Rubrics in Individual Work - Reflection Papers
Rubrics in Individual Work - Reflection Papers
Rubrics in Individual Work - Reflection Papers
Division of Leyte
Babatngon, Leyte
PERDEV- RUBRIC FOR GROUP WORK (Group Discussions, Group Projects, etc)
Advanced Competent Progressing Beginning
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1pt
Contributions/ Always willing to help and do more; Cooperative; usually offers Sometimes cooperative; Seldom cooperative; rarely
Participation routinely offered useful ideas; and useful ideas; and generally sometimes offers useful ideas; offers useful ideas; and is
Attitude always displays positive attitude displays positive attitude and rarely displays positive disruptive
Working with Does more than others; is highly Does part of the work; is Could have done more of the Did not do any work- does
others/ productive; assumes leadership role cooperative; works well with work-has difficulty; requires not contribute; does not
Cooperation as necessary; and works extremely others; and rarely argues structures, direction and work well with others;
well with others. leadership usually argues with
Focus on task/ Tries to keep people working Does not cause problems in Sometimes not a good team Provided no leadership; team
commitment together; almost always focused on the group; focuses on the task member; sometimes focuses member; Often is not a good
the task and what needs to be done; is and what needs to be done on the task and what needs to team member; does not
very self-directed; and participated in most of the time; participated be done; must be prodded and focus on the task and what
all group meetings in most group meetings; and reminded to keep on the task; needs to be done; lets others
provides leadership when and participated in some do the work; and participated
asked group meetings in few or no group meetings
Communication/ Always listens to, shares with, and Usually listens to and shares Often listens to, shares with,
Listening supports the efforts of others; with, and supports the efforts and supports the efforts of
Information provides effective feedback to other of others; sometimes talk too others; usually does most of
sharing members; and relays a great deal of much. the talking- rarely listens to
related information. others; provides little
feedback to others; relays
very little related information
Adapted from: MARIA THERESA M. HERBOLINGO, LPT Senior High School Teacher/PNHS SHS Coordinator