  3  a  4  f  5  e  6  b

Exercise 3 PRONUNCIATION   Ask students to decide which word (or

l 15.4 Students listen again and complete the phrases in parts of words) in both the suggestions and the responses is
A for giving feedback, and in B for responding. Encourage stressed, e.g.
students to practise the conversations with a partner. Why don’t we start with motivation? Good idea.
Check students understand to hire and sales rep You could explain the value of their work. Yes, that might work.
(representative). You could point out that using a person’s You should always give feedback. Well, I’m not sure about that.
name when giving feedback makes it much more personal I suggest you send each person an email. Yes, that’s not a bad
and appropriate. idea.
What about introducing a team project? I don’t think that would
A: enjoyed, helpful, job, done, had, track, just
B: liked, hear, bad
Shall we talk about how to put them into practice? Yes. Let’s do
PRONUNCIATION   Point out that we use intonation to make
feedback sound positive and encouraging. If necessary, Exercise 4
play the listening again and ask students to mark which Students decide which group the responses belong to.
words and phrases are said at a higher pitch (using a wider Check the answers. NB That’s not a bad idea is actually
intonation), and which sound more friendly. Encourage positive!
them to repeat the phrases, stopping and starting the
listening at appropriate times. Very positive b, c
Quite positive d, f
Exercise 4 A little negative a
Students work in pairs, taking turns to give and respond to Very negative e
feedback in situations 1–4.
Give feedback on good use of phrases and appropriate Exercise 5
intonation. You could elicit a suitable response to your Refer students to the Key expressions, and check the stress
feedback from the students! and intonation of the expressions. If necessary, model them
and get the students to repeat them after you.
Students work in pairs, taking turns to use the six situations
in the box to make suggestions, and respond, using the Key
expressions. Model an example with a strong student.

Unit 15 89

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Give feedback specifically on the phrases for making and Give feedback on their ideas, as well as on accurate
responding to suggestions, using appropriate intonation. language use.
Further practice Progress test
If students need more practice, go to Practice file 15 on page Download and photocopy Unit 15 Progress test and Speaking
134 of the Student’s Book. test from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Exercise 6
Students work in pairs. They will be considering ways to
improve company motivation.
Refer them again to the Key expressions. Then ask the
students to work in AB pairs, and to read the relevant
information. Check they understand bonus.
When giving feedback, focus on accurate use of phrases
from the Key expressions.
PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could think about a company
they know well, or consider how to improve staff motivation
at the college where they are studying.

For quick revision here, or at the beginning of next
lesson, put a few ideas/suggestions on slips of paper.
(These could be work-related, or not, depending on
your students, e.g. ‘Let’s meet up on Saturday at 11 for
an extra hour of English!’, or ‘What about keeping in
touch between classes on email, in English!’, or ‘What
about having a dress-down Friday, when everyone can
wear jeans to work?’) Ask the students to stand up in
two lines, in two teams. Give the first person in each
team a suggestion each, and ask them to read it out
to the second person in the line: that person responds
negatively (but politely!) and adds an alternative
suggestion. The third student responds in the same way,
and so on, down the line. Encourage students to use a
range of phrases from the Key expressions.

Photocopiable worksheet
Download and photocopy Unit 15 Business communication
worksheet from the teacher resources in the Online practice.

Talking point
The objective of this game is to practise the language and
skills which the students have learnt in this book. You may
wish to ask students to revise this before they start the game.
Students read the rules. Check they are familiar with ‘heads’
and ‘tails’ when using a coin. Emphasize that the aim of the
game is to review language and skills from the book.
You will probably find that students complete the tasks in
the squares reasonably well, but without necessarily using
the language from this book. In these cases, it is up to you
whether you insist on them doing so, perhaps by looking it
up in the second copy of the Student’s Book as suggested.
As they play, monitor and help with vocabulary queries.
For feedback, you could keep a ‘hot card’ for each student
or pair. As they play, write down errors on their hot card,
and at the end, give them their hot card for discussion and
correction. If you have a large class, ask students to monitor
each other’s mistakes, and fix a penalty of ‘two squares back’
for anybody who makes a mistake. If students disagree,
for example about correct pronunciation, they ask you to

90 Unit 15

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Viewpoint 5
Preview Exercise 4
Students discuss what type of company they work for,
The topic of this Viewpoint is A successful partnership. In
and consider whether the advantages and disadvantages
this Viewpoint, students first watch people talking about
mentioned in 3 are true for their company.
the type of company they work for. They then watch a
video with Colin Goepfert, the Learning and Development PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Ask students to think of a company
Coach at John Lewis. Finally, they discuss how they could they know well, decide what sort of company it is, and think
introduce a partnership scheme, similar to that at John about what its disadvantages or advantages may be.
Lewis, into their company. EXTENSION  Strong students could be asked to think about
other advantages and disadvantages.
Exercise 1
Students first match the types of companies to their Exercise 5
definitions. Ask students to match the words and phrases in bold in
Find out if any of your students works for one of these sentences 1–7 to definitions a–g. Do the first one together.
company types. Students check their answers with a partner, then check with
the whole class.
1  c  2  a   3  d  4  b Answers
1  d  2  e   3  c  4  f  5  g  6  a  7  b
Exercise 2
Students work in pairs and think of an example of each Exercise 6
company type. Discuss some of their ideas as a group. r 02 Before playing the video, ask students to look at the
slides. Then play the video again for students to order them
Exercise 3 as they watch.
r 01 Students read the first column in the table, and then Students check their answers with a partner, and then check
watch the video. They should make notes about what each the answers together.
speaker says. If necessary, play the video again, pausing after
You may want to deal with any vocabulary students bring
each speaker.
up, e.g. in the region of means approximately (and is not
Note that each speaker answers the first question and then geographical). Other vocabulary that they may not be
answers about both the advantages and disadvantages. familiar with: profit, proportion, annual pay, shareholder,
Ask students if any of the speakers’ comments or opinions dividend, bonus, market rate.
are similar to their own. Discuss answers as a class.
Answers A  3  B  4  C  1  D  2

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 VIDEO SCRIPT

(Lisa) (Sarah) (Timi)
(The John Lewis Partnership is one of the UK’s leading retail businesses.
Type of Sole trader Public NGO (Non- Colin Goepfert is the Learning and Development Coach at John Lewis.)
company company Governmental
Organization) / The John Lewis Partnership came into being in 1950. We’ve
Charity now got in the region of 78,000 people who work in the John
Lewis Partnership. It includes about 32 department stores up
Advantages Doesn’t have Held to Being able
and down the country, over 250 Waitrose supermarkets plus our
to answer to a higher to make a
Internet business. We have a production unit up in Lancashire,
anyone else standard - difference to
near Blackburn, and also we have a farm of about 4,000 acres in
– she has full have to be people around
Hampshire where we grow and produce a lot of the milk and
control. careful with the world.
apples and mushrooms that we sell in our Waitrose supermarket.
We have partners, essentially most other businesses would refer
to them as employees or staff, we call them partners because
expenses to
they are all partners in the true sense of the word. They all have
ensure growth
responsibilities and share in the benefits of our business. That
of stock value.
doesn’t mean when they join us on day one they get one share of
Disadvantages Only her Difficult to Difficult to get John Lewis, it means at the end of the year, when we’ve worked out
that is think long other people our profit for that year, every partner would receive a proportion of
responsible term. to understand their annual pay as a percentage. So whether you’re a Saturday-only
for this Decision why helping partner or the Chairman, you would all receive the same per cent
company. making is other people is of your pay as your bonus, so that’s almost like the dividend that
sometimes important. you would get if you were a shareholder in other business. We call
compromised. them partners because they all have a part to play in our success
and sharing that.

Viewpoint 5 91

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Like any business, we have to be successful and therefore we have Exercise 9
to make a profit. Because we don’t have any external shareholders
Students read the three options, and then tick the one that is
we don’t have to produce a dividend to keep other people happy.
closest to their own opinion. They then compare their ideas
We have to make the profit and we want the profit to be sufficient
to enable us to continue doing what we do. And what we do is with a partner, giving reasons. Discuss some of their opinions
to look after our partners in the terms of the employment and with reasons as a whole class.
the benefits we offer, because we believe that if you look after the
partners, they will therefore look after the customers; look after the Exercise 10
customers, they will look after your profit, and we have what we Students could work with a different partner for these last
call the partner-customer-profit cycle and that’s what we live and two exercises. They are going to discuss introducing a similar
work to. partnership scheme for their own company. Give them time
Other ways that we kind of measure our success, obviously, is to read the three points. They should then discuss, and take
turnover, because the turnover feeds directly into the bonus, but notes on their answers and ideas. You could also encourage
we also look at the feedback we receive from outside bodies – students to adapt the scheme if they have others ideas they
Which reports, Verdict reports, the customer service groups that are
think would work, e.g. about training or taking time off.
available – and we regularly, between John Lewis and Waitrose,
feature in the top two or three companies for those, again for us Monitor students as they work, and help if needed. Remind
really important. them to consider how they will measure success and
We like to always pay the best rate for the right level of calculate bonuses.
performance. We’re constantly looking at the, at what we call the PRE-WORK LEARNERS   Students could think of a company
market rate, which is what the going rate for a particular job is, but
they know well, and discuss how the John Lewis scheme (or
within our pay structure every partner has the opportunity to work
a similar partnership scheme) could work. They could think
their way up.
We have a very comprehensive training package called Horizons, about a company where friends or family work.
which has a huge amount of resources, courses, books, videos,
DVDs, coaching sessions that partners can sign up for to help them Exercise 11
achieve the best in their performance. We have the bonus that Students work together to give the presentation. One
we’ve mentioned earlier which was last year about 18%. student could present the overall plan (first point), while
We also have in all of our workplaces subsidized dining, a minimum the other explains the employee benefits and how they will
of four weeks’ paid holiday rising to six weeks after ten years, we measure success.
have a final salary non-contributory pension scheme. We offer
something called long leave – after 25 years of continual service Encourage others in the group to ask questions for
a partner can actually take six months off, fully paid, to just go clarification.
and get away from their normal work regime and just experience When they have all finished, vote on the best scheme. You
something different. could come up with your own criteria, or suggest giving
So we’re constantly trying to find new ways of making the life of points based on how easy it would be to implement, how
our partners fuller and enable them to do more than they perhaps the employees will benefit, and/or how easy it will be to
would do. Pay’s important, but to us, pay is just one part of partner measure success.
development and partner growth, and we hopefully have a pack
that’s second to none. Further video ideas
You can find a list of suggested ideas for how to use video in
Exercise 7 the class in the teacher resources in the Online practice.
Students work alone to match the titles 1–4 to the
slides in 6.
Students check their answers with a partner, and then check
with the group.
1  C  2  D  3  A  4  B

Exercise 8
r 02 Before playing the video again, ask students to read
the questions. Stronger students could try to answer them
before they watch. Then play the video again. If necessary,
pause the video after the information is mentioned.
Students check their answers with a partner. Then check the
answers together.
2 Yes
3 Yes
4 No
5 Don’t know
6 Don’t know
7 Yes
8 No

92 Viewpoint 5

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1 Practice file answer key
Unit 1 Exercise 3
2  e  ​3  a  ​4  b  ​5  c
Language at work
Exercise 1
Working with words
Business communication 2 studied  8 called 
3 built  9 didn’t publish 
Exercise 1
2  f  ​3  b  ​4  e  ​5  c  ​6  a Exercise 1 4 had  10 started 
2 calling 7 back 5 became  11 made 
3 This 8 Does 6 spent  12 created
Exercise 2
4 afraid 9 give 7 wrote 
2 based  6 products 
3 operate  7 produce  5 take 10 help
6 ask Exercise 2
4 subsidiaries  8 competitors
2 did you have 5 did they stay
5 employees 
Exercise 2 lunch 6 did she join
2 speaking 6 phoning 3 did you see 7 did you spend
Exercise 3
3 leave 7 calling 4 did Raul leave 8 did you send
2 exporter  7 provide
3 subsidiaries  8 operates 4 do 8 You’re welcome
5 about 9 Speak Exercise 3
4 products  9 services
1 was 4 don’t, decided
5 based  10 produce
2 works, came 5 didn’t, speaks
6 specialize  Language at work 3 wasn’t, didn’t 6 doesn’t, was

Business communication Exercise 1

2 Is he staying
3 You aren’t / You’re
5 are those German
engineers visiting 
Unit 4
Exercise 1
2  What (d)   ​3  Where (f )   ​4  Who (c)   ​ not listening 6 She isn’t working
5  What (a)   ​6   Why (b) 4 I’m leaving Working with words

Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 1

2  a  ​3  b  ​4  f  ​5  d  ​6  e 2  c  ​3  g  ​4  e  ​5  f  ​6  h  ​7  j  ​8  a  ​
2  i  ​3  a  ​4  e  ​5  c  ​6  g  ​7  b  ​8  d  ​
9  b  ​10  i
9  f
Exercise 3
2 have 6 are becoming Exercise 2
Language at work 3 work 7 are opening 2  of  ​3  to  ​4  for  ​5  with
4 are looking 8 get
Exercise 1
2 is  7 have 
5 buy 9 are trying Business communication
3 specialize  8 specializes 
Exercise 1
Unit 3 2  g  ​3  b  ​4  h  ​5  a  ​6  e  ​7  c  ​8  f
6 start  Exercise 2
Working with words
Exercise 2 3  have  ​6  appointment  ​8  late
b does 5 e do 10 i does 4 Exercise 1
2 helpful 7 pretty Down:
c Do you f are 9 j does 8
3 user 8 popular  2  inviting  ​3  help  ​4  else  ​5  way  ​
have 7 g does 1
4 quality 9 original  7  nice
d is 2 h arrive 6
5 reliable 10 extremely
Exercise 3 6 value Language at work
2  don’t  ​3  does  ​4  doesn’t, does   ​
5  aren’t  ​6  don’t Exercise 2 Exercise 1
2  phone  ​3  value  ​4  reliable  ​ 2  b  ​3  b  ​4  a  ​5  b  ​6  a  ​7  b  ​8  a  ​
5  money  ​6  quality 9  b  ​10  b
Unit 2 Exercise 2
Business communication
2 When did the company start?
Working with words 3 How many people does the company
Exercise 1
Order of sentences: 1 5 7 4 8 6 3 9 2 employ?
Exercise 1 4 Do you have a lot of competitors in the
2 supplier 5 staff
3 employment 6 consultant  Exercise 2 USA?
2 We wanted 6 Finally 5 How much chewing gum do Americans
agency 7 client
3 We did this by 7 showed eat?
4 customers
4 First 8 the majority 6 Who are your main customers?
Exercise 2 5 Then we asked 9 we recommend
2 train 5 organizer
3 products 6 supply 
4 calculate 7 consultation
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Unit 5 Exercise 2
2 One key 5 another issue is 
Exercise 2
2 she’s visiting  6 I’m going to call /
advantage  6 I’d go for  3 We’re not I’ll call 
Working with words 3 I like the idea 7 it’s preferable  having / We’re 7 I’ll check 
that 8 are more suitable not going to 8 he isn’t going to
Exercise 1 4 I’m not sure have  accept 
2  d  ​3  a  ​4  c  ​5  f  ​6  b
4 I’m meeting  9 I’ll give 
Exercise 2 Language at work 5 I’ll ask  10 are starting / are
going to start
2 report a problem 5 response times
3 offer a solution 6 get feedback Exercise 1
2 have told 8 have / ’ve asked
4 make a complaint
3 have not / 9 has / ’s said Unit 8
Exercise 3 haven’t found 10 have / ’ve lost
2  query  3  discount  4  replacement  4 has become 11 have not / Working with words
5  issue  6  credit voucher 5 has / ’s been haven’t had
6 have left 12 have not / Exercise 1
7 have not / haven’t made 2 process/ship 6 enquire about/
Business communication haven’t recruited 3 check/guarantee check
4 shipment/order 7 orders/goods
Exercise 1
Sentence order: 5 6 8 4 1 10 3 7 9 2
Exercise 2 5 ship/deliver
2 Have you  h 6 Did g
Exercise 2 3 Have you ever  b 7 been a Exercise 2
4 Did you have  d 8 did you send  e Across: 
2 I’m not very 5 we can offer you
5 Has c 4  place  ​8  ordered  ​9  guarantee  ​
happy 6 check
10  track
3 I’m sorry 7 sorry for
4 I’m afraid 8 I’ll deal with
Unit 7 1  deliver  ​3  process  ​5  check  ​
6  enquire  ​7  quoted
Language at work Working with words
Exercise 1 Business communication
2 more profitable  6 more
Exercise 1
3 newest professional
2 hand baggage 7 airline charges  Exercise 1
3 delayed flights 8 baggage 2  b  ​3  h  ​4  g  ​5  c  ​6  a  ​7  d  ​8  f
4 nearer 7 worst 
4 self-service allowances 
5 most popular  8 biggest 
check-in  9 seat upgrade  Exercise 2
9 better
5 weight 10 missed 2 could  7 go ahead 
restrictions  connection 3 show  8 just 
Exercise 2
6 security scan 4 of course 9 sorry
2 T 6 T
5 ask 10 Would
3 F. It’s the easiest 7 F. It’s the least
to use. popular.
Exercise 2 6 mind
2  extra  ​3  middle  ​4  cancelled  ​5  free  ​
4 T 8 F. It’s easier to
5 F. It offers slower use than Teslo’s.
6  excess Language at work
delivery than
Arriba. Business communication Exercise 1
2 The invoice was sent yesterday.
Exercise 1 3 Over a thousand guests were invited to
Unit 6 2  c  ​3  a  ​4  h  ​5  d  ​6  b  ​7  f  ​8  e  ​ the event.
9  j  ​10  i 4 The post is collected at 10 a.m. every
Working with words Exercise 2 5 The software is written / was written
2 Would  7 afraid  by our engineers.
Exercise 1
3 Sorry  8 what  6 The meeting was cancelled because of
2 advertised  6 candidate
4 free  9 fine  the strike.
3 experience  7 interview
5 suits  10 shall 
4 qualification 8 reference
5 skills
6 Does  11 that’s Exercise 2
2 is given/was 5 are held
Exercise 2 given/will be 6 was installed
2 qualified 6 advert/
Language at work given 7 was delivered
3 recruitment advertisement  3 were asked 8 is published
Exercise 1 4 are processed
4 shortlist 7 experienced
2 she’s going to  7 I’m going to
5 skilled 8 interviewed
3 aren’t going  8 She’s playing  Exercise 3
4 I’m going to 9 won’t be  2 An email was sent to all employees by
Business communication 5 he’s visiting 10 ’m meeting the HR department.
6 I’ll be 3 The money was stolen (by someone).
Exercise 1 4 The staff were informed about the
2  issue  3  expensive  4  go   decision (by the heads of department).
5  Another  6  suitable  7  sure

94 Practice file answer key

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5 Salaries are discussed with employees Exercise 3 Exercise 2
individually. 1 pollution, 3 petrol, less water, 2 Would you like to take a break?
6 The key to the safe is kept in his desk. consumption  electricity 3 Do you fancy seeing a football game?
2 glass, plastic, 4 the environment, 4 Shall I reserve a table?
newspapers  cities, rivers 5 Would you like to visit the new factory
Unit 9 now?
Business communication 6 Would you like me to meet you at the
Working with words airport?
Exercise 1
Exercise 1 2 I’m here today 7 to sum up Exercise 3
2 target audience  4 new business  3 I’ll come 8 that brings me 2  Thanks for the   ​3  very good of   ​
3 advertising 5 word of mouth  4 let’s start with 9 Thanks very 4  like me to   ​5  asking, but   ​6  be great
campaign  6 free publicity 5 My next point much
6 lastly 10 As I said before Language at work
Exercise 2
2  offer  ​3  conduct  ​4  increase  ​5  boost  ​ Exercise 2 Exercise 1
6  reach 2  start  ​3  overview  ​4  look  ​5  Then  ​ Countable: shop, reservation, hotel, event,
6  finally  ​7  all  ​8  tell person
Exercise 3 Uncountable: information, money,
2 search engines  4 targeted emails 
3 advertising 5 promotional Language at work entertainment, luggage, accommodation

boards  events Exercise 2

Exercise 1
2 agree, ’ll have  6 don’t print, ’ll use  2 are 6 Is 
Business communication 3 will he say, asks  7 ’ll use, leave  3 Are 7 much 
4 don’t improve, 8 won’t pay, waits  4 many  8 was 
Exercise 1 ’ll lose  9 will it take, go  5 some  9 many
2  c  ​3  a  ​4  b  ​5  f  ​6  h  ​7  i  ​8  j  ​ 5 won’t accept, 10 don’t decrease,
9  e  ​10  g doesn’t know  will continue Exercise 3
2 an 6 a
Exercise 2 Exercise 2 3 Are 7 some
2 I didn’t catch that 7 we can come 3 will it cost  9 won’t be  4 any 8 much
3 I’m not with you back to that later 4 decide  10 drive  5 Is
4 Could you be 8 we’ve covered 5 don’t sell  11 look 
more specific everything
5 what was the 9 Can we move on
’ll save 
will consume 
’ll see 
will increase  Unit 12
time of the to the next point 8 do  14 rises
meeting 10 can we sum Working with words
6 we’re getting off up what we’ve
the subject agreed Unit 11 Exercise 1
2  f  ​3  h  ​4  a  ​5  g  ​6  c  ​7  b  ​8  d
Language at work Working with words Exercise 2
Exercise 1 Exercise 1 2 safety record, 6 environmental
Students’ own answers. 2  venue  ​3  guests  ​4  budget  ​ excellent performance,
5  host company   ​6  package 3 perform well, average
Exercise 2 encouraging 7 good reputation,
2 Do I have/Do I 5 need to/have to Exercise 2 4 satisfactory, excellent
need 6 can, aren’t 2  had  ​3  arranged  ​4  entertains  ​ socially 8 workplace
3 has to/needs to, allowed 5  booked  ​6  accept responsible diversity,
are allowed 7 don’t have, can’t 5 poor, manage disappointing
4 Am I allowed Exercise 3 costs
2 host company  7 budget 
3 entertain  8 guests  Business communication
Unit 10 4 held  9 book
5 venue  10 arranged Exercise 1
Working with words 6 accepted  11 had 2  from  ​3  to  ​4  by  ​5  to  ​6  by  ​7  to

Exercise 1 Business communication Exercise 2

2  g  ​3  e  ​4  h  ​5  a  ​6  b  ​7  c  ​8  f 2 rise 6 remained stable
Exercise 1 3 dropped 7 notice
Exercise 2 2 Would you like to join us for lunch? 4 see 8 risen
2 carbon emissions  6 reduce pollution 3 Shall I get you a ticket for the concert? 5 declined 9 increasing
3 Global warming  7 eco-friendly  4 Thanks for asking, but I’m not free
4 fossil fuels  8 throw away 5 Would you like me to book a table? Exercise 3
5 energy 6 Would you like a glass of water? Students’ own answers
consumption  7 Do you fancy going to the cinema?

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Language at work Language at work Exercise 2
1 had 7 wouldn’t,
Exercise 1 Exercise 1 2 would, had didn’t pay
2 I’ve worked 5 I developed 2 We’ll finish the report today. 3 need, ’ll  8 Will, send
3 for several years 6 for four years 3 The manager may not / might not be in 4 were, would 9 knew, ’d tell
4 I was 7 I left her office right now. 5 gave, might work 10 don’t, will be
4 The secretary may/might know when 6 ’ll finish, works
Exercise 2 the meeting is.
2 When did she join One Step Fitness? 5 I won’t get the job I applied for.
3 How long was she Assistant Manager at 6 They may not / might not give us a pay Unit 15
One Step Fitness? rise this year.
4 How long has she been a manager? 7 He won’t go on any more business trips. Working with words
5 Where did she work from 2006 to 2010? 8 The staff may/might be more
6 How long has she been responsible for motivated. Exercise 1
sales growth? 2  e  ​3  f  ​4  b  ​5  d  ​6  h (or c)   ​
7 How long did she work at Sun Sports Exercise 2 7  c (or h)   ​8  a
Clothing? 2 ’ll be 7 won’t find 
8 How long has she been in the sports 3 won’t feel 8 will improve  Exercise 2
and fitness industry? 4 will exist 9 might/may 2 feedback 6 motivate 
5 may/might lose not be  3 develop, skills 7 achieve
6 won't / may/ 10 might/may 4 step back 8 improve
Unit 13 might not apply 5 set goals (or
Working with words
Unit 14 Exercise 3
Exercise 1 2 motivate 5 skills
Across: Working with words 3 feedback 6 achieve
2  development  ​4  change 4 develop/improve  7 prospects
Down: Exercise 1
1  shortage  ​2  demand  ​3  threat  ​ 2  h  ​3  b  ​4  d  ​5  c  ​6  a  ​7  e  ​8  g Business communication
4  crisis  ​5  growth
Exercise 2 Exercise 1
Exercise 2 2 save  7 leave  a  1  ​b  7  ​c  6  ​d  4  ​e  3  ​f  2  ​g  5  ​
2  estimate  ​3  worse  ​4  forecasts  ​ 3 schedule  8 run  h  8
5  threatens  ​6  run 4 leave  9 ahead 
5 spend  10 time Exercise 2
Business communication 6 waste  2 Maybe we 5 We could
should set introduce
Exercise 1 Business communication 3 How about 6 I suggest you/we
2 Do you think the situation will improve? asking discuss
3 I hope we won’t have to close the Exercise 1 4 Shall we think
factory. a  1  ​b  6  ​c  4  ​d  9  ​e  2  ​f  5  ​g  10  ​
4 The staff will definitely support the h  7  ​i  3  ​j  8 Exercise 3
decision. b sure, think 2 e question 3
5 Are the new rules likely to affect us? Exercise 2 c let’s 6 f great, about 1
6 Unemployment probably won’t 2 Oh dear. What’s the problem exactly? d might, don’t 5
decrease before 2025. 3 Basically, I ordered 50 ducks but you
7 We’re unlikely to have more free time in sent me chickens. Language at work
the future. 4 I’m sorry. Would you agree to keep the
chickens? Exercise 1
Exercise 2 5 No, I’m afraid I couldn’t accept that. 2 g shouldn’t 5 a should
2 likely to find a 5 definitely won’t 6 Would it be OK if we delivered the 3 e don’t think 6 c mustn’t
substitute for oil go up ducks today? 4 b could 7 d must
3 will probably be 6 Hopefully, we’ll 7 Yes, that would allow me to have them
affected first develop for the weekend. Exercise 2
4 are likely to rise 8 OK, I’ll send them today. 2 must  6 should
dramatically 3 could  7 must
Language at work 4 shouldn’t 8 mustn’t
Exercise 3 5 should
2  are  ​3  Hopefully  ​4  will  ​5  probably  ​ Exercise 1
6  likely 2 didn’t know 6 they could start
3 would you think 7 might they do
about 8 could only read
4 they would give 9 we would
5 found recommend

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