Insights Into One'S Personal Development: Week 5

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Teacher: Mr. Teodoro Salvilla

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Let’s Check How Much You Understand!

1) Based on the selection, what are the suggestions or recommendations of Jeff’s career coach?


Base on the passage given, Jeff’s career coach suggests that in order to gain a successful career
he must have consider the following: first, he must know what career best suits to him and the
interest that best suits to the career that he will pursue. Aside from that, Jeff must know what is his
financial goal. While reflecting to the desired of your heart, experience and training to the field
that you want to attain have a great factor to become successful.

What are the basic considerations in making a career choice and decision?


Interest, goals, dreams, economic returns, education, motivation, skills and vision are the basic
considerations in making a career choice and decision.

2) Do you consider personal goals and economic returns in education as basic components in
making a career decision? Why?


Personal goals and economic returns in education are the basic components in making decision
in life. Why? Before anyone else, let us question ourselves…Why do we want to be successful in
our work? We always come up with only one answer, that is to sustain are daily needs and to buy
the things that we want. Perhaps nobody wants to suffer his/her life for a long time, right? That’s
why most of us choose a career that has high wages and we, ourselves work hard to achieve our

3) Which do you consider more effective in making a career choice and decision: hire a career
coach or take a career self-assessment? Why?


In my own perspective, I consider that self-assessment is much more effective in making a career
choice because you know in yourself what your passions are and what motivates you to continue
the course you are studying.


Let’s Check Out Your Understanding!

1) What are the key elements or factors in Personal Development?


The key elements or factors in personal development are self-awareness, motivation, self-efficacy,
empathy and social dexterity.

2) Do you agree that students with higher emotional intelligence and self-awareness

are most likely to succeed in their career decision-making? Why?

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People acquiring higher emotional intelligence and self-awareness are more likely to succeed in
choosing their career goals because they have the capability to understand the feelings of others
and put empathy in other situation. As a result, this will help to build relationship with people and more
likely to engage in different opportunities that will help in his/her career goals. Consequently, self-
awareness is also part of the emotional intelligence wherein they don’t let their feelings defeat them
and have the capability to think of ways to resolve the problem. Therefore, they do well in decision-
making in life.


1) Trish needs to appear more composed during the interview because she needs to get the
teaching job. How do you describe Trish based on her account in the selection? Did she
possess the key factors for career success? Why? Write your answers or insights below.


Trisha possesses the key factors of career success because she had the courage to face her

2) What are the key factors in personal development for career success as mentioned by Trish
in the selection? Enumerate and briefly discuss each of the factors. Write your insights below.


The key factors in personal development that Trish had mentioned are emotionally stable (self-
awareness), inner drive (motivation), self-efficacy and empathy. Once we say emotionally
stable or self-awareness it means that it has ability to focus on self and how your actions,
thoughts or emotions may or may not correspond to your internal norms. While, inner drive is the
willingness and diligence to achieve his/her dreams. Consequently, self-efficacy is the belief in
their ability to succeed in specific situations or perform tasks. And last but not the least,
empathy is also key factors in personal development. Empathy means that putting yourself in
the situation of other people or having the ability to grasp one’s emotion and feelings.

3) Which factor is more important: Self-awareness or Self-Efficacy? Why? Write your insights


Self-awareness and self-efficacy are both crucial in personal development. But, if I have the
chance to choose from the 2 factors, I’ll choose self-awareness. Why? Because if you have the
ability to focus on yourself, you’ll gain confidence to believe in your own ability and there’s a
possibility that you’ll succeed in your career. In short, self-efficacy is the result of self-awareness.

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Briefly discuss the following concepts you have learned from the module.

1) What are the elements or basic considerations in one’s career choice?


Goals, education, vision, motivation, skills, interest, environment, finances are the elements or
basic considerations in one’s career choice.

2) How do motivation, self-awareness, self-efficacy, empathy and social dexterity

influence career success?


Motivation, self-awareness, self-efficacy, empathy and social dexterity influence career

success because you have the capacity to evaluate yourself. Be able to pick a career that
matches their interest. In addition, you have the confidence and courage to face a variety of
circumstances. So there's a better chance that you're going to be successful in your life. In
addition, empathy and social dexterity have an impact on professional success. We also need
to understand each other's emotions, thoughts and situations in order to build a positive
relationship with others.


1) Where do you see yourself after few years in your job?


The way I see myself ten years ahead of now is not something I often think about. To tell you
the truth, it scares me a little to know that in one short decade I will be twenty-seven years old,
and that my years of youth are coming to an end. One thing I’m certain of, is that if God gives
me the opportunity to get to that age, I will make the most of my years and put all of my effort
to become a successful, happy woman.

A vision I’ve always had of myself years ahead of now is a successful physician and having the
ability to save lives of different people. I also see myself of having a hospital with different
equipment used in my medical missions.

2) What are your work/job principles? Explain briefly.


My work job principles are the following:


o Being a doctor is very difficult profession because you are saving the lives of people.
That’s why doctors must be responsible to their patient and use their knowledge and
skills to cure different variety of diseases.

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o Physicians should always make treatment and referral decisions based on the best
interests of their patients. Employers and the physicians they employ must assure
that agreements or understandings (explicit or implicit) restricting, discouraging, or
encouraging particular treatment or referral options are disclosed to patients.
o Medical doctors should be honest to their patient/s about their health condition
because patient/s have the rights to know what are the things needs to be done.


1. True Our influences in choosing our career path can make or break us. Therefore,
2. True we have to consider some choices before we arrive at a definite decision
3. True that we may no longer change throughout our lives.
4. True
Here is a list of external factors that influence our career choices and how
5. False
they affect our choices:
6. True
7. False 1. Life roles
8. False
We have to think carefully on what life role we would want to play for the
9. True
next coming years in our lives.
10. True
2. Parental guidance and opinions

We were taught in childhood that parents know what is best for us. But in the
long run, our decisions matter most than any other people’s opinions. We
should have the independence in choosing the career we want to pursue,
or else we will be dragging ourselves into doing the things that we never
wanted to do.

3. Financial capacity

Some people are unfortunate to not have enough financial capacity to

pursue their dream career. Since we come up with choices, we may go for
what is realistic and reasonable for now.

4. Passion or career

A lot of people have made their passion their career. This can be made
possible if you want to stick with your passion anyway. While some others set
aside their passion and pursue a career far from the line of their passion.
Either way is okay.

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