Teaching Demonstration Rubric

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Student-Teacher: ____________________________ Demo Date _________________

Cooperating School _______________ Cooperating Teacher ____________________

Subject ______________________ Grade Level _____________________
8-10 Points 5-7 Points 0-4 Points Candidate
Presentation Instructor speaks Instructor speaks Instructor speaks
clearly with high level moderately clear or unclearly or lacking
enthusiasm. Correct moderate level of enthusiasm or incorrect
terminology/grammar is enthusiasm. Correct terminology/grammar is
used terminology/grammar is used
Organization Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is
organized and easy to generally organized unorganized and
follow and somewhat easy to difficult to follow
Knowledge Thorough knowledge of Knowledge of the Knowledge of the
the subject area is subject area is subject area is unclear
clearly evident somewhat evident
Objectives Objectives are clearly Objectives are Objectives not defined
defined somewhat defined
Differentiation Lesson breaks down Lesson has some Lesson has no
complex tasks and differentiation to differentiation to
addresses several accommodate learning accommodate learning
different learning styles styles styles
Engagement Instructor clearly Instructor somewhat No engagement of
engages students in engages students in students
the lesson the lesson
Teacher’s The teacher is neat Teacher doesn’t have Teacher’s personality
Personality and well-groomed or lack confidence in needs a lot of
teaching in front of the improvement (attire,
The teacher’s class grooming, voice, etc.)
personality is strong
enough to command
respect and attention
Interaction Was patient, used Provided very few Was impatient and eager
inclusive language, and opportunities for to move on with the
modeled respectful students to formulate content and sometimes
written and oral and ask questions disrespectful while
communication interacting with students.
Accommodations Giving Teacher is not aware of No accommodations
accommodations to the student’s need and given
students with not showing any effort
academic/behavioral to meet the needs
Instructional Supporting materials Supporting materials Supporting materials
Materials and student handouts and student handouts and student handouts
are clear, complete, are clear and complete. are messy, incomplete,
and appealing to Materials enhance and/or unappealing to
students. Materials lesson students. Do not
enhance lesson enhance lesson

Max Total = 100

____________________________ _______________________________________
Name and Signature of Observer Name and Signature of the Student-Teacher

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