Practice File Answer Key

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Practice file answer key

Unit 1 Exercise 2 Business communication

1 a 2 b 3 c 4 b 5 a 6 b
Exercise 1
Working with words
Business communication 2 happening with 7 update me
3 help with 8 So far
Exercise 1 4 where are 9 let’s check
2 a 3 e 4 h 5 g 6 c 7 f 8 d Exercise 1
b Can you say that again 5 we’re currently 10 let’s meet
c Can I have his number 6 anyone else
Exercise 2
1 charge of 5 work with / deal d Is that all lower case
e Was that GSA or GSI / Was that GSI or Exercise 2
2 responsible for with
GSA 2 We’ve almost 4 is that
3 consist of 6 deal with / work
f Could you give me that finished something I can
4 specialize in with
3 is everything on 5 and I’m going to
Exercise 2 track
Business communication 1 a 2 c 3 f 4 b 5 e 6 d
Exercise 1 Language at work
Exercise 3
2 this is 6 Really 1 [email protected] Exercise 1
3 I’m very pleased 7 It was nice 2 004431944010 1 booked 5 changed
4 Nice to meet you 8 Here’s my 3 [email protected] 2 Have 6 Did
5 what do you do 4 3 lived 7 hasn’t arrived
4 haven’t seen 8 I’ve asked
Exercise 2
2 I’m delighted to meet you Language at work
Exercise 2
3 Please call me Greg
Exercise 1 2 closed 7 didn’t take
4 Which part of the US are you from
1 nice to see 4 afraid to leave 3 has just 8 haven’t
5 I’m afraid I have to go now
2 difficult to know 5 sad to see organized improved
6 It was very nice to meet you
3 important to be 6 right to ask 4 Have you called 9 Have you ever
7 Do you have a card
5 did she arrive spoken
8 I look forward to hearing from you
Exercise 2 6 ’ve / have ever 10 have you worked
1 to change 6 to take met
Language at work 2 to join 7 developing
3 being 8 to help Exercise 3
Exercise 1 4 applying 9 to requalify 1 yet 2 just 3 already
2 do you have to 7 does a successful 5 inviting 10 seeing
3 is she sitting salesperson earn
4 are you working 8 are you doing Exercise 3 Unit 4
on 9 think, belongs 1 arriving 5 interviewing
5 does Nadia think 10 have/are having
6 Are you thinking
2 to keep (to 6 spending Working with words
make) 7 to sum up
3 offering 8 to talk Exercise 1
Exercise 2 4 to make 2 handy 6 up-to-date
2 I’m currently working on plans for a new
3 accurate 7 time-consuming
shopping centre.
4 secure 8 poor quality
3 I often have lunch with clients.
4 She normally leaves at 4.00 on Friday
Unit 3 5 efficient
afternoons. Exercise 2
5 All our customers expect free Wi-fi
Working with words
1 Hiring a consultant, helps
nowadays. 2 Having a financial advisor, allows
Exercise 1
6 I never take work home at the weekend, 3 Online banking, makes
2 schedule 5 deadline
even if we’re really busy during the 4 Flying business class, lets
3 update 6 teamwork
4 budget 7 skills
Business communication
Exercise 2
Unit 2 2 d 3 f 4 b 5 g 6 h 7 c 8 e Exercise 1
1 problems 5 allow
Working with words Exercise 3 2 question 6 seem
1 deadline 5 staff 3 happens 7 find
Exercise 1 2 schedule 6 budget 4 convinced
2 core hours 7 public holiday 3 allocated 7 update
3 overtime 8 paternity leave 4 resources
4 home-working 9 unpaid leave
5 statutory pay 10 annual leave
6 lunch break

Practice file answer key 93

Exercise 2 3 We’re / We are planning to meet in
1 The main benefit is reception around five.
Unit 7
2 It’s also a lot less 4 I’m hoping (I hope) to try that new
3 Will it let Greek restaurant. Working with words
4 It’ll let 5 The last train leaves at midnight.
5 make your life easier 6 If you aren’t / are not busy Exercise 1
2 network 5 encrypted
6 That’s probably true
3 was down 6 prevent
7 makes things easier
8 another useful feature is Unit 6 4 hackers 7 vulnerable

Exercise 2
Language at work Working with words 1 e 2 c 3 b 4 g 5 a 6 d 7 f

Exercise 1 Exercise 1
2 easy 6 slower 2 exhibition 5 sightseeing Business communication
3 well 7 more original 3 excursions 6 specialities
4 delegates 7 venue Exercise 1
4 friendlier 8 more popular
(ALICANTE) 8 Is that any better?
5 faster
3 Yes, Loud and clear. Hi, Natasha.
Exercise 2 2 Yes, it is. Hello Ryan. Natasha is here with
Exercise 2
2 check in 5 eat out me, too. Can you hear me OK?
2 than 5 more 8 almost as
3 freshen up 6 look around 1 Hello? Is that Michael?
3 than 6 much 9 far
4 show you 7 pick you up 7 Me neither. Ryan, your line isn’t very
4 a bit 7 a bit
around 8 meet up with good. Can you speak up?
4 Hi, Ryan.
Unit 5 Business communication 5 We’re just waiting for Liza. She’s calling
from Rome.
9 Yes, much better.
Working with words Exercise 1
6 Sure. I haven’t spoken to her for ages.
2 Did you have any trouble finding us
10 Hello? This is Liza.
Exercise 1 3 Don’t worry about signing in
2 requirements 5 expectations 4 I’ll run through today’s programme
Exercise 2
3 services 6 satisfaction 5 Come this way to my office
1 begin 5 question
4 care 6 You’ll need this badge to enter the
2 discuss 6 covers
3 speak / start 7 sum
Exercise 2 7 Make sure you sign in at reception
4 say 8 come
1 caring 5 satisfied
2 expectations 6 delivery Exercise 2
3 require 7 productive 2 how was your 5 I thought you Language at work
4 produce journey could
3 let me take your 6 catch up again Exercise 1
Exercise 3 bag 7 You’ll need this 1 need to 5 mustn’t
1 services 3 expect 5 care 4 can I get you a 8 Make sure you 2 have to 6 can
2 loyalty 4 require 6 satisfy drink 3 doesn’t have to 7 aren’t allowed to
4 Can I / Am I / mustn’t
allowed to 8 have to
Business communication Language at work
Exercise 2
Exercise 1 Exercise 1 2 need to bring your laptop
2 fix 5 good 8 OK 1 a 6 The 11 –
3 allowed to smoke
3 arrange 6 suit 9 free 2 the 7 the 12 the
4 can’t / mustn’t / aren’t allowed to take
4 come 7 make 10 bring 3 – 8 the 13 –
5 not allowed to talk
4 a 9 the 14 an
6 have to / must wear
Exercise 2 5 – 10 –
7 allowed to use your password
2 about 5 on 8 in
8 have to drive on
3 for 6 back Exercise 2
4 at 7 forward 2 Remember to wear an ID badge at all
3 Check (the) visitors’ names on the
Unit 8
Language at work
registration list when they enter the
Exercise 1 main venue. Working with words
2 gets in 7 are we doing 4 If you see a visitor who looks lost,
immediately offer to help. Exercise 1
3 is meeting 8 ’re / are having
5 Staff not wearing a uniform will be sent Across:
4 ’s / is bringing 9 does your flight
home. 2 capital 8 entrepreneurs
5 are we all having leave
6 The exhibition centre is always closed to 6 equity 9 forecasts
6 ’re / are showing 10 leaves
visitors on Mondays. 7 Shares
7 For information, direct (the) visitors to Down:
Exercise 2
the Central Registration Desk. 1 Commission 4 loan
2 Our team are going out to celebrate
8 If you travel by car, please park in the 3 investors 5 dividends
Torsten’s birthday.
Staff Car Park.

94 Practice file answer key

Exercise 2 4 Would you mind telling me if a package
1 for 2 back 3 towards 4 out has arrived
Unit 11
5 Has my visitor arrived yet
6 Could anyone tell me where the post Working with words
Business communication office is
7 Do you know if they left a message for Exercise 1
Exercise 1 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 f 6 d 7 g
1 chart, divided 3 figures me
into 4 continue 8 What day will my order arrive
Exercise 2
2 upward 1 democratic 4 hierarchical
Exercise 2
2 why you didn’t call to say you’d be late 2 consultation 5 cooperative
Exercise 2 3 confrontation
1 at 5 to 3 where the next conference is
2 on 6 in 4 which flight Mr Stoppard is on
5 if they are arriving tonight Exercise 3
3 into 7 over 2 consensus 5 confrontation
4 from 6 how often the bus comes
3 member 6 decision
4 evaluate
Language at work Unit 10
Business communication
Exercise 1
2 am going to / ‘m going to Working with words Exercise 1
3 will / ‘ll 2 Do you have any concerns about this
4 will /’ll
Exercise 1
2 futuristic 6 fully-equipped 3 I’ll meet you halfway
5 am going to /’m going to 4 I think that would be fair
3 state-of-the-art 7 fun
6 will /’ll 5 If I offer 10% more, will you agree to two
4 spacious 8 old-fashioned
5 comfortable years
Exercise 2 6 I’d like to discuss an issue with you
2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 I’m not in a position to accept that
Exercise 2
1 isn’t exactly 5 fairly
Exercise 2
Unit 9 2
not very
6 very
7 extremely 2 issue 5 Supposing (Shall)
4 pretty 3 concern 6 about
Working with words 4 problem 7 can

Exercise 1 Business communication

3 transportation 7 shipment
Language at work
4 showrooms 8 keep track Exercise 1
2 change the colour Exercise 1
5 inventory 9 handmade 2 have, will end 7 would you feel,
6 middlemen 10 origin 3 asking them to make a better offer
4 difficult to convince them of our 3 work, ’ll / will be asked
proposals 4 knew, ’d / would 8 would do, went
Exercise 2 be 9 could, would you
1 on 4 track of 5 we provide some chairs
6 having music in the factory 5 had, would they change
2 stock up on 5 low
7 not come be 10 arrive, ’ll / will be
3 out of
8 you look at this again tomorrow 6 improves, ’ll / will able to
morning have to
Business communication
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
Exercise 1 2 good / great idea 5 can / could 1 as soon as 4 Unless, will look
2 Can I take your account details 2 When 5 will have to, if
3 will / would work always
3 look into it 3 Unless, will have
4 might prove 6 Besides
4 according to my information
5 what has happened to it
6 you check it out for me Language at work Unit 12
7 get back to you within the hour
Exercise 1
Exercise 2 2 f 7 any some Working with words
2 was dispatched on 3 f 8 fewer less
4 little few 9 f Exercise 1
3 must have gone wrong 2 dynamic 7 revolutionary
4 check it out 5 many much 10 f
6 f 3 concept 8 original
5 asap 4 reliable 9 reinvention
6 as quick as we can 5 simple 10 sophisticated
7 charge it to Exercise 2
2 few 6 lot 6 innovative
3 any / many 7 any / many
Language at work 4 some / a lot 8 any Exercise 2
5 much 9 few / lot of 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 c 7 b 8 a
Exercise 1
2 How much does it cost to send a
3 Do you have any idea how long it takes

Practice file answer key 95

Business communication Exercise 2 Exercise 3
2 e, 4 c 2 are being opened this year
Exercise 1 3 must be given a warning if they are late
1 for 5 at 9 think Exercise 3 4 have agreed to extend the hours of
2 about 6 for 10 say 1 where 4 where work
3 by 7 about 2 whose 5 when 5 is regarded as a sign of politeness in this
4 at 8 to 3 who culture

Exercise 2 Exercise 4
1 Good 5 Then / Secondly 2 They are the people whose company Unit 15
2 here 6 finally / lastly went bankrupt last year
3 start / begin 7 free 3 Palo Alto is a city which has lots of tech
Working with words
4 First / Firstly
4 The lunchbreak is a time when you Exercise 1
Exercise 3 should relax. 2 confident 5 hard-working
2 d 3 k 4 a 5 e 6 g 7 b 8 l 5 Tennis is a sport which a lot employees 3 ambitious 6 enthusiastic
9 i 10 f 11 c 12 j play after work. 4 patient 7 punctual

Language at work Unit 14 Exercise 2

2 patience 6 flexible
Exercise 1 3 confidence 7 enthusiasm
2 the quickest 5 most bored Working with words 4 motivation 8 ambition
3 the most 6 the second most 5 creativity
influential 7 you have ever Exercise 1
4 beautiful places 8 the busiest 1 cut down (on) 6 drop off Business communication
2 throw away 7 pick out
Exercise 2 3 turn into 8 pick up Exercise 1
2 worst 6 one 4 take away 9 make out of 2 pleased / happy
3 fewest 7 fewest 5 set up 10 sign up 3 feel
4 flexible 8 best 4 happy / pleased
5 second Exercise 2 5 strengths
1 pick out 5 make, out of 6 seem
2 throw away 6 drop off 7 thing / issue / problem
Unit 13 3 set up 7 turn, into
4 cut down on 8 pick up Exercise 2
Working with words 2 about 3 for 4 with
Business communication
Exercise 1 Exercise 3
1 failure 6 injury Exercise 1 2 do 4 sound
2 refund 7 recalling 2 Does anyone have any questions? 3 intend 5 add
3 down 8 complaints 3 I don’t quite understand the question.
4 defect 9 mistake 4 Let me check I’ve understood you Language at work
5 damaged 10 resolved correctly.
5 Thank you for that question. Exercise 1
Exercise 2 6 That’s an important question. 2 hadn’t been 7 stopped
2 d 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 c 7 There are two parts to your question. 3 were all finishing 8 came across
8 Does that answer your question? 4 said 9 hadn’t liked
Business communication 9 Have I answered your question? 5 hadn’t asked 10 had waited
6 was suggesting
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
2 won’t 6 Have you tried 2 questions, 5 check, correctly Exercise 2
3 do you mean by 7 think you should answer 6 asking, if 2 had had 6 were running
4 keeps on 8 should solve the 3 hear, repeat 7 that, your 3 were quickly 7 had asked
5 sounds as problem 4 quite, question becoming 8 hadn’t you taken
though 9 if I were you 4 was growing 9 was doing
Language at work 5 had just
Exercise 2 graduated
2 ‘s always 6 ‘d advise Exercise 1
borrowing 7 sounds 2 make 6 employs
3 taking 8 should 3 are cut and 7 supports
4 wrong 9 appears painted 8 are encouraged
5 should 10 putting 4 sew and trained
5 are washed

Language at work Exercise 2

2 is located 5 was won
Exercise 1 3 was turned 6 has been used
2 e 3 a 4 c 5 b 4 was held

96 Practice file answer key

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