Foundations of Special and Inclusive Education: A Learning Module

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Foundations of Special and

Inclusive Education
A Learning Module

By Kaye O. Margallo and Jessyrie L. Nartea

Photo illustration by Peschken. Digital Image. A Down Syndrome-Free World: Conference at the UN Geneva. 2017.

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 1

The purpose of this Honor Code is to communicate the meaning and importance of academic
integrity to all members of the Leyte Normal University community and to articulate and support the
interest in maintaining the highest standards of conduct in student learning. Leyte Normal University
embodies a spirit of mutual trust and intellectual honesty that is central to the very nature of learning and
represents the highest possible expression of shared values among the students, faculty, and university
administrators. The core values underlying and reflected in this Honor Code are 1. Academic honesty
demonstrated when the ideas and the writing of others are properly cited; submission of one’s work for
tests and assignments without unauthorized assistance and do not provide unauthorized assistance to
others; and reports researches or accomplishments accurately. 2. Respect for others and the learning
process to demonstrate academic honesty. 3. Responsibility demonstrated thru one’s best effort to prepare
and complete academic tasks. 4. Fairness and equity demonstrated so that every student can experience an
academic environment that is free from the injustices caused by any form of intellectual dishonesty. 5.
Integrity demonstrated in a commitment to support the quest for authentic learning.

I _____Lester Rey R. Gatela______of Bsed Filipino 2-1 affirm to adhere to this Honor Code
(First Name/M.I./Surname) (Program/Year/Section)

______________LESTER REY R. GATELA_________________

(Printed Name and Signature)

Module 1 Historical and Legal Foundations

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 2


Pioneering Individuals
and Establishments

Name: Irah B. Rebamontan Prog./Sec/Year: BSED-Filipino SF2-4

Before you begin your journey in this module, let us try to evaluate what you already know about
the historical and legal foundations of special and inclusive education. Here, we will try to look
into your prior knowledge on the history of education in the Philippines.

Accomplish this preteast by providing answers to the items listed below. Answer the pre-assessment by
encircling the letter of the best answer. For online, tick the box

1. What was the first school established in the Philippines for persons with disabilities?
A. University of Santo Tomas
B. American School for the Deaf
C. Baguio Vacation Normal School
D. Insular School for the Deaf and Blind

2. Who was the first SPED teacher in the Philippines?

A. Mr. Fred Atkinson
B. Ms. Delia Delight Rice
C. Mrs. Gregoria de Jesús
D. Mrs. Maria Villa Francisco

3. Mr. David Barrows, worked for the establishment of the Insular School for
the Deaf and Blind in Manila who also became:
A. Director of Higher Education
B. Director of Special Education Program
C. Director of Public Education
D. Director of Inclusive Education Program

4. When Philippines was partly established with SPED schools, this

Filipino took over the role of being the first Filipino Principal of the Deaf
and Blind.
A. Ms. Edna Florendo
B. Ms. Resurrecion Malate
C. Mr. Esmeraldo Lumpang
D. Ms. Maria Villa Franscisco

Module 1 Historical and Legal Foundations

5. The Philippine National School for the Blind and the Philippine School for

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 3

the Deaf made up the:
A. Insular School for Special Education
B. Insular School for Inclusive education
C. Insular School for the Deaf and Blind
D. Insular School for Children with Special Needs

6. In what year the National Orthopedic Hospital opened its School for Crippled Children
(NOHSCC) for young patients who had to be hospitalized for long periods of time.
A. 1945
B. 1946
C. 1947
D. 1948

7. In 1949, the Quezon City Science High School for gifted students was inaugurated. In the same
year, another foundation was organized.
A. Philippine Foundation for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (PFRD)
B. Philippine Orthopedic Center (POC)
C. Philippine Heart Center (PHC)
D. Philippine Lung Center

8. What institution took care of the abandoned and orphaned children and youth with physical and
mental handicaps which was established on 1953 at Alabang, Muntinlupa?
A. Philippine Rehabilitation Center
B. Elsie Gaches Village (EGV)
C. Philippine Orthopedic Center (POC)
D. Philippine Special Education Center

9. In1954, the first week of August was declared as:

A. Deaf and Blind Week
B. Deaf Saving Week
C. Special Education Week
D. Sight Saving Week

10. The members of Lodge No. 761 of me Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks organized the
Elks Cerebral Palsy Project Incorporated on:
A. 1945
B. 1955
C. 1965
D. 1975

Module 1 Pioneering Individuals and Establishments LESSON 1

A. Activity

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 4

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 5
Photo Credits

Module 1 Pioneering Individuals and Establishments LESSON 1

From the illustrations above, describe what you have observed from the first image
till the fourth. Write your answers on the space provided for you on the next page.

In the first picture it shows children with dfferent disabilities and childrens who
don’t suffer from any disability or impairment, on the second picture it illustrates
those people and or organizations who help and provide for people who has
Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 6
disabilites which goes to the third illustration which shows Special Education
provided for studednts with disabilities and after successfully finishing studying it
Module 1 Pioneering Individuals and Establishments LESSON 1

B. Analysis

Based from your observations on the illustrations given, answer the following

1. Was there a progress seen from the first illustration up to the fourth?
Answer: YES

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 7

2. If your answer is YES, how could you say that there’s progress?
Answer: There is progress shown from the first illustration to the last because from the first
picturrre it shows person with individual disabilities and then they were taken care of by
people and organizations that spports them and they were taken to a special school to receive
their education and on the last picture it illustrated different profession which they can choose
according to what they want to be in the future. Overall the illustration embodies what and
how we support the disabled community changerrs lives not just to themselves but also to the
people around them.

3. Do you think an individual could reach his full potential by himself? Why and Why not?
Answer: I don’t think an individual could reach his full potential by himself because one way
or another everyone of us needs guidance and help from other people , though it is in our
hands to make choices about life but we cant deny the fact that some of our decisions in life is
a reflection of other people or the people we surrounds with atleast like our family, friend,
and even society, like for example education, we cannot graduate without the help of our
parents or family/guardian financially, and to our teachers that gives us the knowledge and to
our friends who would be there with us all througout the journey. I don’t believe that an
individual could reach his full potential by himself however it is our determination and
decision wether influenced or not tha helps us be the best version of ourselves.

(for Analysis and Application only)

Your responses will be graded using the rubric below. Use it as your guide in
obtaining the highest possible score.

10 9-5 4-0

Content Response is related to the Response is related to Response is not related

topic using own ideas, the discussion content, to the discussion content
opinions, and reflection; but short and irrelevant; and has no clear
opinions and ideas are vaguely expresses expression of ideas and
expressed in clear and opinions, ideas, and opinions
concise manner reflection

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 8

Organization Information is very Information is organized Information is
organized, well- and well-constructed disorganized and not
constructed, and logically well-constructed

Writing No grammatical, spelling Few grammatical, Many grammatical,

nor punctuation errors spelling, and/or spelling, and/or
punctuation errors punctuation errors

Overall Quality of Exceptional overall Meets expectations for Below standards or

Work quality college student expectations for college
performance student performance

A dapted fr om the ED L 740 Fina l Prese ntation Rubric of Grand Va lley Sta te University. Re tr ie ved from
https://w ww › coe › f iles › rubric

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 9

Module 1 Pioneering Individuals and Establishments LESSON 1

D. Application

In no more than 50 words, write your answer on the task given to you on the discussion board.

1. Cite a situation where the community shows involvement in giving the child with special
needs the appropriate management they need and the people who support them.
(same rubric under Analysis)

One situations that shows the community`s involvement in giving support with children
with special needs is for example is implenting law within the community especialy public
places that coherent and responsive to the needs of the childrens with special needs it
also helps to stop discrimination against them.

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 10

Module 1 Pioneering Individuals and Establishments LESSON 1


We are now done with the Module 1 Lesson 1. Let us try to evaluate what you have learned about
the historical foundations of special and inclusive education. Here, we will try to look into your
learning progress in comparison to your pre-assessment score.

Accomplish this post-assessment by providing answers to the items listed below. Answer the test
by encircling the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT a pioneering school for persons with disabilities?
A. Philippine School for the Deaf
B. Baguio Vacation Normal School
C. Insular School for the Deaf and Blind
D. Philippine National School for the Blind

2. Ms. Delia Delight Rice was the first administrator and teacher of the Insular School for the
Deaf and Blind. Who invited her to come to the Philippines to serve as a special education
A. Mr. Fred Atkinson
B. Dr. David P. Barrows
C. Pres. Emilio Aguinaldo
D. Mrs. Maria Villa Francisco

3. The First Summer Institute on Teaching the Deaf was held at the School for the
Deaf and the Blind in Pasay City which on the following school year marked
the beginning of the integration of deaf pupils in regular classes.
A. 1946
B. 1956
C. 1966
D. 1976

4. The Bureau of Public Schools (BPS) of the Department of Education and

Culture (DEC) in 1957 created this on the special subjects and services
A. Rehabilitation Section
B. Deaf Section
C. Blind Section
D. Special Education Section

5. The components of the special education program included legislation,

teacher training, census of exceptional children and youth in schools, and the
community. Which among the choices is NOT.
A. special schools and materials production;
B. rehabilitation of residential;
C. the integration of children with disabilities in regular classes; and
D. solicitation of money

Module 1 Pioneering Individuals and Establishments LESSON 1

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 11

6. Which regional office opened in Manila last 1958 which assisted the special
education program of the DEC by providing consultancy services in the
teacher training program that focused on the integration of blind children in
regular classes and materials production at the Philippine Printing House for
the Blind
A. American Foundation for Overseas Blind (AFOB)
B. St. Joseph of Cupertino School for the Mentally Retarded
C. Second Pan Pacific Rehabilitation
D. Manila Youth and Rehabilitation Center (MYRC)

7. The Manila Youth and Rehabilitation Center (MYRC) was opened. The center
extended services to children and youth who were:
A. Disabled
B. Deaf and Blind
C. Emotionally disturbed and Socially maladjusted
D. Handicapped

8. DEC issued Circular No. 11 s. 1962 specified the:

A. Qualifications of Special Education Teachers
B. Qualifications of Inclusive Education Teachers
C. Qualifications of Community Education Teachers
D. Qualifications of Pioneer Education Teachers

9. In 1962, PFRD sponsored the Second Pan Pacific Rehabilitation Conference in

Manila that convened international experts in the rehabilitation of
handicapped persons same with another milestone which was located in
A. integration of blind children at the Jose Rizal High School
B. integration of blind children at the Jose Rizal Elementary School
C. integration of blind children at the Jose Rizal College
D. integration of blind children at the Jose Rizal Central School

10. In the same year in 1962 when the private school, St. Joseph of Cupertino
school of Mentally Retarded was a seminar held at SBD in Pasay City:
A. First National Seminar in Teaching Disabled Persons
B. First National Seminar in Deaf and Mute Management
C. First National Seminar in Rehabilitation
D. First National Seminar in Special Education

Module 1 | Historical and Legal Foundations 12

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