Rubrics in Individual Work - Reflection Papers

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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Leyte
Babatngon, Leyte


Exemplary Sufficient Minimal Beginning

4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
Self- Student demonstrates an in-depth Student demonstrates a general Student demonstrates a minimal reflection Student demonstrates a lack of reflection
disclosure / reflection on, and personalization of reflection on, and personalization of, the on, and personalization of, the theories, on, or personalization of, the theories,
Depth of the theories, concepts, and/or theories, concepts, and/or strategies concepts, and/or strategies presented in the concepts, and/or strategies presented in
reflection strategies presented in the course presented in the course materials. course materials. Viewpoints and the course materials. Viewpoints and
materials. Viewpoints and Viewpoints and interpretations are interpretations are unsupported or interpretations are missing, inappropriate,
interpretations are insightful and supported. Appropriate examples are supported with flawed arguments. and/or unsupported. Examples are not
well supported. Clear, detailed provided from personal experiences, as Examples are not provided or are irrelevant provided.
examples from personal applicable. to the assignment.
experiences are provided, as
Connection to Student makes in-depth synthesis Student goes into some detail Student goes into little detail explaining Student merely identifies some general
outside of thoughtfully selected aspects of explaining some specific ideas or issues some specific ideas or issues from outside ideas or issues from outside experiences
experiences experiences related to the topic and from outside experiences related to the experiences related to the topic and m very related to the topic.
makes clear connections between topic and makes general connections few connections between what is learned
what is learned from outside between what is learned from outside from outside experiences and the topic.
experiences and the topic. experiences and the topic.
Connection to Student makes in-depth synthesis Student goes into more detail explaining Student goes into little detail explaining Student identifies some general ideas or
readings of thoughtfully selected aspects of some specific ideas or issues from some specific ideas or issues from readings issues from readings related to the topic.
readings related to the topic and readings related to the topic and makes related to the topic and makes general Readings are only those assigned for the
makes clear connections between general connections between what is connections between what is learned from topic.
what is learned from readings and learned from readings and the topic. readings and the topic.
the topic. Includes reference to at Includes reference to at least one
least two readings other than those reading other than those assigned for
assigned for class. class.
Connection to Student synthesizes analyses and Student synthesizes clearly some Student attempts to synthesize some Student has difficulty restating some
class evaluates thoughtfully selected directly appropriate ideas or issues from directly appropriate ideas or issues from the general
discussions & aspects of ideas or issues from the the class discussion as they relate to class discussion as they relate to this topic.
unit objectives class discussion as they relate to this topic.
this topic.
Adapted from: MARIA THERESA M. HERBOLINGO, LPT Senior High School Teacher/PNHS SHS Coordinator
Republic of the Philippines
Division of Leyte
Babatngon, Leyte

PERDEV- RUBRIC FOR GROUP WORK (Group Discussions, Group Projects, etc)
Advanced Competent Progressing Beginning
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1pt
Contributions/ Always willing to help and do more; Cooperative; usually offers Sometimes cooperative; Seldom cooperative; rarely
Participation routinely offered useful ideas; and useful ideas; and generally sometimes offers useful ideas; offers useful ideas; and is
Attitude always displays positive attitude displays positive attitude and rarely displays positive disruptive
Working with Does more than others; is highly Does part of the work; is Could have done more of the Did not do any work- does
others/ productive; assumes leadership role cooperative; works well with work-has difficulty; requires not contribute; does not
Cooperation as necessary; and works extremely others; and rarely argues structures, direction and work well with others;
well with others. leadership usually argues with
Focus on task/ Tries to keep people working Does not cause problems in Sometimes not a good team Provided no leadership; team
commitment together; almost always focused on the group; focuses on the task member; sometimes focuses member; Often is not a good
the task and what needs to be done; is and what needs to be done on the task and what needs to team member; does not
very self-directed; and participated in most of the time; participated be done; must be prodded and focus on the task and what
all group meetings in most group meetings; and reminded to keep on the task; needs to be done; lets others
provides leadership when and participated in some do the work; and participated
asked group meetings in few or no group meetings
Communication/ Always listens to, shares with, and Usually listens to and shares Often listens to, shares with,
Listening supports the efforts of others; with, and supports the efforts and supports the efforts of
Information provides effective feedback to other of others; sometimes talk too others; usually does most of
sharing members; and relays a great deal of much. the talking- rarely listens to
related information. others; provides little
feedback to others; relays
very little related information

Adapted from: MARIA THERESA M. HERBOLINGO, LPT Senior High School Teacher/PNHS SHS Coordinator

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