Risk and Variability Analysis Jan 2006

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APIS Risk and variability

analysis in the batch

of active pharmaceutical
ingredients and
specialty chemicals
INTRODUCTION quantify risk. If the model of a process has
EVDOKIA C. ACHILLEOS been developed using a deterministic
JOHN CALANDRANIS Active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) simulator, Monte Carlo simulation can be
are usually produced in batch performed by combining the deterministic
Intelligen, Inc. multi-product facilities. A typical process simulator with a tool that supports
2326 Morse Avenue, involves several reactions steps with probabilistic and stochastic modeling.
Scotch Plains NJ 07076, USA intermediate filtration, centrifugation, and
Tel +1 908 654-0088 drying steps. Processes for new products
Fax +1 908 654-3866 are developed in the lab and later METHODOLOGY AND TOOLS
[email protected]
transferred to pilot plant for scale up. The
role of pharmaceutical pilot plants is to Processes for new products may be
optimize new processes and supply analyzed by developing computer models
materials for safety and clinical studies for using spreadsheets or specialized process
drug development (1). The simulators. Such models serve a variety of
pharmaceutical industry is under pressure purposes throughout the life-cycle of
to make new compounds available to product development and
patients as soon as it is safely possible. As commercialization in the pharmaceutical
a result, there may be remaining industries. During process development,
uncertainty in the operational and market computer models are used to evaluate
parameters of the scaled-up process (2-6). alternative technologies – e.g., synthesis
This uncertainty may lead to uncertainty in routes, purification technologies, etc. – that
plant throughput, manufacturing cost, have the potential of reducing cost,
environmental impact, etc. shortening cycle times, and minimizing
Process simulation tools typically used environmental impact. As a process moves
for batch process design, debottlenecking, from development to manufacturing, such
and cost estimation employ deterministic tools are used to design new
(cause and effect) models. They model the manufacturing plants and facilitate
“average” or “expected” situation technology transfer – from R&D to
commonly referred to as the base case or manufacturing. Finally, in large-scale
most likely scenario. Modeling many cases manufacturing, process modeling is used
can help determine the range of for capacity analysis, debottlenecking, and
performance with respect to key process production planning and scheduling.
parameters, however, such an approach SuperPro Designer® from Intelligen, Inc.
does not account for the relative likelihood (Scotch Plains, New Jersey) is a
of the various cases. Monte Carlo comprehensive process simulator that
simulation is a practical means of focuses on pharmaceutical, specialty
quantifying the risk associated with chemical, and biochemical processes. It
uncertainty in process parameters. In Monte was employed in this study first for
Carlo simulation uncertain input variables modeling the process using the base case
are represented with probability values for all input variables. SuperPro was
published by srl
distributions. A simulation calculates integrated with a stochastic risk analysis tool
Via Cesare da Sesto, 10 numerous scenarios of a model by in order to conduct the uncertainty analysis.
20123 Milano (Italy) repeatedly picking values from a user- Crystal Ball® from Decissioneering, Inc.
Tel. 0039 02 83241119 defined probability distribution for the (Denver, Colorado) is an Excel® add-in
Fax 0039 02 8376457 uncertain variables and using those values application that facilitates Monte Carlo
www.b5srl.com for the model to calculate and analyze the simulation. It enables the user to designate
outputs in a statistical way in order to the uncertain input variables, specify their


Figure 1 – Process flowsheet for the production of an active pharmaceutical ingredient

probability distributions and select the BULK PHARMACEUTICAL EXAMPLE involves the chlorination of quinaldine.
output (decision) variables whose values Procedure P-3 (in R-102) involves the
are recorded during the simulation. For Base Case Analysis formation of the product through the
each simulation trial (scenario) Crystal Ball The process analyzed in this example deals condensation of chloro-quinaldine and
generates random values for the uncertain with the manufacture of an active hydroquinone. A side reaction leads to the
input variables selected in frequency compound for skin care applications. The formation of an impurity. The product and
dictated by their probability distributions process has been developed at pilot plant the impurity formed in P-3 precipitate out
using the Monte Carlo method. All input level and it is ready to be moved to large- of solution. The second section of the
variables are perturbed simultaneously and scale manufacturing. Based on input from process deals with product “Isolation and
their interactions are captured through the the marketing department, the objective is Purification”. The precipitate of the
model as fluctuations of the output. Crystal to produce at least 36,000 kg of active product and the impurity formed in
Ball also calculates the uncertainty involved ingredient per year at a cost of no more procedure P-3 is removed in procedure
in the outputs in terms of their statistical than $ 250/kg. P-4 using a Nutsche filter. The product is
properties, mean, median, mode, variance, The entire process model, as it has subsequently converted into a soluble
standard deviation, and frequency been developed in SuperPro Designer, is form in procedure P-5 while the impurity
distribution. shown in Figure 1. The icons in Figure 1 remains in solid form and is removed in
In this study, SuperPro Designer was represent unit procedures (processing procedure P-6. The third section is the
combined with Crystal Ball to perform a steps) and not unique equipment. “Final Purification” section. The product
Monte Carlo simulation of a bulk Multiple unit procedures may utilize the precipitates in procedure P-7 and the
pharmaceutical process. The integration of same equipment at different times. Each precipitate is recovered using a Nutsche
the two tools was made possible by taking unit procedure contains a set of filter (procedure P-8, NFD-101). The
advantage of the Component Object operations that are performed product is then dissolved in isopropanol
Module (COM) technology built in sequentially in the equipment. The (in P-9) and charcoal is added to remove
SuperPro Designer and Crystal Ball’s following equipment items are available certain impurities. The charcoal used for
inherent integration with Excel. The for the large scale manufacturing of this the treatment is removed by Nutche
probability distributions of the uncertain compound: Filtration in P-10. Finally the last section is
input variables were defined in Crystal Ball. – Three 1,000 gal (ca. 3,800 m3) the “Crystallization and Drying” section.
Macros were used to link the uncertain reactors (R-101, R-102, R-103) The product solution is concentrated in
parameters with their corresponding input – Two 4 m2 Nutsche filter (NFD-101, P-11 (isopropanol is vaporized) and the
variables in the SuperPro model. For each NFD-102) product is crystallized (in the same vessel,
set of values of input variables, SuperPro – A tray dryer with a capacity of 1 kg/h R-103). The crystallized product is
performed material and energy balances, removed solvent (TDR-101) recovered using a Nutche filter (P-12)
scheduling, and cost analysis calculations. The process is divided into four sections, and dried using a tray drier (P-13 /
The calculated outputs of SuperPro were boxed with dashed lines on the flowsheet. TDR-101). A more detailed description of
transferred back to Crystal Ball using The fist section is the “Product Synthesis” the process can be found in the
additional macros. section. Procedure P-1 (in R-101) literature (7).


Figure 2 cost and the annual throughput. Table II
displays the shows the input parameters for the
SuperPro Monte Carlo simulation and their
equipment assumed probability distributions. A
occupancy chart normal distribution was assumed for the
for three price of quinaldine, which is the most
consecutive expensive raw material, with a mean
batches. Each value equal to that of the base case
color represents a ($ 32/kg).
different batch. The annual throughput (or number of
Multiple batches per year), is determined by the
rectangles for the process cycle time. Since procedure P-9
same equipment that utilizes vessel R-102 is the time
(e.g. for R-101, bottleneck, any variability in the
R-102, NFD-101, completion of P-9 leads to uncertainty in
and R-103) within the annual throughput. Variability in the
a batch represent completion of P-9 can be caused by
reuse of that variability in the operations of P-9 as well
equipment by as by variability in the operations of the
multiple unit procedures upstream of P-9. Common
procedures. The sources of process time variability in
flow of material Figure 2 – Equipment occupancy chart (three consecutive batches) chemical manufacturing include:
through the 1) Fouling of heat transfer areas that affect
equipment is shown with the red arrows process 150 batches per year. To meet the duration of heating and reaction
for the first batch. Equipment R-102 has target production of 36,000 kg/year, a operations.
the longest cycle time and is the current minimum of 147 successful batches are 2) Fouling of filters that affect duration of
time bottleneck that determines the required per year. filtration operations.
maximum number of batches per year. SuperPro was also used to perform 3) Presence of impurities in raw materials
Any process changes that increase the the cost analysis calculations for this that affect reaction rates.
process. The estimated manufacturing 4) Off-spec materials that require rework.
cost is $ 237/kg, which is below the 5) Random power outages and equipment
upper limit target of $ 250/kg. Detailed failures.
cost analysis for this
Table I – Raw material requirements and costs
process is available in
the literature (7).
Figure 3 shows the
distribution of the
manufacturing cost. The
facility-dependent cost
(plant overhead)
accounts for 39%,
followed by raw material
costs at 26% and labor
for 21%. The cost
distribution of the raw
materials can be seen in
Table I. Quinaldine is
the most expensive raw
material accounting for
around 44% of the raw
materials cost which
Figure 3 – Manufacturing cost breakdown
translates to about
11.4% of the overall
cycle time of R-102 will result in fewer cost.
batches per year and lower annual
throughput. Please note that such Uncertainty Analysis
changes are not limited to the This exercise
operations of P-9. Delays in the focuses on Table II – The input parameters used for the Monte-Carlo
operations of the preceding procedures parameters simulation and their variation
(P-1, P-3, P-4, P-5, P-6, P-7, and P-8) that exhibit
are propagated and may increase the uncertainty or
cycle time of P-9. variability and
Considering the size of the available can have a
equipment, the process simulator calculates direct impact
that each batch generates 246 kg of active on the
ingredient. The minimum cycle time of the decision
process is calculated as 52.3 h. Vessel variables of
R-102 is the time bottleneck equipment this project:
(Figure 2). If the plant operates at its the
minimum cycle time of 52.3 h, it can manufacturing


Figure 4 – Probability distribution of the unit production cost Figure 5 – Probability distribution of the annual number of
(10,000 trials) batches (10,000 trials)
Mean = 241.53, Median = 241.49, S.D = 5.78, Mean = Median = Mode = 150, S.D. = 3, Range = 139-160
Range = 219.6-263.2

6) Differences in skills of operators that illustrate the impact of the input CONCLUSIONS
affect setup and operation of parameters on the variance (with
equipment. respect to the base case) of the final Deterministic process simulators
7) Availability of operators. process output, when these parameters facilitate modeling of complex systems
Triangular probability distributions were are perturbed simultaneously. This in the chemical and pharmaceutical
assumed for the two main reaction allows us to identify which process industries and provide reliable
operations and the filtration steps that parameters have the greatest correlations between input and output
precede P-9. Even though variability contribution to the variance of the process variables. Monte Carlo
distributions were assigned to specific process and thus focus the effort for simulation tools estimate uncertainty of
operations, it may be deemed more process improvement on them. The output variables from the uncertainty of
accurate to assume that they account sensitivity analysis
for the composite variability of their for the Unit
procedures. If this type of analysis is Production Cost
done for an existing facility, historical and Annual
data should be used to derive the Number of
probability distributions. Crystal Ball has Batches is
the capability to fit experimental data. demonstrated in
The two decision variables Figures 6 and 7
considered in this study are the number respectively. The
of batches that can be processed per duration of the
year and the unit production cost. condensation
These are key performance indicators reaction has the
important for production planning and greatest impact on
project economics. The output the number of
variables, of the combined SuperPro batches and
Designer – Crystal Ball simulation, are consequently the
quantified in terms of their mean, annual throughput.
median, mode, variance and standard If the management
deviation. These results are shown in of the company is
Figures 4 and 5 for the Unit Production seriously Figure 6 – Contribution of uncertain parameters to the variance of the
Cost and the Number of Batches, committed to the unit production cost
respectively. Based on our assumptions annual production
for the variation of the input variables target, it would be
we note that average values (mean / wise to allocate
median / mode) calculated for the R&D resources to
decision variables satisfy the objective. the optimization of
The certainty analysis reveals that we the condensation
can meet the unit production cost goal reaction.
with a certainty of 93% (dark grey area In addition we
of Figure 4). However, the certainty of can see that the
meeting our production volume goal purchasing price
(of 36,000 kg or 147 batches) is only of quinaldine has
83% (dark grey area of Figure 5). Such the greatest impact
findings constitute a quantification of on the
the risk associated with a process and manufacturing cost
can assist the management of a of the final
company in making decisions on product. Focusing
whether to proceed or not with a the market
project idea. research on lower
The dynamic sensitivity charts cost suppliers for
provide useful insight for understanding quinaldine would Figure 7 – Contribution of uncertain parameters to the variance of the
the variation of the process. They be advisable. annual number of batches


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