Pre Intermediate - Answer Key

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Unit 1 Exercise 3
2  e  ​3  a  ​4  b  ​5  c
Language at work
Exercise 1
Working with words
Business communication 2 studied  8 called 
3 built  9 didn’t publish 
Exercise 1
2  f  ​3  b  ​4  e  ​5  c  ​6  a Exercise 1 4 had  10 started 
2 calling 7 back 5 became  11 made 
3 This 8 Does 6 spent  12 created
Exercise 2
4 afraid 9 give 7 wrote 
2 based  6 products 
3 operate  7 produce  5 take 10 help
6 ask Exercise 2
4 subsidiaries  8 competitors
2 did you have 5 did they stay
5 employees 
Exercise 2 lunch 6 did she join
2 speaking 6 phoning 3 did you see 7 did you spend
Exercise 3
3 leave 7 calling 4 did Raul leave 8 did you send
2 exporter  7 provide
3 subsidiaries  8 operates 4 do 8 You’re welcome
5 about 9 Speak Exercise 3
4 products  9 services
1 was 4 don’t, decided
5 based  10 produce
2 works, came 5 didn’t, speaks
6 specialize  Language at work 3 wasn’t, didn’t 6 doesn’t, was

Business communication Exercise 1

2 Is he staying
3 You aren’t / You’re
5 are those German
engineers visiting 
Unit 4
Exercise 1
2  What (d)   ​3  Where (f )   ​4  Who (c)   ​ not listening 6 She isn’t working
5  What (a)   ​6   Why (b) 4 I’m leaving Working with words

Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 1

2  a  ​3  b  ​4  f  ​5  d  ​6  e 2  c  ​3  g  ​4  e  ​5  f  ​6  h  ​7  j  ​8  a  ​
2  i  ​3  a  ​4  e  ​5  c  ​6  g  ​7  b  ​8  d  ​
9  b  ​10  i
9  f
Exercise 3
2 have 6 are becoming Exercise 2
Language at work 3 work 7 are opening 2  of  ​3  to  ​4  for  ​5  with
4 are looking 8 get
Exercise 1
2 is  7 have 
5 buy 9 are trying Business communication
3 specialize  8 specializes 
Exercise 1
Unit 3 2  g  ​3  b  ​4  h  ​5  a  ​6  e  ​7  c  ​8  f
6 start  Exercise 2
Working with words
Exercise 2 3  have  ​6  appointment  ​8  late
b does 5 e do 10 i does 4 Exercise 1
2 helpful 7 pretty Down:
c Do you f are 9 j does 8
3 user 8 popular  2  inviting  ​3  help  ​4  else  ​5  way  ​
have 7 g does 1
4 quality 9 original  7  nice
d is 2 h arrive 6
5 reliable 10 extremely
Exercise 3 6 value Language at work
2  don’t  ​3  does  ​4  doesn’t, does   ​
5  aren’t  ​6  don’t Exercise 2 Exercise 1
2  phone  ​3  value  ​4  reliable  ​ 2  b  ​3  b  ​4  a  ​5  b  ​6  a  ​7  b  ​8  a  ​
5  money  ​6  quality 9  b  ​10  b
Unit 2 Exercise 2
Business communication
2 When did the company start?
Working with words 3 How many people does the company
Exercise 1
Order of sentences: 1 5 7 4 8 6 3 9 2 employ?
Exercise 1 4 Do you have a lot of competitors in the
2 supplier 5 staff
3 employment 6 consultant  Exercise 2 USA?
2 We wanted 6 Finally 5 How much chewing gum do Americans
agency 7 client
3 We did this by 7 showed eat?
4 customers
4 First 8 the majority 6 Who are your main customers?
Exercise 2 5 Then we asked 9 we recommend
2 train 5 organizer
3 products 6 supply 
4 calculate 7 consultation
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Unit 5 Exercise 2
2 One key 5 another issue is 
Exercise 2
2 she’s visiting  6 I’m going to call /
advantage  6 I’d go for  3 We’re not I’ll call 
Working with words 3 I like the idea 7 it’s preferable  having / We’re 7 I’ll check 
that 8 are more suitable not going to 8 he isn’t going to
Exercise 1 4 I’m not sure have  accept 
2  d  ​3  a  ​4  c  ​5  f  ​6  b
4 I’m meeting  9 I’ll give 
Exercise 2 Language at work 5 I’ll ask  10 are starting / are
going to start
2 report a problem 5 response times
3 offer a solution 6 get feedback Exercise 1
2 have told 8 have / ’ve asked
4 make a complaint
3 have not / 9 has / ’s said Unit 8
Exercise 3 haven’t found 10 have / ’ve lost
2  query  3  discount  4  replacement  4 has become 11 have not / Working with words
5  issue  6  credit voucher 5 has / ’s been haven’t had
6 have left 12 have not / Exercise 1
7 have not / haven’t made 2 process/ship 6 enquire about/
Business communication haven’t recruited 3 check/guarantee check
4 shipment/order 7 orders/goods
Exercise 1
Sentence order: 5 6 8 4 1 10 3 7 9 2
Exercise 2 5 ship/deliver
2 Have you  h 6 Did g
Exercise 2 3 Have you ever  b 7 been a Exercise 2
4 Did you have  d 8 did you send  e Across: 
2 I’m not very 5 we can offer you
5 Has c 4  place  ​8  ordered  ​9  guarantee  ​
happy 6 check
10  track
3 I’m sorry 7 sorry for
4 I’m afraid 8 I’ll deal with
Unit 7 1  deliver  ​3  process  ​5  check  ​
6  enquire  ​7  quoted
Language at work Working with words
Exercise 1 Business communication
2 more profitable  6 more
Exercise 1
3 newest professional
2 hand baggage 7 airline charges  Exercise 1
3 delayed flights 8 baggage 2  b  ​3  h  ​4  g  ​5  c  ​6  a  ​7  d  ​8  f
4 nearer 7 worst 
4 self-service allowances 
5 most popular  8 biggest 
check-in  9 seat upgrade  Exercise 2
9 better
5 weight 10 missed 2 could  7 go ahead 
restrictions  connection 3 show  8 just 
Exercise 2
6 security scan 4 of course 9 sorry
2 T 6 T
5 ask 10 Would
3 F. It’s the easiest 7 F. It’s the least
to use. popular.
Exercise 2 6 mind
2  extra  ​3  middle  ​4  cancelled  ​5  free  ​
4 T 8 F. It’s easier to
5 F. It offers slower use than Teslo’s.
6  excess Language at work
delivery than
Arriba. Business communication Exercise 1
2 The invoice was sent yesterday.
Exercise 1 3 Over a thousand guests were invited to
Unit 6 2  c  ​3  a  ​4  h  ​5  d  ​6  b  ​7  f  ​8  e  ​ the event.
9  j  ​10  i 4 The post is collected at 10 a.m. every
Working with words Exercise 2 5 The software is written / was written
2 Would  7 afraid  by our engineers.
Exercise 1
3 Sorry  8 what  6 The meeting was cancelled because of
2 advertised  6 candidate
4 free  9 fine  the strike.
3 experience  7 interview
5 suits  10 shall 
4 qualification 8 reference
5 skills
6 Does  11 that’s Exercise 2
2 is given/was 5 are held
Exercise 2 given/will be 6 was installed
2 qualified 6 advert/
Language at work given 7 was delivered
3 recruitment advertisement  3 were asked 8 is published
Exercise 1 4 are processed
4 shortlist 7 experienced
2 she’s going to  7 I’m going to
5 skilled 8 interviewed
3 aren’t going  8 She’s playing  Exercise 3
4 I’m going to 9 won’t be  2 An email was sent to all employees by
Business communication 5 he’s visiting 10 ’m meeting the HR department.
6 I’ll be 3 The money was stolen (by someone).
Exercise 1 4 The staff were informed about the
2  issue  3  expensive  4  go   decision (by the heads of department).
5  Another  6  suitable  7  sure

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5 Salaries are discussed with employees Exercise 3 Exercise 2
individually. 1 pollution, 3 petrol, less water, 2 Would you like to take a break?
6 The key to the safe is kept in his desk. consumption  electricity 3 Do you fancy seeing a football game?
2 glass, plastic, 4 the environment, 4 Shall I reserve a table?
newspapers  cities, rivers 5 Would you like to visit the new factory
Unit 9 now?
Business communication 6 Would you like me to meet you at the
Working with words airport?
Exercise 1
Exercise 1 2 I’m here today 7 to sum up Exercise 3
2 target audience  4 new business  3 I’ll come 8 that brings me 2  Thanks for the   ​3  very good of   ​
3 advertising 5 word of mouth  4 let’s start with 9 Thanks very 4  like me to   ​5  asking, but   ​6  be great
campaign  6 free publicity 5 My next point much
6 lastly 10 As I said before Language at work
Exercise 2
2  offer  ​3  conduct  ​4  increase  ​5  boost  ​ Exercise 2 Exercise 1
6  reach 2  start  ​3  overview  ​4  look  ​5  Then  ​ Countable: shop, reservation, hotel, event,
6  finally  ​7  all  ​8  tell person
Exercise 3 Uncountable: information, money,
2 search engines  4 targeted emails 
3 advertising 5 promotional Language at work entertainment, luggage, accommodation

boards  events Exercise 2

Exercise 1
2 agree, ’ll have  6 don’t print, ’ll use  2 are 6 Is 
Business communication 3 will he say, asks  7 ’ll use, leave  3 Are 7 much 
4 don’t improve, 8 won’t pay, waits  4 many  8 was 
Exercise 1 ’ll lose  9 will it take, go  5 some  9 many
2  c  ​3  a  ​4  b  ​5  f  ​6  h  ​7  i  ​8  j  ​ 5 won’t accept, 10 don’t decrease,
9  e  ​10  g doesn’t know  will continue Exercise 3
2 an 6 a
Exercise 2 Exercise 2 3 Are 7 some
2 I didn’t catch that 7 we can come 3 will it cost  9 won’t be  4 any 8 much
3 I’m not with you back to that later 4 decide  10 drive  5 Is
4 Could you be 8 we’ve covered 5 don’t sell  11 look 
more specific everything
5 what was the 9 Can we move on
’ll save 
will consume 
’ll see 
will increase  Unit 12
time of the to the next point 8 do  14 rises
meeting 10 can we sum Working with words
6 we’re getting off up what we’ve
the subject agreed Unit 11 Exercise 1
2  f  ​3  h  ​4  a  ​5  g  ​6  c  ​7  b  ​8  d
Language at work Working with words Exercise 2
Exercise 1 Exercise 1 2 safety record, 6 environmental
Students’ own answers. 2  venue  ​3  guests  ​4  budget  ​ excellent performance,
5  host company   ​6  package 3 perform well, average
Exercise 2 encouraging 7 good reputation,
2 Do I have/Do I 5 need to/have to Exercise 2 4 satisfactory, excellent
need 6 can, aren’t 2  had  ​3  arranged  ​4  entertains  ​ socially 8 workplace
3 has to/needs to, allowed 5  booked  ​6  accept responsible diversity,
are allowed 7 don’t have, can’t 5 poor, manage disappointing
4 Am I allowed Exercise 3 costs
2 host company  7 budget 
3 entertain  8 guests  Business communication
Unit 10 4 held  9 book
5 venue  10 arranged Exercise 1
Working with words 6 accepted  11 had 2  from  ​3  to  ​4  by  ​5  to  ​6  by  ​7  to

Exercise 1 Business communication Exercise 2

2  g  ​3  e  ​4  h  ​5  a  ​6  b  ​7  c  ​8  f 2 rise 6 remained stable
Exercise 1 3 dropped 7 notice
Exercise 2 2 Would you like to join us for lunch? 4 see 8 risen
2 carbon emissions  6 reduce pollution 3 Shall I get you a ticket for the concert? 5 declined 9 increasing
3 Global warming  7 eco-friendly  4 Thanks for asking, but I’m not free
4 fossil fuels  8 throw away 5 Would you like me to book a table? Exercise 3
5 energy 6 Would you like a glass of water? Students’ own answers
consumption  7 Do you fancy going to the cinema?

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Language at work Language at work Exercise 2
1 had 7 wouldn’t,
Exercise 1 Exercise 1 2 would, had didn’t pay
2 I’ve worked 5 I developed 2 We’ll finish the report today. 3 need, ’ll  8 Will, send
3 for several years 6 for four years 3 The manager may not / might not be in 4 were, would 9 knew, ’d tell
4 I was 7 I left her office right now. 5 gave, might work 10 don’t, will be
4 The secretary may/might know when 6 ’ll finish, works
Exercise 2 the meeting is.
2 When did she join One Step Fitness? 5 I won’t get the job I applied for.
3 How long was she Assistant Manager at 6 They may not / might not give us a pay Unit 15
One Step Fitness? rise this year.
4 How long has she been a manager? 7 He won’t go on any more business trips. Working with words
5 Where did she work from 2006 to 2010? 8 The staff may/might be more
6 How long has she been responsible for motivated. Exercise 1
sales growth? 2  e  ​3  f  ​4  b  ​5  d  ​6  h (or c)   ​
7 How long did she work at Sun Sports Exercise 2 7  c (or h)   ​8  a
Clothing? 2 ’ll be 7 won’t find 
8 How long has she been in the sports 3 won’t feel 8 will improve  Exercise 2
and fitness industry? 4 will exist 9 might/may 2 feedback 6 motivate 
5 may/might lose not be  3 develop, skills 7 achieve
6 won't / may/ 10 might/may 4 step back 8 improve
Unit 13 might not apply 5 set goals (or
Working with words
Unit 14 Exercise 3
Exercise 1 2 motivate 5 skills
Across: Working with words 3 feedback 6 achieve
2  development  ​4  change 4 develop/improve  7 prospects
Down: Exercise 1
1  shortage  ​2  demand  ​3  threat  ​ 2  h  ​3  b  ​4  d  ​5  c  ​6  a  ​7  e  ​8  g Business communication
4  crisis  ​5  growth
Exercise 2 Exercise 1
Exercise 2 2 save  7 leave  a  1  ​b  7  ​c  6  ​d  4  ​e  3  ​f  2  ​g  5  ​
2  estimate  ​3  worse  ​4  forecasts  ​ 3 schedule  8 run  h  8
5  threatens  ​6  run 4 leave  9 ahead 
5 spend  10 time Exercise 2
Business communication 6 waste  2 Maybe we 5 We could
should set introduce
Exercise 1 Business communication 3 How about 6 I suggest you/we
2 Do you think the situation will improve? asking discuss
3 I hope we won’t have to close the Exercise 1 4 Shall we think
factory. a  1  ​b  6  ​c  4  ​d  9  ​e  2  ​f  5  ​g  10  ​
4 The staff will definitely support the h  7  ​i  3  ​j  8 Exercise 3
decision. b sure, think 2 e question 3
5 Are the new rules likely to affect us? Exercise 2 c let’s 6 f great, about 1
6 Unemployment probably won’t 2 Oh dear. What’s the problem exactly? d might, don’t 5
decrease before 2025. 3 Basically, I ordered 50 ducks but you
7 We’re unlikely to have more free time in sent me chickens. Language at work
the future. 4 I’m sorry. Would you agree to keep the
chickens? Exercise 1
Exercise 2 5 No, I’m afraid I couldn’t accept that. 2 g shouldn’t 5 a should
2 likely to find a 5 definitely won’t 6 Would it be OK if we delivered the 3 e don’t think 6 c mustn’t
substitute for oil go up ducks today? 4 b could 7 d must
3 will probably be 6 Hopefully, we’ll 7 Yes, that would allow me to have them
affected first develop for the weekend. Exercise 2
4 are likely to rise 8 OK, I’ll send them today. 2 must  6 should
dramatically 3 could  7 must
Language at work 4 shouldn’t 8 mustn’t
Exercise 3 5 should
2  are  ​3  Hopefully  ​4  will  ​5  probably  ​ Exercise 1
6  likely 2 didn’t know 6 they could start
3 would you think 7 might they do
about 8 could only read
4 they would give 9 we would
5 found recommend

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